Cammy - Tom and Juni

Description: Juni's paperwork is disturbed by Cammy watching cartoons. Some brief conversation follows, and the new word for the day in the Doll Chambers is apparently 'boytoy'.

Cammy hasn't been about the base all that much these past few months. Always off doing missions, and, as rumour has it, living the high life in Southtown somewhere. In fact, rumous about Cammy seem to be all the rage these days, with even Lord Vega referring (rather unfairly) to a 'boytoy', and also apparently that Doll Zero is getting fat on an overabundance of Southtown cheesecake. And to think that she tried to keep it secret at first. Now even the troopers are chattering, though not within earshot of the Killer Bee.

Maybe that is why Cammy has been particularly sullen lately whenever in the base. Right now, though, she doesn't seem all that sullen as she's watching cartoons on the TV, sprawled out on the sofa in a most un-Doll like manner, smiling at the screen as Tom gets his ass kicked by Jerry. She likes anything where big guys are beaten up by little guys. There is a plate on her lap, but nothing on it.

Fingers dancing over keyboard, Juni occasionally generates a small but obnoxious noise with the rattling of the keys and then sudden pause as her eyes flicker back and forth reading the contents of the screen. She had glanced up pointedly at the return of Doll Zero but then returned to the task at hand with little more than meeting Cammy's eyes and nodding briefly.

Seated at a table Juni periodically looks over to glance at the television screen when there is a louder than usual noise or joke but diligently returns to reading with a fixed purpose and has been for some time. The Doll surrounds herself with a few stacks of manilla folders with more than a few of which open for review with both file and photographs depicting a variety of subjects outed as Orochi cultists, along with all known information on those subjects. The bob-haired girl grimaces a little harder than usual at the screen and in a sign of frustration gently closes the laptop with slightly more force than would be required, still seated at the table surrounded by the mountain of paperwork she instead watches television openly if not with any enthusiasm.

Cammy is basically lazy, when not on a mission. She's rarely not on a mission, but the other Dolls all know it, on her time off, Cammy does nothing, just block up the doll chambers while watching TV.

Probably just as well she has found other hobbies lately for all concerned.

When the laptop is put away, Cammy turns her head, to stare at Juni with blank eyes. And some faint relief, it seems, for Juni's typing was as irritating to Doll Zero as Tom and Jerry no doubt were to Juni. "Always with papers. Has Marz finally got her vacation time?" she asks. "I thought Marz always did the typing, and complaining about orderliness.". Marz is even German, it all fits perfectly.

Juni blinks and remains unspeaking for a moment, quickly ordering her thoughts and answering the question relating to her purpose "-Personnel- attempting to predict and intercept targets are less than optimal." there is a story and frustration behind those motives as well as an emphasis on personnel that might as well have been 'Personal'. Too often being one step behind and investigating only after the fact, to many missions started to late and too far away to have any chance of success.

Watching the cartoon with no outward signs of enjoyment but Juni does suddenly voice an observation "The mouse always wins." questioning as to how Cammy could enjoy the cartoon while continuing to watch quietly and without objection. Loitering without purpose or doing something she clearly is waiting for an opportune moment to ask something as she has not begun clearing away her work.

"Is it Orochi related? It is quite confusing. But we have names and individuals and even video footage now. We will find leads, soon enough." Cammy tells Juni, sanguine. Of course, she is very sanguine, because she does not have to do all the drudge work of actually looking! She gets to sprawl there and watch cartoons.

Which she turns back to, now that Juni has referenced it. "The mouse is very small, and very fast. And very ruthless." she explains to Juni. "That is why he always wins. Also, the mouse is the hero. Hmm.". She thinks, tilting her head, and thinks maybe she will explain this to Quon next time she sees him. In any case, she seems quite happy with the mouse always winning!

Juni nods slightly, the cartoon reflected in her eyes as she fails to look away from it. "Choice of target, motive as well as method. Foes would become easy to defeat." she continues as if this is something she has been working on for some time. "Requirement and talents for recruitment, locations and nexus points of activity." Having been shuttled form one continent to the next worldwide chasing leads Juni seems to have become tired and invested which can easily read as frustration tightly reigned in by the Doll.

Out of nowhere she asks quietly, without change in her monotone voice or body language "Why do you possess a 'Boytoy?'" the question she had been wanting to ask and a deadpan delivery to boot having heard immediately upon returning. No longer watching the cartoon she watches Cammy waiting for a response to the question with for her even is an unsettling stillness.

Cammy can sympathise a bit with Juni. It is true that Cammy is rather less doll-ish when relaxed, and retreats behind a clipped and doll-like exterior when annoyed or revolted by something. If by chance she had been sentenced to doing Marz's files then she's probably be a doll of few words as well.

She clenches her fists, the only outward sign of emotion. "I do not have... what you say." she replies, voice flat and tightly controlled. "Have the troopers been saying things again?" she asks, thinking of strangling some Shadaloo soldiers to death with her braids. It makes her feel a little better, anyway. Of course, it was Lord Vega himself who coined that phrase, and thanks to some eavesdropping mooks it's all over the base. There isn't very much gossip to be had in here, after all.

"I have many associates now from beyond Shadaloo. They are useful assets on many occasions.". Quon, admittedly, is rather more useless than the others. He's more kept around for sociability reasons. "Naerose the witch was of great help in the Orochi investigation. It is all in the files." she finishes, a little airily. "But anyway, tell me who told you this rumour.".

Juni grows confused over being asked who had told her and there is a general sense and noise of activity from some of the other Dolls room as though eavesdropping had quickly become an unpopular or unhealthy occupation. "specifically? .. o-of course you want Specifics." Juni herself works her mouth suddenly feeling she had made a horrible misstep and looks around for support, finding none.

Juni raises her hands, open palms facing forward in a placating manner and smiles in a pleasing way that doesn't quite touch her eyes. " . . . " after a beat of consideration and a quick inventory of the vast number of people whom had told her and whom she was least attached to, in advent of the worst case senario. Juni pips up with "Marz!" quickly and truthful as far as Marz was -one- of the people gossiping, and whom had told her.

"Marz.". Cammy leans back into the chair, with a faint sigh of exasperation. Marz is her sister. She can't strangle Marz to death with a braid, thats just morally wrong, and Marz is her friend. But Cammy demands satisfaction, preferably from some unfortunate trooper - she may be the nicest or second nicest person in Shadaloo but that still means she's capable of vicious cruelty to the redshirts when narked, and seriously, 'boytoy'? She's narked.

"Someone must have told Marz.". She glances around the doll chambers. No Marz to interrogate. Bah. "Well, never mind." she eventually says, a hint of sulkiness creeping into her flat voice, as she realises her only comfort will be her imagining strangling tattle-tales rather than actually doing it. "I do not like this topic of conversation. The gossip is out of control and factually inaccurate. We should talk about something else.".

Juni knows when not to press any further though after lowering her hands back into her lap they soon reach for the laptop once again, folding it open she quickly types 'B-o-y-t-o-y' with single exaggerated clicks of those single keys and reviews the actual page which comes up. She nods along and even widens her eyes quickly at a brief summary and explanation complying and subverting Cammy's wishes at the same time.

"Assigned role has been changed." she mentions in an offhanded manner and as way of passing along information "Six has been allocated to a reserve role status and is directed to assist Doll Zero as required." similar to being benched and not a desirable position for any one of the Dolls whilst referring to the order directly labelling her as Doll Six. The inconclusive investigations and intercepts on Orochi cultists can been transparently seen as motive for the switch. Also for the obsessive behaviour displayed when her priority should be resting and adjusting to local time.

Cammy fortunately cannot see what Juni is looking up. But she can guess, she has her hunches after all. She just shakes her head. "Yes, see. That is /not/ what I have. Lord Vega would not tolerate that, and we are all of us his tools, and so that is that." she says, with great finality.

She goes back to Tom and Jerry, which is far more relaxing than being niggled about her friends and somewhat-more-than-friends, seeing little fast mice beat up big slow stupid cats. "I see. It will be good to have support from Shadaloo. For a long time this was a private project of mine, as part of my general reconnaisance duties. Hence why I was assisted by Naerose rather than by another Doll. I think it would be more efficient, perhaps, if things were kept within Shadaloo.". That is probably more or less appreciation from Cammy, who does like working with the other dolls generally, even if she has a tendency to wander a bit from the specified mission parameters.

Head generally turned to politely regard Cammy as she is speaking to Juni the girl makes only the slightest reaction to the accurately discerning of her intent and action. The corners of her mouth in a perpetual frown tip upwards into a slight smile moments before the screen flickers and the search engine is replaced by the document files she was reviewing earlier, as much punishment for one of the Dolls it is also something Juni seems to enjoy the prospect of. Eyes flicker back and forth reading back to where she had left off and then she continues, taking a moment only to review a manilla folder and yawn slightly as she puts a photograph to go with a name mentioned in one of the files. The fingers resume the clickety-clack of rapid key presses though she seems to be more apt to chat now inquiring "What is the nature of your current work?" as a legitimate question and half wondering if the cases are relateable.

"At present, I am on an assassination mission of great importance given to me by Lord Vega himself.". Cammy hesitates a little. "The target is an important one - Kyo's girlfriend. However, Lord Vega's orders are quite specific and so that is a task for myself and my associate only.". Somehow the word 'friend' seems out of place in the Doll Chambers.

"Aside from that, my task is the one you already know about - the investigation of this strange cult. So now, my task is also your task. Lord Vega is very interested in it, I think it is of reasonably high priority.". But, she yawns, and languidly gets up, having the common courtesy to zap the TV with the remote, silencing it. "It is time for me to sleep, however, so I am afraid this conversation will have to come to an end. I look forward to working together." she tells Juni, and heads off to her bed, which is right there in the corner, through an archway, without so much as a door. She inspects her very spartan little corner briefly, wary of finding one of Balrog's roses left here again, but no rose, so she can climb into bed and go all quiet.

Log created on 17:43:51 04/25/2011 by Cammy, and last modified on 20:41:18 04/25/2011.