Momoko - The Duke's Blood Game, Round 1: Eiserne vs Roland

Description: Ex-circus peformer Eiserne faces off against the one-armed panty bandit Roland Brown in the last fight of Round 1 of the Duke's tournament. The location: The Shark Tank, a local bar and grill conveinently located near the slums. The weapons of choice? Fish. <Winner: Panty Bandit>

Metro City Slums, The Shark Tank -

It's a busy night for The Shark Tank, a seedy bar on the outskirts of the Metro City slums. It's one of the few bars in the area that has made a name for itself for its seafood menu, and good taste in alchohol as well. The cheapst drinks they carry are 100% american-made, though you can purchase a nice import if you got the cash, and most of the seafood served are caught right here in the Metro City bay, though as with alchohol there are more expensive alternatives. This place could have been a great bar for anyone to hang out in, but the persistent rumors that it's run by less than scrupulous people and it's location have always kept it from aspiring to be a real big city bar and grill.

It isn't helped by the fact that they regularly stage unlicensed and unregulated fights here either during the after hours.

The inside of the place is exactly what you'd expect for an all-american bar and grill. Two dark floors of mostly wooden decor, with what little light there is being provided by dim colored lamps and neon signs. True to its name, there's even fish tanks here and there... but the only sharks in this place are the price-gouging owners.

A loud clatter comes as a tall, lanky, old man with grizzly features wearing dirty brown mechanics attire bangs an overly-sized wrench loudly against the bar. "Heeeey!" And then bangs it twice more. "Tonight is very special night, yeah! We have big fight today special for you, sponsored by... well.. hehe... some very influential people."

The crowd of bargoers roar with excitement, fists flyin and even glass bottles being smashed. "We have eh...", he scrounges for a dirty piece of paper in one of his overall pockets. "We have a Mr... Roland... and a miss Eiserne!" Both names he horribly slurs, making them perhaps a bit hard to recognize. Motioning toward a raised wooden platform, down in the middle of the bar not far from a roaring fireplace, with a sweeping gesture, he adds, "...I hope they don't chicken out! Hehehe...."

The pot money wouldn't seem like much to a lot of people, but a lot of people aren't Roland. Despite being a competent fighter with an overall likeable personality, his steadfast laziness and lack of consistency make him struggle in the wake of Neo League's reduced earnings. Certainly he is better off as a person then he was prior to losing his arm to various woman and psychopath related issues, but he's still drawn to seedy tournaments worth four or five digits in prize money with nary a hesitation. Even if most people know his name as the guy who runs He's begun to upload any pantyshot from famous fighters, and daily viewership is in the three digits!
In the midst of eating a plate of fish and chips, Roland tenses when he hears a familiar name. Oh, right. Yeah. The fight. A brief count puts him at three and a half beers. That's three more then he planned, but... he can make this work. "Frigblaniz!" he calls out, to the sense of nobody including himself. Wobblingly, he makes his way to the central area of the bar, where a temporary square ring has been marked out in chalk with a few tables and such remaining inside. "Me, Roland! I win!! *hic*"

An unnaturally vivid green haired head jolts upwards, ears prick at the word 'Chicken' prompting Eis to look up from her small seafood meal. Chicken would go down great and be a nice change from all this fish. Nervous twitching motions and eyes never quite still or resting in one place Eiserne considers just crawling under the table with her fish, the fish wasn't so bad after all. The lightning fast exchange with a teenager beside her ends as he slaps her food from her hand. Her urge to kill in a visceral and graphic fashion fades only with the offer of more and better food. Kill that guy up there and she can have anything to eat she wants.


Springing lightly to her feet the girl energetically bounds loosely in the direction of and slowly getting to the raised wooden platform. What other people had on their plates had been somewhat of interest yet by the time she arrives in the chalked out area she has stuffed a pocket full of bread sticks and is carrying another plate of seafood and habitually munching on it as she studies the 'other guy' standing in here with her. He's a little wobbly on his feet and does he only have one arm? Maybe that was just a trick of some kind. The heavy duty trenchcoat-style army jacket hangs loose on body but doesn't hide the bizarre looking costume beneath from people trying to sneak a peek. All the performers have arrived on the Centre stage!

It seems that Eiserne and Roland have some things in common. He's still got a plate of food himself held carefully in his good hand, the end of a batter-fried fish sticking out of his mouth as he loudly crunches. Unsure exactly who he's fighting, the green haired Circus performer gets something of a dubious look. Apparently either is able to get much of a measure of themselves, although it's likely that the violent festivities of the Shark Tank don't involve the pair just standing around finishing off nibbles of the illustrious fair. After being jeered at by the crowd a bit, Roland finally finishes crunching up the fish in his mouth, rolling his shoulders. "Fine. There's only one proper way to start things... Ha!!" With that, he hurls the plate of food towards Eiserne with violent intent. The centrifugal force actually keeps the fries and half a fish settled atop it, and the end result might be a face full of tardar sauce more then anything. Well, he threw it *hard*, but it's still not the 'epic brawl' people were hoping from two ranked brawlers...

COMBATSYS: Roland has started a fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Roland           0/-------/-======|

COMBATSYS: Eiserne has joined the fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Eiserne          0/-------/-------|======-\-------\0           Roland

COMBATSYS: Eiserne catches Small Thrown Object from Roland with Magic Mirror.

[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Eiserne          0/-------/-------|======-\-------\0           Roland

The catch is pure art, poised and graceful. Eiserne moves with the plates momentum and a delicate flick of her wrist to even keep the majority of the food from not only spilling but nary a condiment actually shifting. The Croatian girl messily then dips a mixed hand of seafood and fries into the Tartar sauce swirls it before eating happily.


Still chewing she starts sucking each finger one by one and then scrutinizing them to ensure she had missed no trace of food or condiment before she turns her full attention once again back to Roland. That wasn't nice throwing a plate of such tasty food, wasteful even but lot of the people who lived in this country were just as bad.

"What are you? You look kind of funny."

She can't put her finger right on it, the pot looks for reason to call the kettle black. Light glints off a sharp metal blade as it drops out of her sleeve suspended on it's thin elastic cord. Eiserne spears the fish, provisions to keep her sated though the fight but also for her to toy with and twirl as she moves away from dinner and starts to circle Roland.


The aging man wearing dirty, brown, overalls standing behind the bar counter across from the entrance hrmmmmed, stroking his greying beard. It came almost as a throaty growl as his brown eyes, tinged with madness, watched Roland stagger toward the center stage. ... Then a rotten, toothy, grin filled with mirth creeped into his features, "Hohoho! This one is confident, eh?!" Nevermind his opponent, who seemed to leap into the arena without a care - even eating whilst she waited for the fight to start. "Well, well, then... let's get this fight started!!!"


Several more loud bashes of that heavy, iron, wrench against the hard countertop come as the aging bar manager attempts to shout over the ruckus of the gathered crowd. The ones who weren't shitfaced and passed out on the tables anyway! "Hey! HEY! Don't waste good food, eh?? Lets see some blood! Throwing things is for women..." ... He pauses, turning a quiet glance toward Eiserne who had just caught the food and proceeded to consume it. Well, there was a woman here after all... "...Let's see some blood!"

"HEY CAINE!!!" A hearty, masuline, shout comes inside the open kitchen door swung wide behind him. It's barely drowned out by all the shouting, "What're they doin' to my food?? Do I have to hurt somebody?" ... "Hey, shut up and cook, Wong! We got hungry assholes out here! Some of 'em closer to the floor might eat the girls wastin' food if you don't!"

Indeed, some of the spectators who were once seated near the wooden platform seem to have stood up and migrated toward the stage to shout at the fighters a little more closely. And they do indeed look hungry, but it probably isn't for the bar's famous sushi!

"...Hey!" Roland seems somehow offended by the whole exchange. He intended to deliver the food to Eiserne's face in a different manner then her catching it. Honestly, he was still hungry; so maybe there's a touch of jealousy there. Still, he grasps the shoulder of his leather trenchcoat, yanking it off in a swift motion and flicking it aside to land on a table. It confirms his missing arm is no joke; it was cut clean at the very shoulder, not so much as a stump left behind. "Me? I'm..." A pair of mirrored shades are flicked out of his pocket and settled on the bridge of his nose, worn cowboy hat tilted at a roguish angle. "...Ayame's lover."
As if that answered any question in the world, he then advances forward in a sudden burst after a brief bout of mutual circling. Flowing motions ripple through, before three sharp strikes with his fist follow, aimed at Eiserne's midsection before another sudden rush with his elbow attempts to slam directly into her solar plexus. For once, he's not been lacking in his everyday practice... even if every other aspect of his life remains thoroughly in shambles.

COMBATSYS: Eiserne parries Roland's Strong Punch!

[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Eiserne          0/-------/-------|======-\-------\0           Roland

Confusion, who or what was an Ayame? ..what was a lover? Stepping back amidst her flapping trenchcoat the performer moves away from each blow, one after another fading back and feinting or wavering her eyes flicking down to examine the blow to ensure it was missing her but curious as to whether it was, crossing to Rolands face where she studied her own appearance reflected in the glasses and finally across to the shoulder without an arm. Smoke and screaming, children crying around her but it's the ones that scream and bleed that are the worst.

hUp! Eiserne turns a lazy somersault, landing on and rolling down her opponent's wide back right onto one of the empty table tops. Kicking out with both legs she aims at the back of his neck for that fight ending jolt and snap to an already 'wobbly brain' or neck, a fatality wouldn't bother her overmuch.

COMBATSYS: Roland blocks Eiserne's Glass Slipper EX.

[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////////// ]
Eiserne          0/-------/-------|======-\-------\0           Roland

A troublesome turn of events, to say the least. Eiserne appears to be a rather agile fighter. He's an incredibly difficult opponent to read, and the flawless feints show that she won't be a simple person to con into an advantage. Some fighters revel at such unexpected opportunities. For this mono-armed brawler, it's just a giant chore. He didn't come here for effort, he came here for food and a paycheck, damnit. When she thumps on the table and brings up her legs, he twists to block one with his shoulder and the other with a forearm; a hearty thump shows he's not lacking much in defensive measures, not in the slightest. "Tch!" Slipping backwards, he then brings up three steel playing cards, imbuing them with a green sheen. "Catch!" Flicking them out in a blur, all three whirl out in an attempt to impact Eiserne heavily, before they would erupt into a flash of chi afterwards!!

COMBATSYS: Eiserne auto-guards Roland's Dead Man's Hand!

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////////////  ]
Eiserne          0/-------/-------|======-\-------\0           Roland

Kicking off Roland's block Eiserne uses the momentum to propel her to the far edge of the table where she sits swinging her heels. Tch, that hadn't been enough. He was pretty quick with that one arm, attacking and defending like that. The fringe falling into her face obscures her face and eyes but not the surprise where she recoils from the readying of playing cards and the windup by sedatedly rising to her feet. Putting her hand under the rim she upends the table between them like a shield and holds it in place with the underside of her boot. The cards impale and then detonate against the hard lacquered wood with flare of the green chi contained within. The table rolls aside to reveal a very bored looking Eiserne, her coat hangs open cavalierly displaying the skin-tight outfight made of bound straps and the oh so many points of flesh not covered by their span.

"You should just disappear."

She coming, getting right in close with a heavy boot stomp while winding back for the punch? twisting her hips.. building all that power and drawing her weight back. Instead of striking out with a massive blow the bitch flicks her front foot up, aiming right between the legs of her opponent with a low blow. That lowdown dirty cheat!!

Whilst the fight rages, bar staff busies itself with tending to the customers and picking up any messes generated by the fighting and rowdy patrons. And oh, what a mess! Ever since the fight has started there have been bottles, food items, even unlit cigarettes thrown. There have also been tables knocked over, at least one courtesy of the young female acrobat, and thus more of the bar's food and drink had been wasted.

But nobody cared about that! When you run a dining establishment whose primary clientele consists of mix of gangbangers, criminals, alchoholics, and other unsavory types... you learn to make up for these things in other ways... "Bets! BETS!" shouts that aging old mechanic, who has moved from behind the bar and begun to walk about the restaurant stirring up the crowd. "Who will go home on a stretcher tonight, and who will take the prize money?! Bets are twenty dollars! If your favorite fighter wins, you win too haha!"

Pushing his way through a gaggle of rowdy men wearing tattered and filthy rags and tattoos, the nearly six foot five mechanic fingers his scraggly beard once more with that massive wrench slung over his left shoulder. "Hey! You two fight like you mean it now, EH?? There's a big purse for the one left alive! The sponsors tonight are too generous, if you ask me but eh!"

Somewhere nearby, the jukebox is started up by a patron... two coins roll into the slot, the aging record player is quiet for a few moments and then... a country song comes on about bar fighting... just barely audible beneath the roaring and jeering of the crowd. ~

COMBATSYS: Eiserne successfully hits Roland with On The Rocks.

[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////       ]
Eiserne          0/-------/------=|======-\-------\0           Roland

Alright, what the hell?! Roland's having more trouble with Eiserne then he ever thought possible. Maybe it has something to do with wildly underestimating her, being drunk, and not operating very well. Or maybe she's just /that damn good./ The table doesn't survive the experience very well, but the circus girl behind is unscathed. Shimmering with emerald energy, an attempt to leap backwards expertly manages absolutely no defense. Her reach is far enough, and the blow strikes him true between the legs. "...!!" He kind of goes limp then, totally giving up on landing properly. Thumping and rolling away, he writhes to and fro with his good hand clamped between his legs. "Nnnngh...!!" He shakily manages to get upright, and looks *thoroughly* irritated. "Alright... you ain't... gonna get in the way... of me and MONEY..." Staggering forward, he flows to the left, then the right, before attacking the only way he knows to be true. Snapping up a sharp kick, aiming to smack Eiserne *right* in the boob. They are like balls for girls, only bigger. Hiyah!!

COMBATSYS: Eiserne blocks Roland's Light Kick.

[  \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////////      ]
Eiserne          0/-------/-----==|=======\-------\1           Roland

Eiserne raises her free arm to block, a surprisingly bountiful breast indeed though warded with a careful forearm block. The Dagger in her other hand feels heavy with the weight of the speared fish (you didn't forget?) and so she casually drops the whole thing and tightens the hand into a fist, getting rid of the handicap. It's a straight up brawlers punch without anything fancy, no feint or trick. The girls face is gloomy and openly displays her irritation at him even while throwing a closed fist punch right at his chin. Perhaps that kind of thing should make her happy, she had almost cracked a smile when he went down a moment ago.

But here! She's already leaning in to get a little more reach and get that incoming fist under her opponents jaw. She'll blast him clear to the moon with a single punch! She'll- blow his head clean off- she'll -- Wait, where's my fish?

COMBATSYS: Roland dodges Eiserne's Strong Punch.

[  \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////////      ]
Eiserne          0/-------/-----==|=======\-------\1           Roland

Almost casually, Roland leans his head backwards, the fist swishing clean over him. It actually goes well with the drunken sway that follows. However, he moves in a misleading fashion still, trying to make it difficult to tell what he might be doing until the attack is already thrown. He reaches out with his hand towards Eiserne's face, splayed fingers glowing bright green. Swishing it left, and right, he then attempts to *SLAP* her right across the cheek. It's actually surprisingly forceful... especially given his sticky chi would explode a few moments later at the point of impact -- hopefully at the same time he'd attempt to grasp her by the front of the shirt and hurl her towards the remnants of the card-thrown table with a snarl!

COMBATSYS: Eiserne dodges Roland's Sleight of Hand.

[  \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////////      ]
Eiserne          0/-------/-----==|=======\=------\1           Roland

Drop. The girl collapses like a puppet with its strings cut, dropping under the slap and then stirring to life she pushes herself with an almost comedic swimming like stroke with her arms and legs. She pulls her legs up and rolls over backwards twice before pushing herself back up with a handspring and vaulting to her feet. Her hair swings wildly as she looks left and right, a cry of girlish delight when she retrieves her fish from the floor. Gnawing happily on a barroom floor dirtied fish, Eiserne watches Roland carefully. Cheerful and gleaming bright eyes, she's obviously enjoying that fish, his fish.

"I just don't feel anything with you."

The way he had screamed about his money she had thought she might see his best or see him get angry. If he was she couldn't feel it yet. The mark on her arm as much a blemish as a bruise. He should give up on his money before he got hurt. Eiserne chews with her mouth open as she sits crouched around her fish staring without blinking, watchful and alert despite her arrogance.

COMBATSYS: Eiserne focuses on her next action.

[  \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////////      ]
Eiserne          0/-------/-----==|=======\=------\1           Roland

"Yeah? Yeah... Me either." Roland readily agrees, after giving it some thought. "You remind me of myself too much. Only because you are crazy. Not eccentric. Only POOR people are crazy." Either way, it is a good idea to try and get serious. Slowly exhaling, he centers his chi in that way Todoh taught him, via gratuitous smacks with a reed and yelling about philosophical concepts. Yes. The anger. Find the anger... The green energy that had almost faded concentrates into his good hand, before he suddenly erupts forward in a trail of afterimages. Eyes narrowed, he brings back his hand and strikes out brutally, aiming to knife his hand into Eiserne's stomach with suddenly lacerating force. Only to slash upwards, catch her shirt, and fling her into the ground just as the gathered energy erupts into a torrent of chi!!

COMBATSYS: Roland successfully hits Eiserne with All In.
- Power hit! -

[           \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////       ]
Eiserne          0/-------/-======|-------\-------\0           Roland

His fingers sink into her exposed abdomen and Eiserne shrinks in on herself, it hurts.. it's agony. threaded straps of woven cord uncoil or drop around her feet as they are severed on the upward stroke, more of a fountain of blood -- her blood. The wound in her stomach opens a little, It's all she's focused on. Even the pulse of green chi that washes over her doesn't draw her fascination away from that wound and the spreading petals of blood raining around her.


Eiserne raises a hand sticky with her own blood to study it, that's it.. he wasn't completely useless. She felt that. The coats falls away so that the scope and severity of her injuries is quite visible as well. A flick of her wrist draws a small razor shap dart back to her hand, which she bounces in her palm testing the weight before throwing it with an underhanded snap right at his chest, the harpoon aiming right for his chest.

COMBATSYS: Eiserne successfully hits Roland with Death Spindle.

[            \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////          ]
Eiserne          1/-------/=======|=------\-------\0           Roland

"...tch." Well. Roland wasn't sure what he was expecting going into this. Perhaps to be sober, for a start. But when he savagely rips someone open, usually they look less happy about the whole ordeal. Blood drips from his hand, flicked away before he wipes the remainder on the side of his leg. Fingers flex and slowly form a fist once more. Of course, suddenly flicking a dart at him catches him off guard -- it sinks deep into his chest, staggering backwards a step before he yanks it out. It's flung away, thumping home into the back of a chair. "C'mon, c'mon... you got better then that?!" Stepping inwards, he then snaps a short kick for the side of Eiserne's ankles, flowing into a stronger sweep in an attempt to at least stagger her from continuing her defense!

COMBATSYS: Eiserne fails to counter Light Kick from Roland with Supercall.

[               \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////          ]
Eiserne          0/-------/------=|==-----\-------\0           Roland

Eiserne Swings high with a head height roundhouse kick but loses her balance as her ankle is struck. She falls heavily and grits her teeth against the resurgence of the pain in her stomach, even as she is already beginning to rise again. Clever move, he saw right through that one... it just means she was going to enjoy smashing him to bits all the more. Not that it shows on her face, sullen and gloomy there is no hint of anything bar the intensity of her hate increasing tenfold. Not only is she getting more intense but she is also quieter, there is no shrieking with rage or petulant fit throwing, just absolute certainty she is going to try and kill him.

There it is, an opening. As Roland steps in Eiserne turns her foot and forward leg, lifting it and stepping down trying to tread on and catch the attacking limb. Her opponent didn't have that many to begin with so incapacitating one should really be a big help! Adrenaline pounding in her veins and her crooked smile spreads wider as she gets read to tear his face off with a roundhouse the moment he is caught off balan- eh?

Mute shock and confusion as it's her leg that is struck and she can feel the delicate little bones in her ankle groan in protest with the impact. All she can do is to leap backwards appearing to flinch away from the blow, averting any further damage, better to do that than stick it out and have her ankle broken for sure. She's hurt but not lamed, hopping backward she is cautious in testing the foot for an instant but it is numb and bears her weight just fine.

This bastard, she'll kill him for sure. KILL HIM.

Good, good. Roland has literally never had a fight where someone didn't want him to die as a result. The pacing is flowing entirely into him. For his credit, he doesn't seem even remotely aware that he just avoided some kind of catastrophic damage to his person, but every other step in his life recently has been something to that effect. Skipping backwards and lifting up his good arm, he dances lightly foot to foot before pulling off his hat and twirling it about a finger. "Erratic fighting ain't gonna affect me. Maybe a skirt, though. You went the wrong route...!" Lunging forward, he tosses his hat in the air, before unleashing a trio of jabs disorientingly in Eiserne's direction, trying to whallop her proper right in the face just prior to catching his hat anew! Well, trying to. He'd miss and it's thump heavily on the ground. Still, almost cool.

COMBATSYS: Eiserne blocks Roland's Quick Punch.

[                \\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////////         ]
Eiserne          0/-------/------=|===----\-------\0           Roland

Spite filled eyes track his every movement, considering the twirling hat Eiserne can almost feel the hatred starting to dissipate, that hat did look kind of neat. In the right light. With his dancing and provoking it was like being upstaged. This was unacceptable, intolerable and, and- impossible! Easily distracted, quick to lose focus there's only one thing that can keep and hold her attention, hurting her. There might be some merit to getting a hat, a big hat but no- killing the man who has the hat and taking the hat. Dischordant thoughts overlapping only at the basest of mutual interests. This is the fastest and most direct route to get what she wants-But it's dangerous and painful. Injuries were racking up faster than the things she had to gain and that makes her hesitant to continue.. but his showboating now. He was so weak just moments ago

Curling her arm up into a rough shield Eiserne protects the side of her head, the worst that can get through of the repeated quick battery is a rather ungentle boxing of her ears, Eiserne is rapidly losing her collective shit further as she cocks her arm back to respond in kind.


COMBATSYS: Eiserne successfully hits Roland with Medium Punch.
- Power hit! -

[               \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////                ]
Eiserne          0/-------/-----==|===----\-------\0           Roland

Oops. Maybe Roland is still weak. Or at the very least an idiot. He turned away from Eiserne, reaching down to pick up his precious hat. The only relic of his former fighting style to survive! Of course, that makes it rather easy for Eiserne to suddenly whallop him right in the face, unsurprisingly. Blood droplets splatter in the air as he staggers backwards and crashes into a table, slumping down to the ground. But his fist still tightly grips his hat, and a trembling hand plops it back on his head. "Fine... time to unveil... my ultimate technique." Getting upright, he then assumes an actually proper stance for once, emerald chi rippling across him. It's similar to the one that managed a thorough blow just prior. But it's much quicker to the punchline this time, as he stamps forward. Two lacerating knifehands cross in front of him, but the third is an attempt to grasp Eiserne by the shoulder... with the intent of launching into a machinegun-series of knees to her chest, the last of which would result in a massive explosion of energy!!

COMBATSYS: Eiserne counters Three Card Monte from Roland with Highball.

[                \\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////                      ]
Eiserne          0/-------/-----==|==-----\-------\0           Roland

Her fist aches in a gloriously satisfying manner, what blood is spattered on her knuckles could be hers or his, doesn't matter at right this moment. KeKEke, that felt good! She had paid back her pain so there was less of a balance owing between them. She makes no effort to straighten the now torn and bloody coat nor the dangerously clinging attire underneath. For the first time Eiserne really thinks about it and takes pause. Her footsteps shuffle as she favours her ankle but she takes a couple of steps forward as Roland extricates himself from the remnants of yet another table turned casualty in their brawl.


She repeats his words without comprehension of the meaning other than the sense of threat behind them. Eiserne steps back to avoid the first slash, the second slices and then burns away a segment of her flailing coat. Her hands both close around the wrist as the arm lances at her shoulder. That green chi engulfs and sets her coat alight with flame even brighter than her hair and yet Eiserne is grinning. The fistful of fabric is engulfed in seconds yet bare skin is untouched beneath.

"You're mine."

Her knee jammed stabbing up into his stomach or pelvis she levers herself away shredding much of the remainder of her coat with a loud tearing, the rest she hurriedly throws off and kicks away from her. You had to be comfortable with fire but not being on fire being a performer, unless your thing was being set on fire...


Okay, so maybe savage straightforward antics work pretty well on Roland. Eiserne's certainly figured that out with sufficient time to turn things around. Nailed in the midsection, he's then launched away to crash on the ground once more. At this point, he definitely has to... no, wait. He's pushing back up to his feet, shakily. Blood's dripping from his lips, but his expression remains cool and unconcerned. No, when you are ripped open and have an arm sliced off, and spend two weeks flatlining in a hospital, /that/ is something to worry about. Eiserne's violence is almost playful compared to the cold art of a serial killer.
"Here... a souvenier." Roland takes off his hat, spinning it on his fingers. Before yanking a hidden wire, causing the false brim to fall away, revealing a gleaming blade. Imbuing it with emerald energy, he then roars, hurling it straight towards Eiserne's midsection... his last trump card, hopefully able to land with explosive results!!

COMBATSYS: Roland successfully hits Eiserne with Blackjack.

[                     \\\\\\\\\  < >  //////                        ]
Eiserne          0/-------/---====|===----\-------\0           Roland

Red trickles out over Eisernes lips, the hat stuck firmly against her thin abdomen is a source of surprise and even more so as she jerks it free. Her knees almost buckle with the pain and yet there is not even a whimper. She turns the hat over in her hands to study the edge. The totally calm centre of a storm filled with rage and violence. She's a woman gored and bled yet seems fascinated by the object that had done it to her. Such violence, agony and pain.. she wouldn't die from these wounds.. but this was too much, the world here was too horrific. Pupils dilating she puts one foot forward on ground slick with her own blood and advances on Roland, she's not losing it anymore -- It's completely gone. Her first swing is a mile off target and she hasn't even reached him yet but she doesn't stop swinging, she'll smash him down right into the floor and keep hitting until he's a thick red paste. Seemingly as unsteady on her feet now as her opponent had been she is as drunk on violence and blood loss as Roland had been on alcohol.

COMBATSYS: Roland parries Eiserne's Negus!

[                      \\\\\\\\  < >  //////                        ]
Eiserne          0/-------/---====|====---\-------\0           Roland

Well, okay. This is another matter entirely. Roland can see those open swings, and he happens to be quite fast. And when someone is operating blindly in such a manner... that's his field of expertise. Weaving left and right, he avoids the entirety of it, slowly building up a green shine as his movements become more crisp and swift. Until at the apex of the assault, he has only one move that might finish things into his benefit. In a bright flash, energy surges into his good arm once more, and he lashes out to try and get Eiserne in a headlock. Before unleashing a number of knees explosively towards her face, snarling before moving to twist and hurl her in an explosive blast of green chi towards the outer edge of the ring!!

COMBATSYS: Roland successfully hits Eiserne with Spanish 21 EX.

[                            \\  < >  //////                        ]
Eiserne          0/-------/=======|=====--\-------\0           Roland

COMBATSYS: Eiserne can no longer fight.

[                        \\\\\\  <
Roland           0/-------/--=====|

COMBATSYS: Roland instinctively blocks Eiserne's Fast Throw.

[                         \\\\\  <
Roland           0/-------/--=====|

Absorbing the impacts with her unguarded face Eisernes face is quickly smeared with red form a bloodied nose and a split lip. Beaten completely senseless she jerks with each blow. Somehow finding the strength she jerks up standing straight once again to throw Roland off but rather than being able to continue she sinks to her knees. Thought are incoherent, dazed and shocked she has no idea even where she is her eyes even rolling back in her head. She didn't fall over but she is completely out kneeling where she lay. Whites of her yes showing and still trembling as if fighting to regain consciousness. Falling asleep is death, Letting someone beat you down meant they could take anything you had or were. Eiserne can't stay up, but she won't let herself fall either. The fights over, she's..


Roland manages to fend off the final attempt to hurl him, but only just barely. He staggers backwards, panting heavily and resting beside the one table still remaining upright. Before hefting up the chair and attempting to smack Eiserne right over the head with it -- if she's still up, she can still try to fight!! But either way, it's pretty clear that the battle is concluded, by the psycho Circus-girl's will if nothing else. "...gimme my beer and money." he mumbles through bloodied teeth. After walking out of sight with a couple beers, he promptly collapses in a bathroom stall and passes out for a few hours. ...sometimes the winner can be worse off, but he probably would have done the same even if unscathed. Beer is just /less/ a factor here.

COMBATSYS: Roland has ended the fight here.

Log created on 20:15:50 05/11/2013 by Momoko, and last modified on 19:26:49 05/16/2013.