Description: Naeoleague. On a Train two meet, one will have free lunch (turns out neither will) and the other will get served a cease and desist. Well actually only one person could get the cease and desist also. Too bad she's unconscious when it arrives. (Winner: Tie)
A train! What is with this place. It's a really nice train, but why are they here? Because with trains, you have a lot more danger. As a passenger car was converted into this make shift fighting ring. The way these two were selected is well, they, as far as the Red Witch was concerned, has a bad habit of non-sense. Perhaps an inclosed space will force her to be sense instead of non-sense. The train might also be dangerous.. Or something. Also.. She got a note that simply read, 'Free lunch.' and promptly showed up.
The Signs, of course, have all been defaced, they now read 'NaeoLeague' with the 'a' drawn in with a red crayon. This somehow doesn't surprise anyone, at least none of the crew.
The best thing about trains is the inability to fit a golf cart inside the cars! Rainbow Mika can have a nap! She can relax! She can write another fan-letter to the bestest wrestler in the world, Zangief!!!
Know what sucks about trains though? The roofs are large enough to play host to a golf cart. One which is rattling along the top at an alarming speed. "YOU ARE LATE," comes the shouting voice of Ms. Harmageddon.
"Bwaah? Late? I'm not... GAH! HOW DID YOU? BUT MY LETTER!" Just like that, Rainbow Mika's trainquility (harhar) has been hijacked and she's running through the cars until she reaches the one with the ring. "NaeoLeague? When did I join NaeoLeague!? Ms. Harmageddon? Hello?" There's no response and in fact the golf cart has mysteriously disappeared, or driven off the caboose alongside the tracks. Who knows?
Ken arrives from elsewhere.
Little did R.Mika know, that she had entered not just a train car, not just a 'Naeoleague' whatever that is. But in fact she entered .. The Naelight zone. *scretchy tension note*
"So.. Where is the lunch train?" Asks Naerose, all decked out in red (obviously) as she tries to determine, well, where the is, but of course the rooms are locked so that she can't get out but can only get in. So what is a witch to do when she is trying to get free food. Especially she is trying to get something from well organizers who are faking stuff to get fighters there. Wow does this make sense? Basically the lunch is a lie, and Naerose is locked in this car so she can't get to any place there might be food (and thus eat everything that was there for the other passengers.
"YOU!" Rainbow Mika points at Naerose accusingly. "I REMEMBER YOU! YOU MADE ME TAKE A BUNNY!" Grrargh, and all that. "THAT BUNNY BIT! I HAD TO WRESTLE IT!" Beat. "It learned to behave. No more bunny bites."
Hands on her hips now, she wiggles her nose like a bunny, twitching the mask into a better position. "I AM LATE FOR A FIGHT! YOU MUST BE MY FIGHT!" Beat. Lunch train? "Uhh..." Holding up a hand she looks behind her. The fingers curl down as she counts. "Four cars that way!"
This is a little much for the red witch, who just stares at the wrestler and finally says,
"I think you have my mistaken for another Red Witch, I know that witches are in style right now and Red Witches especially, but yeah, I'm going to go ahead and say I'm pretty sure we've never met. For one, as you can see..." She points to herself, "I dress in red." That rebuked her, "And I wouldn't give a bunny away, I'm not a pet store or anything and then, I don't remember you which I think I would.." She frowns,
"I don't remember anything about a fight, just a free lunch.." She turns the card about the free lunch over, "Only one will be fed." She frowns and crumples up the paper. So that's how it is.
"Right, well in that case.. We should probably get this over with."
COMBATSYS: Naerose has started a fight here on the left meter side.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Naerose 0/-------/-------|
COMBATSYS: R.Mika has joined the fight here on the right meter side.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Naerose 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 R.Mika
"I ONLY KNOW ONE RUSSIAN RED WITCH WHO GAVE ME A BUNNY!" Rainbow Mika stares right back at the woman. Her hands remain on her hips as she shifts her way to the door between the cars. "NO SNEAKING OUT NOW!"
Then comes the point. "I, Rainbow Mika, will be victorious in this... NaeoLeague!" In a stage whisper to the side she says, "Whatever that is." But then it's time to get serious. The fight is going to happen. The fight is going to happen, and she can potentially win a free lunch? That makes it even better!
Springing into a forward handstand, she pushes herself toward the witch in order to knock her down to the floor of the car. Success in this will have the buxom blonde wrestler-girl flipping Naerose again with her powerful legs!
COMBATSYS: Naerose blocks R.Mika's Paradise Hold.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////////////// ]
Naerose 0/-------/------=|-------\-------\0 R.Mika
This is where you try to throw your opponent at the same time or right when they are trying to throw you, and you wiggle out of it. . ah somehow. This is totally what happens, because Naerose is very rolly. She manages to get out of that attack and lucky thing too, because even evading it was not as easy as it seemed.
"Hold on hold on!" Naerose begins then backs up and says, "Wait, I mean hold off! Hold off!" She extends her palm.
"I'm not Russian!" She exclaims, sure of that, then adds, 'En criento'
And tries to blast R.Mika before continuing, "And I'm not the bunny you're looking for!" This wrestler is dressed a little funny after all.
COMBATSYS: Naerose successfully hits R.Mika with End Creation.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////// ]
Naerose 0/-------/-----==|===----\-------\0 R.Mika
Rainbow Mika gets blasted back against the door leading toward the dining car. She looks dazed for a moment, then she shakes her head and points at Naerose again. "OH THAT WAS EVEN MEANER THAN BUNNY BITES! I'M GOING TO... GOING TO..." Then Trainbow Mika is running full steam ahead toward the witch. Her hands flash out to grab Nae by the waist and hoist her up briefly before slamming her down toward the ground.
COMBATSYS: Naerose blocks R.Mika's Medium Throw.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////// ]
Naerose 0/-------/----===|====---\-------\0 R.Mika
Throw her apparently. Naerose does her best to roll with it though because the flip side would be probably taking a pretty nasty throw. And roll she does, until she stands up, looks dizzy and then frowns. Frowns at R.mika. "Man you're persistent and I'm still totally not russian, I mean check it out, you have this accent that could be in an action flick and I don't!" At least not as the main villain, it's hard to imagine her role out side of plucky comedy relief, but does Nae Nae notice this fact? Probably not.
So to keep some sort of range, I mean, for what it is worth, she decides to fling something else at R.Mika, in the terms of a combination attack (This is gonna be awesome.) Naerose tries to sweep Mika and grab her on the way down to fling her off to the side, keeping some distance.
COMBATSYS: R.Mika dodges Naerose's Armed Combo.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////// ]
Naerose 0/-------/----===|====---\-------\0 R.Mika
"I DO NOT HAVE AN ACCENT!!!" And she doesn't. At least to herself. "YOU HAVE THE ACCE -- " Rainbow Mika catches something being flung at her. Not //literally// of course, but she can see it coming. It makes her hop up onto the train seat and she points at Naerose. "WOULD YOU STOP THAT!? I'M TRYING TO TELL YOU WHERE YOU ARE FROM!" Beat. "Russian Witch should get me Zangief's autograph!!!"
Then she springs off the seat toward Nae, feet outstretched to try and catch the witch with a dropkick.
COMBATSYS: R.Mika successfully hits Naerose with Light Kick.
- Power hit! -
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////////// ]
Naerose 0/-------/-======|====---\-------\0 R.Mika
Well THAT one hammers Naerose. It might not of been intended to hit her so hard, but it sends her reeling back and with a stagger, she manages to get a hold of herself. Owowowowowowowowo,
"Hey, I don't get what the big deal here is. I'm just trying to.. " Get hit apparently. She picks herself up. Dusts herself off and charges back at R.Mika, but instead of attacking with any sort of close ranged attack, she waits until she's close, leaps back and flings a flurry of icy darts at her opponent,
"Sagitta Minor!" Anyway, she's not sure what this conversation is even on about. "I've heard of Zangief," she admits mid air, "But it isn't like I've met him before! He's like a famous person, right?"
COMBATSYS: Naerose successfully hits R.Mika with Sagitta Minor.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////////// ]
Naerose 1/-------/=======|=====--\-------\0 R.Mika
"ZANGIEF IS THE BEST WRESTLER IN THE WORL --" Rainbow Mika gets a mouthful of icy darts as they begin to attack her body. She gets her arms up to stave off the attack but much, much too late.
The blonde wrestler just //stares// at the witch now. "HE IS VERY FAMOUS!!! OF COURSE YOU HAVE HEARD OF HIM!" Then she turns her back to Naerose, almost as though she's going to race toward the dining car. Only to come flying toward the witch buttocks first in an attempt to knock Nae to the floor.
COMBATSYS: R.Mika successfully hits Naerose with Shooting Peach.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////// ]
Naerose 1/------=/=======|======-\-------\0 R.Mika
Well this puts Naerose in an odd situation, she really has no idea how to get out of the way of such an attack. Usually she would.. Well, how do you block.. or dodge, get out of the way I guess. So Naerose tries to do that, but she gets struck and ends up knocked over by R.Mika.
"I'm not sure.." She says when she picks herself up, "That I've ever seen such a weird attack." That's all Naerose has to say about that.
In response, she pulls a thread from her broom and tries to snare R.Mika with it before sending a chi charge through it.
COMBATSYS: Naerose successfully hits R.Mika with Threads of Fate.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////// ]
Naerose 1/-----==/=======|=======\=------\1 R.Mika
There it is. Rainbow Mika... taken down by a broom thread. Before she knows what's happening she's all snared up and then BLASTED with energy. "YEEEOOOWOWOWOWOWOW!"
Working the thread off of her she frowns at Naerose. "MY ATTACK WAS WEIRD? MINE WAS? AT LEAST I WAS USING A BODY PART AND NOT A... A... CHEAP TRICK!" Her arms flail up and down as she yells that all out. Whisking her bangs to the side, she rushes forward with a gut punch toward the witches body. Then there's the attempt to hoist poor Naerose up again and smash her down to the floor upon her hat-ed head.
COMBATSYS: Naerose endures R.Mika's Combo Throw.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////// ]
Naerose 1/--=====/=======|=======\==-----\1 R.Mika
Naerose is totally getting ready to respond to this attack, she'll be all up and no way is she gong to get hit, that is until a little voice in her head whispers, "Endure it Naerose, you can take it. Channel the manliness of a fight." Little does Naerose know, that voice isn't actually in her head but one of the booths of people on the train watching the fight. Then, for a reason beyond human understanding, Naerose decides to take the advice, letting herself get lifted and slammed onto the floor. Now she's close to R.Mika and it's all like.. Well.. that was nice, but now what? So Naerose tries to give R.Mika a shove, planting her broom in the way to trip her and make her all unsteady and stuff. That's.. ah.. the big attack.
COMBATSYS: R.Mika fails to interrupt Armed Combo from Naerose with German Suplex.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////// ]
Naerose 1/-======/=======|=======\===----\1 R.Mika
This is how the fight is supposed to happen. Naerose being all compliant and enduring attacks and what...? Wait! She just stood there and took it, and she's still moving? Rainbow Mika blinks down at the witch and then gets shoved. She tries to correct the shove and not topple back. Tries to twist around Naerose and get her arms around her, but she was NOT counting on the broom being in the way.
The twist happens, sure thing! But the broom catches Rainbow Mika off guard and she not only trips over it, but crashes forward onto one of the seats and has the fold up tray fall down upon her head.
That doesn't even make sense, and for Naerose not to get something, that's odd. Though probably most people find R.Mika to be the more sense making one of the two of them, but that's not important right now. What is important is Naerose trying to figure out how she is going to get this free lunch.
"Umm, sorry?" She asks, then scratches her head, not sure if she's really sorry or if she's only supposed to be sorry. Maybe she should offer a hand up. Then again, R.Mika looks dangerous, so instead she goes for a helpful little poke.
"Are you okay?"
Like you'd poke a dead thing.
COMBATSYS: R.Mika blocks Naerose's Weapon Jab.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////// ]
Naerose 1/-======/=======|=======\====---\1 R.Mika
There are currently little Zangief heads yelling 'RED CYCLONE' swirling around Rainbow Mika's head. Dazedly, she reaches up to grab at one, and her arm inadvertently sweeps the broom handle to the side. It still *thocks* against her shoulder but it's not as painful as it might otherwise be.
With those three words, it seems that the buxom blonde wrestler is indeed fine for she gets up swiftly to her feet. Then she just smiles at Naerose. There is a step back before she runs toward Nae with little shadow Mika's following in her wake. They even trail right past Naerose as she makes the attempt to get in behind the witch and lock her head beneath her arm. Squeezing and squeezing to choke her opponent before performing a running bulldog.
COMBATSYS: R.Mika successfully hits Naerose with Sardine's Beach Special.
[ \\ < > ////////// ]
Naerose 2/<<<<<<</<<<<<<<|-------\-------\0 R.Mika
What the.. Nae was just trying to be nice, and she can't get her broom up in time to defend against that crazy onslaught. There are er.. Two Mika's? No one is an after shadow or something, but it confuses Naerose enough to totally work anyway. She gets .. bulldoged? The witch honestly doesn't know what just hit her, but giving her last strength into a final attack (Mika did hit first, it only seems right that Nae hits last right?) She puts fourth what can only be described as a falling star show.
"I don't know.. What you're on about.. But.. Sun.. Moon.. stars.. All that jazz. Yeah, star fall."
COMBATSYS: Naerose can no longer fight.
[ \\\\\\\\\\ <
R.Mika 0/-------/-------|
COMBATSYS: Naerose successfully hits R.Mika with Star Fall.
[ \\ <
R.Mika 0/-------/--=====|
Star light, star bright, first star I see in the middle of the train is going to kick me in the butt.
Rainbow Mika is not expecting the sudden planetarium-style explosion to happen so she's literally //star//-struck when it hits her. "GAAAAAHHHHHHH!" Down she goes to the floor left staring up at the ceiling of the train, stars now swarming about her head as she tries to get up. There is a feeble attempt. Partial elbow height, then she drops back down and just keeps staring. It's strange to her, to be out of the battle without so much as a golf cart tearing through and yanking her away.
COMBATSYS: R.Mika takes no action.
COMBATSYS: R.Mika can no longer fight.
Naeoleague? Not on their time. Five rather intimidating and powerful looking lawyers suddenly burst through the roof of the train-car, each one yammering on a cellphone only to stop speaking, and place the phones in their pockets in unison. What one could only ascertain to be the lead lawyer steps forward, holding a rather intimidating form.
"Naerose Delphine! This is a Cease and Desist Order, as you are infringing on international copyrights held by Masters Media, and Masters Entertainment Incorporated. We are here by issuing this court order to cease using the name 'Naeoleague' or else you will be brought to justice in a court of law. If you wish to dispute this matter, you may contact the Masters Group Legal Department, where we will be able to discuss this matter further." Each one of the lawyers then reach into their pocket, and in unison pull out a business card, which they each flick towards Naerose. "We appreciate your involvement with the Neo League, and hope to peacefully resolve this matter."
Five seperate ropes suddenly drop down from a helicopter that is now hovering over the moving train, only to pull up each lawyer with ease, taking them off to where ever else in the world someone may be performing the dastardly deeds that infringe upon their employeers hard and dedicated work!
Nae Nae Z z z z z z z z Z z z z z z z z z.
Several hours later. . .
"What a nice nap. Where is that free meal.." She picks up a business card, tries to charge her lunch to that person. Fails.
Log created on 12:32:29 01/11/2011 by Naerose, and last modified on 15:10:18 01/11/2011.