Sometimes Faolan has to wonder why he comes to Southtown in his down time. The place can be interesting at times, but he certainly sees enough of it when he is usually fighting in NDP or SNF matches. Enough that he can almost call the town a home away from home away from home deal. He should really use his vacation time on better places. At least he can often stumble across a good random fight at times in the bars around here.
Tonight is really one of those nights where he isn't looking for one. A rare night indeed, but the Irishman is just a bit on the tired side after a few long days of being on a mission then mostly spending the day making sure the rest of his crew got a place to stay and didn't party too hard. Only one bar has been trashed at this point which is a pretty good behavior for the Ikari when they are in party mode. Faolan himself is just heading back to his hotel room to maybe have a few beers, watch some porno and then get a good night's rest. Things never can be that easy and peaceful, alas.
Marius, on the other hand, wasn't really looking for a fight. After his first encounter with Faolan, he'd decided it perhaps wasnt't he wisest idea to pick another one with him. Unfortunatly Reese's ultimatum has pushed him into a situation where there was a great chance that he'd end up having to tussel.
But there was a chance he could get away with things without trading a single fist!
What was aggrivating was that Marius first thought his only chance would be to intercept an SNF; he didn't know the Ikari's habits, and going to the club again would be far too obvious. And so he strolls down the street in a top-hat and cloak plus scarf with a thoughtful expression on his face.. And it was coincidentally the same sidewalk as Faolan! With his head lowered he walked straight into Faolan's path and bumped right into him. It was probably like hitting a wall. But still he'd attempt to lift the weapon off the Ikari while raising his tophat, "Ah, my apologies good ma--..." Of course he knew it was Faolan, but it'd be better to pretend he didn't.
The Irishman should probably keep better care of watching where he is going as well. Not so much in this case because he ends up getting bumped into. At first he doesn't realize who it is because he hasn't glanced down yet. What he does know is he feels the bata trying to be pulled from his hand which is gripping the thing tightly. The only way to slip that thing away is probably take the arm with it the way he is holding on. "Didn't see ...." he trails off when he notices who it is.
He is really starting to think his luck is in a big downward swing. He has a rather large losing streak going on in NDP combined with Reese suddenly being batshit and trying to steal his bata. On top of that of all the people he could run into by accident it has to be this guy? Granted he starts to wonder if it was an accident now given he did feel the bata get tugged on a bit. "Ugh, you." is all he says and decides to just be the bigger man, you know....because he is in more ways than one, and step around Marius and just continue on his way. he really isn't in the mood to deal with loudmouths at the moment.
Er, whoops. Well it most certainly didn't hurt to try, did it? It was no secret that neither of them were fond of one another; and it made his stomach turn to even have to aknowledge the big man. But alas, such is the way of life. "Nggh.. So, it is you again, is it?" he starts.
He didn't have a good idea of how close the two were, "How well do you know Reese, anyway?" he asks without any sort of tact, as one might expect. But his tone was rushed and snappy as usual; not in his showman mode just yet.
The Ikari just moves forward and does his best to try and ignore the other man. It seems like he has no luck given the fact Marius soon speaks up and from the sounds of it he is following. It can't really be seen from the other man's angle, but there is a brow twitching quite a bit. "We tend to run into one another in the fighting circuit is all." he comments hoping that is enough to just satisfy Marius and send him onto his merry way.
Of course if the magician is looking for an opening to try and snag things it seems like that hand is only gripping the bata tighter. Reese and Marius came off as two people that really don't get along, but at the same time with Reese's attempted thefts he isn't really trusting the man just in case they are really in cahoots or the like. 'Just keep walking and ignore him. He will get bored and move onto someone that reacts'. That is pretty much all he can tell himself to keep himself calm.
"Actually, it's interesting that you mention that," Marius calls, falling behind a little bit, but then picks up the pace while holding on to the brim of his hat, "Because I, for the life of me, cannot understand why she is so interested in getting her hands on that weapon of yours.."
He would have to concede that there's no way he'll be able to get it by conventional means; he can tell by the body language that it was gripped even tighter. "Well, despite that, it is quite un-gentlemanly to turn down a lady's request. And seeing as she came to me, with tears in her eyes, it seems I have little choice but to do it for her so your options are to either hand the thing over to me, or.. Well, I'm sure we both know what the other option is."
So she has talked to him about her sudden desire for the bata. That just annoys Faolan even more and if Marius can read body language well he can tell he seems to have struck a bit of a nerve in the Ikari. Somehow he keeps himself from doing anything and just keeps walking. It isn't easy for him to show alot of restraint most of the time.
The hopes of Marius just going away seem to be fleeting at this point. Even more so when he speaks about Reese showing up and crying. That bitch. The poor sot doesn't even realize he is being played like a fiddle. "The other option huh?" he says and he finally stops walking. He starts to turn about. "Well I don't want that. I better just hand it o-" KICK TO THE FACE.
COMBATSYS: Faolan has started a fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Faolan 0/-------/-------|
COMBATSYS: Marius has joined the fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Marius 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Faolan
COMBATSYS: Marius dodges Faolan's Light Kick.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Marius 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Faolan
Marius reads body language fairly well- Hardly a professional, but what he does know is usually enough to be able to lift from lesser shmoes. And in many cases, keep from getting has face kicked in. At least on the first attempt.. Most times. Sometimes.
His brows raise, smirking as Faolan seems to comply, but before he knows it, he's forced to lean back, though the brim of his hat is nailed and sent flying off his head. ".. Aggrivating." he mutters, throwing his arm out to the side and his wand slips from his sleeve, which extends to become a cane.
He then leaps into the air, attempting to roundhouse kick Faolan in the chest. "Intruiging, I wasn't even trying to upset you that time."
COMBATSYS: Marius successfully hits Faolan with Medium Strike.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////////////// ]
Marius 0/-------/-------|=------\-------\0 Faolan
No, he doesn't seem too happy at all. "Oh no. Asking for my own personal property to give over to some crazy flake of a woman is certainly not annoying and upsetting at all." the Irishman snaps back towards Marius. He is also annoyed enough he isn't even still in a proper stance to defend himself when Marius comes in with a strike. He attempts to remedy that, but isn't fast enough as that kick nails him in the broad chest and he lets out a grunt as he staggers back a few steps and regains his balance.
"Do me a favor and just get the hell out of here. I don't feel like dealing with a retard like you tonight." As if that isn't enough incentive to get Marius to leave he actually comes in to give him the bata in a way the magician doesn't want. It is a jabbing motion to slam one end of the fighting stick into the chest of the other fighter before releasing a electric shock created by the blackish energy crackling about at the end of it.
COMBATSYS: Marius blocks Faolan's Saying Hello.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////////////// ]
Marius 0/-------/------=|=------\-------\0 Faolan
"That sounds about right, yes. You seem pretty proud of making sacrifices, so I'm quite perplexed." Marius replies, though at this point he's just being an ass for the sake of it. Coincidentally once he lands from his kick, his hat lands back upon his head. Which he straightens. Then the Ikari's weapon is thrust forth, which slams into the magicians weapon and the burst of electricity is enough to cause his cape to go flapping back like it was caught in a gust of wind, "Hmnngh.." he furrows his brows as it absorbs most of the charge, and he manages to push himself back afterward.
Four orbs flicker into existance and circle about his form. "Look, I don't want to be here as much as you don't. But, as a man, I simply cannot deny the request of a lady like her in tears."
With a snap of his finger there is a blinding flash, in which then Marius releases an explosion of energy while swingins his can like a golf club at his foes chin.
COMBATSYS: Faolan endures Marius' Polaris Unique.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////// ]
Marius 0/-------/-----==|====---\-------\0 Faolan
The guy is as clueless and possibly insane as Reese the way he is talking. Why are all the crazies after him these days? Can't he punch fun people in the face for a change? Terry gave him a ass beating, but it was fun! This sorta thing just takes the fun out of fighting. Mostly because he has to deal with idiots and that is never a fun thing. "Do you even listen to what you say? People like you is what ruins the gene pool." And with that bein said he is also about through with all this supposed 'magic' the other fighter uses.
Case in point is the fact he just charges forward in a rather blind fashion when the explosion happens. He runs right into the swing, but at the same time as the swing connects he throws a leg forward and aimed in a not so nice place to bury his heel right into the crotch of the other fighter before he stumbles away from the force of the blow. He rubs at his eyes as he goes down to a knee and he shakes his head to try to clear the cobwebs. No, he is not playing nice tonight.
COMBATSYS: Faolan successfully hits Marius with Jig Kick.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////// ]
Marius 0/-------/--=====|====---\-------\0 Faolan
It's true, unlike Terry, Marius most certainly doesn't fight for the sport of it. For him it's just a means to fame, and it's unlikely that'll ever change. On the other hand, it doesn't mean he isn't having a bit of fun right now, he has to admit it is amusing seeing Faolan so annoyed. Unfortunatly Faolan reminds him right after why one exactly should not piss off an Ikari Warrior. "'Gene pool'? That's utter nonsense.." He merely chuckles as he tips his hat and then THUNK. His eyes cross and his face turns bright red, hunched over as he drops to his knees. "G'uuuuuhhhhhhhhh.." Oh not -again-. His forehead beading with sweat, he reaches one hand out toward the Irishman and wheezes out -something-. But it seems he's a little more focused on trying to get to his feet and dish out a whole lot more pain as payback.
COMBATSYS: Marius focuses on his next action.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////// ]
Marius 0/-------/--=====|====---\-------\0 Faolan
Well that will learn him hopefully. If anything it seems to hopefully make Marius think twice about trying to rile Faolan up more than he already has. The Ikari finally gets to his feet and his vision is fully recovered from the bright flash. He is glad of that so he can at least see the look on the other man's face now while still feeling the effects of the kick. "Don't worry, fella. I just helped out with the gene pool problem." he says and there is a bit of a smile. This might be a bad thing in the long run. he is MORE dangerous when having fun.
"All right. You want it so bad you got it. You want to get on the Ikari's bad side then by all means keep it up. The only way you will be getting this bata is over my dead body." Same damn thing he told Reese as well. People are never going to learn. He steadies his stance and both hands grip the bata as his brow furrows. The energy that snakes around the fighting stick crackles and starts to grow in size, becoming more volatile as well as the Ikari focuses more energy into it. How good of an idea was it wanting to attack him again?
COMBATSYS: Faolan gathers his will.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////// ]
Marius 0/-------/--=====|=======\-------\1 Faolan
"Nnghh.." Marius groans yet again, managing to push himself up to his knees then up onto one foot. Sweet mother of Mary he was going to feel that for the rest of the fight wasn't he? Threw off his whole rhythm! "The s- same.. To you.. Lad.." he manages to utter, "Though death won't b- be necessssary.. Just.. Magic will do.."
The orbs circling him glowed a touch brighter, he relying on his energies to make up for his otherwise dulled speed from the previous attack. This time he gripped his cape, then dashed forward leaping up with the intent of handspringing off of Faolan. However instead of springing off, he'd instead grip his opponents chin, and drive his hees into the back of the others knees to execute a rather unorthodox neckbreaker.
COMBATSYS: Faolan blocks Marius' Medium Throw.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////// ]
Marius 0/-------/--=====|=======\==-----\1 Faolan
Pfft, magic. What the hell ever. He has seen several people use all sorts of sparkly things and he knows damn well what it really is. Just another two bit conman of some sort trying to act all pretty just because he can manipulate energy. It probably works, but Faolan has hardly been impressed with any of it so far. So much for also thinking after almost removing the baby makers would make Marius crawl away. Nope, here he comes right back at Faolan again which just makes the brow of the Ikari twitch a bit.
He seems more than ready this time too when Marius comes in. He manages to get a good grip on the Irishman, but things really don't go the way he would want. When he is ready Faolan is not very easy to move and as he is jerked about he just grins now that Marius is up close and personal. "Like I said. Killing me is the only what that is going to work. Balls to your magic." he comments and he aims to try and grab Marius as the hand gripping the bata is aimed to slam him right in the forehead with a powerful *THWACK*.
COMBATSYS: Marius interrupts Power Strike from Faolan with Master Spark.
- CRAZY Hit! -
- CRAZY Hit! -
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////// ]
Marius 0/-------/-======|=======\=====--\1 Faolan
That gets a frown from Marius. It goes without saying that he's rather proud of his magic, the showman version of himself would laugh it off, ".. Is that so." He should have known his usual throws wouldn't be so effective; and kicking him was like hitting a brick wall as well- Mildly frustrating.
He is well gripped, but he only needs half a second to perform his greatest trick, the 'Master Spark'. His hand raised before the Irishman, he snaps his fingers and what results is a fantastic explosion of red and blue lights, the sound akin to that of a firework that seperates both fighters. Well, ok, it's more Faolan's strike to the skull that sends him staggering back, but the explosion thankfully shook off a bit of the impact. Losing his balance after landing, he falls right onto his duff. ".. Did you have to say 'balls'? Really?"
Well he felt the bata land against Marius, but he didn't exactly get to see it. Mostly because once again he is blinded momentarily by the flash of lights that are really starting to get very VERY bothersome to the Ikari. His mood is really starting to go down south and the fun of being in a fight isn't even really doing to well to lift his spirits. Marius probably hasn't realized how bad things might actuall get once Faolan fully gets ahold of him. It probably won't be pretty at all.
Hey, at least he is okay right now, yeah? Faolan is taking a moment to rub at his eyes and get his vision back and it at least gives Marius a moment of not dealing with giant fists and sticks being swung his way. "Not like you really have any so why does it matter?" he asks and he finally seems to be shaking off the effects as he grips his bata with both hands again and assumes his defensive stance. "Probably in that bitch's purse."
COMBATSYS: Faolan gains composure.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////// ]
Marius 0/-------/-======|=======\====---\1 Faolan
It's true, Marius was oblivious for the most part. And if his luck holds out, he will continue to never know the true fury of the Ikari Warrior. At the very least, however, he doesn't consider his opponent a pushover! His cheeks redden in response to Faolan's quip, "You're right, friend. Perhaps I should take up running about in warzones getting hammered and forcing myself upon foreign civilians. Very manly."
Wand in hand he thrust it out to try and touch Faolan's chest. Should that work he'd find himself encased in blue light, slammed to the floor, then rocketing a few feet into the air before the barrier explodes into a dazzling display.
COMBATSYS: Faolan blocks Marius' Blazing Star EX.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////// ]
Marius 0/-------/=======|=======\=====--\1 Faolan
Did he just? Oh no.....oh hell no. "Force myself upon......" the hands on the bata grip tighter. "You scumbag. To insinuate such a thing shows how much of a piece of trash you are." The Irishman is all fine with teasing and such, but that is certainly not nothing to joke about. " far away because if I take you down you are going to regret ever saying such a thing." Eyes narrow and he just watches the other fighter come right at him. He closes his eyes on time in case there is another blast of energy at the last moment, but he also manages to move the bata and for the most part deflect the wand to where it slams into a shoulder and makes Faolan have to step back to keep his balance.
His eyes then snap open and he goes to headbutt Marius right in the face to in turn try to throw the man off balance. If that happens the magician is soon to be in a world of pain as he will find the bata battering him all over the bata as Faolan windmills it about to strike multiple times before making one final strike down low to sweem the man's legs out from under him and then raise the bata high to come crashing down on Marius' chest to help him reach the ground all that much faster.
COMBATSYS: Faolan successfully hits Marius with Carry the Coffin.
[ \\\\\\\\ < > //////////////// ]
Marius 1/---====/=======|=------\-------\0 Faolan
Marius draws down the brim of his hat in a bit of a dramatic stance as he takes a moment to listen to Faolan's words. One might expect a smug smile, but he gives anything but- his expression is a grim frown, "How typical of you people, you can dish it out, but when the mud is thrown back in your face, you can't handle it it." he didn't have much time to say it, but he did somehow. What followed was not pretty, he attempts to ward off the headbutt but to no avail, and the sound that followed was cringe-worthy. The strikes that follow almost make the magician look like a bag of potatos for Faolan's amusement, but the very vocal "UAAAAGH!" and a gout of blood flying from his mouth thanks to the final strike reminds everyone he's anything but a doll!
His clothes tattered, bruises mostly hidden and bleeding from the mouth, Marius forces himself to roll to the side and get up to a knee, "I will never -run- from you." Marius pockets his wand, thrusts his palms forward, and his feet and hands were embued with his mystical 'magic'. He thrust forward and unleashed a choreographed dance of strikes and kicks, focused primarily on the knees and sternum, finalized with a spin and an uppercut hopefully toward Faolan's chin.
COMBATSYS: Marius successfully hits Faolan with Starlight Typhoon.
? Strange Hit! ?
? Strange Hit! ?
[ \\\\\\\\ < > ////////// ]
Marius 0/-------/---====|=====--\-------\0 Faolan
The Irishman breathes a bit heavily as he delivers the final strike. "It is different, fellah. I tease you for being small and in need of help. You just told me I rape women. That is what makes you petty. No matter what else you can say to me at this point matters. You are just a loser even if you somehow get me down. Small, speck of filth that stoops so low on insults he shoulda died on his mother's face." he spits. Of course preaching like he is and not taking time to gather his wits is probably a bad idea. It is giving Marius time to recover and figure out a plan of attack.
A plan of attack that works out rather well. As much as Faolan does his best to keep up with the strikes he just seems a step too slow and they continuously land on him and push the Irishman back until that uppercut finally nails him in the face and manages to be strong enough to get Faolan off his feet. There is a grunt as he lands on the ground and stares upwards for a moment. Yeah he is letting the anger get the best of him, but damned if he can't help it at this point. The little magician is just lucky none of the other members of his group were around to hear something.
He starts to get to his feet and once he is up to one knee he lunges forward. He aims to slam his bata right into the chest of Marius and then use his strength to try and lift the man upwards. His arms are tense and shaking since he is still feeling a bit weakened, but he uses some more of his stength to filter the blackish energy he wields into the end of the bata Marius is against to release it in a powerful blast to send the other fighter away. "Gnnnraaaah!"
COMBATSYS: Marius blocks Faolan's One for the Road.
[ \\\\\ < > ///////// ]
Marius 0/-------/-======|====---\-------\0 Faolan
"'Petty'? Not in the slightest. But seeing as this conversation is over, I'll just leave it at that.." with the sweep of his arm, his wand is back in hand, and he's once more in a loose, fairly fluid stance. The mention of his mother gets his blood boiling, though he murmurs, "Fret not, I feel the same about you, of course. But I am not fighting for honor, justice, love, or any of that today." As the bata rushes forward, the wand extends into a staff and the two weapons clash, yet he's still hoisted upward, and blasted back a bit from the burst of energy that follows. He manages to keep his balance in the air, hold onto his hat, then flip back to land on his feet. His initial burst of adrenaline is gone, and it's only then he realizes he's on his last legs. "On the other hand, it seems I'm not going to be able to get that weapon after all.. Discouraging." Marius sweeps his cape up then outward, releasing a tremendous cloud of steam out in front of him to cloud his presence. Of course once it passes, he'd appear to have magically vanished.
COMBATSYS: Marius takes no action.
[ \\\\\\\\\ <
Faolan 0/-------/---====|
COMBATSYS: Marius can no longer fight.
[ \\\\\\\\\ <
Faolan 0/-------/---====|
Damn, even after the beating he gave the magician he seems to still have enough left in him to manage to fully avoid the strike. Even so it does put some distance between the two so Faolan can have a moment to try and think of his next move. It looks like he won't have to worry about it too much since it seems like Marius decides to call it a night and run off to wherever it is where magical people go to. Candy Mountain or something probably.
"Tch.....what a pain." he says and after a few moments he straightens back up. If anything he lets his guard down after a few more moments when it seems Marius is really gone. He lets out a low grump and shakes his head. He really wants to know what the hell is with people wanting his bata all of a sudden these days. Hopefully that will keep at least that pair away for awhile after another failed attempt.
COMBATSYS: Faolan has ended the fight here.
Log created on 20:32:22 12/14/2011 by Faolan, and last modified on 22:18:28 12/21/2011.