ElFuerte - Finding the Killer Bee Pt 2

Description: Fate would have it that El Fuerte runs into another detective in his quest to find the Killer Doll's origins. Or rather, the other detective runs into him! Danielito heads into the Slam Masters arena looking for answers regarding the Black Dragon and he finds the plucky Luchador willing to converse. BUT ONLY AFTER A FEROCIOUS LUCHA! Afterwards, tacos.

The Busty Russian.

Daniel Jack was looking for the busty Russian, the only russian he knew. Zangief. He had a lead on this case, you see. Down in Sunshine City, the detective had a job from a pair of breasts with a thousand grand up front. A stolen watch, a lanky thug. When the hard-boiled crime-breaker slipped in to the heart of the city, however, he found the lanky man. But before Daniel could whip the truth out of him, the man was mysteriously murdered by a strange set of knives. No fingerprints, made in Europe. Before the man died, he only gave one clue.

"Black Dragon!"

Daniel Jack hurls one of the young wrestlers out of the ring. The detective was dressed in discount spandex, an inexpensive leotard of bright orange and black. Wearing a red mask, the detective followed his sleuthing instincts. And they took him here in Metro City, looking for a busty russian wrestler of some kind. So far, Daniel Jack, claiming to be The Fiesta Ace Dick, has demanded to see Zangief, declaring that he had clues for the detective to retrieve. Normally, a crazy masked man declaring he has girthy VIM and wanted clues would be quickly disposed of. However, Daniel was BURNING with both MYSTERY and TODOH. As Daniel clears out the ring, something was becoming very clear.

Daniel wasn't going to stop until he gets some answers.

Fate would have it that the young detective runs into another holding a similar investigation. El Fuerte's case doesn't involve a watch mind you, but it does involve a particularly Busty English woman--err not that he would categorize it by such a thing, the only bust he stares at is Rainbow Mika's anyhow--I mean argggh!!

Let's focus on what's important!

Lucha Libre!

Or wasn't it finding clues about his case? Anyway, the true identity of Cammy White has been in the Luchador's mind for quite a while now. He swears that he saw her fight alongside Los Zetas in that fabled day of the attack upon the United States and if he could just find who she really is, the he could get some real dirt on Los Zetas and bring them down by cutting their ties with Shadaloo. Much as he tries however, his investigation gets him empty handed, which is why he decided to meditate at the wrestling ring where he felt the most serene.


El Fuerte opens two blood shot eyes of rage as he is awoken from his nap at the dressers hearing a hug commotion down at the arena. Bolting out the door like a frenzied Mexican jumping bean, the luchador arrives just in time to see a young masked stranger doing short work of the rookies.

"What is the meaning of this!?" Asks El Fuerte Luchador as he jumps to one of the turnbuckles, balancing himself perfectly there to look down upon the chaos that Fiesta Ace has caused.

"Zangief isn't even here, muchacho loco! Away with you!"

In El Fuerte's defense, most of what Daniel knows about wrestling comes from Rainbow Mika's breasts.

Daniel J- I mean, Fiesta Ace Dick continues to frighten away the younger neophytes of the wrestling ring, the undercover wrestler shakes his head. Worthless! "I will ask you one last time, scuzzies! BLACK DRAGON! ZANGIEF! I demand answers on the whereabouts of both!" Gazing over the wrestlers, his eyes suddenly fall upon the masked wrestler barging in. It took only to remember. Hon-Fu. The Hamburger. The wrestler.

The Luncha Libre.

Fiesta Ace Dick crosses his arms, his eyes BURNING with an inner fire from behind the mask. As he looks upon the wrestler, something stirs in the back of his mind. The European Knives. El Fuerte was a Spanish Name. Spain was in Europe. More importantly, he was well known by Daniel for his love of cooking. You used knives in cooking. Fiesta Ace Dick suddenly pulls out one of the knives, inspecting it briefly before hurling it in the center of the ring, driving it into the heart. "El Fuerte! I am Fiesta Ace Dick, the Detective Wrestler from Southtown! And I have come here to look for the Master Wrestler Zangief! But where is Zangief? Where is he? Instead I get his minions... and YOU! Tell me, El Fuerte! Is this not your knife? Are you not a cook! Are you not speaking SPANISH!? I accuse you, El Fuerte, for making this a FRONT for Black Dragon, and what's more...."

"That the wrestling is just fake!"

Fiesta Ace Dick stands in the middle of the ring, looking down at El Fuerte. "If you think you are man enough to stand up to me, then come into the ring! If you are a coward like the others, then don't bother running! I have questions for you, and you will be answering them!" Daniel Jack waits for El Fuerte to make his decision. Was he a hombre?

Or was he a timorato?


"What did you just say, chico?"

Uh oh, Daniel, or Fiesta Jack, or whoever he is, really shouldn't have said those words.


See, amongst the neophytes and upstart young luchadores, El Fuerte is kinda acclaimed as being an alright dude to hang out and usually someone that will not bust their heads open when showing them the ropes of the wrestling world. He's an excellent teacher, patient, fun loving and very knowledgeable. But by everything that is still sacred, whenever /anyone/ and he does really mean anyone, even dares to insinuate that wrestling is fake. Well, there's a few young trouble makers out there with broken limbs that will forever rue the day when they angered the goofy luchador


El Fuerte jumps high into the air from the turnbuckle and lands next to the knife situated at the center of the ring. Hatred filled eyes bore at Fiesta Dick first then he looks down at the knife and kicks it aside by whacking the flat side of the blade.

"Zangief isn't here as I said." The luchador grumbles "But when I'm through with you, you are going to wish you fought him instead of I! The Mexican Hurraicaine! I will show you just how real lucha libre really is Seņor!!"

The masked hero rolls his head around his shoulders working the kinks and gets down to assume a wrestling stance, arms out with hands stretched pointing at the Ace Detective. He clearly doesn't recognize him after the incident with Hon-Fu, but if it's because he's wearing a mask or because of his blind fury, that's yet to be known.

"I hope you don't mind finding the answers you seek on the get well card I'll send you at the hospital!"

COMBATSYS: ElFuerte has started a fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
ElFuerte         0/-------/------=|

COMBATSYS: Daniel has joined the fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Daniel           0/-------/-------|=------\-------\0         ElFuerte

Fiesta Jack is unmoved as El Fuerte bounds into the ring, glowering upon the wrestler with a steady fury. To Daniel, few things were sacred for the detective. The Wrestler of Todoh falls back into a defensive stance, shaking out the tension in his limbs. When El Fuerte kicks away the knife, the detective just narrows his eyes.

It was go time.

"It will be YOU who will be in the hospital, scuzzy! I hope they give you wrestlers good health benefits, because I am going to unleash the tttttt-" The detective pauses. "tttttto unleash the Tttttatoloo! Yeah!" The detective suddenly lunges in, throwing himself forward at blistering speeds in a rapid takedown of the opposing luchador. Should he make contact, it will be a flat takedown, and the pair will be sent tumbling.

"Come on, scuzzy! You better start singing, before I make you into a canary!"

COMBATSYS: ElFuerte dodges Daniel's Gang Buster.

[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Daniel           0/-------/-------|=------\-------\0         ElFuerte

El Fuerte keeps himself light on his feet even though he's trembling with slight fury. Even a crazed luchador like himself knows better than to desecrate certain things. Scratching the ring with a knife for example? That was a big no no. Say that wrestling was face to the face of a luchador?? Why, that earned you a back breaker, to hear such things from another luchador only made it sting even more.

Where others would have picked the knife up and slice the uppity Fiesta Punk, El Fuerte merely cracks his knuckles and scowls. He'll show this boy what's what with his bare hands!

"We do!" El Fuerte Luchador smiles at the somewhat predictable tackle and jumps when Fiesta Jack tries to shoot for his legs. The Luchador places his hands on the masked man's head and frog leaps over him, bounding away from the tackle as he lands behind him. "But I do not need them against the likes of you!"

Not quite sure what his opponent is talking about with his warcry, something about that sounded familiar but he can't quite place it, the Mexican wrestler merely goes to leap at Daniel's back and grab his hands by the wrists. Once he does so, he pulls backwards so the other wrestler falls on top of him and digs both his knees deep into his back to puncture his vertebrate!

"I rather enjoy duets! How about you sing first!?"

COMBATSYS: ElFuerte successfully hits Daniel with Calamari Slide.

[     \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////////// ]
Daniel           0/-------/-----==|=------\-------\0         ElFuerte

Fiesta Jack leaps through the air, though to little avail. While Daniel had the spirit, his technique still needed a great deal of work. But there isn't a whole lot of opportunity to reflect on it. The fake wrestler is seized towards the end of the flight, and he feels his assault reversed upon himself. The knees drive into his spine, which brings out a grunt of pain from the detective as he rolls to the side slightly. "ARRGH! I'll show you-" The detective begins to burst in a flash of orange chi as he roars out, turning around


Fiesta Jack cuts himself short, still struggling with the man. That was -too- signature. While most fighters have only one signature move, Daniel Jack, thanks to his unique presence, has NOTHING but signature moves. Twisting back, he tries to find his center again, choking the ultimate in Todoh techniques. Despite this, a little flare of chi sputters out, letting loose an slashing arc towards the other wrestler.

Fiesta Jack's disguise may be blown.

COMBATSYS: Daniel successfully hits ElFuerte with Mikansei Kasane Ate.

[      \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////    ]
Daniel           0/-------/----===|==-----\-------\0         ElFuerte

El Fuerte Luchador does a graceful no hands back flip after impaling the boy on his back with his knees to give himself some space to maneuver. This is a fight he's very used to, a luchador against another in the ring of honor! Each trying to outwrestle the other with both skill, dexterity and power! This game, none can do better than the Mexican Luchador, and he feels he has this on the bag.

Backpedaling away to hit the ropes and get ready to launch himself into an attack, the wrestler realizes he's not fighting a normal luchador once Fiesta Jack starts blasting him with energy attacks. "AY!!" Unable to change his trajectory, Fuerte ends up running straight into the energy blast while putting his arms up to protect his face. Once he runs past the chi strike there's some recognition on his masked, slightly singed, face. "I've felt that before..."

Such a thing doesn't give him pause though and continues to charge at Fiesta Jack. "Who are you!? Really!" Demands the luchador as he jumps forward aiming to ram his knee on Danny boy's nose!

COMBATSYS: Daniel counters Propeller Tortilla from ElFuerte with Mad Jack Crack.

[       \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////          ]
Daniel           0/-------/---====|===----\-------\0         ElFuerte

At the very least, the chi gave him some pressure against the other wrestler, and with it, Fiesta Jack got breathing room. And once he got momentum back in his corner, he was a firecracker ready to crack fire. Still, El Fuerte was proving himself to be almost as dangerous as Zangief, if not more so. Daniel had to keep a partner in order to take down El Fuerte, and now, he was attempting this solo. He could tell the mexican superstar was figuring out who this flatfoot was, and Daniel didn't know what would happen when he did.

But the detective was not going to let him find out easy.

Fiesta Jack seems to surge to life, a fresh wave of focus shooting through him as El Fuerte launches a knee to the nose. With a crack, the detective suddenly snatches the other wrestler by the leg, and using his own weight against him, hurls him to the ground with a thunderous slam. But it doesn't stop there. Fiesta Jack throws himself on top of El Fuerte, beginning to clutch his head as he keeps him in a pin.

Daniel actually was being pro?

Holding the other wrestler in place, Lucha Daniel talks with an air of command and control. "Black Dragon. Trouble in Sunshine City. A pretty Russian girl asked me to find her Grandfather's watch. I go down there, I find a thug, and I should have beaten him. And he says those two words. Black Dragon. Before he was stabbed in the back with that knife." Daniel begins to release his grip slightly.

"Tell me what you know.

That was unexpected! And though El Fuerte realizes what Fiesta Jack is about when he catches his leg, there's a big difference recognizing an attack and reacting properly to it. The wrestler is caught, slammed and then put on a tight head locked whilst questioned about things that, he frankly doesn't know! "HRGG!!" Tucking his chin in to avoid strangulation, El Fuerte kicks his legs about trying wiggle free from the hold.

"Que!?" Black Dragon? Sunshine City? Russian Girls? Watches? Thugs stabbed in the back?? "I don't know what you're talking about, amigo!"

As the hold begins to loosen, the wrestler curls his hand into a fist and sends it smashing towards Daniel's temple to 'persuade' into letting him go via pain. "You didn't ask my question either! Who are you!?"

And why does it feel he knows him?

COMBATSYS: Daniel blocks ElFuerte's Quick Punch.

[        \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////////         ]
Daniel           0/-------/--=====|====---\-------\0         ElFuerte

Fiesta Jack was burning with questions, but it was becoming readily obvious that either El Fuerte was playing dumb, or he was just in the dark. However, his thoughts are interrupted when the wrestler surges, breaking free of his grip to unleash a powerful punch. Rather than taking the head punch with gusto, he releases El Fuerte cleanly, stumbling back as he raises his arm to deflect the blow partially. Rising up, he glares at the other wrestler, eyes burning. The theatrics were grinding at him, and maybe... maybe if he knew who he really was, he would be intimidated into the TRUTH. "Who am I? I am surprised you don't recognize me amigo... or should I say...." And with that, Daniel rips off the mask.

"... Scuzzy!"

The detective suddenly slams his fists together, and begin to flare up and out, his body burning wildly with the fiercesome force of Todoh. "I will give you one last chance, scuzzy! Tell me what you know, or who I should turn to, or prepare to face the ultimate might of Todoh!" The detective was roaring aflame, his body beginning to visibly blister as the orange chi roars around him.

It was make or break time for the other wrestler.

COMBATSYS: Daniel burns with the WAY OF TODOH!

[          \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////////         ]
Daniel           0/-------/-======|====---\-------\0         ElFuerte

The punch is blocked, but it serves its purpose by making Fiesta Jack get off the luchador. Recognizing his opportunity, the masked wrestler rolls forward to put himself out of arm's reach from the undercover detective and spin on his heel to face him once more, ready to continue the lucha. In reality, El Fuerte is kind of a natural at playing dumb, but even with the tearing of a mask he's still unable to truly tell Danny anything other than-- "Don't take your mask off!!"

But he does the unthinkable and reveals his true self. El Fuerte wants to look away and shield his face, terrified at the mere thought of disrespect a luchador by looking at his face without their mask. Not unless he has taken his mask himself, the rules of wrestling say, and even then El Fuerte is a tecnico, he wouldn't do that at all!

However, look at him he does, and at the face, the attitude, it all comes back to him. Hon-Fu, the Hamburger, the Detective.

The Lucha Libre.

"Oh...it's you." Comes the rather droll response from the Luchador. "I thought you were a /real/ wrestler for a moment." He laughs completely missing his own insult as he rolls his neck trying to work the kinks.

"I told you I don't know anything. Maybe if you stop talking in riddles I could understand you better. My English is not that good."

COMBATSYS: ElFuerte gains composure.

[          \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////////      ]
Daniel           0/-------/-======|==-----\-------\0         ElFuerte

As the fire around Daniel dies down, the detective stands tall, passion burning within. Hurling away the mask, he looks upon the unfazed El Fuerte with the utmost seriousness. "A sharp, real sharp disguise," Daniel begins slowly. "Just to lure Zangief out. The big man is gone though, I deduce."

From what the Mexican had said a half a dozen times.

Punching forward, the detective advances on the opposing wrestler. A pslm strike forward, chained into a hand chop. Another palm strike. And another. Daniel was unleashing his attack effortlessly, with hardly a second thought as he slows himself down, talking very carefuly. "I am on the case to bust an international watch smuggling ring, and my detective intuition took me here. Don't you know anything about the knife? Or someone who might know more?"

COMBATSYS: Daniel successfully hits ElFuerte with Zoot Suit Riot.

[          \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////////         ]
Daniel           0/-------/-======|===----\-------\0         ElFuerte

Real sharp, just like El Fuerte remembered him. There's a shake of his head and a sigh as there appears that there can be truly a man that can out annoy the wily Luchador. And outwrestle him too from the looks of it, since Fuerte was too focused fighting off that rather bad migraine that was coming down on him to truly notice the attacks coming his way. There's a sharp whack on his forehead that brings him to focus again, following by a multitude of hand chops coming at his arms once he puts them up to protect his upper body. "Agh!! No! I said I don't know anything!!"

The wrestler clenches his teeth in annoyance and pain "Why are you even attacking me anyway? Are you still mad about that food fight??"

His eye twitches.

"In fact...I'm the one who should be angry about that!!" Remembering that such a thing ended pretty badly for him, the wrestler surges forth with a new dose of lucha libre fury and sneaks under Daniel and lifts him over his head with a mighty heave (Danny is probably not that heavy but Fuerte has more strength on his legs than on his upper body). Once he puts him up in the air, he swings him to the side letting him fall neck first on the ropes and injure his throat.

COMBATSYS: Daniel endures ElFuerte's Tostada Press.

[              \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////          ]
Daniel           1/-------/=======|=====--\-------\0         ElFuerte

Why was Daniel attacking him? Why-


Well, actually, that's a good point.

Daniel Jack himself did not think why he fought, but only that his detective's intuition compelled him to do so. Daniel had learned more and more through his training under Todoh that wanting to do something is a good enough reason to do it. Always follow your heart, whether fair or foul.

And in this case, his heart said not to give up.

"You keep saying you don't know, scuzzy. How about some real facts!" Daniel refuses to give up on pressuring the wrestler. "I am not leaving here willingly until I get some answers, you dig? El Fuerte, instead of digging it, drives towards Daniel swiftly, lifting him high before letting him fall on the ropes. Daniel, not wasting an opportunity, lets El Fuerte take his opening. Daniel himself exploits it as he begins to burn up with Chi again, letting the energy flow to his fingertips. He had no reason to hide who he was now. Unfortunately, he hangs from the ropes, choking. "Krrrgh.... Krhk... Kaaaaa..." Twisting around, Daniel slashing the air between him and El Fuerte, unleashing a lash of wildly burning chi fire.

COMBATSYS: ElFuerte blocks Daniel's Kasane Ate.

[               \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////            ]
Daniel           0/-------/=======|=====--\-------\0         ElFuerte

El Fuerte may not be the sharpest enchilada in the molcajete(?) but he realizes a hopeless situation when he sees one! In this case, he's not talking about his lucha with Danny, in fact this is actually quite revitalizing! Rather, he knows that Daniel won't let up until he hears something satisfying from El Fuerte, or he manages to some how choke the fight out of him. While the first option is by far more appealing, it also looks like it's going to take longer and therefore opts to toss Daniel a bone or two so he can chew on.

"Hmrgh!" This time he's ready for the energy blast and places his arms on a defensive X shape to take the brunt of the attack. "Very well Danielito, you wanna know about the Black Dragon?" The wrestler thinks of a random person he can sick the mad detective on. "You should probably go talk to.." Think Fuerte think! Just spit out a random name "Elias! Yeah, I've heard he had problems with them..." Or something!

Hopefully the detective's curiosity is satisfied, because right now the luchador is about to lose it. "Now with that said, GET OUT OF MY RING!!" The luchador once more dashes in with demonic speed to ram against Daniel and drive him up towards the turnbuckle where he'll smash him on the back of his head!

COMBATSYS: ElFuerte successfully hits Daniel with Combo Attack.

[                   \\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////           ]
Daniel           1/-----==/=======|====---\-------\0         ElFuerte


Daniel Jack stores that name in the head. As he unleashes the Kasane Ate, the detective readjusts himself in his corner. "Elias. I knew you knew something." The detective turns around, beginning to head out of the ring. He hears the footsteps behind him, but he wasn't worried. The Kasane Ate gave him the space. He could just sidestep, and finish off the wrestler with a single, powerful punch. But there was just one problem.

Daniel -doesn't- dodge things.

Clutched by the wrestler, Daniel grunts in surprise. And then, with a small spray of blood, he is smashed HARD. The detective groans, rolling over a bit, holding his head.

And suddenly, flares up with a bright light.

Hands burning with chi, he chops the lines of the ring each side of the turnbuckle. As the line snap back, the detective places the burning hands on the post. Gripping the turnbuckle behind him, he kicks hard. VERY hard. Wrenching the turnbuckle free, the detective turns around at El Fuerte. "Your ring?" He asks, holding the turnbuckle in both hands. "Lets see how you take it when the ring gets out on -you-" With a lunge, the detective rushes on the wrestle, swinging the turnbuckle in a wide, slow arc.

COMBATSYS: ElFuerte parries Daniel's Random Weapon!

[                   \\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////           ]
Daniel           1/------=/=======|=====--\-------\0         ElFuerte

Yes! That looks like it worked like a charm! Fuerte's not talking about the whole, bashing Daniel's face into the turnbuckle thing mind you, although that did work too, but about tossing random names out and watch the detective go bother some hapless fool. He doesn't care who he bothers really, just as long as that hapless fool isn't him!


El Fuerte bashes Daniel's face into the turnbuckle and watches him roll over. If memory serves him well, he thinks that after receiving a grievous injury the boy had the nasty tendency of going /friggin/ berserk and try to destroy everything on his path.

This is proven true once Danny screams bloody murder and /SNAPS/ the turnbuckle out of it's hinges to use it as a club and try and flatten the luchador like a tortilla. "Careful!!" El Fuerte cries out, horrified by the mindless destruction of the ring. His ring! It's an attack that has, ironically, used against El Fuerte before, and he's surprisingly very well prepared against such an otherwise devastating attack.

He leapfrogs atop of it like he did on the first attack and runs up the length of the turnbuckle and land on top of Danny. Once he's in proximity he wraps an insanely muscled arm around the boy's neck and starts squeezing, using his bicep to push into Danny's trachea and suffocate the fight out of him. "Say!!" El Fuerte suddenly remembers something, chocking people tends to jump start his memory. "I hate to change the subject but I may have another case for you! If you're not really busy!"

COMBATSYS: ElFuerte successfully hits Daniel with Quesadilla Bomb EX.

[                         \\\\\  < >  //////////////////            ]
Daniel           1/---====/=======|======-\-------\0         ElFuerte

Why did Daniel use the turnbuckle? Well, because it was there. While Daniel is the third ranked user of Todoh-Ryuu Kobojutsu (just behind Master Todoh and his daughter Kasumi), he has a much more dynamic style than the aikido-based art. Using a blend of street fighting and gung-ho sleuthing, the detective has turned the ancient art into a wildly variable technique.

But Daniel was dealing with a whole different level of wild.

His swing is nubbed when El Fuerte leaps upon it, running up it straight to Daniel Jack himself. The detective drops it, but the damage was done: The detective was in a hold, the life being choked out of him. Strangled, he manages to listen to his opponent... and stammer out a response. "AAAAGH-AGHA-nother case? You better make it interesting, scuzzy. Well speak up! Chop...."


Daniel's hand explodes in orange fire, the detective achieving another wild surge. Where El Fuerte sucker-punched him off, Daniel unleashes the full might of Todoh, after hour and hours of constant drilling with brick breaks, the student of Todoh unleashes what may be objectively speaking the most perfect hand chop in all existence, able to shatter entire skeletons with a single well-aimed smash at the collar bone.

But this, of course, was only the beginning.

COMBATSYS: Daniel successfully hits ElFuerte with World's Greatest Hand Chop.

[                          \\\\  < >  /////////////                 ]
Daniel           1/--=====/=======|=======\-------\1         ElFuerte

In the wild wild world of wrestling, aikido, street fighting and even gun kata will only take you so far. A true Luchador must truly reach deep down within and unleash their fullest capacity to surpass the immeasurable odds that they will find in the ring of lucha! Fortunately Daniel is no stranger to reaching deep down within and manages to swing his flame covered karate chop directly on Fuerte's forehead causing his brain to rattle from inside and his eyes to shut tightly.

For some reason though, this only causes him to squeeze even tighter! A testament to his previous training of Garbage Wrestling, El Fuerte has proven capable of surviving bullet shots at point blank and thus can push through the Fantastic Chop and fight on!

"Agh!!" Hrrrgg..yeah, it's pretty good I think!!" The luchador grunts while struggling to keep his hold, legs wrapping around Daniel's waist to continue to /SQUEEZE/ "You ever heard of a girl by the name of Cammy? British, blond hair, has hair on twin braids."


"I need to find out who she really is!"

COMBATSYS: Daniel fails to counter Calamari Slide from ElFuerte with Jumping Jack Flash.

[                  \\\\\\\\\\\\  <
ElFuerte         1/-------/=======|

COMBATSYS: Daniel can no longer fight.

[                  \\\\\\\\\\\\  <
ElFuerte         1/-------/=======|

Normally, when the detective unleashes the World's Greatest Hand Chop, even the most powerful men quail at the sheer force of the strike. On the -other- hand, it is just a hand chop, chi-infused or not.

But what a hand chop it is!"

Struggling underneath the force of El Fuerte, the detective wriggles and squirms. He was at the end of his own rope. And that means it was time to go out with a bang. El Fuerte can feel the raging fire of Todoh fill in Daniel's heart, as the fire around him begins to erupt. Chi blazing, the detective continues to be pinned down. He struggles a limb up, trying to grab El Fuerte by his torso.

But Daniel Jack can't pull through.

El Fuerte continues the submission hold, and he can see it before his very eyes. Once a roaring blaze of Todoh Might, the begins to fire dies.

And with that, Daniel Jack taps the mat.

"I'm out." The detective groans. "I'll tell you what you want to know."

*DING DING* One of the newbie wrestlers that Daniel was tossing about earlier rings the bell signaling El Fuerte that he should really stop strangling the boy now. Good thing too, El Fuerte is the type that tends to get carried away and usually doesn't let go until he hears a bell. Not because he's ruthless, let's just call it force of habit.

Releasing the detective's neck from his fuerte grip, the luchador rolls to one side letting Daniel flop back on the mat whilst he goes to pick up the turnbuckle that his opponent had ripped out of the ring. "Good lucha!" He says jamming the pole back on it's proper place. "But next time show more respect when entering the training grounds of other fighters, amigo. You wouldn't like if I went into your dojo and started breaking things now would you?"

Despite his stern scolding, the masked wrestler extends a hand to help Daniel whilst smiling. "You okay?? Good! For now, we must indulge on post lucha celebration at the Taqueria down the street! I am in much need for some tortas de la barda!" At least it looks like he's paying for the food. "We can discuss more of that over there, the walls here have eyes and ears amigo!"

And thank god there is the bell.

Daniel Jack goes limp with a thud as Fuerte releases him, not quite getting the effort to move. He was Southtown stock; he is supposed to have a team behind him to handle the competition between fights! But by the time El Fuerte makes his round to Daniel, he extends out his own hand, accepting the help back up.

The detective shakes his head a bit. Breaking into Dojos, beating up everyone inside, and then leaving only a path of destruction? In Southtown, that's how other dojos say 'hello!' Why, the detective had helped rebuild the Todoh Dojo at least a half a dozen times now. He -might- be a detective by trade, but by now, he could be considered a competent groundskeeper, roofer, architect, electrician, and carpenter!

Then again, it DID fall apart five other times.

Limping along, the detective leans on El Fuerte. "I'm really happy for you, El Fuerte, and I'm gonna need to lean on you. But tell me what you know about Cammy so far, scuzzy. And, uh, could you help me out there?"

That's the thing about Fuerte, he's a little *too* friendly to really act out on his fighter impulses. It's a thing that always irritated his tag team mate Mick MURDERHOUSE, while Fuerte will gleefully snap someone's arm in a wrestling match without thinking about it twice, there are certain boundaries he will not cross. Desecrating a foreign dojo is a big no no, so is taking their mask, or scalping them, hits below the belt, eye gouging..well lots of things really! He's a tecnico after all, he's supposed to play by the rules.

This of course works both ways, if someone walks into /his/ ring and starts trashing it for the fun of it, you better believe that someone is leaving the arena on a stretcher.

But that won't El Fuerte from buying them dinner.

"Here is the deal, amigo." The wrestler walks along with the detective following the delicious aroma of tacos as they head for the stand down the street. "Let me start from the beginning, and explain to you why finding who this Cammy White person is really important for me. You're a man of the world are you not? Surely you must know who Los Zetas are."

Really, people who are willing to break your arm, and then buy you food afterwards are the best people. The detective prefers them over the type that would buy you food, then break your arm afterwards. By a long shot. As the detective is brought out to the street, he is seemingly unaffected by the delicious smells of the taco stand. Nodding as his new mexican friend explains the context of the deal, he tilts his head by the end.
"Los Zeta?"

Daniel Jack's sleuthing senses perk up, the exhaustion over him jolted away. "No, scuzzy, I haven't heard of the Los Zetas. And that disturbs me greatly. Is that who Elias is associated with? Are they a criminal group?" Daniel begins to spark up again, the Todoh Spirit of Fighting surging up again.

If that's the case, Daniel will probably not enjoy the company of Mick. El Fuerte's team mate is likely the type that'll invite you to dinner and then break your arm after it, then eat your dinner, and make you pay for it. But that's why El Fuerte tends to be the face of the team anyway.

El Fuerte tries not to laugh, he really does try! But Daniel's implication that Elias might be in someway associated with Los Zetas does tickle him quite a bit. He gives Daniel a few strong pats on the back attempting to quell his burning Todoh Spirit flames, as impossible of a task as that may be. "You're only half right amigo. I sincerily doubt Elias is in cahoots with Los Zetas, he is a priest you see! For more information about him you should try watching some of the SNF re-runs."

The wrestler sits by the taco stand motioning for Daniel to join him. "But you are right that Los Zetas are a criminal organization, a Mexican Drug Cartel to be more precise. As you no doubt know there was a World War recently and Texas was under attack by Shadaloo with Zeta cartel members. I went in the defense of Texas, for you see, I have no love for Los Zetas, they have made my country a living chaos and I'll take any opportunity to wipe them out from the face of the planet."

"Now you are no doubt asking yourself, what does this loco want? And what does this have to do with a case? Well, this is when /you/ come in amigo, because imagine my surprise when I see who was leading the coalition between Los Zetas and Shadaloo. None other than Cammy White."

The wrestler glances at the taco attendant and grins talking to him in Spanish "<Dos ordenes de Tortas, con unos refrescos por favor>" Then a glance to Daniel "You want yours with everything, amigo?"

As his shoulder is patted, the detective's burning rage subsides a bit. Daniel's hot-blooded fighting spirit often clashed with his cool-deductive style, and now was not the time to let the spirit of Todoh fill him. Listening to El Fuerte's explaination, the detective just stares at the stand. "So a drug gang raises hell in Texas and Mexico, and you go and try to bust it up. You follow the trail, and you see Cammy at the head. Not too surprising; Shadaloo isn't the first big organization to head a racket, nor is the last." The detective keep considering what implications they had. Maybe... maybe there is an organization behind the Black Dragons? Elias would have the answers Not fully listening to the taco question, he nods his head. "Yeah, sure, all of it." The detective pauses, chewing on the information that the wrestler gave him, before calmly asking a question of his own.

"Do you know what a Doll is?"

"Pretty much." Daniel's personality may have its faults, but his deductive skills are still quite impressive. El Fuerte nods as his detective friend summarizes the wrestler's exploits in the war in just a few simple sentences. "I'm aware that Shadaloo's influence extends to all the corners of the earth, but this is a local problem to me. Anything that could be done to fix it would be greatly appreciated." The masked fighter leaves the detective to his thoughts whilst the steaming tacos are brought over and he begins munching noisily on them, still wearing his mask and all, wonder how he manages not to get stains on it.

"A doll?" El Fuerte asks looking a little perplexed. "Sure, it's a little toy girls play with." Nevermind he probably has a Rainbow Mika doll stored somewhere.

I didn't know they made a "My Size R. Mika" Doll.

Daniel Jack mulls for a moment, considering how to best approach this. "Dolls... Dolls are minions of Vega. Vega is the leader of Shadaloo, a very dangerous man with a lot of powerful mental powers. I once encountered one of his Dolls in an alleyway. Her name was Marz; she was about, oh, 15? 16? These are child soldiers, El Fuerte, I am making this clear." Daniel Jack takes the taco, taking an idle bite, before continuing with his story.

"She was badly wounded; she had lost a lot of blood, so I took her back to my place to patch her together. I managed to stabilize her; That's when I met Vega for the first time. He showed up, took the Doll, and since then, Marz has been my own personal stalker. But I know Dolls. I know Dolls more than a lot of other people in the world. I know dolls personally..." The detective holds, reflecting on the impact of this. "Dolls... Dolls are brainwashed minions of Vega. They probably are kidnapped as children, turned into his own personal slaves, and are sent out as child soldiers to do his bidding. Marz had no memory of her past, no desire to know who she was. Whatever she was before was wiped clean... and the remaining doll is what Vega crafted his vision into."

Daniel pauses, looking at El Fuerte cooly, but calmly. "Are you digging this? Do I need to explain other details"

El Fuerte takes a few bites of his tacos first, lucha libre gets him awfully hungry and food takes priority sometimes. However, as Daniel starts relating more and more details about the true nature of the Dolls, El Fuerte's gaze turns to him, eyes slowing widening in surprise, his chewing becoming slower and less into it. It's difficult to eat when one is hearing such horrible stories.

"Made De Dios!" Apparently El Fuerte is understanding that, since he exclaims and swallows his half munched food. "Brain washed child soldiers!? That is is horrible! And I thought that Los Zetas were monsters! Who knows what other despicable things that madman Vega did to those poor souls!" It's almost too much to bear, the wrestler brings a hand to his forehead looking awfully pale from the revelation. He is far too innocent to properly deal with serious things of that magnitude.

"So...so what are you saying?" He actually stammers now, not feeling very confident about his quest anymore "That Cammy is also a doll and she was being controlled into aiding Shadaloo and Los Zetas?"

Daniel Jack was growing darker and darker, the noir overcoming him. He looked at El Fuerte, nodding solemnly before continuing. "It isn't that simple. It is like... being raised to be a soldier. Or a criminal. If she was put in charge of Los Zetas, then she would be doing so to the best of her ability, because Vega commanded it. For all purposes, she would be a cruel leader, and an effective one. But underneath it all, her motivations? Because she is mind controlled to be the perfect slave. Or I should say...

"... Was."

Daniel looks off into the distance, crumpling up the wrappings for the taco, and putting it into a garbage can. "Cammy.... I ran into Cammy outside my normal territory, on Gedo Street. Right outside the local reform school. This was in Southtown, you digging me? Anyways, the woman was as peaceful as a newborn lamb, she claimed she was on vacation. The dame was totally unaware of why I would be shadowing her, asking her why she was going to start trouble. She was..."

Daniel pauses.

"She wasn't herself, and that is in the best of sense. Cammy right now isn't a Doll. She has broken free from Vega's mind control, or something like that. She can't remember what she did, or at least claims that, but I have seen dolls. I've spoken with dolls. I -know- what a doll acts like when they are mind controlled. They are soldiers, not spies, and Cammy wasn't undercover. But that bothers me more."

Daniel stops for a moment, before turning to El Fuerte. "... Do you know who she works for now, or at least claims to?"

Finishing his taco, El Fuerte forces himself to take some sips of his beverage looking pensive at it. All those horrible things that he said to Cammy don't make him feel any better. Just like Daniel, he had also jumped into conclusions and gotten in Cammy's case, treating her as if she were still a part of Vega's army. Although could anyone really blame him? He had just seen her side against his hated enemies after all.

It doesn't make it any easier however and it causes El Fuerte to deflate his mighty shoulders like a popped soccer ball. "I ran into Cammy as well, she wasn't acting at all like the soldier I fought in Texas. She was almost..I don't know..normal!"

A hand is raised to scratch the back of his head "It's why I thought it might be a good idea to hire someone like you, to make sense of the situation, and if what you're saying is true." A glance at Daniel "Which I'm sure it is!" Why would he lie about child slaves and such? "Then I can almost consider this case solved."

"There is some good news from all this though. You may be happy to hear that Cammy has joined the NATO military and is keeping close ties to that Gringo Captain Guile. It's where I saw her after my encounter with her in the War. At first I thought she was a prisoner, but apparently now she's aiding the very same people she fought against before."

"The case has only begun."

Daniel Jack shakes his head as he says those words. "I don't understand how they could break the mind control, or if the mind control is even truly broken. She doesn't remember the atrocities she has done. Will she remain a 'good guy' if she begins to remember? Will the mind control come back? And despite all these unknowns, one thing is very clear."

"She is working for the military."

Daniel Jack looks into El Fuerte, a cold fire burning within. "Cammy should be in a hospital away from the horrors of war. She should never be on a battlefield again, with the potential trauma she will receieve. And yet, she is still a soldier. I am suspecting that Cammy isn't 'normal;' far from it El Fuerte. I believe she is being used the same way that Vega has used her: A weapon. A tool. I think NATO is hiding secrets about Cammy still... and so is Vega. What they both plan to use with her, I do not know. So no, El Fuerte. This case isn't closed. But..."

Daniel Jack looks off in the distance, the call of the Sleuth pulling him. "... I must find the end of the Black Dragon. I must learn who they are. And what they plan to do. And where they took that pretty Russian Girl's watch. Elias.... I sense he is in Metro City now. That is where my heart tells me I must go." The detective begins to wander off, still garbed in his leotard. Before he leaves, he turns around to El Fuerte, looking at him head on. "Thank you, friend. I am sorry for destroying your Dojo. But such is the Way of the Detective...."

"And the Way of Todoh."

Honestly? The masked Wrestler was not expecting such insight from Daniel. He might be very proficient in a number of fields, but quite frankly the boy could be even more eager than himself when it came to most things. El Fuerte never would have guessed that he could have such understanding of how human minds truly work and to his great, and pleasant, surprise he finds himself agreeing with the detective. "My God! You're right!" Both hands are brought up to hit the Fuerte's head on each side, holding his masked face. "I never considered that Cammy could suffer from shell shock by indulging herself in more military affairs! She's a ticking time bomb! And I was all ready to let her be and go about her business too..." His gaze is lost, staring into the abyss that is the taco shop counter as he begins clenching his fists. "No! NATO cannot be allowed to...to take advantage of her! That poor, POOR, Chica! It breaks my lucha heart! No one should be used in such a manner!"

Shaking free from his stupor, El Fuerte looks up to Daniel and gives a sharp nod. At this point he sort of "forgot" that he just gave Daniel wrong information just to get him out of his case, but he's too much into it now and doesn't remember. "Of course my friend! And thank you, I wish you luck with your case whilst I will be busy ensuring that la seņorita Cammy is a tool of the government no longer!"

The Luchador raises from his seat and gives Daniel a warrior salute. It's something that T. Hawk taught him to do when showing real respect. Hand over his chest right above the heart.

"May the spirits of Lucha Libre guide your path, amigo!"

Daniel Jack was a lot smarter than he thought he was, a lot more competent than people give him credit for, and much more dangerous than he should be. And even he knew that Cammy suddenly being turned was not worth a hill of beans in this big world. Daniel Jack returns with a quick, two-fingered salute. "Catch you on the flip side, scuzzy. I'll update you if I learn anything new.

And with that, he is gone.

Log created on 19:42:44 03/13/2012 by ElFuerte, and last modified on 17:19:52 03/17/2012.