Geese - View from the Bottom

Description: Scouting fighters for Vega, the Killer Bee comes across Geese Howard, of all people, mopping up scum in the pits of the Capital 7. But what does Howard's survival, and apparent heavy training, mean for the future?

Throughout the fighting world, there are venues overflowing with glory, with remarkable and renowned reputation. This... is not one of those venues. No, the sublevels of the Capital 7 are really just a more elaborate and dramatized version of the classic alley brawl. Anything goes here, at various times. Seldom do the eyes of local law enforcement pierce the veil erected by bribery and secrecy. Presently, a trio of formerly ascendant gangbangers in the seedy underbelly of Metro face off against a man in simple white kimono and black split umanori hakama, his blonde hair dyed black, his ice-blue eyes deadly intent. Two of them lie at various points on the circle of concrete, one with his arm broken back the wrong way, another with a leg that will no longer support his weight, both groaning in not-quite-consciousness as the last attacks desperately, meeting a palmstrike to his jaw and suddenly finding himself flipped heels over head to crack to the ground with a cold, hard packing sound.

A smoothing swipe of hand draws faded streaks of blood on white cloth. The black belt with white kanji is tightened about the powerfully-framed martial artist's waist as his opponents are retrieved from the savage ring by lifts, Geese offering a hmph of disdain. "Scum." He decides quietly, to himself, before gesturing to the cameras above, "More. Something better." the exiled Howard insists in even, dark tones, folding his arms over his chest, black, gold-trimmed bracers obscuring the lighter cloth behind them.

Cammy is merely watching, in the crowd clad in her red cloak. She wasn't really expecting a superlative display of the martial arts in truth in a place like this, and so is more than a little surprised to find that it is precisely that which is on display this evening - and the combatant seems somehow familiar to her. Back at the base, flicking through the databanks, she dimly remembers a face like that... in any case, she's sure Lord Vega will want to know about this one.

However, she doesn't fancy being broken in two just like that, so she quietly sheds her cloak and steps over to where the spare cannon fodder is lined up, near the ring, as another set of mooks is being selected by short straw to step into the ring and get pasted. "I will volunteer... with someone else. That one." she tells the ringmaster, pointing at one of the bigger guys who looks like he might be able to take a hit. If nothing else, he might give Geese pause while he gets gobbled down?

The ringmaster is happy to have a volunteer, and not uncoincidentally Cammy happened to pick one of the more stupid of the mooks, the one who doesn't quite understand the Awful Fate that is likely to be meted out in the next few minutes to him.

Interested to know about this one, indeed. Perhaps not the only interesting facet to the coming bout - or at least, one can hope. Geese uses the time to simply recenter himself, catching his breath, focusing that alarming core of controlled, roiling chi within. That, and scoffing silently, of course, his features locked in a deep, if thoughtful frown. For a dead man, the exiled King of Southtown is in rather good shape, the scars of his fall healed or hidden with the myriad of others beneath his loose martial arts garb, his fighting form honed to a razor's edge.. much as it had been before the war in Southtown, if not to an even greater degree.

Icy, even gaze tracks Cammy and her compatriot's descent into the ring, a hand reaching deftly inside his kimono for a moment, drawing a small, disclike stone from within, looking not unlike an oversized coin of jade, designs worn and weathered in intricate inlay around a central pip of color, a gem of uncertain origin. The object is held up a moment, almost nonchalantly, as if Howard were studying the Zero Doll, and then her makeshift comrade. Apparently, there is nothing that he sees that satisfies him, judging from the flash of dissatisfaction as the object is tucked back away. "Marvellous." The Syndicate overlord intones, half to himself. "I suppose I should have been more specific." Apparently, the renewed array of 'challenges' doesn't please him, particularly, either. "Do try to at least make this worth my time."

COMBATSYS: Geese has started a fight here on the right meter side.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Geese            0/-------/-------|

COMBATSYS: Cammy has joined the fight here on the left meter side.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Cammy            0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0            Geese

COMBATSYS: Dim has joined the fight here on the left meter side.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Dim              0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0            Geese
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Cammy            0/-------/-------|

Cammy for her part has no magic stones or anything of the sort, but after meeting Naerose she does have something of a belief in magic - even if she knows nothing at all about it. So it is with great interest that she observes the gem as it's brought out, and apparently used to study her - and apparently she is judged wanting. One blonde eyebrow raises, and she lifts up her arms in a mostly defensive stance. And looks carefully for openings or weaknesses, not that Geese has done anything just yet. "I am not what you would have specified?" she asks, literal to the last.

As for Dim, he's doing a bit of warming up himself, getting out his chain, swinging it around, going "Hooo yeah!!!" at the audience, slapping his hairy bare beergut with one fist. He's not paying too much attention to Geese, perhaps on the principle that what you don't know can't hurt you.

COMBATSYS: Cammy calculates her next move.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Dim              0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0            Geese
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Cammy            0/-------/-------|

COMBATSYS: Dim takes no action.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Dim              0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0            Geese
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Cammy            0/-------/-------|

Magic. It's a dual-edged term, for what it implies, and what it evokes in most. Something nearly lost to the world at large... and often false where it is not completely absent. Geese Howard is a man steeped in actual mystical truths, however... some say it's how he has survived this long, even evaded death itself on more than one occasion. His purpose in the analysis, however? The exiled King of Southtown does not seem inclined to elaborate on it, at least not immediately. Instead, cold gaze shifts from the large enforcer to the small Doll, apparently judging Cammy the more notable threat. "Something that would have gotten me warriors, rather than an amateur and this.. empty weapon, my dear. I would tell you to be sure to tell your master about this, but I have no doubt at all about that."

The smile that punctuates the words is not exactly comforting, or even good natured in the least. Of the pair that prepares, Howard's attention remains on the honed Doll who prepares, well.. sizably better than her cohort. Arms unfold from over Geese's chest, "Come on, my time is valuable!" he barks, swinging his right side around towards Cammy. The accompanying arm sweeps upwards from his side, fingers clawing for the sky. Ragged edges of bluish energy is ripped from the air itself, trailing off his fingertips, surging in a flaring glow from his palm, even as it roils and gathers at his feet. The wave surges outwards, waist-high and rolling over itself in a breakneck path across the concrete, its passage screaming through the air in a tumult of punishing, uncanny energy. "REPPUKEN!!"

COMBATSYS: Cammy blocks Geese's Reppuken.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////////// ]
Dim              0/-------/-------|======-\-------\0            Geese
[  \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Cammy            0/-------/-------|

"Empty weapon? I think that is a compliment." the doll replies to Geese, with a thin smile. Indeed, she better be a bit more of an empty weapon really or she'll be getting into trouble, something that she's vaguely becoming aware of as tongues wag and Balrog sharpens his claw in the base. "What is your name?" she asks, curiousity building.

She has to use every ounce of her considerable speed to bring up her hands to block the incoming energy blast - but she just about manages it, rocking backwards slightly, not even daring to leap out of the way. But she does manage it, just about, and then leaps at Geese, to land in front of him and jab at him with one fist. Yah!

Meanwhile Dim has at least realised that the fight is on, and plans on beginning it in his favourite manner - walking up to Geese, and without any preamble, acrobatics or finesse, moving to give him a dandruff salad.

COMBATSYS: Dim successfully hits Geese with Headbutt.
- Power hit! -

[  \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////////////     ]
Dim              0/-------/-------|=======\-------\0            Geese
[   \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Cammy            0/-------/-------|

COMBATSYS: Geese fails to counter Axle Spin Knuckle from Cammy with Chuudan Atemi Nage.

[  \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////          ]
Dim              0/-------/-------|=======\-------\1            Geese
[   \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Cammy            0/-------/------=|

"Incorrect." Geese intones simply, though further repartee is rather cut short by the dual-pronged assault. Apparently, underestimating the large, charge-prone goon is an error - despite apparent preparation for the attack, Howard's motion is mis-timed... and Dim's skull crashes soundly into his own, reeling to the side as he swings feet around, seeking to correct his footing. A hand comes up, eyes snapping to Cammy's attack as she launches through the air, and twists into that brutal, singular punch... but again, the Syndicate boss is a hair's breadth too late, or too wide, and that gauntlet crashes through his guard.

The strike collides soundly with his chest, sending the exiled King sliding backwards on one knee, fingers dragging across the ground as the gathered energy dissipates around him, swallowed outwards and inwards - for the moment. The expression that snaps back up to his opponents is decidedly less than pleased. "Hmph. That's something, at least." The bruised crimeboss pushes back to his feet, no answer to the question immediately forthcoming. Instead, there's a degree of cold ire that settles somewhere between the pair, now split to include Cammy's ally. Lucky Dim.

Cammy isn't too perturbed by Geese's words, anyway, she's more concerned with how she hit him pretty much as hard as she can manage - and plenty can attest that she can manage quite a bit - and while Geese wasn't fast enough to stop her, it seems to have not really fazed him much. This is going to be painful - but the doll is smiling now, a rictus grin. "Your fighting data is very interesting. Lord Vega will be fascinated." she tells Geese. Compliment, or not!

Dim is meanwhile flexing muscles and showing off to the crowd, having made no less a man than Geese Howard reel with his very head. No wonder he's called Dim. Bragging over, he moves back to Geese, and lashes out at him with a heavy boot, straightforward enough.

While there are no team tactics on display here per se, the Doll for her part is waiting for Dim to make his rather ponderous and predictable attack, and just as he makes his move, she leaps at Geese from another direction, seeking to land more or less on top of him - and reach out with her hands as she lands, giving him a hard shove, to send him flying - if all goes according to plan, anyway.

COMBATSYS: Geese blocks Cammy's Flying Neck Hunt.

[  \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////          ]
Dim              0/-------/-------|=======\=------\1            Geese
[    \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Cammy            0/-------/-----==|

COMBATSYS: Dim successfully hits Geese with Heavy Kick.
- Power hit! -

[  \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////              ]
Dim              0/-------/------=|=======\==-----\1            Geese
[    \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Cammy            0/-------/-----==|

There's a grim, still not amused smile in response to Cammy's words, a dark gleam to the gesture that speaks of knowing something that he's just not sharing. Something perhaps not very nice in the least. "Of course." Howard agrees as if it were the most obvious statement in the world. Reeling after the combination, indeed... and it's not the last time today that Dim finds purchase to overcome Geese's nigh-legendary defenses. The seemingly clumsy, ponderous charge perhaps trumps the exiled King's skill by virtue of its sheer lack of technique and force - whatever the reason, it catches Geese squarely, breath leaving his lungs as he's hammered backwards, once more absorbing the impact with little but a sound of discontent and pain to accompany the shift in momentum... but even the strongest can only take so many strikes, once more levelled under the alarming application of Dim's violent rampage.

Cammy's landing and flip finds Geese pliant, if not still entirely off-guard. The Syndicate boss shifts with the strike, flipping back to his feet with agility that belies his side. As his stance is recovered, he spits to the side, and slices the air with his left hand. "DOUBLE.." Much as the first time, energy clings to his fingertips. This time, however, the wave roils in a rising pillar at his feet, until his right mirrors the motion, pouring still more power into the tidal wave that rips forth from the concrete, coursing forth as if born of an oceanic storm as it reaves the distance between Geese and Dim, threatening to consume the large fellow in its man-devouring tumult, "REPPUKEN!!"

COMBATSYS: Geese successfully hits Dim with Double Reppuken EX.

[                  \\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////             ]
Dim              1/--=====/=======|=======\=====--\1            Geese
[    \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Cammy            0/-------/-----==|

Dim is man devoured, practically annihilated in fact, as a massive wave of chi reaches up high into the air and completely engulfs him, causing him to vanish from view for a moment in a storm of power, with much pained shouting going on from within as he is blasted back away from Geese. And he was doing so well.

Cammy meanwhile is watching, calculating. She stays close to Geese, though she tries to dart around behind him, and while he's occupied summoning huge chi waves, she bounces up into the air, wraps herself up in a tiny ball, and tries to bowl him over roll with him, going down onto the concrete with hopefully Geese in the painful 'on the concrete' position and Cammy in the victorious 'standing on Geese' position.r
While she's doing that, Dim is actually returning to the fight! The waves of energy subside, and here he comes, rushing at Geese like one of those dinosaurs with two brains, so it takes a while for the creature to realise that it's been killed. His chain is in his hand and for once he plans on using it, lashing out at Geese and trying to hook it around his throat before drawing it tight with a tug.

COMBATSYS: Geese blocks Cammy's Cross Scissor Pressure.

[                   \\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////               ]
Dim              1/--=====/=======|=======\======-\1            Geese
[     \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Cammy            0/-------/-----==|

COMBATSYS: Geese counters Chain Choke from Dim with Combo Throw.

[                          \\\\  < >  ///////////////               ]
Dim              2/<<<<<<</<<<<<<<|=======\====---\1            Geese
[     \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Cammy            0/-------/-----==|

The Double Reppuken, well.. it's rather known for this sort of impact, and Geese watches the collision for only a moment, smug expression firmly in place as the arrogant fatman is put in his place by the even /more/ arrogant fallen lord. Howard's smirk doesn't precisely abate even when Cammy rolls in, driving Geese to the ground, and into a slippery tumble of his own - out from beneath her almost as quickly as he's driven groundward, arm and leg colliding painfully with the concrete, appending a bit of bruising to the already forceful descent. Unfortunately for Dim? The Syndicate boss is back on his feet in an instant, coming up from his roll into a crouch, already inexorably facing the charging fellow.

The flowing chain is weaved past, Geese's upper body darting backwards almost with the same motion he takes a step in, hand snapping out for the passing weapon and palming it, stepping in on Dim to abruptly, brutally /drive/ his metal-augmented palm into the fighter's throat, his left hand clenching and delivering a sidelong chop to the poor, ill-fated fellow's midsection, before the right reverses, releases the chain, grabs Dim around the neck. Then squeezes. It lasts only a moment, Geese's right leg kicking Dim's legs out from under him brutally, and upending him headfirst into the concrete with a fierce kiai. It doesn't pay to draw the wrath of Geese Howard, generally speaking.

Dim gets taken down, blown down in fact, landing right on his head as his body flies through the air and contacts the concrete. "Graaaahahhhh!" he cries out in pain and anger, half getting up to one knee and spinning around, chain still in hand as he tries to lash Geese with it one last time.

After a couple of revolutions Dim can add dizziness to his list of woes and aches, however, and he crumples to the deck, this time no longer moving. "Uhhh, I just need some milk, sharpen me up a little..." he gets out, before his eyes finally close.

And as for Cammy... well, hmm. She's not actually manage to rough Geese up at all really, most of those bruises are Dim's work (!), and she already tried her biggest punch. But then she's not really managed to get hold of him yet. She dashes in low, not bothering to try and get behind him this time, trying to grab at his middle with both arms and lock them around his rather solid looking midriff - to hurl him backwards over her body and onto the floor in a suplex.

COMBATSYS: Dim can no longer fight.

[     \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////               ]
Cammy            0/-------/-----==|=======\====---\1            Geese

COMBATSYS: Geese dodges Dim's Chain Spinner.

[     \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////               ]
Cammy            0/-------/-----==|=======\====---\1            Geese

COMBATSYS: Geese interrupts Strong Throw from Cammy with Raging Storm+.

[               \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////                  ]
Cammy            1/-------/=======|=======\=====--\1            Geese

The battered brawler's rise draws a raised brow from Geese, though by this point... the elder warrior is not about to discount the punishment the chain-swinging combatant is capable of creating. Instead, the Syndicate's general narrows his eyes, guaging the surprising speed with which Dim accelerates his battered and broken frame back into the fray, a lunging weave taking him under the whipping chain, and immediately out of its range, leaving Dim to fall to the ground. The smug expression returns as Howard's attention shifts to Cammy, "Now then..." the exiled King intones darkly, icy eyes narrowing on the Zero Doll.

There's little opposition to the initial grasp - apparently, Geese likes hugs! Dim would tell you his aren't exactly /friendly/ however. Up, up, and over goes the crimeboss, kicking out of the technique to land, albeit hard, in a crouch behind Cammy - several instants before his intended impact. Someone has a remarkable level of control in such exchanges, a remarkable agility in the way he shifts his own momentum, the grace of his powerful frame. Hands are already at his sides when he crashes to a knee, jaw clenching, face twisted in tension and ire as he summons up an alarming, almost-impossible charge of chi within him in the span of an instant, "RAGING.." Both palms slam groundward, crashing into the concrete with a resounding tremor, as the space in front of Geese /erupts/ beneath the Killer Bee, bladed arcs erupting from the ground itself in luminescent, white-cored blue fire. The sharp-edged storm surges outwards, blasting everything near Geese clear, his arms bracing him against the ground as he's entirely surrounded, and obfuscated by the rising cage of punishing energy. "STORM!!"

Cammy vanishes into another one of Geese's chi storms, this one even bigger than the one that got Dim it seems, and she can attest - they hurt. When the glare fades, the doll has already backed away, all burned and singed, blonde hair blackened slightly, though fortunately her uniform hasn't actually caught fire at least, and one presumes her shampoo is up to the task of dealing with this sort of thing ready for the next encounter.

But wow, ouch. She needs a breather. She watches Geese carefully, and slowly circles him, waiting, for now. She is a patient sort, unlike Geese it seems. "I see. So you are a chi man." she says, stating the obvious after the last few seconds of what has transpired. The cameras are probably permanently damaged by the light. She's still ready to fight though it seems, arms raised defensively.

COMBATSYS: Cammy gains composure.

[            \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////                 ]
Cammy            1/----===/=======|===----\-------\0            Geese

The lingering glimmer of power wisps smokily from Geese's hands as he rises, eyeing Cammy evenly. There's a bit of a smirk at the assertion, and Howard simply shakes his head. "Such simple categories are for amateurs." he insists simply, dismissively. His own stance shifts to something not quite defensive, yet he doesn't immediately attack, hands hovering ready in front of him as muscles tense and relax beneath the kimono and hakama. Like water. Howard's smile only widens at the momentary breather, keeping his attention even on the Killer Bee.

Those eyes burning with a cold fire, Geese shifts his feet ever so slightly, chest shaking momentarily... with silent laughter. The heat rises, a conflagration centered within the exiled King himself, a white-hot aura touched by edges of blue surging around him as he gathers his own strength, readies himself for what is to come. "There is no escape."

COMBATSYS: Geese gathers his will.

[            \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////                ]
Cammy            1/----===/=======|=======\-------\0            Geese

"I am not attempting to escape. It is better now that he is asleep." Cammy says, indicating Dim. Without him getting in the way she can analyse Geese's fighting data all the better! and if she gets a few teeth loosened in the process, well, it's happened before, and thats what Lord Vega would want. This empty weapon is happy enough so long as Vega is happy, and after the display of power here, she is certain that he will be very happy indeed.

That said, she'd rather not have to if she didn't, and having prepared herself, she makes her move! She comes at Geese, so fast she leaves a blue afterimage behind her briefly, and then starts kicking, from all angles, trying to kick Geese up up up, into the air, the Doll leaping up after him to get as high an altitude as she can manag. Assuming he gets up that high she'll then grab him and ride him back down to the ground, face first, ouch.

COMBATSYS: Geese counters Killer Bee Assault from Cammy with Gedan Atemi Nage.
- Power hit! -

[                 \\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////                 ]
Cammy            0/-------/----===|=====--\-------\0            Geese

"On that, at least... we agree." Dim is apparently not particularly loved by the other fighters present in the Casino's pitfighting arena. Go figure. Whereas Cammy's motions and aggression are executed at the behest of another, a hidden hand wielding the sword, weapon and ambition collide within Geese Howard, the volatile crimelord facing off against Cammy's assault fearlessly. As swiftly as the Killer Bee charges, Howard responds. Her leg snaps up, crashes in, with alarming force. At least, alarming force aligned for its /intended/ point of impact. The Syndicate boss twists sidelong, slapping his left palm downward to collide with Cammy's shin rather prematurely.

The leverage is seized almost softly, if not for the brutality of the motion that follows. He twists to the side, guiding her strike low, dissipating the force groundwards... even as he strikes upwards, lashing out with his opposite elbow. Geese drives that reinforced weapon of an appendage into the Zero Doll's jaw, even as he releases her strike with a shove, intent on sending her off balance... and harshly groundward. "Ahh, masochistic little girls. Sometimes, Vega is as easy to understand as he is disgusting."

Cammy spins through the air, and lands on the concrete heavily, but is still conscious it seems as she rolls backwards smoothly and promptly bounces back up to her feet - though with a huge mark on her jaw where she was smashed. She frowns a bit at being labelled masochistic - that isn't really true - but she can see Geese is the sort of guy who doesn't like dolls for some reason, and has a little magic gem to be able to spot them. "Warriors are not usually masochists." she tells him. "I am loyal to Lord Vega, is all.".

And then she's coming at him again, hopping towards him to go into a handstand right in front of him, and then push herself upwards, sailing towards him legs first. Whereupon she tries to hop up onto his shoulders and wrap cord-steel legs around his head, before doing a flip and sending Geese over to the concrete.

Because doing the thighs of doom move to Geese Howard would just be priceless. :p

COMBATSYS: Geese blocks Cammy's Frankensteiner.

[                  \\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////                  ]
Cammy            0/-------/----===|=====--\-------\0            Geese

"Hmph." Geese dismisses, unphased by the retort of his words... admittedly, at least half a taunt. "Loyalty is /chosen/, dear girl." It's something of a difference, apparently... even to Howard. He certainly wouldn't count those multitudes cowed underfoot throughout his past as /loyal/, per se. Obedient, effective, necessary.. perhaps. The exiled King of Southtown narrows his eyes as Cammy attacks, stepping, once more, into the grapple willingly. This time, who can really blame him? His own hands clamp on the outside of Cammy's gripping thighs, gaining a bit of leverage as she heaves him up, up, and over.

One shoulder touches the ground first, a practiced tuck and roll executed that would not seem out of place if enacted by the Zero Doll's far lither form. It brings Geese up quickly, the gathering bruises mostly ignored, still, as he seeks to make Cammy pay for the proximity. A reverse grip snaps out for the Killer Bee's rather spartan leotard as he twists in the other direction, sweeping a kick for her ankles and seeking to flip her abruptly heels over head, to her back on the concrete.

COMBATSYS: Cammy dodges Geese's Improvised Throw.

[                  \\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////                  ]
Cammy            0/-------/----===|=====--\-------\0            Geese

Geese's hand reaches out for Cammy's leotard, but it seems a lot slipperier than it seems as she just twists her body and that hand fails to find any purchase on her. And she does a little jump at the last minute, causing the kick aimed at her ankles to pass by harmlessly beneath her boots.

The doll doesn't back away this time, though. Grinning, in fact, despite her charred appearance, she grabs at Geese's outstretched arm herself, and wraps her own arm around it, going in to elbow him in the belly and try and up end up down onto the ground. The doll loves throwing contests!

COMBATSYS: Geese fails to counter Strong Throw from Cammy with Chuudan Atemi Nage.
- Power fail! -

[                 \\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////                       ]
Cammy            0/-------/----===|=======\-------\0            Geese

The grin is returned, albeit not in entertainment.. but in triumph! Geese's white teeth gleam, his arm twists and adjusts to intercept Cammy's returned grapple - as if it were just what he wanted her to do. In this case, however? The Zero Doll finds leverage with a sudden force, and slips in past his guard, heaving the Syndicate boss up and over. This time, the landing is exactly as Cammy foresaw - if not as crippling as the Killer Bee might hope. The exiled King of Southtown's back crashes into the concrete, the thud resounding outwards in the brutal pit. Air is blasted from his lungs... but gasped back as eyes snap open, smug triumph replaced now.. by anger, and wrath.

Geese rolls away from Cammy a bit more uneasily, but still finds his feet quickly, the laughter this time audible as it shakes his chest. There's something predatory, malicious in the gaze that rises on Cammy, the dark chuckle ebbing into a deep frown. "Alright girl, alright. Have it your way." Howard intones low, cracking his neck and clenching his jaw.

Cammy has the utmost respect for Geese as a killer and breaker of faces - she's already backflipped away from him a little to get a little safe distance between the two of them by the time he's arisen from the ground. And she's sure he won't make /that/ mistake again, especially after he practically gave her his arm to use and abuse.

She paces around him cautiously - occasionally one leg rises up off the ground, tensed, as if to lash out at him, or a fist balls slightly and pulls back as if to lash out - but she does none of these things, just seeking an opening, and taking her sweet time about finding it.

After all, the Chuudan Atemi Nage hurts.

COMBATSYS: Cammy calculates her next move.

[                 \\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////                      ]
Cammy            0/-------/----===|=======\-------\0            Geese

As Cammy seeks an opening, Geese shores them up, zeroing in on the Zero Doll in turn, his eyes narrowing evenly. The smirk barely twitches the corner of his mouth, now, icy blue gaze dangerous - perhaps even deadly. Such is the ire involved in such a situation, with a man such as Geese Howard. To say either is out of the woods yet, or even that he wishes to be.. would be highly inaccurate. Instead, Geese lifts his guard, prepares his focus, draws a deep breath as he continually draws further ability to fight from his own malevolent ambition.

"Don't be timid, now. I'm sure you'll be fine, and your demise is all for the greater glory of the mighty LORD VEGA, is it not?" Yes, he's mocking. Just a little bit. It doesn't seem to get in the way of the intensity directed towards the Killer Bee, however.

COMBATSYS: Geese calculates his next move.

[                 \\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////                      ]
Cammy            0/-------/----===|======-\-------\0            Geese

Mocking just rolls off the doll like water off a ducks back. "Yes." she replies, simply, to Geese. One wonders if Geese's minions were ever quite this loyal - blank glassy eyed sort of loyalty rather than the genuine sort, admittedly.

It's quite hard to be cautious and yet be fast, as Cammy soon discovers. She dances around Geese some more, before eventually making her move - and it's her old favourite, suddenly swiftly advancing upon Geese, half twisting her body, and then driving one boot up towards his face, ready to backflip away from him after the kick is done.

COMBATSYS: Cammy successfully hits Geese with Cannon Spike.

[                  \\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////                         ]
Cammy            0/-------/----===|=======\-------\1            Geese

The response prompts simply a slow shake of Howard's head, face hardening in further dissatisfaction. All the indignation and disapproval in the world don't make that flying kick any -slower-, however, the hurtling foot catching him squarely in the face, blood spraying from nose and lip as he's staggered backwards. Footing is found as quickly as possible - one foot accelerating its backwards pace to anchor him widely, sliding back into a ready stance that does not linger on the defensive, the bloodied crimeboss sneering forward towards Cammy, and clawing a rising left hand through the air. ".. DOUBLE.."

Once more, chi surges upwards at Geese's feet, a dark blue-violet geyser of focused wrath that's fed exponentially by the mirroring gesture of his claw-flexed right hand. The wave skyrockets outwards, tall as Geese himself, a ravaging coalescence of furious energy rolling over itself, seeking to consume the Killer Bee where she lands. "REPPUKEN!!" Geese incants with fervor matching the technique itself.

COMBATSYS: Geese successfully hits Cammy with Double Reppuken EX.

[                             \  < >  /////                         ]
Cammy            1/------=/=======|=====--\-------\0            Geese

Cammy gets blasted, and not for the first time, though this is certainly for the last time - waved, like happened to Dim just now. The doll feels consciousness fading from her body as she's assaulted by chi, but she has a slim chance, and believe me it is slim! With the singlemindedness of the fanatic, she battles through the chi wave towards Geese - using the last of her strength in those legs of doom to propel herself at him, arms reaching out for him, arms outstretched, ready to try and grab him and heave.

In her brutalised state it's not so much a throw, as much as it is simply throwing her body at him, and hoping that when the senseless mass reaches him it might just knock him down.

...but you never know!

COMBATSYS: Cammy can no longer fight.

[                         \\\\\  <
Geese            0/-------/--=====|

COMBATSYS: Geese counters Flying Neck Hunt from Cammy with Joudan Atemi Nage.

[                          \\\\  <
Geese            0/-------/=======|

It's never that safe to say that it's the last time one will get blasted by Geese, when one is still fighting the dangerous tyrant. Indeed, as Cammy focuses, defiantly charges forward, he meets her seeking, brutal hug... with one of his own. Her momentum throwing body forward is welcomed, and then redoubled. Arms are intercepted, a palm bracing under her shoulder, leveraging with the forearm of the other limb, and hauling her up. Up far, far higher than Cammy may have intended to leap. Indeed, Howard heaves her up over his head, the Killer Bee's feet flying skyward.

Into a twist of his body, throwing all his weight, all his strength behind that brutal leverage. With a loud, furious roar, the exiled King /hurls/ Cammy clear, heaving her squarely at and /into/ the reinforced and unforgiving wall of the pit, with the clear intent of breaking every bone in her body with the simple, cruel gesture. There are no words as the Syndicate boss grunts and turns away, his own step a bit erratic as he moves to take his leave of the pit - and the broken fighters in his wake. Close, close indeed.

COMBATSYS: Geese has ended the fight here.

Dim falls asleep.

Log created on 14:52:26 03/29/2011 by Geese, and last modified on 19:21:24 03/29/2011.