Bethany - Baby, Baby, Baby.

Description: Greece is an ancient land steeped in mystery and wonder. But nobody cares about that. Like, at all. Beth is here purely to see how much trouble she can stir up, and she picks for her target the teen Pop Idol, Jace Timmons. Jace turns out to be much more world-wise than she had anticipated, but she soon turns that around, and with Jace's curiosity thoroughly piqued, begins to try and sink her claws into Ken's media sensation student...

The moon still rises in Athens, shiny and clear, even if their coinage and their economic future isn't. People are out an about with tourism on the rise due to the influx from the Saturday Night Fights event. After a long trip on the private jet, where revenge is surely to be brought upon the ill-behaved Jace Timmons, most have opted to stay in and sleep the night away. Not Jace. He is touring the sights with a cadre of reporters tailing him, cameras flashing as he poses next to monuments and pens scribbling as he comments about one thing or another.

At this point in the tour, one can find him at the Parthenon walking quietly amongst the pillars. He stops to pose peeking around one of the pillars, feigning surprise at the host of photographers there, and ducking away quickly. He circles around the pillar and hops down the ledge, stopping to speak with what looks to be his manager, "I can't believe these pillars are still standing. These are made out of marble right? I want my toilet made out of this so it can still be standing three thousand years from now..."

Yeah, if this was Great Brittain, one would say that Jace has clarse out the arse.

Bethany has tagged along to Greece, but she did it in her own plane. Not being an official part of the Saturday Night Fight lineup, she's kept her distance. But, the opportunity to cause some mischief is too tempting. Jace Timmons is everything that Bethany hates about the modern media. A whiter-than-white prettyboy pre-packaged and sold by the Disney Channel. The DISNEY CHANNEL.

So she's trailed him, with her own cadre of reporters. And as he stops in front of those pillars, she comes walking up. In her usual style, Bethany looks like she is too cool for Ancient Greece. She doesn't even spare a glance at the ancient relics, instead, she makes a beeline for Jace himself, and when she gets close, she smiles.

"Heeey. Its ~great~ to see you here." She purrs, and... well, why wouldn't it be great to see Jace here? He's famous, pretty awesome, and, she looks genuinely pleased. She is getting rather close, though. Indeed...

If Jace isn't careful, Beth will lean in and kiss him, hard and forceful, right on the lips. As ways of saying 'hello' go, there are probably *less* pleasant ones. ... Though probably no more shocking ones.

Not only is Jace famous, and awesome, he is as wary as a storm chaser and as smooth as a snake oil salesman. He smiles at Bethany as she approaches and nods his head, "Well, it's good to be seen here. If you were on my plane, you'd be happy to be alive too."

As she begins leaning in, Jace matches her with a lean back. He lifts a hand to stop her, turning his head to the side with a whipping sound. Two more whippings and a hiss later, Jace has withdrawn a small bottle of spray, and squirted the inside of his mouth. He tosses the spray clear into the Parthenon and snakes an arm around Bethany's waist, getting a good grab of the goods if she doesn't work her way out of this one. He leans towards her, tilting his head to the side and puckering his lips.

He's clearly a proponent of the 90/10 rule, covering 90% of the distance between him and Bethany and just waiting...

Huh, well, Beth hadn't been expecting that. The varied reporters are likely quite stunned, and just like that, Jace has managed to turn things around. No doubt Beth had thought she'd got a pretty good read on Jace from the media he has been involved in; apparently that read was totally wrong. But, hey, what can you do, right?

To her credit, Beth manages to keep the surprise off her face. She doesn't hesitate to go in for the kiss, though. If he's going to give her what she wants, well, that's not *quite* as entertaining as it would have been if he'd been as blushing and uncomfortable as she had been hoping, but it'll do.

So there is a kiss, and it is a pretty deep one. Beth holds it long enough to make sure that the reporters get some good shots, and then she breaks it.

"Well, the important thing is that you're safe. I *still* think you're ridiculous for going ahead with it. Those Saturday Night Fights can get rough! What if someone spoiled that pretty face I love so much, hmmm?~"

Three things are abundantly clear to Bethany. First being that Jace can hold his breath for a really long time. Wether that be from rampant marijuana use or the vocal training he underwent during his rise to fame, one may never know. Second, he probably had souvlaki before hitting the road on his tour of Athens. Which makes number three, that breath spray was a classy idea, also readily apparent.

When the kiss is over, Jace lifts his head up and smiles to Bethany, "Right. I wouldn't be too worried about it right now. My face is too awesome to swell." He rolls his eyes, "It's a curse, really. I didn't find out I was allergic to shellfish until I won an oyster eatting contest. Have you ever had twelve gallons of epinefrene main-lined into you?"

He sings out, "Awwwweeeeesome."

He then tilts his head, peering towards Bethany, "So are you going to show me around Greece? I _love_ how they do it here in Athens. It's called..."

He pauses for a moment, looking towards the sky as he seems to be searching for the right word, "...Greek style, right?"

"I can't wait."

Bethany releases Jace, and rolls her eyes, as though this brand of immature humor is something that she gets all the time, and dislikes. Half of this is true. The other half? Well, she can work on that. She's already learned that all she needs to do to kill Jace is smother him with a lobster. That's something.

"Babe, I'm not showing you around *anywhere*. This place sucks. Full of lazy, goodfornothing losers who can't be bothered to get a job." That should cause a riot or two, hey, how many inflammatory things will she have to say before they burn down the American embassy? That could be a fun game to play.

"I was thinking that we could go back to the hotel and you could, practice your moves before you lay out that washed-up hasbeen." She shrugs her shoulders lazily, as she tosses her hair back with one hand, finally disentangling herself all the way from Jace, though she remains pretty close.

"I'm not really into the whole, ancient ruins, thing. Isn't it about time they renovated, anyway?"

There's just something fun about playing the entitled, spoilt, and stupid brat in public. She can't help herself. Besides, Jace has been playing along so far. It has actually caught her interest! There's not many people who can throw her for a curveball, after all.

While Jace listens to her opinions on Greece and all those who hail from, his eyebrows ratchet up and press together, and his smile fades markedly. Finally, he she finishes he smiles again and nods quickly, "Well, I'm glad you got out to meet the people, Sugermounds."

He then holds up his hand, tilting his head away in a pained expression, "Please, I don't like to hear my opponents being bad mouthed. The opponents I take on are a reflection of me." He then grins wickedly, "There's so many other ways to use a bad mouth that are far more agreeable."

He tilts his head back, considering what she has said for a moment, "You know? That's not a bad idea. I can show you my plans for erecting a new monument at the hotel I'm staying at. Trust me when I say, it will have all the modern convayences. Including a rollar coaster that'll be the wildest ride ever. Let's go!"

Jace makes to take Bethany's hand, moving towards the car at a hurried walk. He shoots the reporters one last wave and asks Beth, "So what's your name again?"

"You really don't know?" Beth sounds faintly amused. It isn't totally unexpected; she's known in media circles, but more as a footnote than a top-billing star. She doesn't have a musical or film career to fall back on; she's just got more money than God and the vague desire to piss off the world by flaunting that she didn't have to work for a dime of it.

Oh, and a growing career as a producer, and enthusiastic amateur criminal.

Still, she lets herself be led away. Her opinion on Jace's opponents and the people of Greece aren't going to be retracted, instead she slides into the car.

"If you don't know, sweetheart, you'll just have to wait for the morning papers, I guess. It'll be far more fun for me that way."

She closes her eyes, and puts her hands behind her head as she slouches into the vehicle, waiting for Jace to close the door behind her and start taking her wherever, before she adds.

"Oh, and before you get the wrong idea, you aren't actually getting any."

Now that she's out of the public eye, all of her enthusiasm and playfulness seems to have melted away. She actually looks like she's more interested in making up for the sleep she couldn't get on the plane (can never concentrate twenty thousand feet up), rather than actually even looking at the popstar she had apparently been trying to seduce.

Jace laughs, "That's my line." He makes sure she is in the car and continues, "Anyways, I already knew that, but you're most interesting damned personal trainer I've ever met. I figured I'd play along. The management company really outdid themselves with you."

Jace takes a few steps away from the open door, a wild grin shooting across his face until he takes a running leap at the car and throws himself sideways across the seat with a loud wooo!

The door is closed and the driver walks around the front of the car in an incongruously stately manner. He opens the driver side door and gets in before placing the car in gear and taking off.

Log created on 16:28:16 05/11/2012 by Bethany, and last modified on 18:08:36 05/11/2012.