Johann - Beasts Within

Description: Two rather enigmatic men for different reasons share a conversation in the park. Of course Johann is now left even more curious of the other monster that now prowls Sunshine City for the time being. Will Freeman turn out to be a useful ally or a mess Johann will later have to deal with?

Sunshine City; it may be a veritable den of hidden lies and corruption, but there are some areas of genuine purity. Within Inner Sunshine, a park truly out of a storybook is thriving at this time of the early evening. The grass is green and perfectly cut, with tall and healthy trees thrusting proudly towards the brilliant blue sky and bright sunlight. People wander around walking dogs, taking jogs, and generally enjoying the atmosphere. Nothing seems to break the picturesque feel... although the lone figure sitting on a bench near the playground causes a few unsure glances. Freeman is wearing a massive, ensconcing tan trenchcoat. His dyed hair askance, covering all but his chin. Within his lap is a brown bag, and he regularly pulls out popcorn to fling in a listless arc before him. Pigeons and ducks are waddling around, pecking at the veritable feast presented to them by the murderer. Children laugh and play while parents watch, locked in inconsequential dialogue. All unaware of the raw predator who lurks amongst them, motives as unknowable as stone...

He knew he would arrive eventually. Johann knew the moment the news broke out of things happening in Sunshine City that he would show. Freeman isn't too easy of a man to track most of the time, but the moment he entered Sunshine the job of finding him was much easier. He truely doesn't know the killer's motives or what makes him tick, but there are some pests that are starting to annoy the Black Dragon's wielder. If Freeman was going to be in this town it would at least be nice to have him take care of those little pests. It saves the Italian quite some time and manpower.

Freeman may have even realized he has been watched at times. No one ever approaching and keeping their distance. Just a few sights of a body ducking in alleys or the like. To lose a gang member or a few to him is one thing, but Johann has told his more coveted agents to be more careful.

It seems Freeman finally does have someone approach him. The man looking on the lanky side wearing beat up jeans and a t-shirt. He looks nervous. REAL nervous to be exact. Licking his lips he takes a moment before speaking. "I err. Someone is a big fan of yours and wishes to talk to you. Something about Thailand." he quickly thumbs over towards the direction of the parking lot that isn't too far off. A few cars are there, but it seems he is pointing to a Lexus with tinted windows to where the occupant can't be seen. With his message delivered the hoodlum decides not to linger as he rushes off. Looks like he values his life quite a bit.

The crimson haired figure does not react at all to the statement at first. His interest appears to be on the birds munching on the popcorn, coerced ever closer to the relaxed, lithe form of Freeman. The point doesn't seem to be useful, because the serial killer doesn't so much as move or even acknowledge his presence. If his job is to give a message, then the first attempt has clearly failed. The murderer is keenly focused on whatever unknown game he is playing...

He seems to be left alone for quite some time. The hoodlum himself never comes back. With his job done he probably made sure to be as far away from the park as possible otherwise. Eventually the car does come to life and even pulls away. As it is doing so a figure steps over to stand behind the bench and watch. "Ahh, I guess he got impatient. I guess he never heard good things come to those who wait." The voice itself belongs to a tall man with red hair and a goatee. "Enjoying our fine city?"

If he knows who the killer is he certainly seems to not care about the danger he might be putting himself in. He seems very calm as he just stands there and lets his own gaze travel over the park. Unlike most days when found wearing a business suit he is dressed in a casual manner. One that doesn't seem very comfortable given the weather. A black turtleneck and some jeans. Hands covered in gloves as well. A pair of shades covers up his eyes as he finally glances down towards the killer. "I was unsure if you or mister Bernstein's little friend would show up. Was more hoping it would be you."

There is a faint bit of smile and he moves around the bench to have a seat there as well. he clasps his hands behind his head and lets out a soft sigh. "I hope you are looking to have some fun while here. I am sure I know some people that can provide that for you."

There's still a complete lack of reaction from Freeman when the new figure arrives. He is not a normal person. Curiosity does not seem evident. A mundane encounter, one that might be expected, is not in the cards. Much how Johann is not threatened by the presence of the murderer, Freeman seems similarly unconcerned that someone has tracked him down. His hand dips back into the paper back, and another swish of popcorn blankets the grass. One of the pigeons hops close. Very close. Slowly the lithe form leans forward. One hand flexes lightly. He begins to reach. Closer. Closer. At the last moment the pigeon becomes absurdly alarmed, squawking loudly and then flapping away in a spread of feathers.
"Fun." Freeman suddenly states, leaning back. One kernel of popcorn is pulled out and slowly pushed into his mouth to chew. "I do not understand what you mean." There is no sense of sarcasm or lying.

Where the first person was scared and ready to get out and the second just seemed impatient. It would seem Johann himself could care less about having to wait for any sort of response. Afterall it is all about learning about possible allies, enemies and especially important when dealing with someone like Freeman. He is a wild card. Just as dangerous to anyone that he comes across. "Hmm. Well perhaps not fun I should say then." Comes his response. He unclasps his hands and lightly taps at his chin with a hand while glancing upwards.

He should have done a bit more research perhaps. All that he could gather from the past just really showed Freeman hard to pin down because he never seemed to have any clear motive. Perhaps he should have asked Adon about his encounter with the man to see if he could have gotten a better feel about the situation. This one may be tricky, but that can sometimes make things more fun.

"Do you know much about Aoi Himezaki? Quite a troublesome girl. Caused us alot of problems around town." he says then he chuckles. "I am sure you don't care about that, but you do seem to have a nice talent. One I am sure she would be rather impressed by." He seems to mull things over a bit more. He just has to figure out the right way to get the man's attention. The movements don't even seem to make Johann think that he has gotten an real reaction. No twitches or any hesitation. "Are you here for anything specific?"

Freeman continues to eat popcorn, one piece at a time. Staring at the birds now. They finish the meal he gave them, and look expectantly to the solemn figure beside Johann. A few begin to fly away, to begin searching for others who might feed them further. Others hop a bit closer, hoping that he will change his mind. "Talent." Freeman repeats. "Fun. Two peculiar terms you use to describe me. Do you think what I do is truly my own devices?" Slowly he turns to look at Johann. And the door of his chi opens. It might surprise the Dragon holder in the sheer extent of it. There is a peculiar quality to it. The energy is very strong; in quality and potentcy, no less then what he himself holds, by any measure. And more mysteriously, it doesn't seem to be completely emanating from the man himself. As if he is closer to a conduit... "...hmm? It seems... you might have a monster inside you, also...?" For the first time, a modicum of interest.

Ahh, so the man already seems to have perhaps something else that drives him. Something that may more control him than he controls it. Something much the opposite of the beast that Johann keeps within himself. There isn't a flinch, but the eyes covered by those glasses quickly dart to look at the energy that is released. Now he truely is curious to know more about this man. Many probably just see this man a freak and a killer, but not Johann. It is just a mystery that he oh so much likes to solve.

"Oh, me? Well I suppose that is a good way to put it." That smile returns to his face as he tilts his head. "So similar and so different. I would say that is a good way to describe us. I always wondered if I would meet you, but ahh. You went away for some time." So many years since his last appearance was reported. Who knows what he has done in that time. It is just another thing that adds to Johann's urge to find out more. If Freeman considers himself truely controlled by something else this might be a bit harder for him to try and control the killer himself.

"So not your own devices. Even so I am impressed. Now I am glad to have actually met you. So what has brought you to this city if it is not your own devices?"

"I did not precisely say that. I simply asked what you believed." Freeman offers, with no sense of being uncomfortable or adverse to discussing things. Johann is right about one thing. Few dare to try to understand Freeman, beyond knowing he is an undeniable monster wearing a human's skin. All who meet him describe his supernatural, otherworldly quality, which the Dragon is likely beginning to sense himself. "I embraced something far beyond myself. Something that consumed me. But I did this with full awareness and full knowledge. I do not follow a being. I do not even follow an ideal. Only..." Freeman's eyes lid, and a twitching smile spreads across his face. "A delicious... insatiable... impulse." He finally resumes feeding the birds with handfuls of popcorn. They return to it with abandon. "I am not interested in money. I am not interested in being understood. I have no message to spread. I am simply a creature of instinct... bared to the bone...!!"

There is a slow nod as he gets a response as well as an explanation. Amazing what one can get when he doesn't outright look to attack what he does not understand. Of course he could be putting himself in danger, but he knows he is more than capable of handling things if they went sour. The downside would be doing so with a crowd around. Or doing where he can be seen. He would have to just fall back on his training instead of the power of the dragon itself. "Hmm, more similar than I thought."

It is nothing like the power he had. Sure it was immense, but Johann can sense the powers that belong to a dragon. Not to mention as far as he knows all of them have found a proper home these days. No, what seems to be in this man is another ancient thing that was locked away with those that did it hoping it would never be found. Thank goodness for men like Freeman and Johann. Otherwise things such as the dragon and the killer's own power would be put to waste. "The only thing I really think of you right now is that you are interesting. Even more so now that I got to hear you. To feel that power to an extent."

In the end there is a downside to this all. Johann has started to realize trying to control Freeman is not possible. A man like this isn't even one that is easy to point in a direction. He could name drop all he wants, but it is more the impulse of Freeman actually wanting to do anything with it. If anything he can at least sit back and enjoy the chaos that the man will cause. Even if he isn't doing anything directly for Johann he has a feeling Freeman will distract people enough to allow Abobo to do what needs to be done during the upcoming tournament.

"You have not felt it at all..." Freeman whispers, his attention focusing back on Johann. Like the sharpened edge of a blade. Yes. Johann is well beyond the means of Freeman in battle. That much he would know. But the reason for this is the limitations of the lithe figure, not the power itself. He has limits. The darkness within those eyes has none. "I could give you a glimpse... if you wanted..." Slowly, a hand begins to extend towards Johann's face. The area becomes suffused with the suffocating power that exists within. Those fingers begin to slowly be covered with an invisible layer of chi. Swirling and coalescing, sharper then the finest honed knife. The birds all erupt into the air in tandem, the loud and panicked noise drawing the attention of the children who turn to stare, pausing their play. Parents stop murmuring, noticing the change in tension. There is no haste in the approach of those fingers. The question is what Johann will do...

Things could turn ugly quickly. People are watching and while Freeman can go about showing his power without worry Johann cannot show his own in response. It was something he had bet on happening and at the moment he seems to tense midly, but his gaze does not shift away from that hand that reaches for him. Those in the crowd might have even started to notice that one of the more beloved men in Sunshine City is perhaps in trouble. Why isn't he running? Why isn't he doing anything? All probably questions that are running through those people's minds.

One of his own hands reaches up. More to gently take Freeman's hand by the wrist and he manages another smile. "Ahh, but I cannot show you mine at the moment. It seems like it would only be fair." he comments and if that hand continues forward to grasp for the face then the grip of his own hand would tighten. For now he does well at staying calm in the face of danger. "I personally hope you show this power to many more people, but ahh. That of course is your own decision."

Nothing violent takes place here. The wrist is grasped, and although it tries to continue, it is not with any blatant force. Eventually it ceases, and he tries to pull it back. "You wish for people to die." Freeman states this, simply and succintly. He is not a stupid or dense person. More then anything, that is the most fatal mistake that a person can make when dealing with the man. It is because he is a genius and prodigy of such a degree that he was able to assume this half-life. "The question is whether they would fulfill my impulse. Nothing more. Sometimes I wish only to bask in death. In those cases, I do not want resistance. Other times... I want to force them, kicking and screaming, to stare at the face of death. Yet in those cases... I do not usually wish them to die." Another toss of popcorn to the now empty grass. The birds do not return. Children resume playing, and although the attention on Johann from the adults remains, it is more curious and lightly suspicious then anything. Although it is no wonder why he wanted to drive Freeman somewhere private first. "If it is a base assassin you want... then I am likely of no interest to you..."

Shakes his head. "Well kill is one thing you could do. Not always needed." he comments and he does let go of the hand so Freeman can pull it away. "If it facilitates an urge you have at the time by all means." He starts to get up now. It seems he is not willing to press things too much. Freeman is still calm for now, but he is also unpredictable. Violence could erupt at any time and right now there is too much going on. Johann does not need to let himself get caught up in a fight here with so many people watching. Already he is having to make sure some sort of story or such is brought up that he had been talking with a known murderer if any of the adults realize just who Freeman is.

"There will be several interesting people. Some may satisfy your impulses while others will probably do nothing. I obviously can't tell who might satisfy you. I am sure you are a better judge than I." In the end having Freeman around should prove useful. Be it he might just happen to distract anyone who gets too nosey about things as the tournament goes down or perhaps a would be hero stops him which would only make Johann look better because he would have been the reason said fighter was in town more than likely. "Do have a good stay in thsi town. I'll keep in touch." With that he turns and steps off, letting the killer go back to his feeding of the birds. It didn't turn out like he had hoped, but at the same time his interest is satiated for at least a short time.

"...give me a list of names." Freeman offers suddenly, when Johann begins to leave. The popcorn is beginning to pile up, and the peculiarity of the motions are standing out. He's only feeding the open air at the moment, and the spook of his chi still hangs in the air like the scent of a hungry predator. "I will see if they interest me... and if they do... you can remember the favor." As close to a mercenary agreement as is likely possible. After all, he knows fully well the usefulness of someone like Johann. If he can fulfill his needs while helping him out, that can only be mutually beneficial in the long run, hmm?

The request for names causes Johann to pause. He looks around casually to make sure no one is really close enough to listen. He doubts there would be given Freeman has already caused many of the adults to start gathering their children to move onwards or already finding someplace else to be if they didn't have any kids to herd. "Hmm, names. Just a few. Perhaps if later I will contact you." he replies and steps back over for a brief moment and slips his hands into his pant pockets.

"For now they seem to be fancying themselves detectives. One is harmless and easily dealt with. The other, well I already mentioned her name. Aoi Himezaki is the one you might find interesting. If that man, Daniel Jack, is with her I can't say if he would interest you are not." He had hoped those two would just keep one another distracted. He didn't expect to hear reports that they are working together. He hasn't seen either in town just yet, but it certainly doesn't hurt to have Freeman keeping an eye out for that pair as well. "I am sure there will be far more once people start to arrive. Ahh, and if you excuse me. I best get back to work." So much more to do now. Actual preparations and pretending to be the savior of Sunshine as well as more important tasks. When he turns to leave this time he doesn't turn back. A car is already pulling in for him to get into before taking off.

A pause then. "Daniel Jack." Freeman apparently knows that name, and suddenly he begins to laugh. Deep and heavy, with sinister connotations. "Brilliant. Brilliant!!" Whatever unknown humor was just tickled, it is not expanded upon. The trenchcoated man pushes to his feet without a word, and begins striding with purpose in another direction. It seems that itch has begun once more. Hopefully, Johann will not regret this beast's handprints in the near future...

Log created on 18:40:47 06/01/2012 by Johann, and last modified on 20:40:06 06/01/2012.