Kensou - Hot Kuma Matata

Description: Heihachi and Kuma are walking down the street of Sunshine City. The rest defies explanation.'"

The city had buzzed a fair amount with the arrival of Heihachi Mishima and his private jet. The relatively recent affair taking back his family corporation made extensive headlines, although many are dubious that the once cut-throat industrial giant is supposedly instead investing in civilian defense. So far the buzzing flies of infiltration news reporters haven't found anything otherwise, even if the the pointy-haired brawler had to resist swatting them every time they got near.
However, the absolutely massive brown bear with a red scarf has been doing his job well. Kuma is a bodyguard for one simple reason -- nobody is going to get near an unhappy looking bear, including the most brave of aspiring newsies. This does have the somewhat obvious side effect that huge swathes of people on the street are shouting and fleeing away, giving a massive berth. Dressed in a silken black suit, it likely would be worth six figures. Despite such, it is uselessly ruffled, the sleeves curled up massive forearms to Heihachi's elbows. One hand is in a pocket, the other yanking on his tie to loosen the neck. A grimace of displeasure is on the grizzled Oyaji. "Oye, Kuma..." The giant bear glances over. "This city stinks." A giant paw covers the bear's snout, in obvious agreement.

However, not everyone flees when a bear comes to town.

Amongst he panicking people, a murmur of a lone teenager rises. A young Chinese man, barely enough to be called a man, was far from as famous as the man here right now on the streets of Sunshine City. Sie Kensou of the Psycho Soldiers, otherwise known as Athena's sidekick. Even though Kensou was the original member. Kensou was actually only on his way to seek out another famous, powerful man by the name of Johann Gallo. A quest that was, at the moment, side-tracked by a very obvious, and very dangerous, distraction.

A distraction by the name of BEAR.

The murmur begins to rise from the teenager, whose indistinct hemming and hawwing falls just short of making sense. Kensou approaches the duo nervously, cautiously. That was a BEAR in the middle of a city. There are a thousand and reasons why a bear might be a problem. Half of those starting with Kensou speaking up. But he was a warrior of justice, darn it. He had to do something. What if Athena was watching? Or if this was a test of Athena's love by Athena, who would finally determine whether or not to allow Kensou to court her SOLELY on how Kensou reacts to a bear. This last thought is what, finally, causes the muttering breaks through. The murmuring builds to a commanding shout as Kensou, only yards away, points and barks.


Heihachi and Kuma continue to wander along the sidewalk, as if there was nothing in the world wrong. They certainly seem to get along well, although any time someone does not take the hint that approaching is a good idea, Paul's Bane bares monstrous teeth with a blood-chilling growl. This just so happens to include Kensou; and when he goes so far to address the pair, Kuma hefts up to a full stand. And by golly, is he huge. It takes effort to make Zangief look tiny, but the heavy muscles and thick pelt of a Grizzly manage it with ease. Talons flex upon formidable paws. But Heihachi only laughs, coming to a stop and peering at Kensou. The intensity behind it to many would make the looming Kuma vastly preferable.
"Kuma's not just a bear. He's my bodyguard!" Said bear had paused to see how his Master would react, glancing down. And then turning to nod his approval towards Kensou, proudly expanding his chest. "Now get out of our way!!" He takes another step forward then, Kuma toddling along upright with the exact opposite of grace.

Oh my word thats a large bear.

Naturally, Kensou knew what a bear looked like. He certainly had enough stuffed versions of it. But Kuma was different. Kuma was not a teddy bear, but was about 800 lbs of animalistic brutality, kept in check by a wiry old man that was- oh god he was staring at Kensou HOW IS HE WORSE. If Kensou was a lesser soul, that might have sent him shrieking, leaving a yellow trail in his wake. So when Heihachi and his bodyguard head off to leave the teenager behind, it is understandable to assume that Kensou was neither brave nor utterly stupid.

Unfortunately for Kensou, he proves both when he cuts off the pair again.

"H-h-hold it!" The Psycho Soldier stammers with resolve. Looking back at both the pair AND Heihachi, he was holding his OWN hot-blooded stare. Despite the fear he was feeling from both, he was too headstrong to backdown. Shaking his head fiercely, he continues. "Bodyguard or tamed or whatever, that's a dangerous animal in the middle of this city! I can't let you wander around with your pet like that all willy nilly!"

And he even says it as if he had authority.

Closing his open palm into a fist, he crossing his arms, looking right at the old man. "I plead to your better nature to cooperate, and do the wise thing in bringing that bear to the proper authorities! Like Animal Control! Or the police! Anything to keep her off the streets!" Kensou states. "And get her back to her cubs!" Kensou looks towards Kuma, trying his best to tap into his natural animal empathy, just like how Athena can use her soul power to sooth the ferocious beast.

Hey, maybe he can actually pull this off!

"Ehhhhhh?" Heihachi sounds genuinely surprised to hear the young man coming towards them again. stopping to turn around. Kuma roars out loudly, beating his paws upon his chest. "(Do you know who you are talking to?!)" For long moments, the self-proclaimed King of Iron Fists simply looks at Kensou. Before laughing heavily, smacking his thigh with a hand. People just don't /do/ this to him. There is a reason people do not stand up to the Zaibatsu monarch, and that is they can end up with a few fist-sized holes. "You've got guts, brat. But I could care less what you say!!" Kuma just looks aghast and surprised, roaring once more. "(Better nature?! You DEFINITELY don't know who you are talking to!! ...Wait, she?!)"
Heihachi glances over Kuma with distant affection. "He's harmless! Aren't you?!" He then >SMACKS< Kuma's back. The sound is like steel on steel, bowling the massive bear onto all fours. Heihachi is laughing heavily, hands on his hips, as Kuma raises back to his feet. "(OW!! THAT HURT!!)"
And then a huge paw swishes out, striking Heihachi in the chest. He goes flying backwards, crashing through the front window of Tran's Noodles and breaking a table before thumping down, covered in splinters of wood and broken glass.

Kensou holds his own, just barely, as the man begins to laugh.

Kensou was very much hoping that the old man would not start a fight with him. This old man hung out with BEARS. If a man needed a bear for a bodyguard, then he was both insane and also a bear lover, a dangerous combination. Bears, as Master Chin pointed out, were horrible creatures that took liquor and poured it out. Still, when Heihachi smashes the bear with the palm of his hand, the teenager WINCES. "Uh, s-s-sir, I don't think you shoul-" Kensou is unable to finish that thought as Kuma return with his own playful punch.

Or rather, 'playful'

Kensou stares in HORROR as Heihachi smashes through the stand. Worried about the health of the obviously feeble old man, Kensou only restrains himself from coming to the man's care because of the utter BEAR in his presence. Turning back to Kuma, Kensou turns his head up high, puffing out his chest as he drops into his wide-open combat stance. "I was too late! Now these crazed hell-beast is on a rampage! You! Bear! I hope you know that Master Chin has trained me in the art of panda fighting, as per my secret kung-fu training! Come at me, bear!" Kensou was not lying; he was VERY adapt at getting back Master Chin's drinking gourds from playful pandas.

Hopefully, Kuma would not be much tougher than a panda!

Some facts of life are pretty accurate. Such as, not smacking a bear and making it angry. Heihachi might be one of the strongest men alive, or who has ever lived, but that doesn't mean a straight-up smack from a full grown Grizzly isn't going to knock him off his feet when he's in the middle of laughing. The front of his suit, formally worth more then a year's salary as a successful lawyer, now has a series of heavy scratches tearing through it. Kuma looks absolutely horrified. Eyes are nearly bugged out, mouth slack-jawed. He didn't think he'd actually hit, after all. Turning towards Kensou, Kuma begins to make some incredibly violent gestures. ROAR! SNARL, ROAR! GROWL! "(Look what you did!! I hit him!! He's going to flip out now!!)" Within the store, Heihachi surges to a sit, taking a moment to check out the cosmetic damage now bearing his overtly muscled chest. Kuma rushes towards Kensou on all fours, intent on shaking him by the shoulders. "(RUN! RUN FOR YOUR LIFE!!)"
An uninformed person might think they were being attacked.

Kensou channels his soul power to sense what the bear's feelings were.

He could sense... fear. Anger. Not unexpected of an animal of the city, or a bear that was just booty slapped. Kensou understood that a creature such as this needed to be pacified. If Kensou only had his guitar. Like Athena, he could use the power of music to sooth the savage beast, to serenade it with his soft backup guitar chords of many hit Athena sing-


Kensou own eyes bug out as the creature, eyes wild and mouth open wide to savagely rip open his head and feast upon his brainstuffs, comes rampaging on all fours. There was no soft singing now. He had to do things as Master Chin had taught them: with NO MERCY to BEARS! Kensou, staring down the prospect of a furious bear, suddenly shouts. "I will stop you, BEAR!" And promptly, he launches himself at the bear's head, to punch it RIGHT between the eyes!

I mean, bears had soft heads, right?

COMBATSYS: Kensou has started a fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Kensou           0/-------/------=|

COMBATSYS: Kuma has joined the fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Kuma             0/-------/-------|=------\-------\0           Kensou

COMBATSYS: Kensou successfully hits Kuma with Fierce Punch.

[     \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Kuma             0/-------/-----==|=------\-------\0           Kensou

Kuma was trying to help Kensou. Heihachi has a very short fuse, and it takes rather less then ruining his suit and sending him through a cheap Noodle shop entrance to make him willing to rampage. Concepts such as 'mercy' do not belong in a fight. Kuma can survive such rage, barely. But not Kensou. Kuma must protect Heihachi!! Sending someone into a hospital would only make things worse. Kuma skids to a stop, and suddenly looks curious. "(Wait... did you say you fought pand--)" And then he's slugged in the face. It would feel every bit like Kensou expected. Knuckles would hurt, and it feels like trying to send a large rock away. Kuma is sent on his back, sprawled out in shock and pain. Writhing about, he quickly barrel rolls to all fours, knocking over a newspaper vending machine in a crash of thin metal and glass. "(OW!! WHY DID YOU HIT ME?!)" And then he vaults forward, before looming upwards. Kensou would see only an eclipse of angry bear, casting a dark shadow over him. A massive arm to the left. A massive arm to the right. And then, an avalanche of angry fur descends, trying to do horrible, bear-like things. Such as MAULING. Heihachi glances out the window, noticing the commotion. "Oye... What're you doing to Kuma?!"

COMBATSYS: Kensou dodges Kuma's Fierce Mauling.

[    \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Kuma             0/-------/-----==|=------\-------\0           Kensou

If Kuma wanted to help Kensou, he wouldn't be a BEAR.

As Kensou punches the bear straight between the eyes, he suddenly sprouts hair on his arm. The chinese boy doesn't understand why this happens, only that it does happen. His fist certainly was hurting, as it turns out, because bears are NOT soft. IN fact. they are the opposite. But despite the punch of kings, and the strange new feeling in his loins, the bear was only stunned. And now, very very angry. As the bear comes roaring back figuratively and literally, Kensou catches a glimpse out of the corner of his eye. The old man was standing back up.

Thank god he was alive.

"Don't worry, mister!" Came the shout as the boy backflips into a single handstand. Leaping out the path of the rampaging mountain of fur and fang, his feet land against the wall. "I have it under control! You should call animal control though!" Already, in the same acrobatic movement, Kensou was surging straight back at the bear. Rocketing forward, he was striving in not killing the poor frightened creature, or even cripple it. He wanted to put the giant to sleep with his punches. It was like a lullaby to a big, furry baby.

Except with more compound fractures.

Also fur.

Hurling himself into the air, he is already firing right for poor Kuma's bear stomach. Arm alight with psycho energy, he was accidently drifting a little too low. Aiming below the abdomen, Kensou still fires forward, bringing his full kung-fu might towards the squishy, limp opening of the bear's defense. Kensou had only one relief in this mistake of an attack.

Thank goodness it was a mother bear, otherwise Kensou might only make him madder!

COMBATSYS: Kensou successfully hits Kuma with Ryuu Sohgeki EX.

[           \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////////// ]
Kuma             0/-------/-======|====---\-------\0           Kensou

Kuma is a weathered bear. He has lived a life of hardships and near-death experiences since he was a cub. Such is what you sign up for, when you call Heihachi your master. But where Kazuya failed, he endured! He is not weak!! Arms close down on empty air, a moment spent looking around before he can see the incoming fighter swirling down low. Immediately standing upright and taking a martial stance, one clawed paw strikes down, shattering concrete right beside Kensou. Not close enough!! And then... he is slammed right in the willies. Down he goes, Kuma crashing on his back and starting to roll around, paws between his legs and making a noise disturbingly like a yiping dog in pain. Heihachi steps through the window, brushing glass off his shoulder and grimacing. "...Okay. You can have him." A cellphone is pulled out, before the Zaibatsu head punches autodial. "Lee? Is that you, Lee, you useless bastard? It's the old man!!" Kuma suddenly detours, however. Still rolling, it is now with aggressive intent. Kuma begins to whirl in a breakdance manner, trying to slam into Kensou's legs and lower body and send him flying!! "(Y,YOU!! I... I CANNOT FORGIVE YOU NOW!! ...FOR, FOR A WHILE!!)"

COMBATSYS: Kensou blocks Kuma's Break'n.

[           \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////////   ]
Kuma             0/-------/-======|=====--\-------\0           Kensou

The color drains away from Kensou's face.

It was NOT a mother bear.

And he just pegged a bear in the gonads. For some people, this a rite of manhood. For Kensou? It was pegging a bear in the gonads. "I'M SO SORRY MISTER BEAR!" He exclaims as he draws away, stumbling back from his punch as... Kuma is suddenly dancing? Throwing his arms down and lowering his stance, the bear hammers hard away with his sick dance moves. Kuma might be Break'n.

But Kensou was Break'n Benjam'n!
%As Heihachi lets Kensou handle his bear by the bojangles, the kung-fu prodigy finally breaks from the dancing frenzy to use some sweet moves of his own. Kensou after all was part of Athena's band, as was expected to do some backup dance work. As the last of the blows comes, he swiftly lurches forward. Rolling forward, he suddenly shoots up on top of his skull into a headstand. Whipping around with acrobatic skill, he unleashes his OWN dance moves as he whips out his own whirling kicks towards the bear's chest.

Spinning on top of his head, of course!

COMBATSYS: Kuma fails to interrupt Medium Kick from Kensou with Frolicking Bear.

[                \\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////////   ]
Kuma             0/-------/=======|======-\-------\0           Kensou

"(I... I...!!)" Kuma suddenly bows his head slightly forward. "(I accept your apology.)" Ever the diplomatic of the Zaibatsu, that still doesn't interrupt his rampaging spin. He certainly has his own measure of rhythm, although someone had to train it. No normal bear would possibly fight that way! The tiny human snack leaps up, avoiding another brutal swipe into open air as Kuma gets back on all fours. Only to find himself impacted right on the head by a spinning top! But then his muscles tense, giving Kensou just enough time to leap away before the twirling Kuma flies upright in a vicious manner. He lands heavily thereafter, panting heavily and rising once more. "(I will not fall!!)" Heihachi hangs up his phone, satisfied, before placing it back in a pocket and observing the fight. "Kuma, don't lose to some brat!!" The bear whines, turning to face his master. "(HE'S TOUGH!!)"

The bear was... crying?

Kensou goes upright as the last of his kicks come. He might be a little impulsive for a kid, but he wasn't a monster! Relenting in his showy style, he steps back. What is worse is that Heihachi was EGGING him on! What was this old jerk up to! If he kept this up, Kensou might have to teach HIM a lesson. And Kensou really didn't want to disrespect any elders here! And yet, looking at the whimpering bear, Kensou's tone softens, reaching a kinder voice. "I'm sorry about this, big guy! But this is not a place for a bear! Maybe after we get you in a safe place away from other people, I can visit you, abd bring you honey!" Kensou didn't want to hurt the bear too badly, but the fact of matter was that he was 800 lb carnivore in the middle of a major metropolitan area!

Kensou had a civic duty!

Focusing calmly, he watches the bear as he builds up his power within. "This will tingle a bit, Kuma, but it will help calm you down, I think! I heard Soul Power can sooth even the most viscious of hearts!" Just like Athena's power! Kensou builds to a head, drawing from his power within. FInally, as he reaches the apex, he suddenly sweeps his arms apart, unleashing his inner psionic ball in a small ball of purple energy.


COMBATSYS: Kuma endures Kensou's Choukyuu Dan.

[                     \\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////    ]
Kuma             1/-----==/=======|=======\-------\1           Kensou

The ball of energy goes whirling towards Kuma, who simply charges forward headlong into it. "(NOTHING WILL STOP...)" Then he's hit in the chest, and the flash of energy seems much different then he's used to. It burns in his mind, a peculiar and terrible sensation that is everything but soothing or gentle. Yet then he barrels forward, wisps of purple trailing behind. "(ME!!)" And then he lunges forward on all fours, seguing into a brutal launch. Both of his forepaws extend, spiraling madly in an attempt to impact Kensou full on... right between the legs. This, too, is an accident. But perhaps Athena's future children will be happy and it won't connect. "Bahaha, Kuma, you're getting your ass beaten!!" Heihachi at least seems amused by the turn of events. Doesn't look like there's any worries about him interfering right away!

COMBATSYS: Kensou dodges Kuma's Hunting Spear.

[                     \\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////    ]
Kuma             1/------=/=======|=======\-------\1           Kensou

A startled onlooker runs away, camera phone in hand. The only reliable image they got is of Kensou punching a bear in the groin for no readily apparent reason. Two hours later, it is viral across the world.

It doesn't look like Kuma is being soothed.

In fact, the opposite is happening. "No no! You are supposed to be soothed. SOOOOOTHED!" Kensou shouts as Kuma just ROARS through the blast. Paws out, he was spiralling through the air right for- Kensou's groin?! Not the groin!

Kensou is saving that for when Athena finally admits her love for him on prom night!

A new sense of resolve overcomes Kensou as his Big Bao is threatened. Hands tightening he suddenly leaps high into the air. Pivoting to the skies, his groin is clear of the clawful finish of the big bear. Already, Kensou was rolling around to the back of the big bear, attempting to land right on the beast's shoulders. Hopefully, if he mounts the bear, he will promptly wrap his arms around the great beast's neck. And punching in the back of his bear skull, he will attempt to softly choke out the bear, to put him to sleep.

Like a good hero of the city!

COMBATSYS: Kuma endures Kensou's Combo Grapple.

[                         \\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////    ]
Kuma             1/----===/=======|=======\-------\1           Kensou

This is enough!! Kuma is not going to allow the unscathed fighter to defeat him without showing what he's made of! Skidding to a stop on all fours and whirling around to face Kensou, he then finds the deft little snack trying to climb on board. Teeth snap shut just shy of Kensou, before he finds himself strangled rather aggressively. Standing upright, a sort of gurgling noise leaves, before Kuma begins to whirl violently to the left and right, trying to dislodge. And then he manages... but now rather berserk, Kuma lunges immediately forward, face far more enraged then any time prior. His right hand swishes down, a sharp overhead swing trying to slam Kensou's head and knock him utterly senseless--!!

COMBATSYS: Kuma successfully hits Kensou with Fatal Wind.

[                        \\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////           ]
Kuma             0/-------/-------|=======\====---\1           Kensou

Heihachi can recognize it. Kuma's ultimate technique, that he has formed on his own. "DO IT, KUMA!!" A loud, inspiring belch follows. With a load roar and new glint of resolve, the bear... twists around, as Kensou would stagger forward. Athena's love would slump upon the generous furred rump of Kuma's voluminous rear, head right beneath his tail. Before an explosive impact sends him flying away with disturbing force. It might take a few moments to figure out precisely what happened, but a green gas is permuting the area, making Heihachi recoil and pinch his nose. "Euuugh."
A second civilian manages to capture this on phone camera, before fleeing under the odor. Two hours later, it is viral on the internet.

Kensou didn't know bear back riding was so dangerous!

As he tries to pacify the bear, he finds that bears, unlike people, get angry when you choke them. Actually, people get angry too. Were bears, in a way, just like people, except bigger and hairier? Kensou's inner monologue is interrupted when he is suddenly pulled off Kuma's back by the enraged bear, and is suddenly stuffed into the great beast's bottom. There are many ways Kensou can cope as the blast comes. The stench and power is overwhelming. His psyche, however, must come first.

So Kensou goes into his happy place.

Why, it isn't the hairy ass of a bear. It is Athena! And she is so happy to see you. "Fffffraaaaaa you okay Kensou! I am so happy you stand up for me! Our friendship is just part of the process of making it something more! Oh Kensou, I can't hold back anymore!" Why, Athena is puckering her lips at Kensou! The teenager cannot resist this opportunity, and leans in for a soft kiss. Why, despite the smell, this is everything that Kensou imagined, and more! Even though her beard almost tickles Kensou's nos-

Happy place gone.

Kensou suddenly screams. "GAAAAGH! AAAAAGH! AAAAAAAAGH!" Was the panicked screaming as Kensou swiftly wipes his mouth. This was the opposite of anything ever good in the world. Thrusting a hand towards Athena's puckered lips- NO! NO!!!!! Kensou screams even louder in his own head as he suddenly draws from within. Attempting to grab Kuma by his bare behind, he will simply cling on.... and unleash the full force of Psycho Might into the bear's nether regions, the blast striking so hard that it sends Kensou flying in the opposite direction....

Straight at Heihachi's feet.

COMBATSYS: Kensou successfully hits Kuma with Senki Hakki.

[                                < >  ///////////////////           ]
Kuma             0/-------/---====|===----\-------\0           Kensou

Kuma stands up tall and begins beating his chest with either claw, roaring in triumph after having sent Kensou staggering backwards. However, then... "(Wh,what are you doing?!)" A coy blush is on Kuma's face, pressing a paw to his mouth as he looks backwards. Utterly off-guard, he is rightfully grappled. "?!?" And then there's a sudden eruption of purple psionic power. Kuma is sent flying in the opposite direction, eyes whited out and frothing at the teeth, impacting the side of a car and heavily denting it before slumping down, unconscious. Heihachi is still laughing, looking down at Kensou where he stands before him. "Well. THAT WAS AMUSING." Suddenly he hefts up his foot, and brings it down with cataclysmic force. Hopefully, Kensou can manage to get out of the way, given the entire ground will shake for meters around, sending massive chunks of concrete flying in all directions...!!

COMBATSYS: Heihachi has joined the fight here.

[           \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >                                ]
Kensou           0/-------/----===|====---\-------\0             Kuma
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Heihachi         0/-------/-------|

COMBATSYS: Kuma takes no action.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////           ]
Heihachi         0/-------/-------|===----\-------\0           Kensou

COMBATSYS: Kuma can no longer fight.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////           ]
Heihachi         0/-------/-------|===----\-------\0           Kensou

COMBATSYS: Heihachi knocks away Kensou with Strong Kick.

[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////                      ]
Heihachi         0/-------/------=|>>>>>>>\>>>>>--\1           Kensou

Pics or it never happened.

Actually, no pictures, NO PICTURES! Kensou finally lands right by Heihachi's feet, tumbling on the ground. Taking a deep breath, he looks up at the old man with a goofy grin. "Wow! That was sure some fight, mister. I'm just glad nobody got hurt, especially you!" Kensou breathes a sigh of relief. And promptly dry heaves as the taste of berries and pepper spray fills his mouth. Idly, he glances back up at Heihachi. "So did you happen to call animal control, Mister-"

And Kensou is stomped into the concrete.

About 2 feet under the sidewalk, Kensou's head and upper torso rests. His arms and legs still poking out of the crater, he twitches slightly. Once. Twice. Very, very gingerly, he begins to push against the edge of the crater, trying to pull himself up. First attempt. Second attempt. But on the third attempt, under the glower of the old man, Kensou suddenly bursts right up...

Head shooting up between Heihachi's legs.


COMBATSYS: Heihachi fails to counter Aggressive Strike from Kensou with Heaven's Wrath EX.
- Power fail! -

[   \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////                      ]
Heihachi         0/-------/-----==|>>>>>>>\>>>>>--\1           Kensou

The massive figure of Heihachi is truly an imposing one. The level of ki now beginning to seethe from him is unreal. His muscles seem to flex outwards now, his contoured suit splitting along the seems as he grins down. "Ohhh? Did I kill you, boy?" A somewhat snide statement, before he realizes that Kensou is indeed still moving. Yet he is rather more vigorous then expected. This inadvertant assault has no violent intent; his normally precise senses are completely bypassed. An attack from this particular angle in this particular stance... how many decades has it been?! Hands burst into cerulean fire, and whirl in a circle. They graze Kensou's hair, but he slips past. And nails something far too unyielding.
Heihachi does not move, being being forced upon his toes for a moment. The smooth motion of his technique stops dead, and his chi whiffs out. "..." His expression is hard, lips pulled away from his teeth. A single, manly tear runs down the side of his face.

If only Kensou listened to Kuma.

Bursting out from the crater, Kensou thinks he hits some sort of iron bar. He must be in a hospital bed. And Athena would be here any minute. He was blind, deaf, dazed, and confused. And naturally, his only response to that foursome is what he does under any duress:

Eat meatbuns.

Fondling around his own body, he draws out a single meatbun from his jacket, and stuffs the whole into his maw. As he masticates it, his senses slowly but surely return. And he realizes that he is in an improvised grave. And that his head did not hit a steel plate. And there was a stunned, angry man right above him.

And then, Kensou realizes what he has done.

His eyes gazes down to the half-eaten baozi. Swallowing slowly, his gazes shifts up to the manly-teared man above him. Kensou realized that this was, in fact, bad. And this man did, in fact, just stomp him through the ground. Perhaps it was time to make a peace offering. To calm him down. He pulls the bun from his mouth, and delicately, as innocent as he can make it, he looks up to Heihachi, a sheepish grin on his face.


COMBATSYS: Kensou takes no action.

[   \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////                     ]
Heihachi         0/-------/-----==|>>>>>>>\-------\1           Kensou

Standing above Kensou, there is no possible manner for him to misinterpret this situation. The flood of violent intent visibly shimmers in the air like waves of heat from Heihachi, before brutal arcs of lightning crackle and sizzle across him like some kind of inhuman generator. The upper half of his suit curls into black fire, blowing away in an expulsion of energy that resonates in the surroundings. Windows warble nearby, the ground beginning to hum lightly, as his eyes slowly descend. Heihachi has unleashed his true battle power here, as if he were about to battle a peer in mortal combat. "MEATBUN?" he states, booming voice like that of an angered god. Before he slowly, carefully takes the offered treat. Holding it in his palm for a moment...
And then his free hand swishes out, to catch Kensou by the hair. And then violently start cramming it into his mouth, palm grinding aggressively. "CHOKE ON YOUR MEATBUN, BRAT!!" Well. Okay, maybe right now he's using his unlimited strength just to bully him. Hopefully nobody is fuck there are cameras everywhere.

COMBATSYS: Kensou parries Heihachi's Weakened Small Random Weapon!

[   \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////                     ]
Heihachi         0/-------/-----==|>>>>>>>\>------\1           Kensou

For a brief moment, Kensou thought the power of meatbun had stopped the violence.

But Kensou was so wrong. The man's unbridled rage erupts seismically tearing through the entire block. And Kensou, still staggered by the head stomp, gingerly chews the meatbun he still had in his mouth. But as Heihachi sweeps him off his feet, taking him up in the air. Taking the meatpun, the man takes it, and shoves it hard down his throat.

And Kensou eats the meatbun.

Heck, he seems to enjoy it.

"MMMMM!" Was the yummy noise Kensou made as he closes his eyes. In what may surprise Heihachi, his arm slips in almost as if Kensou was ready for him, his mouth easily taking the whole of the grizzled fighter's palm. Kensou just looked so HAPPY.

That is, until his eyes go wide.

"HRK." The chinese teenager begins. "HRRRRRK" Was the choking noise as he suddenly begins to choke.Kensou was like a cat coughing up a hairball, except he was a teenager, and this was a meatbun. His entire body spasms, dry heaving. "HRK! HRK! HRRRRRRRRRR-K" Was the final sound before the meatbun is lodged free.

And immediately fires right back towards the face of Heihachi.

COMBATSYS: Heihachi catches Small Thrown Object EX from Kensou with Weakened Combo Grapple.
- Power hit! -

[   \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////                    ]
Heihachi         0/-------/---====|>>>>>>>\>------\1           Kensou

Immediately, Heihachi pushes Kensou away when he seems to be choking upon the thefted meatbun. The projectile whirls through the air, before his eyes snap into intensive focus. "HNNGH!" His hand snaps out, catching the hapless treat. Then his other hand grapples it, before he reflexively twists and breaks it's neck. A spatter of meat goes over his chest, the gory trappings sloughing through his fingers to the ground. "ENOUGH!! I WILL END YOU!!"

Did... Heihachi save him?

Attack him?

So far, he only seemed to have fed him in a way that Athena should NEVER see. In fact, it may be safe to say that Kensou prays Athena doesn't even know what the Internet is. Kensou's gasps for air, bent over, as Heihachi catches his yuck. "What? Stop! No! Lets be reasonable!" Was the plead. He didn't want to hurt an old man too. But this old man was very grumpy.

Wait, grumpy!

"Let me sooth you with my soothing energy!" Kensou exclaims, rising up and stumbling back. Focusing hard, he begins to feel Heihachi's mo- AAAARGH AAAAARGH


Kensou stops trying to feel the raw anger, and instead shifts back to the soothing side. Spreading his arms apart, he once again unleashes his focused, soothing blast of Psycho Energy. Even though it didn't work on bears... maybe it would work on a human like this?


COMBATSYS: Heihachi overcomes Choukyuu Dan from Kensou with Huge Thrown Object EX.

[   \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////                     ]
Heihachi         0/-------/---====|>>>>>>>\>------\1           Kensou

In a shimmer of heated energy, Heihachi maneuvers forward. He lands with a crash upon the sidewalk, feet sinking a solid inch within. He assumes a proper martial stance. It will only take a second to destroy him, but the pace of the fight has been ruined since he was headbutt in the groin. And now, he's hurtling a large orb of chi straight at him. "HAH!" Reaching backwards, his hands dig into the scruff of... Kuma. "...?" The bear is barely conscious now, only to suddenly be hefted up as if weightless. "HELP ME OUT, KUMAAAAA!!!" And then he hurls him brutally, dissipating the ball of chi with a loud cry from the thoroughly groin-pummeled animal. Only for him to curl into a ball, and snap out a leg, trying to kick Kensou in the face right before reaching. "(KUMADOOOOOUKEN!!!!)"

COMBATSYS: Kensou endures Heihachi's Huge Thrown Object EX.

[   \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //                            ]
Heihachi         0/-------/-======|>>>>>>>\>>>>>>>\2           Kensou

Rick 'Beer me!' Strowd says, "The 6'8 transvestite is singing Coolio right now."

That was a bear.

That was a bear AGAIN!

The blast of energy is torn through as Kuma comes exploding forward. Kensou couldn't defend. He couldn't dodge. But he could take it like a MAN! The kick comes barreling in hard into him, but just in time for Kensou to build up a pillar of soul power. As he draws deeper and deeper from his reserve, he finally calls out the name of his final attack. "Okay! I tried to be nice, but no more Mr. Nice Guy! Shinryuu! CHOUKYUU! DAAAAAAN!!!!" Kensou brings his arms around, and tumbling from his sleeves...

Is the largest meatbun any man has seen.

"No not a meatbun I wanted to-"

And promptly, Kensou passes out unconscious.

COMBATSYS: Kensou can no longer fight.

[   \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Heihachi         0/-------/-======|

COMBATSYS: Heihachi endures Kensou's Thrown Object.

[      \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Heihachi         0/-------/=======|

A meatbun is not worthy of evading. Heihachi simply stands there solemnly, upper chest now bared from the licking flames of his chi. The meatbun wetly slaps against his right pectoral, causing no visible reaction. After sticking a few moments, it falls off. Two seconds later, a red mark forms. "Tch. Kuma!!" The bear, in a crumpled heap where a telephone booth used to be, quickly rolls back to all fours. Heavily ruffled up and damaged, he's still a bear. Kensou's loving punches and kisses knocked him out a good minute, but he considers that a good day around Heihachi. "Good. You aren't dead!!" He then walks over to Kensou, looming over him. Leaning down, he grasps the unconscious youth by the head. And then roars, twisting around and HURLING him as hard as he can down the street. Kensou zooms away, before hitting the horizon and vanishing in a bright star-like glint. His rage is satisfied. A few moments later, the loud buzzing of a helicopter whirls down from overhead. Dangling from a black line in a protective plastic cover is a brand new suit for Heihachi, carefully lowered by the piloting Lee, who leans out. Heihachi snatches it, and throws it over a shoulder. "PAY FOR THE DAMAGES!!" he calls out, before stomping his way back down the street with Kuma prancing behind. Lee cannot fully fathom what sort of horrible thing happened here, but still does a thumb's up when he's sure his foster father can't see. "Excellent."

COMBATSYS: Heihachi has ended the fight here.

Log created on 22:01:17 07/03/2012 by Kensou, and last modified on 02:45:42 07/04/2012.