Seishirou - The Wayward Blood

Description: Entwined in the silver chain is Alan's legacy. It is a symbol, as symbols are meant to be, of something important. Whatever part of him remembers the meaning of that symbol is lost now--but there is one who does. The shinobi leader of the 'Kagero' revolutionaries makes an appearance, to put a stop to Alan's rampage. But can he reach someone whom the snakes have claimed as their own?

Some hours ago, Dr. Tran was yelling at God Bingbong, the biggest elephant in Japan. God Bingbong had something Tran wanted.

A week or so ago, the maddened Alan R.B. ran - like, with his feet - from Metro City all the way to the coast of Oregon, with singular purpose, leaving a (very narrow) trail of destruction. When he hit the coast, he just continues to run, directly across the surface, without stopping.

Some hours ago, Alan finished running across the Atlantic Ocean, knocking God Bingbong into the hippo pool and punching Tran in the face. Then they broke no small amount of the Dream Amusement Park.

Now, the park's been evacuated, a police cordon around it as they try to figure out what they're going to do about Alan R.B.. Having done the first thing that came to mind - punch Dr. Tran in the face - Alan is catching his breath from his ridiculous charge, purple electricity crackling around his skin as he slowly walks up to a concession stand, his hand flickering from 'next to his hip' to 'elbow-deep into the body of the stand' to 'near his mouth holding five uncooked hamburger patties' in about a second. He takes a bite, recoils, and chi flares down his shoulder, exploding from his hand. The hamburgers are now steaming, and the Raging boxer's next bite is much more pleasant to his id.

Somewhere halfway across the park, the roller coaster starts up, complete with weird distended carny music. You know the part where the chain slowly drags the car up that first hill? Yeah. It has that. You know the sickening moment just before the drop? Yeah, this coaster has that too. You know the 180 flips? Yup, that too. You also know the part where the cars stay on the track?

Well, this coaster doesn't quite have that.

Between a collapsing track and a massive explosion, the train of (thankfully empty) cars literally seperates on a particularly ferocious bank turn, sending flaming steel tumbling through the air as if lobbed from a catapult. For the police's own end--you'd be surprised at how many better things you have to do when it starts raining cars. Before anyone really understands or comprehends what's going on, cars start falling from the sky, smashing police cars in and triggering lights and wailers, cars exploding as they drop onto other patrol units, and snaping cordon lines right in half.

When the smoke clears (protip: it doesn't,) it all sort of congeals into one wrecked heap of twisted metal, and a pile of policemen laid out all orderly-like some distance away.

A person steps up onto the flaming pile.

"You've been busy, I see.."

He stands at the top of the flaming pile of wreckage, seeming none the worse for wear as glowing embers rise around him. Having disabled the majority of the attending police in the eyeblink's worth of distraction while his exploding-terrain jutsu created decent smoke cover by annhilating a pile of police cruisers, it is relatively self-evident that Ryouhara, the young man in the smoke grey haori, would like a private word or two with Alan R.B.

It just so happens that, like most things Ryouhara attends to personally, he would like to have that word over a pile of twisted steel and fire.

And he's not even angry right now.

Alan houses the burger patties in a manner of moments, not bothering to chew and enjoy, just focused on getting that all up ins. Grease drips from either side of his mouth, and he doesn't deign to wipe it off. His open shirt is reduced to rags, black slacks worn away halfway up the shins, he doesn't even have shoes anymore, because running at disgusting speeds for days straight just eats away at fine fabrics. He slaps an insect off his face, which only calls attention to the fact that in all this, his hair is still perfectly placed in his trademark hanging lightning bolt.

Then, debris rains from the sky. Alan's head snaps up, and he grins, a mad light coming into his red eyes at all the destruction. His nostrils flare, and he turns toward the pile of wreckage just before the ninja steps up. His arms drop, and he goes completely still for a long moment, one eye obscured by that hanging hair.

Then, his head tilts, and he slowly mutters, "Seishirou." His head tilts the other way. "Yeah, yeah, that's right. Seishirou. Captain Obnoxious Ninja Shit. That guy." Alan starts to walk forward. "Whaaaaaat do you want?" The tones and inflections are all wrong - it's like someone else pretending to be Alan, wearing his body.

His tongue flicks out, and he licks his lips. "Talk fast, talk fast, bored already, bored. Like. Lumber."

He leans forward, and crosses the remaining space between himself and Sei in an instant, stock-still in front of him. Alan harshly whispers, "Get it?"

Ryouhara looks down on the messy, greasy scene with a mixture of dark concern and disgusted awe at the spectacle laid out before him. This is something entirely unlike anything he's seen before. And he's seen a lot. For a time, the shinobi only has interest in watching the boxer, falling quiet as Alan notices him and begins to walk forward.

For the most part, the young man doesn't move, wisps of his dark hair falling in front of his eyes as the heat from his flaming perch sends ripples through the silk of his haori. His hands still can't be seen from that drape of fabric, but it's easy to imagine him not moving at all as Alan approaches him.

He breaks the silence simply. "Don't need to."

For the most part, there is a stifling lack of discourse from the ninja.

The reason is simple. He knows no ideal in the man's psyche now.

That makes talking to him pointless.

Seishirou came here for a different reason.

--And then Alan is only inches away from him, perched atop his wreckage pile as well. With the sudden movement, Ryouhara's clothes sway. His eyebrows arch--it's the only expression of surprise on his features Alan will take note of, before the young man's frown is tempered with his icy glare. His lips move slowly, tasting the air before he speaks.

"That's...not funny."

And then, movements blurred, Seishirou goes for the sword hilt latched to his back.

COMBATSYS: Seishirou has started a fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Seishirou        0/-------/------=|

COMBATSYS: Alan has joined the fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Alan             0/-------/-------|=------\-------\0        Seishirou

COMBATSYS: Alan has awoken his Rage.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Alan [E]         0/-------/-------|=------\-------\0        Seishirou

Alan scowls when informed he made a terrible joke, and looks down, clenching a fist. Did he do it wrong? Was it his delivery? Humans--! He looks up again, just in time to see Seishirou going for his sword.

Alan was always fast, but with the power of Orochi coursing through his veins, everything is overclocked. The scrap where Alan is standing gives away and falls as the boxer pushes away from it, looping around behind Seishirou in an instant, grabbing at his wrist. "Suit YOURSELF!" He grapples at his wrist, dragging him back and down with more strength than he should ever have, and cocks his left arm back. One, two, three, he strikes at Sei's wrist, elbow, and shoulder. "I'll just break you apart and throw you into the wind!" He springs up, pounding both legs at the Ryouhara's body, hurling himself back and into the air with a horrible snarl.

COMBATSYS: Seishirou fails to interrupt Rapid Combo from Alan with Kaitaijutsu.

[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////////      ]
Alan [E]         0/-------/------=|=------\-------\0        Seishirou

... too slow.

The truth was, Ryouhara was expecting a preemptive attack. In which case, going for his sword was just a distraction to provoke the boxer's movements, relatively sure he could track them. Unfortunately, there was a narrow window of reaction time from his off hand--and attempting to whirl back and hit Alan as he crescent-moon-dodges behind him ends up being a serious risk. Kaitaijuzu won't be of use here.

He'll have to resort to other techniques.

Hit squarely at three points approaching the base of his right shoulder while being yanked off-balance and then knocked forward and into the air by Alan's stomping kick, sending the shinobi revolutionary into the air. Fortunately, most of the attack was focused in physical blows, and with a spread of his arms, Ryouhara catches the wind, kiting back hard against the pile until his back slams into it. He frowns, stretching out his right hand. Numb..

Lightning arcs between two fingers.

Clinging to the side of the pile, Ryouhara forms a nerveless tiger seal between his two hands.

Alan doesn't do any fancy air floating or forward dashing - he just continues his arc through the air, trailing purple chi, until he lands with a heavy impact in what was once a bear exhibit. Now it's a patch of grassy land where a bear sulks, somehow cowed by the primal forces manipulating Alan, and also cowed by Alan punching it in the skull when it got uppity.

The boxer calls, "What's wrong? You're /supposed/ to be better than that. I'm just a thuggy thuggy thug." He sways, suddenly, one hand clutching his head, and he growls. "I think I... respect you too damn much for that."

Something about that pisses Alan off, and he presses his other hand to his forehead, chi building up dramatically around him. "Hnnnrrrghhh..." The entire mass of purple electricity pulses. "HHHWHOOOOAAAAAAAHHHH!!" Whirling, Alan grabs the goddamn bear, ripping it from its sulk. It protests noisily, thrashing as Alan lifts it over his head, wheeling back. "You're making my HEAD HURT!"

Of /course/ Alan throws the bear. More impressive is the perfect spiral the bear travels in.

COMBATSYS: Seishirou dodges Alan's Large Thrown Object.

[  \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////////      ]
Alan [E]         0/-------/-----==|=------\-------\0        Seishirou

Does he still have his mental faculties about him?

The boxer's ravings slowly become clear as he shouts to the Ryouhara's scion, who is now standing halfway up the pile of wreckage, deep in the mound, hands buried as if able to cling to walls themselves. He frowns, looking down at Alan as if thinking. "If you were able to hit me... how much of you in there is still the person who desires change?" It's an interesting thought. Alan's words seem to stir a perceptive dialogue from the revolutionary, where previously there was only resolve to end this charade of perversion as quickly as possible.

Then Alan throws a spinning bear shuriken at him.

The problem is, whenever a bear is spinning out of control, he's less an animal and more a localized weather event. Being born down on be a bearstorm, Ryouhara... genuinely looks surprised.

"What absurdity.."

The only possible solution. Ryouhara leaps into the middle of the bearstorm, a hand outstretched... and lasts approximately three seconds before being torn to pieces by angry protesting bear. Bits of silk and paper rain from the sky, all that's left of--well no, that's not him. Seishirou cannot possibly be that dumb.

A grey blur flickers onto the ground, and, fleeting in his own speed, shifts to the left, his silhouette never becoming quite distinct. The only sound he emits is the whistle of split wind as he shifts away from the bear, and then closer to Alan, oriented triangularly from him and the bear. He stands there a few meters off from the boxer, as if he'd never moved and had been waiting there the whole time. He slowly draws his blade, even steel raking from its sheath.

"Somewhere in there, you still understand the tenets of your own revolution. This is a perversion of your own will. Because of our accord... I intend to put a stop to you." His blade shines in the light as Ryouhara raises a hand. And releases his seal.

Somewhere off in the distance, the bear has gained his ..bearings.. and, sliding down the pile, looks rather ill from all that spinning. Wobbling, the bear suddenly opens his mouth--and if you're taking notes, you can catch the slightest glimpse of a Ryouhara clan symbol on his tongue. When did he get--

A second later, the bear breathes a massive curtain of streaming flame across R.B.

COMBATSYS: Seishirou successfully hits Alan with Katon Citadel.

[     \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////        ]
Alan [E]         0/-------/---====|==-----\-------\0        Seishirou

Alan keeps growling after throwing the bear, and then just slams both fists into the ground. Dissonant thunder cracks, and a pillar of lightning jumps into the ground, causing at least mild consternation for a mile around.

Energy crackling around the air, Alan holds that position, glaring at Seishirou as he flicks around. "Who cares about all that," he grunts, legs tensing up. "You're doin' that thing you do, that thing with the big words. Fuckin' big ass words like you turned on some kind of..." He pauses, head lolling and snapping up. "...fuckin' word faucet on full blast and they're just pouring everywhere." The ground craters under him as he /jumps/, directly horizontal. "STOP DOIglmf"

If Alan was aware of the bearfire, he was trying to race it to the ninja, and failed. The flames erupt around him, and his dash is truncated, Alan tearing his pants further as he lands knee-first and slides past Seishirou, smoking and smouldering. Flames cling to his body, refusing to go out - he slaps at one on his chest once, and watches it burn through his shirt and just sit on his skin with a kind of detached curiosity. "Ssssss..." He winces, pain finally reaching his maddened nerves. "Revolution..." he mutters, and squeezes his glowing eyes shut again.

When they re-open, the glow is completely suffused through the whites of his eyes, purple electricity trailing off of him as he goes from the ground to hammering a fist at Sei's gut without any apparent motion frames getting in the way. "FUCK OFF!"

COMBATSYS: Seishirou blocks Alan's Light Punch.

[      \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////////         ]
Alan [E]         0/-------/-======|==-----\-------\0        Seishirou

Impassively, Ryouhara watches Alan burn.

His flames can be powerful when they're channeled properly. Collapsing them into a sealing matrix for later release serves as a noticeable deterrent against attack. Ironically, though even the bear is surprised by this turn of events, Ryouhara is something of a professional at making ursine fire at this point. The jutsu he used was long ago one of his strongest techniques. He later learned how to seal that technique into the P4N-D4 ninkou. Now he is capable of sealing it in anything. This fire would take a long time to go out completely, as the unsealing process continues even as the fire unfolds over the man's body.

"The only way to cure you is to burn out the infection..."

As Alan instantly finds himself fist-first in Ryouhara's middle, he'll find the boy deflecting the blow off of his open-hand, meeting the fist with an uneven hammer blow to his own knuckles to throw the force off, thereby absorbing the energy and the blow alike. His forward hand closes, trying to twist and snatch Alan by the wrist. If he gets him by that, Ryouhara will twist his arm behind him, pull the boxer towards him, and then repeat his hammer blow, this time trying to fold one of Alan's kidneys. Internal bleeding. While he's shocked..

"If I have to remind you who you are a thousand times, I do it gladly!!"

.. The shinobi will kick one of Alan's legs out from underneath him.

COMBATSYS: Alan blocks Seishirou's Random Combo.

[         \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////          ]
Alan [E]         1/------=/=======|===----\-------\0        Seishirou

Alan's punch is caught, and the blonde has the grace to look quizzical as it happens, obviously amazed it didn't land. Since Flipping Out, things have just kind of not been a problem for him. With the blow to the kidney, electricity crackles from his body, and he sucks in a deep breath... letting it out in a wheezing laugh. "Infection, infection, infection, infection," he repeats, faster and faster until he comes in for the kick.

Alan's legs shoot up and stamp down on Seishirou's ankle, and he pivots, ripping his wrist free and grinding that ankle further, dragging Seishirou down to the ground. His right arm goes limp, his left seeking to pin the ninja for now.

With a horrible sound, purple electricity floods his right arm, sizzling. Instead of giving off light, it's like it sucks it right in. "Gift." He pulls his arm up, forcing the chi into his fist. "Gift! You can't burn out what I am, you can't do it! This is the gift she gave me! Gift..." He raises his hand.

"I GOT ONE FOR YOU TOO!" He shrieks. "OVERRRRRRRRRRRRREEAAAAAAAAGHHHHHHH!" He hammers the crackling fist down at Sei's face directly.

A giant sphere of chi expands outward from the impact point whether he's still there or not, scouring the ground of litter and wrecked zoo facilities, hurling them all up into the air. A moment later, a boom of thunder so deep as to be inaudible sends all the wreckage flying away.

COMBATSYS: Alan successfully hits Seishirou with Overcharge.

[             \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////                    ]
Alan [E]         0/-------/-----==|======-\-------\0        Seishirou

Ryouhara's body sizzles lightly.

His face is bleeding. That's pretty much all that can be said about that. He's going to have a black eye in the morning, and it's probably going to be the first he's ever gotten. His 'face' -- that is, the face that Alan hit when he knocked him down -- is gone. Instead, it's replaced with a twin-scarred visage. Scars that didn't come from Alan, and a single eye--the epicenter of Alan's earth-shaking fist--that has a yellow lightning-bolt traced through the center.

He was knocked a little ways to the side in his personal crater, forged by Alan's epic blast, and when he stands, it's shakily, his body still trailing inky purple chi, pouring off of him like electric-charged sand. A crack and a line of discharged chi flashes in his left eye, and the remaining dark brown color falls out of his eye, leaving only a pale gold iris where the concealment ninkou Menrougan fell away.

One eye gold, the other still black, Ryouhara frowns, stepping forward to pull his blade out of the ground where he'd left it to knock Alan to the ground. "Your power's grown.." he comments, looking up. "... but if you're referring to 'her'..."

He flickers quickly, his haori spreading ahead of him as he cradles the pommel of the blade in the opposite hand before trying to strike Alan through with it in an instant advance into a stabbing charge.

"There's no way such a loathsome gift would come from the person you knew!!!"

COMBATSYS: Seishirou successfully hits Alan with Medium Strike.

[                  \\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////                   ]
Alan [E]         0/-------/=======|=======\-------\0        Seishirou

COMBATSYS: Seishirou has left the fight here.

[                  \\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Alan [E]         0/-------/=======|

And that is where Seishirou misses the mark. Excuse me while I get all silly anime artsy in this pose.

The silver chain on Alan's right wrist sits limply against his hand, a far cry from the spiralling luminance it showed during the closing hours of the second Jinchuu incident. If anything, it looks dull, tarnished, spotted with a few flecks of blood from Alan's rampages. As the boxer stands, he casually flicks his arm to the side in the first familiar motion this entire fight - an arc of excess chi flies out, biting into a stone enclosure, causing the otters inside to flip out in whatever manner otters do. Head cocked so that the lightning bolt in his hair obscures his left eye, he stares at Seishirou's new face. He doesn't seem to care, lip twitching like an animal about to snarl.

'the person you knew...'

Alan lets out the full-bodied Orochi scream, taking a step back as he presses his hand to his forehead, chi surging wildly around him, uncontrolled. In his unconcious mind's eye, a smooth female hand pushes against the red rage of the Orochi, the fog starting to spread outward - until seven spiralling snakes twine around it, pulling it back.

The blonde suddenly flashes forward, completely lost in the wrath, saliva spilling from his mouth as he nearly makes it before Seishirou makes his own attack. Alan's charge halts in an instant, and his right arm flashes out.

The point of the Ryouhara's sword cuts into Alan's palm, and with a twist and a step he diverts the blade down the side of his arm, where it opens a gash from wrist to elbow, blood - still crackling with chi for a few moments after leaving Alan's body - splashes on the ground, and the silver chain traps Alan and the sword together. He pulls once, glares down at it uncomprehendingly, and pulls hard.

A few links break away as Alan's hand tears away, leaving the chain dangling there on the blade of Seishirou's sword.

Alan jumps away in another inhuman leap, both feet crashing down into a loose pile of rubble, the boxer briefly vanishing within - until it explodes outward, a pillar of purple energy erupting, Alan's body standing limp, fingertips brushing the ground.

COMBATSYS: Alan gathers his will.

[                    \\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////                   ]
Alan [E]         1/---====/=======|=======\-------\0        Seishirou

The silver blade twists away, as the boxer's flat-handed retort to his grazing stab leaves him only just shy of his mark, causing the shinobi revolutionary to quickly draw back. His blade remains in contact with Alan for only a moment--Ryouhara's speed is such that his body flickers as he skids back, drawing blood--and that curious chain that hands on the end of his blade. For a moment, the shinobi is in full attack repose, the straight edge of his blade suspended above his head with one hand, the dripping, tarnished chain dangling from the weapon, as if piteous.

His hands, still wrapped about the hilt of the blade, are forming a seal.

It seems to be the first of several.

The chain is flicked into the air off the end of his sword, which is jammed into the ground quickly, point-first. Ryouhara catches it between his hands, as his index and middle fingers extend, knitting his hands together around the chain. His gold eye, in an eerie mirror of Alan's own face, is the only one visible. Even if this chain is a danger to him.. he'll keep it safe.

"I'll realize your purity by any means. Because.." Ryouhara narrows his eyes, spreading his hands as he 'traps' the energy-vomiting Alan in a triangular view between his fingers, his eyes narrowed in deep concentration. He'll only get one opportunity to do this. But it'll have to be enough. His hands flip through the release seals. Because...

"I believe," he uses the words for the first time, "some people are worth remaining incorruptible for."

He completes the unsealing.

The trash pile behind him begins to light up like a constellation.

"Never surrender." a voice mutters from behind Alan, a grey-cloaked boy the spitting image of Ryouhara.

The first handseal, used when Seishirou struck Alan with his sword thrust, spawned a duplicate in Alan's shadow. The second set released the jutsu he placed in the debris pile behind him when he landed against it a moment earlier. A massive set of nested semi-circles glows on the pile, rendered in red arcane script, burned into jumbled steel and wood surfaces invisibly until now.

The copy Seishirou spawned behind Alan, and the flickering blade the chakra-spawn uses to cut Alan's energy pillar open is just the distraction.

The massive wave of consecrating fire that boils out from the trash pile... is not.

COMBATSYS: Seishirou successfully hits Alan with Atari.
- Power hit! -

[                            \\  < >  //////////                    ]
Alan [E]         2/<<<<<<</<<<<<<<|====---\-------\0        Seishirou

Alan R. B. is completely lost in rage. No more headaches, no more shaking of his unearthly resolve. Tainted power rolls around his body, giving off shockwaves of chi that whip the animals in the park's zoo into an absolute rampaging panic. They know when things are simply Incorrect. His eyes are completely red from sclera to pupil, and when the duplicate slices down across Alan's back, he erupts into motion. Not even acknowledging the duplicate behind him, as though the Orochi isn't fooled for an instant, he charges Seishirou, the man who dragged him from his own personal hell, snarling. The remnants of his shirt finally drift away.

He reaches the edge of the seal before coming to a dead stop, apparently unable to cross the precise, almost scientific working of chi. Immediately, Alan's gone, and in another side of the seal, halting again. With a furious shriek, he becomes a streak of purple, ricocheting around inside the seal until the flames erupt upward, mingling with the flames still clinging into his body, apparently rendering him into an absolute pyre.

...for about three seconds. A massive purple energy destroys the pile, the burned Alan rising from the ground, all the gathered chi built into both hands, bathing the area in sickly light as though a new, fiendish sun had been born into the sky. With a final, echoing "OHHHHHHHWWWHOOOOOAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!" he slams his fists up, smashing them together, a tremendous wave of lightning hammering off into the sky, blowing into the gathering clouds, swirling them up into a thunderhead because this is how magic science works.

As the rain starts falling, faintly oily to the touch, Alan falls back to the wreckage, body finally spent of chi. While normally it begins crackling again in a manner of seconds, it only returns in fits and starts, the boxer's still-physical body too exhausted to maintain traction. He tries to get up, but can't, but neither does he slip into unconciousness, slipping and twitching pitifully on the ground.

But his eyes are still horribly red. The Orochi taint is stubborn.

COMBATSYS: Alan can no longer fight.

[                    \\\\\\\\\\  <
Seishirou        0/-------/---====|

His sword slowly clicks back into the sheath.

The rain boils above as the catastrophic hammer-borne thunderhead splits the sky with light, rolling thunder smashing across every surface of the park and adding further cause for concern amongst the nearby zoo's menagerie.

Standing some ways away from Alan and the wreckage that used to be a debris pile and the site of Alan's sealing, the shinobi's sleeves drift in the bitter wind that flows along with the slow patter of rain. He looks fatigued, tired in ways that cannot be described away with the concepts of battle injuries and vigorous exertion. Alan came close to ruining him with that technique, if he hadn't used 'that' ... he'd be in peril now. That much was clear.

It was too close.

"Never surrender," he echoes.

In the distance, a clone winks out of existence.

Moving in slow measured stride across the smouldering and oily cataclysm created by the dueling savants, it's well after the young man takes the face of a soaked rat before he reaches the periphery of the sealing where Alan lay. It poses no threat to him now, as its energy was exhausted in that exchange. He is completely soaked by the rain when he finally reaches Alan, his hair clinging to his face in thick jet black soggy waves.

He doesn't seem to mind.

With a single gesture and a whip of soaked silk, black flashes of steam flicker from underneath his haori. Kagensana - Naraku. The black fire crows are too stable to be extinguished, and the cloud of them overhead will signal to his assistants nearby that the battle is concluded.

"I understand.."

Ryouhara kneels by Alan, feeling the boxer's forehead absently, as if to calm him. It is an action nothing short of completely uncharacteristic of the shinobi revolutionary. There is no idealism, no plotting or hidden meaning to his movements now. He seems almost... almost kind. It is as honest as he will ever be--to someone he is almost sure will not remember what he says.

"With that much hatred.. it can be tempting to destroy everything. It would be easier, I think.."

He shakes his head, abandoning the train of thought.

"But ... our spirits aren't ours. They belong to those most important to us."

He rolls up one wet silk sleeve, revealing a string of beads wrapped around his wrist. "Normally in this state, my ninkou Kaitaijuzu may be enough to kill you. I will temper its power so it will instead weaken you. Attempting to move while being transported will be pointless. When you are within my shrines, I will use all of my jutsu to determine how best to purify you, while keeping you from harming any more innocents."

For a second, it seemed as if Ryouhara gives a tilted smile.

It could not have been. Ryouhara never smiles that genuinely.

"This will be my gift to an ideal I respect."

"A gift to 'Alan and Tricia.'"

COMBATSYS: Seishirou has ended the fight here.

Log created on 23:31:16 04/13/2011 by Seishirou, and last modified on 23:07:22 04/21/2011.