Hunter - Setting the Snare.

Description: In the wake of Cammy's visit to Sunshine City, Hunter has made it a point to locate the one man she believes she can trust in all of Japan. The pair discuss politics, the soaring crime rate in the City, and how one might stop a bloodied army of psychopaths establishing a hold in a city on the brink of the collapse. Plans are made, and Hunter decides that it is time to go on the hunt again, rather than letting herself become prey to forces she does not even understand.

Sunshine City has not really been living up to it's name as of late. Since the riots started by Zaki and Abobo the place has been in shambles as far as the outer parts of the city go. Just too much crime and not enough police force to control it all. Many businesses have had to shut down while hoping somehow all the gang violence and such will eventually settle back down to reasonable levels that people are used to.

Of course the inner parts of the city are still doing rather well. The police station itself is in the area and they are able to control the crime a bit better. People can still walk the streets without being mugged and no businesses are suffering here. In fact at one cafe this morning is getting good business in the form of one of the more influential members of the city. Johann is sitting back in his chair on the patio with a coffee resting on the table next to him. He is flipping throught he pages of Sunshine Times and idly humming to himself.

He has been a busy man that has been out of town on business for quite some time. Of course what business he was up to was never mentioned. He did mention it was important before leaving. It looks like he is trying to relax after his travels. The first time he has been back in a few weeks. With so much violence going on in the world right now many people are glad he managed to make it back okay.

Hunter has been trying to settle in to some kind of routine in Sunshine City. She's been trying to survive in the city, and whilst she is starting to see how it works... she is not enjoying it. There's too many people, too desperate to climb over each other and reach their own goals without care for who they hurt in the process. The gang war has in some ways been a welcome distraction from the other realities of big city living. Her own little niche on the rooftops of the city has been mostly undisturbed. The gangs have learned to leave her alone, and she hasn't made trouble for them, either.

But it isn't just the gangs that seem to be interested in Sunshine City. There are other forces, and after her meeting with Cammy... and her subsequent breakdown ... Hunter has come to realize that they, must be moving to their own dark purposes.

Whilst she doesn't quite know what to make of Johann, the man had seemed... trustworthy enough. So she has waited, prepared herself and what she's going to say, and now it is time to say it.

The serious young blonde woman slides herself into a chair opposite the businessman. Her features are quite stern set, but that is likely to be expected. There is a moment as she clears her throat, folds her hands onto the table, and then speaks. Two words, largley to see if there's any immediate reaction; any recognition.

"Delta red."

Johann is known to be a bit eccentric, but he does seem to care about the city. He seems to always be busy with helping out someone be it a business of his own or someone else that he has been struggling to make ends meet. It looks like he wants to see the city prosper and he has done what he can to try and quell the gang violence in his own ways. All that work would make one think he would look tired and worn down, but he remains looking vibrant and healthy. The man must be a machine to be able to put in all those hours and still look composed and well rested.

He looks up from his paper as he notices Hunter approach. He gives her a smile that turns more to a quizzical expression when she utters those two words. Oh he knows who they are and he even knows at least one has been skulking about for some reason. He has people keeping tabs on them as well just to make sure they don't stir up any actual trouble. He rather hates annoyances like that. "Ahh, what about them?" he finally asks.

He nods to a seat at his table as he sits up more properly in his chair and folds his paper neatly before setting them aside. "They are a special forces unit from Great Britain I do believe if that is what you are asking." He does look curious and even deep down perhaps he is abit. He knows of Hunter's run in due to his network of lookouts, but he isn't really sure of what happened during the actual exchange. Hopefully nothing that would ruin his little project.

Hunter reaches into one of her pockets, and produces a roll of paper, whichs he unravels. She's far from the best artist, but the sketch she has made is, serviceable, as a mugshot of Cammy. She rolls it out onto the table, and makes sure it is turned towards Johann. "I thought I was jumping at shadows." She says, going into a little more detail. She's not exactly been in the best state recently, and she had thought that she was going mad... but she's checked her memories against the reality. This seems to be an actual thing.

"But this woman was in the city. And she is with them."

Hunter sucks her teeth for a moment before she continues, "This woman is the Killer Bee. One of Shadaloo's top assassins. I made it my business to know who it was that I needed to watch for. To be ready for." She jabs her finger down. "She is the same person, Johann! I am sure of it! If she is really with Delta Red... then I do not think that Delta Red are just special forces. What would British special forces be doing in Japan, anyway?!"

There's certainly more energy in Hunter than when the pair last met. Her whole bearing is more animated, more enthused with the possibilities that this turn of events has created.

The Italian reaches for the picture and he looks it over. He knows of Cammy and her past, but he continues to look as if he had no clue this woman was in town. "Is she now? This is quite an interesting story." he replies as his gaze remains on the image given to him. Fingers lightly tap against the paper as he looks a bit thoughtful. "You do raise a good question. I do wonder why Delta Red would be in this city. Do you think she was on a mission?"

And if she is an assassin would Johann be a target? He is afterall a big name in town and maybe he did something to step on Shadaloo's toes in the past. He often travels without a bodyguard too which means there would be no witnesses if he were killed. "This is a bit troubling if what you say is true. I should let authorities know to keep an eye on her."

Or if she comes back that is. He is pretty sure she has left town since the exchange and if she hasn't then she is more skilled than he thought. It isn't easy to escape the notice of Johann for a prolonged time when in his city. even so he has many people keeping an eye out for anyone Delta Red. Cammy caused no trouble last time, but he still rather make sure the Delta Red don't try to play hero in his city unless he allows them to.

"She left town. I threw her out."

Hunter... is only slightly embellishing the truth. She had demanded that Cammy leave, and the woman had done so. That they hadn't actually traded blows didn't mean much to her; the fact was that Cammy had gone, and that was a good thing. Still. It is troubling to her for a variety of reasons, not just that Cammy had acted... so strangely.

"The authorities are too tied up trying to stop Sunshine City burning down." She says, leaning forwards a little. "Something has to be done to stop this. I think that Shadaloo are... looking for places to regroup. They have been hurt, but they aren't all dead. Which means they have to find somewhere to live."

She licks her lips, her nervousness clear as day. "I wanted to know if you had heard of any... suspicious things. New businesses, maybe, or people from out of town. I am not going to be driven from one home to have that cancer follow me here!"

After all... just because she had chased Cammy off, that didn't mean that there would be no others, or that Cammy would not come back. Hunter is completely out of her depth in this; tracking prey through the jungle, she could do. But the tracks that businessmen and their ilk leave behind them, is an entirely different sort of hunting to the norm.

Johann's expression takes a more serious turn as Hunter continues to speak. It looks as if he is starting to express the same concern that she does. "Hmm, and this city is a bit thinly stretched at the moment. It would be a perfect time for someone like them to try and weasel their way in. She could be an advanced scout." Oh he is fine with entertaining her fears. The fact he is perhaps even buying into what she says he can hope only improves her views on him.

He sets the picture down and stares off for a few moments considering things. He then hmms and he tilts his head. "You know. Perhaps there is a way to get help. An unconventional way at that. Getting new officers can only help the city so much, but what if I talked with people about getting help from fighters and such?" Oh it has been something in his head. For other reasons than what he is explaining now, but really when he thinks about it worries of nefarious types intruding in Sunshine along with a plead for help to quell the gang violence might help him with the plans he was wishing to set in motion.

He seems to perk up again as he gives a nod. "It could work. A charity event of some sort. A bit of a plead for help to restore this fine city. I am sure there are plenty that would be willing to offer assistance. They can help us raise money and well maybe the gangs would start to behave if they knew some dangerous people were around to put them in their place."

Hunter nods her head, glad that if nothing else, Johann is taking her fears seriously. She hadn't considered asking for help. The only people she really knew, aside from Johann, are the Ikari. Not, the sort of people she would want to see securing the streets. Dangerous, violent mercenaries. Even if they seem to care about her, for some reason, she isn't ready to trust the military. Fighters, though? Well... wasn't it fighters who had actually put an end to Vega's madness?

"It is worth a try." She says, at last. "And if the eyes of the world are focused here, then it is unlikely that Shadaloo will have the guts to try and stay. They will be licking their wounds, at least for a little while."

She sighs, softly. Closing her eyes for a moment. "I wish I could help with that sort of thing, but, I am not ... good with people. I have another idea, but... you do not need to know about that. If we are in agreement that this is a situation which must come to an end... that is enough for me."

Because there is a name which she has heard mentioned in connection with these gangs. And if that person is making the world a better place for Shadaloo, if she is endangering this new home (however much Hunter may dislike it...) then she must be stopped.

There is no real threat of Shadaloo coming here. Johann knows this all too well. He doubts Vega will be showing himself any time soon and honestly if he wanted to try something with Sunshine City he would be making a bigger mistake than he made when thinking he could take over the world. Of course this is a good way to keep Hunter focused and distracted from what is realing going on in this city. If she wants to believe Shadaloo is a threat then who is he to tell her differently?

"I will see about having a meeting with some of my friends. See what we can work out that might draw people to us and offer help." he says and he then raises a brow when she mentions another idea. Ahh, now what could that be? He might just have to have one of his more trusted people to try and keep an eye on Hunter to make sure she doesn't interfere with things in town too much. Sonia could use some work, but then again he has some plans for her. "Do what you must, but do be careful." he finally says and offers another warm smile.

So much to do and so little time. Well he does have some extra help on the way. That is if Amy manages to make here way here and find him. Then there is Adon. Then again that man is very distracted with other things these days. Of course he has known that the emporer had a very interesting visitor. Perhaps someone Johann should meet and have a nice little talk with. He starts to stand up as he reaches to take the newspaper he was reading to put it under an arm. "Is there anything else you are needing? If not I will start looking into sponsers and such and see how feasible this possible plan is."

Hunter may never believe that she is safe from Shadaloo. The damage has been done, and it haunts her still. The fact that the organization is broken and the Lord of Shadaloo forced far into the shadows - possibly even killed - means nothing at all. She had realized, after she had recovered from seeing Cammy, that she had overreacted. That she is not entirely in her right mind. But at the same time, she *knows* how dangerous those people are. Everything else seems small before it. The people of Sunshine City might be horrified by the gang violence going on all around them... but compared to what she saw in Thailand just a few short months ago, this is child's play.

If she has to be a little crazy to stop it from escalating, then that is an acceptable price.

The offer of help, though. For a moment, it occurs to her to ask him to help her find her family. He has contacts, friends, perhaps he could... for a moment, there's a flash of pain across her features. And then that thought is pushed away. It'd be stupid; Johann is a businessman, not an aid worker. The ghosts she sees when she closes her eyes are just ghosts. They are gone. She should, put it behind her. Move on.

"No. I am alright. I'll be out of town for a few days. I'll be in touch when I get back."

And as quick as she had settled down, she is standing up, pushing her chair back and walking away.

Log created on 10:39:40 05/17/2012 by Hunter, and last modified on 12:15:45 05/17/2012.