Cammy - Yamazaki Blood Art

Description: Cammy gets introduced to the Syndicate's resident psychopath, who offers to pretty her up a little. Happens after the Ken-napped log.

Well well. This is why you shouldn't accept rides from strangers.

Deep beneath the halls of one of the more legit theaters of the Syndicate (explaining why it didn't go to shit when the local regime fell) in the dressing rooms of the highest class entertainers, Cammy's led to a particular room in the back, the dressing room of the supposed Red Swan. She is left with the door ajar, and is left -briskly.-

It looks like a bomb hit the place.

With bits and pieces of costume, makeup, props and broken furniture everywhere, it's difficult to tell that this /was/ a dressing room at one point. The formerly well-lit vanity mirror casts an eerie half-light over the scene, because half of its bulbs are broken. The woman who played the Red Swan, a well-dressed waif in shredded lace, lays unconscious on a small fainting couch, which is missing a leg. Though her chest rises and falls gently, she sleeps like the dead. There are more than several broken bottles nearby.

Seated on a chair, possibly the only fully intact object in the room, sits the bearer of bad news.

Yamazaki is wearing pants that are only clasped by a single clip and the collective willpower of every person who was ever a decent human in their life. Though it seems trite to mention, he also wears a skin tight t-shirt that shows off pretty much every cannon of a muscle he has, along with his trademark fighting gloves. Accordingly, he hoots as Cammy shows. His grin shows far too many teeth, and he's wielding a bottle of jack in his hand. It's drained pretty much to the last draught, but Yamazaki is perfectly, perfectly lucid.

"Sweetness, I think you been played for a fool."

Well, a normal woman would probably be fleeing right now, or possibly promptly beating Yamazaki down, if that woman was Chun Li. As it is, Cammy does neither, merely looking around the dressing room with great curiosity. "Perhaps, but it is all good data being collected nonetheless." she replies to Yamazaki, her blue gaze falling upon him only after it has taken in everything else.

"You must be like Balrog." she notes. "Except not as handsome and lacking some of his taste.". The latter said as she looks over his t-shirt and the pants which look like they'll be falling down in just a second. "So, what is your name?" she asks, always looking to make sure her records are as accurate as possible, and slowly drifting into the room to take a better look at the unconscious girl, while keeping most of her gaze on the one who is assuredly the dangerous one - Yamazaki.

"Well. Ain't you the innocent type."

Cute. "S'alright. We can fix that."

Well, whatever happened in here, it's best left to the imagination--the woman behind Yamazaki is certainly alive, but not entirely decent, and probably still bleeding lightly. At least he bought the drinks before breaking up everything with the ensuing fun. Never let it be said Yamazaki is a rude guest.

Stretching momentarily, he mouths the words 'good data being collected' slowly, as if mocking Cammy's train of thought. Balrog? Isn't that the gay one? He can't really fucking tell between that whole happy purple house up there on Chin Hill. "Don't know what your story is, iPoon, and I can't say as I give much of a flying fuck..." He stands slowly, and the impression of 'height and mass' is conveyed wordlessly. Yamazaki doesn't so much stand as lurch sinuously into the air, slowly taking up either end of his belt and cinching it tight about his waist, buckling it. "See. I got some appointments I gotta make here. I ain't got time to play twenty questions with Astro Girl. But you know, folks like you getting beat amuses the shit out of the powers that be. So I'm gonna answer the only question you need to ask with the only name you ever need to know: The name's Yamazaki."

He raises a fist.

"I'm the guy who's gonna give you the worst pain you ever felt."

"iPoon. That is funny. You are a funny man." the Doll replies, deadpan. "And I doubt it, Lord Vega can inflict pain beyond mortal comprehension. Maybe you will find out. He knows whatever I am doing, after all, as I share his soul.". It's not even an empty threat! "Yamazaki, very well. I will ensure that the records pertaining to your tiny little syndicate are kept up to date.".

She reaches up to remove the clasp of her little red riding hood cape, and removes it, letting it lay out on the floor. No doubt it's going to have some boot marks all over it fairly soon. And then focuses upon Yamazaki. "I will ask Lord Vega if I can guard you if we capture you in the future. Guard duty is always so boring, but maybe not with a funny man like you to keep me entertained.".

She's not quite as innocent as all that!

Yamazaki opens his mouth, his jaw cracking as it seems to unhinge, his entire body buckling in the short, brutal laugh he barks at Cammy, his voice distending as he breaks down into a fit of laughter. "WELL--" he laughs, raising his bottle, and draining what's left of it in a single draught. "--DAMN!" he exclaims, shattering the bottle on the floor at his side. Glass sprays everywhere. "'Beyond mortal comprehension,' huh? Sounds like a blaste, powder puff! Just don't get captain cherry berry too close to your webcam," he starts, cracking his knuckles inside one meaty hand, each popping with the kind of rhythm one expects from a drum.

"He might be too young for what I'm about to do."

After Cammy discards her cape, Yamazaki regards her up-and-down, sizing her up in pretty much every way a person can, before he finally chuckles, just a touch.

"aaah... Sweetheart? Unlike you.. ain't nothin 'bout me tiny."

And then Yamazaki leaps after Cammy's throat.

COMBATSYS: Cammy has started a fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Cammy            0/-------/-------|

COMBATSYS: Yamazaki has joined the fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Yamazaki         0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0            Cammy

Cammy is small, but she's fast, and she cartwheels off to one side, ride over the other slumped woman, a pigtail dipping in the gore briefly so one fluffy blonde tip is marred with red, and Yamazaki goes rumbling right past like a freight train.

The Doll leaps over to the dressing table, somehow balancing atop it without the whole rickety thing tumbling down, to sit there, hands resting on the tabletop ready to leap aside again if need be. "Lord Vega is an expert in suffering, I can assure you. And... at least you're not Zangief sized.". Ooer.

She doesn't actually move from where she's settled, just watching him with her curiously blank eyes.

COMBATSYS: Cammy calculates her next move.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Yamazaki         0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0            Cammy

Almost smashing through the door with pent up force, the brawler comes to a stop with only a minor collision as the pig-tailed blonde eludes him, his shock of blonde hair raising slightly as he looks over his shoulder. His fist tightens to the point where you can hear the leather of his gloves crack.

"aahh..." Yamazaki breathes, the anger prevalent in even wordless intonations like that.

"I hate groupies."

Stepping around and lurching forward bonelessly, the berserker slides one hand into his pocket, the other great ham claw of a hand flexing as he works out the limber kinks. His arm sways slowly to the rhythm as he eyeballs Cammy plainly. "I've heard enough about Commander Kool-Aid for this lifetime, priss," Yamazaki grins. "Lemme show ya what /I/ know about pain!!"

Then before Cammy can get another word about Vega clear of her mouth, his fist whips out over the couch. It flicks free for what seems like a physically impossible distance as his limb seems to twists and lengthen in an blurred eyeblink for the explicit purpose of smashing that mouth right in.

COMBATSYS: Cammy dodges Yamazaki's Snake Tamer.

[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Yamazaki         0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0            Cammy

That's kinda nasty. But Cammy is equal to the attack, as she leaps forward, right at him, as his fist slams through the air where she was once standing to demolish the dressing table once and for all. "You are like an evil Dhalsim!" the doll cries out in surprise, twisting around in mid air to form a little ball which rockets down towards Yamazaki. "And if ever you interfere with Shadaloo you will hear a lot about Lord Vega." she hisses, the placid Doll a little bit annoyed by the dismissiveness towards The Great Man.

All the while she's sailing through the air, to try and land on top of him, legs first. Assuming he doesn't get out of the way, she'll try and wrap her (scarily muscular) legs around his neck, and then savagely twist to smash him into the floor, which with all the broken glass and such over it probably has extra tetanus damage when used as a weapon, if nothing else.

COMBATSYS: Yamazaki Toughs Out Cammy's Hooligan Suplex! =8D

[      \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////////// ]
Yamazaki         0/-------/---====|==-----\-------\0            Cammy

His arm streaks back into one piece, his bicep flexing and his claw tenses, empty-handed. The mercenary is hardly amused by this revelation. And more thuroughly confused by Cammy's sour reaction. Dhalsim? Who the--


Yamazaki's body slams into the glass-covered ground, led by his folded neck. The impact, given Yamazaki's weight, is more than enough to wake the dead. But apparently, as the slumbering woman beside them proves, not the terminally intoxicated. However, Cammy's forgotten one thing. Yamazaki isn't just bigger than her. He's much bigger. And much stronger. Sometimes, that whole throwing people around and leverage thing doesn't work when your target doesn't care about it.


Yamazaki positively roars as he surges onto his feet, one leg lifting up as his other leg lifts him straight up into the air. He aims to chuck Cammy off of him before catching her in the midsection with a rising kick that slams her body straight into the ceiling. If she even gets a taste of it, she's gonna be kicked into the ceiling and then stomped into the floor at the wrong end of Yamazaki's boot even worse than a football at the receiving end of a whole team of angry guys with too much testosterone.

"Hah! What's Lightshow been teaching you chicks!?"

Yamazaki's laughter is just shy of euphoric.

COMBATSYS: Cammy blocks Yamazaki's Yakiire.

[       \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////////////     ]
Yamazaki         0/-------/---====|====---\-------\0            Cammy

Cammy is thrown off of Yamazaki as he gets up, but she raises red gauntleted forearms just in time to deflect a vicious kick aimed more or less at her chin. Knocked back a few steps, and no doubt with a bruised arm, but fortunately nothing worse than that. "Only compared to some." the doll observes quietly, peering at him from above her guard with a slight frown of concentration, glancing briefly over at Yamazaki's earlier victim, lying on her couch. The doll does seem a bit morbidly fascinated by this example of psychopathic blood art.

But then she's in motion again, always in motion, leaping up onto the couch to stand over Yamazaki's victim. Another leap sends her up to the corner of the room, which she slams into boots first - to then straighten her legs abruptly, propelling herself at Yamazaki at full speed. This time she's aiming for centre mass, and if she hits Yamazaki will end up bowled over in a tangle of arms and legs - but if all goes according to plan the Doll will end up with him on the ground and her boots jammed pretty much into his neck.

COMBATSYS: Yamazaki interrupts Cross Scissor Pressure from Cammy with Sadomazo.

[           \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////           ]
Yamazaki         1/-------/=======|=======\-------\0            Cammy

Yamazaki hoots as Cammy dampens the blows from his crushing attacks, looking over his shoulder to follow her gaze--she seems awful fixated on something--the girl? "Heh... interested, kid?!" Yamazaki laughs, kicking a small footchest out of the way before putting his other hand in his pocket and leaning over.

There's nothing about that guy's leer that is at all well intentioned or inocuous.

"You know, if you quit jumpin' around like a little mexican bean, I could give you the time of your life. Line you up right next to her... maybe you two could be friends in the" Grin.

A moment later, Cammy slams into him boots first.

But -- something's wrong.

Yamazaki doesn't move. It's like hitting a brick wall. She hit him dead on--but... he just seems.. he seems to like it? A sick light enters the mercenary's eyes, his pupils narrowing to points as he chokes around her boot. "I SAID HOLD STILL!!!" Suddenly, the berserker surges forward after Cammy in the middle of her recoil, his fist suddenly surging out like a cannonball to land in her throat and fold her the wrong way over the vanity with a massive explosion seeming to emanate from the point of his fist.

"It's twizzlers like you that I can eat by the dozen on a summer day!!!"

Cammy gets chopped down and bends in ways humans were not meant to bend - but somehow there's no crunching noises from the Doll as she finds herself used as a jack knife. The sinewy creature is soon kicking and flailing and wriggling like an eel, though, worming her way out of Yamazaki's grasp...

...and this time swarming up his own arm, staying real close to him this time rather than bouncing all around the room. "It doesn't matter how big you are... if I hit you /here/." the doll mutters, eyes narrowed viciously as one fist reaches out with blinding speed, to try and grip Yamazaki's throat and squeeeeeeze.

COMBATSYS: Yamazaki fails to interrupt Choke Hold from Cammy with Bomb Headbutt.

[                 \\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////           ]
Yamazaki         1/-------/=======|=======\-------\1            Cammy

Soon, Yamazaki finds himself being slithered around and climbed by a very sinuous woman. Urgh. The last time he had to put up with this was that time in Thailand's red light--actually, come to think of it, he kinda liked that.

Yamazaki grins as he's strangled, his skin turning a lovely shade of blue as forth spills openly from his throat, getting all over Cammy's arm as he stumbles around, very much a bull in a china shop right now as he tries to shake Cammy off, even going so far as to try and headbutt her off to no avail. "Gheh---eheheh---EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEHehehehehehehehehehehehheeeehgrkk!!!"

Well.. at least..he's.. he's enjoying himself?

Cammy is dissuaded from hanging on any further by the headbutt that powers towards her, and she abruptly lets go rather than trade noggins, promptly falling lightly to her feet in front of him. She then raises one knee, taking aim quite carefully, before lashing out one boot at Yamazaki's chin and then somersaulting backwards, away from him, apparently deciding that having tried both she rather prefers standing well back from this guy.

Assuming she hasn't been smashed about already, she then speaks. "See, the throat is always a vulnerable point, no matter how large you may be." she observes clinically as if this is some sort of lecture hall, thinking that did seem to really knock a bit of the fight out of Yamazaki at least, even if it did seem to enjoy it.

COMBATSYS: Cammy successfully hits Yamazaki with Cannon Spike.

[                   \\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////           ]
Yamazaki         1/-------/=======|=======\-------\1            Cammy

Being hit in the chin, Yamazaki falls pretty much clear over the sofa and his sleeping date, toppling the entire affair over until he's basically just chewing lace and frills from a skirt in his face. "gkk--Urgh--murfle--damn dames!!" Yamazaki rages, throwing a limp, unconscious body to one side, to slam into and drape over a cabinet as if she were a discarded piece of clothing.

Standing up slow, Yamazaki rolls his neck to pop the kink Cammy put in it a round prior slowly. He raises an eyebrow. "Hh.. hhh... teacher, you've been pretty naughty today.." And then he violently kicks the couch aside. It goes partway through a wall, revealing another dressing room beyond. Behind it, Yamazaki's free hand is out of his pocket. A switchblade clicks open as he wiggles a finger chidingly at her. "...Gonna have to send you to detention. :)"

At which point Yamazaki flips the hell out, trying to stab Cammy enough times that she bleeds her soul out of pieces of anatomy she didn't even know she had over the next three seconds.

COMBATSYS: Yamazaki successfully hits Cammy with Nightmare - Then Darkness.

[                   \\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////                  ]
Yamazaki         0/-------/-------|=======\====---\1            Cammy

Cammy sees what's coming as the knife comes out, and muscles tense - but even the Doll is not fast enough for this, as she tries to twist aside but is instead, stabbed. Stabbed a lot. Her pale blue Shadaloo uniform becomes a little darker from the slicked blood beneath the fabric - by the time the Doll fends him off she's covered with dark splotches, and looks a little unsteady on her feet.

"Graaaaaah!" the Doll shrieks at him, high pitched, finally somewhat emotionally engaged with what's going on, as she leaps at Yamazaki in turn, leaving a blue streak behind her. She has no switchblade, she just has her boots, as she starts kicking, kicking, legs all a blur. Assuming a few hit, she then finishes with one huge kick on the chin to knock him up to the ceiling, and just as he impacts, she leaps up after him to grab and send him smashing down into the tetanus-glass.

COMBATSYS: Yamazaki endures Cammy's Killer Bee Assault.

[                            \\  < >  ////////////                  ]
Yamazaki         0/-------/---====|-------\-------\0            Cammy

That's what he likes to hear.

He likes to hear her shriek, hear the freakish anger and panic that she displays, the writhing a body does when its pinioned, seeing her wet and slick and on the end of his knife. That's the kind of pain he's talking about... THat's the stuff he's going to unbuckle here in just one moment--

When she unleashes her own fury on him, streaking into him like a missile numerous times, it drives the berserker back, driving him back and up until she beats him to the ceiling, and throws him back down into the ground. There he lay... .. still as a corpse.

... until he gets up.

"H--HANG with me, DARLIN.." he slurs, bloody mucus trailing from his nose as he picks a piece of glass from his arm. He's still holding his knife. "I've got... plenty more in this train for a bluebird like you.." One hand opens up as he slips forward to try and grab Cammy by the head, the point of his knife coming to aim at her neck, or her face. Or her chest. From the wobbling of the knife, it's hard to tell where he's going.

"C'mere..." he wheezes, ".. c'mere and give daddy a kiss.."

This is gonna get messy...

COMBATSYS: Yamazaki successfully hits Cammy with Sabaki no Aikuchi.

[                            \\  < >  ////                          ]
Yamazaki         0/-------/-======|=====--\-------\0            Cammy

Cammy tries to leap aside and it all does look rather easy - but she's not /quite/ fast enough, and she's lifted up into the air. The knife slashes a few times - the doll fends it off from the more vital areas, but she doesn't fend it off, period, and she's cut up some more, Alpha style. She'll need some time in the tank after this... At least unlike Balrog she doesn't flip out when her face is messed with.

When she finally gets let go she's bleeding quite badly... but there's a little bit of fight left in her still! She focuses what remains of her energy, crouches down low, and powers straight up into the ceiling, to try and smash Yamazaki to pieces in a vortex of spinning boots.

Either way, she goes right through the ceiling and beyond with a loud crash, leaving the sound of smashing timbers and such in her wake.

COMBATSYS: Cammy can no longer fight.

[                            \\  <
Yamazaki         0/-------/-======|

COMBATSYS: Yamazaki breaks through Reverse Shaft Breaker from Cammy with Suna Kake!

[                             \  <
Yamazaki         0/-------/=======|

And that's exactly what would have happened.

At least until Yamazaki kicked a floor lamp into her bleeding bits.

The haggard criminal seeming nigh-impossible to kill, he aims to blow her through the sidewall instead with a deadly blow. Pocketing his knife, he frowns. He wanted a taste of that girl's blood--but unfortunately, when she drills herself into a room beyond his reach even while half-conscious, she also escapes his immediate reach. Tired, winded, every joint in his body aching, and bleeding profusely through his clothes, he can look up at the opening and snarl, but little more--

Fuck that.

Yamazaki cocks back a fist, a grinding sound janking to life around it as powerful chi begins to whirl about it. "IT AIN'T OVER TIL I SAY IT'S FUCKING OVER!!" he yells. He's pretty serious about that promise of pain he gave her! He steps forward and--

o/` check out my move, weapon of choice, yeah-- o/`


Ah, shit. It's his cell phone's alarm.

He must've spent longer with lace'n'space than he thought before he got into this whole thing with booberry. The energy drains away from his fist. "Well, an appointment to make," he grumbles, absently shutting off his alarm in his pocket. He looks up towards the hole. "Always some bullshit ruining it," the man bleeding from a thousand cuts mutters. "It was just starting to get fun..."

He pauses as he passes the coatrack on his way out. He takes a particularly dapper trilby hat off of the hook, possibly the possession of some other suitor who would be understandibly displeased his next visit. He catches a glimpse of his horrific image in the mirror.

He licks a hand, and straightens the brim of his hat.

Clicks to the fine-looking cat in the mirror.

Then he leaves.

"Maybe next time, pumpkin."

Log created on 07:33:13 04/17/2011 by Cammy, and last modified on 01:38:35 04/18/2011.