Description: Playing some soccer in Metro City, El Fuerte confronts notorious drug lord Damnd when he attempts to sell some of his wares to children. The luchador discusses with Damnd their respective political affiliations and their experiences in the United States as immigrants... right before breaking the man's hand. Remember, winners don't do drugs.
It's late noon at the park, and all the kids are playing baseball or basketball or football over the weekend. Heck, some kids are actually playing soccer. Near one of the fields, a large Afro-Caribbean man ambles out of the bushes, whistling to catch the kids' attention. "Yo yo yo, any of you kids wanna get /high/? It's better than playin' de sports, I can tell you that!" He opens his yellow vest, little baggies full of white crystals hanging from it. "Your heroes do drugs, so why shouldn't you? It's what de cool kids do!"
Soccer! Yet another sport that Mexicans excel at! And by virtue of being from south of the border, El Fuerte luchador also enjoys the passion of the sport as much as he does wrestling and cooking. Also, being a hero of the children, this means that he often spends his free time when he's not wrestling or tending to his restaurant winding down with the street urchins enjoying some of their games.
Currently dressed on with a hoodie and some sweat pants, even though he still has his ever present mask on his face, El Fuerte was minding his own business playing some soccer with the kids when along comes one of the Mad Gear's hoodlums to ruin the day.
"Se�or Fuerte, who is that?" Asks a Hispanic kid staring at Damnd and the wares he peddles drawing a frown from the wrestler.
"Looks like a...giant pineapple." The masked hero tilts his head to the side, pretty perturbed by the man's hair color and style.
Damnd grins at the little circle of kids in front of him, reaching into his pocket and pulling out a crack pipe. "But don't take /my/ word for it, mon. You can try it yo' self, free of charge!" He packs a little crystal into the pipe, and holds out the mouthpiece, lighter in hand. "Who wants de first hit?"
Suddenly it becomes all too clear what the man is trying to do and El Fuerte steps in to disperse the crowd of curious children. "Ey!" The masked man pulls a kid's hand away just as he was reaching for the pipe making him drop his soccer ball. "You won't be selling your filth in my presence, cabron! Away with you! And take your trash with you! Do not let me see you here again or I will make sure you regret it."
Staring daggers at Damnd, the luchador, hero of children, motions them to go back to the field. "Remember ni�os, the things that Lucha Libre has taught us. Winners don't do drugs!"
Damnd sees El Fuerte walk over and ruin his selling pitch with his silly morals and ethics. "Hey, mon, I'm tryin' to do some business, here," Damnd says with a growl, puffing his muscled chest out. He slips the crack pipe away, never doing the stuff himself (like any good dealer), and reaches out, pushing at El Fuerte in a dismissing manner. "What's with the mask, Batman? You gonna call Robin, or should I kick yo' damn fool ass?" he asks, getting in Fuerte's face.
COMBATSYS: Damnd has started a fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Damnd 0/-------/-------|
El Fuerte had hoped the dealer would just go away so he didn't have to get rough with him in front of the children. It's never that easy though, the luchador hears the heavy foot falls coming from behind him and turns around just in time to see the tall, Caribbean man getting all up on his face. The smaller masked man stands his ground and stares directly into those shaded eyes showing no sign of fear. In fact, he seems to be smirking.
"Sure!" The luchador jumps back away from Damnd and kicks a soccer ball directly at his face! "Call me Batmanuel!!
COMBATSYS: ElFuerte has joined the fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
ElFuerte 0/-------/------=|-------\-------\0 Damnd
COMBATSYS: Damnd endures ElFuerte's Small Thrown Object.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////// ]
ElFuerte 0/-------/------=|-------\-------\0 Damnd
As the soccer ball goes flying at him, he charges forward, the ball bouncing off his face as he lumbers forward like some sort of ogre. He laughs wildly, throwing his entire body at El Fuerte with a dash. "Come on, Batmanuel, I'm gonna make burritos out of your teeth!" Does that make sense? Maybe Damnd doesn't understand Tex-Mex cooking!
COMBATSYS: ElFuerte blocks Damnd's Damnd Ball.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////////////// ]
ElFuerte 0/-------/-----==|=------\-------\0 Damnd
"Que?" One ball merits another ball it seems. El Fuerte realizes that this guy is not backing down no matter what and urges the children to run. "Get out of here! Now!!" Once the massive Caribean ball comes his way, the luchador throws his arms up to protect himself and pushes Damnd back away from him. As the drug dealer begins to come back to the ground, El Fuerte runs towards him aiming to catch him just as he lands to and trap his legs with a scissor take down forcing him face first on the unforgiving pavement! "La tuya! Cabron!"
COMBATSYS: ElFuerte successfully hits Damnd with Calamari Slide.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////// ]
ElFuerte 0/-------/-----==|===----\-------\0 Damnd
Damnd is sent face first into the asphalt, landing on his hands and meaty torso. "Rrrgh...You stupid dogheart!" Damnd grunts, attempting to kick his legs rapidly to break out of the hold, and hopefully batter his enemy a little bit. "First you chase off all me customers, then you fight like a chickensh**!" Damnd roars in fury, his legs as powerful as his upper body.
COMBATSYS: ElFuerte dodges Damnd's Light Kick.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////////// ]
ElFuerte 0/-------/-----==|===----\-------\0 Damnd
The luchador does a back roll and gets on a hand stand to avoid the kick to his face, getting back to his feet whilst his opponent is still on the ground. "People like you make me sick. To try to corrupt children is to corrupt the future! Those that do such things....have ceased to be human!!" Getting into the part of the superhero now, El Fuerte capitalizes on the fact that Damnd is still on the ground to make a forward somersault towards him, aiming to double stop him right on the face!
COMBATSYS: ElFuerte successfully hits Damnd with Tepache Bomb.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////////// ]
ElFuerte 0/-------/-----==|====---\-------\0 Damnd
El Fuerte lands on Damnd's face, smashing his sunglasses. He stands up, putting a finger to his nostril and blowing a snot rocket at the ground. "I heard it all from that dick Haggar," Damnd says, shaking his head about and laughing. "What are you gonna do to me that he hasn't?" The Rasta asks, before slapping at El Fuerte with his left hand, before kicking at him with his right leg.
COMBATSYS: ElFuerte dodges Damnd's Combo Attack.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////////// ]
ElFuerte 0/-------/-----==|====---\-------\0 Damnd
Using Damnd's face as a trampoline, the luchador spins backwards and lands on his feet again away from his opponent. He lowers his head in thought at the mention of Haggard, having heard of the wrestler mayor's great exploits. "Heh, you will see that my style differs greatly from that of El Presidente Haggard!" The speedy luchador ducks the incoming bitch slap at his face and catches the leg swung at him to spin around taking Damnd with, apparently trying to dislocate the Rasta's leg right out of the hip socket!
COMBATSYS: Damnd just-defends ElFuerte's Quesadilla Bomb!
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////////// ]
ElFuerte 0/-------/------=|====---\-------\0 Damnd
As El Fuerte grabs his leg, Damnd drops it to the ground hard, letting El Fuerte try to spin him but fail to keep his grip against Damnd's steel stance. "Hahaha, that bitch ain't president yet." He pauses, squinting. "I think." He aims to grab at El Fuerte, lift him over his head, and fall backwards. "I could pound you all day!" he boasts.
COMBATSYS: ElFuerte blocks Damnd's Back Drop.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////////// ]
ElFuerte 0/-------/-----==|====---\-------\0 Damnd
Unable to get a good hold of such a heavy man, El Fuerte lets go trying to backpedal away from the dreaded haired man. "If he isn't he should be, I would vote for him!" Even if he's of the incorrect nationality to make such a thing valid. Even though Damnd gets a hold of him, the luchador's speciality are grapples and he nimbly pushes forward with the throw landing on his side rather than on his head.
Once he's on the ground again, the wrestler grasps one of Damnd's wrists with two hands and wraps his legs around the same arm giving a forceful yank backwards to put pressure on that elbow!
COMBATSYS: Damnd blocks ElFuerte's Quick Throw.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////// ]
ElFuerte 0/-------/-----==|=====--\-------\0 Damnd
Damnd's arm is like steel in El Fuerte's grasp, the luchadore managing to get some of it pulled back, but not with the success the Chicano had envisioned. "Hahaha, vote Ron Paul for President! LEGALIZE IT, DAWG!" Damnd shouts to anyone watching, before he swings his fist down at El Fuerte. "C'mon over here for a second, mon!"
COMBATSYS: ElFuerte endures Damnd's Quick Punch.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////// ]
ElFuerte 0/-------/---====|=====--\-------\0 Damnd
"Really?" El Fuerte sounds a little amused by Damnd's political affiliation. "Wouldn't that mean you'd be out of business?" Not that the wrestler would mind the legalization of such things, for one that would mean Los Zetas would stop ruining his country. He wasn't here to talk politics though and since he currently has his arms and legs preoccupied with the arm bar, he can do nothing but headbutt the punch coming right at his face to minimize the damage.
Noticing that isn't working, the luchador releases the hold and scoots backwards while giving the top of the Rasta's head parting shot in the form of a kick right for the noogin.
COMBATSYS: ElFuerte successfully hits Damnd with Light Kick.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////// ]
ElFuerte 0/-------/---====|=======\-------\0 Damnd
Damnd gets kicked in the head, stumbling left a step as he sees stars. "Wuuugh..." He shakes his head back and forth, before he recovers from the shot to his cranium, spitting out a tooth. "Yeah, then I'd be a /legitimate/ business man! It would be great, I could get a suit! Then Damnd would be boss!" He rushes at ElFuerte again, once again curling his limbs up and going flying at the luchadore.
COMBATSYS: ElFuerte blocks Damnd's Damnd Ball.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////// ]
ElFuerte 0/-------/--=====|=======\-------\1 Damnd
Going into a back roll again to get back to his feet, El Fuerte scratches his chin in thought seemingly considering the drug lord's words. "And it would keep you from selling to children in the streets, since it would have to be regularized." Hm! He had thought about this before, but had never gotten the cartels take on the proposition, it's surprising to hear them agreeing with such a thing.
"Clearly, you need to renounce your evil ways and take up politics, compadre." Recognizing the technique, El Fuerte raises his arms up to protect himself again letting Damnd bounce off his body. This time however, rather than going low he jumps directly on top of him as he lands back on his feet aiming to hook his arm around the man's thick neck going for a reverse DDT throw, ramming the back of Damnd's head on the ground!
COMBATSYS: Damnd endures ElFuerte's Fajitas Buster.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////// ]
ElFuerte 0/-------/=======|=======\===----\1 Damnd
Damnd laughs at the Spaniard, a big, guffawing sound, as he stares at him without his shades. "Dawg, you gotta big kidding me. I'm not even a legal citizen!" he states, before he's taken down to the ground by the reverse DDT. He grabs ahold of a leg, however. "C'mere," he says with a growl, attempting to stand up with that leg hold, then use his grip to drive El Fuerte into the pavement like a huge club.
COMBATSYS: ElFuerte endures Damnd's Super Guillotine Drop.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////// ]
ElFuerte 1/-----==/=======|==-----\-------\0 Damnd
Ahem...El Fuerte is Mexican, not Spanish, get it right. "So!?" The wrestler doesn't seem to understand how would that be a concern for the big Rasta. "Neither am I and look at me!" Says the masked wrestler once he rolls away from his DDT and points to himself, apparently being a failed chef and wrestling people for money is a mark of great success.
Unfortunately as El Fuerte was attempting to sway the Rasta into the folds of justice, he is grabbed by the leg and forcefully smashed on the ground! However, he hits the pavement with his palms first cushioning the drop and frowns noticing that Damnd is over extended. That's the opening he was looking for!
Wrapping his legs around the arm that holds him, El Fuerte pulls up and pushes on Damd's knuckles to break his wrist!
COMBATSYS: ElFuerte successfully hits Damnd with El Fuerte Dynamite.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////// ]
ElFuerte 0/-------/------=|====---\-------\0 Damnd
There's a sickening series of pops, then a snap, as Damnd's wrist is broken. He screams in agony, cursing with his Jamaican accent even thicker, pulling back from the luchadore. "You bastard...You bastard...YOU BROKE MAH HAND!" he shrieks at the top of his lungs, his right arm drooping beside him. He begins punching with his left hand, over and over as the adrenaline takes over.
COMBATSYS: Damnd successfully hits ElFuerte with Punch Mayhem.
- Power hit! -
- Power hit! -
[ \\\\ < > /////// ]
ElFuerte 0/-------/---====|=====--\-------\0 Damnd
Normally after getting their wrist snapped most men would be too overwhelmed by the pain to continue fighting. Damnd shows that he's clearly not a normal man by pushing through the pain fueled by demonic rage and have at El Fuerte southpaw style. The wrestler rolls back to his feet again, to at least have some sense of balance on the incoming barrage attack, yet finds his blocks useless at Damnd's overpowering strength getting punched over and over and over and over again. Apparently Damnd is trying to make a tortilla out of him.
"Oh relax!" El Fuerte cringes after the furious attack, but manages to stay in a good mood. "That heals back in one week tops." He thinks. Anyway, though he's clearly in pain after the attack he too pushes through the pain and grabs Damd's left arm going to shoulder throw him and slam his back on the pavement!
COMBATSYS: Damnd fails to interrupt Fajitas Buster from ElFuerte with Sidestep Damnd Ball.
[ \\\ <
ElFuerte 0/-------/-======|
COMBATSYS: Damnd can no longer fight.
[ \\\ <
ElFuerte 0/-------/-======|
Damnd gets lifted off his feet, a slow, thrashing hulk of a man that shouts and bellows in annoyance as he's slammed into the ground. His mouth opens wide as he begins to say something, before he falls unconscious. Some nearby bums, who were watching this whole thing, rush over, attempting to rob the dealer of his money and wares.
On no they don't! El Fuerte somehow procures his trusty frying pan out of nowhere and SLAMS one of the bums right in the head with his skillet. "Ey! You should respect a future politician you know!" Ever the idealist, Fuerte thinks Damnd will at least consider his suggestion of taking politics at some point in the future. He does however make sure to take the man's drugs away from him for know, so no one else can use them.
And that includes him too...yep. Not gonna try to cook anything with that, no sir.
Log created on 16:07:50 04/14/2012 by ElFuerte, and last modified on 20:36:14 04/14/2012.