Momoko - Yuri and Momoko: Candy Sweet Introduction: Part I

Description: Yuri Sakazaki and Momoko come across each other in Southtown at the Southtown Village Mall and have a bit of social time! Discussions about events, candy, and a certain man with an awful toupee ensues!

It was a warm, sunny, afternoon weekend in Southtown and the sun shone radiantly from on high, unobstructed by clouds, in the azure sky. It's warmth was an open invitation to those outdoors to enjoy the day, and a temptation for those indoors to come outside. Here at the Village Mall, the paved streets and lush green park grounds were teeming with people and the enthusiasm they bring...

...And the noise they bring too. Wandering into the Southtown Village Mall, for the first time in a long time, came a diminuitive little girl dressed in loose, white, capoeira pants and a flimsy black shirt fastened to her chest by an overly large belt. the pink ribbon bound up in her messy, brown, hair dances subtly as her head shits from one end of the street she finds herself on to the other. The noise was so overwhelming that it was difficult to adjust to. Especially after such a long flight! "...Wow. There's a lot of people in Metro too, so I guess I shouldn't be too surprised. Especialy since it's not my first time... now if I can remember where to find the food!" ... And by food, she definitely meant candy! "...Chocolate for Momoko!" Her face practically screamed her delight!

Meanwhile, the warm sunny weather has brought out a local who intends to post some fliers about a local business. A someone by the name of Yuri Sakazaki, who happens to be the daughter of the grandmaster of the style of Kyokugen Karate. It's Southtown's signature style, and to Yuri, it's one of the coolest things that the martial arts world has ever seen. So naturally, Yuri's always trying to get out the word about Kyokugen Karate, trying to recruit anyone new by any means possible, in any way, shape, or form.

Yuri has already gotten started on posting fliers in the mall, with permission from security of course, and she's always ready to stop and greet anyone who's interested. In fact, she's currently explaining it to a potential new student. "Kyokugen is better than your usual karate style. It's got all these awesome techniques that you won't find anywhere else! It makes your average karate look sooooooooooo dull!" She grins and hands the student a flier. "Come check us out, we're always accepting new students!" Yuri then continues through the mall, grinning widely.

...Meanwhile, Momoko is aimlessly wandering through the mall looking in shop windows and eyeing the various foods people seem to be eating when she has the occasion to. It's been a long time since she's been anywhere near Japan, having spent so much time in other countries recently, so just seeing the foods she grew up with made her feel very comfortable. Despite the heat of the day, and the relative warmth of the cement, she is walking about the area entirely barefoot. This fact occasionally seems to draw looks her way, but because of her size most are content to assume she is someone's wandering child.

Well, she's less walking and more skipping across the hot cement while dancing subtly to some unheard tune. Every now and again she'll stop, and press her face against a glass window or stand on her toes to peer at someone's food... and then quickly move on. The whole time she's humming her little internal tune as well...~

That is, until she skips into the vicinity of one Yuri Sakazaki, and overhears her advertisement... "...Kyokugen."

"...Hey, miss!" She waves her right arm in the air excitedly, trying to get her attention, "Are you from a local Kyokugen Karate dojo?"

Yuri is already having a grand old time, putting up more and more fliers and grinning to herself at the same time. She's not really paying attention to much, just posting fliers and greeting potential newcomers at the same time. You might think she's the ambassador of Kyokugen, and you'd be half-right, since while there's no official position as such, Yuri's nonetheless considered herself to be in that position. Which is why when she hears someone calling to her, Yuri immediately spins around. And when Momoko mentions Kyokugen, her eyes go wide.

"Local?" Yuri asks, grinning as she rushes over to Momoko. "I'm with the official Kyokugen dojo, the very first one to ever open!" Yuri holds out a flier. "Are you interested in checking out our dojo? It's so totally awesome!" She didn't notice how Momoko was skipping along since she had her back turned, otherwise she would've asked about her style and if she was into Capoeira or something.

Momoko graciously takes the flier, eyeing it in silence for a moment or two, before looking up and offering her best little smile! "Well, I am from Japan! But the main reason I know about the style is, well, I get around a lot!" She giggled softly. That was an understatement. "I'll consider it though, thank you!" She would, indeed, consider it. With that whole murder mystery going on here, and one of the murderers still on the loose, it'd be good to know exactly where she might be able to find allies. ... Wait, didn't he...

"Do you happen to know Howard Rust??" He did mention that dojo, she thought, in her meeting with him just a week ago. "I think he is one of your dojo's students, maybe?" Teacher, more likely, considering his age.

"Did you say Howard Rust?" Yuri asks. "Howard Rust? He's one of our best known students. In fact, he's one of my favorite students. He's almost like an uncle to me, although I still call him Mr. Rust out of respect for him." Yuri grins as she mentions him. "He's a lot older than most of our students, but he does well for someone his age. I admit the Kyokugen style of training is kinda weird and harsh, but it's worth it in the end!" Yuri strikes a Kyokugen karate pose to emphasise her point. "In fact, I'm almost at my black belt! I just need to work at getting my Haoh Sho Ko Kens to hit the targets without hitting any of the other students!" She grins nervously and sweatdrops, scratching the back of her neck nervously.

After a moment, she gasps and blushes a little. "Oh my, where are my manners? I'm so sorry I forgot to introduce myself!" She bows formally. "I'm Yuri Sakazaki, who might you be?"

...Well, that was rather... macabre? Or dangerous anyway!

Momoko briefly sweatdrops at the comment, before realizing that she too had forgot her manners! Stepping back just a little bit, and placing her feet together with her hands on her legs like a proper lady, she offers a friendly bow in greeting... and offers her name: "Well, I'm Momoko!" ... before dropping into a squat on the cement, and staring up at the other girl at bit randomly after that little display of formality. "...And yes, I know Howard Rust! He was telling me all about your dojo and his training the other day!" At least, she assumes its the same dojo. "He's a very nice man." ...with very bad taste in hairpieces, she thinks privately!

"...Oh! have you heard anything about the..." she stands up again, a bit less energetically than when she sat, and lowers her voice. "...the murder attempt around here?" Though it's a serious subject, and she isn't prone to indulging in those kinds of things, she did need to know. Last she heard, they were last seen near the theatre. "I came him for the Spectacular Spectacular, admittedly. So it concerns me a little."

"Yeah, Mr. Rust is really cool, isn't he!" Yuri grins and watches as Momoko squats down, thinking it's cute what she's doing. But when Momoko brings up the recent news, Yuri frowns a little and nods her head. "Yeah, I have heard about that. In fact, I'm kinda nervous myself. I'm worried something could happen near the dojo, or worse..."

Yuri pauses for a moment then shakes her head. "No, that's not gonna happen! I won't let anything like that happen at the dojo!" She cracks her knuckles a little then looks to Momoko. "I've heard about the Spectacular Spectacular thing as well, and I was thinking of going as well..."

"Oh! Oh!" Momoko perks up at hearing the other girl was thinking of going to the musical too! Suddenly, she's hopping from one foot to the other somewhat energetically. "You should come with me! We can go together!" She then steps back and hurls herself into the air, turning an agile flip complete with vertical kick that comes alll the way up over her head! The flip brings her 360 degrees around until she lands on the same kicking leg just a bit a farther away! There she just balances on the ball of her foot, and offers another sweet smile! "If we get attacked, we can kick their butt!" ... And even if not, well, "...If not, perhaps I should give you my number anyway. I'll be happy to help if something happens!" Not to mention, he's obligated to drop in on Rust now!

Shortly afterward, she skips cutely back toward the other girl and stops just a foot or so from her. She leans in a bit then... "Oh, also... do you know the layout of this place? I havent been here in forever! The candy store is hiding from me, I think!"

"Well, why not? The more the merrier, right?" Yuri grins as she watches Momoko give her little demonstration. "You must do Capoeria right? That's a totally cool style of fighting!" Yuri claps at the demonstration. "I bet we'd do a great job of kicking butts and taking names, right? Not to mention chewing bubblegum."

Right after the mention of bubblegum, Yuri remembers what Momoko asked for. "Oh yeah, the candy store! It's totally awesome, come on, I'll show you!" Yuri gestures for Momoko to follow her. "You'll love it!"

The cheerful little asian girl smiles even bigger when Yuri mentions bubblegum, "Okay!", and does proceed to follow her shortly after... skipping every other step as was her nature. "Yes, I practice a little. I'm not amazing or anything, but I try real hard!" That was, of course, a major undersatement. She was actually /very/ good, but these kinds of lies were pretty common when trying to be mannerly and modest. Emphasis on /trying/. She's probably broken a few of the rules of proper ettiquette already today, but oh well! "What kind of candy do you like?"

After a few steps, or so, she does realize something though, "...Oh! Were you done handing out fliers for today? If not, I'll be glad to help you! Rust told me about how the dojo is doing and all these days. I'd be happy to try and help you find customers if necessary! Momoko loves to help!" She lapses into the third person again, briefly.

Log created on 21:51:46 04/26/2013 by Momoko, and last modified on 10:42:17 05/01/2013.