Description: An event all about schemes and plots outside of the actual League. Hakan wants to prove his form best, Naerose just wants to prove she wouldn't eat someone covered in oil. Who will win? Who will try to win. Okay who won (winner: Hakan)
Oh, Japan! You are full of so many interesting things! Some of them are even suitable for consumption. For months, now, Hakan has been exploring this great land, delving into its culinary cultures and more. This is one of those rare instances where he's not selling his wares or trying to push said oils upon businessmen much, much smaller than he. No, he's out sightseeing! Or, rather, was. As one of Turkey's most predominant oil wrestlers, he's had to endure a number of various styles trying to insinuate that his sport is not in fact a real fighting style. Foolish men! Weak ones, too. Remember: no matter how fancy your kick is, if you don't have the strength to support it, then it's crap! And Hakan, if anything, has strength, with all of those rippling, red muscles.
In any case! Never has the oilman ever seen someone's fighting described as 'witchcraft'. Witches? Pfah! They don't exist! Old stories, made to scare children to make them behave, nothing more! But then, he's seen some amazing things! He had never thought that there would be pseudo-men throwing around snot-colored fire, either. Still, this is something that he has to see. The letter sent to Naerose was written in the most exquisite penmanship his secretary could muster, inked on rich paper with a gold-imbossed letterhead. Come, it says! Pit your magics against the proud history of Turkish wrestling!
Hakan has, likely with no small amount of money, gotten permission to place this battle in one of Japan's many ruins. Black cloth ropes are set all around the crumbling remains of the temple, making the whole building a 'ring' of sorts. Large cut-out pictures of Hakan himself are standing here and there, and once again, his team of mobile chefs are giving free samples of Turkish cuisine, all cooked in his delicious, glorious olive oil. Larger portions are for sale, of course, as are bottles of the magical ingredient. If there are going to be this many people present, he would be a fool to not take advantage of the opportunity! The man himself is already in the ring at the edge, one hand resting on an enormous barrel, fingers curled into the golden lion head's mouth atop it.
[OOC] Nae Nae says, "Sorry afk a few."
[OOC] Hakan says, "Okay."
Cammy has arrived.
Cammy arrives from elsewhere.
[OOC] Cammy channels Hakan. "Here I come!"
[OOC] Hakan haha!
[OOC] Hakan says, "Naerose is AFK at the moment."
[OOC] Hakan says, "Probably because there is delicious food here."
[OOC] Nae Nae says, "I came back"
[OOC] Hakan does not believe this development!
Naeoleague. The Cease and desist order has failed to convince the witch to stop in her ways of NaeoLeaguing. The truth is they should of given her the letter in writing and not just verbally with a business card. Never the less, the challenge was put out and apparently the oil man came. Not that Naerose knew he was an oil man, she didn't actually know anything at all about him. All she knew is this was the agreement.
Cammy: If you fight Hakan with witch craft I'll totally find you like a million witch cakes (tm)!
Naerose: Wow, that would like totally feed a million starving Varvaraettes, or maybe just ten.
So the invitation was set, the league notified, the signs defaced and then finally the witch waiting for her mark. "Man, this is like, kind of making me tense." She comments, because oh the waiting. All she needs is video proof of her witch craft (which is really just flashy chi manipulation).
"I dont' even know what this Hakan guy looks like.." She says to herself. She looks over at the fellow with the barrel of something.. Probably water or maybe refreshments <3. Couldn't be Hakan though. Naerose nods to herself 'knowingly'.
[OOC] Hakan says, "Have you got Naerose in the ring itself?"
[OOC] Nae Nae says, "Yes!"
[OOC] Cammy thought you were going to fight Hakan /after/
[OOC] Cammy has pressure to get witch cakes now
[OOC] Nae Nae says, "Yes. Unfortanutely cammy.."
[OOC] Nae Nae says, "You have stumbled on something naerose is actually serious about."
[OOC] Nae Nae says, "(that something is not witch cakes)"
[OOC] Nae Nae says, "(tm)"
The smell of kebobs wafts across the ruins. The amount of food brought over could certainly feed ten Varvaras! Or, Varvaraettes, whatever those are.
Maybe eight.
While there's a flurry of activity among the signs as Hakan's trusted assistant tries to find out just who would mess with the visage of such a glorious man! Are those...are those boobs spraypainted on him in one of the signs? That is just indecent! Uncalled for! Why...why, he's calling the police!
While all that is being taken care of, people point back behind Hakan himself, trying to turn his attention toward the 'witch'. He slowly turns about, his handsome, strong, well-groomed face now presented to her. His hair is just utterly ridiculous--actually, IS it hair? It looks like a helmet, but instead of a chinstrap, he has a moustachestrap. Very odd. And by god, where are his pupils!? Is he looking at her? CAN he even see? Apparently, he can, as the sight of what he presumes is some charlatain brings a wide, open-mouthed smile nonetheless! "Ah, you came!" His fingers grip that lion's head, plucking the thing up as though its oil-filled weight were insubstantial! He sets it down again as he nears the girl, droplets splashing up from within and out of that golden mouth. "It's good to finally meet you! You are here to show me your supposed magic, ah? Well, don't expect it to do much good today!"
This gives Naerose pause. As in reality check time. And is it the helmet? The pecks? The mouchstrap? NO! Is it the pupils? NO ! IS it the fact that an apparent wrestler just picked up a huge barrel of what can only be described as not food? YES! What is he going to do with that thing? And does Naerose really want to know.. She fixes her shades and suddenly looks like maybe this was not such a great idea. (Imagines of being slow roasted dance through her head) Obviously the only thing here that matters is the food, also kebobs. Yes the kebobs. Interesting fact. Enough kebobs to feed eight varvararaettes could probably feed only one actual Varvara, wing or Naerose. Speaking of, why is Naerose starting to drool a little.
"Oh, right, witch craft. Well you see actually I'm here to demonstrate that for someone named .." She forgot? OR never knew her name.. Did Cammy just get out of the deal by simply not introducing herself?
"Red coat girl." Naerose says, with a big smile, "With a bad british accent." She nods a few times, there could only be one such person. . in the entire world.
"I'm Naerose Delphine, and I hope you're ready to see a lot of aerobatics, cause basically I'm going to just attack you with the same thing over and over and over again."
No one said she had to win this fight.
[OOC] Cammy says, "what is it then?"
[OOC] Cammy says, "Hakan is awesome. :)"
[OOC] Cammy says, "and my accent is not /bad/. :<"
And my, are those kebobs going fast! The samples are bad enough, but way out here, there's just no one to buy food from! That means that Hakan's chefs are the only game in town, and that game is DELICIOUS. Who's to say that there will be anything left by the time that the fight is done?
"Ah!" The giant man's expressions are clear and open on his face, with his wide smiles and wide-open eyes. "You know Cammy! Such a sweet girl she is!" After all, he only knows one person with that cloak and that accent, so it must be her, right? He pauses, however, scrunching that visage up in thought. "But why would she send you to me?" He never did question who sent him that tip about witchcraft, but it wasn't very important. "Well, no matter!" He tries to grip one of Naerose's hands in his own. He hasn't yet oiled up, but he still feels...slick. And warm, so very warm, as he radiates the heat of a thousand very tiny suns. "You may call me Hakan, and I look forward to any tricks you may try to pull! I am interested in seeing them!"
[OOC] Hakan aww, you're so nice, Cammy!
[OOC] Cammy is so nice Lord Vega refers to me as 'his precious Bee'
[OOC] Cammy, teachers pet
[OOC] Hakan says, "Oh, your boss may not be as awful as I thought."
Heeeh. Naerose shaeks teh hand and manages a smile that indicates that yes, she will play along and they can be friends <3. Though Naerose feels she should give some explanation, after all, Hakan can become an ally. So Naerose breaks into an explanation, totally unsolicited.
"Okay, so like, there was this cold winter night (she is sure this will be a great start) and most people, you know they have families and treats and treats and treats and treats and treats" .. Naerose repeats treats for kind of a long time before something snaps and she continues.
"These poor Varavaraettes.. They have no treats and they are in like.. cold places, with no warm anything and especially no treats, did I mention that? So it's like, .. no winter cheer for them.. and " Naerose looks like she actually feels kind of bad,
"Luckily! I wasn't told I had to defeat you, only display some neat witch aerobatics, so! I'll do that then and then, Cammy? Right, she has to provide me with enough Witch Cakes (tm) to start feeding these poor Varvaraettes.. But wait!" Here comes the sales pitch.
"You can help too. You can help me organize the Naeoleague tournament to feed the hungry!."
This scheme was once hatched before the editors might note, where as the 'hungry' was Naerose herself. This may turn out true a second time too.
"So after this happens, I mean the demonstration.. maybe you could.. help! By getting a rich and powerful financial backer!" Naerose is totally scheming here today. She ends with a smile. A biiiig smile.
[OOC] Cammy says, "His evil was sucked out of him at the time, he wasn't feeling himself"
Hakan is a great many things. He is kind. He is warm! He is a father. He is oily.
But more importantly, Hakan is a businessman.
While at first, he looks upon the girl and her sad story with a bit of growing pity, it may cause one to think that he's falling for it. "Oh! Those poor little things!" His lips pull into a great big frown that wrinkles his chin, lower lip pushed out. It may even wibble. But all the while, something tickles at the back of his brain. This kind of speech is familiar. Why is that? ...Ah.
All of a sudden, the man's features harden and he stands upright, shaking his head as he also waves a hand before him. "Oh, no, no, my friend. It is far too expensive to fund a new league, when this one is doing so well! The best that I could hope for is a much smaller market share, when I could instead work on partnerships with Mister Masters." Cheapskate. "However, if you can convince a major charity to take up your cause, then I will be happy to lend my aid!" After all, charity is tax-deductible in many nations. "But enough about that! The people are here to watch a match, not a sales pitch! Let's give the customers what they want!" The reason for his barrel is immediately clear: with one hand, he hoists it overhead, emptying it of its slick riches.
COMBATSYS: Hakan has started a fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Hakan 0/-------/-------|
COMBATSYS: Naerose has joined the fight here on the left meter side.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Naerose 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Hakan
COMBATSYS: Hakan upends his lion-faced barrel over his head, bathing in the exquisite slick of virgin olive oil.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Naerose 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 [E] Hakan
[OOC] Hakan says, "Go ahead and take first shot. :D"
When you're Naerose, somehow a bottomless well of optimism, you tend to take setbacks... as steps forward! Hakan says that he will only help if she finds a major charity, but that information is processed by Naerose' optimistic center and comes out to mean 'I will be glad to help, just find one major charity to help.' So it's no surprise (to anyone who can read minds, read hers, and not go insane in the attempt, that she smiles in response and says,
"Great, so after I get the major charity, I'll put you down as an event organizer. I don't need to make a new league, just a single one time new tournament. But you said you would! All I need is one major charity. Consider it done." What would anyone have to fear, Naerose doing that? Come on what are the chances. . .Then again, she does have a tendency to being extremely chaotic. Maybe, just maybe the heavens should quiver at the thought that she could do what she said she'll do.
"Right, well I have to do some demonstrating dont I.." She says and hops on her broom.
"Here I co- HOLY SNAP! Did you just dump oil on yourself?! That's so gross!!!!" Cries Naerose while shooting at Hakan on her broom in a crash course and looking like the last thing she actually wants to do is connect.
[OOC] Nae Nae says, "Prepare to see that move a lot."
COMBATSYS: Hakan endures Naerose's Delphine Charge.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////////////// ]
Naerose 0/-------/------=|==-----\-------\0 [E] Hakan
[OOC] Nae Nae says, "Oh I'm going to die."
[OOC] Cammy says, "Shush, Hakan is awesome."
[OOC] Cammy says, "And too nice for his own good."
That sounds fair. Doesn't it? Just one event? A tournament, even? Well, that would be very expensive, hosting a whole tournament. But then, it wouldn't just be him, right? Surely, many people would join a MAJOR CHARITY in funding fights for the hungry! Not only will he get a big break in putting money behind it, but he could also get his oil in it somehow. Yessss... His oil, bought up by all those people needing supplies for those poor people. It's tempting. It's enticing! It just. Might. Be. Possible.
Still, that is a problem far in the future. Right now, Hakan has emptied his barrel, and he's standing in a pool of the stuff! His hands run over his shining skin, smearing it all around, working it in his pants and everything. He is one well-lubricated man! "Of course!" he answers, his chest pumped with pride. "It is how we wrestle in my country!" His fists rest on his hips, posture straight as if to invite the girl in. But will she? Is she brave enough?
Apparently so! The broom sinks into his abdomen a couple of inches, right between ridges of his abs. Okay. THAT hurts a bit, and his bulging eyes show it. Unfortunately, all that oil on the ground will make it hard for her to stop, unless she truly CAN fly! Such a trick isn't REALLY magic...he's seen men propel themselves before! Somehow, the big red man remains in place despite the wet floor, his toes curled and sunken into the earth. In retaliation, one of those thick arms pulls back, then pistons forward and straight out, his palm open and hand spread to just launch the poor girl into the delapidated stone walls behind her!
[OOC] Cammy beams at flying Naerose.
[OOC] Cammy waits for the Hakan Throw.
Cammy, troublemaker
[OOC] Cammy says, "aiee, oops. :("
[OOC] Cammy ruins your log
[OOC] Nae Nae says, "That just made it into the log."
[OOC] Nae Nae notes the broom charges really do include her feet not on the ground.
[OOC] Hakan knows, but he is skeptical.
[OOC] Hakan is a skeptical, niec businessman.
[OOC] Hakan and nice.
[OOC] Nae Nae says, "Oh well. Probably going to get hurled into a wall."
COMBATSYS: Hakan successfully hits Naerose with Hakan Spear.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////////// ]
Naerose 0/-------/--=====|===----\-------\0 [E] Hakan
[OOC] Nae Nae says, "Yep. Hurled into a wall."
The oil isn't really a problem for Naerose, who tries to keep aloft. The issue is, well.. Hakan. There just isnt' anywhere else to go. She rams her broom into a brick wall (his abs) and then she's out of room and on top of that, she avoids the oily ground. Instead gets send flying into a wall. To be fair. Naerose -is- just propelling herself. But then that's all an airplane does too. Instead of using a jet engine, she uses Chi. Sliding down the wall and looking at the big oily wet spot left by those hands, Naerose whines just a little,
"Aww man, that is really wet and gross.." She comments and tries to wipe the oil off, smearing it instead.
"I hope this washes out.." She comments, then hops on her broom and repeats the exact same move. I mean if first you don't succeed, try try again? No seriously, why is she doing the broom charge again? Hakan should have no problem dealing with this at all. Especially since well, he dealt with it just fine last time.
COMBATSYS: Hakan blocks Naerose's Delphine Charge.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////// ]
Naerose 0/-------/-======|====---\-------\0 [E] Hakan
It's true! This time, he can see it coming from further away. He drips in the very same spot he'd started in, all shining and majestic, but still immobile, like some sort of giant boulder in the path of a little witch. Actually, that's exactly what he is. As Naerose comes sweeping in again, he doesn't take the broom tip in his gut again. That hurt, after all! Instead, he extends a hand to catch the rider stick in the palm of his hand, a meaty smack and jarring of carpals shuddering beneath the flesh. Immediately, the other hand swings up and over, just trying to tip the girl over onto the ground! No mercy from this one, it seems.
"All right, now, where are your wires?" he asks aloud, trying to feel for proof of CHEATING as he digs hands in just /all/ the wrong places. One arm curls up between her legs, with the other coming down over her shoulder. It's an awful sight, and will likely have to be blurred out on television later. Assuming that he can't find any wires (and really, why would he?), he just looks confused. Then, an idea! "Well, let's see how high you can fly, then!" So long as he can get that hold on the girl, he'll try to toss her upwards and back, far overhead and behind him! It's a very humiliating experience, to be sure.
[OOC] Cammy cackles
COMBATSYS: Hakan successfully hits Naerose with Hakan Throw.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////////// ]
Naerose 1/------=/=======|======-\-------\0 [E] Hakan
[OOC] Cammy cackles!
[OOC] Hakan ow. D:
[OOC] Cammy impressed, though, Naerose really does fly
[OOC] Cammy will report back to Lord Vega
The pppproblem here is that Naerose is doing her best to demonstrate what she considers her broom flight, so she's trying to avoid hitting the ground. Now why would this be a problem? Well frankly it isn't conducive to fighting. For one she has no great way to steer besides shifting of her weight this way and that. Secondly there is the issue that the power to move through the air is generated through bursts of chi energy. So it's exhausting to keep this up as long as she is. Still it doesnt' seem like she's slowing down yet. Oh no, she's managed speed at least and then when Hakan hurls her she sort of loses her broom and ends up tumbling to the ground. But what else did you expect? The flight was more or less over when she hit Hakan's huge arms of muscle, rather than when she was hurled by those same arms. Naerose meanwhile gets back up and makes a small whining sound.
"The things I do.." She complains, while picking up her broom and GETTING BACK ON.
"Alright, mister oil. Here I come!"
She launches herself back at Hakan, by now the whole broom stick fight thing has got to be getting really really old, but yet at the same time.. well.. she is doing exactly what she believes will get her witch cakes.
[OOC] Cammy thinks it would have been much easier if she just demonstrated in front of me though. :(
[OOC] Nae Nae knows the motm rules to being in the air.
[OOC] Nae Nae says, "You must have a power source."
[OOC] Nae Nae says, "Basically naerose 'flies' the same way a model rocket does."
[OOC] Nae Nae says, "I mean vega himself can do the same trick she does."
[OOC] Hakan says, "So can Honda. :D"
[OOC] Nae Nae says, "And nagare"
[OOC] Hakan mmm.
COMBATSYS: Hakan interrupts Delphine Charge from Naerose with Oil Dive.
-**- LUNATIC HIT!! -**-
[ \\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////// ]
Naerose 2/<<<<<<</<<<<<<<|=======\-------\1 [E] Hakan
[OOC] Hakan D:
[OOC] Nae Nae says, "Wow. A plus 4 increase in pl"
[OOC] Hakan says, "Is it? That makes it a PL10 hit."
[OOC] Nae Nae says, "Yeah, that sounds about right."
[OOC] Hakan says, "Oh, no. It's 3 levels higher, it says."
[OOC] Nae Nae says, "Oh, -only- 3"
[OOC] Cammy says, "poor naerose."
[OOC] Nae Nae says, "I wouldn't feel bad for her."
After launching the little witch, Hakan's feet finally uproot themselves so he can turn around and watch. A flattened hand shades his eyes as he girl go up, up...and...fall back to earth. The impact causes him to wince a little bit. After all, she's just a girl! However, one thing is now clear to him: the power is all in the broom! It's not magic, it's not witchcraft. It's simple trickery--or gadgetry! There must be something special about it. So sure of this is he that he puffs his chest out, again, putting both hands on his hips. "I see that without your cheater's broom, your magic is nothing but smoke and mirrors!"
But again with the flying toward him?! It's too late! He's figured out the ruse. He hunches forward with both arms open, obviously awaiting the girl as she comes screaming in. And he's hit!, it was all part of his plan. Lurching backward with the impact, Hakan's arms clamp around Naerose like deadly robot claws, and just as unescapeable. A sharp yell and a lurching of his body, combined with the blast of chi that's making everything float in the first place, turns the two into, quite literally, a spinning rocket. The man's oil splashes about in all directions as the pair soar into--and through--a wall. And another. And another. The poor ruins, sacred and revered, are just getting decimated! The ride is only stopped when the two crash into the big bell half-sunken into the ground, the witch's head colliding with a very loud, lingering BONG that ripples through the air.
And as for "mister oil", himself? He goes flying off over the bell, landing on the ground, sliding safely away. He eventually comes to a stop, fingers sinking into the ground and leaving long, oily trails in his wake. "...That is one heck of a toy! I wonder if they make any that are safe for children..."
"What the heck," exclaims broom pilot Naerose. Then there is a gong and everything hurts a lot. Picking herself after all of that is really going to be hard. The good thing is that Naerose is really skilled at losing, so it's not like she is too concerned with that. Really Cammy should of stipulated harder conditions, except this does hurt. Reaching for and picking up her broom, Naerose takes a moment to listen to Hakan.
Her broom meanwhile is just a long branch with straw tied to one end. Like the style of broom someone might of used in the dark ages. Honestly it's just an ordinary stick and yet.. Naerose would be relatively powerless without it. Certainly the 'flight' wouldnt' work as it is the object where she focuses her energy. She certainly isn't going to launch herself places by exploding herself! That would be crazy.
"Huh.. So that's what you think.." Naerose says, adjusting her shades with a biiig smile, she gets over pain quickly.
"Okay, what will you give me for my broom?" She can after all just make another. This isn't the first broom she's gone through. Also, she's not in this to prove anything really. There doesnt' seem to be even an inch of Naerose being egged on.
"Well, I guess I'll just do more broom tricks then, " she shrugs and hops on her broom. "Alright, mister, this time lets go a little higher.."
When Naerose flies at Hakan this time she actually aims just a little off center.. and then.. Tries to grab him. He's covered in oil though, so frankly this might not end well, but if she can get a hold of him she'll pull up and drag them both in the air before letting go of him and dropping out of the air herself, trying to use him as a landing pad.
COMBATSYS: Hakan endures Naerose's Aquila Charge.
[ \\\\\\\ < > ///////////// ]
Naerose 0/-------/-----==|=======\=====--\1 [E] Hakan
[OOC] Hakan says, "This is the moment that I've been waiting for since I got Hakan."
[OOC] Cammy says, "uh oh?"
How much...? Hakan blinks, at first skeptical. Is she REALLY going to sell him her broom? It's so awesome, it could be a national treasure! She's just willing to pawn it off? He tries not to look too amazed at the prospect. After all, if he seems too eager, he might flub the whole--"I'll give you fifty thousand lira for it!" ...Or he'll offer an absurd amount of money for an ordinary broom. Wonderful.
He pulls himself up to his feet, giving the girl time to get her bearings together...and his own. Besides, he wouldn't want to do anything to piss her off and kill the deal, right? And look! She's so happy! That smile is wonderful, like a piranha. Or a shark. A hungry shark. "All right! Let's see what that thing can do!" Again, his arms are open and he waits, but this time, he doesn't grab her. Well, he does, but he grabs at the same moment that she does! So joined, his considerably bulk is lifted up, up, up! Oh, he's so high! Looking down around the ruins, he momentarily forgets that he's in the middle of a fight. "So amazing! So wonderful! My daughters will love this!"
And then he's released. It's so sudden that his half-hearted grip fails him due to all the oil having trickled down Naerose's arm. He grasps, he flails, but it's of no use! He falls like a rock from the heavens, all limbs thrashing about before he collides with mother earth. A giant plume of dirt flies upward and outward in all directions, the concave crater formed with the red-skinned giant in the center. He's face-up, arms and legs all straight out. His mouth is agape, and his eyes are dull. That HURT! So winded, he hasn't the strength to roll out of the way as Naerose comes crashing down, but be warned! Even now, his chest and stomach are /awfully/ slick. She had better find sure footing as she lands, or else...
[OOC] Hakan has more to add if it hits.
[OOC] Nae Nae says, "Wow."
COMBATSYS: Hakan successfully hits Naerose with Oil Combination Hold.
[ < > ///////////// ]
Naerose 1/------=/=======|-------\-------\0 [E] Hakan
[OOC] Nae Nae says, "I just got an idea.."
[OOC] Nae Nae says, "for a terrible."
[OOC] Nae Nae says, "plot.."
[OOC] Nae Nae says, "involving this broomstick."
[OOC] Hakan oh?
[OOC] Nae Nae says, "Oh yes."
[OOC] Nae Nae says, "I mean afterall, it -is- an ordinary broom.. But you'll see."
[OOC] Nae Nae says, "My pose will explain all."
[OOC] Nae Nae says, "And the world will shudder."
[OOC] Nae Nae says, "Actually it's a fairly bad broom as brooms go"
[OOC] Hakan says, "Okay. I'm going to add on to my pose real quickly."
[OOC] Hakan says, "Just for the hold."
[OOC] Nae Nae says, "It is afterall, not even straight, and its kind of a big branch, lots of splinters"
[OOC] Nae Nae says, "And lets see.. the sweeping part is just tied on"
[OOC] Cammy says, "Hakan loves to bust a move."
When Naerose's feet touch against Hakan's body, it's just too slick! When she inevitably falls and lands on top of him, his arms swing up and again clamp around her, like she'd hit the magic button to start the worst ride EVER. He rolls in the dirt until he's laying on top of the poor girl. none of the people around can see this, of course, and it's probably for the best...but he starts to SPIN. Like chopper blades whirling overhead, so too does the oil man move, eventually looping his arms and legs around the captive witch, which in turn grinds her into the ground beneath! It's awful, humiliating, and what's worse: she's trapped under that big lunk of greasy muscle, her head poking out between his thick, leather-wrapped thighs!
"That's quite a trick!" he says, apparently back in the world of consciousness. "But still, not enough to pull the wool over hundreds of years of Turkish wrestling!" Ah, that WAS the point, wasn't it? To prove his style's dominance! Every muscle in hsi body tenses and bulges, squeezing on the trapped girl. From all angles, the pressure is just more intense, tighter, tighter...until she quite literally pops out behind him, flying out like some oil-covered rocket, and with the curve of the crater for her to follow, well! It's likely that she'll suffer another trip skyward once again, and back into the field of vision of the waiting crowd!
[OOC] Hakan says, "I do! :[D"
[OOC] Cammy laughs.
[OOC] Cammy says, "poor Naerose."
[OOC] Cammy says, "oh well, time for me to go home. :)"
Cammy has disconnected.
That was maybe the point for him, but not at all the point for her, the point for Naerose was to demonstrate just what she could do on the broom and her limitations. She could get it into the air and travel there with it, but it took a power source as all things do and that source can be exhausted. Also.. it really needs breaks.. I mean when you get going fast enough to fly through the air, you can't just stop on a dime! In fact, usually Naerose ends up just crashing. But sometimes she can pull it off. The cost? Her energy. But that's beside the point.. What the point was is Holy snap what is he doing to me!!!
One thing Naerose knows, she is messy. Really really messy. Another thing? Well.. she's in no mood (or condition) to keep demonstrating anything.
"Yeah, you'r wrestling is pretty slick." She says, pun intended? After managing to get to one knee, leaning on her broom. She doesn't attack back, she's done enough flying for one say (especially after the skyward trip she was just sent on).
How did she land? Face first.
"Ahh look, I don't know what a lira is, but it doesnt' sound like food.." Naerose says, taking a few moments to catch her breath. "I'll ahh, trade you the broom, but if it's for your daughters, are they young? Probably they need smaller brooms.. Umm.. let me see." She frowns, looking uncomfortable, like something is gnawing at her. "They're not easy to use.. " She continues, no in fact you could call the broom flight a signature part of her style.
"Here is what I will do." She continues, "If you agree.. to help me feed the starving Varvara's by organizing the charity event.." She holds up a hand to indicate waiting until she is done, "And I don't mean you pay for it, ah, yourself, cause I'm not sure if they take Lira.. " (she is imagining him trying to pay with sea shells filled with oil) "Imean like, help me find sponsors, drum up support and get people reved up. Yeah.. That." She nods a little, as if she's talking faster than she can think
"Then I'll teach your daughters how to use the broomsticks."
If he agrees.. Then the world will have to tremble at the first ever -students of Naerose-.
Hakan himself climbs out of the miniature pit shortly afterward, arching his back and trying to readjust his spine through flexing and twisting. Little pops are heard here and there while his ribs readjust into their proper places. "Aaah, what a trip that was. This will be--" Wait. Did Naerose just NOT know what a lira was? Did she liken it to food? But she's also being considerate for his daughters! The witch is a very hard person to read, indeed.
"Wait, wait, wait!" The man waves his hands before him, but he doesn't close any distance. He remains where he is, instead. "Look, I said I'll try to help, but I'm not promising anything until our lawyers can work up a proper contract!" She DOES know that the world works on contracts and agreements, right? In the eyes of the law, a verbal agreement is rarely a binding deal. "But trust me," he continues, pulling a hand over his chest and his heart. "I'll look into it, it sounds like a good cause. As for the broom..." He cants his head, doing some mental arithmetic. "It comes out to about two and a half million yet. Or, about thirty thousand American dollars. It's a fair deal, yes?" Fair for him, maybe! Why, once he can get the things mass-produced, he'll make billions. Trillions, maybe! ...If it worked, anyway.
[OOC] Hakan says, "Are you passing, or attacking, or just waiting?"
COMBATSYS: Naerose takes no action.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Hakan [E] 0/-------/-------|
COMBATSYS: Naerose can no longer fight.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Hakan [E] 0/-------/-------|
[OOC] Nae Nae Forgot to to that
[OOC] Hakan says, "It's okay. X)"
COMBATSYS: Hakan has ended the fight here.
This all gives Naerose a lot of pause, she does want the money and almost accepts right off, but the little voice in her head reminds her that she wants Hakan to do something for her first and besides.. She knows the broom is itself an ordinary piece of wood. (she should because she made it) then again, she also did some play magickal rituals over it, so who knows, maybe it will work?
Leverage Naerose Leverage. "Fine!" She says and grins, grins dangerously big, "As soon as I've completed my goal of the the charity event.. I'll sell you the broomstick. " Yep, that's the best way to keep leverage. "I couldn't part with it before then, because it will clearly be a big part of the event, see?" Naerose says, trying to sound convincing despite knowing full well she can get another one anytime.
Hmmm. That causes Hakan to squint his eyes and look at the witch quietly and critically. His scam senses are tingling! If she'd just sold him the broom, he'd have taken it and she'd have gotten a whole crapload of money for a mundane stick with some bristled tied to it. But now, since she's pushing so hard on the charity thing, it's putting him off. "I don't know..." You're losing him, Nae, you losing him! All the while, the murmur of the crowd has them wondering: is the fight done? The girl seems to be down, while the guy man is still standing. Assistants and officials, noting the disquiet, go on to announce today's winner and downplay the dealings going on in the middle of the ruins-slash-ring. With the fight done, Hakan's own assistant is now allowed in, towels and water in hand! The former is handed to the oil baron first, letting him wipe down some of the filth and grit from his brilliant red skin. "Let Yavuz know that we'll need a contract written up for charity work." Of course, there are all sorts of legal filings that'll have to be made! No doubt, it will ensure that Hakan's company will only put down a penny after an acceptable (at Big Red's discretion, of course!) charity is found and a contract with them shown. Ah, but that should be easy for such a cause, right? It guarantees financial aid, sor tof! He gestures toward Naerose herself, still speaking to the other man. "And get her information and a check for her broom! Fifty thousand, no more!"
[OOC] Nae Nae says, "End here?"
[OOC] Hakan says, "Sure, if you have nothing to add!"
[OOC] Nae Nae Yeah, lets just assume you get the broom.
[OOC] Hakan says, "And Hakan really will help you out if you can weasel a contract out of /somebody/."
[OOC] Nae Nae says, "Poor hakan."
[OOC] Hakan says, "Poor Hakan. :( Most expensive broom ever."
[OOC] Hakan says, "His wife will kill him."
[OOC] Hakan says, "Actually, wait."
[OOC] Hakan says, "no, he won't help! Not when he finds the broom to be a dud. >:[O"
[OOC] Hakan says, "But Naerose now has $32,000!"
[OOC] Hakan heads back out ooc. Thanks for the fight!
ODROP::Hakan heads OOC.
Log created on 09:01:14 01/14/2011 by Naerose, and last modified on 12:48:43 01/14/2011.