Marz - Fridge Logic

Description: Marz has been asked to test Quon's might. She does so. The ensuing battle is traumatic to both, but for very different reasons. When the dust settles, only one person can be victorious. Except, perhaps, when NOBODY wins!? What WILL Sagat make of this destruction?

[OOC] Marz says, "I am very compact."

[OOC] Marz says, "Also I will probably just dispose of the majority of the insides whilst you are out."

[OOC] Marz says, "Because I am a bitch."

[OOC] Quon says, "Works... If Naerose or Varvara are anywhere near my apartment, they'll be happy tonight."

[OOC] Marz hah

[OOC] Marz says, "Well, would you mind opening up walking into yer kitchen? I've set up the log, and it would make it easier to get to the ACTION! so to speak."

[OOC] Quon says, "Posing"

[OOC] Marz says, "Danke"

[OOC] Quon says, "Bitte."

[OOC] Cammy settles back with popcorn to watch Quon get psiballed

[OOC] Cammy likes how Dolls tend to hide in boxes. :p

[OOC] Cammy says, "The next time, I'm posing shrinkwrap"

The door to Quon's apartment opens and in enters Quon all sweaty from the intense work out regime he put himself through at the gym. Sure he would love to take a shower but there are some matters he needs to attend to.

First there's going to the shelf to grab one of his protein bars. Unwrapping it and chewing as he goes to the cabinet to grab a glass for his second objective. Glass of water. He makes short work of the bar and then tosses the wrapper in the trash and moves to the refridgerator for a filtered pitcher of water, however, what he finds is...

Kurenai has arrived.

Zaki has arrived.

[OOC] Cammy passes out popcorn

[OOC] Kurenai says, "Zaki-brand popcorn. It Packs A Punch."

[OOC] Zaki smacks the popcorn in Cammy's face!

[OOC] Cammy sad. :(

[OOC] Zaki, nice person - or nicest person?

[OOC] Cammy is clearly nicer than Zaki.

[OOC] Cammy says, "To Lord Vega's chagrin."

A fist, heading straight for his face.

Quite HOW Marz managed to get herself into the fridge is a story in and of itself. She's removed the shelves, the food, thrown it out or discarded it. And no sooner does the door /start/ to open, than Marz is coming up and out of it like some kind of sudden, horrifying explosion of purple-haired psychopath.

As mentioned, it is her fist which leads the way. What might be slightly disturbing, aside from the fact that Marz is very, very cold and has clearly been in there a long time, is the fact that she is silent in this motion. Her eyes utterly dead and devoid of emotion as she aims to smash Quon right in the face. She's wearing her Shadaloo uniform, including hat and tie, but no laptop bag this time... and the only noise is the crashing of the door as she forces it open, and whatever noise issues from /Quon's/ no doubt surprised lips...

COMBATSYS: Marz has started a fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Marz             0/-------/-------|

COMBATSYS: Quon has joined the fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Marz             0/-------/-------|=------\-------\0             Quon

COMBATSYS: Quon just-defends Marz's Calculated Strike!

[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Marz             0/-------/-------|=------\-------\0             Quon

[OOC] Cammy says, "poor Marzy."

[OOC] Zaki says, "Quon: JDs every round. Marz: Parries every round."


[OOC] Quon says, "Quon JDs or Parries."

"The fuu..."

Quon bites off the rest of the swear word as his body goes into instinctive motion stepping back as he brings his hand up in front of his face and catches punch in the palm of his hand. He doesn't bother to hide the massive amount of surprise he's feeling right now as he looks at the would be assailant. He has a whole bunch of questions running through his mind but the sudden adrenaline surge within him doesn't let him voice it.

He takes that hand that he snatched and then pulls the purple haired doll towards him before grabbing ahold of her uniform and attempting to lift her before throwing her right back at the refridgerator. That would be about the point when he realizes that Marz was wearing a Shadaloo uniform.

COMBATSYS: Marz blocks Quon's Fool Goes Flying.

[    \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////////// ]
Marz             0/-------/------=|==-----\-------\0             Quon

Marz is grabbed, and lifted. The girl weighs practically nothing, and she hits the appliance pretty hard. There's a cracking noise. She isn't quite certain whether that was her, or the plastic shell covering the fridge. No time to think about that right now. She hadn't expected him to be so quick off the mark. Irritating.

The girl dives to the side, rolls, and comes up with a little bit more distance between herself and the target. Her eyes narrow, and her arms fall to her sides. Looking, for all the world, utterly relaxed despite the fact she's just been quite handily turned aside.

"Quicker than expected. Most would not be expecting attack from such an avenue. That is laudable."

COMBATSYS: Marz calculates her next move.

[    \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////////// ]
Marz             0/-------/------=|==-----\-------\0             Quon

Sagat has arrived.

[OOC] Cammy huffs at the Evil Mastermind who has set assassins on poor Quon.

With no attack forthcoming, it gives him a moment to settle into his stance lightly bouncing as he gets ready to continue the attack. It also gives him a chance to ask one of those questions rolling around in his head. "Why are you here?" Inside of his mind are various reasons such as because of that whole Cammy thing among many others but he knows he shouldn't assume and knows he shouldn't wait for an answer before he makes his own attacks.

He hops in snapping off a pair of jabs before dancing to the side away from the fridge door hoping to at least limit the space she has to work with. He's not smiling and in fact is taking this fight very seriously. No showboating will be found either. He doesn't have an audience.

COMBATSYS: Quon successfully hits Marz with Quick Punch.
- Power hit! -

[       \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////////// ]
Marz             0/-------/----===|==-----\-------\0             Quon

Vega has arrived.

[OOC] Cammy salutes

[OOC] Zaki says, "Fuck 'er up, Quon. e_e"

[OOC] Cammy isnt quite sure who to root for

[OOC] Zaki just eyes Vega and twirls a chain.

[OOC] Sagat standing behind Zaki.

[OOC] Cammy huffs at Zaki, gives the finger

[OOC] Cammy says, "Don't make me glass you."

[OOC] Vega says, "How can you use your chain...when you don't have any hands??"

[OOC] Zaki says, "Pfft. Don't make me not go easy on you this time!"

[OOC] Sagat climbs up onto her shoulders.


[OOC] Kurenai is rooting for Marz. :3

Marz is not usually one to concern herself overmuch with talking in a fight. It distracts from the /fighting/ portion of the fight. Quon has reacted far swifter to her assault than she was expecting, and she has lost the element of surprise. Now she would need to work hard to make up for that.

And then she is punched in the face.

Marz's head whips back, and there's a trickle of blood from her nose. The girl's features, though, do not change at all. In fact, did she even blink? It seems doubtful. She is utterly focused. This is no time to let a little thing like pain get in the way of her mission. She had made a FRIEND in Sagat, and crippling this /fool/ is the only way to capitalize on that.

Also, Cammy would probably stop caring about him if he is in a wheelchair.

So there is no response to his question. Instead, Marz takes the hit to the face, whips her head back, and forwards. Her forehead aiming to impact Quon's nose. If that works, her booted foot will follow up, crashing into his chest, and using it as a springboard to go for the ceiling, swing from the light fixture, and wind up in the sink.

Breaking a large amount of Quon's dishes in the process. Because she's evil.

[OOC] Marz will fucking anything. e_e

[OOC] Cammy says, "Marz has been infected by American spelling!"

[OOC] Marz says, "It's the spellcheck, Cammy."

[OOC] Marz says, "It does words so I don't have to."

[OOC] Zaki says, "What, capitalize?"

[OOC] Cammy nods

[OOC] Zaki kinda uses those interchangeably anyway. It's not WRONG.

[OOC] Zaki says, "Not like color and armor."

[OOC] Marz says, "No, but your FACE is, Zaki. :|"

COMBATSYS: Marz successfully hits Quon with Combo Attack.

[       \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////////////     ]
Marz             0/-------/----===|====---\-------\0             Quon

[OOC] Marz yeah I went there.

[OOC] Zaki says, "Shut up, Camel-Toe Jr.!"

[OOC] Kurenai is reminded of a screenshot of an iPhone where autocorrect went horribly wrong.

[OOC] Zaki says, "My face is beautiful. e_e"

[OOC] Kurenai says, "your face is beautiful for a black man"

[OOC] Marz says, "Have I mentioned I love that Marz has the 'dark' attribute, but Angelo, my crazed assassin murderer ... doesn't. :P"

[OOC] Sagat says, "He obviously needs to be more crazy."

[OOC] Vega says, "Angelo also doesn't have a little piece of me in him."

[OOC] Marz says, "I will have him start gutting puppies immediately."

[OOC] Cammy does not think I am dark

[OOC] Vega is the source of all Dark attributes in the game.

[OOC] Zaki says, "Oh, Vega."

[OOC] Zaki says, "I'm sure you piece is just a little below average, don't feel bad."

[OOC] Vega is okay with that.

[OOC] Cammy says, "...camel toe jr?"

[OOC] Cammy huffs at this slight to our uniforms.

[OOC] Cammy says, "Vega's taste is impeccable."

[OOC] Marz says, "She's just jealous she doesn't have one. Yet."

[OOC] Vega says, "Wait, so she's got a--"

[OOC] Zaki scratches her groin. e_e

[OOC] Kurenai says, "disssssssgusting."

Quon finds himself stumbling backwards from the headbutt to the nose. He doesn't even have time to react before he finds himself booted to the chest and finds himself skidding backwards on his butt before bringing himself back to his feet.

He brings a finger to his nose and then when he pulls it away looking down to see that there's blood on it. Checks it to see if it's broken and then charges at the doll grabbing her ankles to violently yank her down to the floor hoping that the back of her head connects with the sink before she hits the ground.

"You, bitch."

COMBATSYS: Marz dodges Quon's Strong Throw.

[       \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////    ]
Marz             0/-------/----===|====---\-------\0             Quon

Marz nimbly jumps over Quon's lunge, completing a graceful arc before she comes down behind him. The girl seems entirely unfazed by the insult. She's been called worse by more dangerous men. Heck. She's probably one of the few people who has actually inspired the legendary Chi Sage Frei to lose his cool and try to kill her. Nasty names are not a concern.

She is, however, a bitch. And when she lands, she doesn't stay still for very long. Instead, she aims to smash her fist into the back of Quon's head before he can recover from trying to grab her, snare her fingers into his hair, and then rebound his face off the sink before arcing backwards and tossing him the length of the kitchen, up and over.

[OOC] Marz never gets to use that move! :D

[OOC] Marz says, "And sometimes Analysis is a curse."

COMBATSYS: Quon interrupts Momentum Punisher from Marz with Crossing the Bridge.

[               \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////////         ]
Marz             0/-------/-======|======-\-------\0             Quon

Quon's head gets smashed by the fist but he whirls around before she can get a good grip on his hair and just before she can draw that hand back, he flips forwards driving a heel burning with golden flame into the top of skull with a growl. "I continued to maintain contact as /your/ Lord Vega wanted me to. WHAT IS YOUR PROBLEM!?!?!?"

He falls back into his stance again, his opening and closing. His breathing heavy though not because of fatigue but rather anger. He's confronted with someone who wants to end his potential acting career before it starts and undo all of the work he's put into his dreams and that thought has filled him with rage.

Hm. That hurt.

It takes a moment for Marz to recover from the vicious blow. When she does, it is to pick herself up off the ground, and crack her neck. This guy seems to specialize in quick bursts of quite surprising speed. She hadn't seen it coming, even though his other movements have been ... sluggish.

"I am not here on behalf of Lord Vega."

And that should throw him off guard, she would hope.

Regardless of whether or not this revelation surprises him, Marz comes in again. At the last possible second, she closes her eyes, and she seems to just... blur.

And then she is coming down from above, this! This should... do it!

[OOC] Marz says, "More to come regardless"

COMBATSYS: Quon dodges Marz's Strong Kick.

[               \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////////         ]
Marz             0/-------/-======|======-\-------\0             Quon

[OOC] Zaki says, "Go Quon, go Quon, it's your birthday, it's your birthday."

And like a spear, Marz aims to bring her feet down straight /through/ Quon. This, however, is not to be.

[OOC] Cammy roots for Marz, as she seems to be the underdog

Blink and you'll miss her. Hell even if he tried to watch her the entire time, he would've missed it. So he doesn't. He tries to feel her movements instead. Letting those instincts take over again, he suddenly darts to the side letting that foot pass by him as he suddenly takes to the air.

With a sudden spin in the air he then darts right back with a foot extended to attempt to do exactly what Marz had tried to do to him.

Unfortunately with the current speed that he's going right now, he doesn't really have the time to process the revelation of her not being here on the behalf of Lord Vega.

COMBATSYS: Marz parries Quon's Eagle Catches Mouse!

[               \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////          ]
Marz             0/-------/=======|======-\-------\0             Quon

Marz moves with the blow. Her hands press into Quon's leg, but the girl jumps at the same time. Swept up by the motion, she goes up with it, and winds up gracefully controlling her flight, to wind up perched on top of the badly damaged fridge.

From this position, she leaps. Diving back down, diagonally, about halfway through the flight she focuses, and a small burst of psycho power shoots from her hand. The size of a tennis ball, this doesn't look to be very well aimed; it is soaring well over Quon's head.

Except that it bounces off the window, aiming to smack into the back of Quon's head just after Marz lands.

COMBATSYS: Marz successfully hits Quon with Psiball EX.
Glancing Blow

[               \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////            ]
Marz             1/-------/=======|=======\-------\0             Quon

[OOC] Zaki returns and eyes Marz, "I SAW that."

[OOC] Marz says, "Saw what?"

[OOC] Marz says, "My Akuma-fireball?"

[OOC] Zaki says, "I saw you parrying!"

[OOC] Marz says, "Oh pssht."

[OOC] Zaki points!

[OOC] Marz says, "You are seeing things old woman."

[OOC] Marz says, "Maybe you should cut down on the gin."

[OOC] Quon says, "Now all I need is a parry of my own and I'm set :P"

[OOC] Cammy prefers rum. Sweeeeet.

The kick doesn't quite connect as she uses it to propel herself up to the top of the fridge while launching a psionic bolt of energy at him. Or rather, above him. He doesn't quite move right away however just as the ball hits the window, Quon's instincts yell, 'JUMP!' He listens to them however he doesn't quite move as fast as would be ideal for it, back flipping up and over it however the energy grazes his back before he lands in a crouch on the ground.

He practically darts towards the fridge before he grabs a hold of it and shakes it hoping to upset her balance and make her fall down to the ground.

COMBATSYS: Marz dodges Quon's Medium Throw.

[               \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////           ]
Marz             1/-------/=======|=======\-------\0             Quon

Landing behind Quon once again, Marz briefly considers trying the exact same thing she did when he was positioned thusly at the sink. This, however, seems like a bad idea. She is nothing if not adaptable, and she has learned from her mistake! Like some kind of, sentient being who recognized patterns in results when doing things! He is starting to have trouble dealing with her when she keeps her distance. She will work on this.

Trusty Psiball has never let her down, and it is a second one of these which greets Quon. This time, however, it is thrown out as Marz seeks distance by simply peddling backwards. She goes simply for the center mass. Hopefully, the small burst will hit more fully than the last one did.

COMBATSYS: Quon dodges Marz's Psiball.

[                \\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////           ]
Marz             1/-------/=======|=======\-------\0             Quon

[OOC] Vega says, "If you're done dancing, ladies, we came to watch a fight!"

[OOC] Marz says, "As you command, Lord Vega"

While Quon is a more of an instinctive fighter he has shown a capability of adapting to a given situation. Seeing that another psionic energy blast is on it's way and is also a more straight forward one as well he dashes right for it. And just as it looks as though it's about to connect, he drops to his knees and leans back sliding under that psionic energy as he closes the remaining distance between them and then he spins to his feet as he delivers a snap kick right across the jaw.

After the kick is delivered he slips to her side attempting to herd her to the wall. He's going to continue harrying her every chance he gets.

COMBATSYS: Marz blocks Quon's Light Kick.

[                 \\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////           ]
Marz             1/------=/=======|=======\-------\1             Quon

Marz snares the foot as it comes in for her, and she shoves it roughly up and away. She is frustrated now. Fairly confident that she knows the limits of her own body well enough to know that she is unlikely to come ahead. There was a good chance that surprise could have bought her this fight, but that had been skuppered from the very beginning. Now, she is angry.

Her leg comes around in a sudden motion. Before he has time to react, really, she is aiming to drive her heel directly into his groin, with him in that extended position. If she can manage this, she will use that as a springboard to go for the window. Whilst she is happy to wind up standing in front of it, how he reacts to the sudden blow to his privates is likely to determine whether she decides to make good on her escape now, or finish the job following a desperate gambit.

COMBATSYS: Quon blocks Marz's Combo Attack.

[                 \\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////            ]
Marz             1/-------/=======|=======\=------\1             Quon

Quon's leg is shoved away fiercely and he suddenly hops bringing his shin into the path of the kick as he brings his own kicking leg down to the ground. He takes a step back and then what he does next should look familiar though it doesn't start out that way. He punches upward attempting to send her into the air. He then follows that initial punch with the familiar part. He flips forward with a his foot engulfed in golden flames as he drives it down, this time it's to her back so that he can smash her face first to the ground then he flips forward again, stomping her back with a pair of gold flame engulfed feet, before he turns to the side and does a flip with a twist to bring himself away.

[OOC] Quon says, "Probably should've split that up... Oh well."

COMBATSYS: Marz dodges Quon's Dropping the Bridge.

[                 \\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////             ]
Marz             1/-------/=======|=------\-------\0             Quon

[OOC] Cammy thinks Quon must be a civil engineer with all these 'bridge' moves

[OOC] Quon says, "Crossing the Bridge was Antoine's idea. Dropping the Bridge was a Move Quon created based off of a TV trope."

Marz narrows her eyes. Hn. Quon is pressing the attack, and that is actually going to make it difficult to go via the window, which had been her initial goal. He punches up, and she has to leap and roll across the counter (sending more food and assorted kitchen goods flying everywhere), in order to get out of the way in time. What does she do now? If she tries to leave via the front door, then she will be setting herself up for a chase. Very frustrating.

"I have seen enough." She states, as she hops down from the counter, to face Quon directly.

"You will allow me to leave now. Or I will use what I have seen to render you incapable of threatening me."

She's... bluffing, but her tone and expression are as neutral as ever. And she has made her threat, now. If he presses the attack, she will be obliged to follow through with it. Every instinct she has is focused entirely on Quon, and how he chooses to react now.

COMBATSYS: Marz calculates her next move.

[                 \\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////             ]
Marz             1/-------/=======|=------\-------\0             Quon

Quon decides to be helpful. He keeps his eye on the purple haired doll as he leaves the kitchen, moves to the door and opens it with a growl before stepping back.

He then steps in front of the exit. "Will let you out but in exchange, I want to know why are you here. Answer those questions and you're free to go."

Finds himself gritting his teeth and balling his fists tightly. Everything inside him is telling to kick the ever loving crap out of Marz but he knows he doesn't any more attention from Shadaloo than he already has right now and sending Marz back broken is not going to help his situation, yet.

COMBATSYS: Quon takes no action.

[                 \\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////             ]
Marz             1/-------/=======|=------\-------\0             Quon

[OOC] Quon says, "Grrr... *'I will let you out'/ 'Answer that question'"

Marz weighs up her options. Yes, she could explain her motives in coming here. But. To do so would tip Sagat's hand. All things considered, a risky extraction and probably loss is worth less than simply coming clean and answering questions. And isn't that always the way?

So, Marz replies in the simplest way she can think of. She aims to punch Quon square in the jaw, and follow through with enough momentum to send him to the ground. If she can do this, standing over him, she will utter.

"That was not a request. It was a statement. You will allow me to leave, or I will render you incapable of preventing me from doing so. Or fighting, ever again." And after a heartbeat, because she feels this is a point worth ensuring is crystal clear, just in case Sagat happens to be somehow listening. "... But I will not kill you."

[OOC] Marz, kind of a bitch.

[OOC] Cammy says, "'kind of'?"

[OOC] Marz, a bitch.

[OOC] Cammy says, "It's only a shame there aren't puppies around for Marz to take hostage. :p"

[OOC] Marz says, "I would so take a puppy hostage."

[OOC] Marz says, "And then I would kill it when it is of no further use; because who wants to carry a puppy around?"

[OOC] Cammy is more of a cat person, can see your point of view

[OOC] Marz says, "Unless throwing it at someone would make a better distraction."

[OOC] Quon says, "Let's do something stupid!"

[OOC] Marz says, "Yes, accept it!"

COMBATSYS: Quon fails to interrupt Strong Punch from Marz with Wild Dragon.

[                \\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////                       ]
Marz             1/------=/=======|===----\-------\0             Quon

[OOC] Zaki squints.

[OOC] Zaki says, "So you must basically have 0 reserve."

[OOC] Marz says, "My Analytical eyes say this is so."

[OOC] Quon says, "4 to be exact."

Rust has arrived.

Given Marz's shown evasiveness, he knows that he has to take a major risk in order to catch before she can leave. She's just too fast otherwise. Unfortunately for the Chongquan practitioner, that risk didn't pay off and he's caught dead in the jaw as he turns to pivot to place himself in position to deliver the many many kicks he planned on bombarding the doll with.

He ends up getting laid out on the ground leaving the exit perfectly wide open for her. Gritting his teeth even more, he just stares at the ceiling. Not like he can do anything else to prevent her escape.

Marz sees what Quon does. It, surprises her. Then again, very little this guy has done has failed to surprise her so far. When he winds up laying down on the floor, though, she, really has no choice. She did say, after all, that she would render him incapable of fighting her.

The girl holds up her hand, and turns it sideways. Purple energy bursts into being around it, razor sharp and quite deadly. She only has one more word before she aims to drive it into his stomach.


[OOC] Cammy says, "Evil Marz."

COMBATSYS: Quon blocks Marz's Psi-Ripper.

[                 \\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////                         ]
Marz             0/-------/=======|====---\-------\0             Quon

Quon brings up his arms in a cross to take on the impact of the psionic on his forearms growling from the agony he's feeling from this entire fight. Since Marz isn't making a motion to leave and made clear that she was going to disable him, he has no other choice but to continue the fight. He lashes his foot upwards attempting to kick her in the side of the head as he roars, "BITE ME, WHORE!"

He has almost hit the point where he's about to let out a bunch of swears. Actually he has passed the usual point, it's just things have been happening too quickly that he hasn't had a chance to.

[OOC] Cammy's sister is not a whore. >:|

[OOC] Quon says, "She came into my house and beat me up and gone out of her way to either injure me or break my stuff. I think that gives me some leeway here."

[OOC] Marz says, "He's got you there."

[OOC] Cammy thinks Quon needs to be more fatalistic, when Shadaloo does stuff he just needs to lie on the ground with his hands over his head like Hakan and let it pass.

COMBATSYS: Marz interrupts Heavy Kick from Quon with Psi-Ripper.

[                     \\\\\\\\\  < >                                ]
Marz             1/-------/=======|=======\-------\1             Quon

[OOC] Cammy says, "Then his life would be much less complicated."

Marz narrows her eyes when Quon actually manages to bring his arms up to defend himself. Tch. Nobody will just sit there and take it like they should, these days.

The kick collides with her head, but the energy around her hand has not dissipated. She jams this powerfully into the side of his thigh as she is scooped down, and the blade slashes right the way up and across his chest. When it finally passes all the way through, she spits to the side.

"You should have beaten me." She says, with genuine venom in her tone... which is probably surprising. "Your emotions make you weak. You are NOT a threat to me."

[OOC] Quon says, "Haha... I can only do my Super."

[OOC] Marz XD

[OOC] Marz says, "That's pretty great."

Marz has reconnected.

[OOC] Marz guhs. "Stupid connection."

[OOC] Marz says, "Did I miss a pose?"

[OOC] Cammy says, "Nope!"

Zaki has reconnected.

Zaki has dropped a connection.

[OOC] Zaki says, "Quon, as I was saying before my connection RUDELY INTERRUPTED, you are my new hero."

[OOC] Marz says, "Zaki has caught my connection."

[OOC] Marz says, "I am not your hero, Zaki?"

[OOC] Marz says, "I am shocked."

[OOC] Zaki hands Quon her chain. "Punch her out, cowboy." e_e

[OOC] Quon says, "No seriously I don't have enough max for one super, nor my MAX and not enough reserve for my specials. I only have one super available to me haha."

[OOC] Rust says, "do it."

[OOC] Zaki believes in you.

[OOC] Rust says, "We want to see Quon succeed."

[OOC] Marz says, "Oh /thanks/"

[OOC] Marz says, "I'm just feeling the love here"

[OOC] Marz glares at all of you. >:(

[OOC] Quon says, "Hey the beginning you had Cammy and Vega cheering you on."

[OOC] Zaki says, "And Kurenai."

[OOC] Zaki says, "You do have the ratio advantage in this room. e_e"

[OOC] Zaki eyes Sagat, "Even without the Incredible Walking Penis, here."

[OOC] Marz says, "I don't think Sagat was rooting for me. :<"

Quon screams loudly as the energy blade gets jammed into his leg, the agony, and as a result the pained screaming only gets worse. He's left a bloody mess due to the attentions of the doll. He should be down and out but those emotions that Marz had said made him weak are the only reason he's struggling to bring himself back to his feet. He limps towards her and growls.

"How about you shut up and kiss my god damn ass, you dirty little piece of shit." Yes. There's the indicator that Quon has officially, and undeniably flipped his lid.

He starts out with a wild almost lethargic punch that he knows won't lift her like the first one would have if he had landed it, then he flips forward once again driving that golden flamed foot down upon her head if he can manage it and then one more flip as he attempts to perform a golden flame double axe handle since he knows he's not going to get enough hang time to perform the stomp nor the flip off of her.

After all of that, his body collapses.

COMBATSYS: Quon can no longer fight.

[                     \\\\\\\\\  <
Marz             1/-------/=======|

[OOC] Sagat was not rooting for either.

[OOC] Marz says, "... those odds are entirely too bad."

COMBATSYS: Quon successfully hits Marz with Dropping the Bridge.

[                                <
Marz             1/--=====/=======|

-----------------------------<Paste from Quon>-----------------------------

COMBATSYS: Quon can no longer fight.

[                                <
Marz             1/--=====/=======|

-------------------------<Paste to West Outskirts>-------------------------

[OOC] Vega says, "Marz."

[OOC] Marz says, "Yup, I had a 67 per cent dodge chance on that, compared to the 60 I made earlier when you weren't half dead and unconscious."

[OOC] Vega says, "I am disappoint."

[OOC] Marz says, "I have no idea how that works. e_e"

[OOC] Cammy says, "poor Marzy"

[OOC] Cammy also gasps at Quon, such a potty mouth.

[OOC] Cammy huffs at all this insults to my family

[OOC] Quon says, "Once again... "She came into my house and beat me up and gone out of her way to either injure me or break my stuff. I think that gives me some leeway here.""

Marz has dropped a connection.

Marz sees it coming. Maybe it is arrogance that means she takes the blow to the face, and is, essentially, so /surprised/ that she can't get out of the way of the rest of the assault.

When, at last, the attacks are done, she is gratified at least to see that he goes down. The trouble is, her own body is essentially running on empty at this point, too. Consciousness is a fading privilege. She won't be able to finish her secondary objective of snapping his spine.

So instead, she hurls herself out of the window in a shower of broken glass. Down below, a van that had been waiting this (although she had made it sound like she would be more conscious) snaps into action, and men in Shadaloo uniforms drag her unconscious form into the back of it.


COMBATSYS: Marz takes no action.

COMBATSYS: Marz can no longer fight.

[OOC] Quon says, "Also I had put int on the first one and atk on the second. Which could account for a difference. If I had put +int on both, you probably would've been looking somewhere around a 77 percent chance."

[OOC] Marz says, "I may have had projectile + evd+ bonus too"

[OOC] Marz says, "I forget the point you let rip with that :p"

[OOC] Marz says, "Also fun fact I forgot about"

[OOC] Quon says, "after I blocked the combo attack. So no projectile bonus."

[OOC] Marz says, "After Sagat's horrendous beating of her, for a while, Marz referred to people as percentages of Sagat."

[OOC] Cammy laughs.

[OOC] Marz says, "Does she now do this when reporting to Sagat? :|a"

[OOC] Cammy did have the Ryo Scale for a while

[OOC] Sagat may or may not be amused.

[OOC] Quon says, "And Quon will be taking pictures of this damage."

[OOC] Marz says, "I did find it funny my elaborate scheme to catch Quon by surprise"

[OOC] Marz says, "Was rewarded with a JD :P"

Log created on 12:28:03 04/08/2011 by Marz, and last modified on 16:20:52 04/08/2011.