Cammy - She Can Fly!

Description: Naerose and Cammy meet in a bar, where upcoming events are discussed, as is Naerose's broomstick acrobatics and the desirability of diet lemonade.

The Duck Pond is a really nice place. You can get all sorts of great shows here and there are drinks and some bar foods. It's more a club and less a restaurant and Nae isn't the clubbing type, but that doesn't stop her from coming in. She heard somewhere that a great way to drum up support for something is to talk to various businesses to try to get them to help you. It is for this reason that Naerose Delphine enters the Duck Pond at this early hour. They're probably not even opened yet, but if the door isn't locked, Nae just sort of goes right in, up to the bar and asks,

"Hi, Are you interested in helping to fund an event to help feed the hungry?" Why Naerose uses those suspicious words, for anyone who knows her would know that she is infact hungry. It doesn't matter how much food she has access to, money she has or anything, there is never a time that Naerose is herself not the hungry. So, one has to ask. Is this event truly about feeding the hungry, or is Naerose herself 'the hungry'?

So happens that it is open, for food and drink at least, and the Red Cloaked One is at the bar herself, a lemonade clutched in one hand, being a bit young for drinking. Though if the British accent is legit she probably spent her first night comatose from drink on a street at the age of 12, but thats by the by. Why is she here? Who knows. Maybe Shadaloo, maybe not even them.

Hearing a familiar voice, and a familiar topic of conversation at that, she turns her cloaked head so she can look over Naerose. Oh, the torn emotions. Should she slink out, or say hi. Her lips are moving before her brain has really decided. "You are always so focused on food." she observes. Mmmm, maybe this is a research topic in its own right. Shadaloo might want to know.

This takes Nae for a spin, she's focused on what? The woman turns her attention to Cammy and asks, "Would you like to help this event to feed the hungry?" The bartender decides to take the slink away option. It isn't like he has the authority to agree anyway, but even if he did, would they? Probably not. It isnt' that charity is a bad business move, it is that Naerose has got to be one of the most unreliable looking charity organizers ever. Ever. So with her initial person she was talking to suddenly gone, Cammy might regret speaking up really fast.

"See, we're working on this event to feed the hungry." Is Naerose focused on food? It is one of her own motivators, but actually not the motivator that happens to he motivating her right now. This is important distinction since it is masked with food. Probably not something anyone is likely to pick up on though. So well masked it is.

"You said fund. I got no money." Cammy replies, spreading her hands. Look, no coins. In theory this is true, she just uses Shadaloo's cash as needed, but it's not really /her/ money. And Lord Vega probably doesn't care about feeding the hungry. "So, no, I cannot. What sort of event is it?" she wonders.

"I saw your match with Hakan. That was... very quick. I have not had a chance to look for any witch cakes, though yet. I thought you would be waiting for those.". She shrugs, but smiles a thin smile. "A good demonstration of broom flying, though. A shame I was not there in the flesh.". She is too polite to note that it didnt' actually seem very effective, and so broomstick technology is unlikely to feature on Shadaloo's research priorities.

"I don't know what you were expecting," Naerose goes on about, "I mean it's pretty sweet, but it isn't like any big deal or anything." Naerose has always sort of saw this sort of think like a game of hackie sack. But that is neither here nor there. "Huh, so you can't think of feeding the hungry.." Naerose says, looking a little dejected, because she was sure that would work. Then it occurs to her wait, Cammy is into seeing neat stuff right?
"Hey, you ahh, want.. er.. what about.. working together with me on this, you know, helping support it, sponsoring maybe if it was say an exhibition of different abilities? You like abilities right? Well you could have all sorts of opportunities to do that, have a doctor to hook up neat machines to people and have lots of gathering data for information on neat tricks.. I mean, how could you lose? I get to feed the hungry.. And you get to get lots of information for your ahh, book report."

Little does Naerose know she just suggested an evil organization like Shadaloo (whom she's never heard of (despite having done mercenary work for them in the past)) would use her charity event as a figure head for their evil schemes.

Cammy shrugs. "Well, I expected flying, it was flying, really. I especially liked how Hakan picked you up and checked for wires.". Before throwing Naerose high into the sky, where the limits of her flying were soon found. "I think you need to work on your altitude is all, perhaps."

At the suggestion, she hmms. "That is a good idea. Maybe I could be interested in that. I am not sure how you expect me to support it or sponsor it though, beyond asking a few acquaintances of mine. Like Hakan, maybe. I like Hakan, he is always helpful. Maybe a few others would be interested. Maybe Quon, or Rust. They are both new fighters.". She shrugs. "But like I said. I am not sure why you think I can help you.". Cammy's eyes narrow slightly, and she then asks, "Why are you interested in this, all of a sudden?".

"Huh? Oh the starving Varaettes need to be fed is all. " Naerose says and smiles pleasantly. This is to her a given, but then maybe not so much a given for Cammy. Moving on. "Well if you don't want to help it's fine, I just thought if you were doing some sort of research it would be a great way to get a chance to do just that." She decides now would be a time to order a drink, "Hey, do you have any smoothies?" They probably specialize in alcohol here which is definitely not something Naerose would be drinking.

"I did not say I would not help you, I will try if you want, I am just not sure my help will be much good to you. I will do my best, though.". Getting her mitts on fighting data en masse sounds good to her. Unfortunately, while Cammy does rather go out of her way lately to keep a low profile, plenty in the fighting world know who she is, as her encounter with Adelheid, among others, told her. So having her greet the victims with a smile on her face as she attaches the electrodes probably isn't going to work.

But no doubt she will think of something...

When the conversation turns to drinks, she shakes her head. "No. I have lemonade. Diet." she replies, and reaches out to the glass a-resting on the bar, to lift it up. It hasn't been drunk much. "I do not really like smoothies.". Something nice and artificial suits the nice and artificial Doll. She is very literal. Or very lacking in empathy. Or very miserly. Or quite possibly all three.

Diet.. Lemonade. Naerose is not sure how to take that, so instead she stares at Cammy to indicate she isnt' sure how to take that and finally says, "I didn't know they made lemonade in diet, but I always thought diet tasted horrible anyway." She crosses her legs, one over the other and looks toward the bottles behind the bar. None of them would work for her because in many ways, Naerose basically lives a mormon life style! Hah. She's totally not mormon. But if you said the word to her, she might mistake it for nomnom and claim to be a nomnom.

"Hey, whatcha doing here anyway?" She asks, looking confused.

Cammy blinks at that, equally surprised as she stares back at Naerose. "Of course they do. They make almost everything in diet form if you want.". She points to a few bottles of the stuff. Admittedly a bar is not usually the sort of place that sells diet soda, but this isn't quite a bar. "And of course it tastes horrible, anything that tastes nice is generally bad for you, so things which are not bad for you have to taste bad. Like how cheesecake tastes so delicious, but I cannot eat any more.".

Or Dr Senoh/Lord Vega will kick her ass for being fat, she's already on warning after cheesecaking her way through Southtown.

"What am I doing here?". She blinks, and looks over at her lemonade, before looking back to Naerose. "Drinking lemonade.". She is very literal. Again. Maybe she has nefarious purposes as well - briefing Shadaloo agents, lying in wait for NESTS people, who knows. But even if she was, she's not telling nutty witches.

Nutty mmm. Would Naerose try to eat herself? Maybe. She's probably very tasty. She can sort of agree with good for you stuff not tasting very good, but ultimately admits, "I'll probably eat just about anything." She leans against the bar before realizing she doesnt' have any money anyway and she'll probably get kicked out. Then something occurs to her.
"Probably shouldn't bring up anythign to Hakan about me though." He bought her broom, she tried to warn him that it was just an ordinary stick. He wouldn't listen.

"Why not? Hakan is wonderful. The nicest person I know.". Said very sincerely, because he is. The Doll shrugs, certain that she can ignore Naerose's advice there, she can't imagine Hakan being angry or unhelpful. "If you are serious I will ask around I suppose. I am not sure what you need. It's possible to have a cheap event though, I have seen street fights in really bad surroundings. Unwashed garages, under bridges, all sorts. Maybe it better not be a street fight given King of the Fighters though.".

"Yeah..." Naerose says, looking like she wants to go now and infact picking up to do just that. " I'll see you around." She says, while moving toward the door, having snatched up her broom (which she is carrying, of course). You know how many odd looks Naerose gets? Like constant, but she's probably so used to it that she doesn't even notice anymore. That's what happens when you're perpetually this weird.

Cammy doesn't even notice. Being weird is pretty normal for Dolls. Admittedly Naerose is rather more flamboyantly weird than any Doll would ever be. "Okay... have a good afternoon." she offers, and drinks down her lemonade quickly. "And tell me what you need, if anything. I'm sure we will meet again given we've met so many times totally at random now. It must be fate or some strange psychic force.". Maybe she's not even being ironic.

Log created on 10:02:21 01/17/2011 by Cammy, and last modified on 18:08:45 01/17/2011.