Elena - Hunter Gatherer

Description: A peaceful Thailand before the war and China/Shadaloo's furious expansion. Hunters village recieves a foreign visitor whom is is made to both invited and welcome.

Bann Kawn Sawng Salung is a small village in Thailand. A place of simple folk and simple pleasures. There's less than three hundred people in the entire village, and on this glorious and sunny day, the hunt has been kind to Sasithorn. Which means that she, and a procession of the other hunters from the village, is returning early with the day's takings.

Nine deer, three crocodiles, a badger, and a dozen or so weasels and rats strung up between them.

The majority of the animals have been killed with a single arrow through the eye, though a few of the others have been taken in a less professional manner. Sasithorn herself is a cheerful young woman, and she leads the group to the center of the village.

"As always, I'm taking one of the deer for myself and my family." She says, as the village turns out to divide the day's haul. "I'll leave it to the rest of you how you want to split the rest. There should be enough here for today, if anyone looks like they are going to go hungry, come and see me and we can share out some of our preserves."

There are squeals of childish laughter in the village. A visitor come to the village and her appearance is certainly outside the norm enough that she gathers onlookers and admirers alike. The African woman is a gentle giantess among Hunters people. Elena is having fun, there is so much life and beauty here. The differences in foreign cultures were always important but there always something vibrant about village life and the close knit communities.

"So, rest here.. For a few days? And then I can travel to the next village and there is a.. bus that stops there."

The tail end of a long morning filled with conversations and an exchange of some gifts, there is some great relief in her now. She had erred form her route of travel a little and walked much farther and to the wrong village. Thus she had no travel arrangements but the people here seemed to be very kind and as enthusiastic to meet her as she was them.

It was all good news, a few days delay was no problem, there was never any hurry to her destination because the journey was even more fun.

Shoulderbad with a few books in it the woman wanders the village exploring with a cluster of children running around her feet exclaiming "Jambo!" to their friends and neighbours imitating her seemingly strange greeting.

A hunting party coming back to the village catches her eye and draws away many of the children who are probably interested in what is on the menu, or how big and fearsome the animals were. She is herself impressed at the beast brought home, the land was rich as well as beautiful and they would eat very well thanks to such skilled hunters, one hand tucked into the stap of her bag she calls 'Jambo!' hello in her native tongue to the hunting party and the children chorus it like tiny parakeets.

By contrast to Elena, Sasithorn is almost humorously short. She cranes her neck to look up at the tall African woman, but... if she is at all intimidated, it doesn't show on her features. Although the young hunter is still a little more cold than the little kids surrounding Elena, she does relent and smile after a few moments.

One of the children is favored with a light ruffle of her hair, "Come away, Butterfly, don't bother the traveler." She chides, though there's very little actual discipline in her voice. She produces a long, curved knife from her pocket, and hands it to the girl. "Go and help mother in the kitchen, I'll be along soon with the deer."

Which, she does heft over one shoulder, with some difficulty. The fawn isn't very large, but it is still hard with her slight frame.

"You seem popular." She says, "Would you like to join my family for dinner? There should be enough for another guest." Her smile becomes just a little bit more cheeky, lopsided with a grin. "Even one as big as you, eh?"

Elena smiles gently back despite the stares of the hunters who are undoubtedly surprised to see her, there are many factors and it could go either way in terms of first impression. But the village has already had some time to get used to her appearance. The young female hunter and one of the children share a brief moment and she notes the girls name 'Butterfly' maybe there were related from that familial seeming bond. As the young girl runs off Elena waves after her, she was a very cute child, very friendly.

Elena smile spreads with the joke about her height. These people were good natured and good humoured, it helps that it is a joke she is quite used to. She inclines her head in a bow and replies enthusiastically "I would be very grateful, your people seem to be enormously hospitable."

Playing right along in a lively manner she would have even if their positions and locations were reversed. Elena decides she likes the girl form her first impression, a hunter but also one who could remain lively, cheeky and funny.

"It wasn't always this way." Sasithorn admits, as she starts to lug the deer towards her home. One hut amongst many. "Times used to be hard, never enough food, particularly in the winter and the rainy season... but, we've learned, adapted."

One of the other hunters, a tall man built barrel-chested and huge, nudges the girl in the ribs heartily. "You mean *you've* adapted, Sasi. Hah! Do not listen to this one, friend." He winks to Elena, "She is too modest."

The young hunter herself snorts, and shakes her head. "I would never have learned if it wasn't for your help, Kamon." She says, "And you still set the best snares."

She actually seems a little embarrassed by the praise, doing her best to shrug it off. "My name is Sasithorn, but everyone calls me Sasi." She says, introducing herself to the amazonian woman. "We don't get many visitors here, so it is always nice to meet a new face...?" She trails off, waiting for a name in turn.

Elena listens with rapt attention to the byplay; hard times and seasons were always a possibility at home as well. It sounds as if the fortunes of the village are on the rise and she is grateful to hear of it. She would be loath to accept such generous hospitality when in meant her hosts were going hungry.

Strolling long just a little behind and to the other side of the girl carrying the deer Elenas head swivels back and forth between speakers, they seem to get along well. But its surprising that such praise is being heaped upon the smaller woman. She is much more used to young hunters having to be reminded of their inexperience by the more experienced. Either it was a difference in the culture or perhaps the young woman was really deserving of much praise, but it felt really familiar. The big man Kamon, he reminds her of one of her father's closest friends back home, also a humble man but very hard on his apprentices.

Elena refrains from offering her hand, Sasithorn had her hands full carrying the deer.

"It is a great pleasure to meet you both, I am Elena. I come from Africa."

Lively and full of smiles, with an appearance and accent completely outside the local experiences there is no way anyone could recognise her as anything but a foreigner. But.. she seems comfortable here, walking barefoot and attentively listening.

Sasithorn's home is a modest hut amongst modest huts. Shuffling indoors, she sets the animal down outside and her mother - a woman short and reedy with a rather washed out look about her - and her sister set to it instantly.

"Africa." Sasithorn repeats, nodding her head with ... some admiration in her voice. Africa is a very long way away. Then again, as far as she is concerned, the next village over is a very long way away; a journey she doesn't like to take, as it takes her away from the village for far too long.

Sasithorn's home is modest but meticulously kept. Three small heaps of furs which obviously make up the beds; the smallest next to the largest, and the third on the other side of the room. A small table and woven chairs dominate the room. Sliding her weapons from her and setting them down, the girl takes her seat gratefully. Finally, she lets herself feel how tired she is. Her day's work is done.

"What brought you all this way, Elena?" The girl asks, curiously. "I can't imagine that the game in Africa is any worse than the game here..." Because clearly, the quality of game is the natural determinating factor in moving from one place to another.

The tall Kenyan stoops just a little when she enters, the very tips of some of the short silvery-white hairs on her head brush the the doorframe but she looks around with a mix of fascination and admiration. She shares another smile for Butterfly who keeps sneaking looks at her and while also inclining her head to bow toward Sasithorns mother. So interested and busy was she that she misses the other young woman divesting herself of her various weapons and tools.

Directed by Saithorns mother Elena cautiously takes a seat where she is directs, folding her large frame up into a rather small sitting position with her packs in her lap and arms resting atop it. She is also somewhat glad to be sitting down, it was been a long walk this morning and the shaded place to rest is welcome.

"The game in Africa is strong and proud, much like it is here, There for those skilled enough to find it. This place found me after I lost my way, But I am here to travel! and to meet a man. It has been a fun journey so far."

She fumbles around in her bag after carefully opening her bag and removes a book, it is old and a little battered, travel worn and well read.

"My father met the man that wrote this book a long time ago when he travelled, they write each other still and he said I should visit and pay my respects."

A book of natural and herbal remedies, the doctor pictured on the back cover is was not an unknown local physician but certainly not a celebrity of any kind. A great man, with a lot of experience, Elena had found the book an interesting read even though the things it spoke of had been of a world far from her own.

Sasithorn nods her head. She, herself, has little time for hunting for a man. Most of the boys her own age are, well, just a little intimidated by her. Even the few she's tried to show some interest in have taken the animals left dead on their porch in entirely the wrong fashion. The heart, to her, is one place more impenetrable than any jungle.

She does peer at the book, though. "Ah. I think I recognize that man." She says, nodding her head. "Doctors are rare here. My mother does most of the healing, when there is healing which needs to be done, but when the wound is too deep or the fever will not break, I go to the next village and fetch him."

Now that she is relaxing a little, she leans forwards and folds her hands onto the table. "Are you a healer as well?" She asks, more curious than anything else; it isn't as though she has any great need of one right now. Though *someone* in the village could probably use one.

Sasithorn's mother doesn't seem to want to look at her daughter right now, as the young hunter moves on so quickly from any possible discussion of romance. It might start to dawn, now, that there are only three beds here, and no sign of any man. It does not take a genius to surmise what Sasithorn's role in the household is, from the way she is relaxing whilst the other two get to the work of cleaning and cooking the day's catch.

Elenas attention wanders to and is caught by the mother, busily working alongside her younger daughter. The villages healer as well, this was quite influential and sign of some real hard workers, she is not quick to write off the possibility someone else may live here but there are only three beds and three people besides herself as a guest. "I am not a healer, there is talent for it in my family. My mothers side of the family. This man, He challenged my father to become a better doctor a many years ago, I am only beginning to study. Perhaps my father hopes he will do the same for me."

She turns the book over in her hands glancing at the familiar face she has never met before and putting it away with some care.

"You sound like you have learned a lot from your Mother. And to be a hunter as well on top of that."

Sickless was part of village life, the better the healers and hunters the healthier and better off the village. Elena doesn't hide a hint of a very friendly envy in her voice there, it was always more fun to learn from people and hear their experience, feel their presence and the weight of that knowledge.

Sasithorn smiles thinly. "I'm terrible with healing." She says, and actually laughs, scratching behind the back of her head. "It is a funny thing, but I can kill all the animals in the world and butcher them... but I feel faint if I see even a little cut on a person!"

She actually closes her eyes there. Ah... would that she had her mother's gift! But, that is for Butterfly, not for herself. "I think that healing is a talent you are born with, you either have it or you don't. I... take more after my, father..."

And she's moving on very quickly, standing up to clasp her new friend on the shoulder. "Please, let me get you some tea, and I will write down the Doctor's address for you! He should not be hard to find if you get lost, though, he is usually a busy man!"

Aren't they always?

Nodding along Elena feels some surprise that the Hunter should admit to not being a good healer. Physiology is no small part of healing and hunters have a keen eye for ways to bring their prey down and ensuring that little goes to waste. It is a skill people devote their entire lifetimes to mastering, much like healing.

A sympathetic nod and very small grin as cannot help but picture the collected and powerful woman mention fainting like that, it's not an uncommon thing nor something to be ashamed of. Even as a small child she recalls being asked to fan the face of someone who had that very thing happen to them.

"Seeing wounds on someone is always very hard and affects us all differently. I find it very hard to watch without doing something."

Elena feels a compulsion to ask about her father as soon as Sasithorn brings the topic up, curious about everything related to this family but has been looking down and contemplating something even since the hunter had spoken about talent for healing as something you are born with. Did he not live here with them? The other woman quickly moves onto a new topic and starts moving, there seemed like there was something there, something she did not want to dig up for her new friend.

"A talent you are born with" she mumbles the tone wistfully, that speaks to her, her blood, her families power.

"Thank you, something to drink would be really welcome? It is good to hear he is still practicing! My father told me to be nice to him in case he has gone senile."

Some relationship the two men must have shared.

Sasithorn smiles easily, and begins to fix the tea. It is a bittersweet beverage, very popular locally though... something of an acquired taste. The strange beverages of foreign lands are one of the joys of travel though, aren't they? And the young hunter has always had a fondness for it. She also carries on with the doctoring talk. She might not be a healer herself, but she does know about the local goings on. Even if she tried to keep her nose out of politics, she can't help but be a nexus for gossip. She is, in no small part, what keeps the village ticking over at all, after all.

"He's an odd one." She admits, "Every time I see him, he always says 'the only doctor you should be seeing is a midwife!' Which makes no sense because mother delivered most of the children in the village and I see her every day."

Genuinely clueless, the girl hmphs and shakes her head, setting down a steaming bowl of tea in front of her guest, and taking one for herself.

"He's not a bad sort though, and he is very good at what he does. I suppose he must be better than I thought, writing a book!"

And so the conversation goes. Sasithorn's mother produces extra blankets after the sun has gone down, and a fine meal of venison and rice has been consumed. Conversation is light and easy; Sasithorn's mother wants to see the book, and nods or tuts at several points. Butterfly admires Elena, and wants to know all about her travels - she is training to be a nurse herself, and dreams one day of going to the big city to study.

Sasithorn's pride and affection for her sister are unmistakable, the beaming older sister. When, at last, conversation is exhausted, the atmosphere in the hut is warm and peaceful, and the stillness of the night makes it easy to sleep. Of course, the morning will see Sasithorn head off again into the jungle, her mother do the rounds to check on the elderly with her sister, and Elena, most likely, catch the one bus which passes through here on a weekly basis, in the hunt for her father's friend.

Log created on 06:14:34 03/02/2012 by Elena, and last modified on 02:33:44 03/03/2012.