Jace - Iron Sharpening Iron

Description: Jace meets Ryu in the rainforests of Venezeula while scouting locations for a super secret motion picture that is in the works. After conversation and a revelation, Jace tests his technique against Ryu.

Behold the brittle, bright sunny day of a Venezuelan May afternoon. Overhead in the bright blue sky, long altostratii carve scars of bright white as they drift slowly from one place to another. Here, far outside the city of Maracaibo along Route 3, the green-brown of land is punctuated only occasionally by small villages to the eastern side, while to the west, the sparkling blue of Lake Maracaibo glints in the distance, the lake's depth giving far views of the water a startlingly deep cobalt blue color. All in all, a peaceful sort of scenario broken only by the occasional vehicle heading up and down the highway.

Eventually, one such vehicle -- a beaten up old farming truck complete with tools and bags in the back, suddenly pulls over. The passenger side door opens, and out of it steps a most incongruous sight indeed: a well-built Japanese man in a white gi and a red hachimaki with surprisingly long tails... and no shoes. Pulling a white rucksack out after him, the Japanese man says something to the driver, giving a little wave, and then shuts the door. The truck then putters off, taking a left off onto a cross street not too far away.

This leaves the barefoot wanderer -- and it can be nobody else but Ryu -- alone to continue his journey. Deciding he'd had enough of rides for a while, the gi-wearing man seeks out the sand and gravel of the side of the road and then continues walking Route 3 resolultely, rucksack slung over his shoulder, and the open road ahead of him. While legendary hitchhiking skills are great for long-distance travel, sometimes you just need to stop and enjoy the ridel

Further ahead on Route 3, a number of people are gathered by the side of the road next to a quad-cab pickup truck. Amongst them are several Americanos and two Venezuelans. The seem to be looking over a patch of the rain forest which surrounds a clearing. The youngest of the group stands in the center of the clearing wearing skinny jeans, a long sleeved shirt and a vest. It's obvious that he isn't quite here to rough it. He has his arms spread as he's explaining something, "I envision this with a raised platform full of South American dancers. They're dancing like they would in a club. It's steamy, it's primal, and it's about to be swallowed up by the rainforest. Maybe a group in the center is dancing casino salsa?" At the last part, he shrugs and then continues, "But here's the kicker. It's to Night Fever, by the Bee Gees." To illustrate, he begins to dance a simple back and forth foot glide while his voice hits falsetto faster that an Elementary school choir:

o/- When you reach out for me, yeah, the feeling is bright. o/-

o/- I get the night fever, night fever. We know how to do it! Ohh yeaaah. o/-

The people he is with seem confused by that idea, and even speak their disagreement as to the feasibility of that idea. Jace tilts his head, raising his eyebrows, "Excuse me? Did you forget whose movie this is? Who is the executive producer?"

They all reply as one: "Jace Timmons."

He continues: "Writer?"

"Jace Timmons."


"Jace Timmons!"

Jace nods his head, "Exactly. So what does everyone think of my steamy jungle dance number?" There is a long silence, then someone pipes up in the back 'Great idea!' Jace smiles a saccrine sweet, fake as a crocodile tear smile, "Thanks. I'm gonna' take a walk." He flips off the lead gringo as he turns and begins walking down the road the truck is parked next to. Someone shouts to ask where he is going. Jace turns around and calls back, "I'm going to go find a large snake to feed the next person who takes a monotonous dump on my creativity to."

With the threat hanging in the air, Jace turns to continue walking down the road with a grumble about him.

It wasn't all that long ago that Ryu was in Mexico City, facing off against Adon in the Devil's Tournament. That fight had issues all its own, for sure, but the problem is that now, with nothing but a long stretch of road and his thoughts to occupy him, the Ansatsuken Wanderer is forced to confront a number of things he had been able to push out of conscious thought to this point. Adon has seemed like a man possessed, even by Adon's standards; the affair with the cupcakes had left the Media-Illiterate Dragon more than a little confused and feeling out of his depth. And most irritatingly of all, he's not any closer to having answers about the tournament's mysterious organizers or who the identity of this 'Akuma' is. Adon had seemed to know nothing, which precluded some of the more... esoteric names out there. The Vegas, the Geese Howards of the world... it seemed doubtful that this 'Akuma' was any of them.

Then who...?

It's a long way to the next really, really major city... perhaps in Caracas, when he can finally check in with whatever mysterious news source feeds the eternally-wandering fighter, there'll be news. For now, there's nothing to it but to keep on moving and see what can be done. In a way, Ryu is thankful for the long expanse of seemingly abandoned road, which asks nothing of him in the end, giving him solitude in which to travel...

Or a young, clearly not Venezuelan man in tight pants who is ALSO walking these streets. It's not polite to stare, but Ryu does anyway; firstly, because this is an unusual sight indeed, and secondly, because there is something about him that seems almost hauntingly, weirdly, familiar.

No, it isn't polite to stare, but when one is of the profession that Jace is, one is quite used to it. It still doesn't keep said person from retaliating at the stare, from doing something absolutely crazy enough to cause anyone who is staring at him while high on PCP, LSD, Angel Dust, or acid to completely flip their whig. To that effect, while Jace is walking by Ryu, he throws his arms out wide and does his best Flava Flav impression:

"Yeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaah, boooooooooooooy! Flaaaava Flaaav!"

He drops his arms back to his side and continues walking. He carries on for all of five or six steps until he screeches to a halt. He turns around looking towards Ryu with a tilt of his head, "Excuse me. Don't I know you from somewhere?" He takes a few steps back towards Ryu, waiting to see if the gi wearing man turns around to acknowledge him.

There's a moment where Ryu's steady pace slows. Certainly, Jace's 'retaliation' is not intended to get the World Warrior to STOP staring, and expectantly the brown-haired head turns his way, squinting in the midday sun. Flava whatnow? It must be some crazy American thing, he thinks to himself, reminded for a brief moment of the person that Ryu associates most with 'antics': his rival and former fellow student, Ken Masters. And then there is a moment of actual semi-panic. That couldn't be Ken's kid Mel, could it? No, too old. But... Ryu's been away for some time. It's not as if he frequently drops in on his training brother to check up on the family or anything.

Ryu is actually turning back around to keep walking, having come to the conclusion that two blondes are not going to have a black-haired child, when Jace actually addresses him (unless he's talking to a nearby bush, there's nobody else it could be). Ryu's pace slows again, and he turns, muscles shifting under his gi jacket as he adjusts the weight of his rucksack over one shoulder. "I don't think we've met," is Ryu's response. "But you may have seen me before if you follow professional fighting, perhaps." Hilariously, he sounds modest, even a little annoyed, about delivering that line, as if there's something presumptuous about saying it that he doesn't like.

Jace's eyebrows raise up, "Yes... Yes! That's it! You're Ryu. You won the World Warrior tournament." His face spreads into a wide grin, "I've followed your career closely, actually." He looks around, the fact that they are really in the middle of nowhere and nothing fully sinking in. He turns back towards Ryu, raising an eyebrow, "What are you doing in this far flung part of the world?"

He then shakes his head quickly, "No, no we haven't met. I'm a fighter, too, though I don't get MUCH time to fight professionally. I mostly participate in the Neo-Development Project. My name his Jace."

Yes, Ryu. What ARE you doing in this far-flung part of the world? How DO you respond to someone who's clearly followed your career, something he remembers Sakura saying that made him grimace inside when she said it. But Jace doesn't appear to want to suddenly shout SHOW ME YOUR MOVES and assault him out of nowhere, and Ryu relaxes a little bit.

Somewhat unfortunately, this means that he gives the only answer he can think of, which is to say: "Walking," as if it were the most natural thing in the world to be ambling down a Venezuelan highway barefoot. There's a pause, and this fact hits Ryu's brain, so he elaborates: "I often travel this way between fights and cities. I've learned a lot from passing through small towns... even had some of my more interesting battles that way."

He pauses after that, then mmms faintly in the back of his throat. "So you are also part of Ken's pet project. I confess that I don't know much about it, but it seems as if most of the young fighters I meet recently are taking part."

Blinking, Jace glances left and then right before finally nodding to Ryu, "Yeah, so am I. So... " He trails off, considering what he just said for a moment, "So, you walk from place to place, fight, and then keep walking?" He blinks, "Huh, you must be good. I tend to not be able to walk far after a fight. Just barely to the next place I'm going to crash."

Jace tilts his head, looking confused for a moment, "Ken's pet project? I wouldn't call it a pet project. He's a bit too busy for that kind of thing, but it's his deal, yeah. It's one of the best ways for young fighters to get their name, face and style out there. The more popular they are, the better able to get sponsorships and fight in far flung places like this. We have a mutual acquaintence in Ken Masters, by the way. I'm filthy rich, and he's disgustingly so. We travel in the same circles."

That gets a bit of a laugh from Ryu, who may seem simple when it comes to conversations, but is by no means a fool. Pulling one arm -- the one not holding the knapsack in place over his shoulder -- in an arc over his head, the Japanese fighter stretches a bit, and then slowly settles/adjusts himself back into standing position. "There are breaks between the fighting and the walking," Ryu says, chuckling a little bit. "But that is the gist of it. The world is full of strong fighters, even those that don't go into the professional circuits. When I travel this way, I sometimes get to meet and challenge them... a good way to grow as a fighter." And a person, seems to be the unspoken rider, but as far as the Wanderer is concerned, that's not his place.

On the other hand, though he remains more or less as inscrutably neutral as ever, when Jace begins to talk about not just his own money, but also Ken's, a faintly dark cloud passes over Ryu's expression, much like the occasional puffy cloud that is soaring over both men's heads at that moment. It is brief, but in that brief moment, the sun is occluded... figuratively and otherwise. "I see," is Ryu's noncommital response. "Are you a movie fighter like Fei Long?"

One in his occupation grows incresingly sensitive to the changes in peoples moods. Not just to give a good performance, but to also carefully maneuver in the business as well. So when Ryu darkens over, Jace picks up on it. He holds up a hand, "I'm sorry. It was a joke. My manager actually knew Ken from a long time back, and he introduced us a few years ago. The rest, as they say, is history."

With a shake of his head, Jace replies, "Not really. My style isn't really meant for stage and screen, but I'm going to take a shot at it anyway. That's what I'm down here for, actually. I'm scouting locations. I'm putting together a motion picture made for the people, with a cast made exclusively of fighters. Should be interesting, if not a smash hit. Ha ha, get it? Smash --" he makes a quick punching motion, "-- hit? Genius."

Jace tilts his head, thinking for a long moment, "I think that's why Ken put together the Neo-Development Project. Iron sharpens iron, as it were. He brought all the best young fighters together so they can face each other and improve, without having to travel long distances to stage the fight. Or, if they have to, give them the financial means to do it. It's pretty cool. Y'know, Ken is looking for mentors to take NDP fighters under their wing, as it were. If you have some time, you should talk to him. Fighters would definately be benefit from your experiences travelling the world."

Ohhhhh no. In his heart he knew this was where this might end up going, and *that* realization shows on Ryu's face plain as day, because he makes no business of disguising it. Sakura was enough -- IS enough, though they haven't seen each other in some time -- and presents a special case besides. When he does return fire conversationally on the Jace front, there is a bit of helpless humor in the smile that Ryu gives him, and maybe even a little bit of regret, but the words that he says are, as far as the World Warrior is concerned, absolute.

"I don't think I'm quite ready to be a 'mentor' just yet," he says calmly, glancing at Jace's 1-2 air punch for a moment. "I still have much to learn, myself. But it would be nice to see Ken again..." he adds, trailing off. The unspoken continuation, of course, is that it would be nice to FIGHT Ken again, as the blond Flaming Dragon is one of the only fighters he knows that consistently gets Ryu to push his limits.

Interestingly, it's that fact that makes Ryu realize why Ken is taking the steps he is. After all, Ken and Ryu gained much of what they have, as youths, sparring with each other. Perhaps the NDP is his way of trying to capture that feeling for other people. "But I support this 'NDP,'" Ryu adds, "because you're right. If you want to get stronger, in the end, you must test yourself in battle against those stronger than you..."

With a shrug of his shoulders, Jace replies, "Oh, well. That's good then. As a fighter coming up, especially in the NDP, I'm worried I'll catch a mentor who isn't ready. Why gives me advice that might have worked well for them, but lacks worldly wisdom. It's going strong though. When you are ready, you know how to get a hold of Ken."

With a nod of his head, Jace replies, "I agree! My sensei drove the fact that his fights as a younger man shaped him into the fighter that he is today, which is one of the best. I'm proud to be taking on that legacy, and I hope I'm ready for it when the time comes, having had my own bredth of experience to count on." He then grins, "As a matter of fact, I was looking to have an uncomfortable ride back to the states. I was going to take Argentine Tango lessons, but I'm really curious to see exactly how much stronger you are than people on, say, my level. That, and I'd really like to see the mechanics of your Hadouken firsthand sometime. Yours is hands-down the best in your particular style."

Now that's unexpected. One of Ryu's dark black eyebrows goes up in the international sign for 'confused.' "Are you saying *Ken* is training you?" Ryu asks, tilting his head somewhat. It comes off sound incredulous, but there must be more to it than that; after all, Ryu knows about Sean Matsuda, has even met the Brazilian once, and for all of his youthful flaws -- flaws that Ken himself exhibited certain versions of as a child, without question -- Sean has the makings of being a particularly good fighter someday. Of course, in Ryu's opinion, this has less to do with Ken's instruction, which he's relatively certain Ken has never actually OFFERED to the mostly self-taught Sean, than it does with the basketball player's guts and determination, much like his Japanese schoolgirl counterpart, Sakura.

For a moment, Ryu wonders if Ken secretly *enjoys* encouraging partial clones of himself.

And yet, the white knapsack goes down on the ground and Ryu's bare feet make a crunchy sound as he squares them on the sandy side of the mostly deserted road. "As I said, I've still got a lot to learn myself. But if you like, I wouldn't object to seeing your take on the style." Always taking the learning opportunity, that's Ryu.

And then he's there, in a fighting stance, saying nothing, just tracking him with those dark brown eyes. An invitation to fight if ever there was one.

COMBATSYS: Ryu has wandered into a fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Ryu              0/-------/-------|

Jace's eyes widen and he shakes his head, "No, I didn't say Ken was my Sensei, but he is. I prefer to let my fighting speak for me. A... game of Guess the Sensei, if you will." When the bag hits the floor, Jace grins wildly. He reaches behind him, pulling a pair of gloves from his back pocket and pulls them on over his longsleeved shirt. He makes quick work of unbuttoning his shirt, letting it flow out and around himself. Y'know, getting comfortable.

He offers a respectful bow to Ryu and falls back into a fighting stance, his right fist next to his chin and his left arm crosses in front of him. He grins towards Ryu, nodding his head, "If you're ready..." He waits for a go ahead and then charges towards the white gi'd fighter. As he gets just out of striking range, he crouches low and explodes into the air with a fierce uppercut that sends him flying high. As he flies, he calls out:


COMBATSYS: Jace has joined the fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Ryu              0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0             Jace

COMBATSYS: Ryu blocks Jace's Shoryuken.

[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////////// ]
Ryu              0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0             Jace

There's a *WHMPF* noise as Jace's uppercut slams into the underside of Ryu's guard, before the younger fighter breaks past and continues his ascent, the sound as much the impact of fist on flesh as it is Ryu being pushed back in the dirt on the side of the road. That was a Shoryuken, alright, and this young man's style is decidedly Ansatsuken. And indeed, there is a trace of Ken's flair in the move, as well; the rising dragon punch was always the blond American's favorite technique and, certainly, he's adapted it in ways that even Ryu wouldn't have imagined. Still, they are by no means identical.

If anything, Ryu is taken back to his youth, training side by side with Ken under Master Gouken. Far from anywhere and anyone, except perhaps fellow martial artist Retsu, they learned in peace and camaraderie for many years. Until...

For a second, his eyes widen, as memories flash by. Afternoon light. A shadowed dojo. Flashes of red.


Shaking his head a bit, Ryu gets back into stance and buries that momentary flash under an encouraging smile in Jace's direction. "Don't let up. Show me everything you can do."

COMBATSYS: Ryu takes no action.

[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////////// ]
Ryu              0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0             Jace

Tilting his head, Jace peers towards Ryu with concern. Ansatsuken is as much about the uptake as the throwdown, and a lack of counter-attack by Ryu puts the younger fighter off somewhat. At the encouragement, Jace nods his head and moves forward towards Ryu again. He proceeds slowly at first and then speeds up at an enourmous rate of speed until he sends a straight punch directly towards Ryu's way with a fearsome shout.

He is already setting up for his next move, pulling the hand back and beginning to crouch, his guard still up.

COMBATSYS: Jace successfully hits Ryu with Kyubi Kudaki.

[   \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////////////  ]
Ryu              0/-------/-------|=====--\-------\0             Jace

In a stunning reminder that even the most experienced fighters are only human, Ryu makes to duck forward and around the incoming blow, much like a boxer might. This ends up playing out much differently than he imagined, as the sudden going low means that the initial shot grazes Ryu's head... the same spot that Adon, in a bid to put the Wanderer on the mat for good, attacked with a series of punishing heel strikes only a few days past. While fighters are quick healers, they're also only human... and the spot is still a little tender. The shock of pain forestalls defense, and Jace lands a solid blow on the World Warrior, who stumbles back a step, and then brings himself standing with a faint laugh, rubbing a hand through his messy brown hair, as much a gesture of embarassment as it is one of those folk remedy gestures, the idea that rubbing the spot will dull the tang of pain away from it.

Well now... that's a move Ryu recognizes, but interestingly it's one he himself is more inclined to use than Ken is, all told. "Interesting," is all Ryu says, before getting back into stance once more. "Very interesting." He hasn't counterattacked; not yet, anyway. It might happen, but for now he seems to be fine with experiencing Jace's various techniques.

COMBATSYS: Ryu takes no action.

[   \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////////////  ]
Ryu              0/-------/-------|=====--\-------\0             Jace

When the counterattack he was waiting for doesn't come, Jace launches himself into a high backflip to get some distance between himself and Ryu. He looks towards his sensei's best friend and rival with curiousity, "You know, for iron to sharpen iron, they must be struck together." He tilts his head and shrugs his shoulders, "I guess I am going to have to get those tango lessons afterall." Then concern, "Are you ok for this?" He sizes Ryu up, considering the next best course of action.

Suddenly, he crouches, and a wind seems to whip up around him as he grins wildly. He launches into the air towards Ryu, corkscrewing towards him with a leg extended as he gleefully howls.


COMBATSYS: Ryu interrupts Tatsumaki Senpuu Kyaku from Jace with Shoryuken.

[     \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////             ]
Ryu              0/-------/-======|>>>>>>>\>>>>>>>\2             Jace

Although Ryu is no sensei -- not by his own reckoning, anyway -- he is aware of what a 'teaching moment' is, and Jace's impatience at the blows that they are not exchanging does indeed present itself as just such a moment. Although the form is a little different, Ryu recognizes the twisting cyclone kick of Ansatsuken even before the word 'Tatsumaki' leaves Jace's mouth, and as the young American comes spiralling toward him, Ryu takes a breath, sets his leg, and calmly leans forward *into* the fray. Well, he asked for iron to strike iron.

This is how we find the World Warrior rising through the air, aiming his own rising blow right into Jace's stomach just as his kicking leg sweeps by out of the way and effectively bringing the clash of techniques to a close with his own shout of "ShoRYUUUUUken!"

Landing, he gets himself back into stance, waiting for Jace's response. He's smiling, but it's not the coldly arrogant smile of someone who just 'put him in his place;' rather, it's the sort of parental smile a teacher wears when they hope a good student has learned an important lesson. "I don't know much about blacksmithing," Ryu says calmly, "but one can't just bang iron together. You have to choose your opportunities carefully."

The shoryuken interrupts his tornado kick perfectly, catching Jace by the stomach and stopping his momentum completely. When it strikes through to his chin, the pop singer is sent flying backwards arse over tea kettle to land on his back. He stares up towards the sky for a moment, collecting his thoughts before he announces, "That's the hardest I've ever been hit before. By anyone." He scrambles back to his feet, grinning again as he nods to Ryu, "Thank you! Now lets see if my best will stand up against you." He takes a step back, turning away to cup his hands together one on top of the other. He begins pulling chi towards him like a Hoover vacuum, a bead of sweat rolling down his cheek as he shouts to focus his energy.



Big finish now.

He lunges back towards Ryu, thrusting his palms out flat as he finishes.


Where one would expect a fireball of enormous size to fly to this point, one would see a hadouken of more moderate size travelling towards Ryu and a moderate speed. Then another hadouken flies from his hand, faster, racing to catch up to the first and sweep it along. Then another, followed by three more of the fireballs until the size of the fireball is impressive. What's even more impressive is the speed in which it careens towards Ryu.

COMBATSYS: Ryu negates Ronri Aidoru Hadouken from Jace with Shakunetsu Hadouken.

[      \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////             ]
Ryu              0/-------/-======|===----\-------\0             Jace

Now that... is an interesting technique.

Certainly, the Hadouken has had a number of variations over the many practitioners of Ansatsuken. Master Gouken could throw two at a time, in Ryu's memory; Sakura has devised a way to exchange distance for size and stopping power. There were even rumors that an outsider had perfected his own version at some point that was merely a person-high wall of chi. And then there's this maneuver, which -- even as he stares it in the face -- is something else entirely. If nothing else, Jace has managed to impress Ryu with his creativity.

This may be why the World Warrior chooses to respond the way that he does. Cupping his hands at his side, he stares down the increasingly larger and swiftly incoming aggregate Hadouken and concentrates, gathering his own swirling sphere of bright blue-white chi. However, there's a moment where Ryu's teeth grit, and the intensity dials up, the cyclonic proto-Hadou suddenly exploding red-orange, the unattenuated chi becoming one with fire, and it is this blazing scarlet explosion of flame that Ryu sends into the face of Jace's attack, with a shout of "Shakunetsu!"

What happens is quite visually impressive, to say the least. The incoming, screaming bullet of chi fired off by Jace meets Ryu's return shot in a pyroclastic explosion, the two forces swirling around each other in eye-searing flashes of blue and red, until the two COMBINED projectiles turn into a massive swirling sphere of chi and then literally detonates in a towering column of light and flame.

When the smoke clears, Ryu is still in his projectile-throwing pose, hands extended, until he slowly pulls himself standing, and smiles wanly, saying nothing.

When the smoke clears, so is Jace, having not deviated from the pose so as best to see how things have turned out. Unlike Ryu, his jaw is agape. As Ryu straightens up, this seems to jolt Jace into action. He pulls his hands towards himself, dropping them into his fighting stance as a matter of habit rather than launching another attack. Then his foot slowly slides in until he's standing up. It's only when he stands that he drops his guard. His mouth is still open though, even as he reaches up to scratch at his spikey hair, "Well, that..." He trails off, shaking his head ever so slowly to the left and to the right. He closes his mouth, finally seeming to wrap his head around what had just happened.

He blinks his eyes both in wonderment and trying to get the image burn out of his retina. He finally gestures over his shoulder, "If you don't mind, I'll walk with you to the next town."

Well. That's not going to be the buddy comedy walk of the century, full of adventure and funny quips, but it doesn't appear as if Ryu objects to the notion. The 'next town' by Ryu's definition is Caracas, a... long ways from here. Of course, Jace maybe meant 'the next town on this route' which is perhaps only a few miles. Either way, Ryu's response is to pick up his rucksack and say, with a faint shrug, "If you wish."

The trip likely takes place in silence, unless Jace asks questions that are easy to answer; in Ryu's case, he offers little conversation, but simply his presence says many things, if Jace is inclined to listen. And when they do finally part ways, the movie star's style and technique do indeed remain in the World Warrior's memory. Presumably, that alone was worth the diversion.

COMBATSYS: Ryu resumes wandering.

[             \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Jace             0/-------/----===|

COMBATSYS: Jace has ended the fight here.

Log created on 20:27:56 05/08/2012 by Jace, and last modified on 00:57:44 05/09/2012.