Johann - Gangers and Dragons

Description: Zaki is not the kind of person you want to piss off. So why is it someone decided that messing with her gang was a good idea? A plan that seemed to put Zaki on a path of gang destruction all the way to Sunshine City as she tries to look for answers. In the end she just just have more questions.

Blood stains the streets of Outer Sunshine. It's not unusual; the quirky city is a troubled one also, rife with crime and intergang warfare, more these days than the metropolis of Southtown. There are fewer vigilantes patrolling the streets, chaos reigning freely and only exacerbated by the presence of opposition. Such is the case today-- but then, Aoi Himezaki and the stalwart core of her Ladies' Team came seeking nothing less.

It began back home, this unruly pubescent crusade, with the discovery of some unsolicited business in one of the less pretty suburbs outlying Seijyun. A few young women paid with hospital time, driving off the interlopers with their particular breed of girly violence - but that wasn't enough for Zaki. Bodies were examined, and a mysterious serpent sigil identified. A device like that means more than petty crime. A few broken skulls and purpled necks led her along the trail to Sunshine, and an incursion followed soon after.

Handbags at dawn, indeed. But these hangbags came stuffed with brass knucks and switchblades.

The Bondage Princess has waged her bloody war against all comers - and there've been plenty - penetrating deep into the outskirts of the city, her motley band now arrayed around an old industrial plant, fending off the remnants of a know-nothing gang decked out in rollerblades and anachronistic baseball gear. Screeches and grunts fill the hot afternoon air, but the woman herself is not among them. She's found herself a perch above and away from the action, spike-heeled boots kicked over the edge of a high gantry. Her ears prick at the sounds below, but her vulpine eyes remain narrowed upon one of her trademark chains; her favourite, in fact. The other hand contains a dirty old oilcloth, as she painstakingly polished each stainless steel link.

They're not any closer to finding these serpentine bastards, but in the sukeban's estimation...

Her skirt and tights are stained with the blood of other women and men, her knuckles are bruised and her toned body is starting to feel the effects of fatigue. A trickle of crimson runs from a gash in her brow, seeping through dark brows to surround one intent eye with a virulent red halo. Yeah. It's been a good day.

And word spreads fast. Even if they go home now, Sunshine won't forget the Ladies' Team in a hurry.

It is hard to tell what those marks may mean. No one has been able to identify them and even through the rampage that has gone fron Southtown to Sunshine not a single gang seems to be associated with any of it. Of course now those gangs might have some questions of their own because it has led to them getting targeted by someone they probably would have never had to deal with in their lives. Even the gang down below screams they have no idea what is going on and know nothing about any sort of serpent sigil. They are fighting a losing battle and many are trying to retreat so the gang isn't entirely wiped out.

Needless to say the Industrial area of Sunshine is probably the worse of the worse. This has been the third gang encountered and there might be many more among the alleys and unused streets. It is not a good place to travel alone at all since apparently there is one especially dangerous man that roams this area. The one that holds sway over all the gangs and despite his size has seemed elusive. Zaki will have learned of the name Abobo rather fast, but finding him is another matter. He might be the one man that could have answers that she is looking for.

Of course getting information on where he may be has been rather hard to obtain as well. They have to run out of gangs to attack eventually, right? He would certainly have to show up if he is the one truely causing trouble. Of course all the activity has drawn the attention of someone else. Someone much more dangerous than any gang member in this town including the massive gang boss. She might not be able to see it, but Zaki can tell s he is being watched. Where they might be is hard to tell. They are close, though. Perhaps too close for comfort.

A fighter's senses are a special thing. Many believe it's all mystical hoo-doo; that they can detect the inherent life force of a fellow warrior, that somehow they're all so shiny and special that they've been gifted with ken beyond that of normal man. Superpowers. Zaki scoffs at the idea, and she spits on it - but it doesn't stop her knowing when something is up, getting that fierce tingle in the spine, a twitch in the fingers that sets her nerves to screaming and her blood to rushing. It's nothing special, though...

Just the instincts of one who's been kicked in the face a hundred times too many.

She smirks behind the mask, the battle din below starting to slowly unwind to the occasional crunch and sigh as her girls prevail. There'll be a few of them needing attention, no doubt, but they're travelling en masse. A few pairs of hands can be spared-- besides, Sunshine may be a backwater, but it's not without facilities. One of the only decent things about this screwed-up society is that a gal can get her head stitched free of charge.

Though it's cold comfort, when one seeks the worst that the world has to offer.

Aoi continues to grease her weapon with a feigned calm as she weathers the sensual barrage, eyes narrowing a touch further in an outward expression of her mounting excitement. But she shows no other sign; that mask serves a purpose beyond mere anti-vanity. No sign, until she suddenly rears to her feet in insinctual tandem with the final battling schoolgirl below, containing her slippery opponent at last in a tight headlock and starting to lay in with heavy punches. A first lands with a sickening thud, then two, three, four... five.

Zaki's feet are found in the same moment that the poor mook's body hits the floor, limp and wet. The gantry beneath her long, slim legs rattles under her weight, finding sympathetic melody in the jangle of her chain as it whips through the air then settles gradually, dancing like a hangman on his noose before coming to rest in the air. The Bondage Princess turns a full circle from on high, her opposite arm raised to draw attention. But it's the booming noise of her voice that does the trick, hard and stern, cold and cruel.

"Oi! We're done playing games. We're done tearing this town apart. We're done chasing, and we're done waiting for the snake in the fucking grass. Time to rear that ugly head, show us your scales and your tongue!" Ceasing her turning, she raises a foot and brings it down, up and down, up and down, a rhythmic background clatter of thundering iron forming a backdrop as she raises her voice, "Let us repay you for slithering into /our/ turf, and then we'll make our way back home. We don't want this pathetic, broken excuse for a city..."

She stops her stamping, and snaps her chain before her, catching it in both hands, pulling it taut.

"we just want you."

COMBATSYS: Zaki has started a fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Zaki             0/-------/-------|

Whoever it is watching they are good at the art of not being seen. Almost as if they slip out of Zaki's visual range each time she thinks she might be able to spot them. This isn't a two bit thug watching her. This is someone that might be a true challenge. That is also why it may be most upsetting to Zaki that the person never seems to reveal where they are even when she comes calling.

What does seem to happen is perhaps something she did not expect. The noise of chains rattling that are not her own. A man draped with them stepping out not far behind her as a larger figure looms over him. This is not Abobo. The guy seems large, but not the size of what she has been described. "Ruffling the wrong feathers, girly." says the chain covered one as he gives a grin revealing a few missing teeth. "The big boss doesn't like what you have been doing to his boys."

As for the girls below? The might find that their own fight is going to get much tougher. The gang they were dealing with is reeling, but emerging all about are several other men. Rather nasty looking types from all over armed with everything from guns to just their own fists. Now it is time to see if the Ladies Team can handle themselves against much greater odds. It seems Abobo or someone else is done with this little game.

"It was cute at first, but now you must go. GET HER, BONK!" the man wrapped in chains shouts as the larger fellow bellows loudly and charges. He looks to outright just deliver two quick, crushing blows to Zaki as the talker of the two quickly brings around a chain in an attempt to snag Zaki by the leg and tug on it hard. In tandem the gangers surrounding her Ladies Team charge forward. The clash begins.

COMBATSYS: Bonk has joined the fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Zaki             0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0             Bonk

COMBATSYS: Squid has joined the fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Squid            0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0             Bonk
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Zaki             0/-------/-------|

COMBATSYS: Zaki endures Squid's Whip Trip.

[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////////// ]
Squid            0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0             Bonk
[  \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Zaki             0/-------/-------|

COMBATSYS: Zaki fails to interrupt 1-2 Punch from Bonk with Light Kick.

[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////////// ]
Squid            0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0             Bonk
[     \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Zaki             0/-------/------=|

Ask, and ye shall receive... something, at least. Zaki doesn't look best pleased.

"What we don't want," she utters, voice now dangerously low as she releases a shallow outbreath, an irritated hiss sounding from behind the leather mask, "Is a couple of piss-streaks who've got nothing to do with this, and can't even /lie properly/." The last is snapped as she takes a step toward the huge, chain-draped man, sweeping a scatching gaze across his armament en route to matching his stare with her own. She doesn't grin; her scowl is concealed but very well expressed by her eyes as they smoulder with bitter carelessness. It's an attitude that ends up costing her - but even that doesn't change what she feels.

The lashing chain is disregarded, allowed to twine about an ankle and jolt her forward, but she uses the momentum to her favour, avoiding an ungainly fall to instead wrench herself into the huge, striking limb. What she fails to estimate is the power behind the subsequent blow; some men only look big, but others can back it up. Her rapidly rising leg is beaten to the quite literal punch, and a moment later the sukeban is launched back along the flimsy gantry, wiping an arm across her mouth as the chain spins at her side. A gesture of irritation.

"I'll leave as soon as your 'big boss' shows himself. Out of my fucking way. I won't ask twice." Her lip curls, brow furrowing as she sways back to her feet with languid ease in spite of her slight daze. Her chin lifts defiantly, as she looks down nose and black leather both toward the pair of brawlers. "Big, small, it doesn't matter; neither of you means a damn thing in this world or the next. Give me Abobo."

It might continue to throw Zaki off. The fact that someone is still in the shadows. They didn't emerge when the gang did. It can't be Abobo for certain. How could a man t hat large hide so well? He is probably off in some dilapidated building watching on a video screen at best. Or just really not caring. The guy has a rep for not really showing up unless it is really a big problem. Apparently he doesn't consider it a very big problem just yet.

Of course the fact that Zaki fails to do much doesn't seem to affect the morale of the two men that she is left to deal with. "He doesn't answer personal calls when it isn't important." Not important? Given the fact she has taken down so many people and they consider her unimportant might just fuel the fire. Even more so the screams of her own gang from below as they try to deal with the rush of gangers attacking them. They are holding their own for now, but for how long against the odds?

The chain covered fighter wraps one up around his hand as he comes charging in. "We will be enough to take care of the likes of you. We will send you limping back to your school in no time, sweetheart." He looks to just slam that fist across her face while maybe serving a distraction for the larger fighter who is just looking to grab her afrwards and toss her to the ground.

COMBATSYS: Zaki dodges Bonk's Medium Throw.

[  \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////////// ]
Squid            0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0             Bonk
[     \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Zaki             0/-------/------=|

COMBATSYS: Squid successfully hits Zaki with Chain Punch.

[  \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////////// ]
Squid            0/-------/------=|-------\-------\0             Bonk
[        \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Zaki             0/-------/----===|

"Kuso!" Zaki spits characteristically, fist clenching tight enough around her favourite chain that the links begin to creak, and the fine material of her glove stretches and tears around the palm. She's got a steady head on her shoulders when she's focused - but sometimes, it's better not to be. There are times where sheer, bloody-minded violence is the only appropriate answer to life's little foibles. "You think I'm not /important/?" That time is now. "I don't give a flying fuck what you pair of animals think, but--"

She's interrupted, her face jerking to one side as that brawny fist again strikes home, but there's a benefit to being hit in the face really hard; it provides momentum. Beneath the mask she's grinning fiercely as she slides back along the iron latticework, the high platform bucking and wobbling beneath the combined weight of she and her foes. But the sukeban isn't off her game - not yet, evading the attempted grapple with an easy sway of her relocated form, staring with level fury into the eyes of the now-nearest man before she moves in...

Even outnumbered, even with her girls below facing similarly overwhelming odds, she lacks no form of confidence. Her grace would be comparable to a dancer's were she not so vitriolic, the snap of her athletic form carrying a brutal power that should be able to match and exceed either of these petty men before her. But as she whirs through a deft pirouette, leaping two feet off the gantry with a snarling hiss, her predatory counter-assault relies not only upon her toned musculature, not on skill alone - but on the mystic bullshit she barely even believes in, on a flicker of electric, searing bluish-purple chi that arcs down her spiked heel.

"Care or /not/, I can still teach you a fucking lesson!!"

Her words come bitter as her foot descends, scatching across face and chest.

"Let's all limp together, shall we?"

COMBATSYS: Zaki successfully hits Bonk with Gankou Geri.

[  \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////        ]
Squid            0/-------/------=|=====--\-------\0             Bonk
[         \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Zaki             0/-------/---====|

The brawnier of the two doesn't seem afraid of Zaki. For all the venom she spits she hasn't exactly proven to be too dangerous in his eyes. That might be something that helps out the femme ganger in the long run. Instead of making any attempt to stop her he was waiting with arms raised in an attempt to catch her. Instead he finds himself in aworld of pain as that energy fueled downward kick slashes down his face and across his chest and he is sent sprawling back as he claws at his face and screams.

The other ganger doesn't seem too impressed nor does he seem to care his cohort is in pain. "Beat us up all you want. We will keep coming. You haven't even been playing with the big boys yet." he says and gives another grin as he tricks his neck. "Be glad we were told not to put any of you all in a bodybag despite all the trouble you have caused."

He might just be trying to serve as a distraction. Something to allow his fellow ganger time to get to his feet and advance on Zaki. He is just looking to grasp her by the neck with his meaty hands and to lift her off the ground. There is nothing fancy about it. He is just trying to wring her about like a chicken. That chain unfurls from the other fighter and he just gives a big swing in an attempt to smack against her side.

COMBATSYS: Zaki dodges Squid's Chain Whack.

[    \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////////         ]
Squid            0/-------/------=|=====--\-------\0             Bonk
[         \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Zaki             0/-------/---====|

COMBATSYS: Zaki dodges Bonk's Throttle.

[    \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////////         ]
Squid            0/-------/------=|=====--\-------\0             Bonk
[         \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Zaki             0/-------/---====|


Zaki's striking leg actually hits the ground first, extended before her with a deafening clatter of protest from the underlying walkway. Her rear leg is tucked beneath her, supporting the second stage of her landing with a bunched quad, the resultant recovery carrying sufficient spring that her composure isn't broken in the slightest; the attack may have taken effort, but it's not placed her at any form of disadvantage. Vulpine eyes flick from the brawniest of her assailants to the apparent brains of the operation, regarding him with a dull and distant mirth, soon echoed in a derisive snort from behind her mask.

"I've played with bigger toys than you two," she utters with a queer, savage sort of nonchalance, shifting her attention back to the advancing foe. His clumsy hands are evaded first with a flexion of her neck, and then a sideward roll that sees her legs kick heavenward, skirts flapping down around her charcoal tights. Anything alluring is lost within the motion as she strikes out with the right limb, meeting the striking chain with the stiletto heel of her boot, sending it careering wide as she tumbles back to her feet with a gentle outbreath.

She's right upon the perilous edge of the gantry now, balanced like a cat. Seemingly careless of her predicament, she starts forward without any kind of adjustment - moving less like a tightrope walker than the vicious street thug she purports to be, stomping along the latticework in a flurry of heavy steps to chase down the smaller gangbanger. A hand lashes out to seize a grip on the chains crossing his torso.

"By the way," she mutters darkly, as she seeks to haul him forward. ""As if muscling in on my goddamn turf wasn't enough..." Her own weapon has been tidily wound around her forearm during the sequence of her motions, winding about the wrist and over her knuckles to form a convenient striking surface, now brought up in a twisting backhand to turn her own grab into a potentially devastating gesture; she's looking to smash him right off the quivering walkway. "You're STEALING MY GIMMICK!!"

COMBATSYS: Zaki successfully hits Squid with Armed Combo.
- Power hit! -

[           \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////////         ]
Squid            0/-------/-======|=====--\-------\0             Bonk
[          \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Zaki             0/-------/---====|

A powerful blow that connects hard against the face for the chain clad ganger. He already was missing some teeth, but he might be missing more at this point as he wobbles and starts to fall off the walkway. Some quick thinking is the only thing that really saves him as he uses a chain to catch himself. It seems Zaki at least has saved herself from having to deal with both men for the time being. It is going to take him a few moments to try and get back onto the walkway and on his feet.

That just leaves the silent and more brutish looking of the two staring down the much smaller Zaki. He cracks his knuckles and advances towards her. He breathes heavily and then breaks into a charge. It looks like he is getting up in the face of the ganger girl in an attempt not only to knock her away from his partner that is currently in a bad position, but perhaps also to knock her off the walkway and into the awaiting horde below that is doing battle with Zaki's followers.

"That's right! Get her, Bonk!" shouts the other as he is climbing back onto the walkway. He is still in no position to really strike at Zaki at the moment so he lets his big cohort handle things.

COMBATSYS: Squid gains composure.

[        \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////////         ]
Squid            0/-------/---====|=====--\-------\0             Bonk
[          \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Zaki             0/-------/---====|

COMBATSYS: Zaki dodges Bonk's Ramming Speed.

[        \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////////         ]
Squid            0/-------/---====|======-\-------\0             Bonk
[          \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Zaki             0/-------/---====|

"Stay down there," hisses Zaki, in what sounds a frank attempt at stern intimidation until a note of insidious, acidic good humour bubbles to the fore, "And think about what you've done." Even someone who postures so much as the sukeban can't keep the bitter note forever; fighting feels good. Winning feels better.

Her attention is quickly back on the approaching hulk, his astoundingly ugly visage met with a soft snort of playful derision to accompany his tumultuous breath. The Bondage Princess remains balanced upon the precipice for as long as she can, rooting into her heels and starting to bend lithely downward in the instant before he's due for impact - and then she pivots, neatly sliding into a backstep as she raises both hands in an attempt to seize a grip on the hopefully over-extended gangbanger. People say a lot of things about Zaki...

Most of them fail to miss that she's not all blood and brutality. There's grace and technique behind her lithe limbs. Case in point; if she can get the grasp she seeks, one hand upon the elbow and the other just behind the shoulder of the charging man, it's with a simple rotation of the hip that she aims to neatly flip him forward. Facefirst into the open air-- but not so far that he's simply fall. Just far enough that his meaty chest will come down hard upon the iron latticework beneath. Never let it be said she can't be brutal /as well/.

"What's the matter?" She grunts as she steps back, repositioning herself amidst the middle of the gantry, a little safer now her tactical risk seems to have paid off as best it could, "I thought you were going to 'get' me, big guy."

COMBATSYS: Zaki successfully hits Bonk with Quick Throw.

[        \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////             ]
Squid            0/-------/---====|=======\-------\1             Bonk
[         \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Zaki             0/-------/---====|

Big and hulking does have some disadvantages. The brutish fellow isn't exactly quick and that allows Zaki to easily get out of the way even as he goes to run her over with his sheer strength. His momentum helps in Zaki's attempt to take him off his feet too. Forward Bonk goes as he slams onto the walkway hard and it whines in protest from the impact. Did something just crack? Hopefully it was the big man and not the walkway that made that noise.

The chain covered ganger has managed to fully get his feet under him again now and while the larger of the two starts to get back up they have Zaki caught between them. Or so they would like to think at least. He grips one of his own chains as he swings it about and he hehs a bit. "Quick little thing. And a smartass to boot. A shame you don't want to be in a real gang and instead pretend to be some sort of princess lording some wannabes that will probably end up whores." He may want to watch his words in this case. Or maybe he is trying to goad Zaki into more of a rage so she makes mistakes.

The larger of the two has gotten back up now and he looks to just suckerpunch Zaki in the mush with his fist. Something to try and throw her off balance as the other whips his chain forward, attempting to get it around Zaki's neck and use it to choke her.

COMBATSYS: Zaki dodges Bonk's Quick Punch.

[         \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////            ]
Squid            0/-------/---====|=======\-------\1             Bonk
[         \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Zaki             0/-------/---====|

COMBATSYS: Zaki interrupts Chain Choke from Squid with Kuuha no Tessa EX.

[              \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////            ]
Squid            1/-------/=======|=======\-------\1             Bonk
[           \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Zaki             0/-------/--=====|

For someone with the reputation of a hothead, Aoi is actually moderately tough to properly insult. Most of the common cracks she's heard a hundred thousand times and doesn't give the slightest damn about - and things like 'bitch' and the now-emergent 'smartass' sound like nothing more than compliments from the mouths of ignorant fools. She has her berserk buttons, though; and it's all too easy for these lackwits to stumble upon, simply by twisting the release valve and letting their verbal torrent loose...

Even with the mask, the rictus of pure rage that consumes the schoolgirl's face is all too apparent as the chain-strewn brawler runs his mouth. A vein bulges at her temple, but it's her eyes where it shows most-- their edges crinkled and pupils bright with an unholy fury. She's so irritated she doesn't even bother with any kind of theatrics as the bigger brute attacks, simply jerking bluntly aside to let his fist eat the air. It's the incoming chain that keeps her attention, a hand shifting to protect her throat as it strikes.

"Hnngh!" It still hurts; she doesn't stop it completely, doesn't even TRY to, letting it entangle and press her dextrous digits against her windpipe before with a Dianean effort (it's like Herculean, for chicks) she wrenches it away and twists to one side, a foot sliding backward to brace as she hauls the sad little man toward her with a tight, enraged roar. Spettle flecks the inside of her mask, but she doesn't care.

"YOU STREAK OF SHIT! /Never/ call me that--!!"

All she cares about is making him hurt. Her other hand - still wrapped in the links of her own steel armament - lashes forward as he's forced to glide, fly or stumble toward her, a dynamic twist of the wrist resulting in a resounding symphony of unfurling chain. Singing as it soars, the metal length snaps like a biting serpent, striking against his chest at a high-angle as she drops to one knee. It just stings, at first; but then the whole gathers in a heavy coil, and a pulse of unseen chi drives the full weight home.

As he's sent off his feet, battered and bruised, she rises to her feet with a snarl, still glaring.

"--and don't say one more fucking thing about my girls. This is between you, me, and your boyfriend."

The buttons were pressed, but then it seems it might have been for the worst. If the chain fighter was looking to get a rise out of Zaki it is mission accomplished. Of course he is also in a world of hurt because of it. That chain impacts hard enough on its own, but the unleashing of energy is enough to knock the wide eyed ganger away and over the edge again. This time his chain doesn't reach and he goes falling below to where the skirmish is going on between the two gangs. If he survives it is likely he will forget he should never call Zaki a princess.

That leaves her alone with the larger of the duo. Or at least it looks that way. There is a clapping heard and standing on the far end of the walkway is another figure. Perhaps the one that was watching her? The person is clad in black and his posture is relaxed. He doesn't seem like he is ready to jump in at any moment. "Very impressive. Do go on. Don't let me stop you from having fun with your other friend." the figure says. A hood keeps his face obscured as well to where the masked fighter can't quite make out the features.

Now the question is it a distraction that may allow Bonk to sneak one in. It isn't like the big man can't be heard approaching. Stealth is not his style. He is just bringing both hands together and raising them high up before swinging down with all his might.

COMBATSYS: Squid has left the fight here.

[           \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////            ]
Zaki             0/-------/--=====|=======\-------\1             Bonk

COMBATSYS: Bonk successfully hits Zaki with Double Fisted Fury.

[                 \\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////            ]
Zaki             1/-------/=======|-------\-------\0             Bonk

One down. The sidelong flash of Zaki's gaze might almost be accompanied by the tacking of chalk.

"Or just me and you, Jumbo," she murmurs, somewhat distantly as that clapping begins to reach her ears. In moments like these it's hard to be sure where to turn - tricks work both ways, she'd reason, and a distraction is often intended to be missed. Hardly a stranger to the concept of reverse psychology, Zaki momentarily fights a mental battle before she steps out into the walkway's centremost point, placing her between the brute and the shrouded mystery - her attention divided, but primarily upon the latter.

But there's more than one layer to this. Physically, she may be well-placed, but her mental gameplan is shot. She's fought to keep the odds down; letting her focus on one man at a time, only to have the rules change. Even with that in mind, it's fair sure this newcomer is her actual prey. So, she's distracted from a distraction.

Maybe she shouldn't think so much.

"Kuso!" Whirling away from the apparition, she throws a forearm up, trailing that unwound chain as the other flies out to maintain her balance from what she's certain is going to be a painful shot. It's not really her style-- less all or nothing, more hedging her bets, and she pays for it. Her arm is flung down by the sheer force behind the blow, his fists slamming into her a half-beat later, shuddering down her frame and turning long, powerful legs into little more than flimsy rubber supports. A wild shake of her head sends her long, jagged ponytail to twitching, and she forces herself back with the gathered momentum.

Leaping, she lands with a *clang* a scant few feet from the newcomer, glaring up at him for an instant... her energies gather. A knotted tangle of electric bluish-purple ripples down her leading leg, arcing into the metal gantry as she coils up like a spring and then unleashes with a scream. "YOSHAAAAAA--!!" Suddenly she's flashing from the mystery man to the lumbering hulk, time seeming to stand still for an instant as she springs into a near-instaneous rotation of the body, her full weight flung behind a suddenly-upraised leg. It crashes down heelfirst, spikefirst, a thundering jolt of energy exploding at the point of impact; and it's just the beginning, the sukeban landing catlike before whipping herself into another two, identical kicks, each taking her a little less far but striking a little more violently. Until, at the last--

She leaps up and twists from the waist, pistoning her opposite leg forward in a beautiful flying side kick.

A final explosion of chi should send the big man right back along the elevated catwalk...

Toward the water tower at the other end.

COMBATSYS: Bonk endures Zaki's Hissatsu Inazuma Gankou Geri.

[                 \\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////                         ]
Zaki             0/-------/------=|=======\=------\1             Bonk

The figure cloaked in black seems unphased by the glare he gets from Zaki. Of course it is hard to tell his facial expression given the hood. His body language shows he doesn't feel threatened at least. There is still that nagging of being watched at the same time if she takes time to think about it. There is someone else skulking about it would seem. Just how in over her head can she be? Even worse are these more followers of Abobo or something entirely different?

Too many questions that need answers and those aren't easy things to mull over when you have a seven foot monster trying to crush you. Even as Zaki comes at him, the brutish fighter charges forward. The result is rather nasty clash that has a heel dragging across him multiple times, tearing clothes and skin in the process before he lets out a load roar of pain as he is blasted away and into the rusted out water tower where he crashes through the metal and leaves a large gaping hole. From the looks of it the thing has been empty for quite some time too.

"So vicious. You really are a curious and interesting. I can see why he would be interested in you." comes the voice of the figure in black. Just who does he mean by 'he' as well? No, this can't be someone Abobo commands. There is something different about him that sets him aside from all the rabble that is fighting below.

Any chance for Zaki to soon erased as well. There is a creaking coming from the water tower than a load roar once more. A bloodied and rather angry ganger erupts out of it and leaping back towards Zaki. There are several moments for her to be prepared at least. He has a long way to go to get to her, but well he has gained quite a bit of momentum as he looks to just pick up the woman and smash her down hard head first into the walkway with enough force it might just break and send the pair careening to the fight below.

COMBATSYS: Zaki interrupts Piledriver from Bonk with Kokou no Pride.

[                    \\\\\\\\\\  < >                                ]
Zaki             0/-------/-----==|=====--\-------\0             Bonk

Unfortunately, observation isn't really the number one priority for the sukeban right now. The wrenching of metal is an effect close to what she'd hoped; albeit with a touch more in the department of waterworks. Still, it should be gratifying, and it would be were she one iota less genre-savvy. No fight against a lumbering brute ever ends there - he always has to mount a comeback, he always has to come roaring back into the fray.

So she waits, absorbing the ruminations of her apparent watcher as she remains in a cat stance, rear foot planted and the lead set down only upon the ball following her final, brutal strike. She appears furious to any onlooker - glare still glinting from beneath her crimson bangs, forehead creased and temple throbbing. But beneath the mask she wears a lazy, predatory grin that only spreads with the expected frenzy of motion.

"Come on," she urges, voice low before it suddenly raises to a scream, "/COME ON/!!"

His bounding, leaping grab is actually accepted - he seizes her surprisingly light and slender shoulders, hauling her up like she were nothing. It's astonishing HOW little she seems to weigh, even given her frame; but then, the truth is that she's thrown herself into a vertical leap that just happens to carry her into his intended momentum. There's a rattling of chain from around her wrist as the mass unwinds once again, an arm flying downward and backward as she's firmly gripped. That grin is Cheshire now, baring teeth beyond the thick, choking leather that no man may ever be privileged to see.

The mystery man may be astonished himself, as the chain seems to mount no offensive effort from the sukeban. Rather, it wraps about the gantry near his feet, tightening fast about itself with almost supernatural ease-- yeah, for all her bluster and rage, she's got skills. She's sent thundering toward the walkway herself, but the impact - while it SOUNDS heavy - is fleeting indeed. The fastening of the chain sends her ripping from that grapple, pulled forcefully from her foe to end up in a crouching skid back along the iron lattice.

"So what is this," she barks out as she wrenches herself to a halt, and gathers herself, "A recruitment party? Lure me in, butter me up, get rid of my girls and use me for your own sick bullshit?" Her eyes flare, as she whips a wild stare between the hooded figure and the brute. It's only an instant, but it communicates a lot. In case her reactive feeling were unclear, well... "/Fuck that/," she spits. And then--

She's moving again, meeting the hulk as she flings herself near-horizontally to catch him unawares with another kick, still tethered by the chain about her forearm as she hurls a straight, whipping toe punt up beneath his brawny jaw. It strikes with a nasty, piercing smack. If at first you don't succeed...

Keep trying until they fall down good and hard. It's a long way back to earth.

The large fighter has to just be running on adrenaline at this point. He is fighting through broken bones and massive injuries all over. The urge to destroy the sukeban might be the only thing keeping him upright. At the same time the adrenaline rush can only last so long. Were he less beaten up he might have been able to keep his grip on Zaki as he comes crashing down. Even then he is slow to get up only to meet the kick that slams hard into the jaw. He rocks back and forth a few times before finally toppling backwards and landing hard. It is enough to rattle the walkway once more as it groans in protest for the punishment it has taken.

"Hmm? Well that doesn't seem like a very good plan at all." comes the reply from the hooded figure as the mull over what Zaki says. He doesn't even seem to care about the fact there is no one really standing between him and the female ganger at this point. In fact he is still in a rather casual and relaxed stance. He doesn't look like he is ready to fight at all.

He idly drums his fingers on the railing as he thinks. "I think it is more seeing exactly what you and your girls can do. Of course they seem to be getting overwhelmed below. You may want to help." he points out as he looks downwards. Did he actually just take his eyes off of her? This is a very brave soul indeed. "It does look like you are starting to make quite a few friends around town. Are you going to stay for awhile?"

COMBATSYS: Bonk can no longer fight.

[                    \\\\\\\\\\  <
Zaki             0/-------/-----==|

This time, Zaki's landing lacks the deftness of those past. She actually stumbles faintly as she lands, extending her torso out over her striking leg as the foot slams down just before those of the toppling giant. Sucking in a breath, she glances upward, watching him with a smouldering alertness until he finally crashes. When he does, she jolts an inch or two in the air, catching herself with a quick flail of the arms and straightening as she lands to finally restore her poise and turn upon the apparent leader of the downed men.

"No," she agrees with a toss of the head, settling a gloved hand upon her left hip as the other gives a tug upon the wound chain, freeing it from the walkway and hauling it slowly in with an immelodious jangling. "It sounds like the worst plan ever, unless you /want/ to piss me off." Not that she hasn't mostly enjoyed this.

Her eyes narrow as he draws attention to the continuing melee below, a dark brow quirking as she internally debates whether to trust his judgement or not - but she's not dense, and there's a certain feeling to this bizarre stranger. Even aside from her instincts... if he wanted to finish her off, he could have joined this party minutes ago. Aoi knows she couldn't have handled a third man even of the same level.

"Yare, yare," she sing-songs, done retracting her chain, the glinting length disappearing up her sleeve with a dextrous flexion of the wrist. A step is taken forward, a hand placing itself upon the broken end of the railing the cloaked man is fondling. "Seems we're at an impasse. But you... came to talk, right? If you wanted to fight, we'd be /doing/ it. I'll be around, Slim Shady." The western moniker sounds faintly ridiculous in her native accent, and she knows it, dark mirth sparkling in those vulpine eyes. "I'd give you my number but..."

"Hmph," another toss of her head, and she pauses to sling one long leg up over the rail, setting a spiked heel upon the dull metal. It makes a quite excruciating scrape; but she doesn't seem to care. "If I did that, I'd put paid to a lot of rumours about which way I swing. I like it when people keep talking. Keeps 'em busy. Stops them paying attention to what's really happening. Expect you and yours know a thing or three about that."

There's a soft grunt as she pushes with the raised leg to spring up into the air, hand simultaneously moving from her hip to brush past the crimson bangs overhanging her brow. The subsequent salute is fleeting, and casual in the extreme, but it's a sign of respect from one who rarely sees any reason for such. It's the closest she'll come to making a promise, of any kind, here and now. But it's something.

"See you around. You want me..." There's a swish of skirts as she plunges forward into a somersault, ending up in a direct swoop toward the ground, her jagged ponytail streaming behind along with her final words to the man-in-black. She's not a big girl, but her words /carry/. "Look where the fighting's thickest!"

Log created on 09:54:14 04/18/2012 by Johann, and last modified on 13:52:21 04/19/2012.