Description: Two titans of the Neo League finally comes face to face: the undefeatable Miu against the equally undefeatable Raiden. Both tremendously powerful in their own wholly seperate ways, which will reign supreme in the Neo League? Whose unbroken winning streak will continue? Is there a definite answer to the question of whose ass is the most powerful? Yes. Yes there is.
[OOC] Raidern makes a log
[OOC] Raidern titled GOGOGOG
[OOC] Raidern says, "(gogogogo)"
[OOC] Annie pulls out pink pom-poms.
[OOC] Annie pulls them out of Raiden.
[OOC] Annie starts cheering for Miu~!
[OOC] Raidern blushes
[OOC] Raidern says, "oh, annie~"
So. Miu vs Raiden. It is destiny.
Miu had thought she was going to Germany. It turns out, her plane was to Las Vegas. Look, you can't blame the girl. When you've been punched in the head as many times as she has over the past week, things start to blend into one. Especially things like plane tickets, and fights.
It has only been a few hours since she spoke to Rust. She is upset. This is not made any better by her challenger. She's seen Raiden's fights. She has not been looking forward to meeting the fat man himself, because, from everything she'd seen, he is, basically, everything she hates about fighting rolled up into one. If she were a lesser contender, she may well have declined the challenge.
But she said she would accept all comers, and she will. So. Las Vegas. Night. A crowd has gathered, the cameras are rolling, and Miu is standing, alone, already surrounded by a corona of feathers. Because she is pretty much just relying on Psycho Power to keep herself going at this point. She is NOT going to lose this. Not if she can help it.
"Viva!" Raiden does not know what that word means. Literally not even the slightest inkling. It's not a food and it's not in the English language, so he is basically totally lost.
"VIVA RAIDEN!" That doesn't keep him from using it to make himself look as sweet as possible on international television. Not that he really /needs/ to make a stronger showing, after crushing little girl after little girl in his meteoric rise to...second place.
"So..." Raiden pushes through the crowd into the ring, wearing a gigantic fur coat over his normal outfit. Real fur. /Expensive fur/, because of how many things had to /die/ to create it.
"You are the king of little girls!" He claps his hands in anticipation, rubbing them together and cracking all the knuckles.
"Soon, RAIDEN will be king of little girls! Ha ha!"
[OOC] Annie cracks up.
[OOC] Miu says, "Wanna roll off for first punchings?"
[OOC] ROLL: Raiden rolls 1d10: 4
[OOC] ROLL: Miu rolls 1d10: 2
Miu, could not be more different to Raiden if she tried. She is about half his size, definitely less than half his weight, she's female, and she's modest to a fault. She would never, for instance, declare herself 'king of little girls'.
She is, however, completely taken by surprise by the sheer... ostentatiousness of Raiden's entrance. That is a very expensive coat. The schoolgirl hasn't varied her outfit since her first showing in the tournament. She has a look that works for her, she makes great use of it.
"I am Miu Kurosaki." She replies, her eyes looking up, and up, and up, to peer into Raiden's. "I know who you are." She says, because, well, he's already shouted his name a heck of a lot, and, she gathered, he, liked doing so. But she would like to cut down on the shouting if she can. She's tired. She has a headache.
The big man just keeps laughing as he stomps forward, arms held up high to either side, ready to SWOOP IN like MAJESTIC EAGLES at a moment's notice.
Except Raiden never stops. Raiden just keeps running, because he knows he is big enough to just run Miu down like the little girl that she is. She is well within acceptable size limits for an ample trampling.
"Your name is nothing, because soon you will be nothing!"
COMBATSYS: Raiden has started a fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Raiden 0/-------/-------|
COMBATSYS: Miu has joined the fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Miu 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Raiden
COMBATSYS: Miu dodges Raiden's Light Kick.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Miu 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Raiden
Miu is not in the mood to be trampled underfoot by several tons of exuberant Raiden. She's not in that kind of mood at all.
Raiden runs at her, and the girl literally jumps up, flipping over him, and comes down on the other side. Spinning on her heel, she tears forwards as quickly as she can in return. There's no more words from Miu; as far as she's concerned, everything which needs to be said, has been said. So, instead, she aims to grab one of those floating feathers that is never *quite* far away from her...
And drive it powerfully into Raiden's back, where it will explode in a shower of pretty white sparkles. She just hopes he /notices/. This guy is very big, after all.
COMBATSYS: Miu successfully hits Raiden with Kirameki.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////////////// ]
Miu 0/-------/------=|=------\-------\0 Raiden
It can be argued that /nobody/ is ever in the mood to be trampled by Raiden. Unfortunately for a sizeable quality of the populace, that makes them no less eligible.
More fortunately for Miu, she possesses the means to avoid it herself, although the big man appears to remain relatively unworried by her agility. After all, all of these little girls are the same. They jump around and play their little ballerina games, occasionally darting in to give a little mosquito bite.
"Hrrrrargh!" Raiden staggers as the energy slams into his back, charge halted, and then whirls about with his arm extended, meaty arm hurtling around toward Miu. Because like all little girls, all he has to do is catch her; then she crumples like cardboard. CRUMPLES.
COMBATSYS: Raiden successfully hits Miu with Fierce Punch.
- Power hit! -
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////// ]
Miu 0/-------/=======|==-----\-------\0 Raiden
[OOC] Miu says, "Ouch. XD"
[OOC] Annie says, "fuuuu"
[OOC] Annie says, "BFF, that's not how you win fights. :("
Miu is lifted bodily off her feet by the force of the blow. It seems like Raiden might just be right. His strategy is flawless, after all. All he needs to do is hit her, and she'll go down. And despite her very best attempt to get out of the way, she is very much unable to do so.
Staggering back up to her feet, the girl takes a deep breath, and wipes the blood from her mouth with the back of her hand. Her eyes are fierce as she glares at the larger man... but she does not move to attack. No. That had pissed her off. Now, she was going to make Raiden pay for that. She just had to wait for, the opportune moment.
COMBATSYS: Miu focuses on her next action.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////// ]
Miu 0/-------/=======|==-----\-------\0 Raiden
Upon feeling his hand solidly connect with little girl, Raiden lets out a deep, resonant laugh from deep within his belly. It is not a pleasant laugh, filled with the joy that comes from hurting someone who one believes to be quantifiably weaker.
Not that Raiden knows what 'quantifiably' means, either.
"You have no hope!" The big man rushes forward again, this time actually using his hands to try to pick Miu up, bring her nice and close to his head, and lightly headbutt her away from him again. "Raiden is the best!"
COMBATSYS: Miu blocks Raiden's Rapid Grapple.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////// ]
Miu 1/-------/=======|==-----\-------\0 Raiden
Miu is picked up, but her arms cross and meet Raiden's head, turning it away.
The next moment, she has wriggled free. The girl lands on the floor in front of the large wrestler, and, in an instant, she's coming up again. Absolutely silent, she thrusts her hand up, and psychic power rips with her, aiming to slash straight up Raiden's front...
If this initial blow hits, he'll be slashed again, on the way down, and a third time, straight across horizontally, before she spins, and just... lets go! All of her frustration, all of her anger, ripping out of her in one, titanic explosion of pure psycho power.
This takes the form of a huge lance of feathers, all burning white, aiming to spear Raiden right through the middle, lift him off his feet, and shut that big, fat mouth of his. At least, for a few seconds.
COMBATSYS: Miu successfully hits Raiden with Psychic Secrets.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////// ]
Miu 0/-------/------=|======-\-------\0 Raiden
Raiden is not sure which he prefers. The annoying, rambling kind of little girl, or the completely silent and serious kind. They each have their good points. He gets to silence the annoying ones, but he doesn't have to suffer through a wave of stupid chatter from the quiet ones. The only stupid chatter Raiden likes to hear is his own.
Then Miu runs him through with a huge, psychic lance, even going so far as to lift the big man off the ground. For a very brief moment, he dangles. But when he drops, as Raiden inevitably does, he does so on his feet. As one might expect, he is obviously unhappy.
"The quiet ones. Definitely the quiet ones." The wrestler growls and surges forward, this time striking with his fist before trying to lift Miu up and throw her into the air.
An unhappy Raiden is a violent Raiden.
COMBATSYS: Miu interrupts Combination Bodyblow from Raiden with Psi-Launcher.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////// ]
Miu 0/-------/----===|=======\-------\1 Raiden
Raiden might be unhappy. Miu is at the end of her tether.
The large man hits her, and she takes it. The blow whips Miu's head to the side, but her hands haven't stopped burning with psychic energy. They grab Raiden's fist, before it can be used to try and grab her, and, she literally hefts the larger man up over her head.
God only knows how she manages this (or anyone with an elementary understanding that psycho power = incredible strength for brief periods), but he leaves a pretty trail as she swings him up...
And brings him crashing back down into the ground as hard as she can. She's breathing a little harder than she was before. Her eyes narrowed. She'd been hurt, a lot, in the first few moments of this match. But she is not going to bow down. She can still beat this lummox, and she is not going to let herself down by believing otherwise, even for moment.
AS IT SO HAPPENS the Lummox is a great personal friend of Raiden's, and he appreciates any and all comparisons between the two. It is a man-creature he is proud to call.../brother/.
Miu, on the other hand, has instantly acquired his undying enmity by performing a feat that few have ever managed; /lifting him/. The garishly dressed wrestler goes flying into the air with a pretty trail of sparkles, slamming into the ground with enough force to shake the ground a little.
"Wha...?" Despite his groaning, Raiden stays down for a depressingly short amount of time. When he rises, he seems to have new focus, a fire burning in his eyes.
"That was a mistake, girl." He slowly raises both arms, hands bunched into fists the size of hams. His entire body is tense, ready to spring into action and strike his opponent down, to crush her into dust.
"BECAUSE RAIDEN IS NUMBAH WAHN!" And then he starts flexing with all of his might, the familiar act serving to psyche him the hell up. "YEEEEEEAH!"
COMBATSYS: Raiden gathers his will.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////// ]
Miu 0/-------/----===|=======\====---\1 Raiden
Miu is glad for the momentary break in combat. She is hurting, and she could use a few seconds to get her head back in order. That is how she has won her previous fights; stay calm, stay focused, find your center, and do not allow emotion to overcome you. Perhaps she is a little guilty of violating that last one, here. But, she has had a very bad day.
Taking a deep breath, she exhales, slowly, and brings her hands together in front of her. The tension flows out of her, and the power flows inwards. Easing pain, easing fatigue, letting her worries melt away almost as much as stabbing Raiden through his fat guts had. Oh, that had felt very good indeed!
She's still not talking, though. Instead, her eyes meet his. Silently challenging him. Daring him to try and hit her again.
COMBATSYS: Miu gains composure.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////// ]
Miu 0/-------/-----==|=======\====---\1 Raiden
Raiden, on the other hand, soon finds himself growing bored of his own posturing, as he always does. Luckily it doesn't take much time at all for it to become fresh again, and in the meantime there's always an exciting fight to get back to.
Finally done with his shouting and posing, the big wrestler turns his attention back to Miu. It is unfortunate that he does not speak 'dark and moody', or he might see the challenge behind her eyes. Instead, he assumes that whatever lurks behind that petite face is the same as what's behind pretty much every face. /Fear/.
He charges again, closing the distance in the same way the he pretty much always does, although once more he varies it up a bit as he approaches. This time, his arms sweep out wide one after the other, each looking for a seperate hold on the gothic girl, so that he can give her a good swing around and then smash her into the Las Vegas pacement.
COMBATSYS: Miu dodges Raiden's Improvised Grapple.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////// ]
Miu 0/-------/-----==|=======\====---\1 Raiden
Miu slides backwards out of the way of the sweep, and, after Raiden has grabbed nothing but air, she leaps up, jumping over him, trailing those pretty, sparkling feathers in her wake.
The thing is... she doesn't really mind how long Raiden wants to take to posture. It was a pity that he hadn't done more, but, this is a dilemma he himself had pondered, isn't it? Is it better when Raiden is shouting, or when Raiden is quietly trying to mash her face into pavement? She'll leave that one to the philosophers.
It isn't until she comes down again that she attacks. Spinning on the spot, the girl whips her hand out towards the wrestlers. Three bright white feathers lance out from the arc, cutting a diagonal path through the air as they aim to splash against Raiden, and drive him further backwards, buy more distance for her.
COMBATSYS: Raiden negates Kakure Amagakeri from Miu with Flame Breath.
Glancing Hit
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////// ]
Miu 0/-------/-----==|====---\-------\0 Raiden
[OOC] Raidern says, "hmmm, how unfortunate"
[OOC] Raidern says, "setting people on fire is my favorite thing :("
[OOC] Miu patpats Raiden.
[OOC] Annie says, "This is such an epic encounter."
And there Miu goes again; sparkling and flying generally just being a nuisance. The big man turns, but she's already on the ground and using her magical girl pretty powers to huck a handful of feathers at him.
Well, it's true that Raiden doesn't know a lot of things, and truer that he doesn't care about them either, but he does know one thing: feathers burn. There was an incident once. With his pillow. His beard got singed.
It was /tragic./
But from that awful experience comes hope; a hope that inspires Raiden to take a deep breath, lean forward, and /expel/ a towering inferno from deep within his lungs. It burns a nice little area in front of him, obliterating the feathers but failing to continue on, instead dissipating into nothing before it reaches Miu.
Raiden wipes his mouth with the back of his arm, unmindful that he's still wearing his rapidly-growing-less-fancy coat.
Miu darts forwards as Raiden's fire meets her power. She was ready to duck if she had to, but she is vindicated in her confidence, and instead, as the smoke dissipates along with the flames, Raiden is met face to face with a girl who has just closed the distance between them even more quickly than she put it there. Why?
Because she just remembered Raiden's coat.
Aiming to duck between the big man's legs, she'd grab the hem of that fur-lined coat if she can, and drag it back around underneath him. In a matter of moments, she's trying to, literally, tie him up in the garment he'd spent so much cash on, and then, if she manages it, shove him over, a tangled heap, into the floor.
If all goes well, she'll even do a rather, unladylike thing, and try to put a painful, energy-enhanced boot in on the downed wrestler. Because, as they say, fur, is murder.
COMBATSYS: Raiden fails to interrupt Charged Combo from Miu with Bearhug.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////// ]
Miu 0/-------/-----==|=====--\-------\0 Raiden
[OOC] Annie!!
[OOC] Raidern oh noooo
[OOC] Miu phews. e_e;
At first, Raiden is glad. Miu is coming to him; that saves him the trouble of tracking her down before completely crushing her into nothing. He welcomes her with outstretched arms, ready to take her into his crushing embrace.
and then she slides under him, whoops
Already turning to try to catch her behind him, Raiden instead trips up and falls just as she planned, hitting the ground like he always does when he falls down; hard.
And then it add injury to both injury and insult, she gives him a quick kick. If Raiden weren't so hopelessly tangled in his own coat right now, he would /totally/ beat her ass for that.
Dancing backwards, Miu watches Raiden with the kind of look a hunter gives a cornered beast. She had him on the floor, yes, but just one blow had been enough to almost bring her down. She does not want to experience that again, and rushing in headlong would be decidedly foolish. She's not got it in her to unleash another assault strong enough to finish this... not yet, anyway.
She closes her eyes for a moment, and takes a deep breath. Calming herself down. She needed to think, and, if she was going to maintain this lead, she needed Raiden to not be thinking. So, she actually does speak. The first words she's said since blows started to be exchanged.
"Careful." She says, quietly. "You are getting dirt on your coat."
COMBATSYS: Miu gains composure.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////// ]
Miu 0/-------/------=|====---\-------\0 Raiden
This...this isn't working out so great. It's hard to believe, but even Raiden sometimes has to just admit it when his ass is getting whupped. He finally manages to get to his feet, and just as Miu delivers his STINGING BARB, the wrestler grunts. He continues grunting. And then--
"This coat is NOTHING!" With one last mighty flex he shreds his fur coat into a billion little pieces, fluttering down around him. "It was a mistake, so Raiden /erased it/." The huge man takes a step forward, face deadly serious now, eyes locked on Miu. There is no longer any humor in his expression. It is a /game face/.
"Come see if you're any different."
COMBATSYS: Raiden focuses on his next action.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////// ]
Miu 0/-------/------=|====---\-------\0 Raiden
[OOC] Miu is not a man. :(
[OOC] Raidern whoops
[OOC] Raidern says, "kept getting distracted writing that sentence, soz :("
[OOC] Miu says, "I can never forgive you"
[OOC] Miu says, "By which I mean, it's cool. :)"
[OOC] Raidern says, "let's just assume that i was...referring to raiden again, it is his barb because it is stinging him"
[OOC] Raidern says, "that makes sense"
[OOC] Raidern says, "right"
It's such a simple word, but it means so much. For Miu, it probably means far more than it does to Raiden. To Raiden, it probably is just her being snarky, or trying to wrestle-talk, and failing. To Miu, it is a serious statement of intent. She was not going to allow Raiden to dictate the pace of this fight.
Her hand whips out almost contemptuously, and this time, only a single feather is sent hurtling through the air. Dark as the night sky, but reflecting the neon lights all around it, the black feather aims to hit Raiden directly between the eyes. A stinging, numbing /annoying/ pain.
Much like Miu.
COMBATSYS: Miu successfully hits Raiden with Amagakeri.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////// ]
Miu 0/-------/----===|=====--\-------\0 Raiden
The wrestler snarls as Miu gets sassy, denying his invitation to get pulverized. Immediately he begins to move forward, charging like he always does, when he takes a feather, almost too fast to see, between the eyes. His head jerks back and he falters. But it's just a sting in the end, and he powers forward, full of rage at this little girl who dares to stand up to him like this; and worst of all, /successfully/.
As he approaches, Raiden roars, the roar of a wounded animal, down but certainly not out. He leaps into the air; when he comes down he is somewhat.../lacking/ in his usual technique. Instead, he lets gravity do the work for him, coming down ass-first toward Miu's position.
COMBATSYS: Raiden successfully hits Miu with Crushing Blow.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////// ]
Miu 1/------=/=======|=====--\-------\0 Raiden
[OOC] Miu... oh jesus
[OOC] Raidern says, "THEN"
[OOC] Raidern says, "RAIDEN'S ASS"
[OOC] Raidern says, "the ultimate weapon"
[OOC] Annie says, "...R-Raiden... teach me how to better use my greatest weapon!"
[OOC] Raidern says, "first, eat this sandwich"
[OOC] Raidern says, "it is a steak sandwich"
[OOC] Raidern says, "but with the bread replaced by meatloafs"
[OOC] Annie says, "Is it slimming?"
[OOC] Raidern says, "just look at raiden! so svelte"
[OOC] Miu says, "Okay so"
[OOC] Miu says, "The /sensible/ thing to do here, would be to compose and be all 'bla bla back into the fight bla bla stay centered.'"
[OOC] Miu says, "However"
[OOC] Miu says, "There is only *one* awesome thing to do."
[OOC] Raidern says, "i hope it's doing 'the monkey'"
[OOC] Annie says, "Hit him with /your/ ass!"
Miu tries to start forwards, but, rather embarrassingly... she trips.
This would never happen to Alma.
She actually /screams/, the first time she has ever done so in a fight, but, it is rather muffled by the huge quantities of /ass/ that are mashing her into the pavement. The experience is ... horrifying. She needs to scream, but her mouth is full of flab.
/bad flab/
And then, suddenly, all of that screaming horror comes roaring out of her. Psycho power, as we all know, has something to do with emotion. Raiden is about to be hit by all the fear that Miu has of /drowning in ass/.
Now that she knows this is a possibility, this is a lot of fear.
It manifests, first, as a glow from underneath Raiden's cheeks, which are flush with the pavement. If he doesn't get out of there soon, it will finish as a huge column of light, sharp, and huge. Dwarfing some buildings, and vaguely sharp, with Raiden riding the top of it... until it bursts into a million feathers.
COMBATSYS: Raiden interrupts Chou Yomosugara from Miu with Crazy Train.
[ \\ < > ////// ]
Miu 1/-------/=======|=======\====---\1 Raiden
[OOC] Annie!!!!!
[OOC] Miu says, "Aw dang."
[OOC] Miu says, "I was hoping ass-fear would best Raiden"
[OOC] Miu says, "It turns out, ass-fear just makes him stronger"
[OOC] Raidern says, "raiden fears no ass"
[OOC] Raidern says, "for he was raised by a pack of feral buttocks"
Raiden's only real clue that Miu did NOT manage to get out of his way is the sound. Instead of making a sound like the world's biggest flapjack, there is significantly more sucking and crunching, thanks to the odd shape, and all of the shattered bones/dignity.
It is exactly as horrible as that makes it sound.
Slowly working his way onto his hands and knees, from the sitting position, Raiden's first thought is that it's done. The fight's finished. No girl that size could even LIVE through what he has just done. But then he sees the light, like a sunrise over his mountainous ass. He realizes that something is happening. He needs to act, and /fast/.
"RAIDEN'S HAD FARTS WORSE THAN YOU!" There we go. That said, Raiden is free to continue fighting.
Whirling about with a speed previously unseen in this fight, made all the more impressive with how he's not even on his feet, the big man is just in time to see Miu's pillar of light start to form. He does not think. He plunges it, swinging his arms with all of his strength to break through it, to catch the little girl who is most certainly past it.
Miraculously, he does. Fists swing and strike her fragile little body, crashing into her, before he hunkers down again, legs bunched up. They extend. Raiden goes flying, skimming over the ground like a bullet train launched from a gun train.
And then he's past her, skidding to a halt. Beaten and bruised, panting, but still mostly upright.
Miu, can't really do much as she is grabbed. The girl has to take it, and unfortunately, with the incredible force with which he had hit the pavement, she knows that she can't keep this up. She can feel her power slipping away, refusing to support this stupid project a moment longer. What the hell are you doing, Miu? The man is like, six times your size. You should have gone down much earlier.
"You..." She whispers, as she stumbles up to her feet, "Are not, the limit, of my soul."
This probably means /nothing/ to anyone, but that cryptic statement said, both arms come up, and the myriad number of feathers which had flown out of her during the beating, suddenly snap to attention. Each one glinting with a touch more psychic force.
And then, she throws her hands forwards. Forcing herself to remain conscious long enough to guide the last of what she has towards Raiden, to try, desperately, to strike one last blow for the good will and spirit of little girls everywhere. She had to do it...!
COMBATSYS: Miu can no longer fight.
[ \\\\\\\ <
Raiden 0/-------/-----==|
COMBATSYS: Raiden slows Chou Hissatsu Amagakeri from Miu with Poison Breath.
[ \\\\ <
Raiden 0/-------/----===|
In truth, Raiden doesn't even hear her. She's too quiet, the crowd is too loud--
"YEEEEAH! RAIDEN! RAIDEN!" Or maybe that's just him, trying (and failing spectacularly) to get the crowd to start chanting his name. Not that he cares; as long as one person's cheering him on, he's happy. And he counts. It works out very neatly.
On his feet and swaying almost imperceptibly, Raiden begins to do a slow turn with hands upraised, basking in his complete victory. Except for how it is not complete in any sense of the word.
Miu's last hurrah is obvious enough to get Raiden's attention; all of that shining and feathery flurries stand out quite a bit. The Aussie's eyes widen, knowing that he's at his limit, that there's no way he can take that head on. What can he do, with victory so close, but seeming to be so far away?
Raiden vomits in terror.
A putrescent cloud of green miasma erupts out of his mouth, washing over a not-insignificant portion of the glowing feathers rushing toward him. A fair number still crash into him, peppering his fat and knocking him off his feet onto his backside.
And yet it's not enough. Much more slowly this time, Raiden gets to his feet, unsteady and shaking, but concious enough to lift an arm triumphantly, to claim a win.
COMBATSYS: Raiden has ended the fight here.
[OOC] Raidern says, "that shit"
[OOC] Raidern says, "was bananas"
[OOC] Miu says, "It was pretty crazy!"
[OOC] Raidern says, "certifiable bananas"
[OOC] Miu says, "Destiny wants you to have the neo league, Raiden"
[OOC] Raidern says, "but also a very good fight, and i guess it does"
[OOC] Miu says, "Take it, seize it! e_e/"
[OOC] Raidern says, "because there is no other explanation for how lucky i got there"
[OOC] Miu says, "Each time you hit me, it was for well over 30 damage. XD"
[OOC] Raidern says, "yeah but i /hit you/, that's the part that baffles"
[OOC] Miu isn't /actually/ that dodgy! "Malin is dodgier." >.>:
[OOC] Raidern says, "and you were no slouch either, that first super took off over a third of my health"
[OOC] Miu coughs.
[OOC] Miu says, "That was a MAX."
[OOC] Raidern says, "oh"
[OOC] Raidern says, "oh i see"
[OOC] Annie laughs.
[OOC] Miu says, "Your Fierce Punch did like, 37 damage I think"
[OOC] Raidern says, "that explains why it did that much through a brace"
[OOC] Miu says, "And your ass did 40"
[OOC] Miu says, "Damn your ass"
[OOC] Raidern says, "my ass is magical, i guess"
[OOC] Annie must seek out the Big Bear. =.=
[OOC] Annie says, "Miu is the only one to overcome my ass, there is something I must learn..."
[OOC] Raidern says, "i will crush any little girl who dares face me :("
[OOC] Annie says, "You would crush me in about one and a half rounds!"
[OOC] Miu sliiiides back OOC now though.
ODROP::Miu heads OOC.
Log created on 17:14:05 01/14/2011 by Raiden, and last modified on 19:26:35 01/14/2011.