Description: Mister Johnny Jones is a funky fellow. World Heavyweight Champion Dudley may not be a funky fellow, but he is certainly a gentleman. Both have some measure of respect for the talents of the other, and, like true Gentlemen, it is necessary that they demonstrate these talents to the fullest! In a titanic clash, the Gentleman Boxer faces the Funky Fighter in a battle of fisticuffs, which will surely inspire the next generation as an example of perfect manners in fighting!
A wise man once said. Fear not the fighter that has practiced a thousand moves, fear the fighter that has practiced one move a thousand times.
This would be all well and good for most fighters, as there are many that make it their motto and stick to their fighting style of choice, never to explore outside their comfort zone and happy in the knowledge that they can do great things within their limits.
However Mister Johnny Jones ain't 'most fighters' he always take it to the next level. His motto is practice a thousand moves, a thousand times each!!
Though he is more often seen at the clubs polishing his dancing or at the dojo practicing his Jeet Kune Do, today is the day where Jonesy is seen going back to the basics and lifting some good ol' iron. Dressed in his work out clothes (which are still totally stylish and trendy) the Groove Master continues his routine of doing 20 reps of bench presses and then two minutes of working the speed bag, working on them biceps.
Of course, even when going back to the basics, Jonesy can't help but add a little flair. It's just who he is.
Being Heavyweight Champion means that Dudley is asked to go to many places, to do many things. It would be impractical, of course, for him to take each of these engagements, but when it comes to children, Dudley has a soft spot in his heart. Children are our future, and it is a poor man indeed who does not do what he can to inspire them.
Which is why Dudley has come to the YFCC - in order to see if there is anything he can do to help this community project.
"Mister Jones!"
The boxer seems surprised, but pleasantly so. Wearing his boxing gloves, as always, of course, he makes quite the striking figure himself. "Practicing on the speed bag I see. Your technique seems quite solid, Sir."
Mister Jones perks up when his name is called. "Hm? That's me!" The ex-movie star turned vigilante, turned prize fighter, turned super hero...then turned movie star again, looks around with a wide grin on his face eager to see who hailed him. He knows encounters at the gym are always interesting, and he is proven to be quite right when spots other than the Classy Boxer himself waltzing down to greet him.
"Whooaa! It's my main man, Dudley D!!" Mister Jones isn't all that surprised to meet Dudley in a place like this, it definitely fits the bill of the gentleman warrior that is Dudley, but it's still quite a fortunate and pleasant encounter. Jonesy takes off his finger less weight lifting gloves to walk over to Dudley and extend a hand.
"What's going on old chap?"
An eyebrow quirks realizing that Dudley is wearing his blue boxing gloves as usual, but he still tries to shake his hand regardless. "Hey! This is usually the other way around but..can I get your autograph? I'm a big fan!"
Dudley takes the offered hand, and despite the fact that he's wearing boxing gloves, he gives Jones' hand a firm shake.
Dudley is always happy to sign an autograph. His technique for doing so whilst wearing his signature gloves is, in itself, something which keeps his fans happy.
"I saw your performance in the Neo Development Project! Might I say that you were impressive yourself! In fact, I would be honored if you would sign my gloves. What might I sign for you?"
Jones might be exciteable, but it seems that his stellar performance hasn't escape Dudley's notice either; though he is, of course, a little more refined in giving his praise. It is no less heartfelt for that.
"Aw schucks!" Johnny Jones laughs and scratches the back of his head whilst shaking Dudley's boxing hand. "I just got a lucky on that one, there was some real tough competition!" Jones obviously loves being in the spot light, he's an actor after all it's what he does, but he's at least slightly humble when it comes to other people praising his achievements. Although he still welcomes it of course.
"Oh word?? Sure I'd love to." Always carrying a pen with him, Johnny sticks his hand /inside his afro/ to pull something he can write with, though as he starts rummaging inside his hair a thought clearly passes through his shade covered eyes. "Hey! Listen I just got an idea."
Oh this is gonna hurt isn't it?
"How about we have spar first? Then we can trade autographs! You know, have us a little old school duel." A grin "Like gentlemen!"
Yep, this is gonna hurt a lot.
Dudley isn't surprised at all by the question, but he is a little bit surprised by the appropriation of his catchphrase. Still, where some others might be territorial about such a thing, Dudley takes it all in stride. He nods his head along with the suggestion, and shrugs his jacket off, flinging it, seemingly at random--
Where of course, it is caught by a hook at the back of the room. A Gentleman always knows where to store his coat.
Working his shoulders for a moment, he nods his head as he brings up his guard, readying himself. "Very well, Mister Jones. I'm ready when you are."
If Jones had a nickel for every time someone says 'Let's boogie' or 'Man, you come straight out of a comic strip' to his face, he'd probably be as rich as Ken Masters. That's why he liberally tends to use other fighters' catch phrases if he likes them, it's only fair after all and he truly means no harm with it! Although sometimes he ends up accidentally insulting people anyway when he's just having a good time, some people are real sticks in the mud like that, Angelo comes to mind in fact.
But not Dudley! He's too much of a groovy guy to let something like that get to him and he's all ready to get this dancing under way. "Funky!!" Jonesy dashes backwards to give the other fighter some room and pulls some boxing gloves out of his afro. Naturally he's going to stick to hands only on this match since it is just a spar.
He does however, get on a Jeet Kune Do stance instead of assuming a boxing position. The clash of different fighting styles drawing the attention of many of the young fighters as they start to form a circle around the two combatants.
"Let's dance."
COMBATSYS: MrJones has started a fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
MrJones 0/-------/------=|
COMBATSYS: Dudley has joined the fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Dudley 0/-------/-------|=------\-------\0 MrJones
Dudley is quite the gentleman; it is in fact what he's known for! There's nothing but good cheer from the boxer as Jones says that it is time to dance. Truth be told, Jones' style isn't one that Dudley... really 'gets', all this funkiness, afro and boogeying has sort of passed him by compared to his own passions. The opera and ballet for Dudley, rather than the disco, there's no changing that...
But unlike some, he certainly doesn't think less of Johnny for his passion; the fact that he has that spirit, and he is good-natured with it, shines through wonderfully.
Nevertheless, Dudley does not take the first punch. Instead he sizes up Johnny as he lightly bobs on the place. His eyes sharp and alert; he's seen Jones fight on the television, but face to face is always very different.
"Indeed. It is time to fight."
COMBATSYS: Dudley focuses on his next action.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Dudley 0/-------/-------|=------\-------\0 MrJones
Jonesy doesn't hate, he appreciates the grooviness in everything! Dudley may not see eye to eye with him in his chaotic and fast paced life style, but in the end, opera and ballet are undeniably very retro and this is where Johnny Jones can really relate to the fellow fighter. They both kinda live in the past, they're not as clumsy and random as the newer generations. They are elegant fighters, from a more civilized age.
"Oh fo' sho!" Jonesy smiles when Dudley shows him how it's done. Though he also decides to to go into the immediate offense, always dancing and always moving, the Groove Master starts taking graceful steps around the boxer to circle around him looking for an opening.
COMBATSYS: MrJones focuses on his next action.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Dudley 0/-------/-------|=------\-------\0 MrJones
Dudley smiles as Jones starts looking for an opening. It is, after all, a dance he has played many times over himself. If Jones is hoping to find an easy opening in Dudley's guard, though, he is going to be sorely disappointed; Dudley knows the value of keeping his guard up, and he has no intention of letting it down even now!
It is with a sudden, lunging motion that Dudley takes to the fight, his right hook coming around and aiming to crash painfully into Jones' jaw. Lots of people have seen Dudley fight; millions, really! And many note his punches. Few people, though, ever really get any appreciation for the *power* that he packs into those swift motions.
COMBATSYS: Dudley successfully hits MrJones with Hook Punch.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////// ]
Dudley 0/-------/-------|====---\-------\0 MrJones
Jonesy has danced this dance before yes, but it's not as if he was honestly expecting to find an opening right off the bat against Dudley D. The dude is obviously a pro, what with him being a heavy weight champion and all, so it's only natural that tha' Jones will have to work to get through those defenses.
He really wouldn't have it any other way really.
Dudley comes leading with a hook, and though usually that's not a good idea considering that hook punches lack range, Dudley has the speed to make it work. "AGH!!" Jones ends up appreciating that funky power quite well as he curls a right arm up to stop the blow, but it just bashes right through him forcing his upper body to reel sideways.
"Pretty groovy!" Approves the Groove Master as he swings forward with a fist of his own. In this position most people would go for a counter hook, but Johnny knows perfectly well that such a technique is something the Dud is gonna expect. So he switches it up and brings a piston like strike downwards, his fist flying directly towards Dudley's solar plexus and knock the air out of him. It's a punch that starts looking like a boxing technique to then end with a Kung Fu attack.
COMBATSYS: Dudley blocks MrJones' Funky Impact.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////////// ]
Dudley 0/-------/------=|=====--\-------\0 MrJones
Dudley's guard is pretty tough to break. The incoming strike is met on both forearms, the force of the impact still sends a shudder all the way up his arms, but it definitely would have been much worse if he hadn't been prepared. He actually favors Jones with a low nod. The switch up technique was impressive! And it still really smashed into his guard!
"A very good blow!"
He isn't one to hold back when it comes to the fight, though. In his own way, Dudley is just as into the flow as Jones; but where Jones is an explosive burst of music, Dudley is a rising symphony. Slower, but no less into the 'zone'.
Coming in low, his entire body pivots, and he breaks his guard to extend his arm outwards. Leading with his left this time, his right arm is ready, but down by his side...
COMBATSYS: MrJones just-defends Dudley's Ducking Straight!
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////////////// ]
Dudley 0/-------/-----==|=====--\-------\0 MrJones
"Thanks brudda!" This battle is as much a clash of styles as it is of music. The gentle power of Dudley smashes against Jonesy's up beat rhythm like dueling bands. It feels much better than simply fighting, a breath of fresh air where the only other dance fighters Jones could find were Capoeristas, not that there's anything wrong with them, just that it gets kinda tedious! It's why Johnny Jones keeps a wide grin all through the fight, it's true that he's almost constantly grinning, but against Dudley it's clear a lot more sincere. Less goofiness to it and more... camaraderie.
Mister Jones pulls back after his piston smash is blocked, keeping himself light on his feet. He doesn't want to be anywhere near Dudley when he doesn't have his guard up, sparring as they may be those punches still hurt like the dickens!
Assuming his Jeet Kune Do stance once again, Jonesy's eyes narrow as he recognizes the attack and reacts in the appropriate manner to deal with such things. Rather than dash backwards and away from the extended fist as Dudley wants him to do, Johnny Jones actually moves forward and pushes Dudley's left fist down jumping into the attack to swing a straight punch of his own towards his opponent's face. Obviously taking advantage that Dudley has his other arm down by the side where he can't use it just yet.
Actually that's neither a boxing or Jeet Kune Do technique, it looks more like Karate.
COMBATSYS: MrJones successfully hits Dudley with Slide Double.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////////// ]
Dudley 0/-------/---====|====---\-------\0 MrJones
Dudley is genuinely surprised by the speed with which Johnny comes back at him. Turnabout is fair play, though, and Dudley is not one to fear that great counter to his incoming strike. He instead attempts to step to the side, partly because trying to duck out of the way of the strike is not what Jones is likely to be expecting!
But it doesn't quite work out as planned. Instead, Dudley takes the blow in his chiseled jaw, and has to stumble backwards a step to recollect himself. Hm! Now that is most impressive!
Dudley gets right back into the fight, though. This time, he leads with a series of body blows, three quick jabs in rapid succession coming in at either side of his opponent's guard. The loud and exuberant shouting doesn't seem to have done much to rattle Dudley, but he is being a little more refined in it, just giving a 'HMMM!' Of approval as he surges back into the fight.
COMBATSYS: Dudley successfully hits MrJones with Rapid Combo.
- Power hit! -
- Power hit! -
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////// ]
Dudley 0/-------/---====|=======\-------\0 MrJones
It looks like Jonesy's gambit worked and his gloved fist collides against Dudley's manly jaw. There's some satisfaction felt from him as he feels that even a relative upstart in the fighting circuit can still manage to tangle with a professional such as the refined Gentleman Boxer.
Problem is that such a tactic left him over extended, and what do you know, he's inside Dudley's circle of defense with his guard down! Exactly what he didn't want to happen!
"Ooff!!" Jonesy was expecting a big ol' haymaker to come sailing at his face and was just a little too slow on the uptake, causing him to eat a couple of jabs to the face. Rather than keep getting pushed back to the ropes though, the Groove Master dashes sideways to change the flow of the attack and strike Dudley on his blind side.
He ducks in first, almost mimicking Dudley's previous attack like if he's going in for the kidney shot, only to straighten up at the last second and turn it into a left cross punch to the temple!
COMBATSYS: Dudley blocks MrJones' Arc Fliegan.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////// ]
Dudley 0/-------/---====|=======\-------\0 MrJones
Dudley is indeed the Gentleman Boxer. So it is that after he has smashed into the Funky Fighter, he is in fact retreating backwards to recover his guard, and give Johnny some breathing room; it simply is not in his nature to capitalize on those moments when the fight turns sourly against his opponent. Some would call it weakness; Dudley calls it being a Gentleman, and if his title is anything to go by, it has worked very well for him, thank you very much!
So it is that when Jones comes back at him, Dudley is a little hunched forwards. Crouched low, he does not fall for the feint, but instead brings one large glove up to knock the incoming blow to the side.
And, in the same moment that he comes out of his guard, he comes in from the side with a left... and in the same motion, snaps his right forward for the real blow, aiming to connect firmly with Johnny's jaw a second time. People have accused Dudley of being too reliant on the uppercut, but, in his opinion, when you find something that works, why, it is plain foolishness not to stick with it!
COMBATSYS: MrJones blocks Dudley's Medium Punch.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////// ]
Dudley 0/-------/--=====|=======\-------\0 MrJones
Yet another way in which the two fighters are similar. Mister Jones also has the tendency to let up the attacks if he's feeling like his opponent is getting pressured. It's a thing he also gets a lot of beef on, why dance around the opponent when he can just finish it on one blow? Well, that ain't how tha' Jones do son, Jonesy would say, unless it's a street fight, battles are as much as getting your groove on as they are actually punching each other. How else would the other sparring partner would learn after all if the other does nothing but punch them constantly.
In a way, this is also what saves Mister Jones from getting his jaw shattered, since he too jumps backwards after his left hook connects with a glove giving him enough time to see the upper cut coming directly to his chin!
"WOO!" Not keen on getting his grillz fixed, Jonesy brings his elbow down on the gloved hand, forcing it to stop before it comes anywhere near his pretty face. "WATAAA!" Blocking with his left, Johnny counter attacks with the right sending a right hook to Dudley's cheek!
COMBATSYS: Dudley interrupts Combo Grapple from MrJones with Cross Counter.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////// ]
Dudley 0/-------/--=====|=======\-------\1 MrJones
Dudley's eye shines.
In the same moment that Jones' fist comes in at him, Dudley's fist comes around and into the side of Jones' jaw. The boxer stands tall and strong, letting the blow come in... and!
Perhaps Dudley's most iconic words aside from his talk about being a Gentleman, Dudley's fist crashes powerfully into Jones' head, and bounces the funky fighter backwards against the ropes, whilst Dudley himself moves from his fully-straight, standing position back into the lightly hunched bobbing of a professional boxer.
There's no more words of course. No matter what you say after you've hit someone that hard, it always sounds like gloating, and a gentleman does not gloat. Instead, he just stands ready and waiting for Jones to retaliate after the painful blow.
"Dang it!!"
Those words are actually start to become pretty iconic for Jones. Maybe he could clean everyone's clock at the Neo League Development, but over here he's playing with the big boys. As he ascends more and more into the fighting world, Mister Jones sadly starts to realize how much he has left to go in order to achieve the true Grooviness he seeks. The cross counter connects solidly against his head sending the Funky Fighter flying to the side and bounce on the ropes where he staggers forward, lurching a bit and shaking his head and make sure his brain is still sitting inside his skull.
"Hell yeah home boy! I can see why you're the champ!" Still, Johnny isn't one to get very vexed by blows of such magnitude. He's gotten punched by Sagat after all and he keeps his cool, staying with his priorities.
Like fixing his afro. Rest assured he'll be coming back to attack as soon as he's done composing his hair.
COMBATSYS: MrJones focuses on his next action.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////// ]
Dudley 0/-------/--=====|=======\-------\1 MrJones
Dudley is a true gentleman, and as Jones takes the time to fix his hair, Dudley gives him all the time he needs. There's no point, that he can see, in trying to pressure the funky fighter unduly. He seems to be having fun, which is the important thing, and really, Dudley is enjoying these new explorations of his guard. No matter who you fight, you always take something away from it. Jones is giving him quite the workout!
"Thank you." He says, returning the compliment easily. "You've quite the hook, Mister Jones. I can see that the time on the speed bag hasn't let you down!"
The minor outburst of frustration is glossed over as smoothly as though it never happened; it isn't as though Dudley has never had someone shout like that (and much, much worse, that brute Michael Bison has quite the mouth!) He isn't going to hold it agaist the man.
COMBATSYS: Dudley focuses on his next action.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////// ]
Dudley 0/-------/--=====|=======\-------\1 MrJones
Where other fighters would prioritize on Jonesy taking his time to groom himself, Dudley is the perfect image of a gentleman and lets him fix his hair before getting back into the fight. Mista' Jones flashes him a grin as he returns the compliment, managing to give him a thumbs up despite wearing boxing gloves. "Maybe! I still got a long way to go to match yours."
What a nice guy, Jonesy thinks, he wouldn't mind fighting him again down the road somewhere. Indeed he has met a lot of boisterous bruisers in his fighting career who can't appreciate the fun of fighting, like Jones however, Dudely seems to get it drawing much admiration from the retro fanatic.
Once things are sufficiently in order, tha' Jones gets back into the groove and assumes his Jeet Kune Do stance letting Dudley know he's coming at him. Although..interestingly...he's doing it from the other side of the ring where there's no way Mister Jones can reach him.
Is he going to try and shoot a fireball or something?
"OooOOOooOo!" Not quite! Jonesy suddenly EXPLODES forward clearing the path from the other side of the ring directly towards Dudley, his right lift extended to smash it right on the boxer's face!
COMBATSYS: MrJones successfully hits Dudley with Groove Master.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////// ]
Dudley 1/-------/=======|-------\-------\0 MrJones
Dudley is taken by surprise by the sheer speed with which Jones comes rocketing forwards. Although he tries to roll with the punch, the force of it belies its speed, and he is lifted bodily from his feet, breaking his rythm and sending him flying against the back of the ropes. The boxer's bulk stretches the ropes almost to breaking point...
And then Dudley comes flying back. All of the force and momentum he has built up is put into this forwards-lunging blow, earth shaking, bone-shattering force...
And all of it as clear, honest and true as Dudley himself strides to be. Jones had been waiting for something like this since the start, and now Dudley aims to give it to him; that wild, powerful forwards-blow... the Haymaker!
COMBATSYS: MrJones just-defends Dudley's Haymaker Punch!
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////// ]
Dudley 1/-------/=======|-------\-------\0 MrJones
"Whew!!" Mister Jones thinks he has it made when the solid blow strikes Dudley's face. Naturally he took some power off the attack being all sporting like, but even then it was still a devastating hit, one that so far only the toughest mo' friggs have been able to survive. Sure, it has missed before, but Mister Jones will take pride in telling someone that getting hit with his Groove Master technique will 100% guarantee a knock down!
As it turns out, Dudley is one of those tough mo' friggs Jones was talking about, and he bounces on the ropes to come directly back at him! "No way dude!" Jonesy is definitely impressed, to bounce back from such an attack is nothing short from superhuman.
The thing with his however is that because Jones had been expecting the haymaker for so long, he is apparently well prepared for it. His eyebrow arches when Dudley comes in with the missile punch threatening to blast him to smithereens, he takes a step back not looking so sure about himself suddenly.
But it's okay! It's okay! He's been practicing!
"Oh baby!" Jonesy sticks one arm out to catch Dudley's incoming attack and give him a small tap on his outstretched elbow. This causes him to change the trajectory of the attack juuuust enough so it misses him entirely and instead Dudley just collides chest first against tha' Jones.
"Too close!" Still, now he's inside Dudley's circle of defense which has proven to be just as dangerous. And so the Groove Master goes to slide around the Gentleman Boxer and toss a parting hook to his liver, trying to 'persuade' him into backing off via pain! "HAAAII!"
COMBATSYS: Dudley fails to interrupt Retro Knuckle from MrJones with Corkscrew Blow.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////// ]
Dudley 0/-------/-----==|=------\-------\0 MrJones
Dudley is rightfully impressed with the speed at which Jones is inside his guard. Crashing chest to chest certainly is not the way he expected his haymaker to conclude! Nevertheless, it is the way it does, and Dudley is not one to begrudge others their victories. That does not mean, as he knows Jones will understand too, that he is going to go easy on him!
"Right then!"
The declaration is given as a mighty burst of wind energy surges around Dudley's fist, "Lets see you dodge this!"
But as it turns out, Jones doesn't need to. Smacked in the side as he turns to deliver the blow, the punch is knocked off course, and the whipping whirlwind punch merely sends the ropes of the ring fluttering - with enough force, admittedly, that they tangle and twist around each other.
Note to self, don't play Red Rover with this guy! Another one of those chest collisions and Mister Jones could very well count himself as having an all new flattened rib cage. Certainly not groovy as far as he is concerned.
Jonesy hears Dudley's call to dodge and apparently reacted in his usual way when things are swung at him. He jumps in and punches through them!
This probably makes Mista' Jones look very skilled, but in reality he just did out of reflex and got real lucky by actually managing to find the liver on Dudley's stomach and force him to redirect his punch. "Daaayyuuum!" Jonesy whistles as he steps to the side noticing that the ropes of the ring flutter about by the sheer force of the blow. Had he taken that to the face he'd be one dead Disco Fighter. "Dude! You /gotta/ teach me how to do that one!"
Dancing back, Mister Jones is a true gentleman and lets Dudley recuperate. They're just sparing after all, no need to get crazy. "How you feelin' brudda? You okay?"
COMBATSYS: MrJones takes no action.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////// ]
Dudley 0/-------/-----==|=------\-------\0 MrJones
Dudley is smiling as he comes back up. "I'd be delighted to show you how it works, Mister Jones." He says, recovering himself. Although he might be saying he'd be happy to do so... the boxer is sweating pretty hard. Jones has been pushing him very hard throughout the fight, and as mentioned, Dudley hasn't been pulling any punches; it'd be downright disrespectful to do so when challenged to a gentlemanly match!
He does takes the brief breather to set himself right, though. Putting his guard back in place, and catching his breath before he gives a brief nod to Jones; not curt out of displeasure, but simply because they are in the midst of a spar!
"I'm quite alright, please, feel free to continue."
COMBATSYS: Dudley gains composure.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////// ]
Dudley 0/-------/------=|=------\-------\0 MrJones
Mister Jones bounces on his place whilst brushing the sweat off his forehead. If Dudley is feeling tired just imagine how he's feeling! This is by far one of the toughest matches he has experienced and it's only just a spar! "Of course, I'd be showing ya few of my moves too if you're interested." Gotta keep it fair after all, Dudley may want to delve into the secrets of the Groove Master attack.
Wiggling his shoulders to get back to the rhythm of the fight, Jones takes his Jeet Kune Do fighting stance once again and gives Dudley a sharp nod of agreement. Let's keep on dancing!
Johnny Jones takes a quick dash forward and swings a left jab to the face to pop Dudley in the nose lightly. He's pretty exhausted now and so he's trying to get his stamina back.
Although for some reason that doesn't stop him from yelling a kyah to accompany his every attack...
COMBATSYS: Dudley blocks MrJones' Aggressive Strike.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////// ]
Dudley 0/-------/-----==|=------\-------\0 MrJones
Dudley is pretty good at reading his opponents. He can tell that Jones is wearing down as much as he is; there's only so long anyone can keep throwing out their most powerful moves over and over. A less dignified man might try and take advantage of this fact to pile on the pressure and crush the breath out of Jones... but Dudley is not a less dignified man. He is a Gentleman, and Jones has not disappointed him once in his assessment.
He ducks down with his guard to let the blow hammer into him, but he does not budge and his guard proves, once again, difficult to break. Stepping forwards, his right hook comes swinging around again, aiming to give as good as he can get.
This is the part of the fight that Dudley really likes the most; the bursts of energy and speed are waning, both fighters exhausting their greater techniques, and things are drawing towards their conclusion, slowly, gracefully mounting towards the inevitable crash to the mat and the ringing of the bell...
COMBATSYS: Dudley successfully hits MrJones with Medium Punch.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////// ]
Dudley 0/-------/-----==|====---\-------\0 MrJones
It's true though, Dudley's got Mister Jones' number and guessed right that the dude is getting pretty exhausted. Even if he tries to hide it by yelling out invigorating kyahs with each strike, it's clear that his attacks are coming a bit slower and his reflexes ain't as good.
"HRGGH!" This is proven true when an attack he would have otherwise evaded or blocked collides solidly against the side of his head. The Groove Master spins around on his heel like a pinwheel, almost looking like he meant to do that on purpose and stops himself from going anywhere else by digging his feet onto the mat. Shades covered eyes narrow again as he realizes that messing around this guy means only problems. Out of reflex it looks like he wants to throw a kick at him, but stops himself remembering this is an honorable pugilist duel and shakes his head.
No! Gotta keep his cool. Gotta keep it classy!
A ferocious grin appears from him again as he focuses on his target and charges again! "WOOOATAA!!" Left hand is extended forward to block Dudley's vision as he suddenly brings that same vicious piston strike directly to the center of the chest! Exploiting one of the many pressure points of the body.
Yeah, he can do that with gloves on. Yep.
COMBATSYS: Dudley fails to interrupt Arc Fliegan from MrJones with Slipping Jab.
[ \\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////// ]
Dudley 0/-------/----===|====---\-------\0 MrJones
Dudley can't help but smile a little as Jones digs deep to keep on going. Isn't that what boxing is really all about? Bringing out the best in yourself, even when you feel like you're at the very end of your tether?
When the hand is raised to block his vision, Dudley trusts his instinct and slides on forwards with his left leading the way. The force with which the funky fighter's fist smashes into his chest takes him completely by surprise! It breaks his forward momentum, and actually has the big man cough, and double over. One knee finds the canvas...
But he doesn't go down yet, either. Raising himself back up pondorously. "Good *show* Mister Jones. Very, good show."
Mista' Jones keeps his grin as he tightly clenches his teeth. He was -expecting- that counter smash again and was fully prepared to take the blow right in the nogging. His only relief would be that he could maybe tag Dudley in the chest and make it a good trade, it is why he went with the thunderous strike to the chest in an attempt to make Dudley pay for jumping into the attack.
He guesses right, the incoming fist comes sailing directly to his face and Jones just keeps on trucking, muscles flexing powerfully as the knuckles collide against its target and push the man back! Dudley's gloved fist only inches away from his shades.
In the end, it appears that all that speedbag training really helped. Mister Jones attack comes hard enough to mess with Dudley's funk and throw his attack stray. The big man staggers and it looks like he's about to fall, but he catches himself and gets back to his feet making a good show for all the spectators.
Jonesy obviously waits for Dudley to get his footing back, before attacking him again. Normally he'd wait as he did before, but now he's too caught on in the rhythm. He flies forward sending a haymaker of his own directly to Dudley's face!
"I've been working out!"
COMBATSYS: Dudley endures MrJones' Retro Knuckle.
[ \\\\\\ < > ///////// ]
Dudley 0/-------/-======|======-\-------\0 MrJones
Dudley takes the punch to his face. The blow crashes into his jaw, and by all rights, that should be the end of it for the Gentleman Boxer, but... that isn't it. The smashing blow does not even move Dudley an inch. There's that same glint in his eye that there had been in the moments right before the Cross Counter...
But this time, there is no such smashing return.
Instead, Dudley is very much inside Jones' guard, and it is time to finish this!
Dudley may not have the knowledge of pressure points that Jones has, but he does know the value of a good, simple punch to the chest.
And it is that good, simple punch, that Dudley aims to give to Jones now. Simply bringing his left forwards, having favored the right throughout the entire fight, to suddenly extend to its full length and, hopefully, finish the fight.
COMBATSYS: MrJones blocks Dudley's Straight Punch.
[ \\\\\\ < > /////// ]
Dudley 0/-------/-======|=======\-------\0 MrJones
Those overly excitable eyebrows of Johnny Jones wiggle again when the Dudley takes the hit solidly to the jaw. Here it comes! That dreaded right hook! The fear of such an attack causes the retro fanatic to bounce backwards, eyes wide in alert of the blow. Instead of such a thing however, Dudley goes for a more powerful, but not quite as fast direct strike to the chest in an attempt to cause slight cardiac arrest on the movie star and knock the fight out of him.
Fortunately, Jonesy /does/ have knowledge of pressure points and he'll be damned if he takes a punch of that magnitude on his groovy beater. Taking a hint from Dudley, the Groove Master ducks low and takes the good ol' boxing guard taking the smashing strike on his forearms and gloves. It's a move that would otherwise send him flying backwards, yet this time he realizes that he's already inside the boxer's guard and attempts to keep the momentum flowing. Jonesy finds his center, digs his heel on the mat, looks over his guard to see that Dudley is overextended again and goes to swing a straight punch back him! Just flat out going for the punch for punch technique.
COMBATSYS: Dudley interrupts Aggressive Strike from MrJones with Cross Counter.
- Power hit! -
- Power hit! -
[ \\\\\ < > // ]
Dudley 0/-------/=======|=======\==-----\1 MrJones
Dudley can see the punch coming, and that bright spark of his hasn't left his eye. In fact, right down to the wire, Dudley is smiling. Drenched in sweat, he steels himself, and there's a moment where time almost seems to slow. Because he's taking a deep breath and, even as the first word leaves his mouth, it seems *impossible*.
And as Jones's fist hits his chest, the fastest, finest counterattack that Dudley has ever mastered comes swinging from the right, to crash with terrible, inevitable force into the side of the funky fighter. When the move started, it is really muscle memory and sheer *grit* which sees Dudley have the will to bring his fist swinging in and around.
Only a total fool would be arrogant enough to think that such a blow spells the definitive end of Mister Johnny Jones, however. Drenched with sweat and barely able to stand himself, Dudley has been given quite the workout, no matter which way the chips fall in the end!
Mister Jones is pretty good at the guessing game, but three times in a row would have been too much! In particular against someone like Dudley! Johnny realizes his mistake the second he sees the glint in Dudley's eye, but at that time he was already committed to the attack and ends up getting socked right across the jaw by the devastating cross counter! "HURGGH!" He can taste blood now, and it occurs to him at that moment that he should have prooobably wore a mouth piece for this. But ah, that would have meant he wouldn't be able to talk and engage in witty mid fight barter! Sometimes, sacrifices must be taken.
Once again, Johnny spins a pinwheel twirl on his heel, almost looking like a ballerina in the process. This is however the only movement one can do after taking such a hit to the face, it was either this, or flying right out of the ring. Jones opted for plan B and stubbornly staid /inside/ that guard. He's probably going to fall flat on his face after this, he's far too dizzy now to keep going. Yet Dudley has given him his very best which prompts Tha' Jones to return the favor.
Jones comes back around with all the energy that he has left as he completes his twirl.
"Here's another--"
That same flying fist is swung directly at the Dud aiming to return the favor of hooking him across the face!
COMBATSYS: MrJones can no longer fight.
[ \\\\\ <
Dudley 0/-------/=======|
COMBATSYS: Dudley blocks MrJones' Way of the Groove Master.
[ \\\ <
Dudley 0/-------/------=|
COMBATSYS: Dudley takes no action.
[ \\\\ <
Dudley 0/-------/------=|
Dudley has been pushed to the very limits of what his body can handle. Like a true gentleman, he has given Johnny his very best, and he has taken Johnny's best in turn. The two mighty fighters have clashed, and it all comes down, as it did at the very beginning, as to whether Mister Johnny Jones can puncture Dudley's guard.
The blow is met with the same hard, implacable defense as so many of Johnny's punches. The force dispersed through Dudley's forearms is still enough to make him skid backwards on the mat.
Only Dudley's fighting spirit allows him to stand up afterwards. Sweat is wiped from his brow with the back of his left glove, and he exhales slowly. "A very close encounter, Mister Jones."
And then, because he is, fundamentally, a gentleman, his right glove (the one not all covered in sweat), will come down to grasp Johnny's hand, and help him back up to his feet.
Jones on the other hand falls flat on his face as he expected and...can't quite seem to be able to get up. He'd drum his fingers, but they're covered in gloves and simply stars tapping on the mat, if only to make sure he's still conscious.
"Oh man.." Somehow Jonesy manages to peel his face from the mat, reaching for that extended gloved hand as he would need all the help he can get in order to get back to his feet. "You really gotta teach me how to do that, home boy."
Then comes the arduous task of popping his jaw back in place. It's one of the downsides of fighting, although a small price to pay for the chance of dancing with the gentleman boxer!
COMBATSYS: Dudley has ended the fight here.
Log created on 13:00:09 03/17/2012 by Dudley, and last modified on 14:18:48 03/18/2012.