Gabriel - Trainyard Trouble

Description: While waiting to speak to a questionable someone, Gabriel and Sonia, just killing time, tries to kill one another.

Sure there were people around. Sure they were milling, doing whatever, drugs? Fighting? Dice? Whatever.. Probably drinking. No one looked terribly out of place, except that is Kai Gabriel. She looked -terribly- out of place. The fact that she was dressed in fine clothing, the sort of thing you could only get at designer outlets and tailored to fit perfectly, the fact that she was clean, spotless even and sporting a violin case. . An expensive violin case. Sure everything about her shouted rob me, or abuse me, everything expect her expression. It wasn't the sort of I'll kill you look that might of kept people away, more of brooding disgust at those around her. She picked a spot some ways off from most of the milling people, on a pile of wooden railroad beams, rotten but with the addition of her silken handkerchief, okay to sit on. Her violin case at her side.
Sure some one approached her, but a normal person, a thug, but a normal thug didn't stand a chance and she didn't give quarter. He was laying some feet away, alive? Who knows, she certainly didn't bother to check.
No the author wasn't going out of their way to indicate what sort of person Gabriel was, but being a well dressed woman on her own here, it only stands to reason someone would try and see if she could be worth a dime. She wasn't.

Today, in this place, with so many bored and angry people brooding around... anyone who'd come looking for any kind of trouble would certainly find it. Especially if they were looking for a fight.

Not too far away from Gabriel was sitting, there was indeed a fight raging near a brightly burning fire tha neer-do-wells had going in an open black oil drum... it would be hard to see the combatants not for the growing darkness of the place... but for the rather large crowd of shouting men that had gathered there... pushing and shoving one another rowdily as they fought for a good spot to see.

In the center of the crowd, standing near the burning oil drum is a bare-footed, violet-haired dame - also dressed in the best fineries money can buy - with a man drapped over her knee. She'd just driven that knee directly into the man's solar plexus, the force of the blow causing the air to rush out of him with a wheeze. Bleeding from the forehead, and apparentsly missing some teeth, the heavy set man staggers back several steps and then falls onto his rear. "H-hey.... no more!" The man shouts, all confidence he had before the fight started gone and with fear now evident in his voice.

The crowd begins to jeer at the show of cowardice, praompting the scantily clad, punkish-looking woman, to grin... her foot dropping back to the floor. "Everyone knows a fight isn't over until the crowd is satisfied..." Closing the distance between her and the much larger man she lens over a bit, giving him an eyeful of barely covered cleavage... "Don't you want to make them happy...?"

Eventually the waiting gets to Kai Gabriel and she starts to take note of things going on around her. Fights being the most flashy, so she decides to get a better look. Not wanting to get near the filthy crowd though, she instead takes her time getting on top one of the near, retired, train cars. The ladder provides a way up and with care she is able to achieve the top without getting any dirt on her clothing. That woman in the center looks out of place. Gabriel frowns in disapproval, which is more or less what she was already doing. Her mouth stays shut. She just watches. It's hard to tell if she has any interest in the goings on or not, but it doesn't take long before she pulls out of her instrument case the violin held within. Apparently she really does play something. But what it is.. is horrible. Luckily most of the people are too busy shouting and watching the fight to pay much mind to the girl on a train car playing a violin badly. Somehow she doesn't seem to notice how bad she is at it.

The crowd may not hear it, but the mind of one trained to notice even the smallest of changes in one's environment is alike a steel trap. This trap was parrticularly sensitive...

Sonia's sharp, violet, gaze is drawn from the man momentarily, and the female fighter stands to her full height... leveling her gaze at the similarly out-of-place girl playing the violin. "Ugh... what a horrid noise..." She mumbles to herself, a thing probably not even remotely audible over the shouts of the spectators nearby.

The fight, for the moment, does indeed come to an end however... as she proceeds to walk toward the circle of rowdy men... the 'audience' thinning out and moving out of her way on their own. None of these scum would really want to be in her way after what they'd just witnessed...r
As the fighting stops, and the main attraction exits center stage, the yelling begins to quieten... allowing that dreadful 'noise' to dominate. Stopping at the foot of the car, arms held in relaxed manner behind her neck, Sonia shouts... maybe loud enough for the girl to hear... "Enjoying killing the mood, girl?"

Killing the mood? What mood. Gabriel lowers her violin and peers over at Sonia, down her nose. Because the woman is dressed in nice clothes, she might have gotten more respect, but she's also scantly dressed with gets her looked down at somewhat.
"I do not consider a crude rucks between cretins to be a worthy mood to honor. Anything I might do would only stand to improve on this filthy tract." Very nose raised attitude.

With the fighting having come to an end, at least for now, the previously rowdy spectators seem to return to whatever activities they'd been doing prior to the fight. The man being beaten just moments ago picks himself up off of the gravel covered ground and makes a beeline for the nearest washroom inside an old abandoned shack nearby.

To the girl's haughty attitude, Sonia gives a somewhat snide reply... "Cretins, is it? And from what high place have you come to grace us today, little angel?" Following this, she gives a bow of feigned respect... and then returns to staring at the girl just a bit harder this time... "Perhaps you would deign to descend upon this lowly place and grace us with your presence?" An eloquent speech for a cretin, no? ... Of course, were the girl to descend... she might be able to guess.. this 'cretin' might surely attack her just had done a while earlier with that man...

"Oh top of this train car," Gabriel replies as if it were obvious, "I, Kai Gabriel, The Crusader of Light.. The Avenging Angel, shall acquiesce your request."
With that she puts her violin into the case and with a flourish climbs down from the train car. Seriously jumping would of been flashier, but undignified. It takes her forever to do it with dignity though.

Sonia waits, quite patiently for the haughty girl to finish her descension... hands on her hips... bare foot tapping the soft soil with a precisely timed rhythm. As she makes the final leap from the train to the ground, however, the scantily clad russian steps forward... and takes what is obviously a fighting posture. Feet spread, evenly spaced, to match with her shoulders... arms brought close to her body with hands raised in defensive position. "If you are better than me, you ought to be able to best me in a fight... after all only a fool would provoke a fighter and then descend into their territory expecting no consequences." Of course, she didn't expect this little princess to be able to fight... no. She really just wanted to enjoy knocking her off her high horse. "I'll lets you make the first atatck though... it's only sporting."

COMBATSYS: Gabriel has started a fight here on the right meter side.

                                  >  //////////////////////////////]
                                  |-------\-------\0          Gabriel

COMBATSYS: Sonia has joined the fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Sonia            0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0          Gabriel

When Gabriel finally has turned and arranged her things, she takes note that Sonia is in fact trying to pick the next fight with her. A sigh, "I am here looking for someone," She states, while watching with a stoney glare at Sonia, "His name is Mister Spookey." Even stating the name seems to dredge up to her face further disgust, as if she would have to say such a thing.

"Yo Yo Yo," calls one of the punkish onlookers, "Spooks be serving it up in county, they nabbed him yesterday."

Another frown fits it's way onto an already frowning face as Gabriel takes this in. "But I have his delivery. . " She states rhetorically. Well now she has frustration to burn off and turns her attention to Sonia again, "I will not go easy on you," She states in a cold voice, clasping a pendant on her neck in what seems like a prayer before taking up a ready fighting stance.

Making her way in toward Sonia, Gabriel draws a hand back, not a fist, it seems her style does not call for fists, but rather a palm. Still, it's just a feint, what she does in stead is takes the wind up and continues with it, apparently wrapping around in order to throw a round house kick at Sonia. It's a blow apparently intended to end this fight quickly. In the meantime, as a form of giving some sort of call, she says in a cold and low voice,
"Repent!" Like it's a command.

COMBATSYS: Gabriel successfully hits Sonia with Heavy Kick.

[    \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Sonia            0/-------/------=|-------\-------\0          Gabriel

As a fight gets started anew... homeless men, street punks, and drug addict slowly begin to gravitate toward the action... the stench of their collective body odors growing thick like a smog... soon there'd be rowdy shouting and shoving again once more as these two horribly out-of-place women go at it furiously.

Sonia's derisive smirk widens as the smaller girl announces that she will not 'go easy' on her. "That's just the way I like it, girl."

No more is said with words thereafter, but with fists. Or feet as it were. Though a feint would normally be quite hard to slip past the highly analytic russian fighter... for whatever reason... be it speed or simply the girl's ability to deceive.. the kick does go through. Sonia attempts to throw up an arm to defend herself against the attack, but simpply cannot muster the strength to stop it in time and her arm complains sharply as it collides with the side of her body. Wincing, but wasting no time on giving onl a reply... Sonia immediately leaps toward the smaller female... raising her foot sharply in an attempt to bring it directly into contact with the haughty girl's chin.

COMBATSYS: Gabriel blocks Sonia's Light Kick.

[    \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////////////  ]
Sonia            0/-------/-----==|=------\-------\0          Gabriel

Bringing both arms up, the crusader of light takes the hit off her forearms and is only pushed back a little bit. Still it wasn't pleasant and she winces just a little, then her eyes turn into an even more stoney glare. Apparently she didn't realize she was getting into with someone who knew what they were doing. Her lips press together and she slowly circles. A fighting style that does not seem to be overly bouncy, but slow and deliberate, like a cat looking for a chance to pounce. One leg cross over the other as she moves and continues to search for the opening, all the same her opportunity to attack is passed up for the chance to find a greater opening.
Ever the silent type when she had nothing to say, Gabriel keeps her lips a thin line while her open handed stance keeps one low and one high, it's clear she doesn't use her hands as fists. Though what does her opponent give away? Her keen eyes narrow to drink in everything she can get.

COMBATSYS: Gabriel focuses on her next action.

[    \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////////// ]
Sonia            0/-------/-----==|=------\-------\0          Gabriel

As her now obviously skilled opponent foregoes an attack, Sonia seems remiss... taking a moment or so herself to watch the girl and simply see what she does... noting the practiced dexterity of her footwork and her lack of hand usage. She begins to realize almost immeiately she might be dealing with a fighter who uses kicks primarily if not entirely. Her style didn't look like Taaekwondo however... some sort of chinese martial art?r
That done, seeing as the girl won't press the attack... it loos as though it falls on Sonia to do so. Rushing toward the girl again, Sonia immediately does something quite unsporting... kicking up dust and gravel into the air toward the girl's face... and more importantly those lovely threads... and then finishes her attack with a roundhouse of her own... this one aimed for the girl's midsection.

COMBATSYS: Sonia successfully hits Gabriel with Heavy Kick.

[    \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////       ]
Sonia            0/-------/-----==|=====--\-------\0          Gabriel

When Sonia rears up, Gabriel tries to move in and out with a weave, perhaps to get out of the way and then back in range again for a quick shock. Her timing is off and she is hammered by the kick. That one really hurt, but it doesn't stop her for more than a moment. She quickly regathers herself and moves in, going straight in and up at Sonia, this time perhaps she means it. Her palm gathers with a purple energy and she thrusts it at Sonia in a sudden snap of a palm thrust. The move more like a jab, but with a little more power behind it and well.. A palm-jab.
"Confess." She hisses as she makes the attack, apparently really thinking that Sonia has some things to square with the god(dess).

COMBATSYS: Sonia blocks Gabriel's Palm Snap.

[     \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////        ]
Sonia            0/-------/----===|=====--\-------\0          Gabriel

As the fighting gets heavy, the crowd begins to go crazy again... the shouting reaching a climax as Sonia uses a dirty attack against her opponent and her kick finds its way into her midsection. One punk with firey red hair standing directly behind the Russian fox whistles... and gets shoved aside almost immediately by a burly cueball sporting leather attire who forcefully takes his vantage point.

This would normally be a time when Sonia would strike a delicious pose and bat her eyelashes at whoever whistled at her. But frankly, none of thsee men were very attractive and her opponent was... for the time being... seemingly more important.

Definitely some type of kung fu, the violet-haired russian fighter thinks to herself as a chi-powered palm strike is launched her way. Seems she'd misread the girl. Fortunately, she'd not be hurting for it... too much....

Sonia manages to snap her hands out and grab the palm strike... slowing its momentum enough to deaden most of the damage before it makes conact. Gritting her teeth as the palm strike never the less connects... she immediately attempts to take advantag of the girl's forward momentum and hurl her over her shoulder... directly toward the crowd.

COMBATSYS: Gabriel blocks Sonia's Serpent Flip.

[      \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////           ]
Sonia            0/-------/---====|======-\-------\0          Gabriel

It's hard to stop a throw, and being thrown over Sonia's shoulder isn't so bad really, she goes with it, flips back into a better landing position before landing a little hard. . But on her feet. One of the onlookers might of helped break her fall, without her asking, but she pays them no mind. Her eyes are entirely on Sonia, whom she starts in on as soon as she's regained some footing. The aim is simple, get close, get personal. Sort of, Gabriel being quite prudish does try to keep her attention someplace respectable, even as she eyes the woman carefully. She aims an arm high to try and get Sonia about the collar bone and one low to push, meanwhile placing her other foot behind Sonia's if she can manage, the end result would be a simple, yet effect throw.

COMBATSYS: Sonia dodges Gabriel's Quick Throw.

[      \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////          ]
Sonia            0/-------/---====|======-\-------\0          Gabriel

It's difficult to look anywhere 'respectable' on the busty russian temptress, really. She goes out of her way to make it so. Her clothes are almost always barely above the legal limit, and sometimes below if she can get away with it. Anyone within a mile of the woman could tell... she screams of 'attention whore'.

...But it isn't as though she's trying too much for that now. No, her focus is almost entirely on trying to read what her attacker would do next. ... And read it she does. As the girl slips into Sonia's territory, the much taller woman allows her to get close enough to wrap an arm around the russian's collarbone... but as the foot slips in between hers she uses her right foot to entangle the girl's own and... as she's caught off guard... aims to try and drive her left elbow in hard on the girl's neck area.

COMBATSYS: Gabriel deflects Quick Punch from Sonia with Mimic.

[         \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////          ]
Sonia            0/-------/--=====|=======\-------\0          Gabriel

Taking advantage of the opportunity, somehow, as if Gabriel's plan involved getting close, she moves in a seemingly mirror to Sonia. Her foot positioning, the pivot of her body, her entire style seems to shift for just that moment to match the entire style Sonia uses. Though it seems only a copy, an imitation, when the time comes she twists and aims her own elbow toward Sonia's neck, in seemingly the method intended for her own. The twist of her body enables her to maintain herself without getting struck by the move. In a near instant she finds herself falling back into her usual stance, her style fluidly flowing back to her own like a snake changing position, very serpentine. Her eyes narrow to glare at her opponent.

Sonia's demeanor of cool confidence is all but shattered by the exceedingly well executed play the daring little 'princess' executes, slipping into Sonia's territory and calculating her response seemingly to a T. Were these different circumstances, she'd have just gained a modicum of respect for the girl.

Much akin to a snake herself, Sonia practically hisses as the vicious and well-executed elbow makes contact with her neck... forcing her to stagger away from the girl holding the side of her neck... senses jarred from the impact.

That's going to bruise. Rubbing her neck momentarily, and returaning the smaller girl's contemptuous glare, Sonia seethes verbally, "That was... quite a hit. You're not as weak as you appear."

Darting in again almost immediately after she says this, giving the girl perhaps only a moment to respond, Sonia again tries for a very familiar move... raising her foot from the ground to impact with the girl's chin in a vicious axe kick from beneath... only this time it would be tremendously faster.

COMBATSYS: Sonia successfully hits Gabriel with Elegant Axe EX.

[         \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////            ]
Sonia            0/-------/=======|=======\-------\1          Gabriel

The kick takes Gabriel off guard. Clearly she is trying to defend, but it just too fast for her to do so. Even though her expression of surprise quickly melts back to one of cold fury. She doesn't seem so keen on returning the favor of politeness either, rather she maintains her quiet and impassive air. Thoough a slight twice seems to indicate she is gradually getting a little more irritated with the way things are going. Moving in, Gabriel tries for another throw, this time trying to slam her shoulder into Sonia and then whirl around to hurl her in the other direction. Her step is not that fast as the move seems more intended at using a lot of momentum and causing perhaps a lot of pain. Already her hair is a little messed and her nice clothes might have a spot here or there. Unacceptable!

COMBATSYS: Sonia blocks Gabriel's Medium Throw.

[          \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////            ]
Sonia            0/-------/=======|=======\-------\1          Gabriel

As Gabriel moves in, the initial shoulder slam does connect connect... causing the russian woman's face to contort into a grimace. However, the rest of the maneuver simply does not go through... and Sonia seizes on her positioning to grab the girl by the shoulders and attempt to bind her movements. Once she'd done that, she immediately responds by attempting to jam her knee into the haughty girl's backside and then slap her across the face hard with the flat of her left hand. To add insult to injury, whether she succeeds or not, she smoothly adds... "Little girls shouldn't glare at their elders in such a manner."

COMBATSYS: Gabriel blocks Sonia's Combo Attack.

[          \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////              ]
Sonia            1/-------/=======|=======\=------\1          Gabriel

The grab connects, the knee misses as Gabriel manages wiggle room in the hold before she is slapped across the face and given a short lecture. Her icy gaze snaps back into place and she doesn't initially respond. What response would merit anyway. Instead she tries to get a hold of Sonia's wrist and twist until she is forced to fall, or well let it be broken. Really either one works for Gabriel. In a low and dark voice she hisses, "Atone." Another one liner of disgust with her opponent, thought the stock dialogue isn't really unique to her.

COMBATSYS: Sonia dodges Gabriel's Quick Throw.

[          \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////             ]
Sonia            1/-------/=======|=======\=------\1          Gabriel

Sonia adopts a look of deep satisfaction as, though her knee misses, the slap finds its way home. Arguably it was the more hurtful attack she threw, as evidence by Gabriel's rage seems to reach a crescendo. As Gabriel successfully latches onto her wrist, attempting to break it or force her to the ground, Sonia instead responds by enduring the painful twisting force upon her appendage and reaching out with her free hand to help wrench ONE of the girl's hands off of her wrist so that she can break free with the hand she's clutching.

Having done that, Sonia does not immediately return the attack and simply opts to shake her wrist gingerly... red with the girl's finger prints... "You have a strong grip too. I'm surprised." Standiing to her full height again, not taking a fighting stance this time, the russian woman admits... "I grow bored with this silly game however. I have better things to do with my time.... you would wise be wise to press this no further... or I might have to end you." Whether that be an empty threat or no, might not be immediately evident... but it should be clear fzrom her body language at least she doesn't intend to fight much longer.

COMBATSYS: Sonia takes no action.

[          \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////             ]
Sonia            1/-------/=======|=======\=------\1          Gabriel

"I did not leave my opponents breathing," Gabriel says in a dark voice, "However you chose this, I did not, it is not important if I do not purify you today." She flicks her fingers to dust herself off briefly as way of brushing off the fight like it never happened, besides which it could take a while to close the deal anyway.
She turns and reaches to her instrument case and picks it up, looking like just like that she'll leave. After all, Mister Spooky is gone.

COMBATSYS: Gabriel has left the fight here.

[          \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Sonia            1/-------/=======|

As tshe fight begins to die down again, the twice disappointed spectators jeer in a disapproving manner. They had really expected for someone to die here today, now they'd have to go back to drunken stupors and drug crazed fights of their own... a thing not nearly as entertaining as watching two experienced killers go at it.

Sonia watches with idle interest as the girl dusts herself off and goes to fetch that instrument case like the fight never happened. She had a wrist to nurse, at least, that argued otherwise. "...I see." .. is all the russian really offers in response to her opponents barely understandable comments regarding the elusive Mr. Spooky. She had to chuckle a bit... it sounded more like a children's toy than a mark.

Having done that, the leggy, violet-maned woman does turn on her heels and proceed to walk in the direction opposite the girl. Straight toward a shirtless man wearing jeans leaning against a beat up old truck in the shadows. "If that's the case, feel free to find me if you ever want to try again."

COMBATSYS: Sonia has ended the fight here.

Log created on 16:51:11 06/20/2012 by Gabriel, and last modified on 22:07:07 06/22/2012.