Ken - Problems.

Description: Ken calls Quon to his home for a visit to discuss the recent fiasco of the NDP regarding Adon.

There's a brief time where Ken throws in the towel and decides that he's going to spend time at home, and do some work there. However, it just means that when he gets things done, he has to have people brought to his house. He's sent notice to his staff to drag a certain prospective student of the former Muay Thai Emperor, especially because of what happened recently. Quon will find himself being brought, even if its kicking and screaming.

Once Quon finds himself in Ken's house (which is truly amazing), he'll be directed to Ken's personal study, in which Ken's sitting there, slacking off and playing a video game. He SHOULD be signing some paperwork for another deal thats going on, but really..

That can wait for the time being.

The expectations that Quon had when he entered the fighting world have gone beyond what he envisioned for himself. Earning the emity of Vega, the opportunity to train with Sagat. He never saw any of this coming. He especially never envisioned himself being invited to Ken Masters' home. At least not until after a couple box office smashes first.

When he steps inside, the young ex-Chinese fighter is in awe of the home and the various effects within. He barely bites back a gasp. Eventually though he is brought before Ken Masters and his jaw drops at the incredibly huge screen TV that Ken is playing videogames on.

"You wanted to speak with me?"

"Yep." Ken pauses his game and turns to face Quon, trying to honestly figure out how to approach this. "I saw the raw footage of your previous match with Johnny Jones. I have to admit, the two of you left me rather amazed with how you handled that interruption like you did." He immediatly gets to his feet and walks over to a mini-fridge, pulling out a couple of bottles of water, offering one to his guest.

"I'll admit it. I never thought Adon would.. really lose it like he has. I was hoping that you could give me some insight as to what went on, and what you feel about it. Sagat's kind of dropped off my radar, so speaking to him about how to help Adon is a bit out of the question, not to mention I don't think he really would want to anyways."

"I lost my cool at first. And after my attempt to shut him up went to hell in a hand basket, he made the mistake of continuing to talk. It made me realize why he came to my fight in the first place." He shrugs, "Either way, he somehow figured out that Sagat wanted to take me on as a student. He ended up having a very, very, public temper tantrum."

"But as for what his problem is with Sagat, I have no idea. I only know as much as you do and that's because Adon had been stupid enough to as my friend Antoine'd put it, 'let his mouth run reckless.' Before today, I never met him but he sure as hell knew about me. And to be honest, that's kinda creepy."

Ken nods his head as he moves to sit down once more in his chair, opening the water to take a long swig of it. "What do you honestly make of it? Do you believe he's going to have even more meltdowns like this? I.. thought that he was really trying to get into the character at Disneyland. It was pretty bad then.. Then again he's had Gilbert Gottfreid partnering with him to be the chaos agent. That guy can drive anyone crazy."

The blonde Ansatsuken master isn't really sure how to take this, and generally he'd try to browbeat whoever trained the person having the meltdown into taking care of their own student.. However it's not really a possibility. "Well, I'll be honest. Finding information out isn't that hard of a thing Quon. I can find out a lot, and we both know just how much a certain mighty chin could find out when he got the bug up his ass."

"Ugh. Don't remind me." To be honest, Quon would rather forget about the mighty chin and that energy. In those few moments of silence, Quon re-lives the agony of having that foul energy coursing through his body and visions of death and destruction and misery.

"He melted down because he expected me to run scared and not only the fact that I didn't, the fact that I called him on his bull. And it will continue to happen as long as he holds on to the delusions of his greatness and as long as he continues to have trouble looking at himself in the mirror. He wants people to be scared, he wants people to respect him, but he's incapable of realizing that the way he behaves regardless of how much skill he has, won't give him what he truly desires."

"Well, I'm going to give you a bit of a history lesson on Adon. First and foremost.. Sagat lost the title of Emperor of Muay Thai to Adon during... the first World Warrior tournament, and to add insult to injury... That scar on Sagat's chest? Ryu is the one responsible for it. HOW Adon managed to beat Sagat, I'm not sure. All I know is that the title passed on and pretty much thats when Sagat started flickering on and off the radar of the fighting world."

Ken is a bit confused as to how everything is coming to a head now, especially since Adon managed to beat Sagat. "Adon is nearing a breaking point, and since he's so hell bent on making it a public show, I'm a bit worried about whats going to happen next. The last thing I need is for him to try and do something horribly drastic. Again."

"Hmm. Because of my experience with Shadaloo, I believe I can at least fill in one blank. During one of those flickers he Sagat joined Shadaloo. And based on the shame he seemed to feel at being part of Shadaloo when I first time I met him while conscious, he might've had a similar break down after his loss to Ryu." With bottle of water he shrugs before taking a drink.

"But now it seems that Sagat has found an even keel especially since he had a hand in fighting against Shadaloo. Meanwhile Adon's going off the deep end. What exactly Sagat deny him? A chance to prove he was better than him once and for all? Glory? To be honest I have no clue. And to be honest, I don't see why Sagat had gone to bat for me so many times."

"It might be the fact that Sagat is taking a new pupil. Word does spread. Especially when you're a high profile person. I'm honestly surprised I'm getting away with what I was for so long.. Well, not anymore really. I'll tell you more about that in a bit." A slight grin appears on Ken's face as he drains the rest of his water.

"You yourself are a threat to Adon. Sure Sagat taught others, but Adon might be feeling as if he's being replaced as a student.. I'm not sure, but it's looking more and more like someone is going to have to stick their nose into this a bit further. I just hope Eliza doesn't find out because.. well.. It's not my problem, but it is. Ugh."

"It's not your problem, but it is, eh?" A thoughtful expression appears on his face an instant just before he takes another sip of water. "Could it be because of the fact that Adon is using your leagues as vehicle to make a complete fool out of himself? And him doing that could endanger the legitimacy of your brand if he does something catastrophically stupid enough?"

"And to think, all of this started because Sagat was trying to convince her back away from me. While they both were still in Shadaloo." Quon shakes his head before he finally finishes the water. "Man. Even from the grave, Vega is still screwing up my life. He is dead, right?"

"That's where it is my problem. If Adon wants to have a meltdown, then thats his deal... It's the fact he's using /my/ companies for a stepping stone to project them. That's what I don't like about this situation. It makes me wonder where the line is truly drawn." Ken throws the empty bottle towards a small waste basket a couple of feet away, grumbling as it bounces off the rim and lands on the floor.

"As far as my sources can tell me, yeah. Vega's dead. But he's not the issue here.. well in a round about way he is I guess. Anyways. Here's the deal. Adon is an issue right now, not only for me, but you as well. I'm getting the impression that he's not going to give up on making your life hell, and well.. I believe I told you that I'm going to put a stop to that as much as I can."

"Well. Compared to the shit I had to deal with because of Shadaloo. He's nothing." He counts off on his fingers. "He doesn't have the resources Vega had. He doesn't have the capability Vega had. And most importantly, as we proved in that fight, Adon's not a killer." And for an instant there's a flash of disappointment on his face which he quickly replaces with a more neutral expression.

He takes a look at the basket that Ken tossed his towards. He then follows suit and the bottle bounces a few times on the rim dancing tauntingly close to going in before rolling off the lip and falling towards the floor. "So. Do you have a plan?"

Ken shrugs his shoulders at Quon's question. "No idea. I'm not sure what to do in this case. I mean, the best bet would to be to get Sagat involved.. but I don't think he's going to. So.." He sighs slightly as he leans back into his chair, honestly trying to figure out some sort of game plan for whats now to come.

"We let him vent for now. If he tries to sabotage another official match, then I'll step in and kick him in the back of the head a few times. Overall, we have to just let the situation play out a bit more I guess.."

"There's the possibility of removing him from the Neo League if he sabotages another match. And considering how much he cares about awards and accolades this will result in to possible scenarios. He plays ball and backs off, or he takes his grudge off camera." His finger touches his lip thoughtfully as he imagines each scenario playing out.

"Then again, letting him vent is the best option. Especially since he has a habit of saying too much. When he does that, it's like he leaves the key in the door to his psyche and hangs a sign that says 'Easy target.'"

"Barring him from the Neo League won't solve anything. But you are giving me a decent idea." Ken slowly climbs to his feet and walks over to a small end-table, grabbing a pen and a piece of paper. He quickly starts scrawling a few notes on it, only to stuff it into the pocket of his pants.

"Yeah. This could work." There's a wicked grin on Ken's face as he moves to place his hand on the ex-Chinese Fighter's shoulders. "You're not too bad behind the camera, I mean.. we both know you're able to do some pretty good things when it comes down to it. Not to mention, I've always been looking for more talent for other things.."

"Tell me Quon. How good are you at doing interviews?"

Log created on 21:00:27 04/16/2012 by Ken, and last modified on 01:24:42 04/17/2012.