MrJones - Heroic Dance

Description: It is universally well known that the first time two heroes meet they must fight!! Such is the case with heroic vigilantes Lee Jin Ju and Jones Johnny Damon. Will May Lee's desperate attempts to recruit new members for her team land her big time with Mister Jones? Or will she realize that she's digging at the bottom of the barrel?

Danger! Excitement! Thrills! Spills!

Sunshine City has seen much of this in recent times, and today, with the cameras rolling, it seems like a new dawn is rising.

May Lee is standing on the edge of the roof, her hands are on her hips, and her scarf flutters in the breeze. She's looking out at the city, with the morning sun just starting to peek over the horizon, turning the clouds all the beautiful colors of the new dawn. Her gloves are on, her spirit swelling within her breast. It was in this city that she'd managed to see Vega bloodied; even if her part in the battle had been... rather less than glorious, the proof of hope is exemplified in that bright new dawn.

"She's been standing there for twenty minutes." One cameraman whispers to another. The local TV station had been promised an exciting scrap, but so far they've just seen her pose dramatically.

"... Do you think she's okay?"

Late to the party as usual. Mr. Johnny Jones Damon had miss all the good excitement back in the day being far too busy keeping criminals at bay on his own neck of the woods. Because of this, much of the reputation of Sunshine City and the events that happened here are lost on him having never really heard of it. For all intended purposes, Jonesy should be and act like a washed up star, well past his prime to seek retirement, though those who would say such things clearly don't know about Tha' Jones, baby! Retro as he may be, the funky Groove Master is ready to get in with the times and meet this new generation of fighters who will lead the bright future of tomorrow, spear heading the battle against the loathsome forces of Vega's Shadaloo.

He has learned, rather painfully at that, that he cannot fight them alone. Thus it should come to no surprise that when May Lee sent out invitations to see whoever wanted to join her team, Mr. Jones was one of the few desperate and crazy enough to heed the call. Although in his case, he doesn't think it odd, the call of Justice should always be heeded!

A cloud of dust is seen in the horizon as an engine's roar approaches heralding the entrance of one Mr. Johnny Jones, arriving with a screeching halt on his old school Mustang car. The funky fighter opens the door as a camera zooms in on a Kung Fu slipper clad foot stepping out of the car, leaving Jones to stand up straight as he exits his vehicle, the morning rays of the sun causing his ever present shades to sparkle dramatically.


"Yo!" Jones closes the door of his mustang as he heads forward where he spots the lone May Lee staring off to the horizon. "Umm...where's everybody at?" When he was told that this new fascinating team of heroes was congregating, he was expecting more than one person. Maybe he's early?

May Lee spins around on the spot, and points dramatically at Jones as he brings himself to a stop, not that far away from where she is at that! Now that he's here, the girl smiles from ear to ear. "Just me!" She declares cheerfully.

Admittedly, Ken had said that she should wait and be patient to see who else he could round up. But she'd also said that she'd see about getting who she could herself! And she'd seized on the opportunity to meet Johnny Jones! Who could blame her? Everything she'd heard suggested that he was just as flamboyent and justice-driven as she is!

"Mister Johnny Jones!" She declares, jumping forwards in a flip to land a safer distance away from the edge of the roof. "Evil is gathering across the world! Cowardly villains plot to tear down all we hold dear!"

"JUSTICE calls for you to join us and oppose this evil!"


Ken just keeps sending the strangest people his way doesn't he? If it ain't Sagat trying to whoop his butt, it's this fey teenager girl trying to recruit him into some crazed super hero team that totally has no chance against the overwhelming forces of evil that have reared their ugly head recently.

For a good minute or two, Mister Jones just stands there, staring, almost in disbelief. It is difficult to tell just exactly what he's thinking of MayLee due to his shades covering his eyes, though judging by his sudden stiffness he's having a hard time swallowing all this. How will he react? Will he burst out laughing at the flamboyant behavior? Maybe scoff and walk away at the notion of joining a girl headed by a little girl? Or perhaps bust out his cell phone and call Ken Masters saying he's calling it quits on the NDP if all he's gonna do is send jokes like this his way. Other people would be skeptical at /best/ about MayLee's proclamation, so why should Mister Jones be any different?

Why, because he's Johnny Freaking Jones that's why.

"Are you kidding?" That performance almost puts a tear on the eye of the veteran actor, who immediately goes to recall his role on one of the super hero movies he did and make a pose that can only be described as Power Rangery. "Tha' Jones always heeds the call to protect the meek, defeat the wicked and right the wrong of evil wherever it may rear it's ugly headed!"

Mister Jones point right back at MayLee, his arm moving so fast it almost sounds like the crack of a whip. "The path of Funk tolerates no villain and neither shall I!"

Evil doers, prepare to be horrible mutilated.

Its true. Most *sane* people would take one look at May Lee, decide that the girl is clearly heading into suicidal danger, and run as fast as they possibly can. But for all her faults, and they are many, May Lee is just so *earnest* about everything. She wears her heart on her sleeve, and that seems to be enough to get her through.

She could not look happier at Mr. Jones' reaction.

She does calm down a little bit, though. Her scarf finally stops fluttering around behind her, and she nods her head. Both hands are clasped in front of her, and she bows to Johnny.

"Thank you, Mister Johnny Jones." She says, and she truly means it. Because that means the hard part of this fight is over! Win or lose, she got what she came for!

"Now... lets show this city the burning spirits of its defenders!"

Most sane people clearly don't include Tha' Jones. He has attacked Shadaloo headlong without thinking it twice before, and even if he was soundly defeated, there was no doubt in his mind that he was doing the right thing, nor fear on his heart that he was facing immeasurable odds. It's just like in the movies after all, the good guys always win! Some may tell him that that's not how life really is, but in his mind that is how it should be.

Though he sees in MayLee a kindred spirit, someone that is also 120 percent willing to give it her all against the forces of evil, it is only right that they should fight first. After all, if working in the movie industry has taught him anything is that would be allies first have to battle one another before they realize they're on the same side!

Johnny Damon smirks at the bow, returning the gesture with the traditional Kung Fu 'Peace over Power' motto, fist clasped on his hand. Finally! Someone who has manners too, last time Johnny tried bowing to anyone he almost got kicked in the face for his politeness.

"The pleasure will be all mine, girl." The Groove Master assumes a relaxed Jeet Kune Do fighting stance, resting most of his weight on his back leg whilst his hands clench and unclench keeping them light but at the ready.

"Let's dance!"

COMBATSYS: MrJones has started a fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
MrJones          0/-------/------=|

COMBATSYS: MayLee has joined the fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
MayLee           0/-------/-------|=------\-------\0          MrJones

COMBATSYS: MrJones focuses on his next action.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
MayLee           0/-------/-------|=------\-------\0          MrJones

May Lee is all smiles. In fact, it seems doubtful that she even knows how to frown. The girl is the very picture of the smiling, overeager teen that is almost stereotypically a thorn in the side of evildoers.

With Johnny ready to fight, May Lee nods firmly. However, there's one thing she just can't let go!

"That's Champion of Justice! May Lee!" She shouts (even if there's not a hint of anger, or even irritation, just light amusement in her tone). "Not..."

And suddenly she's sprinting across the distance, scarf flowing out behind her in twin bright red scarlet tails, "GIRL!"

Leaping into the air, she spins around once, and brings her hand down in a blindingly fast arc. If Johnny has done even a little research on May Lee before the fight, he 'll know that she's a Tae Kwon Do fighter like her Master, Kim.

So the fact that she's going for an overhead chop at Johnny's shoulder, might just come as a surprise. Then again, she does helpfully punctuate the motion with a loud.


COMBATSYS: MrJones auto-guards MayLee's May Lee- Chop!!

[  \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
MayLee           0/-------/-------|=------\-------\0          MrJones

Mista' Beats Jones recognizes the fighting stance instantly. Although it's not because he has done his research on the girl, in fact, even if he has heard of MayLee before (those legendary tales about her reputation are rather hard to miss) this is the first time he meets her. No, the reason why he's so familiar with Tae Kwan Do is because he's a renowned martial artist himself and mostly because he has fought another Tae Kwan Do user very recently. Juri. The very thought of her makes his eyebrows furrow, looking a mite too serious all of the sudden for an exhibition fight like this.

A seriousness that washes away the instant MayLee charges at him screaming with a Karate Chop. "What the--" Isn't Tae Kwan Do all about kicks? Why is the *girl* suddenly attacking with such a..well..he hates to say it, but it's a comical attack. "Sheesh sorry!" Jones whacks MayLee's elbow redirecting her arm away from him so she ends up chopping nothing but air. "Mind if I just call ya Lee? The other one is a bit on the long side."

Being the type of fighter that can hold a normal conversation in the midst of glorious battle. Johnny doesn't miss a beat and follows up his question with a forceful right fist directly towards MayLee's liver, aiming to knock the wind outta her, accompanied with traditional Jeet Kune Do kyah. "WOOASHA!!"

COMBATSYS: MayLee blocks MrJones' Gaudy Punch.

[   \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////////// ]
MayLee           0/-------/------=|==-----\-------\0          MrJones

May Lee is pretty surprised that her attack is countered so easily. "Whuh--" She starts, knocked out of her reverie, she winds up spinning on the spot with her redirected momentum. Thankfully, she comes back to herself long enough to catch the fist aimed at her kidney. The girl's hands smack forcefully back against it, and although she's a little bruised, that could have been a lot worse!

"Lee's fine!"

And that's all she has time for before she's back in the fight. Her leg comes up and around, and she tries to catch Johnny in the gut. The blow is angled upwards, however, and if it connects cleanly, should give the funky fighter a new appreciation of just how awesome that view really is!

"You've got a pretty strong punch!" She'll call out, whether or not Johnny is now mid-air. "I'm going to have to really pull out all the stops if I'm going to keep up! But don't count me out just yet!"

COMBATSYS: MrJones blocks MayLee's Into Sky.

[    \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////////   ]
MayLee           0/-------/------=|===----\-------\0          MrJones

Mister Jones is all about fancy titles as a hero of justice should! I mean just listen to some of his stuff, dude's got more names than an undercover agent. He doesn't /demand/ people call him like that in public though, unless they really really want to, so for practicality's sake let's just stick with Lee for now. It will be really really hard down the line when Jones tries to dramatically call her out for incoming danger if he has to say something like 'Look out Champion of Justice May Lee, Look out' or some such.

His fist is blocked, showing that MayLee quite a lot of skill causing Johnny to grin. This is gonna be very interesting as MayLee isn't the first fighter of justice he encounters and fights, but she's definitely the first one that has some flair. Oh, if fighting Elias could be half as fun as fighting this girl, and the match has only just begun!

"Thanks I've been hitting the gym, hehe--Oh shi--" Flattery is an excellent way to get Jonesy off track and that lapse in concentration almost cost him getting kicked in the stomach. Something which he barely avoids by lifting his own leg up so MayLee's foot collides with his shin rather than his gut.

"Don't worry 'bout nothin' Lee. Just let the Groove guide you." Jonesy speaks like some kind of funky master Jedi as he lifts his right fist with the knuckles facing the girl, before bringing it down on her forehead to give her a good hard door knock. "SHOO!!"

COMBATSYS: MayLee endures MrJones' Jab Punch.

[      \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////////////  ]
MayLee           0/-------/-----==|====---\-------\0          MrJones

May Lee can't help but smile at the advice. Right up until the moment her head is slammed into. She doesn't even try to dodge, but instead stands firm against it like the paragon of JUSTICE she believes herself to be.


"I'll do my best!" She promises, even if she isn't exactly sure what a 'groove' is. Oh well! She has managed to not stumble backwards even if she has been smacked right in the head. Now it is time to try and break Johnny's groove and show him her best!

Both hands come up to Johnny's shoulders, and if he isn't very quick indeed, he'll find himself being dragged downwards. If May Lee can manage this, she'll jump upwards, twisting, to bring her feet upwards.

The whole move is a testament to May Lee's acrobatic skill. If it all goes according to plan, though, Johnny might have some difficulty appreciating that, on account of the double heel kick right to the larger fighter's chin. "HOOOOOOOOOO!"

COMBATSYS: MayLee successfully hits MrJones with Crow's Wing.

[       \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////////      ]
MayLee           0/-------/---====|======-\-------\0          MrJones

Jones finds a stubborn opponent in MayLee when she doesn't even try to avoid his attack, only going to tough it out so she can concentrate on her counter move. The young one has done well in heeding the advice of the Funk, it is as Mister Jones tells her, trust in the Groove and it will guide your attacks true.

"HRGG!!" Such as it's the case of the girl's feet kicking right into Jonesy' chin causing his whole head to rattle, his upper torso arching back as he's struck.

"Pretty groovy!" Despite the pain this causes him, tha' Jones finds himself laughing at the incredibly fancy acrobatic display. That's the sort of thing he can appreciate in a fellow fighter of justice. He is however, not one to be out performed and will like to show MayLee one of his own fancy moves.

Jones spins on his heel as he is pushed backwards, calculating just the right time when MayLee is going to land after doing her back spinning kick. Then, just before the girl's feet touch the floor, the Groove Master twists quickly like the dance fighter that he is, deliver a fast tornado kick sailing directly towards the young hero's face and crack her across her jaw. "WOAATAA!!"

This also seems to be a fight to see who can kyah the loudest...

COMBATSYS: MayLee counters Slide Double from MrJones with Blazing Intercept.

[        \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////           ]
MayLee           0/-------/---====|======-\-------\0          MrJones

May Lee is starting to understand this groove!

She's just starting to descend, and then Jones is on her, and his foot is coming up for her face. There's no way she can dodge! There's no way she can really block! There's just too little time to prepare herself for this kind of attack! His kick is coming right at her face!

And then, in defiance of all physics, the girl flips in mid air, and her foot cracks across Jones' jaw instead! Her heel smacks clean into the side of his face, and she gives a crying shout;


Landing in a crouched position with her kicking leg snapped out, the girl is sweating, and despite how tired she looks, she's still got that boundless energy in her. She's grinning like a loon and her dark hair is plastered to her brow. "Hah, hah, t-this, *is* pretty funky!" She laughs, trying to get her breath back after the mid-air acrobatics.

Trust the groove and it shall not fail you. Believe that you can and you will succeed. This is what Mister Jones preaches in his movies and the way he leads his life. A man that follows his own advice, it's not all that surprising to him that before his kick can connect, he gets a foot landing solidly on his face throwing him all outta whack. "GUAH!"

The martial artist actor spins around too much ending up falling flat on his side. His shades askew. "Told ya.." Jones coughs spitting a bit of blood from his cut lip.

Kicking himself back to his feet. The groove master flicks his sunglasses off his face dramatically. It's time he started to believe on his own funk too.

"Come on, this ain't over yet." Jeet Kune Do stance: Re-Engaged.

COMBATSYS: MrJones gains composure.

[        \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////       ]
MayLee           0/-------/---====|=====--\-------\0          MrJones

May Lee's smile is totally undiminished as she recovers herself, and nods firmly to Johnny. "It totally isn't!" She agrees, and, to emphasize the point, she starts forwards all over again.

May Lee is many things. If there's one thing she's not, though, it is patient. A patient fighter might consider holding back and waiting for Johnny to come to her. But, then, a patient fighter would totally ruin the flow of the fight! She's really getting into this now, and now that the sunglasses are off, May Lee knows that she must press her attack!

Leaping into the air after her short sprint, the self-proclaimed Champion of Justice returns to her Tae Kwon Do roots. Her scarf flying about behind her again, her voice raised in a mighty,


She aims to plant her foot back across Johnny's split lip, a whipping and fast blow to help him 'wake up' rather than something stronger!

COMBATSYS: MrJones blocks MayLee's Light Kick.

[        \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////////         ]
MayLee           0/-------/--=====|=====--\-------\0          MrJones

Good! Charge again to continue this dance. Just like Lee, tha' Jones hears the silent rhythm of the fight to drive him on, that beat of battle only heard by those attuned with the spirits of the Groove enough to benefit from its battle song. Indeed, with the shades off MayLee will see the determination in Tha' Jones' eyes as he too charges right at her!

Waiting? What is this thing called waiting that people keep talking about all the time? The target is there and it must be reached sonner than later. "OoOOOoOoOoOoOOoo" Jonesy meets the girl's charge when she runs at him and when she jumps high into the air, he too goes airborne with his feet leading.

The downward kick meets an /upward/ kick, as Jones defies all laws of physics causing one of his feet to crash right into MayLee's and just continues kicking. A flurry of furious kicks to drive MayLee further up the heavens!


COMBATSYS: MayLee dodges MrJones' Bicycle Kick.

[        \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////          ]
MayLee           0/-------/--=====|======-\-------\0          MrJones

The younger fighter's blood is pumping, and the upwards kick is met with a twisting shout, "HYAH!" And she manages, by perhaps an inch, to avoid being slammed up into the heavens. The girl is fast! Whether or not she can keep up this relentless pace is a question that only the future will answer.

"Phew..." She starts, with a soft sigh. Then, she seems to realize, wait a second! She's in a fight! She can't do this!

With a sudden lunge, she leaps into the air after Johnny Jones, and her arms come flying up with her. If she can manage to get a grip on the older fighter, she'll swing him around over her head, and hurl him into the ground below. A whole lot of this fight has taken place in the air! She wants to continue that fine tradition! With her in the sky and Johnny on the floor, this time.

The cameramen, who have had to swing wildly all over the place to catch all this, are cursing the day they ever decided to agree to this, and fondly remembering the time when May Lee was happy to stand still and stare at nothing.

COMBATSYS: MayLee successfully hits MrJones with Medium Throw.
Glancing Blow

[       \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////           ]
MayLee           0/-------/--=====|=======\-------\0          MrJones

No strings either! It is a pity Mista' Jones aint in the movie industry no mo'. Otherwise he would have offered MayLee a role on his next action flick, she definitely has the right attitude for it and with such high flying maneuvers like this it would sell billions. None of this is staged though, so Johnny frowns slightly when his flying kicks are evaded when Lee twists around and flies right past him. "Shoot.."

The spunky fighter isn't about to let gravity do it's job though. Why let gravity bring Mister Jones down back to the ground when a certain teenager girl superhero can do the job way faster? "Oh snap beans!" Currently upside down in mid air, Johnny looks up (down?) to see that MayLee is now right behind him with arms outstretched to grab him.

Down Johnny Jones goes, flailing his arms about thinking that he's going to land on his head. But wait..landing on his head would mean getting his 'fro all messed up! That's not something he can afford to do!

"SHOO!" Landing on a hand stand, the groovy martial arts makes a roll to break his fall and get immediately back to his feet. Okay, now he's down on the ground again with MayLee up flying..what to do, what to do?

Oh wait, you know what would be really freaking funky right now? A flying uppercut!

Jones explodes back into the air with his fist leading this time for a super funky dragon punch right at MayLee's chin. "WASHOOO!"

COMBATSYS: MayLee blocks MrJones' Retro Knuckle.

[         \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////            ]
MayLee           0/-------/=======|=======\-------\1          MrJones

May Lee crosses both arms across her chest, and does her best to brace for impact. She's partly successful, even! The punch rockets her further into the sky, and she finds herself looking out in the very same view she'd given Johnny earlier. "Hey, I think I can see my house from here!" The girl enthuses, but it is hard to stay totally focused on that when oh my god she is going to have to give gravity its due soon.

This is why the movies are so much cooler than the real world. If she was in one of her favorite movies, she'd fly, or at least suspend herself in the air. What she actually does is plummet back down to the rooftop and land with a heavy thud. Thud.

To her credit, she doesn't let it keep her down for long. Instead, she does her best to give as good as she's gotten to Johnny. That jumping punch thing was kind of cool! Lets give it a shot!


And that heralds May Lee's return to battle, as she jumps up, twisting, and brings her fist right along with her. What she lacks in skill, she more than makes up for in raw enthusiasm!

COMBATSYS: MayLee successfully hits MrJones with Fierce Punch.

[         \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////                ]
MayLee           0/-------/-======|=======\==-----\1          MrJones

Hit her this time, though in her arms which is not where he was aiming. Since Johnny has actually /been/ in movies before, he sort of recognizes this kind of fighting style. It's something that was done in one of his newest movies, the ones that bombed in terms of sales. Directors had gone for the really high flying thing with the air fights and what not and Mister Jones just /knew/ it was going to do bad. It lacked the ferocity, the energy that this fight has, it was missing someone like MayLee to really sell it.

Maybe he should try learning from her. Yeah, let's see if he can copy some of her moves. What is it that she did to dodge his flying kick up in the air? Twist to the side and move out of the way? As MayLee goes to do her own flying uppercut, Johnny Jones Damon starts to twist about in mid air in an attempt to redirect his trajectory. It takes him just a second to realize he doesn't know what he's doing, and it's the second MayLee needs to sock him one in the face. "Wait, this isn't working-HRGG!!"

Alright, let's try a different tactic this time. With MayLee's fist currently planted on Mister Jones' face, the funky fighter goes to grab hold of her wrist with both hands whilst his legs wrap around her bicep. Doing this he flips backwards to take the girl with him along for the ride and switch positions in mid air, sending her down to the ground first with him on top. The real strike is not a throw though, it's the fact that Jones suddenly places both feet on MayLee's stomach with the intention of double stomping her on her abdomen once they land!

COMBATSYS: MayLee endures MrJones' Aggressive Strike.

[             \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////               ]
MayLee           1/-------/=======|=======\===----\1          MrJones

May Lee actually winces a little as Jones protests that this isn't working. It'd be easy to miss, but hey, maybe she could help him with that! Mid-air aerial acrobatics happens to be something that she's seen a million times in the 'very important literature' that she studies practically every night!

"You've got to put your back--" She starts, and then she realizes that she's been grabbed, and her eyes go wide. Oh dear. It is a little late to be talking! It is a little late to get out of the way, too! She's not actually very strong, and rather than trying to brace, she instead decides to go with it, and fly back into the fight!


That's the inspiring word that May Lee gives when she's slammed into the ground and the air is driven firmly out of her. JUSTICE doesn't need air to keep fighting, though!

JUSTICE instead propels May Lee's body back up and around from the cracked rooftop, and she aims to hook her leg behind Mister Jones's afro, and smack him back down towards the ground. Even without air in her, she's finding the voice to shout,


And then she kicks upwards, to try and hurl Johnny back up into the sky, "TAIL!"

And with a *blur*, somehow, impossibly, (if all else has gone to plan), she'll be behind him, to flip him down and ride him into the ground like he had ridden her a few seconds before.


COMBATSYS: MrJones blocks MayLee's Gauze Tail Tinkerbell.

[             \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////                 ]
MayLee           0/-------/---====|=======\====---\1          MrJones

Johnny Jones' land is cushioned by MayLee's stomach, although it's not like someone would have much of a choice when grabbed like that. As soon as they land Johnny is getting right off the girl as he can clearly recognize the look on her eyes she gets. It is the same glint on his own eyes when everything has gone astray and there's nothing you can rely on but in the power of the FUNK...I mean JUSTICE, same thing really.

This normally works. The drive to the right thing is enough to overcome whatever pain the body is experiencing and break through! At least except when it runs right smack into one of Mister Jones pet peeves. His afro. He hates when people aim for it.

"Augh!! Don't mess up the do!!" Jones cries out when a leg is hooked on his back to send him down, his hands stopping him from hitting his face before he's sent high into the air again. Boy, MayLee sure likes to take this stuff to the skies doesn't she? Then like some kind of Japanese cartoon, she's suddenly right behind him to mimic his own technique.

Well that does it.

"HRRGG!!" This time Johnny flips around so that he is facing MayLee even in mid air as she brings him down to land on a hand stand rather than on his back! With his feet pointing up, Tha' Jones is in perfect position to propel himself upward again, and keep MayLee on the skies she loves, with a flying guillotine kick directly to the neck!


COMBATSYS: MayLee endures MrJones' Enter the Groove Master.

[                      \\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////                 ]
MayLee           1/------=/=======|-------\-------\0          MrJones

May Lee really is getting desperate! With the majority of her attack simply blocked, she's floating in the air (which she really does love. Funny, she'd never really thought about it until now, but for some reason she really does love this sort of thing. Its just so dramatic! Flying through the air like some sort of heroic bird).

May Lee chokes as she's kicked right in the throat, but there's still that burning spirit of hers! Shining clearly in her eyes, May Lee's spirit will not be denied!

Still, all that air time can't stay up forever, and both fighters do hit the ground again. This time, though, May Lee doesn't even break stride. And neither does May Lee!

Maybe she's hit Johnny harder than he thought, because now there's two of the girl rushing towards him. In tandem, they leap into the air, and both come down in a leaping kick, which confirms that there really are two of them, and they really are both kicking him as hard as they possibly can.



After the pair of May Lee's have given it their best, most dramatic, shot, the one on the left flickers out of being again, and May Lee turns towards the camera. One arm raises upwards, and her goggles catch the light with a dramatic *shine!* whilst her scarf flutters behind her dramatically.

Note that this last bit happens whether or not May Lee has successfully hit Johnny... and whether or not he's preparing to hit her in the back of the head. "JUSTICE... Can't be silenced!" She croaks, even if her throat is rather painfully bruised!

COMBATSYS: MayLee successfully hits MrJones with Key of Victory.
- Power hit! -

[                       \\\\\\\  < >  ////                          ]
MayLee           0/-------/------=|=====--\-------\0          MrJones

The side of Mister Jones' foot connects with a squishy wind pipe which sends the girl high up in the air and clear away from him. Somehow, Tha' Jones knows this ain't gonna slow her down for long, this spunky young fighter has boundless amounts of energy and sure enough, as they both hit the ground feet first, MayLee is charging at him like if she had never gotten kicked at all. And so is her twin.

Wait a minute what?

"Man..." As Mister Jones takes a defensive stance ready to defend himself from the double onslaught, there's a twitch on his eyes that show a clear lack of concentration right before he gets kicked, the two girls seemingly going right through him as he is propelled. "I...." As he flies backwards, there's a blank look on his eyes that show more annoyance than pain. Though not annoyance at MayLee's tactic of duplicating herself. Oh no, this actually is far more primal. Something that the girl said.

"!!" Says Jones as he, without realizing it is in a collision course directly towards MayLee's back!

COMBATSYS: MrJones can no longer fight.

[                       \\\\\\\  <
MayLee           0/-------/------=|

COMBATSYS: MrJones successfully hits MayLee with Funky Impact.

[                                <
MayLee           0/-------/--=====|

May Lee, as far as she is concerned, has finished fighting. So she actually looks a little confused when she hears those terrible words from above. Words which cut to her very soul. Words which bring tears to her eyes.

She spins around, and raises her hands, intending to catch Johnny Jones... but instead, she winds up being punched right into the roof under the impact of a very heavy, muscular man. CRUMP.

There are actually tears in May Lee's eyes as she is squashed underneath the other fighter. She can't let that go unanswered, though! She just can't! He can't *really* hate *that show*. He just hasn't experienced it like she has!

"M-Mister, J-Jones." She mumbles, "T-The wishes of the children, are the future, reality. Adults that laugh... at such dreams... are no longer human!"

And then she passes out. @_@

COMBATSYS: MayLee takes no action.

COMBATSYS: MayLee can no longer fight.

Mister Jones isn't the type of guy that will play with a girl's feelings just so she can open up and get hit in the face. Nooooo, no way! Jonesy is a total groovy guy that would never *ever* do that. However, he ends up doing just that somewhat without meaning to do it. With his last strength, he flies directly at MayLee who for reason spreads her arms to him like she's trying to catch him which Jones only takes as an opportunity to hit her in the face.

"Ugh.." That was his last bit of strength though and he falls on top of the smaller girl which just /force/ him to listen to that quote she damn right nearly whispers in his ear. No way of avoiding that in the current position that he's in. Yet, the Jones will not be swayed.

"Friggin...Power Ranger rip off...I used to be the Black Ranger back in season 3." It seems that Jonesy hates that show on a more personal level. It's one of the reasons why his acting career ended so abruptly.

This will be an argument he will have to have with the girl another time. As he too ends up passing on top of her since MayLee probably makes quite a comfy pillow which lulls him too into the warm embrace of unconsciousness.

"Well, at least that got them to shup up." One of the camera crew mutters to the other. Hearing them both rant like that couldn't have been easy.

Log created on 11:51:09 01/15/2012 by MrJones, and last modified on 16:16:04 01/15/2012.