Todoh - The Mysteries And Wonders Of Time Itself

Description: Time is a fleeting thing. We are all allotted an amount of time that is, if nothing else, assuredly limited. Humanity has come up with many ideas and methods in which to extend one's time, but only so much... just as how so many throughout history have chosen to take all the remaining time one has had away from them in a blaze of emotion. For such an intangible concept only ever represented in numbers as a good estimate, for all the other advances in mastering the very things existence has placed upon this floating rock in space for humanity's use and abuse, they have yet to truly conquer the notion of time. (UNEPIC: log desc is more thoughtful than actual scene)

Welcome to Southtown! It's Southtown, which means this is the town of everything... south. In the east. Yes. But it's not Eastcity, because it's Southtown. Except this is not where the Mason Dixon line resides, or anything of the sort, so it's kind of hard to say what's so south about it except maybe it is towards the southern part of Japan?
Feh, geography, we don't go to this game for geography lessons.
Ryuhaku Todoh stands in plain sight underneath a large clock, which is fogged up to unreadability. His arms are crossed with a naughty grin on his face, accomplished even. For yes, at long last the opportunity has presented itself, and he has struck.
"Now it is impossible for Takuma to know when they're doing the sale on those noodles!" He cackles at the unreadable clock for all involved. "Now, when was... uh."
He stops and blinks as he looks up at this fogged up clock. "Uhhh. Erm."

... but -he- wanted noodles too. Rock stops in front of the large clock, frowning at the fogged-up display... lifting a hand, he clenches it into a fist, his red gaze falling into something more forlorn than usual.
Timing is everything, isn't it??
Rock looks around, from maybe twenty yards away, and spots Todoh. Of course... Ryuhaku Todoh. The Todoh clan is -famous- for being quirkyweird and doing things -just- like this.
The blond Howard boy starts walking over, slowly at first, then rapidly, his steps sounding on the pavement even over the sound of the crowds of people that inevitably flood Southtown's public areas.
"TODOOOOOH!!" he shouts, sounding, well, somewhat angry!

This is a problem, you know, that now /he/ can't see the time either. The crazy old man is left at a loss. He could just... clean the clock and see the time, sure, but that undoes all his work on the offset!
Drat! He didn't think this through properly.
The voice of the angry young man who is one of plenty inconvenienced by this latest completely petty and childish act calls his name out, which earns a sharp glance looking back.
"YOU!" He points a finger. "You! You know my name! And you must know much, much more!" His teeth start grinding. He takes a couple steps forward, stomping angrily as though he is ready to take the frustrations that are entirely his fault upon this single bystander!
...Before suddenly diving to the ground in front of him and clasping his hands tightly.
"PLEASE tell me you're wearing a watch, young man, please tell me you are! I need to know what time it iiiiiis!"

Rock is brought up short by the pointing finger. Of course he knows this dark-haired old man's name! He's been in the background of every major tournament fight since 2003. He's a legend in his own mind. And, sadly, also on the Internet, where even things like cats with badly-spelled captions become famous.
"I --" His righteous anger is brought up short as well, as Todoh starts begging at him--the biker-jacket clad man stops short, staring in horror. Oh god, please don't let anyone with a smartphone or a camera be filming this--this could be the worst thing to happen since he found out that Santa Claus wasn't real.
He pushes his sleeve back and frowns. "... I don't. BUT wait!" Rock turns and reaches for the door of the noodle shop, yanking it open grandly, calling over his shoulder, "We'll just go inside and ask them what time it is!!" Four steps in, he calls out to someone inside the shop.
"Hey, if it isn't Takuma Sakazaki! Are you here for the dinner special too??"

It runs in the family. There might have been an ancestor who appeared, inexplicably, in audience of nearly every recorded instance of a political treaty being signed of his time... somehow.
There is complete surrender upon this old man's eyes, for now he realizes he has caused a problem he cannot bring himself to fix, lest his work be undone! He looks ready to bawl when Rock reveals he doesn't even have a watch.
"Eh? You can... you can do that?" He blinks a couple times.
"WAIT A MINUTE," he gets up on his feet, his mood swinging right back to indigation, "if /you/ could do that, /he/ could do that, and then..."
His teeth grind, fists clenched as his blood pressure goes up a few more dangerous points. "BAH! Forget it! This was a complete and utter waste of time!" He chortles. "Hehe. Time."
He stomps off while grumbling incoherently.

Rock doesn't notice--he slips onto a stool, after making sure his wallet is in place. Excellent. "Ah, Master," he calls, to the doughy-faced old man behind the counter, "The bottomless special, please, and extra spicy!" Todoh's already been banished from his mind, the thought of the wonderful combination of soup, noodles, and toppings occupying his thoughts as he snaps a pair of chopsticks apart, rubbing the edges against each other to smooth them.
In moments the ramen is in front of him, the steam wreathing his face. Ahh... mid-KOF bliss...

Log created on 17:55:14 03/13/2011 by Todoh, and last modified on 19:31:59 03/13/2011.