Rust - Munin at the Kyokugen Melee

Description: The mysterious Munin goes to try her luck against the Kyokugen school with her equally mysterious eye flashing powers. The far less mysterious Hoawrd Rust isn't sure how to patch a hole in the side of the Sakazaki household due to a lack of available lumber. Only one of these issues will be resolved.

A day or two after that surprise visit by a particularly, er, spirited young girl, one Howard Rust stands just outside the humble home of the Sakazaki family on a concrete lot underneath a chilly morning sky and a conspicuously large hole through the side of one of the walls that he is surveying with no small amount of irritation.
"Friggin'... fixed that last night," he mumbles out his complaints aloud as he starts counting something on one hand, looking up and down without a specific timing as to what necessitates him to look to the hole and his hand, followed by the slumping of his posture and a loud, prolonged exhale.
"Lumber ain't cheap right now, thought we went, ah, over that," he says to nobody in particular while he finishes the last of some water bottle. Aside from a number of the morning exercises - a whole lot of sit-ups, today - it's going to be a while before today's noon trainees are going to show up. He's not even sure as to why he decided to come here so early when there isn't much to do but the necessary exercises and to wonder where in the hell he's supposed to magically pull some extra wood to repair the hole with during that ongoing dispute between the Sakazaki household and their main supplier of lumber.
There aren't too many people out here for the moment. The advanced students are training out there, very small in number. Not many people who sign up for Kyokugen make it past white belt, given the extreme physical conditioning it takes, so those few that make it to green belt or beyond tend to be among the most skilled, the most tenacious, the most powerful - or perhaps conditioned to not die out of fright of whenever Takuma goes on eccentric violent benders, either or.
Shrugging his shoulders on the thought that it ultimately just isn't his problem right this moment, Howard starts to amble off, wondering if he ought to go for the chin-ups today to fill in the rest of the morning instead as one of his knee joints crackle loudly. It is as though it is celebrating the thought that all the duress will be on his shoulders and elbows instead.

"That looks like a mess". The voice comes from off to the side, where a young woman steps from the shade of a tree. She shakes her head once close enough to inspect it further "Would hate to be the one having to fix it". She then looks directly at Rust "You a student here, by chance?". She crosses her arms somewhat impatiently after asking, her narrow violet eyes drifting around his person.

The older man looks over his shoulder at the sudden sound of an unfamiliar voice, stopping in his tracks as he realizes he's being talked to and that he really doesn't recognize the voice. The amount of women that are on these grounds can be counted on one hand (including the master's daughter), to the point that pretty much any woman's voice at all earns a bit of surprise and suspicion alike.
The man clears his throat as he turns around to address the young woman, running a hand through his... uh... is that really hair? A dark purple hue, but it doesn't seem it. It's not a hat, the way it parts about his head as he straightens himself out a bit.
"Uh... yeah, in, in some form or another, we, y'know, all are." A sort of oddly profound statement, filtered through the mumbling of one Howard Rust as he clears his throat. "'scuse me. Well, I'm more of, of a junior instructor as much as I am a... a student." One of his shoulders creak loudly as he flexes it back, as if to try and get a kink out. Maybe said shoulder knows what awaits it, and is trying to get out of it through being stiff.
He's not having any of that today, shoulder.
"Well, uh, welcome to the Kyokugen Dojo." He spares her the more dramatically worded introductions, given the suddenness of her appearance. "Somethin' that I, or, well... we can do for you?"
He looks about to the side. Yeah, no 'we' here, it's just him and her in so far as earshot range goes.

Munin smirks slightly "A junion instructor?". She nods, open-handed palms resting on the tops of the hilts of her shortswords "I'm interested in having a match with someone from here, just to see how i do. Should i come back later?". She looks down a bit as she smirks at him, making her expression slightly more threatening "Or would you like to accept my challenge?".

"Match, huh," he says as his voice trails off. Intimidation? Let's be fair, Howard here has probably spent as much of his time in Southtown being intimidated and assaulted by young women as much as he has attempting to go about his job day by day, not to mention the memory of May Lee's sudden attack on his (totally real, luxurious, full head of) hair.
Not to mention how she basically had his number throughout, which doesn't entirely go well with the rest when you're one of the low-end teachers.
Of course, his eyes do take notice of those two hilts. A swordswoman, of sorts, which is intriguing. It's not hard to notice what he has by his left hip. It's no sword, it's a rusted length of pipe that has no business being sheathed like a sword.
It also has no business ruining a perfectly good clip-on toolbelt pocket.
"Well, if, if you'd like... sure, I got time." Of course, there is a minor complication in play - if it's a demonstration, he's not sure how much hot water he's going to be if people get the wrong idea that his particular fusion of weapon style and Kyokugen is the norm. Not to mention... that hole he currently can't fix.
Ah, what's to worry about, he thinks, this isn't like his old job where this sort of thing was potentially troublesome as he flexes one of his knees to a disturbing joint pop.
"But, but I got to let you know. Here..."
As he falls to a more ready stance, legs spread apart a bit with both hands raised, a brightly-colored bird rests atop the porch. It turns its head towards the man with the dark purple hair.
"We throw real punches, so..." Of course, she seems pretty confident with those blades of hers, he notes inwardly.
Moments later, the bird takes off in flight and picks the dark purple mass right off his head, revealing a horrible secret (that is a secret to absolutely nobody at all) in which a poorly done combover of brownish-blonde hair rests underneath!
He doesn't seem to notice this sudden subtraction to his person.

COMBATSYS: Rust has started a fight here on the right meter side.

                                  >  //////////////////////////////]
                                  |-------\-------\0             Rust

COMBATSYS: Rust has another bad hair day.

                                  >  //////////////////////////////]
                                  |-------\-------\0         [E] Rust

COMBATSYS: Rust takes no action.

                                  >  //////////////////////////////]
                                  |-------\-------\0         [E] Rust

COMBATSYS: Munin has joined the fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Munin            0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0         [E] Rust

Munin @emit Munin eyes the bird, and shakes her head "Sad.... very sad. My condolences". She smirks at him, and her eyes flash very briefly with violet light as she says "Good luck to you!".

She then draws her swords and attacks in one smooth motion, aiming a quick smack of the flat of her blade at his head.

COMBATSYS: Rust blocks Munin's Weapon Jab.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////////// ]
Munin            0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0         [E] Rust

"Sad?" He has trouble following what she means by her condolences. Is it the arrogance of her being sure of victory? He hasn't yet put two and two together about the bird, but he might notice - in brief - that his scalp does suddenly feel a little colder. This sensation is ignored more in favor of her quick and smooth draws, raising his left elbow to deflect the incoming flat. The energy that flows through them is felt a bit more than the actual impact that seems more than a little lacking given the lack of any response of pain. No wincing, no eyes widening in shock, nothing.
The man is pretty built, after all. His stance is a bit stiff, which might be able to be used to the swordswoman's advantage as he suddenly raises up his knee towards her gut with enough speed of his own that his knee pops loudly.
Why? His knee complains. I thought you were going to go do chin-ups or something instead!
His shoulder is silent but is probably met with smug satisfaction for the moment.
Granted, joints don't talk, think, or even have feelings.

COMBATSYS: Rust successfully hits Munin with Light Kick.

[    \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////////// ]
Munin            0/-------/-----==|-------\-------\0         [E] Rust

Munin blinks as his knee pops, but the distraction is enough to slow her just enough. His attack strikes cleanly in her stomach, and she steps back with the impact. It takes but a second to right herself, however, and with an annoyed look moves in for a series of strikes, her weapons seeming to 'steam' with dark volet energy as she does so.

COMBATSYS: Munin successfully hits Rust with Charged Combo.
- Power hit! -

[    \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////////////     ]
Munin            0/-------/-----==|==-----\-------\0         [E] Rust

The series of strikes is certainly ambitious in its own right, as Howard eyes that steaming energy to those weapons. Not that... he can really tell if there's anything special about it, just that it's so flashy, so showy.
The series of strikes is met with, for the most part, a single one-size-fits-all block that he and so many other fighters seem to have a bad habit about, deflecting maybe a good two of them before the minor variations in the string of attacks work against this idea. One such sweep actually manages to get underneath his guarding arm and lift it up, just in time for her to land a good, solid strike to his core.
Said core was the target of a very high number of sit-ups. It's a bit tender, by his standards - which is to say there actually is a legitimate facial expression denoting pain more than minor inconvenience as he staggers a step back, wind rushing out of his lungs for that one good hit she's gotten in.
It should be noted that, even if blade has contacted skin, there is a noted lack of scarring or even much of a cut. Fighters are made of tough stuff to begin with, but this one Munin is fighting is a cut above that.
Steadying himself as he goes to a partial crouch while sucking up breath, he curls the fingers in his left hand as he takes a step forward on the concrete and thrusts the palm forward in Munin's direction. It's an odd bit of habit - he's so used to having his right hand, his actual dominant hand, holding a weapon that he just does a lot of his hand strikes with his left entirely by instinct.
This doesn't devalue what strength he puts behind it, the gesture matching the motion many Kyokugen practicioners use for the Kou'ou Ken. There is a distinct lack of Kou'ou Ken, but plenty of palm in its place.

COMBATSYS: Rust successfully hits Munin with Random Strike.

[        \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////    ]
Munin            0/-------/--=====|===----\-------\0         [E] Rust

Munin is again not expecting her attacks to have so little effect. She clearly is not used to fighting someone so resiliant. It shows when he catches her off guard again. She moves to dodge too late, and takes the hit full on in the shoulder. She moves with the momentum, however, crouching low as she spins. When she comes up again, she thrusts both weapons forwards at Rust.

COMBATSYS: Rust endures Munin's Twin Impale.

[         \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////////      ]
Munin            0/-------/---====|====---\-------\0         [E] Rust

The way she moves with the blow is a bit disarming, in so much it shows a little weakness of that arm thrust. She gets in low, she's got a clear shot to do what would be potentially serious harm to people who are not Howard Rust, stabbing with both swords with such strength and conviction.
His left hand, still outstretched, merely clenches tightly as she thrusts the blades inward. What goes from mere 'resilience' ends up some level above. The swords wouldn't have any problems piercing cloth, but she might find difficulty in pushing those swords in far... or, really, even at all, as his stance holds without giving up a step or even pushing back.
If anything, it's like he's leaning more into those blades with a certain confidence and familiarity that the awful truth would reveal itself if she's able to pull her blades back and take a look.
No blood. Even going in deep, she couldn't draw blood from him this go-around, even when landing blows at that tender spot.
"That, that one might've gotten... gotten someone else," he says, voice tense as his joints all pop in complete protest of movement. His knee is probably having a good laugh at his shoulder in this regard, as his already outstretched left hand's palm opens before trying to slam it down on top of her head and slam said face straight down with a forward lean that earns the ire of pretty much every joint in his body.
The stiffness of his form is literal, for these moments, and just as much an opponent for him to fight as he tries to flex them back into movement.

COMBATSYS: Rust successfully hits Munin with Brick Stacker.

[             \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////       ]
Munin            1/-------/=======|====---\-------\0         [E] Rust

Munin takes the blow full on. All his joints popping is seriously distracting her from the task at hand. Luckily, as she had been crouched low for her twin strike, she only drops to a kneel, otherwise she would have been faceplanted for sure! She glares up at him, teeth clenched, and her eyes begin to glow visibly with dark purple light as she hops a step back, watching him closely.

COMBATSYS: Munin focuses on her next action.

[             \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////       ]
Munin            1/-------/=======|====---\-------\0         [E] Rust

Shaking out the rest of his stiffness with a bit of a shiver, Howard draws himself back up. His stance is still fairly stiff, something that might get a glance from those that have put in the time to really help bring out the inner fighting potential he has given that they've been trying to get him to use a more loose, more fluid stance even if very little about him suggests loose, or fluid.
Or not balding.
There is a somewhat disarming air to her angry glare, the way those eyes seem to shine as she does so... is she just getting into it, is she upset, or what? The top of his head feels cold all of a sudden, enough that he thinks to run his right hand atop his hea--
"Son of a bitch," he mutters aloud as he casts a glance off to the side, down to the ground, where the hell did it go?
Not too far away, the brightly-colored bird drops the toupee atop a nest where a duller colored bird and some chicks are. The chicks - already having the unfortunate luck of being born right in winter - fall silent as they are all covered underneath a dark purple... thing.
The mother's head pokes out of the obscuring hairpiece with its own glare. It does not appear amused by this otherwise intelligent solution to the whole 'keeping nest warm' problem.
Back to the actual fight on hand, Howard's sudden inward feeling of exposure costs him a moment to match his focus against hers. "Is, uh... is somethin' wrong?" He asks of her, when one should probably be asking /him/ the same.

COMBATSYS: Rust takes no action.

[             \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////////      ]
Munin            1/-------/=======|====---\-------\0         [E] Rust

Munin eyes him, eyes still glowing softly, though her jaw relaxes as the pain ebbs. She gains a puzzled look, and raises a single eyebrow as he asks that. Her tone when respond is nothing but sarcastic, and a bit pained "No. Course not. Just had my knee and almost my face slammed into the ground. No way that could hurt. What a silly idea". She eyes the bird, then looks back to him.... "If you'll be distracted without that, i'll wait if you want". She keeps her guard up, but doesn't advance.

COMBATSYS: Munin takes no action.

[             \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////////      ]
Munin            1/-------/=======|====---\-------\0         [E] Rust

"Well, what'd... what'd I tell you?" His tone of voice crests offense. This is probably heightened as much by the realization of his missing TERRIBLE HORRIBLE NO GOOD VERY BAD thing as it is the seeming sarcasm in the face of what he said about the dojo and its members throwing real punches.
In a fit of machismo and embarrassment, rather than take her up on an offer he doesn't fully understand (as he doesn't see the culprit), he attempts to simply play it cool, steadying himself and just shaking his head. "No, no, it's... 's fine."
It kind of isn't. Male pattern baldness being what it is... this man has issues.
"Uh, let's see, where... were we," he mutters after clearing his throat, before slowly nodding to himself. He does take stock of her defensiveness, and instead chooses to move towards her with a few strides forward before thrusting a leg out down low in a kick.
Not just /a/ kick, actually, a lot of them! A repeating low kick down at ankle level, each strike loud enough to come off as a jackhammer at work itself as it is enveloped in flickering energy of an extremely washed-out color. Blue? Green? Gray? White? It's almost impossible to tell, but perhaps it doesn't matter in the big picture when the focal point is that there is a whole lot of low kicking going on to the chagrin of both his own knee and possibly Munin's own.

COMBATSYS: Munin fails to counter Jackhammer Kick from Rust with Shadow Counter.

[                    \\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////       ]
Munin            1/---====/=======|===----\-------\0         [E] Rust

Munin tries to manuever around his kicks with a preemptive strike, but isn't fast enough, and winces as his kicks hammer home into her leg multiple times. The leg in question shakes as she puts weight on it, and the glow in her eyes begins to dull as she beings to tire.

Howard does not really catch the inner machinations of what Munin was attempting to do - for all he can glean, it was just a simple clean hit (...clean series of hits) that's put her on the ropes, even as she starts putting weight on it. He frowns a bit at seeing this - has she never had to deal with that sort of assault before? She must have been really confident prior to have wanted to try her luck against something as famously powerful as Kyokugen.
"You... you might want to move your weight more to, to the other leg," he suggests helpfully as he draws himself back, "y'know, ah... truth be told, I, ah, I got brought down a couple times. Like that, I mean, low shots. You... you gotta watch out for that."
"I mean," he gestures emptily with his right hand, "your ground speed's... uh, pretty good. Sometimes, though, ya might... might wanna think about jumpin', too, if, if you don't think you can step... step out, or what have you." He probably had a more fluid idea of what to communicate by 'stepping out' but it didn't quite let go of his tongue.
"I mean... jumping in, that, that can be dangerous, but, talkin' 'bout, 'bout someone of your build, jumpin' out could do you some good sometimes." Such is his advice as he falls back down to a more ready stance, fists raised, legs spread apart.

COMBATSYS: Rust assists Munin.

[                    \\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////       ]
Munin            1/---====/=======|===----\-------\0         [E] Rust

Munin blinks. She seems..... genuinely suprised by that. Being given advice mid-match, that is. She had been expecting him to come at her full tilt seeing her off balance. She nods, shifting her weight to her other leg more, and taking a deep breath as she reassumes a fighting stance, eyes locked on him.

COMBATSYS: Munin gains composure.

[                 \\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////       ]
Munin            1/----===/=======|===----\-------\0         [E] Rust

The shakiness in which the young woman seems to have been expressing following that attack appears to have subsided, though Howard's not sure how much more of this she's going to be able to take. She's still doing the dance, still holding those swords like she's still got some fight left in her... you can't really sell anyone short.
He decides to take to the offensive again, although in theory it is pretty easy to outrun him if Munin chooses to do so - once he gets close, he leaps up a short ways, sticking out a kick with a loud grunt (and a snap of his knee, which sounds unpleasant) as he does a quick twist in the air that unfortunately sends him a slight ways backwards - but probably not enough to stop a follow-up kick from falling completely out of range, spinning into that second one that would be pretty graceful and even atypical of one of his build if he didn't have it go slightly /backwards/ in momentum.

COMBATSYS: Munin blocks Rust's Girder Sway.

[                    \\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////        ]
Munin            1/---====/=======|====---\-------\0         [E] Rust

Munin blocks the kicks with the flats of her blades, grunting in effort as she does so. Even though she is successful, the momentum of his attacks still pack a hell of a punch. As she looks up over her blades at him, her eyes flash brightly with dark purple chi, blindingly bright almost.

COMBATSYS: Munin successfully hits Rust with Flashbang.

[                     \\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////           ]
Munin            1/---====/=======|======-\-------\0         [E] Rust

There doesn't seem to be anything resembling an immediate counterattack on Munin's part as one Mr. Rust lands in a competent crouch after those two kicks, and he's thinking to just go right on ahead - she still seems to be standing still and not moving much. Maybe, he's thinking, I should go low agai--
Then there's that bright flash, which changes pretty much everything as the energy washes over him, a wince as he turns away in brief. That's something he sure hasn't seen before as he exhales loudly. The fact of the matter is, though, Munin may or may not have moved away.
If she hasn't, his left hand reaches out to grab a hold of her - most likely around shoulder height or so - and simply yank her forward with one leg outstretched to the unoccupied space behind him and the concrete lot beneath, acting largely in terms of assuming she's still hanging around at roughly arm's length moments after that... whatever that was.
Meanwhile, by the nest, the mother bird has already gripped the abomination of artificial hair with surprising strength for a little wild bird and is in the process of trying to swing it into her otherwise beloved mate's body as though this were the ultimate insult in a time of great need.

COMBATSYS: Munin fails to counter Medium Throw from Rust with Double Vision.

                                  >  ///////////////////           ]
                                  |======-\-------\0         [E] Rust

COMBATSYS: Munin can no longer fight.

                                  >  ///////////////////           ]
                                  |======-\-------\0         [E] Rust

Munin seems to shimmer a moment, but gives a suprised expression when he goes to grab her rather than strike, and is unable to recover her wits in time to try anything else.

She gets pulled forwards, and before she realizes what is going on, she is falling. She lands on her back, her head making a nice THUMP on the concrete. The impact is enough to daze her and cause a nasty headache, although consciousness is not lost.

With that last toss, the ex-shop teacher turns around, still looking all the ready to throw something else if she's still got some fight left in her... but the way she hits the pavement and the way she kind of lingers there, his stance softens up. He frowns at thinking about a possible concussion - sure, this is Kyokugen.
He motions to sheathe Ol' Rusty despite the fact it was never drawn, catching himself in this physical tic as he kneels down to the fallen young woman.
"Uh... hey, you... you okay?" He asks, although he probably knows the answer to that more than anyone! "Looks, looks like you didn't... really take that, ah, that fall too well." Stating the obvious? He reaches out with his right hand to help her up. If she takes it, she might notice he doesn't squeeze too tightly with it despite his very stout physique.
Gentleness, or something else?
The toupee thief bird finds his bounty rejected as the toupee is tossed upon them, causing them to flap wildly in a panic with the disgusting thing atop it before it slides off. The concrete is thereby soiled by its presence as gravity reluctantly takes hold of it, where it rests a ways off.
"I'm, I'm gonna call it there," he adds a bit late.

Munin groans as she looks up. She sees the hand, and stops, looking him in the eyes. This lasts only a second before she takes it, seeming to not find whatever it was she was looking for. "Yea. Nice one. I accept my loss on this one".

She rubs the bump on the back of her head slowly, trying to ease the pain out of it as she looks at him "You should get those joins looked at. All that cracking can't be good for them". She stops momentarily to scoop up her weapons and sheath them, too.

"Ehh, that's... that's just, kinda how it went," he says, "back when I was, uh... your age, maybe... younger," he pauses for a moment as he spies the dropped toupee. What the hell happened?! How'd it even get there? One of his knees complains loudly as he seems to take off to a much more energetic jog than has been witnessed these last few moments to make sure it gets back atop his scalp.
Who in their right mind would let such a thing attempt to pass for hair, anyway?
"Anyway... uh, back when, when I was younger," he says as he turns to face the recovering Munin, "I... I kinda worked myself to, uh, to the bone. 's... not a good idea to, to go 8 to 6 on a 9 to 5 job on, on, y'know, every day of your life."
"'Bout that last one, the, the part where I threw you there," he says as he starts walking back, "I know it's, it's not always easy when you're carryin' a weapon, but, you gotta know how to land, how to, uh," he gestures with his right hand, "how to roll, it can take a whole lot of edge off it."
He flexes his arm as one of the elbows pop a bit more quietly than usual. "A real, real long time ago... fell six stories. Got out of, out of that one with just a broken arm 'cause I knew how to take a fall."
He really should have sued his workplace of the time over that, but, hindsight.
"So, uh, if, if you don't mind me askin'," he clears his throat, "what's it with the... the eyes? The light."

Despite seeming to not be interested, she IS taking mental notes, particularly with regard to combat tactics. She makes a face at the idea of 'working to the bone', and winces at mention of falling six stories. She just fell a few feet, and that was painful enough! "Falling right or not, there IS a bit of luck in surviving a fall like THAT, i would think".

When he brings up her eyes, though, said eyes narrow ever so slightly, and she shrugs "Just a trick i picked up in my travels, though i don't fully understand how it all works". She raises an eyebrow, folding her arms across her chest and leaning sideways with her weight on her unhurt leg "Your resiliance is impressive. I've never seen anyone struck by the edges of these NOT bleeding at least a little".

"You don't... understand?" This is where things seem kind of suspicious to him, as he scratches the side of his head. The scratching serves a double purpose. One, to express confusion. Two, to ensure the toupee is now staying on his head. His thoughts do go towards what that really energetic girl was talking about, but... this one doesn't look all too violent or out of control or anything like that.
The quickly deflected subject into his toughness garners something of a shrug. "Well, after, after a point, uh, for me, after a point it just... kinda went to that." It's kind of who he is, but then again, as this thought comes to his mind he wonders if that may actually just simultaneously answer his own question about her eyes. "I mean, I've been... stabbed, cut, that, that still happens," he explains, "doesn't mean that, that it doesn't hurt, it's... y'know when people just... poke you with their fingers, really hard? Most the time, it feels... kinda, kinda like that now. Most knives 'n... 'n the like." It's about the best way he can sum it up.

Munin ponders this. The amount of damage someone would need to take to make the skin thick enough to stop a sword or a knife would have to be substantial. She doesn't pry, though. She files that away for the next time she fights this guy.

She offers a hand and a slight smile "Nice match, though. I'm Munin. You defended your school well, mister.... ?" she trails off, waiting for him to fill in the blank.

A hand? A handshake? The ex-shop teacher recognizes the gesture for a handshake and takes it in hand, although he is surprised that - based on her appearance - that would be her preferred way of greeting. He takes the handshake offer with his right hand - once again strangely soft in terms of grip - and nods.
"'s Howard. Howard Rust," he says, "and, well, uh, I try." 'Try' seems to be the operative word, given a recent bad string of public fight turnouts. "I'm a green belt." This much is obvious based on the fact he wears one, at least.

Munin shakes, and nods "Belts don't mean as much as some would think. Your better than you think, though". She turns and gives a wave as she starts to walk off "I look forwards to looking you up for a rematch sometime in the future then, Mr.Rust".

He's not entirely sure how qualified Munin is to judge his ability in comparison to the others - did he really come off as that unconfident? (A nervous comb of his toupee should really answer this for him!!)
"Yeah... just, uh, careful out there." Of course, he's saying this to someone with bright glowy eye blasts and a pair of swords, so maybe this warning really doesn't have much weight to it. Exhaling loudly once more, he's back to that new problem from before.
How is he going to fix that hole if they aren't getting in any planks? He's beginning to think that maybe he should just suck it up and go buy the really cheap planks they keep trying to pass off as wood.
Maybe ask one of the students if they have a spare dresser or something, leave it outside in front of the hole and see if anyone notices.

Log created on 15:00:51 01/19/2012 by Rust, and last modified on 06:01:09 01/20/2012.