Cammy - Guns or Butter

Description: Zach is passing through Egypt on the way to Kenya, which he is apparently representing in the tournament (???). But Egypt is in a tumult, and making it worse in all regards are the agents of Shadaloo he bumps into, spreading chaos and carnage.

Egypt, the oldest nation in the world, land of pharaohs, sphinxes and pyramids. It's recent history has been more sordid than glorious, however - but perhaps times are changing, for the better. The revolution is here, and it seems to be peaceful, a time of hope and change perhaps, with crowds of people in the streets of Cairo, shaking hands with military who are, as of yet, still seemingly undecided as to whether they should resist the calls for a bright new future, or become a part of it.

In the back streets of a jubilant Cairo it seems like one long party in places - a party that the Killer Bee is here to crash. Near the National Museum of Cairo, where a militia of civic minded protestors is gathered to protect the priceless treasures within, are three parked trucks. And next to those trucks are half a dozen Egyptians, along with the silent Killer Bee. Interpol isn't exactly powerful here right now so she's not even bothering with the red cloak, wearing her blue Shadaloo uniform openly. Perhaps the locals don't understand what it means.

"Don't worry my friends!". One of the Egyptians by her is calling out, in Arabic, to the crowd. "We have obtained weapons from the army! Should there be any trouble you will not be shot down like dogs.".

Zach Glen was, quite literally, just passing through. He was on his way to Kenya, the country his team would be representing in the King of Fighters tournament. Which made absolutely no sense at all. Neither he, nor any of his teammates as far as he knew, had ANYTHING to do with the tumultuous country.

The uprisings in Egypt pretty much shut down the airport, effectively trapping the psychic in the country. So Glen, perhaps counter to common sense, was walking the streets to see what there was to be seen. Or perhaps he was confident in his ability to handle himself. He comes, through a back alley, to the museum. Which seems to be sporting trucks but guys with guns. The young man ducks back in, trying to avoid being seen for the moment.

Then his mind replays what he had just seen. Cammy, the Killer Bee. Not even /trying/ to hide her presence in the country. Zach knew, or at least had an idea of, who she worked for. And if her boss had her here handing out firearms, then the only thing that could follow was trouble. And maybe sorrow. He takes a moment, thinking about the lay of the land for a moment before clambering up a fire escape. He needed to get around this situation, perhaps to get to a better position for launching... well if not a surprise attack then perhaps something that he could do about the situation before it too much more volatile.

Cammy looks to be quite bored. She doesn't speak Arabic so she couldn't get into idle chit chat with most of her companions even if she wanted to. And really, standing in a dusty street where a riot could break out any moment isn't her idea of a fun time. She's also got many reasons to be annoyed anyway lately, so is feeling particularly sullen right now.

In any case, the Killer Bee is doing very little, just standing by one of the trucks. In fact she hops up so she can settle onto the back of one of them, take the weight off her feet for a moment. Meanwhile her associates are distributing weapons to the crowd. There doesn't seem to be any particular rhyme or reason to it all, anybody who wants a gun, gets a gun.

And in fairness it looks like the now armed locals aren't doing much more with them right now than hanging around the steps of the museum or milling around the street.

Zach notes it with a scowl. No doubt, Cammy's purpose is to add fuel to the fire that is already going fairly strong. He runs across the rooftops taking a bit of a loop before simply leaping across the street, aided by that fantastic energy that runs through him.

The street crossing, even though it is well above street level, is the most risky part so far. Zach is uncertain how sensitive Cammy is to picking up on psychic energy. Plus, Cammy may simply spot the small man leaping across the fairly wide gap that the street provides...

There's all sorts of emotions around in the middle of a revolution. A pretty good mental cover for sneaky Zachs. And besides, Cammy is bored out of her gourd, and while a powerful-ish psychic in her own right is hardly a student of mental powers per se. She's just waiting for her part in the drama to really begin.

As the trucks empty, she slips off the back of the truck and walks down the street, checking in each. Mmmm, mostly all empty now, the crowd looks quite well armed! She climbs into the back of the foremost truck, disappearing from sight momentarily, before emerging, armed with a rifle, that looks almost comically large when clutched by the diminutive Doll. Though she apparently is well familiar with it's operation judging from the ease with which she holds it.

Shit. Gun. Zach's mind fairly races as he throws himself down on the roof of the building. He needs a way to pull the Killer Bee away from the crowd if he would handle the situation cleanly. He thinks for a moment, edging up to the street. He leans forward a little bit, eyes narrowed. He has, at least, line of sight.

That is enough, he thinks.

He straightens his right arm out, as if holding a pistol of his own, pointing his index and middle fingers at the Doll as he braces the arm with his left hand. He aims carefully at the gun in Cammy's hand as he calls his energies to the aimed fingers before loosing a short blast of energy aimed specifically at getting the blonde's attention. By shooting her in the face.

COMBATSYS: Zach has started a fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Zach             0/-------/-------|

COMBATSYS: Cammy has joined the fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Cammy            0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0             Zach

COMBATSYS: Cammy blocks Zach's Warning Shot.

[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////////////  ]
Cammy            0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0             Zach

Cammy is certainly fast. She doesn't even seem to know where Zach is, but some time between the blast of energy emerging from Zach to hitting her, her forearms have already lifted up to block the energy blast. Positioned as she was between the trucks, and with all the chaos around, nobody else seems to have really noticed the small drama happening in the midst of the big drama.

The rifle in her hands is casually tossed back into the truck, as Cammy looks up at the roof where that blast came from, lifting up one hand to cover her eyes from the African sun. Shaded blue eyes narrow as she focuses upon Zach. She actually /knows/ Zach.

COMBATSYS: Cammy calculates her next move.

[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////////////  ]
Cammy            0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0             Zach

Zach is already off like a shot as soon as he looses the bolt of energy, taking off down the street. Cammy's going to have to give chase if she wants to deal with Zach. Energy ripples across his frame as he ponders his next move.

He turns sharply, leaping across the street a second time, trailing faint motes of violet energy as he does so. It's almost as if he's /trying/ to get Cammy's attention now.

COMBATSYS: Zach focuses on his next action.

[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////////////  ]
Cammy            0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0             Zach

Cammy blinks as Zach suddenly bails, leaping over the street away from her, trying to get at her from another angle perhaps? Hmmm. She glances between truck and Zach.

Her orders are clear. She reclaims her rifle, and jogs through the crowd, away from the museum, in the direction of the presidential palace which actually isn't all that far away, a few blocks over. A line of Egyptian troops is in the street over there, currently mostly watching the goings on, armed and body armoured up, eying the so far peaceable, if boisterous, crowds warily.

COMBATSYS: Cammy takes no action.

[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////////////  ]
Cammy            0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0             Zach

Zach scowls. She's not taking the offered bait. Smart, perhaps, but ultimately annoying. Zach does, in fact, loop away from the museum and gives chase to Cammy. He sprints across the last roof. Cammy's in sight, and looks as if she's looking to up the stakes to a dangerous level.

Not if he can help it.

Zach hurls himself off the roof, diving towards the Killer bee as he brings back a single fist. Psychic armor forms around his right fist a piece at a time, but at a dizzying rate. He closes the gap with the help of gravity, slamming that mailed fist directly into Cammy's back with cratering force. Better to damage the street than to allow the Killer Bee to start shooting up the place!

COMBATSYS: Cammy dodges Zach's Blast Bash EX.

[  \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////////////  ]
Cammy            0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0             Zach

Cammy is jogging towards the soldiers but, she does have one eye out for Zach, sure that this annoying little wanderer who she remembers from Thailand has a love of putting his nose where it doesn't belong is going to be causing trouble. And so he is.

She goes into a forward roll at the last minute, somehow managing to pour on the speed at the same time, rolling away from the psychic fist which leaves a crater right in the middle of the road.

He may not have hit the Bee, but he certainly has her attention. She spins around to face him, and with him so close, she can't really ignore him to surreptitiously snipe a few soldiers in peace. Though as she's got a hold of the rifle - not exactly useful in close quarter fighting - she just goes for a straightforward kick, in fact her trademark boot to the head. Hopping forward to attempt to deliver it to Zach.

COMBATSYS: Cammy successfully hits Zach with Cannon Spike.

[  \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////////         ]
Cammy            0/-------/-----==|======-\-------\0             Zach

Zach has saved the lives of a number of guards, who likely do not even realize they were in danger in the first place. Or more danger than was already apparent, at any rate. For his efforts, Zach gets...

...a boot to the head. Zach takes the kick on the chin, arcing through the air with a yelp of pain. He slams to the ground, tossing dust up in his wake. Zach pulls himself to his feet and wobbles slightly before dashing directly towards Cammy at breakneck speed. He closes the gap, and fires a crushing body blow aimed at Cammy's liver. Zach hopes that maybe he'll break a couple of her ribs with the punch.

Because really, he was minding his own business in Thailand, too. She jumped /him/ there. This is just payback.

COMBATSYS: Zach successfully hits Cammy with Fierce Punch.

[         \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////          ]
Cammy            0/-------/--=====|======-\-------\0             Zach

Cammy is half turning, singlemindedly focused upon shooting soldiers. The Doll is a singleminded fanatic after all when given a task, if only Zach would stop bothering her she could finish her mission, and Lord Vega will be happy, and she can bask in his happiness, which really is the best thing in life.

And so it is that her timing is a little off, and she is punched, hard, right in the ribcage. The rifle goes flying, landing in the dusty streets, and the Doll urghs, clutching at herself in pain. "Why are /you/ always following me around." she hisses at Zach, none too pleased with this disturbance.

Well, he has her full attention now. Freed of the burden of her rifle, she has the use of her hands, bouncing forward with a quick spin, to jab out at him in a gut punch of her own. "Yah!".

COMBATSYS: Zach fails to interrupt Axle Spin Knuckle from Cammy with Third Stance.
- Power fail! -

[         \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////                    ]
Cammy            0/-------/-======|=======\=====--\1             Zach

"Following /you/?" Zach asks incredulously as he steps towards the spinning Cammy. "I'm wondering if it ain't the other way around!" Zach throws a short uppercut that hits nothing but air. The splash of soul power... similarly hits nothing.

The back of Cammy's fist catches Zach upside the head, sending the young man flying across the street and into a storefront with thunderous force. He smashes through a plate glass window before slumping to the ground, trying to get his bearings.

This may be an excellent chance for Cammy to finish him off; he's bleeding from a number of cuts from the shattered glass.

Cammy didn't really expect that, though her spin knuckle does have an incredible amount of force behind it if it connects fully - and it looks like she had the good fortune for it to do just that. Zach disappears in a welter of blood and broken glass.

And as he's gone for now, she trots over to recover her rifle. She can't just start shooting right in the street - after she's reclaimed the gun, she slinks off to a shady Cairo alleyway, and adroitly scales the wall with almost mystical ability, practically climbing up it like a spider, until she's atop the building.

COMBATSYS: Cammy takes no action.

[         \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////                    ]
Cammy            0/-------/-======|=======\=====--\1             Zach

Zach drags himself out onto the street. He looks around with bleary eyes that don't quite focus on any one thing. He doesn't know where Cammy got off to, but he is certain, in that pain-fogged brain of his, that she is up to no good.

"Ssshhhhouldn't... count me out... j-j-just yet," Zach sputters as he reaches for his energy one more time. It will do a couple of things, really. The first, most obvious, is the extra jolt of adrenaline to his system that he'll need. The second is that the pillar of soul power will do nicely when it comes to letting Cammy know that he's not done yet.

COMBATSYS: Zach gathers his will.

[         \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////                    ]
Cammy            0/-------/-======|>>>>>>>\>>>>>>>\2             Zach

Cammy is certainly up to no good! Up on the roof, she's just settling in with her rifle, looking down at the Egyptian soldiers in the distance. She's taken her time to get concealed, lying flat on her belly at the edge of the building, just the barrel of the rifle visible from down below.

She's fairly sure that Zach is toast, and if he's not toast, if he's a smart kid, he'll be leaving Cairo about now with a lesson in not to mess with Shadaloo. And besides, she remembers last time Zach came with friends, so she needs to get this done, and fast.

COMBATSYS: Cammy gains composure.

[     \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////                    ]
Cammy            0/-------/--=====|>>>>>>>\>>>>>>>\2             Zach

Zach's not known for being smart in the face of bad situations. If anything, he's known more for not backing down. Time slows to a crawl as the pain fades from him. He glances around, and spots a glint of metal where there really should not be any. Bingo.

Zach takes the roof in a single leap, rocketing upward on a blast of energy before landing directly behind the Killer Bee. He charges, throwing a single right straight at the Doll. He doesn't stop there, however, laying into Cammy with a barrage of crosses and hooks. Strangely, or perhaps not, the fists have back-up in the form of multiple 'arms' made of psychic energy that /also/ pummel the Killer Bee. The combo is finished with a single driving punch laced with all of the soul power Zach can muster, which is hopefully enough to launch Cammy off of the roof...

...and directly at the feet of the guards she's attempting to snipe out!

COMBATSYS: Cammy dodges Zach's Burst Strike.

[     \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////                    ]
Cammy            0/-------/--=====|=======\-------\0             Zach

Cammy is just too damn fast. She's also damn angry, as she hears a great whoosh of energy, turning to one side to see Zach taking off like a comet, heading her way in a bundle of psychic energy and fists. Seemingly a lot more fists than he should have.

But the Doll rolls back away from him and somehow manages to turn it into a fluid backflip all in one motion, the cover offered by the lip of the building helping a little as it gets in the way of Zach in his final approach. Grr. "Leave me /be/!" she hisses, as she hears shouts and yells from soldiers down below, who noticed this massive, hard to miss blast of psionic power just down the road from them. She launches herself at Zach, intent on finishing him by knocking him right off the roof! "SPIRAL ARROW!".

COMBATSYS: Zach endures Cammy's Spiral Arrow.

[      \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///                           ]
Cammy            0/-------/-======|=======\====---\1             Zach

Zach braces his feet in a wide stance, taking the Spiral Arrow cleanly in the midsection. He skids towards the edge of the roof, thrusting his hands in front of him. "Suck it down, bitch," the Psychic Knight Errant growls as violet energies shift to a bright yellow. It might remind one of sunlight...

Or pain, as Zach unleashes a blast of soul power that might just blow the roof off the joint. Regardless, it launches Zach off the building, and sends him crashing to the street below. Several armed men come running toward him. He simply points toward the roof, which he may or may not have destroyed. "S-sniper," he mutters as a wobbly hand points towards Cammy's position.

Zach passes out promptly after that.

COMBATSYS: Zach can no longer fight.

[      \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Cammy            0/-------/-======|

COMBATSYS: Zach successfully hits Cammy with Storm Flare.
Glancing Blow

[          \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Cammy            0/-------/=======|

Cammy does the usual backflips and cartwheels, the incredibly acrobatic Doll leaping away from Zach - however, this time the /entire top of the building/ is exploding and agile she may be but it's not like you can really dodge explosions of this size when you're standing right next to the source! She's blackened and singed and blinded, reeling away from the street and the collapsed Zach.
But even now, disoriented so, she remembers her orders! Unfortunately the soldiers can now see her - and she doesn't exactly look Egyptian, does she, with her blonde hair, pale skin, /blue Shadaloo uniform/. She opens fire, and one of the soldiers eats lead, falling to the ground in a bad way, but the building collapses completely, pitching the Doll into the alleyway beyond it and out of sight.

She does not return. Her job is 90 percent complete, and she can't really manage the last ten percent now anyway. Weapons have been distributed more or less at random to the citizens of Cairo, and at least one of the soldiers has been shot right next to those weapons - a shame that cool Egyptian heads might interrogate the soldiers (or Zach) and reveal that their assailant was a little blonde British girl rather than a Cairo revolutionary, but will cool heads prevail in a place like this? Perhaps, maybe even probably, not.

Log created on 17:00:03 01/31/2011 by Cammy, and last modified on 18:58:14 01/31/2011.