Takako - Beach Party: Fujiwa Style.

Description: On a beach in Japan, Takako waits. Roused from her angry introspection by hated rival MUNIN ARSHE, she is convinced that it is time to move beyond the shores of Japan and into the wider world. But not before she challenges herself by trying to fight Munin after weeks of expose, mulnutrition and self-inflicted exhaustion. It does not go well, and Takako is forced to confront the needless barrier she has placed in her own way. Perhaps, it is time that she starts to accept some of her own limits, rather than trying to heedlessly crash through them with brute force...

How long has she been here now?

It feels like an eternity. Takako has scarcely moved from her spot. She has been forced to make a pilgrimage to the local ramen stand once every three days, but otherwise, she has remained on the beach, continuing her lonely vigil as she glares out at China. She can't see the other country, of course. All she can see are the waves, the uncaring ocean, stretching for an eternity in front of her.

Takako's sword rests on her lap. She looks cold, thin, and furious. Why are they waiting? Why has she not yet been plunged headlong into the crucible of battle? Do they consider Japan irrelevant? Beneath their notice? That notion angers her. A hot flare that has burned in her heart for weeks, keeping her alive when the cold and the chill would threaten to kill a weaker girl.

"I've heard you've been waiting out here for quite some time." comes a familiar voice from behind Takako.

Munin stands there behind her, arms cross, leaning against a 'beach safety' signpost, eyeing the kendo-centric lass with her calm gaze. "Dare i ask what you're waiting for?". She is pretty sure she knows the answer already, but better to hear it from the source first before presuming.

"The enemy."

Takako recognizes Munin's voice, though she doesn't bother to even get up to acknowledge the girl, or look in her direction. "They'll come, you know." She says, as though trying to affirm this fact to herself. "They have always been our enemies, and they'll come storming these beaches any day now. I will be ready for them. It is what my father would have wanted."

It all comes out in a rush. Why is she opening up to this girl? Just because she is another fighter? Tch, as though she cares what Munin has to say on the matter...

The response Takako gets is an amused chuckle "I know they'll come. Vega himself is leading them. He'll eventually hit everywhere. Japan doesn't have a lot of strategic value that i can think of, outside of it's technology resources, which i'm sure Vega can already overcome. You're going to be standing there a loooong time before they come this way, since a lot of the standing armies of the world are West of China, not East".

She slowly walks across the sand, til she's standing side by side with Takako, also looking out over the water.

Takako hmphs, and stands up. A cascade of accumulated sand and water runs from her robes, and she does finally turn to face Munin. Every inch of the girl's bearing is tense and angry. How can it not? She hasn't slept properly in weeks.

"We have the best fighters in the world." She says, angrily. "We have the strongest styles. We have Southtown. He will come because until he has beaten us, he has not beaten anybody!"

A nod in response "True, some of the best fighters are here, while some of the greatest are scattered elsewhere. Only a fool fights a war on two fronts. Take out the armies of europe first, then turn attention to the REAL threat. With all those amassed resources, even the talent conglomerated here will be overrun with no recourse, and being an island, if the airports are destroyed, no escape".

She looks at Takako with a sideways glance "Everyone will be killed or enslaved, unless this is stopped at it's source, before it builds momentum".

"I do not fear death."

Takako snaps so quickly, so harshly, that even she fears she might have overdone it. She sounds defensive to herself, and isn't that the worst thing? What has she got to feel defensive about? Hasn't she done everything she can? She promised herself she would hold off the Chinese, and look, no Chinese!

"... Sorry." She says, quietly. "You are right, of course. But if I am to die, I wish to die on the soil of my homeland." Her lips curl up into a small, thin smile. "How would my soul find the land of my ancestors if I die far away from home?"

Munin can only shrug "Who knows. The afterlife and it's secrets and workings are beyond me. As for fear of death, you should keep that balanced. Too fearless and you'll be too reckless and die for nothing. Too fearful and you'll be unable to act when needed".

She partially returns the smile, then looks back over the ocean "If Vega is allowed to keep his momentum going, he may decide NOT to deal with Japan, and simply nuke it until nothing remains, seeing as it IS a major threat due to it's fighter population. It's the smart tactic, though reprehensible. In such a case, what would your soul do then?".

The thought sends a shiver down her spine. Dying in glorious battle, though something that privately scares her, is at least a fate she could accept. Dying to a bomb is another atter entirely. How, impersonal. How disrespectful.

"What is your point?" She asks, tetchily. The girl's eyes narrow as she slides her wooden sword into the belt around her robes. "Do you want to team up, is that it?"

Another sideways glance is given to Takako, as she notices the shiver "I was with Rust, May Lee, and Chun-Li for some time, and was almost killed by Vega. He alone was more than all of us could take. I also saw his troops gunning down and blowing up civilians without a second thought, as well as one another. He would do it in a second".

When the offer of teaming up is made, Munin smirks, and the mischevious look in her eyes is impossible to miss "I came back to get as many competant fighters together as reinforcements as possible. Having seen your skills firsthand, your among the top of my list to ask to go back with me, or on your own if you would prefer, to shove Vegas hat down his throat and stop all the bloodshed".

She tilts her head a bit, adding "That is, IF your interested".

Takako's lips press together into a long, thin line as she listens to what Munin has to say. Truth be told, she had always assumed Vega and Shadaloo were boogeymen that she would never really have to deal with. They seemed mad, uncertain.

"Then they should have fought harder." The young woman says, harshly, of the civilians. In her mind, there has always been only those who are strong, and those who are weak. If one falls into the latter they hardly deserve sympathy.

She does relent, though. Nodding her head slightly.

"But you have convinced me. I suppose if they will not come to me, I will go to them. The cowards."

Munin nods, smirk still in place. THAT went easier than expected. She takes out a small slip of paper, and offers it to Takako "That's my cell number. If you want to wait for me to find people, thats fine. If you want to go on ahead, thats fine too. Look for May Lee and Rust. Sagat may be there too, since i hear Thailand was attacked".

As she turns to leave, says "If you can get anyone else to come as well, please do so. Vega.... Vega is a monster". Her tone for this last part is very pained, as she remembers his psycho crusher hitting her.

Takako snorts, and shakes her head. Though she takes Munin's number, she does not look like she has much interest in hunting out other fighters, or believing that Vega is in some way a monster. She shakes her head.

"Don't walk away from me." She says, drawing her sword, though it wobbles a little bit as she does so. "Surely you didn't expect, me to just let you leave without showing me what you learned fighting that man?"

Munin snickers at that "I didn't learn much from fighting him. Vega almost crushed my entire ribcage after a single hit, and punctured a lung....." she steps a few more paces so it's a reasonable distance, slowly draws her swords, and turns, facing Takako in a sideways defensive stance ".... but it should be interesting to see what we've both learned since our last encounter".

It is painfully obvious that Takako is not at her best. She can scarcely hold her sword, but she has no intention of going into battle without sharpening her wits. What better way to do it than to fight Munin?

"Don't hold anything back."

The words are said before the girl lunges, her attack clumsy as she swings the sword around, aiming to just, jab it into Munin's centre mass. She feels stupid, and that makes her angry. She *is* better than that. She knows it!

COMBATSYS: Takako has started a fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Takako           0/-------/-------|

COMBATSYS: Munin has joined the fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Takako           0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0            Munin

COMBATSYS: Munin blocks Takako's Weakened Medium Strike.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////////// ]
Takako           0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0            Munin

Blink. THAT was fast of her. Usually she figured Takako for the dramatic and more honed beginning of a fight, sizing up an opponent and all that. The strike is sloppier than normal, not suprising in Takakos weakened state.

Munin gives a quizzical look, as she backs up a bit after the block "You sure you don't want to rest first? I'm likely gonna be in town a few days at least.....". She keeps an eye on the blade, just in case, and her eyes begin to glow with that violet chi of hers.

COMBATSYS: Munin focuses on her next action.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////////// ]
Takako           0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0            Munin

Takako's teeth grit, and her head pounds. She can't believe what she's hearing! As though Munin is actually trying to spare her? Taking it easy on her even after she'd said not to hold back! The proud girl's eyes narrow, and her lips curl into a sneer.


The shouted bellow, the roar of challenge, is accompanied by a slammed foot downwards, and the sand of the beach erupts upwards in a dizzying spray. The burst of wind which accompanies it is no more than a slap, but it is a slapping gust which answered Munin far more eloquently than Takako can in her current state.

COMBATSYS: Takako successfully hits Munin with Weakened Kiai EX.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////////   ]
Takako           0/-------/-------|=------\-------\0            Munin

Munin gives a grunt as sand and wind fly up around Takako, enveloping her as she tries to hop back a moment slower than she should have. She eyes Takako, raising an eyebrow "Can't say i didn't offer, at least".

Her swords glow darker a moment, and she swings them in an arc, the shadowy chi trailing behind the blade flying off on it's own towards Takako!

COMBATSYS: Takako slows Shadow Wave from Munin with Weakened Bladed Gust.

[    \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////////////     ]
Takako           0/-------/------=|==-----\-------\0            Munin

Takako raises her sword, and as the wave comes in for her, she slashes downwards. Her anger flows out of her, but it still isn't enough. She's weak. Days of malnutrition and fury have left her half-dead before she'd even stepped onto the battlefield.

The energy smashes into her, and she stumbles back a pace. But she does not fall down.

"Don't... want ... your... pity!"

Munin isn't there. Ok, actually, she is. Just WAY up in the air, coming down with both swords, aiming for the shoulders with a hard double-swing, and using the sun to mask her decent as best it can. She hopes. After striking, hit or miss, she replies "Respect for one's opponents physical state isn't pity".

COMBATSYS: Munin successfully hits Takako with Fierce Strike.

[        \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////////////     ]
Takako           0/-------/---====|===----\-------\0            Munin

Takako tries to stand firm in the face of the assault, but the driving blow crushes her into the ground. Her knee buckles and it is all she can do to keep the hiss from her lips. To her credit, she does not stay down for long. When she comes up, her sword tip is jabbing forwards at Munin's forehead.

"Don't underestimate me!" She roars, "I can still stand, I can still fight, be worried about yourself!"

COMBATSYS: Munin blocks Takako's Weakened Weapon Jab.

[        \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////////////     ]
Takako           0/-------/---====|===----\-------\0            Munin

Munin bats takakos weapon away with just her arm. It stings a little, but not otherwise enough to bother her. However, as much as she really doesn't like this, if it'll get Takako to help with the war, so be it.

She aims a quick kick at Takakos stomach, followed by a roundhouse aimed at her head.

COMBATSYS: Takako blocks Munin's Charged Combo.

[          \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////////////     ]
Takako           0/-------/--=====|===----\-------\0            Munin

Takako's sword takes the brunt of the kicks. Her eyes narrow, and she exhales slowly. She knows she isn't on top form, but there's no way she's going to give less than everything she has in this. It is about more than learning; it is about proving to herself that she is strong. As always, Takako's real opponent isn't the person trying to beat her down; it is herself. The person looming over her shoulder, saying that tomorrow she must do better than she is doing today.

Again, she lunges with her sword. The wooden weapon is driven forwards at Munin's stomach, and at the last moment yanks sharply upwards, aiming to drive into the other fighter's shoulder as hard as she can manage.

COMBATSYS: Munin counters Weakened Determined Breeze from Takako with Terminal Response.

[             \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////       ]
Takako           0/-------/=======|==-----\-------\0            Munin

Munin steps back with the strike, both blades coming up to block with an X-guard block, catching Takakos weapon to stop it cold. With a glare, her eyes flash with violet chi, firing a pair of small slivers at her chest. Not very powerful, but enough to protect herself. She says nothing, however.

Somehow, this just makes Takako more angry.

There's a low growl that starts in the back of her throat as the chi burns into her. Her eyes narrow, and she draws her sword back.


No composure at all, Takako is furious as she throws herself at Munin, sword smashing forwards once, twice, three times in rapid succession - let Munin try to block this, she thinks! She'll simply go THROUGH such a guard!

COMBATSYS: Takako successfully hits Munin with Weakened Violent Hurricane EX.

[              \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////           ]
Takako           0/-------/------=|=====--\-------\0            Munin

Munin moves to dodge, and slides in the sand. She is unable to recover when the strikes hit her full on. One after the other. It rattles her still-aching ribs, but the bones hold. Even in Takakos weakened state she can STILL hurt. A lot!

She responds by bringing both swords up in a dual-strike, aiming for Takakos midsection.

COMBATSYS: Takako interrupts Cross Slash from Munin with Weakened Kami's Roar.

[                  \\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////                 ]
Takako           0/-------/-----==|=======\-------\1            Munin

Takako makes no attempt to get out of the way of the strikes. Instead, she steps forwards, and in the same instant they meet her, she smashes her head forwards with a second bellowed shout;


She's breathing hard after, her heart pounding, blood rushing in her ears, her nose dripping with the stuff, but she's still standing, and there's a small grin drawing itself on her features. Yes! This is what she can do! Better, today, than yesterday! Tomorrow, better still!

Munin eyes her, letting the pain from the headbutt fade. She isn't bleeding, just bruised here and there for the moment. Still, it does hurt. (Definately worth the effort later) she thinks to herself. She circles Takako, catching her breath for the moment.

COMBATSYS: Munin gains composure.

[                  \\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////              ]
Takako           0/-------/-----==|=======\-------\0            Munin

Takako has no such compunction. Though she's exhausted and having difficulty choosing which of the Munin's she should bludgeon, she hasn't slowed down in her assault so far, and she has no intention of doing so. Keeping the momentum, that's what she needs to do, if she is to win this fight.

So she comes in fast as she can, and brings the sword along with her in a wide lunging, horizontal strike.

COMBATSYS: Munin dodges Takako's Weakened Random Strike.

[                 \\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////              ]
Takako           0/-------/-----==|=======\-------\0            Munin

Munin raises an eyebrow as she steps sideways, dodging what part of Takakos strike as she needs to. The attack came slightly to her left. Takako attacked the wrong one, apparently. Munin comes around with a pair of swings of her own, aiming the flat of each of her blades at either side of Takakos head.

COMBATSYS: Takako blocks Munin's Fierce Strike.

[                   \\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////              ]
Takako           0/-------/----===|=======\-------\0            Munin

Takako's head is very thick, possibly one of the worst parts of her to choose to attack. As the blows come in, one is met with her sword, the other she turns her skull into, causing the worst of the blow to deflect harmlessly off.

And then she carries on forwards, not really aiming the attack as such, just hoping her forward momentum will carry her skull directly into Munin's nose. She isn't sure how much more fight she's got left in her, but overall, she's coming out pretty happy so far!

COMBATSYS: Munin blocks Takako's Weakened Random Strike.

[                   \\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////               ]
Takako           0/-------/----===|=======\-------\1            Munin

A quick move of her hand brings Munins arm between skull and nose. It hurts, but not as much as the nose would have.

Without missing a beat, she aims a kick at Takakos knee, followed by a strike aimed at her gut with the pommel of a sword, and followed again by an attempted clothesline.

COMBATSYS: Munin successfully hits Takako with Charged Combo.

[                       \\\\\\\  < >  //////////////                ]
Takako           0/-------/--=====|=======\-------\1            Munin

Takako is trembling gently. She's furious with herself as she picks herself up from the floor. Having utterly failed to defend herself, the girl's eyes blaze with a fierce determination. She will not be beaten so easily!

Her fury has apparently really gotten the best of her, as in a fit of anger she simply *HURLS* her weapon at Munin, flinging the bokken with as much might behind it as she can muster.

COMBATSYS: Munin catches Weakened Thrown Weapon from Takako with Riposte.
- Power hit! -

[                       \\\\\\\  < >  //////////////                ]
Takako           0/-------/--=====|=======\-------\1            Munin

Munin watches Takakos sword fly towards her face, and with a quick jab, impales it right out of the air with one of her blades! Holding her blades with one hand, she pulls the bokken off the tip, and tosses it back to Takako. She then resumes her stance.

Takako picks up her weapon. Exhausted. Humiliated. She can scarcely believe what she's just done and it sends a hot shock of shame through her body. Her teeth grit, and the girl shakes her head slowly.

"I'm done here."

And that muttered statement made, she turns her back to walk to the airport. She can sleep on the plane to wherever she winds up.

COMBATSYS: Takako takes no action.

[                       \\\\\\\  < >  //////////////                ]
Takako           0/-------/--=====|=======\-------\1            Munin

Munin nods, sheathing her swords. She reaches up to wipe sand and grit off her face before jogging over to Takako. "Hey!". She offers a hand for a handshake "You did well for being so tired. Nice match". She actually is smiling, as mentally, she is running the odds in her head: If takako can do THAT well dead tired, how well she should do when fully rested!

Takako stares at the offered hand, and then glares at Munin. If looks could kill, the poor girl would be struck dead in an instant.

"I dishonored myself, I wasted your time, and I performed pathetically." She growls, surly and agitated. "Stop making excuses for me. Shadaloo won't before they gun me down." And she tries to just shoulder-barge past Munin and away.

Munin tries to keep her still long enough to say "You performed as well as you could with the condition your in. There is never dishonor in that, live or die".

After this she lets the kendoist go "As for wasting my time, since when is that for YOU to decide? It is MY time, after all...". She snickers, wincing as she moves her fingers on the arm that stopped the headbutt "Hurts way too much to be a waste of time far as i'm concerned".

Alas, at least for now, Takako is far too grumpy to allow something as minor as logic get in the way of her storming off. Though she is forced to listen, she obviously doesn't take anything on board - at least, not yet - and trudges down the beach instead. Angry, hurting, and frustrated with life and everything in it.

COMBATSYS: Takako has left the fight here.

[                \\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Munin            1/-------/=======|

COMBATSYS: Munin has ended the fight here.

Log created on 15:26:22 02/23/2012 by Takako, and last modified on 18:35:24 02/23/2012.