Cammy - Issues

Description: Cammy drops in on Chiyoko to see how the training went! The training went well, it seems. Unfortunately the dropping in does not.

Chiyoko is outside of Southtown, apparently in a wooded area as she seems to be concentrating fairly hard, her fists surrounded in glowing almost hologram like plates of psychic power in the shape of doll's gloves. She then starts punching one of the trees, trying to maintain concentration in the middle of using them before she steps back and charges in with a final punch as the psychic gauntlet slips off her hand and impacts into the tree with quite a bit of force before Chiyoko says, "Aw..." and seems to recreate another glove over the hand it flew off of as she starts punching again.

Cammy is done in Metro City, mostly anyway, so is back to travelling the world for business and pleasure, as she does between missions. Right now she's curious how Chiyoko is doing, given she heard on the grapevine that she's had at least one session with Zach finally now.
So she suddenly arrives, falling down from the sky, braids trailing out behind her, to appear next to Chiyoko, kicking up a few leaves as she lands. Presumably she jumped out of one of the many trees around here, like some sort of ninja. "Hello!" she says brightly. "Practicing?" she asks, watching with some interest.

Chiyoko spins around and nearly backhands Cammy before she stops her arm and says, "Oh!.. It's you. You scared me for a moment, I was really focused for a little bit." before the gauntlets fade with a bit of a flash, "Yeah... I met with Zach, he taught me how to make the gauntlets. I've realized that I don't have to worry about what these powers might make me think, I decide what to do in the end no matter what type of power I wield! I think they said something about psycho and soul but I didn't really understand some of it."

"Illusionary gauntlets? Huh." Cammy says, blinking, but apparently unfazed by the near backhand. She had Zach pointing a sword in her face as well, perhaps being 'on edge', to excuse the pun, is part of what he teaches. "I don't think I've ever seen anything like that before. I'm sure that has some interesting applications...".

She nods at the decision thing. "I think thats the same for everybody in the end. You hear people talking about their conscience, or their urges, you don't have to act on them though. Thats what self discipline is all about. The army teaches that too!".

"No, they're real!" Chiyoko says as she holds up her hand before a telekinetic blade appears on the edge as she waves her hand at the tree, the blade flying into it with a, "Thunk!" before it dissipates and a cut in the tree can be seen apparently giving solid evidence for the solid nature of the constructs. She then pauses before saying, "I've heard about the military before, a little bit. You fight to keep people from harming the country you work for, but what have you done before?"

"Ohhhhh.... hadoukens." Cammy says, now amused again. "I didn't realise thats what you were doing.". She waves a hand. "Never could work out how those things worked. But I think we've had that conversation already!".
And she nods about the military, reaching up self consciously to tug the beret off of her head, and look at it in her hands. "Thats pretty much what the military does.". And go attack people too in theory, but nice countries don't do that. Often. "What do you mean, what have I done before?".

"Well, you have to fight some people... You have to defend some people... What are some times you've had to do that? What people did you have to protect or fight? Why did you join the military anyway?" Chiyoko says, apparently blitzing Cammy with questions in a manner that seems interested but on the whole a bit tactless.

"Uh...". Cammy takes a step back as the barrage of questions come in, some of which are hard to answer. "Umm, well, I was involved in Metro City most recently, as there was supposedly some international drugs trade at work there selling a particularly dangerous drug.". She tilts her head, thinking. "Before that I was in Thailand dealing with UN corruption, and got a little sidetracked by Adon's little slave camp. And before that, I was in the Shadaloo War.".

She shrugs. "I got injured in the war, hit on the head. So I don't actually remember anything prior to that, though I've been in the army for quite a while. And as for why I signed up, ummm.". She thinks that over for a while. "Well, I don't remember really." she admits, frowning. "It was a long time ago now. But I got a lot of friends there.".

"Oh, well it's good to hear you have friends!" Chiyoko says before she pauses then says, "Are you sure that you can't use energy like the other people I've seen? Maybe you could try. There's different types, you might be able to use -something-."

"I've tried a little bit, nothing." Cammy replies, but with a shrug of shoulders which implies she's not really too bothered. "I've not noticed it being much of a problem though, really!" she admits, with a slight grin. "So I'm not too bothered. I don't think any Delta Red fighters really use chi - or psi - we just use weapons sometimes. Like Lita has a huge sword she fights with sometimes.".

"I don't mind. It just lets me concentrate on other things. Like my grappling, I think I'm one of the best at that.".

"A huge sword?.. I didn't really know people used swords anymore." Chiyoko says, "And I think I'm OK at grappling, but there's no way I'm as good as you are at things." she then pauses before she says, "Maybe I could try to show you what psi is like?" before she holds one of Cammy's hands and concentrates, attempting to communicate what she's been through. Images of various experiments can be seen, going through training in a Shadaloo base with images of Cammy as Killer Bee in a training video standing out especially strongly. Images of discipline, harsh at times can be seen as well though her surrogate father is there surrounded by a feeling of warmth as he helps her up after experimentation. Strangely, multiple other clones can be seen sleeping in the cluster of tanks where she lay though not much emotional attachment can be felt to them. Eventually, images of the hurried escape can be seen where Dr. Hayashi first called out to Chiyoko as her father as they left. Throughout it all, a feeling of drive and an ability to reach out to as well as connect with the world can be seen but not without a dark shadow in the far reaches of the power driving her to be insensitive to others' feelings, slowly starting to let up recently.

Cammy gets about as far as Cammy as Killer Bee before she's yanking her hand out of Chiyoko's grasp, and looking rather shaken. "What? /Don't/ do that..." she mutters, her headache suddenly back, her mood destroyed.

And she was actually in a good mood, too; but now she's staggering over to a nearby tree, to steady herself. And is no longer very amiable at all, it seems, as she scowls at Chiyoko. "/Really/ don't do that! Thats not the sort of help I need!".

Chiyoko appears sad as she says, "I-I'm sorry, I didn't mean to... I just wanted you to... I'm sorry, I won't do that again I promise!"

Cammy pulls herself together after a few moments. "Okay, good." she mutters. But now she's upset, clearly; and Cammy hates /everything/ when she's upset!

"OK I'm done. I'm going home. I want cheesecake." she gets out. Shooting a particularly sour look at Chiyoko, she makes her pained way back over towards the path, feeling the misery welling up inside her. She suspected that without something to keep her occupied, another mission, she'd have a few 'episodes' but she wasn't expecting horrible psi-visions to provoke them; not all she wants to do is to get out of here and secrete herself in some hotel room until she feels better.

Preferably with comfort food, and maybe a stray cat to pamper.

"I... I didn't mean to do anything!" Chiyoko says as she takes a few steps towards Cammy saying, "What did I do wrong?... Is it because I'm a freak?" she says before she appears somewhat depressed and says, "I'm going back to the hotel... Sorry." and sulks away.

If Cammy was in a better mood she'd reassure Chiyoko.

But she's not. She's miserable. Her head hurts. She's stuffing unwanted visions back into the amnesiac corner of her brain. She doesn't really like being like this; who does? and a part of her knows it's best to just stay out of the way, preferably with treats, until she recovers. So she just waves Chiyoko off wordlessly, and jogs out of sight, seeking escape.

While apology is far from her mind at the moment, tomorrow morning, she will no doubt feel somewhat apologetic.

Log created on 18:26:06 05/26/2012 by Cammy, and last modified on 20:26:31 05/26/2012.