Daniel - Oh Danny Boy

Description: When the pipes, the pipes are calling Daniel Jack to Rio; the detectives goes from glen to glen, and down the mountain side following his lead. With the summer gone, and all the flowers dying, Tis you, Faolan, who must go and Daniel who must bide. The valley hushed and ready to receive the Ikari Warrior for his vacation, the detective makes it clear that he will be there to get answers, whether in the sunshine, or in the shadow.

Finally a good day for a break away from the base. There is still alot of work the Ikari are doing over in Asia to help the various countries that were badly damaged in the war, but here and there the members get a few days break. Faolan's last break was a small trip to Sunshine where he got to have his face caved in by a boxer so this time around his vacation is more actually that. A time to take a few days and do what he wants instead of helping with charities that involve him getting beat up. Not that he minded the fight. Dudley was a nice guy and all, but having a broken nose was part of his plans.

He has managed to work his way through the various bars in Rio this time around. He hasn't strayed too far from base in case he is needed and the atmosphere of this town is always a nice one. All sorts of places have been visited the past two days and right now he has settled into one of the more quiet venues. A place that he and other Ikari often come for and stay until the wee hours of morning.

The bar in question is a small one that is barely occupied beyond maybe another person or two. Faolan is by himself at the bar mostly talking with the bartender who is used to seeing the mercenaries come through. They are the primary business and the main reason this little dive bar stays open afterall. "So yeah. I figure you will see a bigger group come by in a week. A big force is getting leave time after some stuff in China." he tells the tender with a grin. Ahh, relaxation.

"Those Ikari did a great service to the world, didn't they scuzzy"

There were not that many people in the bar, it was true. Daniel Jack had drifted into Brazil from Metro City, following his heart to find his leads. A priest named Elias. Unfortunately, the leads from El Fuerte took him from the city to Rio de Janeiro. Word on the street that there was a priest of great importance somewhere in the criminal underworld. A mysterious figure of great power. But no one truly knew where or what it was. But there was someone who has met the man.

And that someone within the Ikari Warriors knew about a priest.

Daniel Jack was sitting at the bar on the other side of Faolan's spot, eavesdropping as he sipped shots of whiskey. Dressed in an orange zoot suit, he might have come across as a washed-up nobody. But Daniel had a reason to be here: he had picked up that this was one of the primary 'spots' for the Ikari Warriors. Unfortunately, he didn't have access to their schedules. All he knew is that he would bar hop around, drink as much as he wanted, and pretend it was work. He had a few spots around town which he had his 'lines' hooked.

And a fish finally bit.

Finishing the shot before him, he motions to the bartender. "Bacardi 151. What can I get for you, stranger?" He asks, looking at Faolan with a neutral expression on his face.

That goes to show just how many fucks Faolan could be giving this day. Some guy was in a bright orange suit not far away and he didn't even seem to notice until the man spoke up. The Irishman's brow raises as he looks over at the guy. Damn, and here he thought he was out partying hard. One really has to have no cares if they are going around to a bar like this dressed in that sort of attire. "Ehn? Oh, Cabo Wabo straight. No training wheels and such as usual." he tells the tender and he glances back to Daniel.

He tries to remember if he has seen the guy before, but he thinks he would remember someone who would dress like that and come through this part of town. "On vacation? This isn't usually a tourist attraction." he tells Daniel. If anything he seems more amused or anything by the other man. He even raises his drink in a bit of a salute to Daniel before setting it down ehwne his shot is brought over.

If only the poor guy is soon about ot realize he has somehow must have turned his weird magnet on and attracted someone. Hey at least is isn't Reese or her crazed supposed 'not husband' coming after him again. In fact it has been a few months since he has seen either of those two and it has done wonders on his nerves. All he needed was those two to show up when he was busy with the war or something. Well they can stay the hell away for all he cares.

Daniel Jack shakes his head. "Here to earn some bread, scuzzy; but not a bad place to work, you dig?" The hip slang may almost sound cool, except for the fact that Daniel, despite appearances, seems to be gifted with a midwestern accent. The detective takes the shot, but doesn't drink out of it. Instead, he looks over Faolan, nodding his head.

"I'm looking for someone, in fact."

The detective sips the shot slowly, putting it down with a clink. "A priest; The name on the street is Elias; haven't found too much more. I'm on the trail of a gang, you see. A gang of watch-thieves. Black Dragon, they call themselves. And my next break is that priest. Word on the street is, though... that someone in the Ikari Warriors has my next lead." The detective tips his hat at Faolon, turning around on his stool to face the mercenary head-on.

"Now, am I correct to guess that you are Ikari Warrior, scuzzy?"

This whole being called scuzzy thing. He isn't sure if it is an insult yet or some more weird slang since the fellow seems a bit of an odd one. Alarms should be going off, but instead he is taking it calmly at least for the moment. He likes this place so he rather not have things get violent because of some weirdo. "Faolan. Call me Faolan." he finally says after being called Scuzzy again. He takes the shot and downs it before chugging the last of his drink.

"Elias? I know the name, but he isn't associated with us." he comments and motions for another drink. "The guy operates out of Metro and Sunshine City too from my understanding. If you came down here to look for him you came to the wrong place more than likely." He is curious about it all. A guy came all the way to Rio to look for a priest that may be linked to some watch thieves? "Never heard of Black Dragon either and we got ourselves a pretty comprehensive database on organizations." Probably not something he should say out loud, but he feels kinda bad for the guy. He has to probably travel a long ways once again.

"So uh.....why are you thinking he is linked to the Ikari? I don't think any of our members have ever been in contact with the guy. He is a bit of an odd one. Supposed heart of cold, but scary as hell."

Daniel Jack analyzes Faolan, his mind whirring. Elias was a name of a priest operating within Metro and Sunshine City, and that's where he SHOULD be. And yet, he wasn't. The detective nods his head in agreement with the Ikari Warrior. "You know your priests. Elias should be operating in that region. But between Sunshine City and Metro City, I can't pick up a whiff of his trail. I'll get back to that later, you said something that's real rosy to me."

"The Black Dragons."

Daniel Jack drops out of the stool, clutching the shot glass. Keeping his shoulders straight and level, he starts walking towards the entrance of the bar, stopping when he is sufficiently between Faolan and the exit. "You don't have any information on the Black Dragons. Well, I guess that would mean one of three things, scuzzy."

"The first is that your databases are out of date, since by the time something slips right by ears, it is big news, or about to be big news.

"The second is that they DO have the information, and you just don't got the clearance to know about it. Maybe they are a big fish, maybe they are a secret fish. I'd have to take a look-see myself, there."

"The third is that you are lying to me. You know who the Black Dragons are, and you can't tell me, or you choose not to tell me. I know how that goes, I've chatted with a few military types. But all three lead to the same conclusion."

The detective turns back around, a hand in his pocket, looking positively -trashed-. But his eyes were focused on Faolan, dead focused. "You are going to get me with an audience with your superiors, scuzzy. If you don't know, I might have information you need. If you don't have clearance, I'm going to get clearance. And if you are lying, well, I wouldn't get the full truth even if I beat it out of you. And before you think about slipping out of this, you made something all too clear: You've admitted to knowing about Elias, and that you have databases with information on various individuals in the world. A database that holds what I need to know about Elias." The detective pulls out his watch, observing the time.

"I don't have a lot of time, Faolan; think you want to cooperate?"

Welp, that tears it. Faolan was trying to be nice to the guy and all that, but now he is starting to realize things are starting to go south quick as the guy rambles on. "What are you, some sort of Noir buff wanna be detective?" he finally asks and actually isn't sure what to make of Daniel at the moment. The guy is making up names and now he is expecting answers on something that probably doesn't exist. Not only that he still keeps calling him scuzzy which he is really starting to not like.

"I'm on vacation. If you want to pick a fight with the Ikari there will be a group coming in a few days." he finally says and he turns back to his drink and waves a hand. Maybe if he does his best to ignore him he will go away? Not only that damned if Faolan would bring Daniel to the base. For one he would get chewed out for bringing a guy like that to the base and then chewed out more at the trouble he would cause.

"Go find Elias if you need help. Apparently your sources say he knows something. The Ikari are busy dealing with actual threats that are known about such as Shadaloo and R. There is no such thing as Black Dragons and such as far as I am concerned. I am just looking for a quiet night." Something he is starting to think he isn't going to get.

Daniel Jack sips his shot again, swishing it around in his mouth. Swallowing, he smacks his lips. "The name is Daniel. Daniel Jack. Detective of Southtown, glad to oblige. I don't have time to kick around for a week, especially when I can get my answers now. I got no more leads on Elias, and if I can, I'd make it worth the Ikari Warrior's time. I've run into Cammy; Shadaloo is hung out to dry if they don't even have their key doll in line. As for R... I have a feeling, somewhere, that I will be dealing with them soon enough. We are on the same side, Faolan, whether you like it or not."

Daniel Jack puts away his watch back in his pocket. "I don't think I made myself clear, you are going to be helping me one way or another. If you cooperate, it can save us a lot more trouble than if you don't. But the fact of the matter, and I am gonna lay it to you straight: I'm not taking no for an answer." The detective approaches Faolan, planting a firm hand on his shoulder. "I'm going to be getting in that base one way or another, and so help me, I am going to be talking with your superiors. Even if it means sitting in a holding cell, being waterboarded by some banada-wearing mercenaries, getting read the riot act on why some scumbag detective beat up an Ikari Warrior right outside their base."

"You dig?"

The guy doesn't listen it would seem. Faolan is in one of those spots where he really doesn't want to be in. He just looks to the bartender and gives the man a nod as takes a drink from the glass that was just recently put in front of him. It seems a knowing glance shared between the two as if this isn't the first time Faolan or any of the Ikari have had troubles in his place. "No choice, eh?" he says and he leans back in his seat and he ponders things over a bit.

He finally moves to get out of his seat. It wasn't easy to notice from the time he was sitting there, but his right hand had been gripped on his bata the entire time. He has been extra protective of it these days ever since Reese and Marius decided they wanted to steal the thing. He still doesn't even know why they think it is so special beyond it is a family heirloom on his end. Ugh, at least this guy isn't looking to steal it. He is just another kind of crazy.

He smiles a bit, seeming to warm up to the idea of helping out perhaps as he steps over. "Well if we are in the same boat I guess we will-" HEADBUTT TO THE FACE.

COMBATSYS: Faolan has started a fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Faolan           0/-------/-------|

COMBATSYS: Daniel has joined the fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Daniel           0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0           Faolan

COMBATSYS: Daniel blocks Faolan's Quick Throw.

[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Daniel           0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0           Faolan

Listening, as the detective might have pointed out, is different than obeying. The detective listened all the time, it was his job. The trouble was, when most people said things, their base assumption is that they are always right. Daniel Jack didn't want a fight. He liked the Ikari Warriors, even respected them. They were the good guys, just like Daniel. And just like Daniel, they were often misunderstood with their intentions. He understood that getting an audience with them can be difficult, however. But the fact of the matter is that good guys sometimes had to fight good guys.

Needless to say, Daniel was relieved at first, as he released the grip from the man's shoulder. It actually looked like the man would take the peaceful route. That assumption, however, drifted away as the detective passed a glance at the Ikari Warrior's right hand. A stick. Daniel didn't know what a bata was, nor the school of Bataireacht. But Daniel did know that a stick was either a tool, or a weapon. And for an Ikari Warrior, that was clearly a weapon. Considering the man armed the detective seemed to tense up, preparing for trouble.

And then sucker punch.

Daniel Jack reacts on reflex, the Todoh-Ryuu Kobojutsu training rushing to his limbs. His free hand sweeps up, catching the head roughly. Tensing his arm, he stops the headbutt cold, albeit with the force running through his arm. He wasn't going to be blocking anything too soon with that. Holding the warrior in place, the detective grimaces, staring down the man with an inner fire glowing hot. "Alright Scuzzy, we will play it to your tune, just let me finish this real sharp like." Throwing back the shotglass, he finishes the drink, and clutches it tightly in his hand. Looking back at the Ikari Warrior he as caught, he puffs up his cheeks... and spits out a cloud of the 151 proof liquor, right at the eyes of the poor Irishman. Should he get him distracted long enough, the detective would promptly smash the glass upon the skull of the warrior.

Real sharp like.

COMBATSYS: Faolan blocks Daniel's Small Random Weapon.

[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////////// ]
Daniel           0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0           Faolan

So it wasn't hitting what he intended, but he could hope it was enough to maybe give Daniel a hint at the fact Faolan isn't really in the mood to deal with this sort of bullshit. His reponse in finding out if Daniel gets the hint? He gets liquor spit at his face. A perfect waste that ends up spattering his face as he turns his head away. "What the fuck are ya..." there is a crash of glass breaking, but it is because he brings up the bata quickly to stop the bottle from breaking on his head. "You better pay the tender for breaking his shit. He has no part of it."

Well if Daniel was looking to rile up Faolan it looks like he has the Irishman going now. That headbutt doesn't look like it is going to be the only thing he will be dishing about. This time it is more the detective will be feeling the brunt of the bata being used in an attempt to strike him in the torso twice rather quickly and push him back towards the door that leads into the bar. "We don't like troublemakers here. Especially ones making up wild goose chases. So get yer arse out of here!" he grumps.

COMBATSYS: Daniel fails to interrupt Windmill from Faolan with Random Weapon.

[      \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////////////  ]
Daniel           0/-------/----===|==-----\-------\0           Faolan

The drink, naturally, was a distraction. As the glass comes a smashing against the Bata, he already is shifting over, scooping up a barstool. Passing a glance to the bartender, he gives a nod. "Put it on my tab, tender." Turning away, he begins to hook the stool around, ready to catch the oncoming Faolan. The assault is cut short, however, when the Bata smacks him in the gut, stunning him long enough to unleash the second one. Dropping the stool, the detective starts to stumble back, back, back...

And come crashing right into the streets of Rio.

Landing in a puddle, the detective looks bugged-eyed for a moment, blinking a few times as he begins to roll over, standing up. "Looks like you gone and meant business, scuzzy." The detective murmurs, readying his guard. The stance of the detective begins to take a much more notable form, similar to the style found in Aikido. Whether or not Faolan is familiar is not known to the detective.

But he suspects he doesn't know the Way of Todoh.

The Ikari looks over his shoulder towards the tender and he gives a nod. He at least removed the guy from the bar to make less of a mess. A happy bartender is what he wants to deal with after this is over with afterall. "Keep my drink cold. I will be back." he tells the other man and he grins a bit as he steps out to follow Daniel onto the streets. The bar itself is connected to a side street so there aren't hardly any people as well hanging about making the fight easier to handle. "You shouldn't interrupt an Ikari on vacation." is all he says in the response.

He stops a few feet from the doorway as if looking to keep guard. He isn't going to let the guy back in if he can help it until he decides he is going to stop acting like he is. "We coulda just shot the breeze and had a drink. Now you had to go and piss me off." he growls and his bata crackles a bit as energy seems to snake from his hand to start swirling about the length of the fighting stick. Blackish energy that crackles about as if electrified. If it truely is it would seem Daniel might soon find out. The gathered energy ends up at the tip of that bata and when Faolan makes a thrust motion with it the ball flies off an intends to drive into Daniel and deliver a nice shock if it connects.

COMBATSYS: Daniel overcomes Irish Curse from Faolan with Kasane Ate.

[      \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////////   ]
Daniel           0/-------/-----==|==-----\-------\0           Faolan

The warning sign might be the burst of orange fire on Daniel's shoulders.

Daniel Jack stands back, his position in a horse stance; legs apart for balance, his hands out, ready to catch anything that comes towards him. The detective's gaze locks onto the Ikari the moment he steps out. Daniel Jack held the appearance of intense focus, as if he was trying to read Faolan's every move. As the black lightning begins to crackle, the detective responds in stark contrast to his recklessness before.

Cautious, steady advance.

Daniel walks towards the irishman at a conservative pace, keeping himself steady. The orange flame on his shoulders begin to roll down his arms, the chi burning from within. He was reading the energy building up. Chi. The Ikari was an energy user, and from the look of things, considerably so. Focusing at the attack, he tried to read the proper moment... and sees the windup. In tandem with the Ikari Warrior, Daniel himself brings up both hands in a diagonal angle, his finger tips building with the orange fire that was growing on his shoulders. As Faolan thrusts, the detective swings his own energy down, unleashing a long, fiery arc outward, while shouting loudly.


The fiery arc hits the black lightning, cutting it cleanly in twain. The Kasane Ate, while fairly short range for a projectile, had a far more powerful element: The ability to slice through objects and attacks like a sharpened blade. Daniel had used the attack so many times, he had become a master of the technique, much like his mentors, Kasumi and Master Todoh. The fiery slash continues forward, roaring forth right towards the entrance of the bar...

And the Ikari Warrior himself.

COMBATSYS: Faolan interrupts Kasane Ate from Daniel with Jig Kick.

[          \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////////////     ]
Daniel           0/-------/---====|=------\-------\0           Faolan

Oh hell. When he hears those two words Faolan can see why this guy is such a nutjob. He has heard several stories about Todoh and his antics. He has never personally run into the man or Kasumi, but he has heard enough about Kasane Ate to know who was the innovator of it. That is why his brow furrows when he hears those words shouted and that swatch of chi is unleashed by Daniel. "Where the fuck are the others to deal with these kinda people?" he mutters to himself. Why does he always run into them all when he is on his own!? Do they just sit and watch until he is alone

It gets him just more and more angry. He can be rather dangerous if he lets his top blow. He tries to be a calm guy, but when you ruin a day off it is hard to keep calm and look at the sunny side of things. That is why he brings up his bata and he swings hard as he charges forward. He cuts through the blast to an extent then just barrels right through the rest of it as he closes the distance between himself and Daniel. "Take a hint!" he yells and needless to say Daniel's stance is not a good one when fighting Faolan. He soon finds that out when the Ikari's booted foot ends up slamming him right in the pillbox.

Daniel Jack was not a nut job. What it was is that the Way of Todoh is very demanding on the psyche, as well as the body and soul. Daniel Jack followed the intuitive drive of both Kasumi and Ryuhaku. While Master Todoh was... more selfishly guided in where his heart took him, Kasumi was absolute proof of the power of Todoh-Ryuu Kobojutsu. After all, she always did find her father; yet ultimately, she never could see how close she was to him.

Daniel Jack, however, was learning how close he was to the truth.

The detective draws back as he unleashes the Kasane Ate, but his opponent had other plans. Rather than risk the full force of the Kasane Ate, he had chose to pile on through the energy. And with that, Daniel Jack feels a heavy boot landing right in the bojangles.

And his face turns to stony seriousness.

Body erupting in bright light, the detective's hand lash out to the leg, attempting to latch on the Irishman. Should he get a grip, the Ikari Warrior might feel the shift in the pain; the detective was very clearly hurt by the strike. But he was focused now, and holding a VERY wide stance, the tenderness burning. Instead of recoiling, he would take that same force, and redirect it. The shifting of one force to another. Should Daniel get that grip, he will twist Faolan around, ignite him with chi energy, and make the same slashing motions as before, shouting out the attack name as he hurls Faolan into the wall of the alleyway in a blaze of fiery chi.


COMBATSYS: Daniel successfully hits Faolan with Jumping Jack Flash.

[           \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////////         ]
Daniel           0/-------/----===|====---\-------\0           Faolan

He drives that foot in between the man's legs and he is about ready to follow things up before things get kinda turned all around on him. Where he was ready to just slap more sense into Daniel instead he finds himself being flung away and right into a wall. All he can hear is that shout of Kasane Ate once more before he impacts against the hard stone with enough force it cracks a bit. He slumps down some and manages to keep himself from landing on his back or ass. He balances on one knee before getting back up to his feet fully. "Ugh, you don't take a hint."

He just wants his drink. He just wants to go back into the bar and enjoy the night. Nooooo, this guy isn't going to let that happen. Whatever the hell he is talking about seems to be consuming him. Black Dragons? What the hell is all that about anyways? He almost wishes he invited some of the guys along now to hang out with him. This wouldn't have happened he bet.

The Irishman shakes his head some to clear his thoughts and he takes a deep breath. "All right. Enough of this crap." he grumbles as he grips the bata at both ends. He takes a deep breath as the crackling sound of electricity returns, the blackish tendrils of chi spiral down his arms and into the bata he focuses his power into it. Eyes narrow and he just keeps his gaze fixated on Daniel. Looks like he is ready to get serious.

COMBATSYS: Faolan gathers his will.

[           \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////////         ]
Daniel           0/-------/----===|=======\-------\1           Faolan

Daniel Jack smashes his opponent into the wall, his eyes burning with the wild light of Todoh-Ryuu Kobojutsu. His presence intensifying, the detective crosses his arms. "Take the hint, scuzzy? What, that I am ruining your vacation? That you don't want to tell me what I want to know? That deep down, you damned pissed, and don't want to help me? How about this to chew on, scuzzy: Maybe I am just so pig-headed resolved to getting to the truth, that it is worth picking a fight with a hot-headed Irishman on the streets of Rio!"

"But I guess it is too late to back down!"

As the Ikari Warrior erupts in electrical energy, Daniel Jack uncrosses his arms... and closes his eyes. He takes a deep breath in. A deep breath out. He opens his eyes again, responding to Faolan's own focus with a gaze tenfold more intense. It was as if he was looking within Faolan's very soul, reading his every movement. His every position. Deducing the very weaknesses of his stance. And with a smirk, the detective seems content. "Prepare yourself, Faolan, for I am not using this technique cause I don't like you. Hell, you are real sharp, if ornery. A damn good man to fight." The detective raises a flat hand above his head, which seems to burn with the same chi energy as the previous Kasane Ates.

However, something was different.

The form, the sheer positioning. Faolan may or may not realize this, but it was the perfect position for the ultimate of all of the Todoh Techniques. Honed from endless days of practice, the detective advances upon the irishman with almost serene grace, as if it did not matter what Faolan responded with. For Daniel, his fate was sealed, as he drops the hand with flawless form, executing the strike at the one weakness in Faolan's entire stance, aiming to shatter not only his body, but his very soul as he cries out the most fearful and frightening of all of Daniel's techniques.


COMBATSYS: Faolan Toughs Out Daniel's World's Greatest Hand Chop!

[            \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////            ]
Daniel           0/-------/---====|=======\===----\1           Faolan

It is a bit hard to find a weakness in Faolan's stance. Sometimes when he is flailing around like the hot headed Ikari he can be he gives plenty of openings, but it might be rather hard to find a good place to strike without giving him plenty of time to react to it. Of course what Daniel might not expect is the fact as that hand comes down the Ikari just steps forward and lets that hand crash down onto the top of his head full force. His body quivers and he almost is driven down to a knee again, but he manages to keep himself standing as he grins. "I ain't got nothing in the way of information on some false wild goose chase. Now I am just going to beat you silly because you don't understand that."

That is when he attempts to drive his shoulder into Daniel as he pushes forward in an attempt to knock the other man off balance. If he manages to do that he starts swining that bata like mad. It becomes a flurry looking to beat all over the various limbs of the detective before he ducks in low to try to sweep the man's legs out from under him. "AND STOP CALLING ME SCUZZY!" he cries as he raises the bata up and aims to jab it hard into the man and help him reach the ground all that much faster.

COMBATSYS: Faolan successfully hits Daniel with Carry the Coffin EX.

[                 \\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////            ]
Daniel           0/-------/=======|-------\-------\0           Faolan

With a single strike, Daniel Jack lands true with the perfect hand chop. Faolan, unfortunately, chooses wisely in how to handle the most perfect chop in all existence: Simply accept it, and then, use the follow through to punish. Daniel Jack, clarity sitting in his eyes, understands what is about to happen. Nodding his head, he recovers from the strike, drawing back... and speaking softly to his opponent, a sense of calm leaving his voice.

"Beat me silly, scuzzy?"

The detective raises a knowing eyebrow. "Well, I hate to break it to you, but I am fast approaching a master of Todoh-Ryuu Kobojutsu. And let me lay it to you straight; you haven't seen even half of the most powerful techniques. Let me give you a crash course in one the more powerful ones. I like to call it..."


As if to show Faolan, the detective crosses his hands, becoming very stationary. Spreading his legs in a parade rest position, he holds there as the chi around him... dies out. The detective just stands there, staring at Faolan, his eyes growing more and more distant with the stare. By the time Faolan charges him down, the detective seems to have locked completely up, the detective ignoring the presence of the Ikari Warrior as he just stands there. There is nothing indicating anything special about the technique...

Except how the color of the detective's body begins to blur together.

As Faolan unleashes the assault on Daniel Jack, it is as if the detective doesn't even put up a fight. Each blow hammers away at the detective, striking his vitals with impressive force. And yet... the detective doesn't move. Not even a recoil from the impact. Holding steady like a wooden indian, he simply stares ahead, his arms crossed, as if he was nothing more than a prop, a clever reference whose purpose is to hide in the backgrounds of fighting arenas. When Faolan sweeps his legs out from underneath the detective... they remain stiff, sticking straight out like a statue. Landing with a crash on the ground, the final jab impacts him deep into the asphalt and dirt of the alleyway. Lying in a crater, his body remains in that frozen stasis, unwavering.

And only then, does his body loosens up.

The color surges back to Daniel's face, the detective groaning a bit as he untenses. Despite the furious assault, the detective was still conscious. A careful eye would note the bruises beginning to bloom on his body, but outside of that, it was as if, for a brief moment, Daniel had escaped the laws of physics and common sense, and had simply turned into an overlooked prop. And as he untenses... chi fire surges back to life, brighter than ever before. "... Cameo-flauge. Did you think I was just some gumshoe on a snipe hunt? If you don't know nothing, you are going to get me to people who do, one way or another!" Slashing his hands at the asphalt around him, he cuts two deep gashes into the road, before digging his hands into the crater, grabbing the cut pieces from underneath. With both hands on a seperate piece, he rises up, slamming the pair together right for Faolan's head.

What -was- this man.

COMBATSYS: Faolan blocks Daniel's Light Random Weapon.

[                 \\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////             ]
Daniel           0/-------/=======|-------\-------\0           Faolan

What the hell? Now given Faolan is Ikari he has seen some weird stuff. In fact the Ikari in general seem to be great at doing things the unconventional way. That is why perhaps Faolan isn't really surprised too much when Daniel begins to get creative. Even as he looks to attack Faolan's head once more it seems this time the mercenary is not going to let it happen. The bata is brought up with both hands gripping it. There is a bit of a grunt as he is pushed back from the force.

"Heh, trying to intimidate or something? You are looking to intimidate the wrong person if that is the case." he says with a grin. Is he still pissed? Hell yeah! Even so he can't help but enjoy himself to an extent once a fight is in full swing. It is a good way to get out the aggression he is feeling at the moment and he has to admit that this detective guy may look like a goober, but he has some talent. He just should be busy harassing someone else.

He steps forward and looks to keep things in close. He will just keep pressing the attack now and hope he will overwhelm the other fighter. If Faolan has to beat some sense into him then he will keep doing so. Part of that sense beating involves releasing the bata with one hand and raising it high before bringing it down on the top of Daniel's head.

COMBATSYS: Faolan successfully hits Daniel with Power Strike.
- Power hit! -

[                      \\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////             ]
Daniel           1/-----==/=======|=------\-------\0           Faolan

The asphalt is smashed, not by the skull of the Ikari, but by his bata. The detective begins to unwind, placed in a very dangerous position for the detective. Struggling, the detective rolls his way up, but not quickly enough. Before he has time to throw up his guard, the Irish Hellion takes advantage of the opening. The bata lands clean, smooth, and hard squarely upon the head of the gumshoe...
Smashing his hat flat.

The detective pauses. Perhaps it was the horrible concussion he had just recieved. Or perhaps it was that Faolan crossed a line. Daniel Jack grabs his head, looking confused as he gingerly lifted the destroyed hat off, and holds it before him. Inspecting it carefully, he puts his fist in the mouth of the porkpie, trying to punch it up again. INstead, he punches the crowns right out of it, destroying the hat completely.

The detective stares at the remains.

"Intimidation?" Daniel Jack asks as he begins to take off his jacket. Underneath the bright orange jacket, the detective's black undercoat is highlight by a pair of orange suspenders, holding his pants up... as well as a small, concealed holster, with a small snubnosed revolver tucked away. A memento from earlier days. "Faolan, I am smarter than the average rube of the street. I don't hunt down an Ikari Warrior to try and scare him!" Folding up the coat somewhat, he tosses it on top of a closed trash can, and snaps his suspenders before dropping back into the defensive stance of Todoh, his eyes dead focused on the Ikari Warrior.

"I track them down when I mean business."

COMBATSYS: Daniel jacks it up a notch!

[                     \\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////             ]
Daniel           1/---====/=======|=------\-------\0           Faolan

Does he feel guilty for destroying the hat? Ehn, maybe just a little. Of course that result could have been avoided if Daniel would show that he is as smart as he claims to be and he would just go on his way. Instead he is still dead set on the fact he thinks the Ikari are holding back information when there is no information for them to hold back on. Why would they care about watch thieves enough to try and be secretive about it? Who the hell steals watches for a living other than low end crooks?

"Yeah, well when you mean business make sure you have all yer facts straight because right now you are just making yourself out to be a fool." A strong fool, but Faolan keeps from saying that part out loud. The guy is already annoying enough without getting perhaps an ego to go with any compliments being made.

The hand holding the bata grips it tightly and he takes a deep breath. He stares down Daniel a moment before lunging forward. He looks to jam his bata right into the man's gut then lift him upwards. It isn't exactly easy to try and balance so much weight on the fighting stick, but he looks to point Daniel skyward before releasing a rather large blast of that blackish energy to shock the man and send him flying off.

COMBATSYS: Daniel blocks Faolan's One for the Road.

[                       \\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////              ]
Daniel           1/--=====/=======|-------\-------\0           Faolan

The detective shakes his head.

"Fools give up with only what they know, and live the rest of their lives in the dark!" Daniel Jack catches the thrust, holding it steady, struggling against the stick. When the blast of energy comes though, he parries, marching his hands up the stick as the surge erupts. Body burning from the energy charging against him, the sleuth keeps the pressure on the bata. He needed to keep control of it; while the Ikari Warrior could still fight without the weapon; it would a less familiar art.

He would need to disarm him.

"You are ignorant! I am ignorant! But which one of us chooses to take the easy path, and which one takes the hard?!" When the detective finally reaches Faolan's end of the stick, the detective will seize his wrist, and grab the Ikari Warrior right past the elbow. With a sharp jerk, he would wrench the arm at both the elbow and wrist; attempting to force the bata out of his hand. Should he be successful, he will follow through with forcing Faolan to the ground, beginning a submission hold.

COMBATSYS: Daniel successfully hits Faolan with Mad Jack Crack.

[                       \\\\\\\  < >  //////////                    ]
Daniel           1/--=====/=======|====---\-------\0           Faolan

Oh he can get ahold of the arm. He can possibly break it in the process. That hand doesn't let go of the bata. It is like a deathgrip he has on that thing and Daniel might find himself having an easier time removing the arm entirely. "Ghrrk!" is the rather eloquent reply to all that is said. Faolan feels the pressure of the hold being used and he has to do his best to just out muscle Daniel and eventually break from of the detective's grip.

He works at trying to get his arm loose as he actually reaches with his other hand to grab the bata so the other hand can release it. Trying to get out of the hold otherwise cold just be tricky. "You aren't the first to try that shit..." he says through gritted teeth. Many people have come to realize that taking that thing away from him is perhaps a near impossible task. Much like how despite all the punishment that bata takes it has never snapped when people have tried to break it. While Daniel is still distracted with the arm Faolan will try to take a swing with the bata and drive it into Daniel's face. "Get....OFF!"

COMBATSYS: Faolan successfully hits Daniel with Medium Strike.

[                           \\\  < >  //////////                    ]
Daniel           1/=======/=======|====---\-------\0           Faolan


Daniel Jack swore, thoughout all his Todoh-Ryuu Kobojutsu training, that you could ALWAYS disarm an armed foe. It was one of the pillars of training under Kasumi! And yet, here it was. The Ikari Warrior was refusing to let go. "Come on, scuzzy! Let-" And Daniel forgot that he wasn't SUPPOSED to call him scuzzy. That would make him angry. And more likely to fight dirty. Like smash the bata right into his face... and sunglasses. Smashing the pair cleanly, the detective's left eye takes the brunt, earning a painful intake of air. The detective would release his grip now. He would let Faolan enjoy the rest of his vacation. I mean, he clearly had taken that last hit. He would give up now, right?


Daniel Jack peers out from his one good eye. The other one, struggling hard, opens just wide enough to glare upon the man. His own hand like a vice grip, the detective winds back his right hand... which begins to erupt in a flare of orange chi. Daniel Jack holds steady, glaring upon his opponent as his entire body flexes for one last ultimate attack. "...fantastic..." The detectivesmutters quietly, as he tightens more and more. ".... Todoh!...." As the energy builds more and more, he finally releases Faolan, beginning his entire body around into a single, chi-fueled strike.


COMBATSYS: Daniel can no longer fight.

[                    \\\\\\\\\\  <
Faolan           0/-------/---====|

COMBATSYS: Daniel successfully hits Faolan with Fantastic Todoh Punch.
- Power hit! -

[                           \\\  <
Faolan           0/-------/=======|

He may not be the strongest of the Ikari, but he is perhaps one of the most stubborn when it comes to a fight. between the fact he was trying to be seperated from his bata and that he was still being called scuzzy probably didn't help Daniel out in the long run. That arm is sore as hell when it is finally let go, but it seems the strike was good enough to get the detective to release him and allow him to try and shake if off and get more feeling back in the arm. Even if he had the bata he does have to adjust his style a bit for the fact one arm right now is close to useless.

For example it leads to him having a harder time using the bata for a good defense. He could try to slap the fist away when Daniel comes sailing in to strike, but not near as effective of just holding it with both hands and trying to let the fighting stick take the brunt of the punch. Instead the Ikari attempts to just get out of the way. The result is the fist slamming hard into his mush and it staggers him back several feet before he trips up over himself and hits the ground.

He grumps a bit after staying on the ground for a few moments. Finally the Ikari gets to his feet and he rubs at his jaw. "Damn weirdo. Next time listen to a guy when he is telling the truth." he says and shakes his head. "Go find yer priest or whatever. Just don't stay around here." He isn't even sure if Daniel is concious enough to be listening. All Faolan hopes is the guy learned his lesson. The Irishman stalks back towards his bar to have the rest of his drink and resume his vacation.

COMBATSYS: Faolan has ended the fight here.

Danial Jack can respect a man that trades talent for true grit, especially within the Ikari Warriors. The fact of the matter was that, with that final blow, Danny didn't just have enough talent to overcome Faolan's grit. It takes some time before the detective comes to. Staggering up, he slumps back over, leaning against the wall. His glasses were ruined. His hat was ruined. And as he peers out with his good eye, he realizes that his nice orange jacket was missing; likely stolen, thrown away, or worse. Faolan was likely in the bar; but Daniel was in no mood in for another fight. In his heart, he felt it was a tie.

But in the truth, he had lost.

Pushing himself off the wall, he staggers, punch drunk. He wasn't out of his senses, not yet. BUt he was right on the border. Glancing at the bar, he adjusts his suspenders. He wasn't done with getting the truth out of the Ikari. He would find another lead, someone more reasonable, and less... Irish. The detective grumbles. He wasn't going to give up on his lead just yet.

He needed to get his outfit back first, though.

Log created on 18:47:46 03/25/2012 by Daniel, and last modified on 16:19:28 03/30/2012.