Whip - Tezcatlipoca and the Nature of Rage

Description: An ancient Aztec deity breaks through the lines of security surrounding the concealed Ikari base, controlling the very jungle to guarantee his incursion. But can even a 'god' stand before the combined endeavour of the mercenary group's elite corps? A lesson unfolds, of what it means to be human. But where does the true power lie?

Alarms blare in the Ikari base, a computerized voice heard over the loud speakers as personnel scramble out of their bunkers and into the hallways to gear up.

"Attention all personnel. Intruder Alert. Repeat. Intruder Alert. This is not a drill. Attention all personnel.."

As the recorded message continues to echo through the corridors of the Ikari base, a great earthquake would be felt by all. Most of the hardened veterans would recognize it as an artillery shell and need no further warning to prepare themselves. Others, more inquisitive Ikari would stop slightly and ponder why the alarm for an intruder would blare out if they were being attacked by artillery from afar. If they were under attack from outside superiors would have activated the 'Incoming Enemy Fire' warning and not the intruder alert. Perhaps enemy soldiers were already inside the base? Could it be that they were detonating explosives inside? Was it a full scale invasion? How many? Who are they? What was going on!?

"It's just one guy!"

Panicking security guards frantically look through the security feed of the Ikari base seeing the shadowy silhouette of a tall man pushing his way through the various check points of the base.

"He's breached Checkpoint A!!"

The rumbling becomes louder, the base's very foundations shaking as it is hit by another explosion.

"Checkpoint B has been breached!"

Another, louder explosion follows, dust and slight debris falling from the ceiling threatening to collapse over everyone's head.

"Checkpoint C has fallen! He's inside the base!! Fortify the front door now!!!"

Some people like to use the front entrance to get inside a building, and that is exactly the last remaining obstacle left for the intruder before setting foot inside the Ikari stronghold. A two meter thick steel blast door, stubbornly keeping any and all who are of the Ikari outside.

As the rumbling grows louder, it suddenly clear to both Veteran and Rookie alike what those explosions were. They weren't artillery shells hitting the base from outside, or bombs exploding inside.

They were steps.

Steps of someone massive approaching.

There are, of course, cameras -everywhere-. The Ikari are nothing if not security-conscious. Even though their base is carefully hidden, carefully camoflauged, there remains the possibility that someone unfriendly could find the base. So when the alarms go off, Leona rushes to the control room, just as cameras are switched on. The image is grainy, thanks in large part to the utter chaos, but at least one or two shots are taken and they make Leona hiss.

Without a word to anyone in the control room she hurries back out, tabbing her radio on. "Bring up Turrets Alpha and Beta. ... Beta is -down-? Tell Private Williams that if he survives, he might want to consider what the Commander will do to him." Maintenance, /her ass/. Click, switch frequency, orders 'barked' as much as Leona can muster. "Faolan. Whip. Front gates. We have a visitor." As if they didn't know and couldn't tell. More than likely they're on their way now.

Click. Change freqs. "Security forces, pull back. This is more than you can handle." Sure, a zombie outbreak, aliens, they can deal with that. This is considerably more dangerous than either of those possibilities. The 'front gates' are open, and there's a good, oh, two hundred yards or so, between that and any real buildings... and just encroaching on the first hundred of those yards is Leona. As the dust clears, she's tying her hair back, her expression already settling into the hard, angry look she wears when fighting. A dull, battleship-grey turret swivels around, remote operated, sighting in on the enemy as well. Hopefully... Faolan and Whip get here soon.

What the hell? Someone is actually thinking it is a bright idea to attack the Ikari? Most people would have better luck taking over a country than penetrating the base proper and taking on the Ikari. That is why at first Faolan is thinking it is some weird drill that Heidern cooked up. Then things seem to be going to hell all about. Checkpoint after checkpoint has been taken out and it seems there is someone finally here knocking on the front door. Even worse from what he understands it is one damn person that has done all this?

"On the way to help give a proper greeting." comes the response from the Irishman when Leona tells him to get his ass in gear. He isn't the quickest guy, but he is in a mad dash to get to where he is needed. It looks like he is set to be the next line of defense. If Leona and Whip are going to be there as well then things really are serious. He has to wonder if the boss himself might even make a showing to make sure whoever this asshat is that is attacking will learn a lesson. You don't mess with the Ikari and get away with it.

Whip's a pretty good soldier, she really is. Why assert this fact now?

Because at the moment the sirens go off she's about as far from 'prepared' as it's reasonably possible to be. Sprawled out on her bunk in military-issue underthings, a sheet coiled loosely about her midriff with the sort of complete disregard for modesty that can only come from spending too much time with macho men, and her mouth wide open - emitting noisome snoring until her probably bondage-related dreams are interrupted by blaring and shouting. Even then, it takes a few moments. She comes to with an unladylike snort, shaking her head, mussed brown bangs strewing across her face. Awareness descends in that instant. Mostly.

"Really?" She grumbles woozily, expelling a heavy puff of breath to shift her hair and express her chagrin all at once. She was having the most wonderful dream where nothing at all of any incident happened all night long. Glorious it was; and now, it's gone... truly, this is a dastardly - nay, villainous - manner of awakening.

"Really." Whip repeats, eyes rolling long-sufferingly heavenward as she listens to the caterwaul outside her wide-open door. Heaving a sigh and swinging to sit upon the edge of her bunk, she's together enough to not be remotely surprised when the comm speaker crackles to life. "Alright, alright, 'm comin'..." Her answer goes unheard, the NESTS-trained assassin too busy pulling on the only pair of fatigue pants she had handy. They're ill-fitting, but a quick tightening of the belt fixes that, and then it's just a matter of hauling on her boots. Her natural dexterity sees them laced and tied in record time, and then she's off toward the door.

By the time she arrives near the action, she's clearly found a moment or two to arrange her swiftly-gathered armaments, and though she's clad in nothing more than loose fatigues and a dull gray vest-top, she's all business. Voodoo is coiled up against her left hip, held there in a relaxed grip by one hand, and her trusty Blackhawk and Desert Eagle sit alongside one another at the base of her spine. Here's hoping whoever the intruder is doesn't decide to bodyslam her. Hell, here's hoping it's just another errant monkey...

"...but how would a monkey get past all /three/ checkpoints?"

She's just wondering that aloud, mouth creased in puzzlement as she catches up to Faolan in quick strides.

The trio has plenty of time to assemble by the courtyard. Though this intruder had managed to pass through three checkpoints with surprising ease, he's taking his own sweet time with the front door. Whoever he is he apparently has a flair for the dramatic, the booming steps that heralded his approach cease to make the ground tremble, giving everyone in the base a moment's respite. Perhaps this pause means that the intruder has come to his senses and is now going to turn around and leave the Ikari alone?

Silence overtakes the Ikari base for a moment, as only the echoing sirens are heard for a long time while this intruder ponders his next move. The cameras that were positioned near the front gate are suddenly tampered with in the strangest of ways. One shows a monkey's face as it peers curiously at the camera before pulling it out of it's socket while another is wrapped around by vines utterly crushing it. Almost as if nature itself was assisting the intruder, the Ikari are now left blind to what the man intends to as he stops gazing at the thick steel door. Some of the guards peering through binoculars can see a glimpse of him just -standing- there, but he's not doing much more than that.

The strangest of things happens then. A cheeky humming bird flies down from the sky to stare at Faolan, Whip, Leona and finally the turret as if appraising them. It's tiny head tilting one way and the other before it flies off towards the gate, satisfied of what it scouted.

That's when the explosions resume and the the steel door is blasted aside with one blow.

A giant...creature..is that even a human? Walks towards the trio of warriors gathered with slow, leisure steps. Standing at a staggering eight feet tall, an obsidian skinned /man/ stands before the mercenaries wearing naught but a pair of pants, sandals, and a big tiki mask? The wooden mask has a frowny face painted on it in red >:( and is also adorned by regal purple feathers around the end.


The muscled, tall man, lifts his arms as he addresses the whole base with a booming voice, loud enough that all can hear him without the need of a loud speaker.



He looks at Leona, Whip and Faolan before speaking again.


The sky darkens at his mere words, the ground around the base trembling as incredible power begins to be felt by all. Beyond the gates of the base animals clamor and holler as if they were cheering. He laughs.


They've finally done it. The Ikari have managed to pissed of an Aztec deity and he's out looking for blood.

Though, all may not be as it seems. If anyone were to tapping on foreign frequencies, they'll hear that this 'Tezcaltipoca' as he calls himself, reaches behind his mask and speaks through a radio using surprisingly modern language for an ancient God of death.

"Red Six, this is Bravo Five.
I'm in, repeat, I'm in hot.
Commence operation."

COMBATSYS: Mukai has started a fight here as a boss!

  [ |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ]

That's a lot of bollocks, as other paramilitary fighting women might say. A whole truckload of it. Certainly, the man himself is menacing... but is Leona supposed to be scared of 'big guys' or men in masks? /Please/. Her blue eyes cut like a laser through the air, fixed on Mukai with an air of... indifference. After a moment, just a moment, her lips quirk into the barest ghost of a smile, sardonic and mirthless. "'Tezcaltipoca'... you are trespassing on lands held by a privately-owned corporation. Turn around, now, or we will be forced to turn you around." God, normally she doesn't talk so much, but, she is sort of the 'designated representative'... Nevermind that she's dressed like a paramilitary--or someone who has those affectations. She doesn't even have a weapon. Somewhere in the back of her mind, something whispers to her, ("That's because you -are- a weapon,")... she ignores that voice.

She begins walking forward, reaching up with her right hand to adjust her earpiece, and then to tug her gloves on, and surreptitiously, to cue her gunner. In her ear, she hears, "We're locked in. Don't know if we'll affect him... but we're locked in."

tGood. Leona stops--fifty yards away--and just... stares the man down. She assumes he's a man. If he -is- a god, well... she'll be able to lay claim to having fought a god. If she were a collector of accolades, this would please her immensely.

COMBATSYS: Leona has joined the fight here.

  [ |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ]

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Leona            0/-------/------=|

COMBATSYS: Leona focuses on her next action.

  [ |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ]

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Leona            0/-------/------=|

COMBATSYS: Guard Turret has joined the fight here.

  [ |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ]

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Guard Turret     0/-------/------=|=------\-------\0            Leona

There are sounds of footsteps as he runs forward coming up rom behind. "Hah, odd that I...." he trails off and raises a brow before just snickering. He can't even finish what he was going to say and instead just looks straight ahead again as he finally reaches the position Leona is standing. The sight he sees is something he really didn't expect. Then again he wasn't fully sure what to expect of this when he was told it was just one guy giving the Ikari trouble. It looks like Leona for now has the situation handled, but now there is also the comfort of himself and Whip being around now as well. Heidern seems to trust the trio in this case. Otherwise he would be out and about right now himself handling this.

"What kinda retarded god comes and attacks a group like us?" He calls out as he waves a hand. Looks like he has no qualms about angering a guy that has already caused some big time damages to the various checkpoints on one side of the base. This guy wants to come into the Ikari's playground and be a bully? He is going to be in for a big surprise if he thinks this is going to be some walk in the park. He may have gotten lucky earlier, but his luck has run out.

"Whatever. Just get the hell out of here or we will do things the Ikari way." he tchs a bit and he grips his bata with both hands as he readies himself for battle. Already the blackish energy he wields is crackling about and traveling from his arms into the stick he holds.

COMBATSYS: Faolan has joined the fight here.

  [ |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ]

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Faolan           0/-------/-------|=------\-------\0     Guard Turret
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Leona            0/-------/------=|

COMBATSYS: Faolan gathers his will.

  [ |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ]

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Faolan           0/-------/---====|=------\-------\0     Guard Turret
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Leona            0/-------/------=|

Damn those monkeys! A hummingbird, though, that's...

"New," murmurs the girl formerly known as Seirah, her head tipping to one side as she scratches at the dishevelled hair above her right ear, stifling a yawn as she watches the little bird fly away. "I'm guessing we weren't called out here because of a /bird/." Under normal circumstance she'd be questioning that without the ghost of a grin on her lips, but since Leona made this call, she's completely certain this can't be the case. For all their fighting acumen, there are a whole heap of Ikari who are effectively dumb grunts - with everything that entails, including booze-induced hallucinations. She can't ever recall seeing Leona... drunk.

As for their apparently exceedingly powerful interloper, who splinters steel so easily? Her bestie seems to be handling the situation with appropriate diplomacy and professionalism. She's the best at that. But this isn't really an ordinary scenario, and the third littlest Ikari really isn't feeling all that disciplined today.

Though some things she couldn't stop if she wanted to.

"Oh," Whip thusly begins, mouth hanging open in a small 'o' for a second before she finishes, "My god." Suddenly she's stifling a snorted laugh, reaching up to cover her mouth with the hand not bearing Voodoo before she just begins to guffaw. The sort of sound that can only be half-adequately covered with, "BA-HAHAHAHAHA!" There's no way she's capable of containing that, not so recently awakened with the evening's dram of whiskey still swimming in her veins. She recovers with an overstatedly prim, 'ahem', but she's still shaking her head as she saunters forward to meet the amateur-production roaring of this great and terrible threat.

"Tell me," she calls in delayed response to the mangodthing, voice as calm as she can keep it when she's trying not to laugh, "Does 'shedding my earthly coils' consist of taking my clothes off and going back to bed? Because your 'sacred ground' really does make a very comfortable perch for my bunk, and I spoke to a priest once who told me you can pray by doing most anything-- even sleeping. Or, I guess," she purses her lips to one side, considering the massive bemasked stranger as she very, very nonchalantly reaches past her hip and hauls her long, meaty revolver from its holster, "Having your kneecap explode?"

There's no warning given, she's already extending her arm as she speaks, smoothly reaching up to brace her elbow with the other arm in almost the same instant that she's pulling the trigger. The Blackhawk ROARS as though to match Tezcaltipoca himself, a single devastating round discharged with heavy recoil and blinding muzzle-flash. Whip has her eyes neatly averted, of course. In fact, she's already turning away, spinning the weapon gunslinger style and holstering it as she turns her attention back toward the barracks.

"Ridiculous~!" She singsongs for the benefit of her colleagues. "I'd've been more worried about the monkey..."

COMBATSYS: Whip has joined the fight here.

  [ |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ]

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Faolan           0/-------/---====|=------\-------\0     Guard Turret
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Leona            0/-------/------=|-------\-------\0             Whip

COMBATSYS: Mukai auto-guards Whip's Super Blackhawk!

  [ |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ]

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Faolan           0/-------/---====|=------\-------\0     Guard Turret
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////////// ]
Leona            0/-------/------=|-------\-------\0             Whip


The Blackhawk's round neatly strikes right into the God's leg and promptly bounces off, not even leaving a scratch on the man's white pants. It ricochets somewhere hitting a building harmlessly, even though the bullet itself goes right right through the fortified wall of the building showing just what kind of caliber Whip had tried to shoot Tezcaltipoca with.


The man with the plumed mask reels his upper body back, shoulders shuddering with mad laughter as the entire jungle itself roars with him. Monkeys, birds, insects of all kinds cheer as their cries even go to drown out the Ikari's alarm system. It is as if the whole jungle had come alive.

"I like it!" The Aztec God speaks now with a much gentler voice, though his face cannot be seen due to his mask it's clear he sounds very amused. "Such are the humans' stubborn perseverance to survive. Truly you are Gaia's most favorite children." He cracks his neck audibly working on the kinks first, because apparently, even Gods have to limber up first and clears his throat a little, hands raised again to address the big crowd that has gathered to receive him and gets back into 'character'


A hand extends forward pointing directly for the gunner behind them all.





With his warning given, the mighty God gathers energy from his palm and releases a beam of light directly for the Guard Turret, aiming to fossilize it's barrel and render it useless. Strangely, he's not actually targeting the gunner, just the turret itself.

COMBATSYS: Guard Turret fails to counter Disruptor from Mukai with Defense Shield.

  [  |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ]

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////                ]
Faolan           0/-------/---====|=======\=======\1     Guard Turret
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////////// ]
Leona            0/-------/------=|-------\-------\0             Whip

It's a good thing the turrets are remotely operated; the beam of light flashes across the intervening space and deals a crippling blow to the turret, tearing a great rent in the side, smoke and sparks pouring out. In the control center, the readouts look grim, and this is relayed to the Ikari on-site... and yet, Leona does not hesitate to, as they say, 'get in there'. Even as that beam of light is flashing forward, Leona is racing past it, tucked into a low run.

The low stance of her run lets her plant her hands, transferring that energy and momentum into a forward flip, her arms cocking back... of course, with all that momentum, she can't exactly -stop- herself, so she'd better be aimed well, as she falls towards 'Tezcaltipoca', aiming to cross paths with him, and strike him with a combination of stiffened knife hand and blue-white chi that isn't -quite- touched by the Orochi taint.

So this guy might be more troublesome than expected. The way he really doesn't seem affected by Whip's gunfire combined with the fact he might have just put their support turret out of action shows that there was no mistake about one thing. Faolan doesn't believe the guy is a god of any sort by all means, but he is now taking him seriously. He casts a glance to Whip before his attention shifts back to Leona when she charges in for the attack. "Welp, can't let her go in alone now can we?" he says to Whip and he too starts to move forward.

That energy he had been gathering in his bata starts to move into one end of it as he releases the fighting stick with his other hand. He twirls the bata about a few times before making a quick thrusting motion. He never even comes close to hitting Mukai with it. It is more to release that ball of energy he gathered and send it flying right towards the intruder to deliver a rather shocking welcoming gift. "Oh stop trying to act all godly and drop the act. We got fighting to do, fellah!"

The Ikari are a very special unit of warriors. There are many reasons for this, but only one is really pertinent right now; in no other military service does one get exposed to such a concentration of Weird Shit (tm). Whip's over-confident maverick display was only ever going to be sourced from the most hopeful of places, her fingers mentally crossed that this really was just some insane local bodybuilder and not an actual god, or Ryu on drugs, or something similarly terrifying with which to tangle.

Ergo, she's not so much /surprised/ that it doesn't work as faintly disappointed. When the 'deity' rears his monstrous shoulders, her own hunch inward as she despondently scuffs a boot and turns to glance back over her shoulder, uncoiling Voodoo with a sidelong twitch of her left wrist. Bright blue coils gather upon the dirt as Whip looks back with a steady gaze to reassess this apparently very real threat. It's still so... silly - but, she reasons, her brother's a complete idiot and he can mop the floor with her. But--

"I agree with Faolan, it /would/ be nice if you could at least drop the 'god' stuff," she murmurs, shifting a boot outward and deepening her stance as she neatly disguises a shudder at the next thought to surface in her quirky brain. "Reminds me of my childhood." Well, and the pesky lingering need for vengeance. Great; now she's in a bad mood again! "Ugh." At least the situation's a touch clearer. Her back remains to Mukai, but that's not necessarily a bad thing; not with her weapon in play, and she certainly looks alert enough.

More than the poor wretch who just had his turret ravaged by... what, the light of God? That's another thing:

"Besides, the Aztecs didn't even believe in Gaia. Do the research."

At least she's not /just/ babbling, guarding the rear line from further incursion while her squadmates engage. There's always a possibility he'll just break through their assault and keep on coming. If he does, he'll be caught in the centre of a delta counter-attack by the Ikari elite. Good luck with that.

COMBATSYS: Whip focuses on her next action.

  [  |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ]

[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////                ]
Faolan           0/-------/---====|=======\=======\1     Guard Turret
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////////// ]
Leona            0/-------/------=|-------\-------\0             Whip

COMBATSYS: Mukai blocks Faolan's Irish Curse.

  [    |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ]

[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////                ]
Faolan           0/-------/---====|=======\=======\1     Guard Turret
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////////// ]
Leona            0/-------/------=|-------\-------\0             Whip

COMBATSYS: Leona successfully hits Mukai with X-Caliber Strike.

  [        |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ]

[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////                ]
Faolan           0/-------/---====|=======\=======\1     Guard Turret
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////////// ]
Leona            0/-------/----===|-------\-------\0             Whip

Woops, it appears that the Ikari where on to 'TEZCALTIPOCA' who's in reality not the actual Aztec God of Darkness. The being the Ikari now tangle with however could possibly might as well at one point been this deity if one were to gauge it by his sheer power alone. He does seem to be slightly on the off side though and he kind of like his theatrics, so the threat might be somewhat less pronounced by his somewhat strange over the top behavior. For starters it's clear that he's acting, like if he had rehearsed this whole thing, but the question remains. Who is he really and why is he doing this?

"DID I SAY GAIA!? I MEANT TO SAY, THE GREAT AND LOVING MOTHER COATLICUE LOOKS AT YOU IN FAVOR FOR STANDING AGAINST ONE SUCH AS I! BUT IT SHALL DO YOU TO NO AVAIL FOR I--Blasted thing is still standing." The giant who utterly refuses to pretend he is a God, lowers his masked face slightly as he focuses on that short circuiting turret. He clears his throat again and begins to do something akin of a power walk towards the gun turret. "THIS CONTRAPTION DISPLEASES ME GREATLY AND SHALL BE THUSLY REMOVED IMMEDIATELY!"

As he walks towards the center of the Ikari, going on a direct line towards the gun turret he runs into some problems. First, Faolan's energy beam strikes him in the chest and unlike Whip's bullet this did look like it stung him a bit, and left him open for Leona's slashing attack across his chest.

"Hey! I'm walking here!"

Sounding more annoyed than hurt by the Ikari's efforts to stop him, the golem like creature unknowingly steps into delta counter-attack Ikari elite formation and what not, but he does so with a purpose! Reaching down for the turret, actually having to bent down a little to pick it up, Tezcaltipoca raises the machine up over his head caring not how much it weights and heaves it away from the base where it would land a few dozen miles into the jungle. He really doesn't like guns, but could you blame him considering who's he supposed to be?


COMBATSYS: Guard Turret counters Quick Throw from Mukai with Defense Shield.

  [      |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ]

[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////                ]
Faolan           0/-------/---====|=======\=======\1     Guard Turret
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////////// ]
Leona            0/-------/----===|-------\-------\0             Whip

A sparking, blue field denies Mukai the chance to grasp the turret; it flares bright and literally pushes Mukai's hands away. At least one engineer is happy; the repulsor field works. But it isn't sustainable, and the field flares away after pushing the man's hands away.

It is, however, enough time for Leona, Whip and Faolan to regroup; Leona, always moving, used that speed of hers to get back around and face Mukai once more. Her expression says it all--you don't get away that easily. Behind her, the complex doors rumble shut--Mukai's close enough now that the complex is locking down, only openable by the people inside.

With a little growl, almost unheard under the chaos, Leona springs, hopping up, her right leg lifting up, showing extreme flexibility as she raises it up to her head--and then brings it down, aiming to crush her heel right into his face. Usually, she might aim for the shoulder--but this man is attacking her -home-...

That guy really doesn't seem to like high tech much from the looks and sounds of it. Then again if he is crazy enough to just worry about the turret and not the Ikari that are facing him then he is going to be in for a surprise. He too finds Mukai moving on past him and it seems Whip had a good idea in staying back herself. The guy doesn't seem to care about tactics much because he pretty much just let himself get surrounded just so he could try and take the turret out of comission.

"Not a bright one we got here. Strong, but ehn....." Hopefully they can use it to their advantage. Leona hit that guy pretty solidly and he didn't really seem too hurt by it so they have alot of work to do. At least it looks like the turret managed to get back online in time and stop Mukai from having his way with it. At least for a few moments. That is all the time that is needed for the Ikari to close in on him, though.

With Leona coming in from above to strike the man in the face Faolan will go for the middle by looking to strike low and bring his bata around to slam into the back of the intruder's legs as hard as he can. "Ey, sleepyhead. Stop trying to act cool and help me and Leona out." he says with a grin as he shouts in Whip's direction.

How irritating. People who don't stop when they should, and have no idea when they're beaten are so tiresome when you're soldiering; the job doesn't pay by the hour, and it's not like she lacks for exceptional sparring partners outside of work time. Whip really doesn't need this. Her eyes roll once more as the big brute ignores their attempts at corraling him and somehow sweeps through the tightening noose.

"See, now I believe you," she calls as she spins around and takes two brisk steps forward before hunkering down, toned legs coiling like springs within baggy fatigues, "Nobody says 'thusly' unless they were birthed from chaos millions of years ago," she offers matter-of-factly as she flips heavenward, lithe frame twisting acrobatically in the air - albeit with a little more bobbing about than she's really happy with, sans bosom support - until she comes around with one arm outstretched and the other striking forward.

Toward Mukai's approximate destination flies Voodoo's biting blue tip, but it's aimed to miss him, and tangle instead around the barrel of the Little Turret That Could. It's time to converge.

The snap of tightening coils is the only warning Tetzlbibbly gets, before one hundred and thirty pounds of NESTS-trained muscle and genetically-enhanced bone is shooting through the air toward him. Like Spiderman, but a lot prettier and with much less spandex, she even completes a quip as she comes in to strike him resoundingly with both feet planted firmly in the back; preferably the kidneys. "Or you could just be really old!"

Okay, she might lack the sparkling wit, but she's running on fumes here!

Assuming she's not BLASTED OUT OF THE AIR, she lands with a gentle huff and a smirk toward Faolan.

"Can I help you out /and/ act cool?"

COMBATSYS: Mukai blocks Faolan's Deep Strike.

  [         ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ]

[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////                ]
Faolan           0/-------/---====|=======\=======\1     Guard Turret
[  \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////////////  ]
Leona            0/-------/-----==|-------\-------\0             Whip

COMBATSYS: Whip successfully hits Mukai with Hook Shot.

  [             ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ]

[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////                ]
Faolan           0/-------/---====|=======\=======\1     Guard Turret
[  \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////////////  ]
Leona            0/-------/-----==|=------\-------\0             Whip

COMBATSYS: Mukai endures Leona's Strike Arc.

  [                |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ]

[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////                ]
Faolan           0/-------/---====|=======\=======\1     Guard Turret
[  \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////////////  ]
Leona            0/-------/----===|=------\-------\0             Whip

"GRAAAH!!" Tezcaltipoca's body shoots backwards when he's pushed away from the turret he so greatly despises. A deep grumbling grunt heard from him as hot air is blown out from under his strange improvised wooden mask. "Accursed thing." The giant God does not have enough time to complain properly, his hatred for machines left for another time as he has meddling Ikari to contend with.

"HRG!" For all his imposing strength, there was a clear grunt of pain from him this time as all three Ikari warriors assault him from the sides. There giant looks over his shoulder when Faolan strikes the back of his leg with a stick, apparently wondering what that was, just as he is struck on his masked face by an axe kick courtesy of Leona. "Ow." The giant gives a small huff as he goes to readjust his mask, desperately trying to make it stay where it is after getting kicked there. "OH AZURE WOMAN HOW DO YOU VEX ME SO! A PITY THAT I DO NOT HAVE ENOUGH TIME TO SHOW YOUR UNTAPPED POWER!"

Then, kidney kick, a blow that not even ancient Aztec deities are immune to. "Gah!!" The giant holds the spot where Whip struck him and looks about ready to keel over, not so tough for such a big guy apparently. "Damnation..this cannot be-I mean *ahem* FOOLISH MORTALS! YOU ARE NO MATCH FOR THE GREAT AND MIGHTY TEZCALTIPOCA! RULER OF THE UNDERWORLD!"

He raises a hand in the air, holding it there for a moment as if to decide who of the Ikari is he going to pimp slap. In fact, if they lean real closely he's apparently muttering 'innie, minnie, minny, moe.' just as he whirls around and goes for the turret /again/.

"Stupid thing!" The colossal Aztec God makes a grab for it with his palm to completely fossilize and leave nothing but a smoldering pile of cinder in its place.

COMBATSYS: Guard Turret fails to counter Divine Grasp from Mukai with Defense Shield.
> Determined Hit! <

  [                 ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ]

[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////////////  ]
Faolan           0/-------/---====|===----\-------\0            Leona
[  \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Whip             0/-------/------=|

COMBATSYS: Guard Turret has suffered catastrophic damage and fallen offline.

  [                 ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ]

[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////////////  ]
Faolan           0/-------/---====|===----\-------\0            Leona
[  \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Whip             0/-------/------=|

Mechanical things can only do so much; the damage started creeping burnout, and though the defense shield tries to power on again, there's a second shower of sparks--just before the 'god' crushes it to dust. The 'Azure Woman' just keeps to the attack, grimly. His bellowed voice falls against shuttered ears.

A 'god', hmm? Well. She wonders about that. If he -is- a god, then he certainly shouldn't be affected by what she's about to try, if she gets the hit. And what she tries? That's pretty simple--she lines up against him and simply fires a kick forward. It's a swift kick, but the point of impact ought to make her point--so to speak.

Because she is attempting to plant the steel-reinforced toe of her left boot right into Mukai's groin, a whipping, stinging kick.

It looks like steel isn't going to stand up to this supposed god that is attacking them. The turret if anything made for a good distraction and thankfully no one was in it as it gets torn apart. Even so Faolan winces as he sees the thing utterly destroyed and he lets out a light tch. "Kick ass now. Be cool and mysterious later. I am fine with that." he tells Whip even as his own strike didn't seem to do much to slow down Mukai.

This is also a time where he is glad he is not the one that has drawn Leona's ire because when he sees her make that kick he winces some in symphathy. Odd given the fact he is been known to kick people there himself at times when he gets a bit carried away. Just to be safe he has shifted wherre he is standing too in case of Mukai getting out of the way and suddenly the Irishman might find that boot coming at him instead since he was standing on the other side.

While he is still up and close he lets the energy gather in his bata once more. He looks to jab it into the side of the mighty intruder and push the tip up against the ribs before unleashing more of that blackish, electrical energy. It is time to take this troublesome guy down and get the base back under control.

"You're fine with that," Whip good-naturely grumbles, quirking a brow toward Faolan as she busies herself flicking out her wrist to once more uncoil Voodoo. Mukai's preoccupation with the turret before him is useful; it's letting her pace herself, wake up and exchange banter while simultaneously giving Leona time to get in position. Despite her yammering, the heavily-armed girl IS paying attention. "But what if I'm not?"

"Humph," she punctuates, stamping her foot. But it's not just a gesture of playful petulance-- as Leona's kick fires forward, Whip is using the crashing of her heel to power a springing leap toward that huge, black back. This time she's not aiming for the kidneys, but instead she brings the coils of Voodoo between both hands as she falls against the upper curve of the faux-deity's mighty shoulders. Her body crashes down, but as discomfiting as that may or may not be, it's her arms that hold the attack...

"Maybe you should be less worried about her 'untapped power'," she mutters as she slips Voodoo over that mask and then back up, using her full bodyweight to trap the tightened coils around his throat. There's question number two; does 'God' have an Adam's apple? Does he even need to breathe? Her ponderings are a bit disrupted by Faolan's jabbing bata, and the crackle of energies that almost reaches Whip herself as she drops and /hauls/, attempting to fall to a crouch and spin, pulling the hopefully-doubled monster overhead and into the hard dirt. Hell, she managed it with a supply truck - he can't weigh much more, right?

"And more about STAYING on your FEET!"

Is he wearing sandals? Real gods wear sandals. She's seen it in paintings.

COMBATSYS: Whip successfully hits Mukai with Zed.

  [                       ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ]

[   \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////////////  ]
Faolan           0/-------/---====|===----\-------\0            Leona
[   \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Whip             0/-------/-----==|

COMBATSYS: Mukai Toughs Out Faolan's Saying Hello!

  [                         ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ]

[   \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////////////  ]
Faolan           0/-------/---====|===----\-------\0            Leona
[   \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Whip             0/-------/-----==|

COMBATSYS: Mukai interrupts Light Kick from Leona with Terrene Tower.
> Determined Hit! <

  [                           ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ]

[   \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////////         ]
Faolan           0/-------/---====|=======\=------\1            Leona
[   \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Whip             0/-------/-----==|

Like wolves against a bear do the Ikari descend upon the God of Death.

Or at least that's what will be written in the sacred texts when historians look back on this event. If there's any information recorded that is, the Ikari are awfully protective about what happens within their organization.

Though artists may draw this scene with Whip, Faolan and Leoan gloriously jumping in unison to defeat the giant Tezcaltipoca, the actual scene is just -slightly- less heroic and far more rough and messy.

The mighty God looks satisfied after desecrating the turret, leaving nothing but useless rubble where the mighty cannon once stood, to think that it never even managed to fire a single shot, how cruel of a fate. "Back to the Earth." Tezcaltipoca mutters as he dusts his hands and makes an 180 degree turn to leave. Pausing, he suddenly looks like he forgot something, and that is when the warriors attack.


The Ikari. How could he forget about them?

"INFIDEL WRETCHES--GARKK!" A God though he might claim to be, Tezcaltipoca still has a neck for the whip to coil around. The uncomfortable feel of leather wraps solidly around the golem's head and he is, amazingly, brought down to his knees by a mighty pull of the woman. The God of Destruction is felled! And he coughs, probably spitting some inside his mask, gross.

"HRK! HEH! WORRY NOT MY LITTLE AMETHYST! YOU SHALL SOON FEEL THE TOUCH OF THE EARTH UPON YOU!" As Whip successfully brings the giant down on one knee, Faolan goes in for the kill and slams his electric bata right on the man's exposed stomach. It is a ferocious scene of Whip trying to pull the false Deity down whilst Faolan electrocutes him as if he were a trapped animal. Even if it looks like he's hurt, the man is clearly laughing. "SUCH VICIOUSNESS! THIS IS THE TRUE FACE OF HUMANS! NO GRACE OR FLAIR! JUST EFFICIENT SIMPLICITY!"

However, he might not appreciate the level of viciousness Leona is about to unleash on him. One could almost swear the eyes of his mask widen when Leona goes for the soccer kick to the groin and suddenly looking very desperate, the Mighty Tezcaltipoca raises one hand.


A giant stone pillar suddenly extends from his palm and /CRASHES/ on Leona's face pushing the back of her head to the ground where the God proceeds to grind the pillar, just to ensure the woman understands that what she tried to do was very wrong.


The stone pillar crumbles into pebbles that fall upon Leona and the great God of Darkness wheezes, almost sounding tired.

"Is she always this crazy?" He seems to ask to Faolan and Whip, almost as if they were having a friendly spar.

The stone pillar slams into Leona, and it's about as painful as one can expect it to be; Leona is going to be bruised, at the minimum, for a week, and there are several lacerations that sharp rock shards opened up on her, including one across her cheek. Blood wells up along that narrow cut, beading, sliding down her cheek towards the corner of her mouth; she opens her mouth, tonguing the blood drop away.

If there are things that, perhaps, one should -not- do to Leona... calling her crazy is one of them. "I am /not/ /crazy/," she says--hisses, really, with the venom of a King Cobra in her voice, soaked with disdain for someone who calls himself 'Tezcaltipoca' and wears a fucking -mask- calling /her/ crazy...

Wordlessly, she jumps up, and back, powerful legs giving her good height--and as she reaches her apex, she arches her body backwards, reaching up with her right hand... which abruptly starts glowing with a orange-white energy.

Suddenly she's diving at Mukai, her right hand slashing down, looking to whack a great cross of energy across his chest; she'll land and srping up and forward, slashing upwards... forming a V. And as she leaps away? That V will explode like a bomb.

"Are ya fuckin' kidding me?" is the actual response Faolan gives when asked if Leona is always crazy. "Yer the one that is attacking our home and you want to ask why she is acting that way? You really have no idea of who we really are!" Leona might say what she thinks, but the Irishman is much more vocal about the whole comment. "Calling yerself a god and wearing some idiotic mask doesn't really allow you to get away with calling someone crazy by the way."

He has got to be careful with his strikes mostly just not to get in the way of the other Ikari with him. More than that he rather not accidentally get caught up in a strike from either as well. This guy is tough enough as is. He doesn't need to be getting hurt by friendly fire or hit his own fellow Ikari. Thankfully Mukai is a pretty good sized guy so it isn't too hard. Even so he does step back a few feet when Leona strikes.

"I would also suggest not saying that around her again. She ain't pleasant to deal with when she is pissed off." Wait, she isn't that now? Well she might be, but Faolan might just be planting the seed in Mukai's brain that Leona can be much much worse. All the while he is grips his bata with both hands and swings it full force into the back of the large intruder once again. "And also get the hell out of here."

With her unorthodox weaponized throw successful, Whip drops into a short roll, using what remains of her momentum to spring back to her feet. Hurriedly-laced boots creak gently as she keeps turning to face the action - by no coincidence placing her back to the barracks, still assuming the rear guard even as the 'messy' battle rages. There's more to her than meets the eye. Sometimes it pays to look like a ditz.

Not that the god-apparent's attention is much upon her. Like striking a wall, everything she does - impactful or no - goes unpaid an seemingly unregarded but for the insinctive motions of pain. At least those have been present, assuring her there's mortality in this bestial black being. Igniz was better at hiding it; but decades of gene therapy and a top-of-the-line battlesuit have probably murdered his senses. That 'Tezcaltipoca' is aware of his physical form's limits, and reacts accordingly... it's not that comforting.

Something Leona is already finding out when Whip restores her full vision of the localized battlefield.

Her teeth grit in sympathy, but she doesn't cry out - or otherwise react like a silly child seeing their friend hurt. That doesn't help anybody. Instead, she's simultaneously moving back into the fray, coiling Voodoo beside her as she takes advantage of the short range to instead keep their three-way noose wound tight. Virtually skipping across the ground, she closes with Mukai around the time Leona makes her own dive.

"You think she's crazy?" Asks the bra-less prodigy, raising her brows and tone equally conversational, coming somewhere in the middle of Faolan's own speech. Between he and the senior woman, they have front and back covered - Mukai's fairly caught in the middle, which means Whip doesn't really have any work to do keeping him in any particular place. With a bit of space to work with, she keeps her left hand down and once more reaches behind her with the right. "What he said, chap," she adds as Faolan finishes, pulling free the Ruger once more.

"You really, really," she delivers chirpily, hauling the huge revolver up and forward, keeping it just out of grabbing range but still very notably qualifying for 'point blank' range. The subsequent *boom* as her finger tightens is followed by two more, three .44 rounds rapidly released until her extended forearm is shivering with the effort of holding it in place - and SOMETHING between the chest and forehead of Mukai is hopefully bearing a nice, smoking bloody hole. Thank Gaia he's taller than Faolan. "Ain't seen /nothing/ yet."

COMBATSYS: Mukai blocks Leona's V-Slasher.

  [                             ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ]

[  \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////////         ]
Faolan           0/-------/---====|=------\-------\0            Leona
[    \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Whip             0/-------/-----==|

COMBATSYS: Whip successfully hits Mukai with Super Blackhawk.

  [                                |||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ]

[  \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////////         ]
Faolan           0/-------/---====|=------\-------\0            Leona
[    \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Whip             0/-------/---====|

COMBATSYS: Mukai interrupts Fierce Strike from Faolan with Divine Grasp.
>> Decisive Hit!! <<

  [                                    |||||||||||||||||||||||| ]

[         \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////////         ]
Faolan           1/----===/=======|=------\-------\0            Leona
[    \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Whip             0/-------/---====|

"Hm.." So it appears that Tezcaltipoca has struck a nerve. His comment about their crazed behavior not only enrages Leona but it makes her allies attack even more fiercely as well. That could have possibly gone better. He'll just have to guard his comments more closely since it's clear he's not winning the psychological battle here. The Ikari are fearless, and all his attempts to intimidate them are just pissing them off.



A pause.


Interrupted in the middle of his speech, Tezcaltipoca truly knows that Hell Hath no Fury like a woman scorned, not even deities can withstand such power as Leona unleashes a powerful strike that strikes his arm and promptly explodes, burning about half his mask off. Billowy white spiked up hair shows as well as a single eye. This is quickly followed by a much more powerful shot from Whip that strikes his chest and blows a hole right through him! Black blood oozing from the gaping hole on his chest lefty by Whip's gun.

Goodness, how is he even still alive?

"Well that smarts." Grumbles the giant golem as he slowly goes to stand back to his feet. Just in time to see Faolan coming from behind him to whack him with his bata.

Enough is enough.


Unleashing his Godly fury, Tezcaltipoca catches the stick swung at him and grabs Faolan's face, /SQUEEZING/ it hard putting immense pressure on his skull before tossing him aside by Whip and Leona's feet.

This man clearly does not know the Ikari. Landing from the V-Slasher, Leona turns, smoothly, and dashes forward. She isn't going to be in time to stop Mukai from savaging Faolan--but Fao is an Ikari. Ikari are all tough bastards. Even Leona. Her charge takes her forward, booted feet pounding the ground, driving her relentlessly. Fearless in the face of danger--obviously she knows just how much this man can hurt--she attacks all the same, like a barely-controlled, almost feral beast... but there's intelligence in her blue eyes.

Her lunge is converted into a low leap--as she seeks to take Mukai from behind, swinging her body forward and looking to snag him by the back of the head. Should she get there, she'll grab him around the neck and alter her trajectory--almost straight down. He claims to be 'of the Earth'... she wants to see if he likes -eating dirt-. In her radio, she can hear the Ikari preparing to evac. If he breaches the base, they'll have to move to a backup... but they won't leave anything behind.

Well if he wanted Faolan to stop talking he did a good thing by grabbing the fighter by the face. The squeezing sensation isn't a nice one to be felt either as he finds himself flailing a bit before he gets tossed back and goes tumbling a bit. "I think he is starting to realize what a bad idea this was." he grumbles and he starts to get to his feet. Just how long can this guy go is the problem. Faolan, Whip and Leona are all pretty tough on their own, but the fact that this guy is managing to give all three a good workout at once makes the Irishman admit to himself he is impressed. Not that he would say it out loud. He won't compliment a guy that is attacking his home afterall.

He stays back this time and out of reach at the moment. Not only just to kinda take a moment to let the throbbing in his brain go away from where he was having his head crushed, but to also to start siphoning energy into his bata once more. His brow furrows and he holds the bata high up as that energy snakes its way along to the tip before he points it forward. Whip may have her guns and all that fancy stuff, but sometimes a good old blast from afar can be just as useful. This one is much larger than the first he fired as well. Easily about five times the size as he grunts and finally fires off the giant black ball right for the masked fighter.

That very palpable hit brooks no particular joy from Whip. She couldn't have missed, after all; at that range, with a trio of shots, this strange intruder would need to possess speed beyond anything he's displayed to have evaded the blast radius entirely. Not that he's slow enough they can afford to hang about, and the smoking revolver isn't even holstered this time, just tossed hurriedly to one side. It lands in a patch of foliage, not discharging nor making much of a noise as it drops to a cushioned fall.

Which is less than can be said of Faolan. Like Leona, the gun-toting corporal doesn't delay herself aiding him. He'll live - and better, he's in perfect position to take up the rearguard heretofore maintained by Whip herself. "You think?" She responds to his quip, sparing a sideways grin as she slips past the Irishman, cracking Voodoo to the opposite flank and then dropping low as she puts her back behind a second, heavier blow. This one's not aimed at just air; it should wrap around the top of the monster's right bicep.

Leona's already aiming to bring him crashing down, and Fao's running artillery...

Whip goes high, attempting to use the secure grasp of her namesake to haul herself in, treating their foe no differently to the handily-placed and now sadly-deceased turret. Whether he's up or down doesn't matter-- it's just proximity with him she's going to ultimately require, throwing herself into a high leap over Faolan's incoming blast to come in the wake of both that and Leona's attack. Straight down.

"I think he needs it beaten into his skull some more!"

Her cheery cry comes as she seeks to plant an extended boot right into the cranium.

COMBATSYS: Faolan successfully hits Mukai with Black Friday Rule.

  [                                          |||||||||||||||||| ]

[          \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////        ]
Faolan           0/-------/----===|-------\-------\0            Leona
[     \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Whip             0/-------/---====|

COMBATSYS: Mukai Toughs Out Leona's Quick Throw!

  [                                            |||||||||||||||| ]

[          \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////        ]
Faolan           0/-------/----===|-------\-------\0            Leona
[     \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Whip             0/-------/---====|

COMBATSYS: Mukai fails to interrupt Strength Shot - Yuuetsu from Whip with Execution.
- Power fail! -
COMBATSYS: Mukai refuses to stay down!

  [                                                   ||||||||| ]

[          \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////        ]
Faolan           0/-------/----===|-------\-------\0            Leona
[     \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Whip             0/-------/--=====|

Wolves...wolves against a bear!!

Tezcaltipoca seemingly has no sense of strategy whatsover, he allowed his blind fury to go for the turret immediately and though he destroyed it he soon found himself trapped by the surrounding Ikari. How low the mighty have fallen when a great and mighty God can be felled by mere mortals.

"Aaah...magnificent!" Though he's clearly on the ropes, the tall man with the shattered mask enjoys the spectacle of the Ikari swarming him like the locust to overtake him. Leona grasps him by the head from behind causing the golem like creature to reach up to, not grab her, but hold what remains of his mask in place. His attempt to cover himself earns him an energy blast on his injured torso by the Irishman's bata. The creature staggers backwards, losing his footing, about to crumble down like a mountain.

Whip comes then and as he reaches out to her in an attempt to stop her, the muscled man is struck hard and he stumbles down back first into the ground form hence he came with a grunt. "Oof..."

So much for the mighty Tezcaltipoca?

"WHOO! HO HO HO!! HA HA HA HA!!!" A belly laugh comes from him as he lays there on the ground.




Leona isn't looking to kill the man... or whatever he is. Such control over stone and earth isn't exactly -ordinary-, but it might not be unheard of. She does want to drive him away from the Ikari base, though; she bounces off the ground after the bulldog, flipping and twisting in midair to land, boots drawing up a trail of dust as she skids.

<<Stay on him, Faolan, Whip. We cannot let him into the base!>> The words are spoken into her radio, as she assesses... and her lips quirk into a faint, faint smile. "Yes. This the power that humans possess..." She leaps forward, not quite in front of Mukai--but close--and she concentrates. A moment later, she's unleashing a heated, wordless yell, her arms, hands clenched into fists, spreading apart--and she generates a blue-white ball of crackling, slashing energy, sliding towards Mukai's chest--ready to engulf him.

"More than that," she informs the man, almost dispassionately, "This is the power of -Ikari-..."

Jeebus, he still stands? Not only that the guy is laughing about all of this as well as still having the energy to shout in a way Brian Blessed would applaud. There is a smirk when he hears Leona speaks into the radio and he just nods. He is still standing so there is no reason for him to ease up. Not in a place like this. The only way this wannabe god would do any more damage to this base is if Faolan was dead. Thankfully it seems he won't have to worry about things getting this dire. He may be talking still, but the big man looks like he is almost done.

"Ey, braless wonder." he calls to Whip as he points upwards. "I'm going high, you go low. Let us topple this mountain." he gives a rather big grin as his attention turns back to Mukai. "Just be lucky you got off easy, big guy. I guess the boss is comfortable because I don't see him around so we will just help you out of this base." With that he breaks into a mad dash forward and leaps up high. "Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu-" he shouts as he brings the bata up over his head with both hands and looks to swing downwards and hit Mukai right on the top of the head. "-ck YEAH!"

Leona's words echo in Whip's earpiece as she springs off the powerful brute to land in a momentary squat, sucking in a tight breath as she recoils Voodoo and stows her beloved away. A faint nod is her response, delivered as the booming words of Mukai echo still in her ears, and she begins to make her own move...

"You should see me when I've had a full eight hours," she responds easily to the man-god's bizarre and esoteric praise - voice falling beneath the more dramatic and powerful words Leona utters. There's a wry, lopsided smile on her lips as she takes several slow steps back, reaching for her second firearm; her Desert Eagle, all shiny, polished chrome as it's brought around before her. Voodoo rides at her hip now, as she holds the handcannon with barrel toward the floor, checking the clip and flicking the safety off with the other hand. It's all so practiced that it has the air of being completely, utterly casual.

Nothing could be further from the truth. She's just waiting for the opportune moment.

'The power of Ikari'. She heard it, and it makes her smile all the wider. This is where she belongs.

It's sure as hell /not/ where the vastly-muscled, overdramatic stranger belongs.

Whip gently, smoothly, steers the muzzle of her favourite gun upward until it focuses upon Mukai through the raging spikes of Leona's energy, aiming just beneath the wild swing of Faolan's trademark bata. Her finger caresses the trigger, squeezing upon it as tenderly as she would-- well, let's not go into detail. The girl loves her weaponry. Like she loves being an Ikari. Funny how one can work so well to defend the other.

'Bang', says the gun, as she tears off a single round right between the eyes.

"This is the power that /I/ have," she says, with surprising softness, the echo of nostalgia in her tone... Leona may have been born a monster, but Whip was made one. What's a 'god' but a monster that foolish men choose to worship? Between these two, and the unfailing spirit of their comrade-in-arms, he never had a chance.

COMBATSYS: Mukai blocks Leona's Baltic Launcher.

  [                                                    |||||||| ]

[         \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////////         ]
Faolan           0/-------/----===|=------\-------\0            Leona
[      \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Whip             0/-------/--=====|

COMBATSYS: Faolan successfully hits Mukai with Power Strike.

  [                                                        |||| ]

[         \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////////         ]
Faolan           0/-------/----===|=------\-------\0            Leona
[      \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Whip             0/-------/--=====|

COMBATSYS: Mukai can no longer fight.

[         \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////////         ]
Faolan           0/-------/----===|=------\-------\0            Leona
[      \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Whip             0/-------/-======|

COMBATSYS: Mukai fails to slow Desert Eagle from Whip with Impact of Steel.

[         \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////////         ]
Faolan           0/-------/----===|=------\-------\0            Leona
[      \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Whip             0/-------/-======|

The problem with being so big is that you're an easy target.

Fallen on the ground as he is, Tezcaltipoca isn't in the best position to defend himself. Broken, shattered, with a gaping hole on his chest for crying out loud, the colossal creature suddenly loops down right helpless against the relentless assault of the Ikari.

He sits up straight, grunting as his stony body begins to show cracks, with small chunks of his skin falling off in pieces despite desperately trying to keep himself together. Literally.

"So I hear." Grumbles the God creature, no longer sounding so high and mighty now as Leona unleashes yet another energy ball towards him, where it strikes his chest again. He begins to raise into a squat despite the attack and is struck soundly by Faolan's stick, causing the man's body to tremble as he continues to push upwards regardless of the blows he endures.

And then, as he arises to his full eight feet tall height, the warrior stares at his amethyst as he called her pointing an insufferably irritating hand cannon directly at his face.

"I really do hate those things."


The man's mask is shattered completely by the Desert Eagle shot, causing him to faaaaaall backwards once more with a resounding CRASH. Someone inside the Ikari base probably saying 'Timber!' as he hits the ground. Even Gods have their limits.

"Crap." It's all he can say, with his mask destroyed everyone can see he has some kind of communicator/microphone attached to his ear. Tentatively he reaches for it and presses a button, caring not if people around can hear him.

"Red Six, this is Bravo Five, I'm down. Did you get what you needed?"


He doesn't look too happy from what he heard

"What do you mean you didn't get past the first checkpoint? Red Six!? Come in Red Six!!! RED SIX!!!!"

The man sits up straight, screaming to his radio.

Not a good day indeed.

With one look at the Ikari he arches an eyebrow getting an almost embarrassed grin.

"Alright, I admit I am not Tezcaltipoca, but you have done well Ikari. I will continue to watch you in the future." He looks around and begins to sink on the ground, the roar of the jungle around them all becoming quiet.

"Bye for now."

Leona watches the man 'leave', shaking her head. They'll need to beef up defenses. And find out how this man knew where they were. For now... "Whip. Faolan. Remain vigilant."

Reaching up to her earpiece, she triggers it. "Base. Intruder has been dealt with. Send out medical and repair crews. We need to be up and running again by 1600."

With a glance to her fellow Ikari, she nods; they did well. And then she turns towards the base, the doors starting to rumble open, and she walks towards it. "I'll file the report." Simple, elegant, to the point. That's Leona.

Over her shoulders, she adds, ".. go put on a bra, Whip." For chrissakes. At least K' wasn't here to see that. Dude might've done something.

Wait, he was working with someone? What is this guys deal and who the hell was he working with? He didn't think he remembered them mentioning trouble elsewhere other than the big fighter they are dealing with right now. "Shit, another?" He is about to ask the intruder for motives and who the other person is trying to get inside, but he just stares when the guy...did he just fucking melt into the ground? "This has been a weird fucking day." is all he says while giving his head a shake.

That is when his radio picks something up and he raises a hand. "Yeah, we got the big one. Be careful there might be...." he just trails off then he slowly starts to look even more confused. "That guy!?" he shouts over the radio and despite not believing who he was just told was the other intruder he can't help but laugh. "All right. You two know what to do with an idiot like that. Make sure he remembers what a mistake he made."

There is another chuckle and he waves a hand. "Well there was a second, but some of the boys got him taken care of. I just hope there aren't any others." he admits. Oh how he kinda wished he got to handle the other one, but ahh well. This 'god' has learned a lesson and now that he is captured Daniel will certainly learn one too.

Cursing? Exasperated radio chatter?

If it wasn't for the astoundingly creepy silence that ultimately falls in the outlying Brazilian savagery, Whip would be wondering once more if this was some kind of insane prank. But as she spins and holsters her weapon, she takes a moment in the settling calm to feel out the god-man's aura as best she can - energy's not exactly her forté, but she saw what he's capable of, and even one imbued more with the power of science can't miss the background hum of /power/ that surrounds their monstrous, departing foe. Her gaze slips to Leona, as she recalls a motion or two lost in the storm of battle. A fleeting thought is quickly dismissed.

"Roger," she replies thoughtlessly to her friend - and lest we forget, superior's - command, even throwing out a quick and fairly textbook salute, her boots clacking together beneath her. It doesn't last long though, a big yawn breaking apart her composure, one hand fidgeting with the strap of her vest. She's still in that position when Leona adds that parting comment, and Whip's not /shameless/... her cheeks colour immediately.

It does nothing for her preoccupation either. Faolan may remain on business, but...

"My back hurts," she mutters to her possibly-fellow Irishman as she steps past him, giving him the sort of grumpy-pouty look only an embarassed young woman missing both sleep and sufficient underwear can rightly manage. It also adroitly communicates that she's not going to stick around to look for intruders or help patrol the perimeter. She should probably hang around anyway - after all, it's not every day they take down someone quite so powerful as the not-god; it's almost worth celebrating.

"Let the privates handle the cleanup. I'm going back to bed."


COMBATSYS: Whip has left the fight here.

[         \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////////         ]
Faolan           0/-------/----===|=------\-------\0            Leona

COMBATSYS: Faolan has left the fight here.

[         \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Leona            0/-------/------=|

COMBATSYS: Leona has ended the fight here.

Log created on 14:02:04 04/21/2012 by Whip, and last modified on 21:01:31 04/21/2012.