Description: Maki is challenged by Raiden to a fight in Zambia. Will might make right, or will bigger be badder? (Winner: Raiden)
Kichiga arrives from elsewhere.
It is perhaps supremely fitting that the league officials have chosen the one and only Victoria Falls as an exotic location for one of the many league fights. After all, this is in the midst of the LEAGUE LIGHTNING ROUND, a battle extravaganza that spans the globe, drawing in all manner of talented fighters trying to take home a last minute victory.
It makes perfect sense, after all. Where's there's lightning, there's thunder, and the Smoke that Thunders provides perfectly. As for the lightning, well.
"YEEEEEEEEAH!" Raiden pretty much has that covered. Maybe some thunder of his own, too. Strutting about on one of the islands at the top of the falls (Livingstone), pacing back and forth and shouting, the big wrestler is difficult to hear over the din of the falls, but not so much that his every word isn't perfectly understandable.
"Who's Raiden gotta crush next?" He has already been told this by exasperated league officials countless times. "Who's got the guts to take Raiden on?"
Recently, after going through several fights in the Neo League, Maki Genryusai happened to be declared in first place within the Neo League standings. Call her a champion, call her whatever you want. But she's not bragging or boasting about this in any way, shape, or form. Rather, she just wishes to keep fighting, since it's her personal pasttime.
As Maki enters the fighting area, she takes a drink of water, only to get a glimpse of Raiden. She goes wide-eyed, but doesn't do a spit-take. Rather, she simply shakes her head as she swallows her water. "You're going to crush me?" She asks, holding one hand against her hip, with her tonfa idly tapping against her thigh. "I don't think so. I've taken on fighters your size before, and I'll have you know that I'm not afraid of you in any way!" She steps to her spot and adjusts her tonfa before pointing it at Raiden. "So if you want to fight me, go right ahead!"
COMBATSYS: Maki has started a fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Maki 0/-------/-------|
When he sees Maki, Raiden's face darkens. He does not look like a happy camper. And she's /sassy/. Doesn't she know who he is? Doesn't she know what he can do?
"Is that so? Well, you have never before taken on Raiden!" The boasting begins, but then the wrestler pauses, a puzzled expression slowly surfacing. "But you seem familiar." Raiden wracks his brain, searching for answers and finding none immediately apparent.
"Pah! I am probably just thinking of one of the million other tiny girls in this league who just can't!" Raiden takes a step forward, which quickly turns into a surprisingly fast waddle-run.
"Stop!" He charges across the island toward Maki, heedless of whatever natural wonders lay scattered about on the ground.
"RAIIIIDEN!" With that triumphant proclimation, he brings one foot up roughly, twisting his entire body around to sling it about at roughly the level of the ninja girl's neck, landing roughly on the damp earth afterward.
COMBATSYS: Raiden has joined the fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Maki 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Raiden
COMBATSYS: Maki blocks Raiden's Quick Kick.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Maki 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Raiden
"I know I've never taken you on!" Maki replies. "You're nothing like that freak Chang, who wields a giant wrecking ball." She steps back a few feet as Raiden starts to come after her. When he attempts to kick her, Maki's already got the initiative, crouching down and blocking with both arms to try to keep that huge foot from stomping on her.
"That's not how you kick someone!" Maki comments as she dusts her arms off a little, before stepping back again. "This is how it's done!" Maki does a backwards somersault onto a nearby object and uses it to propel herself directly at Raiden with her foot extended.
COMBATSYS: Raiden blocks Maki's Hassou Kyaku.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////////////// ]
Maki 0/-------/------=|-------\-------\0 Raiden
Raiden's attack is rebuffed, Maki's slender little arms deflecting his leg away as he falls. He's up again in moments, hands held up wardingly in front of him in case she overcomes the terror she is /surely/ feeling behind her smart words and actually manages to attack.
"Ha! Don't compare Raiden to lesser men!" Although who is bigger may still be called into question, the wrestler seems sure of himself, certain of his superiority to some big dumb oaf. "A wrecking ball is not a weapon!"
Maki's foot slams into one of his palms, pushing it back slightly. Raiden laughs mockingly. "That is only a girl kick, for little girls who cannot manage any better! Now let me show you a real weapon."
The wrestler moves in close and brings his massively thick knee shooting almost straight up toward Maki's stomach, before casually sweeping his fist forward to knock her away. "IT'S RAIDEN!"
COMBATSYS: Raiden successfully hits Maki with Light Kick.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////////////// ]
Maki 0/-------/----===|-------\-------\0 Raiden
"You already told me your name!" Maki snaps back watching as Raiden approaches with the intent of trying to knock her away. "They say big things come in small packages, so you better-- OOF!" Maki's cut off as she's hit in the stomach and then knocked away onto the ground. But the blonde-haired ninja rolls quickly and gets back into a fighting stance almost immediately.
"You're pretty big and strong, but if you're not fast, you won't always win!" Maki leaps into the air and attempts a swift kick aimed directly at Raiden.
COMBATSYS: Raiden fails to interrupt Strong Kick from Maki with Medium Throw.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////////////// ]
Maki 0/-------/----===|==-----\-------\0 Raiden
The wrestler scowls, then attempts to explain himself because clearly Maki does not understand. "No, see, the weapon. It's me." He jabs a finger into his chest. "Raiden."
But then he has his hands full, so to speak, because Maki has leapt onto the offensive again. Except Raiden is still behind in the conversation. "Are you talking about yourself or Raiden? Because Raiden is the biggest thing, and you are a small thing, and..."
Frowning, the Aussie reaches up to grab at Maki's foot since she won't be polite enough to start a conversation and let him finish it, but he is indeed too slow. The foot smacks into his chest, sending him backpedalling a few steps.
"WRONG! Raiden will always win!" He recovers quickly, spreading his arms wide and exposing his chest to indicate just how certain he is of victory. "Because Raiden is the best! YEEEEEAH!"
"You might be the best," Maki says as she lands, "But it's meaningless unless you can properly utilize your skills!" She hmmphs as she looks at Raiden staggering backwards. "You see, I told you that you need to be more careful." She folds her arms for a moment before getting back into her fighting stance once again.
"I really hope that this isn't your best, because I was expecting more of a challenge!" Maki stares at Raiden like she's trying to stare him down or something.
COMBATSYS: Maki focuses on her next action.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////////////// ]
Maki 0/-------/----===|==-----\-------\0 Raiden
"Big words, girly!" Raiden knows that he /should/ get angry that she's insulting him, but he just can't. Coming from something her size, it's just adorable.
"Maybe I will believe them when you do something I can actually feel!" He gives his chest a fond pat, grinning. "You see? I am fine! It will take far more than anything you can manage to take Raiden down!" But still, she /is/ basically calling him a bitch. Even if the anger isn't there, Raiden still has to do something about it on /principle/. Make an example.
Raiden's head bobs back, then forward rapidly. Lips purse. Cheeks bulge. A noxious green cloud shoots out at the ninja's head, toxic and burning and just generally the absolutely worst thing it is possible to have in your eyes.
Yeah, that'll do.
COMBATSYS: Maki dodges Raiden's Poison Breath.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////////////// ]
Maki 0/-------/----===|=------\-------\0 Raiden
"Oh gross!" Maki yells as she drops down into a crouched position, shaking her head. "Do you REALLY need a breath mint that badly?!" Obviously she's being sarcastic, but that doesn't matter when you're in a fight like this. Especially against someone that huge. Which is why you don't wait to hear their response, you follow up with a good attack.
"Here, this oughta freshen you up!" Maki shouts as she flips onto the tip of her tonfa and begins to spin around wildly with her leg outstretched. With a big gut like that, it's not going to hurt as much as most people might be. But it's her signature attack, and she'll use it whenever she has the opportunity.
COMBATSYS: Maki successfully hits Raiden with Bushin Senpuu Kyaku.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////////// ]
Maki 0/-------/---====|===----\-------\0 Raiden
"Ha ha! RAIDEN HAS NEVER MET A MINT HE DID NOT EAT!" The big man is triumphant, even though his /clever trick/ has wound up failing. The memories of all those delicious mints is enough to keep him relatively cheery, even if some of them were /extreme/ violations of the five second rule.
But then he's confused again as Maki goes on the attack, delivering a one-liner that just does not make sense to Raiden. His eyes squint behind the mask, as he tries to figure it out, basically ignoring his position and the ninja girl's attack as she leaps up and spins about. Her foot slams into his body again and again, driving him back another step or two.
"That is not how hygiene works! Even Raiden knows this!" In punishment for Maki's insolence, Raiden swings one meaty fist around, sending it crashing with the force of a truck toward her torso. "KICKS ARE THE OPPOSITE OF CLEAN!"
COMBATSYS: Maki dodges Raiden's Fierce Punch.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////////// ]
Maki 0/-------/---====|===----\-------\0 Raiden
"Unngh!" Maki yells as she somersaults into the air and over that huge fist, demonstrating her agility once again. "Not so fast there buddy!" Maki shouts as she attempts to land in a steady crouched position again. When she does land, Maki looks up and says, "My tonfa may seem tiny compared to your fist, but at least I have training in how to use it!" Maki then lets out a yell and attempts to strike Raiden hard.
COMBATSYS: Raiden interrupts Deep Strike from Maki with Giant Bomb.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////// ]
Maki 1/------=/=======|=====--\-------\0 Raiden
Unperturbed by Maki's continued agility, as she is only a girl and as such is incapable of doing anything other than dancing around like a ballerina instead of fighting like real men do, Raiden just watches her go around his fist.
"I think that's Raiden's line, girly!" Nor, strictly speaking, is it the most deadly. "Your little stick can't do anything!" The big wrestler slams downward, planting his fist into the ground, and then tenses his entire body. The tonfa slams into his shoulder, and he instantly extends.
Raiden moves like nobody his size should move, positively /flying/ across the moist earth of the island. It is a shoulder tackle that would put Brian Battler to shame, and it's all kinds of up in Maki's business.
Maki is nearly completely crushed by Raiden, and finds herself wondering how she survived that one. As it is, she finds that her ribs are now a little sore, and if they're not broken, they're definitely bruised at least. She grunts a little as she forces herself back up and stares at Raiden, with a few bruises to show what just happened.
"You were just lucky that time!" Maki says in between deep breaths, apparently remaining defiant despite being caught off-guard. "I'm not giving you any credit for that one!" She continues to breathe, focusing on getting more air into her lungs.
COMBATSYS: Maki gains composure.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////// ]
Maki 0/-------/=======|====---\-------\0 Raiden
Maki's continued defiance, despite the battered state she is so clearly, brings a smile to Raiden. It is not a particularly nice smile; her stubborn resistance only makes it more entertaining when he crushes her, piece by piece.
"Raiden does not need your credit, girl!" He guffaws a single time, taking slow, measured steps forward. Menacing like only a man who weighs over 400 pounds, most of that muscle, can.
"And Raiden does not need luck!" The massive man moves forward quickly again, hands clenching and unclenching as he approaches. One shoots forward, looking for a handhold on Maki's face, enough for him to lift her straight up into the air, slam her forcibly against his own noggin, and then spike her directly into the ground like a football.
COMBATSYS: Raiden successfully hits Maki with Improvised Grapple.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////// ]
Maki 1/-----==/=======|=====--\-------\0 Raiden
Maki's going to regret her attempt to dodge, because she's caught and smashed against Raiden's head, then thrown onto the ground. This is worse than being defeated by a Mad Gear who's considered to be one of their lowly grunts. Bloodied and bruised, Maki pushes herself back up to go at Raiden again.
"Luck is all in the eye of the observer, but it doesn't realy matter." She says, ignoring the fact her nose is bleeding and her left eye is half-open. "I'm gonna make you pay for that!" She rushes Raiden and attempts to deliver a very hard uppercut-type strike with her tonfa.
COMBATSYS: Raiden interrupts Genkou from Maki with Crazy Train.
[ \\\\\\\ < > /////////////////// ]
Maki 1/=======/=======|=------\-------\0 Raiden
Raiden is no lowly grunt! While admittedly there were several people who could roundly beat his ass in the upper echelons of what used to be the Southtown Syndicate, he was still a...big man.
Regardless, that was then, and this is now, where Raiden is positively /looming/ over Maki, just waiting for her to get up. Daring her to keep fighting. Joy of joys; she DOES.
"Raiden agrees with you, for once!" His grin, buried in his big bushy beard, displays his wild happiness. There's nothing Raiden likes better than someone resilient enough to let him beat the crap out of them for even longer than normal.
As Maki strikes, his fist lashes out simultaneously, slamming into her again and again, the momentum bringing the both of them forward as he relentlessly smashes his fists against her body.
"HRRRRAGH!" And then with a final shout, he goes down again and launches himself through her, shoulder-first, like he did just a few moments ago.
Maki finds herself going flying across the arena and landing in a crumpled heap. The official rushes over and starts to check on her, before starting a ten count. When he reaches eight, Maki has started to stand up again. She then stares over at Raiden, ignoring the concerned referee questioning if she's OK.
"You've pushed me far enough... now see what I'm capable of!" With that, Maki rushes towards Raiden, attempting to deliver a flurry of tonfa strikes and kicks, almost like her last-resort method of coming back from defeat.
COMBATSYS: Maki successfully hits Raiden with Bushin Gou Rai Ha.
[ \\\\\\ < > ///////////// ]
Maki 0/-------/----===|=====--\-------\0 Raiden
"Haaaaa ha ha ha!" Raiden guffaws as the official counts. "You stupid idiot, can't you tell when somebody is done? Not her, let me tell you!" Even though it takes Maki to get to eight before she's on her feet, he knows she'll come back, that she won't give up. She's not smart enough to.
What does catch him somewhat off-guard is the speed with which she returns, blazing into his stomach with her furious combination. Step by step Raiden is driven back, letting out a small grunt every time tonfa or foot lands on his unprotected flesh, before at last he is flat out knocked over. He thuds.
However, he is also much quicker to get up than his young opponent, still smiling, although it does not look particularly happy.
"Is that all you have, girl? Ha!" Spreading his arms again, he beckons at his bulk. "Raiden can't be hurt by mosquito bites like those!" Nevermind how they sting. "Raiden is unbeatable!" He begins to flex his many muscles, turning slightly toward a camera. "RAIDEN IS UNSTOPPABLE!"
He...he doesn't seem to be stopping.
COMBATSYS: Raiden gains composure.
[ \\\\\\ < > ///////////////// ]
Maki 0/-------/----===|===----\-------\0 Raiden
Maki somehow manages to keep herself steady on her feet after that whole thing, given how much of a beating she's taken. She turns to face Raiden and says, "You may be unstoppable, but don't count me out just yet!" She takes a few more deep breaths, focusing herself and trying to keep herself steady.
COMBATSYS: Maki gains composure.
[ \\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////// ]
Maki 0/-------/-----==|===----\-------\0 Raiden
"Eh?" Raiden turns back to Maki, having briefly forgotten that she was even there. It is like finding an extra christmas present behind the tree, except it's a crappy present and the only cool thing about it is taking it out back and shooting it with your actual present, an awesome new BB gun.
The key difference here, of course, is the scale of the GUNS, although this is /clearly/ a gun show. With a final flex of his bulging biceps (how does his SKIN stay on over those monsters?), he moves toward Maki once more.
"This was over the second it started, girly. Hrrragh!" Lifting his leg, Raiden pushes straight forward and puts his weight behind it. Really it's less of a kick than a stomp. But, semantics.
COMBATSYS: Maki dodges Raiden's Light Kick.
[ \\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////// ]
Maki 0/-------/-----==|===----\-------\0 Raiden
Kick or a stomp, it doesn't matter. Maki's not up for being caught by it. She shifts to the side as if to circle around Raiden. Still, she's trying not to pass out it seems and her body shows it. But the red ninja is not going to let it end just yet. "You're wrong, it's not over till one of us falls down for the count and doesn't get back up!" She yells, bfore attempting to strike out with her tonfa to emphasise her point.
COMBATSYS: Raiden just-defends Maki's Medium Strike!
[ \\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////// ]
Maki 0/-------/-----==|===----\-------\0 Raiden
Maki escapes his big bad boot, but Raiden is far from done. "So quick, but that's no good if you can't even hurt me!" And, perhaps he's mentioned this before, but he often feels it bears repeating. Especially when certain parties continue to throw themselves at him.
The tonfa darts forward and Raiden simply closes one massive hand around it, dwarfing it and rendering it ineffective almost through sheer size. The wreslter leans in close and whispers something completely illegible so close to the falls. Then, suddenly, he's shouting again.
"RAIDEN!" He release Maki's twig and brings his opposite hand crushing forward in a massive punch. "IS!" The other follows suit in an identical manner.
"THE GREATEST!" And then, searching for a grip on Maki, any grip, Raiden throws her straight up into the air.
COMBATSYS: Maki dodges Raiden's Combination Bodyblow.
[ \\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////// ]
Maki 0/-------/-----==|==-----\-------\0 Raiden
"You may be the greatest," Maki says as her tonfa is released, "But you still haven't defeated me." As soon as Maki sees Raiden attempt to punch her, she ducks underneath and rolls to the side. "You see?" Maki quickly launches into another spinning attack like before, attempting to wear him down some more.
COMBATSYS: Maki successfully hits Raiden with Bushin Senpuu Kyaku.
[ \\\\\\\\ < > //////////////// ]
Maki 0/-------/----===|====---\-------\0 Raiden
"At last you understand." Raiden is the best. Is that so hard to understand? He doesn't think so. "We will work on the rest later, I think." But there is still so much for Professor Raiden to teach, such as: why he cannot be defeated, why he cannot be stopped, and why he is the winner of every fights.
"But for now!" He takes another spinning series of kicks to the chest, knocked back a pace but for the most part still doing fine, the fat and muscle oozing back into place as if nothing had even happened.
"I will show you with my body!" Raiden reaches for Maki again with both hands, this time falling backward so that he can just /hurl/ her in that vague direction. There has to be /something/ unpleasant for her to fall on.
COMBATSYS: Maki dodges Raiden's Medium Throw.
[ \\\\\\\\ < > //////////////// ]
Maki 0/-------/----===|====---\-------\0 Raiden
"I don't want to see your body!" Maki snaps as she jumps away, narrowing her eyes at the thought of getting that close to someone like Raiden. "I've been close to many punks in my lifetime, but I don't need to be close to yours!" Maki doubles over in pain, trying not to pass out as she catches her breath.
COMBATSYS: Maki gains composure.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////// ]
Maki 0/-------/-----==|====---\-------\0 Raiden
Still undismayed by Maki's persistent avoidance of his attacks, Raiden just laughs. "Still you run, as though it makes any difference!"
Continuing his implacable advance, he sneers. "I'm gonna catch you in the end, girly, and there ain't nothing you can do about it. All you're doing is delaying!" Hopping into the air, the big man goes horizontal, legs outstretched for a killed dropkick.
"RAIDEN IS INEDIDABILITY!" He frowns mid-leap, something seems off about his proud statement. But he can't quite put a finger on it.
"It'll come to me," he mumbles under his breath.
COMBATSYS: Maki dodges Raiden's Strong Kick.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////// ]
Maki 0/-------/-----==|====---\-------\0 Raiden
Drop kick, more like dropped attempt.
"Say what you want, big boy," Maki says, now having regained some of her stamina, "But you can't win this one that easily!" She emphasises this by breaking into a run, and then attempting to deliver a flying kick right into the huge torso of Raiden.
COMBATSYS: Raiden interrupts Strong Kick from Maki with Bearhug.
- Power hit! -
[ \\\\\\\ < > ////////////// ]
Maki 0/-------/--=====|=====--\-------\0 Raiden
Raiden's eyes light up as Maki tells him exactly what he cannot do. To a man like Raiden, that sounds an awful lot like a /challenge/. A challenge to him and his superiority.
"You sound awfully confident!" Surprising, considering she is delivering herself directly into his arms. Raiden welcomes her kick with open arms, soaking it into his great expanse of a chest. He leans forward, which is pretty much the opposite direction somebody who just got jump-kicked in the manboob should go, and his arms snap shut like an iron trap.
Sinew bulges and strains as he puts the pressure on, squeezing and crushing Maki in his arms, bringing her in closer than she ever, ever wanted to be. His teeth grind with effort as he stares down at her.
"Raiden can do ANYTHING!"
Maki drops limply to the ground, and while she does get back up, it's obvious that it's for one last go at Raiden. She narrows her eyes and says, "You can do whatever you want, but win or lose, I'll always come back for more!" She attempts one last strike from her tonfa before she falls down.
COMBATSYS: Maki has reached second wind!
[ \\\\ < > ////////////// ]
Maki 0/-------/--=====|=====--\-------\0 Raiden
COMBATSYS: Raiden fails to interrupt Fierce Strike from Maki with Rebound Grapple.
[ \\\\ < > /////////// ]
Maki 0/-------/-======|=====--\-------\0 Raiden
Not only does she make contact, but as Maki staggers backwards, she drops to one knee, but then stops suddenly and looks up. "It's not over yet!" She yells with a loud, energetic voice that indicates that even in spite of her weakened state, she's just gotten another burst of energy. Maki's unique like that.
Shaking his head as he drops his stubborn foe, Raiden cannot believe that she still does not understand that nothing she does matters because she is not fighting another sissy little girl, she is fighting Raiden, who is the greatest, as has been mentioned before he is sure. Perhaps she cannot actually hear him?
He puzzles it over until she gets back up, jamming her tonfa into his stomach with a final burst of vim and vigor that turns out to be significantly less final that advertised. It nails him right in the solar plexus, for once robbing the huge man of a suitable response of any kind.
Which is to say, one that explain in /great detail/ how amazing he is and how amazing Maki is not. Well, he'll have more chances.
"It's not over till it's over, Raiden!" Maki explains, looking full of energy but still showing signs of fatigue. "You thought you had me, but I'm not going down just yet." She raises her tonfa in front of her face and scowls. "If you think you can take me again, come on!"
COMBATSYS: Maki gains composure.
[ \\\\\\\ < > /////////// ]
Maki 0/-------/---====|=====--\-------\0 Raiden
Struggling to catch his breath, Raiden stumbles his way back to facing Maki, looking more annoyed now than anything. He finally sucks in a big lungful of air, and immediately begins to expunge it in the obnoxious way that only Raiden can truly manage.
"I have you, girl! It doesn't matter to me how long you want to keep this going. If you want to keep getting up, Raiden'll keep putting you down!"
He turns to another camera, completely facing away from Maki. "Because Raiden is the biggest! Raiden is the strongest!" He begins to flex his muscles, almost rhythmically, as he psyches himself up a bit.
"RAIDEN IS NUMBAH WAHN!" He basically chokes the words out, bellowing from deep, deep in his gut. A triumphant finger is thrust to the sky. /Yeah/.
COMBATSYS: Raiden gathers his will.
[ \\\\\\\ < > //////////// ]
Maki 0/-------/---====|=======\=------\1 Raiden
"Say all you want," Maki says, still watching Raiden carefully. "But you aren't number one yet! You still need to finish this match! Unless I finish it for you!" Maki takes a running step, then flies directly at Raiden once again with her leg outstretched.
COMBATSYS: Raiden blocks Maki's Hassou Kyaku.
[ \\\\\\ < > //////////// ]
Maki 0/-------/--=====|=======\==-----\1 Raiden
"I WILL say it all I want, because nobody can argue it!" Raiden turns back to Maki, quantifiably arguing it. "A little girl like you can't be number one, no matter how tough you think you are. I don't care what you are..."
The wrestler trails off, raising a palm to absorb the impact of Maki's kick, then shoves forward with his other hand to just knock her ass onto the ground.
"Because you ain't Raiden, you ain't /nothing/!"
COMBATSYS: Raiden successfully hits Maki with Quick Throw.
[ \\\ < > //////////// ]
Maki 0/-------/=======|=======\==-----\1 Raiden
Maki tries to prepare herself for the impact, but fails. She is knocked down to the ground and lands on her rear, but then rolls backwards in to a standing position again. "Don't you call me little girl!" Maki yells as she rushes at Raiden and attempts to literally drive her tonfa into him.
COMBATSYS: Maki successfully hits Raiden with Medium Strike.
[ \\\ < > ////////// ]
Maki 0/-------/=======|=======\====---\1 Raiden
"You're little!" Raiden begins his inassailable argument as he hunkers down to take Maki's latest assault on his awesome person. He's not quite quick enough, however, and her tonfa sinks deep into his stomach flesh, dimpling the flesh all around grotesquely.
"You're a girl!" Raiden recovers quickly once more and steps forward, mindless of the countless minor injuries he's received over the course of the battle. His head draws back.
"LITTLE. GWHOOOOOOOOOOOOORL" Raiden shouts definitively, and assuming Maki's still anywhere near there she'll find herself disturbingly close to yet another thing that comes from Raiden's body. This time it's a cloud of fire, spewed out of his mouth to surround and engulf her and /flambe her/.
COMBATSYS: Raiden successfully hits Maki with Flame Breath.
[ < > ////////// ]
Maki 1/-----==/=======|===----\-------\0 Raiden
Fire. Fire bad.
Maki tries to move away from it, but gets caught in the searing flames and finds herself batting at the flames, trying to put them out. She staggers backwards, and stops suddenly... then suddenly launches herself directly at Raiden, attempting to deliver one last fierce flying kick, before dropping down for the count.
COMBATSYS: Maki can no longer fight.
[ \\\\\\\\\\ <
Raiden 0/-------/----===|
COMBATSYS: Raiden endures Maki's Tesshin Hou.
[ \\\\ <
Raiden 0/-------/=======|
"HAAAAW HAW HAW HAW!" Raiden can't keep himself from laughing as hard as he can at the sight of Maki, on fire, trying desperately to put herself out.
"Stop, drop, and roll, girly! Ha ha ha!" He can barely keep himself standing through the laughter. It's /so funny/ that when she recovers somewhat and launches herself at him foot-first, the big wrestler doesn't even try to stop it. He just takes it right in the chest, continuing his merciless chuckling despite the totaled pain threatening to overwhelm him.
Finally, his laughter dies down, and his injuries come to his attention again. Face twisting into a sneer, he walks a step toward where Maki is fallen, spits in disdain, and then turns back toward the camera to put on a brave face, getting all up in its business.
"You see, people of the world? This is why Raiden is the best! This is why Raiden is number one!" He gestures widely at Maki, then continues. "Even this dumb kid who doesn't know when to give up has to admit it!" Both arms shoot upward and he gives a hearty cheer for himself, then turns and begins to hobble away, holding a hand up to his gut.
"Fuck. I need a beer after that."
COMBATSYS: Raiden has ended the fight here.
Log created on 18:00:52 01/12/2011 by Maki, and last modified on 23:29:06 01/12/2011.