Karin - A Story of Rich Girls

Description: Rich Girls Meet. Rich Girls Discuss King of Fighters. Rich Girls Fight!

She hadn't been very long in Southtown. Unlike the bustling and somewhat dry landscape that she had been used to, Pullum was now beholding a far more controlled and far more quiet ( especially compared to metro! ) landscape, the woman unused to such things. It was a slow walk that the severely out of place and underclothed woman adopted as she moved about, taking in the far differnet culture.

"So many schools..." She quietly says to herself, stopping to admire the rather expansive Taiyo High campus. It was almost as large as her village! ... Minus the rather expensive home that she and her family had lived in. That so doesn't count!

"I wonder what they do here."

Of course, she may have barely missed those brutal Gedo students fighting in the river bed. She was told, of course, not to go there by a passing man. Perhaps it was for the best.

If there was a school that can be recommended to Pullum, it would be Seijyuun, the All Girl's school that was in a different part of town. Karin goes there! So what's Karin doing here in Southtown Village rather than Downtown Southtown? Shopping!

The red clad, blonde school girl yawns as she wanders through the village, her butler Ishizaki following close behind carrying loads of shopping bags. "I think we're done here, Ishizaki... I could buy these stores out as easily as shop from them, but that's no fun..

The rather sleepy town wasn't much of a sight. The stores that were side by side were not too impressive. The sight that does catch her eye is the red clad girl that wanders by - clearly quite well off with the man in such clothing following behind her, clearly of such strength. It reminds her a bit of her own guard, as strong as he was.

The butler lacked the bulging muscles and equisite moustache though.

"There's a far better variety in Egypt." Pullum speaks, "But you have to be able to know where to look. The street merchents are far better than the actual stores for such things." She claims, a hand on her hip.

Karin blinks when she hears someone speak, and comes to a halt as she glances over to Pullum, and turns to face her, tilting her head, "I've been to Egypt before. My parents were on business, so I went along with them once. Didn't get to shop all that much though, and I'm not entirely sure I care for the idea of being so exposed to the common populace like that." She then hmmms, "Then again..." The thoughts of just punching people out was appealing.

She then shakes her head, "You're not from around here though, are you? Middle Eastern?" She hazards a guess based on Pullum's attire and accent.

Not used to being with the common people... aha. "Ohhh? You don't like being with the populace?" She asks, creaning her head a bit towards Karin. It was completely unheard of - perhaps, though, she just preferred being in the unsavory parts of the high life. You can't always be locked away! But there, infront of her, is a fairy tale princess.

"That's right." She nods, arms crossing her chest. "And it's my guess you're from a tower somewhere, locked away by choice for your prince?" She smiled. "Somewhere around here, perhaps?" She adds, hmming to herself.

"You're missing quite a bit just limiting yourself like that."

Karin blinks and shakes her head, "Oh, I didn't mean I wouldn't talk to them, but Egypt's got a bustling scene there, and there's always the possibility of pickpockets or worse. Not that I couldn't handle them, Ohohohoho!" She laughs before shaking her head, "No, I'm not locked up in some tower or anything, that's just ridiculous. You just sometimes have your ruffians, after all."
She places a hand at her hip as she states, "I'm Karin Kanzuki, by the way."

"Pullum Purna." The woman notes, nodding.

"It wasn't obvious at first, but I assumed you fought." She claims. Looking at the butler behind Karin, "Or at least someone nearby you does." She adds. Taking a few steps to look at one of the shops, and looking around, she shakes her head, "I've heard worse about this place - but I guess that's different since it's with your bodyguard?"

"But If you say you can handle them, you probably mean it." She nods to herself, "And so can I - it's actually quite fun. Especially if you make the most of it."

Karin glances at Ishizaki for a moment to gauge him, before shaking her head, "No, I'm pretty sure I'm a better fighter than Ishizaki. He's just my butler, but he wants to fight sometimes."
Ishizaki just sadfaces in disappointment.

Karin in the mean time says, "Pullum Purna... I'm heard about your father, I'm sorry to hear about what happened to him."

"Ah, my bodyguard is far better than I am in combat, since he was hired for that position." She adds. In truth, he's certainly something - she hadn't fought much against him, but he was quite strong! He may have also been going easy on her. Things she'll never know.

But it's the sudden downturn in the situation that causes her to shake her head. "No, no. You shouldn't be sorry. It's unfortunate... but he's been stable. I just need to find how to fix him, now. That's all." Far harder than she claims - but she'd rather not dwell on it.

Or maybe she just doesn't want to think of it. "Mhmm..." Pullum clasps her hands behind her, "So please, don't worry about him. He's well taken care of."

Karin nods and hmms a little, "Well, in anycase, nothing can be done about it right now... Well in anycase, welcome to Southtown, Japan. This part of Southtown is alright, but you should be able to hold your own without a bodyguard in this city, even if the Southtown Syndicate is in shambles."

"I can't imagine the city being any worse without the Syndicate." She pauses. "But every place has it's problems." She simply suggests.

"Oh, but if you're a fighter than that means..." She stops to get a bit closer, "You wouldn't happen to be involved with the King Of Fighters thing, would you?" She asks. Very, very interested. "I'm not sure I'm going to be involved - but I would like to be." She grins.

'And you might be the way in!' She thinks to herself.

Karin arches her eyebrow at Pullum's expressed desire to enter the King of Fighters tournament, and grins, "Well, it just so happens that I'm entering it as well, though I haven't been able to form a team yet." She then points at Pullum and says, "Very well, if you want in on King of Fighters, then I'll recruit you myself! Ohohohoho!"

Clearly Karin used to getting her own way. "But first we'll have to see how well you can fight."

"That I had expected." Pullum notes, mostly to herself, as she finds herself pointed towards, the woman declaring that she will be scouting Pullum in all her talents - notably those that included a more brutal touch! "You certainly wouldn't take my word for it, would you?" And with such words, the middle eastern woman kicks against the ground, seperating her and Karin with a sizable distance.

There's a small spin included, as well, as prepares to do a whole lot more of that.

As soon as she lands, her body begins to rock back and forth a bit. A rhymn she would follow, if only for the moment. A dancer must dance to something! Even if it's just the music in her own head.

Log created on 22:09:37 01/14/2011 by Karin, and last modified on 18:07:30 05/01/2011.