Cammy - Are You Feeling Better

Description: Quon is in the hospital after his encounter with Marz. Cammy visits, to cheer him up a little. Or, alternatively, remind him of his unfortunate fate.

Every since he was hospitalized, Quon has been given a chance to become familiar with a bunch of things. The buzzing sound of the lights, the ticking sound of the clock on the wall, the horrible taste of hospital food, and most of all, the agony in his legs due to Marz's attack on him and the smell of the bed pan due to not being able to get out of bed because of said leg injuries.

The normally cheerful teen finds himself staring at the door with an empty look on his face. He has found that he has been forced to retreat into himself due to all the things piling up on him. Getting fired because he can't come into work, the security deposit on his apartment getting used up due to all of the destruction Marz has caused, and the hospital bills eating into what's left of what money he has saved from participating in televised fights. He has to retreat into himself because he finds himself ill equipped to deal with everything happening to him all at once.

It's visiting hour! Cammy is a little nervous, having found out about Quon's difficulties. On the one hand he came through more or less fine, so he should be happy about that, but she's not quite sure what his mental state will be. But she knows she has to come and say hi and try and cheer him up at least. Thats what friends do, after all, she's sure of it.
The nurses aren't too worried about Cammy coming in, she looks harmless enough with her cloak on, even with a bulging carrier bag full of stuff. One of said nurses leads the way, and pops in on Quon a few seconds before. "Someone is here to see you, Mr Chen." she says with a bright smile, and there is a slight delay before the Killer Bee enters the room, blank blue eyes slightly worried.
"Hello, Quon." she says, moving up to to the head of the bed, to look over at him. One blonde eyebrow raising. Wow, he looks really quite hurt, she is surprised. The accountant did this? She should go congratulate Marz forthwith. "I heard about what happened. I brought you some things.". She lifts up the bulging carrier bag.

With a visitor now in the room, Quon is forced to come out of himself and what he sees when he does makes him close his eyes wishing he didn't see who he saw. The young fighter can feel the pain flaring up in his leg. And as much as he wants to scream at the top of his lungs at the pain, he doesn't mainly because he knows that Cammy is there.

Quon is silent at first, not knowing what to say since he's a jumble of emotions, each one fighting to reach the surface. Pain, sadness, anger and bitterness eaching vying for attention as his main emotional state. His eyes open and he sees that Cammy is still there and that it's not a dream. His mind goes back to what the purple haired doll had said. That it wasn't Vega that had anything to do with why she showed up. Even still he can't help but feel anger at the organization. But he wonders if he should be taking that anger out on Cammy.

He decides against it for now until he knows why it happened. Though he doesn't want to take his anger out on Cammy, that bitterness still manages to seep into his voice. "Like what"

Cammy is unfazed. She didn't really expect Quon to be in the best of moods, and she must admit, there is perhaps some justification for his unhappiness. He doesn't appreciate that he'll be all the stronger for it after he's recovered, after all. She just favours him with her best smile for a moment, and then reaches into the bag. "Many things.".
First, she pulls out a huge mass of grapes. "I do not know why these are good, but apparently you give these to friends in hospitals." she tells Quon, and puts them on the bed, right next to him. "You like grapes?". She plucks one of the little fruits off of the branch they are attached to, and holds it out, for him to take.
...there's more than grapes in the bag, it seems.

Quon responds with a simple, "I see." There's a moment of silence as he studies the bunch of grapes and though his stomach feels empty and those grapes are looking good right now, he doesn't want to eat from an emotional standpoint, right now. "No, thanks. I'm just not in the mood to eat right now." When it comes down to it, it is the truth. Even the nurses had to force him to eat but now that actual good food is being offered, it may point to his desire not to eat being a more emotional one rather than the quality of food being offered.

He doesn't say anything else, his head lowering to his chest, if only because he doesn't feel it emotionally possible to look the Zero Doll in the eye.

Cammy reaches to pat Quon tenderly on the shoulder. "I hate being hurt too." she tells him, assuming that it's the beatdown that is really bothering him. "Being stuck in a bed all day is not enjoyable. That is why I also brought some other things.". She digs into the bag, and brings out a couple of books - both of them about Fei Long, as thats about the only hint of what books Quon might like. One on his career, and another one the screenplay of one of his movies. "I am sure you read books, and I know you like Fei Long, so.". She piles the books onto his bed next to the grapes, and then goes back to rummaging in her bag.

Quon looks up again and sees the books being placed on the table and remains silent for a bit. Those on the other hand will probably see lots of use. Because when it comes down to it, hospital rooms are booring as hell. He has already finish counting the tiles on the ceiling and he's switched over to counting other things. Needless to say, when that and meditation are your only waking activities, you get bored quickly.

He takes a deep breath and forces a smile(he's not currently in an emotional state where he act one out convincingly) and then says, "Thank you. Those are greatly appreciated." The smile fades away and is soon replaced with an empty look on his face.

Cammy continues to rummage, and brings out a great pile of cash. It's not bundled or in a wallet or purse or anything, it's just loose notes, of all manner of denominations. God knows how much there is. Probably a couple of thousand but somenoe would need to count it all. "I heard that you were poor and had no money and needed money. So I got you some money." the doll says brightly, quite proud of her initiative.
The Killer Bee has discovered that should she ever give up the assassination job, a wonderful career as a cat burglar awaits.
She starts digging it out of the bag, which takes a while, and piling it up next to him. About half way through, she pauses, and gives him a worried sort of look. He really is looking... depressed. And he used to be so happy.

This puts Quon in a quandry. While he does need the money, he doesn't know where it came from probably doesn't even /want/ to know where it came from and plus receiving money from Cammy may have certain organizations looking at him with a gimlet eye. But he's planning on putting it to use somehow. Just not on his own behalf. In fact, the idea of donating all that money to a charity raises his spirits a tiny bit.

The problem is that it only raised him about a millimeter from emotional rock bottom. But on the upside, there is progress but not for the reasons she might think it is. And if he were to find out that she was committing crimes on his behalf, well it probably wouldn't be pretty. "Thank you." His eyes travel towards that bag wondering what else she might pull out of it.

Cammy smiles her rictus grin at Quon, pleased. "See, I really can help you." she tells him. "And I am sure nobody else has come here. Not Rust. Pff, Rust. And if he did, he would not be as generous as I am.". She nods at him firmly, grin fading to her more serious look, as she goes back to rummaging.
She glances over her shoulder, and pulls out a few cans of soda, as she knows he likes those too, having bought him a couple before. "Stupid nurses will not approve, so I will put them here." she tells him, and stashes them under the bed, on his side. Now the bag is looking more empty, though she fishes out a few more notes that are left in the bottom and piles them with the rest.
"You look happier now." she smiles.

Quon is quiet as he rolls over slightly in order to organize the piles of money into neat stacks if not organizing them by denomination. Right now, it's just organizing them so that it doesn't look like someone made it rain in the hospital room. He then rolls back onto his back so that he may continue to stare at the ceiling.

"For someone who professes her hatred of Howard Rust, you seem to be obsessed with him." He shrugs and then looks at Cammy carefully avoiding her eyes. "Almost every conversation we've had lately has involved how you're better than he is some type of way."

"I don't know many people who you also know, is why. I just try and talk about people you know who I know. Which means... Rust and Ibuki. And I am better than him." Cammy tells him, primly. "Nobody seems to believe it, is all. Maybe you do. Ibuki did not, though.". She shrugs, used to be the one under suspicion at all times, pff. Nobody understands. "It annoys me, because he is one of those people that seems to be liked and given breaks, even though he is suspicious, unforgiving and judgmental. Nobody gives me any chances at all, in comparison to him, and I don't see why. Look at all the things I have done for you. I am a very good friend to you. What has he ever done which is good?". But then she smiles, and reaches out to pat Quon a few times, on his shoulders, and on his head. "Well, some people are more accepting than him." she tells him. "You and Ibuki at least are different.".
She shrugs. "I will not mention him again if you like." she offers. "In any case, I think my time here is up. I only came to deliver your gifts anyway.". And maybe tell him about the mission he's been volunteered to do by Vega, but she thinks, on reflection, that he's not ready for that yet. That can wait.

When Cammy offers her explanation of why she tends to mention her superiority to Rust, he stays quiet. It's not going to help to mention that people judge based on the company they keep nor will he insult the company she keeps for that matter. There's a fine line between self destructive and suicidal and Quon hasn't crossed it yet, no matter how appealing it's looking right now.

Quon nods not saying any more and forcing another smile before his face goes blank and he takes a moment retreat back into himself. He doesn't really want to deal with anything else right now.

Log created on 10:09:39 04/22/2011 by Cammy, and last modified on 18:37:33 04/22/2011.