Naerose - Can Witches Fly? Can Dolls Negotiate?

Description: Cammy runs into Naerose, but less literally than she might of liked while walking a bunny. Some wheeling and dealing spells possible trouble for Hakan and Aranha (possibly wing too) as the pair attempt to get the other person to do what they want. It quickly becomes apparently that just maybe Cammy would like Naerose to just .. stop.

Cammy knows little about animals in truth, beyond that a lot of them are kinda cute and fuzzy looking, and this is somehow appealing. She also knows that the lifespan of animals in Shadaloo's base tends to be measured in weeks, at best. These two little factoids have conspired to lead her into her current situation - walking the streets of Southtown, with an unfortunate rabbit trailing along behind, tugged along, every so often, by the leash attached to it's collar.

In the other hand, Cammy clutches an iphone. Marketing for Steve Jobs perhaps, but no, the Doll gets no sponsorship fees or anything. She's watching NeoLeague matches on it, while the rabbit struggles along. Once upon a time extracting fighting data meant bruises and blood, these days, in the multimedia age, you can do a pretty good job while walking the rabbit. That said, she's still indulged in the old fashion version perhaps as she's got a few pretty hefty bruises on her face, though now all yellowed and faded as they are rapidly on the mend.

By coincidence, heading the opposite direction, down the street, on a scooter is the red witch Naerose, who is awake way earlier than she'd like to be. Then there is the matter of the cold. It's really cold. So how do these two meet? Well funny story, you see when you ride a scooter in the cold the tires get cold and less flexible, so when she tries to turn, instead of turning the tire just slips, you can almost see the shock on Nae's face as she decides to abandon ship. Jumps off the scooter and sends herself flying into the side walk. Meanwhile the scooter, well balanced, actually keeps going a ways before hitting a trash heap and somehow ends up in better shape from it all than her. But that's just karma. Sort of like the cavs losing to the lakers? Actually that is just a difference in skill (your day will come Lebron, when the lakers beat you too, and don't think the sports pundits will forget what you said about the cavs when it was there turn).

This is how Naerose finds herself on the ground, picking up, in front of where Cammy happens to be walking.

"Ouch." She says.

Cammy is rather singleminded when focused, and so she's still staring at her iphone when all of a sudden she hears all manner of pained noises from just in front of her. And so she looks up, to see the familiar form of Naerose getting up off the road. The rabbit is also finding that form familiar, as it strains on the leash - this time in the opposite direction. And who said bunnies were thick?

"Good morning." the Doll says a little icily. Rabbit abusers are not exactly high up on Cammy's list of likes, especially when she didn't get to see a broomstick in use. "I guess you cannot fly without your broom." she observes, looking up at the scooter. "Witches ride scooters?".

"Huh?" Naerose looks up and then says, "Oh well, yesh I do need my broom.." She walks over to the scooter and pulls it out of the trusty broom sheath. Which is just a cardboard tube taped to the side of the scooter, "I'm all good now though." The witch says and adjusts her shades with a big smile. She then proceeds to look Cammy over, glances at the bunny, doesn't seem to recognize it at all.

"Are you a fan of witches?" She asks and smiles, smiles big. She can sniff out a witch fan when she sees one. Thats why Cammy is talking that way, she knows er, that you're supposed to be.. Actually Naerose hasn't quite puzzled that part out yet. Instead she just leans on her broom, pretty sure this is a conversation, which she's heard about before. It is her understanding that these sorts of things can sometimes lead to very interesting exchanges of lunch for information. Why, Nae is so serious about that she even rummages around her hat for her red bowl labled 'Naerose' on the side. A red plastic bowl (it looks exactly like a dog bowl). She's ready for lunch! This may look a little weird to Cammy though.

The poor bunny. Discarded, like an old pair of shoes. "Me? Not really." Cammy replies diffidently, with a small shrug. "I never really thought about it much until a couple of days ago. I am merely curious is all. I have never seen witches around much, but I suppose I'm not too surprised to see that there is a witch fighter.". Oho, Cammy has been watching NeoLeagues alright. "You didn't really use your broom in that either. Not to fly on, anyway." she goes on, tapping her iphone.

And then the dog bowl comes out? Cammy looks on expectantly, expecting, well. A dog. Oh, wait. She tilts her head, reading the name on the side, and then blinks, looking up at Naeroses face with one eyebrow raised.

"Oh you mean Naeoleague.. " The witch states with a snap of her fingers and then says, "Right, well, I'll tell you what, if you really want to see some awesome broom ariel tricks, you can! you just need to complete.. A quest! Witches are all about quests. " Naerose grins, grins big, "So what I need is Witch Cakes (tm) and in order to get them for me you need to ask a few people, lets see, Wing and Aranha, both of them might be hiding the Witch Cakes (tm) and if not, you can ask a chef. But here is the thing, they will lie and try to say they don't have them, but they do! I know they do, I can tell.

The witch nods a few times, " If you go and get the Witch Cakes (tm) from them, than I'll join a Naeoleague about this whole broom flight thing and then we'll totally, let me see, I don't know, you just have to pick an opponent. Also, Wing and Aranha are super accomplished fighters who, it is my understanding, have never ever lost a fight. Undefeated, like super secret organization fighters. You know like from MiB. Only Wing isn't a man, she's a really angry short chinese girl. But hey, if you can't handle it, fine, whatever." The red witch shrugs and starts to tuck her bowl away.

Cammy's brain is thus buried under what first seems like a great weight of ... nonsense. It's hard to choose where to begin in processing all of it. "Well, it was on TV... Witch cakes? What is a witch cake? You have a recipe for them? Wing and Aranha have never lost a fight?".

She pauses, and hmms a bit, eyes narrowed. "If you were a more reliable witness maybe I would be more interested in Wing and Aranha. I have seen Aranha though, and I think your information on him is incorrect." she informs Naerose. "I suppose I will bite anyway, though. How do you make a witch cake?" she asks. "And why do you have a dog bowl?". She blinks owlishly. "Are you poor?" she guesses.

Her posh English accent is the perfect accent for addressing bums and hobos, and it does rather seem like Naerose might just be one of those!

"huh?" Naerose asks, and looks really confused, "This isn't a dog bowl, it's a witch bowl. That's what I was told at the.. well, where ever I got it anyway." She shrugs, not bothering with it and then continues, "Oh you think you've seen Aranha, but he can make himself believe stuff, like he claims he and I met, but we havn't and then he came up with video proof, so somehow he manipulated a video on youtube with his mind, that or there is a lot of witches around, which I would totally believe, every town has one." She nods a few times then says,
"Come to think of it.. I think one of the witches in the video he shows me did fly on a broom. So fine, don't go see Aranha about Witch Cakes (tm)."

As to what the delectable treat is, well she needs little prodding to talk about it. "Oh, Witch Cakes (tm) are the best thing ever, they're these little cakes, about the size of your hand, I mean, can fit in your hand, anyway, they're filled with a delicuos fruit filling and shaped like hates with a harder outter biscuit like shell, they come in a box, looks like a cereal box, they're the best thing ever. I don't know how to make them, but seriously, if you come up with a box of witch cakes (tm) I'll do anything you ask me to."

She actually looks sincere.

"I don't think there is such a think as a witch bowl. It looks like a dog bowl to me.". Cammy then frowns as she hears another wave of nonsense, this time about Aranha, and she is almost offended by this. The Doll's bureaucrat soul causes her to tilt her head, thinking, about her last encounter with Aranha and her wandering through her files. "He was only slightly above a street punk in the past, and he did not have any psycho power or anything like that. No manipulating youtube with his mind. And he seemed to me to be a rather painfully honest sort.". While Naerose seems to be a bullshitter par excellence.

She wonders if Lord Vega can do that? Edit youtubes with his mind? Hmm. She makes a mental note to ask.

"I have never heard of this witch cake. Only cakes that look like witches. I think you are lying maybe.". Ooo quick to judge. "Maybe I shall ask this Wing or Aranha about them anyway. Maybe.". Her lip curls a bit. She'll have to be very bored or very idle to do that, a task that is 95% likely to be pointless. And Aranha is unlikely to be very cooperative. She suspects angry Chinese girls won't be either.

Naerose is meanwhile trying to pick her scooter up out of the trash, while Cammy disbelieves her and for her part Nae is totally like, unmoved. It is almost like Cammy and Naerose are having two entirely different conversations. Which is, oddly enough, how most conversations with the Red Witch seem to go for people. Needless to say, Naerose isn't giving up yet on causing trouble for Aranha for no apparent reason, she says simply, "Well, whatever, you want someone on a broom and I am telling you, Aranha has video's of this. He has seen it, he claims it was me, but I still think he's lying, someone else is in his past and his mind is a locked box of like misunderstanding, but he has the videos, he has the proof and he has the Witch Cakes (tm)." Naerose smiles at Cammy, adjusts her shades and promptly changes the subject, "By the way, that is a really nice red coat, I mean, I love it! Where can I get one?" Asks the one decked out in red.

Cammy hmms, and shrugs. Well, she met him in Metro City if she recalls, and she likes Metro City. She's not been there for ages. Maybe it's time for a visit. "Mmmmm. A video you say. Maybe I will investigate. It would be so much easier if you demonstrated here, though.". She points to Naerose's broom. "You have your broom. And you are here. You could just fly, right now, if you are not a liar.". Logic has re-intruded, and visits to Aranha are not a part of it.

And witch cakes do not really merit investigation. "Oh, you like my cloak? How nice. Nobody else has ever said that.". She expands a bit, secure in her fashionability at least briefly. "I do not know where I got it, actually. It was a long time ago. I do not remember.".

"Yeah, I don't remember much either.." Naerose states and then says, "Well, mmm, you want something and I want something, how could we possibly arrange some sort of like, you know accord?" Naerose asks, looking at Cammy with wide eyes, that is to say, they might be wide, if not mostly obscured by her round rimmed shades.
"Cause I think..." She says after a moment, "I coullllld demonstrate one of the neatest witch spells, but then I would be like giving it away and you're not willing to talk to Aranha to get me any witch cakes, it just seems kind of unfair to me is all. " Naerose states, examining her red painted nails, noticing one is not fully red, pulls some red nail polish out of her hat. As she applies red to red on red and is all red, one might start to think that her appreciation of a red cloak is maybe a little .. insincere? I mean is there anything red she doesn't like? Well her broom isn't red. Oh and and neither is the happy face poof to her hat (she totally has one of those).

"I'll tell you what.." Naerose begins, "I'll give you what you want if you get me what I want." She nods once, thinking this is a fair trade.

Cammy wrinkles her nose. "OK.". The Killer Bee is hardly a skilled negotiator, but alright... she is reasonable. More reasonable than Naerose. "I think you don't really need witch cakes though. You are always hungry. With your dog bowl.". Ugh, the distaste, it's not like she is particularly snooty really but there's something about Naerose that brings that out in her. "I could buy you cheesecake instead of witch cake, as there is a shop right over there which sells it." she notes, pointing. "Then I do not have to chase Aranha or anybody else, you can get your food very quickly, and fly on your broom for me, and then in five minutes time we will both be happy and satisfied. A much better solution, no?".

"Mmmm.." Naerose says, because honestly Cammy drives a hard bargain. It's really hard for Naerose to not accept an offer of food now, she is after all, terrible at planning ahead. So it is with a lot of effort (and I mean a lot of effort) that Naerose manages what she says next,
"What I want is Witch Cakes (tm), there are a lot of starving Varvaraettes that need witch cakes (tm) and I'm not going to let them down. So here is my revised deal. If you find witch cakes (tm) I'll enter a Naeoleague and do nothing but broom airiatics (a word she made up, but she's pretty sure it's real). "
She nods a few times and adjusts her shades before says, "Those poor Varavaraettes, they look like mini people, only they can open their mouths as big as a whale and ingest anything. But the only thing that will satisfy them is Witch Cakes (tm)."

Cammy shakes her head. Naerose, with her mind like broken glass. And when a Doll is thinking pityingly in this way, thats a real bad sign. "You are very picky. I will think about it." she relents. "Maybe, if I am very bored, I will investigate, and maybe I will find witch cakes. If they exist. If they do not exist, I will be ignoring you much more, in future.". She can only take so much!

Somehow it is like Cammy said something completely different, because Naerose is totally like, "Alright!" And prepares to go, but before doing so she says, "Oh hey, who should I challenge?" Cammy gets to choose the opponent, isn't that slick? She much be feeling witchy nice today or something.. Also, this scene is almost over.

Cammy shrugs, not really too caring. "I don't really mind. Hakan, maybe?" she offers. Because Hakan is awesome! So awesome. And... "You like red. Hakan is red. It is fitting enough.".
The rabbit is given a brief tug, it's almost time to head off. There's no need to be rigid with fear anymore.

Log created on 09:26:42 01/13/2011 by Naerose, and last modified on 11:43:26 01/13/2011.