Neo League 976 - #976: Terry vs Takako

Description: Takako, a brash, spirited young newcomer to the fight scene, issues a bold declaration of challenge to Terry Bogard. Curious, he accepts. (Winner: Terry)

Takako had set off on her journey intending to pit herself in life or death situations. She had done this in North Korea, evading soldiers and even getting into the odd fight. But it wasn't until Billy Kane hunted her down and beat six shades of hell into her, that she had truly felt... pushed. It was unlike any fight she had ever experienced. To be so completely outclassed... it was, exhilarating.

And so, she had obtained some ink and parchment, and she had carefully written out a letter of challenge to one of the finest fighters in the world. Terry Bogard is a legend, and she has long dreamed of testing her strength against his. It is surprising just how good Takako's writing actually is, but calligraphy is one of her hobbies. Just like she demands perfect in her training and her fighting, she demands it off herself there, too. Her handwriting is perfect. Her english? Not... so much.

Mr. Bogard.

I am issuing the challenge for the fighting. Fujiwa Takako is my name, I am ranked second in the league. You are ranked last with zero points. A coward is you? No. Then the fighting shall take place in Korea. There is a lake. I will wait by it.


Fujiwa Takako.

The letter had been delivered by League personnel, who provided helpful things like the actual location of Lake Moi, where Takako is indeed waiting. With a camera team, sat at the shore with her bokken across her knees and her eyes closed. Will he come? Will she simply wait here for a few weeks? Only time will tell.

To be quite perfectly honest... he forgot he'd agreed to join this 'Neo League' of Ken's. It was something of an offhand thing--some official asking if he'd enjoy fighting in the thing, and Terry giving a customary shrug and a 'yeah, maybe' that was taken as a 'sign me up'. He hadn't thought about it in a while--since the War, or before--and his 'membership' just kept rolling... He's actually in China when the letter finds its way to him. Letters don't usually come his way--being largely itinerant has kept his address from being a constant thing. But the League has its ways.

In this case, it's a young boy, maybe twelve years of age, who brings the letter. The Hungry Wolf absently gives the kid a few bills--a little extra payment--then reads the letter over. Well, hell. Korea's a quick hop away, innit? Relatively speaking. Why not?

And so, here he is. Out of respect for the wilderness, he's left the bike behind, about a mile--an easy distance for a man of his traveling experience--and has walked it, sneakered feet crunching along, his steps easy. Korea. He'd expect a challenge from Kim Kaphwan, or maybe his sons--one or both--but this name's a new one to him. Heh...

... He can feel a little of that excitement starting to pop up. Of course, since this isn't a name he knows, he doesn't know what to expect--but, on the other hand, if he -did- know the name they'd be a big name already. So, this is a wild-card thing. And that's...

... interesting. He comes up to the side of the lake and looks around. "Well," he says, mostly to himself, "Looks like a nice place for a fight..."

Takako rises smoothly, and her wooden sword is swung up into her hand. The girl is very far indeed from being a household name. She is excited, too, though. Billy had taken her to pieces, yes... but she had already taken lessons from that fight. It isn't about the threat of dying; it is about not allowing the possibility of *failure* to color your actions. That is the heart of the school. Therefore, she must embrace that lesson wholeheartedly and fight, fight as though she can win! Because if she does otherwise, she has already lost!

"It is an honor to meet you in the flesh." The young Japanese girl says, as she turns to face Terry directly. Of course, age doesn't mean much in this world.

She has no wish to catch Terry by surprise, though. At least, not in an unfair way; she is not willing to win at any cost. She is going to win this fairly! She squares up, takes her stance, raises her weapon, and waits for the cameras to begin rolling. "Last time I was pitched into three feet of mud. Water seems more agreeable."



And with the pre-fight banter over, and the cameras rolling, Takako wastes no time at all. Lunging forwards, the tip of the wooden blade comes stabbing in for Terry's chest... only to veer suddenly upwards, aiming to smack into Terry's forehead, and then swiftly upwards at the peak of the iconic cap, with a cry of--


For all her many faults, Takako is *spirited*. ... And very loud.

COMBATSYS: Takako has started a fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Takako           0/-------/-------|

COMBATSYS: Terry has wandered into the fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Terry            0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0           Takako

COMBATSYS: Terry blocks Takako's Determined Breeze.

[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////////// ]
Terry            0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0           Takako

Hell, why not try and take him by surprise? Eh, it's fine. Terry appreciates it, anyways. Ambushes are things he's had to deal with before. So. A bokken-user... kenjutsu? He's dealt with the style before--and he's just as glad that she's not using a live steel blade. Cuts are a pain in the ass. It is only a few moments after Takako rises that he sees the cameras... right. League. He drops his duffel bag where he stands, the soft-sided, canvas cylinder sagging to the right, and takes another five steps away from it, to keep it from getting in the way. "Thank you," he says, at his politest.

"Yours isn't a name I recognize, but I'm usually all too happy to entertain a fighter, no matter their skill." He smiles, thinking back on his own history.

"After all, if you don't challenge yourself, you'll never grow--as a person or a fighter." It seems Takako already recognizes that, and the fact that she shows no fear at facing 'the Legendary Wolf' is something to commend, later. Her pause gives him plenty of time to tighten his gloves and drop into his fighting stance--this time, left arm up, right at the waist, body turned nearly side-on, at least to start. The tension in the air builds as the preparations finish; and then, Takako lunges.

Fading back just a half-step, Terry intercepts the strike with his left hand--literally catching the bokken in his palm and directing it further upwards, to avoid taking the strike to his forehead at all. "Good spirit," he comments, with a smile, stepping forward, closing into range of the bokken but out of his arm reach--and then he stops, turns, and fires a swift, thrusting side-kick, using -his- longest weapon--his legs--to their advantage.

COMBATSYS: Takako blocks Terry's Medium Kick.

[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////////   ]
Terry            0/-------/-------|==-----\-------\0           Takako

Takako hadn't expected a clean hit right away. This isn't really about fighting Terry, to her. It is about fighting herself; doing better than she has ever done before. She'll need to be on the very top of her fighting ability to stand a chance. But she isn't backing down. If anything, the ease with which Terry catches and turns her blow aside makes the smile on her face even wider. Even somewhat cheeky. Billy had complimented her spirit as well. It is time to demonstrate what that spirit can do!

"You, as well."

And as Terry brings his foot up, her mock blade comes down. The kick hammers into the wood with enough force to bruise her calloused palms, and her teeth clench together. Sandal-clad feet skid back across the grass for a moment, before she finds her forwards momentum again, and lunges her shoulder forwards.

At the last moment, she twists, and her leg sweeps low. The shoulder was a feint! And now she really does put everything she has into the rise from it, coming up fast and bringing the bokken with her. It is only a practice sword, but it is still quite a painful thing to be hit by! And Takako's aim is to do just that, smacking it directly at Terry's chest. There's real focus and determination in her eyes, and that same note of determination in her voice.


COMBATSYS: Terry blocks Takako's Killing Flurry EX.

[  \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////////   ]
Terry            0/-------/------=|==-----\-------\0           Takako

He doesn't fall for the feint--or, rather, he does, but by fading back again, giving up a few steps of ground, he's able to avoid the sweep, and that seeking weapon finds only his forearm, muscles corded and tensed to take the blow with a minimum of damage. Yes, very good spirit. Good enough that Terry feels comfortable unleashing himself, just a little--he hops back, giving just a touch of room to Takako, and to himself, and he draws his right fist back. If Takako has studied him at all, she will recognize the move for what it is, even if he weren't about to announce it--would recognize the build-up of chi, flaring golden-white around his right hand as he drives himself forward with sudden speed, strong thigh and calf muscles propelling him horizontally along the ground.

She'll certainly recognize the focusing shout, his voice tinged with a touch of the unreal as the energy leaks into it, giving just the slightest hint of echo as his voice calls out, strong and forceful, but somehow still calm and centered. "BURN KNUCKLE!!" Is he going all-out? Well... yes. Even if he recognizes her, instantly, as a fighter not of the same caliber, she challenged him and he accepted; were he in the same position... and he has been, in years past... he wouldn't want -his- opponent to go easy on him. It's an insult.

As if he were to say, 'nice try kid, now go learn to fight'. He's not about to do that to this up-and-coming fighter. Not with her seriousness and her drive.

COMBATSYS: Takako endures Terry's Burn Knuckle.
> Determined Hit! <

[   \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////           ]
Terry            0/-------/----===|=======\==-----\1           Takako

To not give your all against your opponent does not just dishonor them; it dishonors yourself. That is what Takako truly believes. She did not ask Terry to fight because she wanted things to go easy. She asked him to fight because she wants to see what the Legendary Wolf can do! She sees the glowing energy - though she does not have enough experience with chi to recognize the buildup before it becomes visible. She knows what is coming, and, where other, more cautious fighters might shrink back - as Terry had done in the face of her onslaughts... that is not Takako's way. That is not the way of Fujiwa style kendo.

Instead, Takako steps forwards, and opens herself to the strike. She fully intends to stand firm against it, and give back as well as she gets.

Instead, the girl finds herself being forcibly lifted from her feet. To her credit, there isn't so much a gasp of surprise or pain, as there is a growl of frustration. In the few seconds before she touches back down to earth, Takako is already twisting.

And when she *does* hit the ground, she hits it like a rubber ball. Springing back into the fray, Takako's sword swings with her. There's surprising speed there, driven by her determination not to allow any less than the best in herself. The wooden sword is practically singing in her hand, swinging up and around in a wide, sweeping arc. Fully intending to smash Terry up into the air...

COMBATSYS: Terry blocks Takako's Fujin's Echo.

[    \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////           ]
Terry            0/-------/---====|==-----\-------\0           Takako

Sheer cussedness is a trait that Terry has in spades. So maybe he sees a little of himself--who he was when he was coming up from the bottom rung--in Takako. Maybe that's why he hasn't danced around, but he's taken her attacks head-on. The adaptability to take that hit and return from it, the determination in her eyes, her posture, the way she swings her bokken... it's all familiar to him, in many ways. Terry never cared who was challenging him--hardly ever -why-. The fight was all, and it was only after he'd really started to gain skills that he questioned why he was fighting. Of course, he knew that answer already. Eventually he learned to love the fight, not just seek it out.

That sweeping attack, Terry steps into it--punches downward, with his right hand, meeting blade with knuckle. It's flashy--dangerous, as a hardwood bokken can utterly destroy bones and flesh, despite not being made of metal--but Terry won't give anything less than his best to the fighter before him. The impact jars his hand and up through his arm, but, as he pulls back, he flexes the fingers--no permanent harm done. Score one for leather.

She's shown him a shoulder-based technique or two--and so he deigns to do the same. It starts with a lunging shoulder block, to be sure--utilizing his right shoulder--and transitions, from there, to a strong, left hook aimed for the body, and finally, a right hook--not quick in succession, but a flowing series of attacks that could prove absolutely devastating.

COMBATSYS: Terry successfully hits Takako with Power Charge.
>> Decisive Hit!! <<

[     \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////                   ]
Terry            0/-------/---====|=======\==-----\1           Takako

If there is one thing that Takako has no shortage of, it is determination. She is frustrated that Terry turns aside her attack... but it is hardly unexpected. He is, after all, the Legendary Wolf. Billy had underestimated her, and that had let her get a couple of impressive hits in. Terry is treating her just like any other opponent, and the difference between the pair is like a yawning chasm.

When faced with a challenge like that, Takako is only too happy to throw herself into it.

The shoulder barge hits true, and the young Kendo artist is still standing when the left hook crashes into her, and the right knocks her to the floor. That obviously hit her hard. Her head is rattling. There'd be no shame in choosing to stay down now. Except... there would be, to her. Because she knows she can get up. She WILL get up.

Terry, in stark contrast to Takako, almost certainly can tell that her aura is flaring as she rises. The wind around the lake picks up, whipping a fine spray, and Takako focuses it well. Sheer force of will has it burning across the edge of her blade. It is a basic rule of chi manipulation that one works with the world; but Takako stands in stark defiance of that. Her frustration, her anger, her determination *force* the energy to do what she wants. Brute willpower forces her body to exceed its limitations.

In many ways, this is similar to what she felt in the final moments against Billy Kane. She is going to give it her all. This time, she will not allow herself to fail!

In a blinding flash, Takako unleashes it all. Rushing towards Billy with a roar on her lips, the wind follows her, and, at the last moment, she brings the blade across, moving with such startling speed that she seems one moment to be in front of him, and the next, behind him.

At which point, she coughs, and a little blood trickles from the corner of her mouth. She even wobbles! But, this time, hit or miss, Takako... does NOT fall down!

"... not finished yet!"

COMBATSYS: Takako successfully hits Terry with Raijin's Strike.
- Power hit! -

[          \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////                     ]
Terry            0/-------/=======|-------\-------\0           Takako

The strike rings true; Terry -feels- the impact, hard. If he was letting her hit, he'd never tell--but he wasn't. Even the most untrained of folks can sometimes get a lucky hit--but this wasn't 'just a lucky hit'. Terry chose poorly, and, fair and square, he paid the price--the hit rocks him to one knee, but as he rises.. he's smiling. Reaching up, he wipes a little bit of blood from the corner of his mouth. But he doesn't offer any more platitudes. No more congratulations, no more 'ya done good, kid'. She's past the point where that kind of thing wouldn't be insulting. No.. he'll congratulate her a different way. One she might not appreciate at first. Yes, he felt the upwelling of energy from her... this time, the surge of chi from him is far more visible, far less subtle.

An aura flares around him, not a slow build, but a flash of power, rippling up around him for a brief moment, and then he nods, tipping his hat to the Japanese girl.

It's just about time to end the fight, and so, Terry doesn't hesitate, doesn't hold back. No histrionics--he plays to the crowd, when he's not fighting for his life, but he finds it... not palatable, today. She's taken this fight so seriously, he can't help but do the same. Instead... he just unleashes a fierce kiai... and drops to his left knee. It's just about then that he punches the ground--and unleashes hell upon Takako. The peaceful lakeside might never be the same again, as a literal geyser of his chi--orange-yellow-white--blasts up at her, not once... not twice... but three times, each gout of pure power angled forward, each ejecting a spray of rock and dirt and grass as it leaves a crater in the ground.

She might, in some abstract, 'you'll never understand unless you're a fighter' way, even appreciate the gesture.

COMBATSYS: Terry successfully hits Takako with Triple Geyser.
- Power hit! -
>> Decisive Hit!! <<

[          \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >                                ]
Terry            0/-------/-------|>>>>>>>\>>>>>>>\2           Takako

Takako turns. Some instinct in her tells her that Terry is attacking her... but she's not quite certain what it is, until it is on her. The bright chi, flashing all those brilliant colors, is on her almost the same instant that she turns to meet it. Terry had chosen poorly in reacting to her attack, and Takako... she does the same now. Choosing to test the energy, she leans into it... and /shouts/.

The trio of energy blasts rocks her, and the next thing she knows, she is in the air. Oddly weightless, the girl's weapon has slipped from her grip. The cameramen below, more to the point, are panicking, as after the dust and debris has settled, there is no sign of the girl! Did Terry just wipe her from the face of the earth?!

Of course not. There's a splash, as the girl's weapon finds the lakeshore... but Takako herself, is not quite so lucky. She hits the ground with a heavy thud, bounces, and lands face-first in the smouldering crater left by Terry's attack. For a moment, she braces her palm against the ground, groaning and trying to haul herself back up...

"I'm... okay!!"

And then she relaxes, and the fight goes out of her. Head hits the dirt, eyes close, and she lets herself lose consciousness. No doubt she'd fish her bokken out later. For now... she's earned, some rest.

COMBATSYS: Takako takes no action.

[          \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Terry            0/-------/-------|

COMBATSYS: Takako can no longer fight.

[          \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Terry            0/-------/-------|

COMBATSYS: Terry wanders on to find the next challenge.

Log created on 15:12:50 05/17/2012 by Terry, and last modified on 19:44:27 05/19/2012.