Cammy - Crime Against Taste

Description: The Killer Bee is hunted down by Blanka in drag. Hilarity, or at least embarassment, ensues. Woe betide whatever unfortunate Blanka tries to persuade next.

He really really wants to be in the tournament.

Blanka'd been outside of the tournament scene for quite some time now - partly due to being busy in Southtown with a melon patch he'd been working on, and partly due to a long-term training project in Brazil. He's out of touch with the world, and when he came back, he'd found that a tournament.. one of /the/ touranments..! had started without him! Shocked and aww'd, Blanka was despondent for a day or two, then found a resolve, and decided to do what needed to be done!

And this, Blanka finds himself tailing the first fighter he could think of, luck having lead him across the world and to the brick and dust of Croatia's rooftops. Here, well - he'd make his move, and his cunning, brilliant plan would be put into play, perfect for getting himself on to a team for the tournament. A thick red cloak is draped over his shoulders, the shock of violent orange hair hanging out and about a perfect beacon for people to notice - Blanka may think he's stealthy, but it is quite literally all in his mind. He tries to keep a steady distance from his 'prey', but when the other warrior is a trained, skilled and adept soldier, it's probably pretty obvious what is going on. Perhaps he's being led on...!

Dubrovnik, a beautiful city - in fact a major tourist destination back when it was behind the Iron Curtain. And still a fairly major one now, at least for Eastern Europeans.
And also a fine stronghold of the Russian mafia, which is what brings Cammy to this location. It's really so mundane, at least thats how she thinks of it - sending messages to crimelords, flying the Shadaloo flag as it were in the worlds underworld, making sure that Lord Vega's will is obeyed. All so very boring, she'd much rather laze about in her room. If not for brainwashed zealot-loyalty she probably would be doing just that.
The bustling streets are just that, bustling, and so the Shadaloo assassin gets all Assassins Creed - it's so much faster to move on the rooftops! And besides, there's this green guy following her along, and she wants to 'reason' with him away from prying eyes, and she is well familiar with how people so very rarely look up when going about their business.
So she suddenly pauses in her roofwalking when she thinks Blanka is fairly close by, faking a jump to the next building only to suddenly pirouette around, and turn to face her pursuer. Not another do-gooder like Zangief here to ruin her day, she hopes.

She's jumping! Blanka has to foll-awroo?! He's fallen for the blonde fighter's ruse, and as she vanishes, he barrels forwards, bounding on hands and feet in an effort to catch up. Suddenly face-to-face with his prey, Blanka skids to a stop, the red cloak he wears flaring out dramatically as bare feet skitter on brick and shingle, sending a few to clatter to the ground. As he draws himself up, the cloak itself falls away, revealing..

Where did Blanka get a Cammy suit? From the rough, haphazard piping along the length of the leotard, it's a fair guess that he's done it himself, fingers a little bit thick for proper sewing. Upon closer inspection, the back of his hair is done down in a twin set of braids, the front shock unable to do more than poof out comically. Also, he really, really does not have the legs for this, as blue lightning bolts do not, not, not work on green skin.

With the look of a kid caught with a hand in a cookie jar, Blanka backs up a half-foot, and then looms tall, trying to project an air of competence and such. "Best if Cammy no fight. Blanka taking her place. Stay here, Blanka go on." See, it's a perfect plan! He infiltrates her group in the tournament, fights instead of her, and everyone is happy! It's best if she says yes. We'll see if she does.

Cammy can pull off the leotard and maybe even the silly little tie. Balrog will back her up on this. Hairy, green Blanka, however, can not. And... braids? An Amazonian monster in drag?
The Killer Bee may be an emotionless doll, but this is funny stuff. She smiles a small, understated smile at Blanka. "You are dressed like me. I do not think your disguise will fool anybody though. Funny though it is. Look, you even have the leg paint. And I didn't realise your hair was so long. You are dedicated, it takes so long to do the braids every morning.". The trials and tribulations of looking good.
"You are taking my place? In Shadaloo?". She shakes her head at that, someone so comical doesn't deserve to be Juri'd. "Lord Vega will notice, and then you will be hurt very badly. It is best you do not do that, I think. You should go play with Hakan instead, I am sure he will be nice to you, and humour you.".

"Shadaroo?! Blanka not here for something as silly as Shadaroo!!" Whatever Shadaroo is, at least. Blanka has some ideas, but all he really knows is Shadaroo=/=tournament. That's the salient point he's got in his head, and as Cammy explains that she's not going to let him take her place, he fidgets. Does he really not look like her? Will he really not fool anyone? But it looked so good in the mirror, with her picture tucked in the corner and him trying to do his braids and.. !!

"Blanka going to tournament, and people think Blanka Cammy! You watch! Bein hurt chance Blanka take!" With that, Blanka barrels forwards, throwing a shoulder block towards the agile assassin, trying to catch her between his shoulder and one of the brick chimneys.

COMBATSYS: Blanka has started a fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Blanka           0/-------/------=|

COMBATSYS: Cammy has joined the fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Cammy            0/-------/-------|=------\-------\0           Blanka

COMBATSYS: Cammy blocks Blanka's Aggressive Strike.

[  \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Cammy            0/-------/-------|=------\-------\0           Blanka

Cammy lifts up her arms and fends off Blanka, puhing back at him while sliding past him to one side. "Hey! So annoying!" the Doll mutters. "Like Zangief, ruining my work when I am busy. Like Zach. Can you people not leave me alone for one days work?" she grumbles. Do-goodery is getting old.
But wait, what is this? "You are going to the tournament as me? I am not in the tournament, foolish Blanka. Maybe you should be trying this on somebody else.". The assassin leaps back away from him, to balance atop a chimney somehow, crouching on all fours. She must be very light. "You will leave me be now?" she asks. While giving Blanka The Eye, just in case.

COMBATSYS: Cammy calculates her next move.

[  \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Cammy            0/-------/-------|=------\-------\0           Blanka

"Wait, what..!? Cammy not in tournament?! But.. but..!!" Hasn't she been in others? Wasn't she always in the League?! Blanka is suddenly unsure of himself, and looking a combination of both apologetic, and uncertain about his needs and motives now. As he spins to face her, he cranes his head up and looks at the chimney she stands on.

Shoulders slump, and Blanka takes a half-step back. Giving up for a second or two, or at the least giving ground and any advantage he may have had in order to speak. "Why no in tournament? Blanka thought everyone wanted to be in tournaments. Blanka really want to. Trailed Cammy for days to make it perfect." He scuffs the roof with a bare foot, his only costume 'change' from hers (Have you seen the size of his feet?!) and makes a loud harrumph sound. "Cammy so smart, Cammy tell Blanka who in tournament, and Blanka leave her alone." Sulk sulk, though under the face of dissapointment, there's some hopefulness there - maybe Cammy wiill be able to get him a good way to go.

COMBATSYS: Blanka takes no action.

[  \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Cammy            0/-------/-------|=------\-------\0           Blanka

"You have to be in a team to be in the tournament. Your disguise is not going to fool anybody. I am sorry.". Aww, Blanka looks kinda vulnerable. "I can tell you who is in it, but it will not do you any good. Maybe you should talk to someone, they might let you in their team as a sub or something. I do not know the rules. Maybe that is allowed, maybe not.". Cammy shrugs, thinking of what teams might have some people understanding enough to give the Green One a chance.
"Maybe the Wrestlefiends team? Zangief, Tizoc, El Fuerte and Rainbow Mika? Aside from Zangief, who is an extremely annoying and stupid individual, they are fairly good people. I would suggest Quons team maybe but they have been eliminated already I believe. Or maybe, if the wrestlers do not help you, you could ask Ibuki or Ken. They are quite laid back people as well.".
Doll Zero, so helpful!

COMBATSYS: Cammy takes no action.

[  \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Cammy            0/-------/-------|=------\-------\0           Blanka

"Not.. not going to fool anyone?!" Gasp! Woe! Blanka looked so perfect, though! Sure, the green skin and orange hair is a little difficult, but but.. the costume was /hand made/! These sorts of efforts deserve to work! but at least, he's geting good enough information, things he can use - and maybe if he tried to dress up as Zangief it would work..!

"Blanka really sorry, Cammy. Will try to act better next time. Thank aroo for all help. Blanka um.. not try to knock you out and take place anymore." Mostly because then he would probably run into whoever that Lord Vega guy is and get hurt, and that would be bad. He takes a few steps back and then looks uncertainly down at the ground. "Blanka try hit you once - if you wanna, can hit Blanka back. Kinda deserve it." he says with an air of resignation, then rises up to his full height, and offers up his chest for impa-- yes, yes, he does have falsies in there. Don't ask.

COMBATSYS: Blanka takes no action.

[  \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Cammy            0/-------/-------|=------\-------\0           Blanka

Cammy shakes her head at Blanka. "That is really bad taste, you know, that outfit. It is insulting, almost. You are lucky you met me and not someone like Balrog.". The Doll then shakes her head at the offered chest to hit, even though God (that would be Vega) knows Blanka probably deserves some pain, if only for his crimes against taste.
"That will not be necessary. I think you walking around wearing that outfit is probably punishment enough. Imagine if someone took a photograph. You should not do things you will regret later." she informs him, from the chimney top. Now shes actually noticed his chest she can barely look. Dear god.

Harsh words, harsh treatment - but Blanka probably deserves them! He'd put a lot of effort into things, but they're certainly not professional status - and really, is a killer going to worry baout a green giant's feelings?! Probably not.

"Blanka not wear this again, then. Sorry again, Cammy." With that, the giant beast-man hunkers down and bounds away, snagging the long red cloak he wore over the top of the outfit as he goes by it. Fast enough to get out of the area, faster still to try and find some place to curl up and plot new ideas, and figure out how to track down the other fighters the Killer Bee suggested. And possibly, to figure out a way to make Cammy not feel like she was insulted! That, however, will have to be for a later time!

COMBATSYS: Blanka has left the fight here.

[  \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Cammy            0/-------/-------|

Cammy waves to the back of the fleeing green monster. "Goodbye Blanka. Good luck." she tells him flatly. The Doll does care, a little bit. She could've just told him to get lost after all! But he left her alone, and she can go knock some Croatian heads together in peace in an hour or two now, so the assassin is happy. That makes Blanka something of a rarity among fighters. And Lord Vega has given her no orders regarding Blanka, so there's no reason not to be polite.
The Killer Bee turns and leaps away onto the next roof over, running at speed and tackling a few more, before she drops down into the crowds to disappear from sight and zero in on her target, the real reason why she is here.

COMBATSYS: Cammy has ended the fight here.

Log created on 16:22:41 02/16/2011 by Cammy, and last modified on 17:51:42 02/16/2011.