Description: Two ninjas, one a schoolgirl who is pretty much a ninja night and day, the other a woman in red who hails from Metro City, square off in the Neo League. Who will come out on top? (Winner: Maki)
The roaring and crashing of waves against the nearby shore, the cool crisp air full of sea spray, and the ever present smell of rocky brine. The lighthouse was an interesting choice, it had a large yard which was to be the ring for their match, the uneven moist ground offering a bit of a hinderance to anyone that relies on mobility the unmanned lighthouse, however, was a relatively new construction on the rocky outcropping, so for the first time in her last few matches it wasn't creepy at all. For that fact Ibuki is grateful.
The teenage ninja had, had a rough time in her last match it'd been a bit of a humiliating loss for her, but more so with the lightning week going on her loss had weakened her body with numerous injuries that had healed but still plagued a fighter with doubts if they were at 100%, thus Ibuki is babying herself at the moment gingerly stepping around the field and getting a lay for the land while the crew sets up to film the match that is about to happen.
Taking a deep breath of the cool air, Ibuki smiles, "Let's make this a great match!!!" She calls out to no one in particular as she finishes up stretching and going through a quick warm of a few of her katas which is in turn letting her get a feel for how to move in this treacherous environment.
Meanwhile, Maki Genryusai is taking the time to warm up and practice a little herself. The new setting within South America is quite amazing to Maki, taking in the sights and sounds of the atmosphere as she warms up. After that, she stands up and gets into her fighting stance.
It's then that she spots Ibuki and smiles. "I've heard of you," She comments. "You're the top fighter in the League, so I look forward to challenging you." She narrows her eyes as her smile widens. "But who will come out on top? That's anyone's guess." With that, she jumps up and down a few times in place to get the blood flowing again, before pointing her tonfa at Ibuki. "Let's have a great match indeed!"
COMBATSYS: Maki has started a fight here.
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Maki 0/-------/-------|
COMBATSYS: Ibuki has joined the fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Ibuki 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Maki
COMBATSYS: Ibuki equips Wood Miraiin.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Ibuki [E] 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Maki
Ibuki focuses her mind and chi, then circulates the chi through her right gauntlet as her charm begins to activate she feels the harsh spots where her healing still didn't feel seem to be right numb slightly and her muscles loosen up even more as though she'd just don't the most super warm up ever, "Yeah?!" Ibuki seems a tad surprised, "Nice to meet you Maki and I'm just an average ninja nothing spectacular here, though I guess I'm number one, even though I did just lose pretty badly." She admits cheerfully, "Hopefully we make this a really fun match!"
With that said the crew gives the signal that all is ready and the teen slips into her fighting stance as she regards Maki, " we go!!" As she says go the officials ring the bell and she's off like a shot towards Maki.
As she closes in she launches her foot up in what appears to be a massive front kick until she apparently slips and goes sliding towards Maki, but this is of course a rouse as she wants to slide through Maki's legs, kip up behind her, and then wrap her arms around the other girl's neck and give a terrific twist that'd leave normal people dead...if she can pull it all off of course.
COMBATSYS: Maki blocks Ibuki's Kubiori.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////// ]
Ibuki [E] 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Maki
When the bell rings, Maki kicks into full alertness mode. Her eyes gaze strongly upon Ibuki, who rushes at her and then attempts to make it look like she just slipped. But Maki knows better than that. She's not like Dan Hibiki or something like that. So Maki knows well that Ibuki's trying to slide into her, which is why the ninja in red ducks down and uses her arms to deflect Ibuki's foot away.
Maki doesn't stop there, either. Instead of waiting for Ibuki to make her next move, or even get back up, Maki uses this position to launch into her favorite attack, where she spins around like a human whirlwind while extending her leg.
COMBATSYS: Maki successfully hits Ibuki with Bushin Senpuu Kyaku.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////////////// ]
Ibuki [E] 0/-------/----===|==-----\-------\0 Maki
It seems Maki easily saw through her deception and was more than prepared for her attack, thus it's no surprise that as she springs to her feet the other ninja girl is already launching an attack, something she tries to get out of the way of but her body just doesn't respond fast enough and she finds herself kicked repeatedly over and over again before being knocked clear.
Rolling to a stop as she hits a rahter large rock, she shakes her head and gets to her feet, her bell has been rung now and she takes a moment to clear her eyes before she leaps upwards and over Maki, drawing a kunai while she's in mid-jump, she rears back and hurls the heavy bladed weapon down upon her opponnet, "Try this on for size!!" She calls while completing her jump hopefully her weapon lands home.
COMBATSYS: Ibuki successfully hits Maki with Kunai.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////////// ]
Ibuki [E] 0/-------/----===|====---\-------\0 Maki
"I'll be glad to," Maki replies as she gets out of her balancing position on her tonfa. She watches that kunai come at her and attempts to move out of the way, but finds that instead of moving out of the way, she moves right into its path instead. She grunts and reels back a little, holding the injured spot and finding it a little bloodied.
Wiping the blood off on her outfit (they're both red) Maki looks to Ibuki and gives her a slight nod. "You've definitely got the skills, I have to give you that. But I'm just warming up." Maki doesn't make another move, she just stares at Ibuki and waits to see what she'll do next.
COMBATSYS: Maki focuses on her next action.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////////// ]
Ibuki [E] 0/-------/----===|====---\-------\0 Maki
Ibuki's kunai lands home and she nods to herself when it does so, she smiles underneath her mask, "Thanks I've been practicing a bit harder since my last match! Hopefully my hard work pays off!" She then smiles beneath her mask, "You're definitely not bad either." She admits before trying to take advantage of her stillness.
Drawing another kunai, Ibuki leaps forward towards Maki, spins around to build momentum and brings the dagger downwards with all that built up power in an attempt to stab deeply into Maki's shoulder.
COMBATSYS: Maki interrupts Aggressive Strike from Ibuki with Weapon Jab.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////// ]
Ibuki [E] 0/-------/---====|=====--\-------\0 Maki
As Ibuki comes at Maki's shoulder with her kunai, Maki brings her tonfa into the game again, attempting to strike Ibuki with a quick strike from it. It does knock her back, but Ibuki still plunges the kunai into Maki's shoulder just as she hits. Meaning that both attackers succeed, but Maki's bleeding a little more this time. She holds her shoulder in pain and grits her teeth for a moment, before looking up at Ibuki with a look that says, "That was cheap..."
"You're a ninja too, you should know as well as I../no/ move is cheap!" Ibuki's reply is smooth and practiced as though she's been forced to repeat it again and again many many times. Though it doesn't stop the fact that Maki's tonfa had tapped a rather tender spot on her gut and lower ribs from her fight with Miu. She holds in the pained cry at the least.
Ibuki then drops down slightly as she pushes her body to the limit for a mere second, in a move very similar to what Maki had done a moment ago Ibuki twirls around to launch a powerful roundhouse at Maki's mid-section, though the kick itself seems to trail a stream of bluish white chi...which seems to clear the way for the second rotation of another equally powerful kick to the same location...that is if either of them manage to cleanly connect with the other girl.
COMBATSYS: Maki dodges Ibuki's Tsumuji.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////// ]
Ibuki [E] 0/-------/---====|=====--\-------\0 Maki
"Cheapness is in the eye of the beholder," Maki says as she shakes the pain out of her shoulder. Unlike Ibuki's voice, Maki's voice is dripping with sarcasm. Now she's really gotten her attention focused on Ibuki, not wanting to be caught off-guard like that again. She knows that Ibuki's got something else planned while she's open for attack, and Maki doesn't want to be a part of it. In fact, when Ibuki starts twirling, Maki jumps to the side and then to the other side of the arena.
"If you want me, you're gonna have to catch me!" Maki says, before rushing at Ibuki, leaping into the air, and then literally flying directly at the young ninja with her foot extended. Almost likick, but aimed directly at her!
COMBATSYS: Maki successfully hits Ibuki with Hassou Kyaku.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////// ]
Ibuki [E] 0/-------/-======|======-\-------\0 Maki
Ibuki almost snaps her fingers as Maki slips away from her first spin kick, she's trying to shift her weight to slip away from Maki's inevitable counter attack but that seems to not work out at all as she finds herself slammed in the chest by a massive kick from Maki, "Gah!!" She manages as a little blood is spat out from the hard blow to her tender ribs.
"Heh, well you're right here now!!" Ibuki yells at her now adjacent foe, reaching out with her hands to grab Maki by her clothes, then if she manages that, slamming her hip into Maki's, hauling the other girl over her head, and bring her back down against terra firma!!!
COMBATSYS: Maki dodges Ibuki's Quick Throw.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////// ]
Ibuki [E] 0/-------/-======|======-\-------\0 Maki
"Leave those alone!" Maki snaps as she sees Ibuki attempting to grab at her outfit. "Don't you know I just washed them yesterday... and now I have to wash the blood out!" She rolls backwards, away from Ibuki and stares at her. "Sorry if I hit you in a tender spot, but that's how fighting is sometimes." Maki stares at Ibuki as if to say 'Come on!' But she doesn't actually do anything. She simpy stands there, watching and waiting while focusing on recovering her breath.
COMBATSYS: Maki gains composure.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////////// ]
Ibuki [E] 0/-------/-======|=====--\-------\0 Maki
Ibuki's attempt to throw her fails but she forces Maki to back away from her, to which Ibuki grins slightly especially at her reaction to it, "Tsk tsk, this is a fight do you think they're going to stay that clean?" Then she raises an eyebrow at Maki, "Did I ask for an apology, I've been hurt worse than this in training!!!" With that she resets her stance to continue the fight.
COMBATSYS: Ibuki gains composure.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////////// ]
Ibuki [E] 0/-------/--=====|=====--\-------\0 Maki
"Did you think I was being sincere?" Maki asks. "Did you think I was serious about my clothes getting dirty?" She shakes her head. "You don't know sarcasm, do you?" She taps her tonfa against her thigh briefly. "And yes, I know this is a fight, and it's gonna get dirty, so you'd better get ready to wash up afterwards!"
Maki steps towards Ibuki, approaching carefully and keeping an eye on her, before suddenly leaping into the air and attempting to deliver a flying kick to the ninja.
COMBATSYS: Ibuki parries Maki's Light Kick!
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////////// ]
Ibuki [E] 0/-------/--=====|=====--\-------\0 Maki
Ibuki is ready for the kick as her eyes snap open moments before it is about to impact her body, she reaches up and actually grabs Maki, forcing her to land exactly where she wanted the other girl to and evading all the pain of being hit with the kick, "You need to learn how to take smack talk back!" She enthuses cheerfully in the other girl's ear.
This, however, is a set up for what's about to follow as she rears back with one of her hands, a bluish orb of chi appearing in it, and the follow up of trying to slam it violently into Maki's chest, should it land Maki'll find a massive spike of chi stabbing her internal organs before she's blown away from Ibuki as the chi is explosively released, "Tora!!!"
COMBATSYS: Maki blocks Ibuki's Raida EX.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////// ]
Ibuki [E] 0/-------/-======|======-\-------\0 Maki
If that hit Maki, she'd be in a hell of a lot of pain and find herself being sent across the arena rather quickly. But fortunately for her, Maki's defense is still top-notch, and she protects herself from being hurt seriously with efficiency.
Maki doesn't say anything else after that. She doesn't even bother waiting for a moment. Instead, she goes for Ibuki with a swift swipe of her tonfa, attempting to clothesline her.
COMBATSYS: Maki successfully hits Ibuki with Medium Strike.
Grazing Hit
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////// ]
Ibuki [E] 1/-------/=======|======-\-------\0 Maki
Ibuki is not too surprised her attack is blocked by a tonfa, but at the same time it could've been much much worse but it does allow her to prepare herself for Maki's follow up. Which winds up being a very very good thing for the teen ninja! Shifting her weight at just the right moment Ibuki manages to slide out of the way of the tonfa though it still manages to clip her in her shoulder, which stings from the pain of the hit but not nearly as bad as Miu's blows had not like that at all.
Launching her own offensive, Ibuki springs up into the air, reaches out for Maki's head, and attempts to use it like a gymnast uses a pommel horse, forcing the other girl off balance while creating some space for herself to better react to Maki's attacks!!
COMBATSYS: Ibuki successfully hits Maki with Hien.
- Power hit! -
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////// ]
Ibuki [E] 1/---====/=======|=======\-------\1 Maki
Maki really doesn't want to be used like a gymnast's pommel horse, but try as she may, she really has no choice. Ibuki manages to balance on her head and put her down on the ground while moving away. Maki, meanwhile, lies flat on her stomach, grunting a litte from that last blow. Her tonfa helps push her back up onto her feet for another go at Ibuki, who is now a bit farther from Maki than before.
"Come back here!" Maki shouts as she takes a strong grip of her tonfa, rushes at Ibuki, and then attempts to deliver a very strong strike from her tonfa, swinging it in a swift arc.
COMBATSYS: Ibuki dodges Maki's Genkou.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////// ]
Ibuki [E] 1/---====/=======|=======\-------\1 Maki
Flipping away from the unbalanced Maki gives Ibuki more than enough time to turn around and face the other girl as she gets charged, "Thank you!" She smiles beneath her mask as Maki does all the work of closing the distance between them and getting so close, stepping to the right she avoids the arc of the tonfa cleanly as she lines up a shot on Maki's gut in return...
Chi is channeled into her whole body as Ibuki swings her fist full force at Maki, should the powerful punch land it is immediately followed up by her elbow slamming into the same spot, which in turn funnels massive amounts of chi into Maki's body and organs during which they are surrounded by a bluish sphere of Ibuki's chi, and finally much like the raida, it ends with her explosive releasing all the chi in Maki's body in one massive blast!!!
COMBATSYS: Maki endures Ibuki's Yoroi Doushi.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////// ]
Ibuki [E] 0/-------/-------|=======\====---\1 Maki
Maki tenses herself up as best as she can, anticipating Ibuki's incoming attack. With power like that, Maki's not going to be able to accept it that easily. She grits her teeth and takes a deep breath. When that attack finally does come at her, Maki finds herelf getting hit rather hard and going down rather quickly.
Yet, even the most injured fighters can come back up for another go it seems as long as they have the will and the way to do so. And when Maki does that, she doesn't just kippup onto her feet into a weakened stance. No, she kippups into a rush at Ibuki, attempting to deliver a swift flurry of blows and kicks in hopes of turning the fight around a little.
COMBATSYS: Maki successfully hits Ibuki with Bushin Gou Rai Ha.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////// ]
Ibuki [E] 0/-------/--=====|-------\-------\0 Maki
Ibuki's yoroi doushi hits home and hits hard!!! It's obvious that it does so as the other girl is smashed hard into the ground from the blow and looks to be rather in pain from the attack. She muscles through it, however, and gets up to strike at her again!!! The onslaught is brutal and fast with few places for the teen ninja to try and evade the flurry of blows, kicks and hits rain down on her as her tender ribs give way yet again in a familiar painful sensation to Ibuki, she spits up a bit of blood, her legs and lower torso also take a pounding from the kicks her dogi being torn and frayed in places from the sheer power of the blows...but Ibuki shakily remains standing despite all this.
She coughs harshly in response to the abuse her body just suffered, "You're really not bad yourself...just so you know." Ibuki admits with a pained groan, "That really really hurt a lot." Her voice getting more and more chipper as she speaks, "But this fight isn't over yet!!" With that she whips around in a brief spin as she tries to lauch her fist right into Maki's gut followed by an elbow smash into her chin.
COMBATSYS: Maki dodges Ibuki's Medium Punch.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////// ]
Ibuki [E] 0/-------/--=====|-------\-------\0 Maki
"Of course it's gonna hurt," Maki remarks as she dodges to the side. "This isn't a pillow fight! If you can't stand the pain, then go do something else!" Maki twists sideways a little as well, to give herself a little momentum when she spins back forwards in an attempt to grab Ibuki and fling her over Maki's shoulder.
COMBATSYS: Ibuki fails to interrupt Quick Throw from Maki with Yami Shigure.
[ \\\\\\\\ < > ///////// ]
Ibuki [E] 0/-------/-----==|-------\-------\0 Maki
Ibuki seems to be ready for this attack on her person and immediately pulls out her kunai hurling it not at the girl in front of her but at her shadow, but it seems that Maki is far far too fast and is already moving out of the way as her kunai slams uselessly into the ground where her shadow had been, which merely causes Ibuki to be grabbed and spun hard into the uneven ground below them her broken ribs screaming in protest at this treatment but Ibuki remains focused and conscious as she stands up, "You know your trash talk is pretty lame, at least I can compliment my opponent when they do something good!" It seems that Ibuki's opinion of Maki has gone down a few degrees.
"Forget the trash talk," Maki says weakly, her injuries starting to get the best of her. "Let's just finish this already!" Maki tries not to fall over, but her legs buckle briefly. Finally she says, "Enough already!" And then attempts to sweep Ibuki off her feet with a swift foot sweep.
COMBATSYS: Maki successfully hits Ibuki with Light Kick.
[ \\\\\ < > ////////// ]
Ibuki [E] 0/-------/----===|-------\-------\0 Maki
Ibuki shakes her head, "You really are lame." Though Ibuki doesn't do much to prove herself at all as she promptly has her feet swept out from under her and begins to fall towards the ground she knows when she hits the ground all her injuries are going to catch up with her and she /is/ going to lose consciousness so she does the one and only thing she can think of to turn it around...kamikaze the other girl!!!
"Hah!!!!" She roars as she spins in mid-air going end over end to build up the proper momentum to bring down her feet on the top of Maki's head as though it were a double axe kick, and should she manage to hit...she springs away from Maki!
Either way it plays out she knew she'd done what she could and that's alright with her, taking one last conscious breath of the chill sea air she smiles as she crashes to the ground into unconsciousness.
COMBATSYS: Ibuki can no longer fight.
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Maki 0/-------/-------|
COMBATSYS: Maki dodges Ibuki's Tobizaru.
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Maki 0/-------/-------|
Maki just barely manages to avoid the incoming final attack from Ibuki, who will most likely find herself flat on the ground after that. Maki herself can't stand up anymore. She drops to one knee and barely even raises her arm when she's declared the victor. "That was a good fight," Maki comments to Ibuki, before being helped up and carried out of the fighting arena to receive medical treatment.
Log created on 21:46:47 01/11/2011 by Maki, and last modified on 12:07:06 01/12/2011.