Cammy - Skills To Pay The Bills

Description: Cammy is on the job, as a bodyguard this time, but Ryo Sakazaki is out for vengeance, for Rust's sake. The first casualty of the evening is the door of Cammy's safehouse - which she demands he will pay for!

Cammy's life these days is, like football, a game of two halves - work, and not work. And right now, for a change, she's at work. In an apartment block in Kure is a luxury penthouse at the top of a tall building, all huge windows, top notch consumer electronics and airy vistas of an admittedly not particularly attractive industrial city. Sprawled upon a huge, white, fluffy sofa, in front of an enormous television, is the doll, sprawled out, garrison cap at a jaunty angle, bored. As she so often is when working.

And working she is, as pacing around the huge living room is a middle aged, but still evidently quite fit, suited Japanese gentleman, a Mr Ueda - someone who recently put between a rock and a hard place. The rock was the local yakuza, and the hard place was Shadaloo. Having chosen wisely (?) he has been graced with this swank Shadaloo safehouse, and the Doll Zero as a bodyguard, until whatever insult he has done to his fellow yaks has been forgotten, or until he's been spirited away to somewhere more permanently out of reach.

The Doll, for her part, does not care. Orders are orders. Given Mr Ueda is pacing around biting his fingernails, and the doll really couldn't give a damn anyway, there is rather little conversation.

Never let it be said that Ryo is anything other than a man of action.

Poor Rust has been through some hard times lately, and it has taken Ryo a long time to actually prepare himself, following the events in Africa, he's been working his way through the criminal underworld, punching his way towards his target. Sure, some of the others thought Cammy was a problem that couldn't be solved with violence. But Ryo believes that they just haven't applied /enough/ violence.

It is this guiding principle which leads his way, and causes the door to the apartment to suddenly explode in a shower of splinters and a loud, "KO'OU KEN!"

Ryo follows it up, emerging through the smoke like a badass, his hands falling down to his side. "ALRIGHT! LETS GO!"

Mr Ueda would be running like hell, but there's nowhere really to run like hell /to/. So he hides behind one of the massive sofas in here, whimpering loudly and piteously, as anybody halfway normal likely would when they are hiding from vicious criminals and then some psychopath smashes the door of the safehouse down in a billow of woody splinters.

Cammy for her part promptly leaps to her feet - and then relaxes, a bit, when she sees who it is. Reaching up to straighten her garrison cap, as it seems claret may well be imminent, she scowls at Ryo. "What are you doing here? You don't care about yakuza, do you?" she asks. "And /how/ did you get here?". Bah, some safehouse this is.

Ryo stomps his foot into the ground. The young master of Kyokugen Karate narrows his eyes at Cammy. "Don't care about the Yakuza?!" He asks, and that familiar power starts to flare up about him. Bright and shining light playing across his body, and he responds, angrily, "OF COURSE I care! I am a MAN! And all men have a strong sense of JUSTICE!"

He points, accusingly, at Cammy. "Now prepare yourself, girl, because this time, I'm going to kick your ass! I told you to stay away from my students. Now you get to see why you should have listened!"

Ryo... really is steamed, although it's true, he's not here to beat up the Yakuza man. He'll probably do it anyway now he's here, though. Just as soon as he's finished with Killer Bee.

COMBATSYS: Ryo has started a fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Ryo              0/-------/-------|

COMBATSYS: Cammy has joined the fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Ryo              0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0            Cammy

COMBATSYS: Ryo gathers his will.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Ryo              0/-------/---====|-------\-------\0            Cammy

Cammy sees claret is indeed imminent, so does that cool thing with her hands when she slips into her fighting stance, while backing away from the sofa swiftly, to get a bit more freedom to move around. There's a fair bit of that in this spacious room at least, though no doubt the TV is going to be ruthlessly butchered fairly soon.

"You got no sense of justice at all." she tells Ryo contemptuously. "Or you would not be kissing Rust's ass so much. He is a bigoted and judgmental man. But then so are you, I guess. Justice, fah.". The Doll has been in a bit of a strop for a while now, while perhaps at times measured and calm responses or protestations of innocence might be tried, now is not the time.

COMBATSYS: Cammy calculates her next move.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Ryo              0/-------/---====|-------\-------\0            Cammy

Ryo's eyes flare brightly for a moment, "Grrrr... I don't have to listen to this!"

And that's really all there is to say about it. Ryo is pissed! He's not going to sit there and listen to this girl questioning his sense of justice. He's Ryo Sakazaki, for crying out loud! He does more Just things before breakfast than most do in their whole lives!

Suddenly, Ryo comes charging in, his hand flat. He leaps, at the last moment, and brings his hand down in a ploughing slice, aiming to crash painfully directly into the top of Cammy's head, and send her sprawling to the floor. Hey, one can but hope, right?

COMBATSYS: Cammy dodges Ryo's Mouko Raijin Setsu.

[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Ryo              0/-------/---====|-------\-------\0            Cammy

"I know. You never have listened to me, why change now..." Cammy replies - she doesn't actully have time to shrug though as she has to suddenly hurl herself to one side as Ryo suddenly comes at her. She is blindingly fast though, just a blue streak leaping up up, and landing on top of the sofa she just got up from.

"You people are so unjust that words fail. Why have you come in here and attacked me, after all?". Then she hurls herself at Ryo, boots first, aiming fairly high given she's /flying through the air/, at centre mass. Maybe telekinesis is involved. "SPIRAL ARROW!".

COMBATSYS: Ryo just-defends Cammy's Spiral Arrow!

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////////// ]
Ryo              0/-------/---====|-------\-------\0            Cammy

Ryo brings both his hands up, and Cammy finds herself being literally scooped around, and upwards. The motion is perfectly timed, apparently Ryo has learned from the last time he fought the girl. She hits the ceiling, and Ryo steps backwards. The back of one gloved hand brushes against his chin for a moment, as he smirks. "What are you, dense?" He asks.

"You are the one who doesn't know when to BACK OFF!"

Power flares, and he brings his hands around, and forwards. A bright flare of energy, and a glowing orange fireball shoots from his outstretched palms, aiming to collide with Cammy after she's touched back down with the floor again. His voice, naturally, doesn't /stop/.


COMBATSYS: Cammy blocks Ryo's Ko'Ou Ken.

[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////////   ]
Ryo              0/-------/---====|=------\-------\0            Cammy

Cammy lifts up her arms, and takes the blast on the backs of her gloves. "What?" she asks, incredulous. "This is /my/ house. You came here, to /me/. You need to back off. I am already backed off. I am not even in Southtown!" she points out.

Foolish Ryo. She shakes her head, braids dancing. "Fool, is what you are." she mutters, and then leaps towards him, somersaulting in mid air. Trying to wrap her long legs around his neck, if she has him hooked, there'll be a snap, and then he'll end up slammed into the hard floor! Really, it's a lot more painful than it looks.

COMBATSYS: Ryo interrupts Frankensteiner from Cammy with Mouko Raijin Gou EX.

[    \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////////         ]
Ryo              0/-------/=======|====---\-------\0            Cammy

Ryo seems ready for Cammy's rebound. When she leaps, he runs forwards. picking up a lot of speed as he does, right up until the moment that Cammy wraps her legs around him.

For a moment, she squeezes, and Ryo is glad (though he would never admit it) that King can't see him at the moment. And then, he completes his forward running motion, as practiced and smooth as though he was doing it /without/ a blonde assassin hanging off his face.

His elbow smashes into the girl's backside, enough force to literally rip her off his face, and send her flying back all over again. Ryo smashes his foot into the ground again, and lets out a loud.


Before he snorts, shakes his head, and works a kink out of his shoulder. "Alright. I'm telling you AGAIN. Stay the HELL away from my dojo, and my students! There. That clear enough?"

Ow. Well, that didn't quite go according to plan. The doll lies on the floor for a bit, before slowly getting up, to give Ryo a malevolent look for a moment. Pain does tend to piss people off. "I have not been to your dojo since the last time." she points out, grumbling. "And I don't want anything to do with your stupid students anyway. They are all violent, and judgmental, and live in their own world, apparently.". Hmph.

She skips towards him, a bit more wary now. Seeing what she thinks, hopes, is an opening, she darts in, to try and go low, hook one leg around his, and send him spinning down onto the floor with a swift tug. Unbalancing people is what the doll loves the most.

COMBATSYS: Ryo blocks Cammy's Strong Throw.

[     \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////////         ]
Ryo              1/-------/=======|====---\-------\0            Cammy

Ryo sees Cammy coming. Which, it seems, is his general vibe this fight. So far, he doesn't seem to have been phased by anything the girl has thrown at him; maybe he really is smarter than he looks. He brings his leg up as Cammy hooks behind it, and although her attack does make contact, he doesn't go toppling to the floor. Instead, he stabs his foot back into the ground, reaffirming his position.

Then, both hands snap out. One aims to grab Cammy by the front, the other by the shoulder. If this succeeds, his leg will go behind hers, and he'll lean himself forwards, aiming to put Cammy... in exactly the situation she had tried to put him.

COMBATSYS: Cammy fails to interrupt Tani Otoshi from Ryo with Cannon Spike.
- Power fail! -

[      \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////             ]
Ryo              1/------=/=======|=====--\-------\0            Cammy

Cammy lifts up one boot, intent on planting it in Ryo's chin as he draws in range. But Ryo is in top form today, while the Doll is apparently not. He's far too fast for her, and he grabs a fistful of leotard while her leg is still half raised. And then she finds herself spinning through the air, landing on the deck at an odd angle, crunching noises coming from protesting bones.

Out thrown? The doll prides herself on her throws, so as she gets back to her feet she's all red faced and sputtering and definitely Not Amused.

Ryo starts glowing again. Energy flaring up about him. It's a complete reversal of the last time they had fought; then, he had been outplayed at every turn. He had no avenue to try which had worked, and it was like the girl knew what he was doing before he did. This time, he is standing strong. Refusing to bow and give even an inch in the face of her attacks. His eyes narrow.

"Alright, girl." He says, "You say you don't want anything more to do with us? Well, I'll take you at your word."

And then the energy surges up around him even more, for dramatic effect, as he shouts.


... Ryo's intimidation tactics need work, maybe ...

COMBATSYS: Ryo gathers his will.

[      \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////             ]
Ryo              1/--=====/=======|=====--\-------\0            Cammy

Cammy mehs at Ryo. But is happy to have a quite respite, so she doesn't press the attack, not just yet, anyway. She remains en garde, but stays put, watching. And no doubt calculating - she is somewhat known for her intellectual approach to the combat arts after all. And she clearly kinda needs something of a restart on this fight. "If you ever listened to someone that would be a new thing." she observes, dubiously, and not believing him one second.

"Does this mean you are going to get out now?" she asks him pointedly. "I know where the dojo is, so we can send you a bill for the door at least. That would be justice, after all.". Even more pointedly.

COMBATSYS: Cammy gains composure.

[      \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////////         ]
Ryo              1/--=====/=======|====---\-------\0            Cammy

"Tch. After the trouble you've caused? I think you should be glad I don't break a few bones. If you want to go eye for an eye. Send me that bill, and I'll take my pound of flesh right out of your boss."

That promise made, Ryo does actually turn his back on Cammy, and begins to walk away. If she doesn't come back with anything too smart-assed, or just attack him the moment he turns his back, he's going to make good on his promise and drop it. He feels his point has been made, and if she's going to leave Rust alone, well, that's his job done, right?

COMBATSYS: Ryo takes no action.

[      \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////////         ]
Ryo              1/--=====/=======|====---\-------\0            Cammy

Cammy really is quite surprised when he actually looks like he's going to make good on his promise. She slips out of her stance, and puts her hands on her hips, frowing at his retreating back. "I don't want to hear from Rust anymore anyway! So you can tell him that, our friendship, it is over!" she calls out to him. "And it is his fault all along! He even did the same thing to Quon. Judgmental. And he should stay away from Quon, as Quon is /my best friend/, and he doesn't like Rust anymore anyway, I asked him yesterday.".

The Doll has really had enough of Rust - it's just a bad case of the pains in the ass with him, ever since that stupid address book incident. And it looks like all of Rust's whining has led to Ryo kicking down her door, just to add to the misery. "Bah. And I will send you the bill for that door!". Marz probably wouldn't have it any other way.

COMBATSYS: Cammy takes no action.

[      \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////////         ]
Ryo              1/--=====/=======|====---\-------\0            Cammy


It's, like a red flag to a bull, really. Ryo doesn't have as much of a love of money as his father. He doesn't often get dollar signs in his eyes, or yen signs, or any other sign of currency. But. He spends his life trying to keep his struggling dojo afloat. The last thing he needs, is some uppity little girl trying to send him BILLS!

The rest of her rant? Well, that's pretty much lost on him.

But Ryo rounds on Cammy with sheer fury in his eyes. Two bright, shining orbs of crystalized hatred. "Bill... BILL?!"

In an instant, Ryo is on Cammy, his hands a blur of motion as he stabs out with punch after punch after punch after punch. "BILLBILLBILLBILLBILLBILLBILLBILLBILL!!!!"


That last said with a powerful, rising uppercut. It's... like Ryo has /genuinely/ completely taken leave of his senses.

COMBATSYS: Cammy dodges Ryo's Ryuuko Ranbu.

[      \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////////         ]
Ryo              0/-------/------=|====---\-------\0            Cammy

Rant? Cammy's rants are not even a patch on Ryo's, as he seems to literally lose his marbles. I guess Ryo doesn't like bills. "Yes, bill." she tells him, malevolently again. "And the cops will come if you don't pay, and that will be j...". She can't really finish, as while Ryo's funny turn might be somewhat humourous if he was a wuss, he's actually a dangerous killing machine in his own right, and she's having to avoid being beaten to crap.

She twists and turns, a few punches sliding past her body first left then right, and then hurriedly backflips away from him just in time to get out of way of the uppercut. "I should protect Rust from /you/." she tells him. "If I cared. But I do not. I knew you wouldn't leave." she adds, with a small smirk, as she hops towards him, to try and slam a fist into his guts. "Yah!".

COMBATSYS: Ryo dodges Cammy's Axle Spin Knuckle.

[      \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////          ]
Ryo              0/-------/------=|===----\-------\0            Cammy

Ryo slides to the side of the incoming punch, easily letting it pass him by. That murderous glint in his eye hasn't diminished all that much. If anything, he's even more frustrated now that it is clear his attack has failed to find it's mark.

Leaping into the air, he twists his lower body, and his shin snaps out for Cammy's jaw, his eyes narrowing, "We'll see who spends the night in a cell, you stupid brat!"

COMBATSYS: Cammy dodges Ryo's Light Kick.

[     \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////          ]
Ryo              0/-------/------=|===----\-------\0            Cammy

Cammy promptly ducks under the kick, going to the ground so fast one wonders if the bones in her legs arent made out of rubber. Maybe they are, given how she landed so badly from that throw earlier and yet is still running around. Or maybe she just Doesn't Feel Pain. In any case, while she's down on the ground she sees an ankle in front of her, so she moves to grab it!

And then surge back to her feet again, still with that ankle in her hand, and with a lot of doll-strength behind it. "I am not stupid!" she hisses at him, and is about to spit a riposte at him, but decides - no. No, she is not that immature. She just glowers, instead.

COMBATSYS: Cammy successfully hits Ryo with Strong Throw.

[          \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////          ]
Ryo              0/-------/--=====|====---\-------\0            Cammy

Ryo's frustration has broken him out of the carefully professional way he had been dealing with the fight. Now he's just /pissed/, and he wants to break Cammy in half. Unfortunately, she manages to get hold of his foot, and before he can wrench himself free, he's being driven painfully into the ground.

Not that he stays down for long. Not at all. Instead, he comes back with a second kick. This time, though, he's going for hang time. The first kick aims to slam into Cammy's chin, and lift her up into the air...

And if that works, he'll follow it up with a second, and a loud, "HOOOOOOOOOOOO!"

COMBATSYS: Cammy dodges Ryo's Hien Shippu Kyaku.

[           \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////          ]
Ryo              0/-------/--=====|====---\-------\0            Cammy

Cammy twists to one side, spinning on her boots, Ryo's kick flying past her ear and kicking a trailing braid, not that that does any damage fortunately. So Ryo doesn't actually get to the Hooooo part, so no Thundercats quips.

For once the doll doesn't take the opportunity to move in close and start trying to grab things and throw them around. She takes a half step back instead, and knee lifts up, till it's at elbow height, poised, all in a smooth motion - and then lashes out at him. "You want a kicking contest?" she asks, apparently happy to oblige.

COMBATSYS: Ryo fails to interrupt Light Kick from Cammy with Kohou.

[                \\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////          ]
Ryo              0/-------/=======|====---\-------\0            Cammy

Ryo does not, in fact, want a kicking contest. Something he attempts to demonstrate by punching Cammy in the face as she tries to kick him.

This does not, unfortunately, go quite according to plan. Instead, he stumbles backwards after taking the kick to the head, and he snorts. Shaking his head a couple of times to try and clear it. That seems to have snapped him back out of his frenzy, which is something. Though, whether or not that's a good thing... remains to be seen.

Cammy senses weakness when Ryo is too slow for that little kick. All her fighting instincts, carefully implanted in her by Dr Senoh, take over, and she wordlessly pounces on him, going for that most vulnerable part of the body - the neck.

Trying to bowl him over first, she swiftly moves to wrap an arm around his neck, sliding around behind him as she does so she can cling on with a tight grip aimed at weakening him further.

COMBATSYS: Cammy successfully hits Ryo with Choke Hold.

[                    \\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////////         ]
Ryo              1/-------/=======|=====--\-------\0            Cammy

Ryo is choked, and for a moment, that's all he is. Choking.

It doesn't last long, though. There's no more words from him, either, but he picks himself back up off the floor, and takes a deep breath, shaking his head slowly.

"You are one stuck-up little brat, you know that?" He spits, "Maybe when you are older, you'll understand why you are such a horrible person now. But I doubt it. Let you get under my skin /twice/. Heh."

Spitting to the side, he wipes some sweat off his brow, and cracks his knuckles. "Whatever. Don't count me out yet! I'm going to do my best to give you a lesson... KYOKUGEN STYLE!"

COMBATSYS: Ryo gains composure.

[                 \\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////////         ]
Ryo              0/-------/=======|=====--\-------\0            Cammy

"Stuck up? I am not." Cammy says, a little sensitive about this. What is it with received pronunciation and accusations of being stuck up? "I am a wonderful person. Nobody else in Shadaloo would show Rust so much forbearance and patience. And Lord Vega likes me very much.". Lord Vega likes her, or she thinks he does anyway - despite her forbearance and patience, of course, rather than thanks to it.

"And I hate your 'lessons'! They always involve you barging in with your fists and your huge feet." she tells him, before bouncing up into the air, in a tiny little fetal ball, to come down on him, hook legs around him - she really does love that - and do a backflip while she's got him gripped. Assuming this works, pain will then ensure.

COMBATSYS: Cammy successfully hits Ryo with Hooligan Suplex.

[                        \\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////          ]
Ryo              1/----===/=======|=======\-------\1            Cammy

Ryo tries to roll with it. This does not work, Cammy's bizarre way of moving is really too much to concentrate on when he's as beat up as he is right now. This, is frustrating. But not nearly as painful as the smashing of his head into the floor.

Ryo comes up as fast as he can... one fist leads the way...!

COMBATSYS: Cammy blocks Ryo's Ryuuko Ranbu.

[                       \\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////              ]
Ryo              0/-------/-------|=======\=------\1            Cammy

Cammy raises her arms to block - and there's a crack, as fist meets forearm with bone jarring force. The doll is a bit perturbed by the force behind the blow, being knocked back a couple of steps. "Time for you to get back to Southtown and out of my life!" she tells him. "And I /will/ send you that bill!". The bill thing seemed to have a near magical effect on Ryo, maybe it will again.

The doll twists, curling her body back briefly - but it's only to build up power, as she hurls herself forwards, boots first. Assuming the boots thud into Ryo's chest as planned, the doll will then twist around on the floor, legs kicking at Ryo throughout, to finish with a big kick right to the chin.

COMBATSYS: Cammy successfully hits Ryo with Spin Drive Smasher.

[                                < >  ////////////////              ]
Ryo              0/-------/--=====|-------\-------\0            Cammy

Once more, Ryo fails to get out of the way. Not that he is very surprised by this; he's so hurt he can barely stand up, and Cammy is damned fast. "Not gonna pay." He spits. Just moments before the doll is on him. And really, isn't that what this is all about? The stubbornness of one man refusing to let all evidence turn him aside from what he sees as being *right*. It's almost poetic.

Not as poetic as the way that his head bounces off the ceiling, but pretty poetic none the less.

With one last, titanic act of will, Ryo throws himself upwards, fist leading the way, with a loud, "KOHOOOOOOOU!"

But, hit or miss, he's down and out for the count afterwards. Ding ding ding.

COMBATSYS: Ryo can no longer fight.

[              \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Cammy            0/-------/-------|

COMBATSYS: Cammy dodges Ryo's Kohou.

[              \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Cammy            0/-------/-------|

Ryo's last act of will is indeed a triumph of willpower, after being kicked so hard when already on the verge of being downed, but his body is so bruised and battered that probably Mr Ueda could have got out of the way of that punch easily enough, let alone the acrobatic Cammy. She does a quick hop backwards, out of the range of questing fists, and waits, as Ryo crumples.

"Finally, I was on form again in the end." she mutters, as in the beginning that did rather look bad.

And now, as it's just her and Ueda, it's Cammy who has to get rid of him. And so a few minutes later, Ryo wakes up in the elevator on the ground floor, a hastily scrawled on the back of an envelope bill tucked into one hand for $699.99 for the door, along with a "LEAVE QUON AND ME ALONE" written on the back.

Log created on 14:37:33 03/24/2011 by Cammy, and last modified on 16:57:37 03/24/2011.