Description: Lightening NaeoLeague! Whatever that means. In a dog kennel the two who met on a volcano meet again. Miu tries to puzzle out Naerose and Naerose tries to puzzle out if a dog biscuit is food or not. Hey, is there a fight going on? YES and an exciting one! (Winner: Miu)
Miu has been expanding her horizons. Working as hard as she can to prepare for the King of Fighters Tournament, she has actually requested a temporary leave of absence from Seijyun High for the course of the next week. It is the Neo League Lightning Week, and that means, fighting against all comers. And directly after one of the most intense battles of her life! This is certain to be a great test of her fighting strength.
The Southtown Municipal Dog Pound might seem like a strange location for a fight, but, this time, when Miu had received the invitation to the 'Naeo' league, she wasn't /expecting/ things to go normally. It seems that Naerose is looking for fights once again, and, well, why not fight amongst a bunch of dogs? It makes as much sense as anywhere else.
The din is terrible, and Miu, without her usual ravenly accompaniment, is standing over to the side, near one set of cages. Where she stands, the dogs are quiet, obedient and silent in their home. But everywhere else, they are overexcited by the camera crews, despite the staff's best efforts to calm them down.
This is going to be a very noisy fight.
The signs have all been altered, the camera men are frankly used to this, even though Naerose can't quite puzzle out how. The way she sees it, 'Naeoleague' only just begun when Nae herself was invited to such a match. Clearly that was the name all along and now she's fixing the posters that she sees with a red crayon. This is her doing a favor to the entire league, that has a terrible typo that must of not been noticed until after printing.
For the rest of the people, with a memory that goes back farther than just a few days, they would surely remember the reign of Terror when not only did Naerose for no apparent reason, decide it was called 'NaeoLeague' but in fact climbed to nearly the top, in some inexplicable sprint. The history books bow their heads in shame. And yet somehow, here she is again.
The dogs meanwhile don't seem to bother her and ooooh boy are they barking on her side of the kennel.
"This place is perfect!" she exclaims.
Miu hadn't been sure about accepting the invitation, if it hadn't been the Lightning Week. No sooner does she look at Naerose, than memories of their last, encounter, spring to mind. She exhales slowly, and feathers begin to drift from her clothing, starting to swirl up around her in that, familiar way.
"Naerose." Miu says, greeting the other fighter, even as steps forwards. Detaching herself from the cages in order to stand, ready, in front of the elder fighter.
Normally, she's not one for speaking overmuch. But now, her power is rising, and the girl's eyes focus on the witch. Trying to gauge her. "Be honest." She says, as she settles into her stance. "You never thought we were modeling, did you? You are, trying to play a role?" Miu really isn't sure. Naerose is a hard person to read. Not least because of the amnesia. She's either a genius, a brilliant manipulator, or, completely insane. At least, from where Miu is standing.
COMBATSYS: Miu has started a fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Miu 0/-------/-------|
COMBATSYS: Naerose has joined the fight here on the right meter side.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Miu 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Naerose
COMBATSYS: Miu focuses on her next action.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Miu 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Naerose
Implications are that Naerose is lying, and not being honest. Why this is an outrage, you should be offended, show us just how mad this makes you Naer-
She's munching on a dog biscuit she picked up off the ground by one of the kennels. . . It doesn't taste good.
"Man, the food here is terrible!" She tosses the biscuit back to the dogs, who don't seem to agree with her about the food being terrible.
"Huh? What did you say?" She looks over at Miu, adjusts her shades and scratches her cheek. She shrugs, decides that it must not of been that important, and moves in on Miu, "Whatever." She says, as if that ends the conversation entirely and raises her hand before saying,
"This is lightening week and I get a free dinner if I win!"
The aforementioned free dinner does in fact, not exist. No one has promised this to Naerose. It will never come up again. No one knows where she got that idea.
"Sagitta Minor!" she cries and flings a flurry of ice darts at Miu.
COMBATSYS: Miu overcomes Sagitta Minor from Naerose with Kakure Amagakeri.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////////////// ]
Miu 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Naerose
Miu's brow furrows. She is not very amused by Naerose's antics. What sort of person would eat dog biscuits? That's just, unseemly! She straightens a little bit, and there's the slightest shake of her head, "Nobody has said anything about free food..." She starts, quietly trying, in her own way, to lessen what will almost certainly be a terrible disappointment. There's got to be some story here that's she's missing. If only because, although Naerose's actions are bizarre, there's, a certain consistency in them, isn't there? She's not completely insane...
Suddenly turning, she flings her hand forwards, and those feathers around her shoot outwards, shattering the ice darts, and continuing on towards Naerose. Each one packing a potent psycho-powered punch.
COMBATSYS: Naerose blocks Miu's Kakure Amagakeri.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////////////// ]
Miu 0/-------/-------|=------\-------\0 Naerose
Eeek! IS that.. A feather? Well they certainly did break up those darts well and Naerose is not sure.. what to do. On one hand, she starts clapping her hands like, cool! Except then she realizes these feathers are coming right for her! Except. . They're just feathers. . Right? Naerose narrows her eyes a bit and seems to be trying to consider just how serious a threat this actually is.
"Ummm.." She begins and continues to look a little unsure of herself,
"Woah!" she cries when the first one hits her broom and she only just gets a guard up before they impact her, less dangerously at least than if they straight up struck her.
"Those things are for real!" she cries and decides, screw the range game. She decides the best thing to do then is just move in.
"Alright, if that's how you want to play it.." The witch supposes, "Then here I come!" And charging in, Naerose tries to tackle Miu. It's almost even nice, almost.
COMBATSYS: Miu dodges Naerose's Glomp.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////////////// ]
Miu 0/-------/-------|=------\-------\0 Naerose
Miu hesitates for a moment, frowning. Not one to state the obvious, she doesn't say a word. But it'd pretty clear to her that Naerose doesn't remember the fight they'd had, or there'd be no way she would have forgotten about her feathers. They are a fairly memorable part of her fighting style, after all. She also remembers how Naerose likes to grab people.
Stepping nimbly to the side of the onrushing attack, Miu's hand glows with dark power. Black energy carves a path through the air as Miu tries to bring her fist into sharp contact with the back of Naerose's skull. If she can manage this, putting as much force into the attack as she can, and a dark flare of power with it, she'll say a single word, sharply, hoping to spur some sort of recovery. Because punching people in the head is how you cure amnesia, right?
COMBATSYS: Naerose interrupts Fierce Punch from Miu with Spellbinder.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////// ]
Miu 0/-------/--=====|====---\-------\0 Naerose
Huh, Naerose is being told she should remember something. She's not sure what she is supposed to remember, but she is sure she knows a boot to the head when she sees one, and this is a boot to the head. Her head. Not cool. So Naerose, in a fit of trying not to get punched, holds out her palm. Creates a bright flash of white light, reflecting off her dark shades. She isn't as blinded as Miu probably is and even as she is getting hit by the punch, which does hurt a little, Naerose is striking back with a full on swing of her broom, baseball style and frankly, it probably hurts. She doesn't know because she isnt' the one getting hit by the broom. If she had to guess though (luckily she doesn't) she would guess it hurt.
Instead she's rubbing her head and whining about having just took an off target punch.
Miu is surprised by the swiftness with which Naerose responds. The girl hits the ground hard, dazed and confused, and for a moment, her momentum and focus is completely broken. She doesn't remember that broom hurting anywhere near as much as that in the last encounter. But, then, perhaps she had left herself open to it... the bright energy didn't help matters at all.
Rising, the girl turns her power inwards, starting to ease some of the pain she had suffered. Rather than back down, however, she aims to retrieve the offensive. Dancing forwards, there's no more words, instead, she aims to grab Naerose by the shoulders, and, channeling that strange, numbing energy into the throw, pitch the witch across the room, aiming for the barking dogs on the other side. Hoping, at the same time, to put a little distance between herself and the witch. Since it has been fairly conclusively proven that she can't deal with her up close.
COMBATSYS: Miu successfully hits Naerose with Charged Combo.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////// ]
Miu 0/-------/-======|=======\-------\0 Naerose
Wow, a tripple stack. Maybe just maybe Naerose would appreciate this move if she wasn't being hit by it, but she is being hit by it and that sort of takes all of the appreciation away. She crashes into the fence of the dog cage and for a moment, they.. back away. Who wants to be hit by a flying witch? (Not me) But this fight is far from over. Naerose, recovering . . Slowly, gets up, rubs her head and looks over at Miu. That girl seems to like her range, Naerose seems to be thinking to herself (if you could read her mind (I can)). Range it is then.
"Umm.. Okay, lets try this again. I mean, you've seen it before, but.. Sagitta Minor!"
She flings those ice darts at Miu again.
COMBATSYS: Miu dodges Naerose's Sagitta Minor.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////// ]
Miu 0/-------/-======|=======\-------\1 Naerose
Miu sees the attack coming this time, and she steps into the storm of ice darts. Finding the one place where she could fit, with the darts passing harmlessly around her.
She exhales slowly, and recovers her patience. If, she was going to win this fight, she was going to have to stop letting herself be distracted by Naerose's strange behavior and stranger words. Of course she'd seen that attack before. She'd fought Naerose before. Was it genuinely that Naerose couldn't remember last meeting Miu, or was it an act designed to try and get in her head? IF it was the latter, it was certainly working. Try as she might, it is hard to separate her confusion from the immediate situation. Especially with all these barking dogs, too!
COMBATSYS: Miu gains composure.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////// ]
Miu 0/-------/---====|=======\-------\1 Naerose
So the fight slows down in pace, huh? Naerose adjusts her shades, she in turn wants to win something but can't remember what, maybe it's a can of dog food. She rubs her nose, adjusts her grip on her broom and then decides to pay attention to Miu, just what is that dark girl doing? Naerose isn't sure. . She stays right where she is. After all.. Who knows what the dark haired girl will do next?! This fight is clearly only just beginning.
"Umm." she starts, feeling awkward just standing there now.
"So.. how's the weather?" She asks, trying to make small talk. Apparently she's content to just chat. What a friendly witch.
COMBATSYS: Naerose focuses on her next action.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////// ]
Miu 0/-------/---====|=======\-------\1 Naerose
Miu narrows her eyes slightly. She'd been expecting Naerose to take the initiative again, and try to hit her. She'd tried the chatting thing, as much as she was able, and she'd gotten nowhere. She's certainly not going to sit here discussing the weather. Weather is of no interest to her at all!
She steps forward, spins half a step, and then lashes out with her hand. Only one weather slices towards Naerose, but the burning white object aims to splash against Naerose's shades, even hoping to knock them off! She's going to stay calm, centered, and take this fight at her own pace. And be as cold and unfriendly as the witch is pleasant, in the process.
COMBATSYS: Naerose blocks Miu's Amagakeri.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////// ]
Miu 0/-------/--=====|=======\=------\1 Naerose
A range game. . That's okay, Naerose seems to think. She'll just hang right out where she is.
"You sure do like wait, what the heck!?" Naerose brings her broom up with a solid wooden knock that only grazes off of her. Meanwhile, she continues the Miu method of sloooowing the fight down.
"Okay.. Well," She reaches into her hat and pulls out a piece of a cookie she was somehow managing to save this long.
Munch munch munch, "I love cookies." She says.
COMBATSYS: Naerose gains composure.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////// ]
Miu 0/-------/--=====|=======\-------\0 Naerose
Miu stares at Naerose for a few, long moments. Then, she shakes her head. There are very few fighters like Naerose, and no matter what you might say about her, the one thing she is not, is predictable. That much is for sure.
Breaking into a run, Miu throws away the distance she had worked so hard to obtain. White energy flares in her palms as she aims to grab Naerose's arm. If she can manage this, she'll pull back hard, slipping her leg behind those of her witchy opponent. Hoping to just, well, put Naerose on the ground.
COMBATSYS: Naerose dodges Miu's Quick Throw.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////// ]
Miu 0/-------/--=====|=------\-------\0 Naerose
Well we can play the close game too, Naerose seems to think as she hops just out of range of the attack, at least as best as she can, and just to interrupt the charge, she slings a quick and light kick at Miu's shin, the attempt, apparently is just to interrupt, because the toe of her boot, aimed fairly low, doesn't include much power. And while she grins to be this close, keeping her broom upright as if to remind you it's there and she can hit you with it, Naerose has her attention on her opponent, like she's having fun or something.
"That's totally more like it, I mean I was enjoying this cookie.. She places the rest in her mouth. Mufh mufh mmufhfhm mufh mufh mmmf muhfb muhfh mmm mufh." *swallow*
"You dig?"
COMBATSYS: Miu dodges Naerose's Light Kick.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////// ]
Miu 0/-------/--=====|=------\-------\0 Naerose
Miu dodges to the side of the broom. Her feet literally sliding along the ground without any movement, which helps to keep her dodging precise and focused. The young psion doesn't seem to be very amused by Naerose's cookie-eating antics, but, then, when has Miu ever looked amused at anything?
Her arm trails bright white energy as she swings around, coming up hard, and aiming to drive the energy up, and into Naerose's chin. As far as Miu is concerned, the time for talking has passed. She was going to focus on this fight, now, and in order to win, she had to first /hit/ Naerose!
COMBATSYS: Naerose blocks Miu's Kirameki.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////// ]
Miu 0/-------/-======|==-----\-------\0 Naerose
Using her broom once again to keep herself in the running for this crazy fight, Naerose tries to deflect the energy off to one side. And then, taking the moment to try a reprisal, really she's not looking for a lot here, just a little poke. Maybe she can get lucky. Who knows! Naerose certainly does find nailing this speed demon to be a challenge.
"Okay, like, I totally got you now!" she says, only problem is, the attack she sends, well.. it isn't the most reasonable sort of attack, instead she twirls her broom and tries to sort of hit Miu by .. frankly chance? Yea, it's a weird attack to say the least. Naerose twirling her broom over her head and being like, if you get hit it's your own fault!
COMBATSYS: Naerose successfully hits Miu with Random Strike.
Grazing Hit
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////// ]
Miu 0/-------/=======|===----\-------\0 Naerose
Surprisingly, it works! Miu doesn't deal well with complete randomness, and although it is only a grazing blow, the broom does make contact with her side. The girl narrows her eyes, giving a sharp intake of breath, and then, her foot lashes out to crash into Naerose's knee.
If she can manage that, then she'll use it as a firm place to use for leverage, aiming to grab hold of Naerose's arms, and, numbing energy backing her, forcefully stop the rotating doom-broom. And, finally, she'll pitch the woman over. Her feathers floating all around her as her energy, finally, is allowed to blossom free again, rather than being held in defense. If she was going to beat the witch, she was going to need to hit her with everything she has!
COMBATSYS: Naerose interrupts Charged Combo from Miu with Sagitta Major.
? Strange Hit! ?
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////// ]
Miu 1/-----==/=======|====---\-------\0 Naerose
"Tsch..." Naerose says as she is assaulted with that one again, the attack seems to be working, in so much as the broom and the energy is all grabbed and sent into the witch, who for her part looks the worst for wear, but when she is flung.. Rather than falling and crashing, she twists in mid air and sends a fully charged javelin of icy chi at Miu with a cry of
"Sagitta Major!" This large attack, what would probably be enough to impale a normal person, well might even suck for Miu, if not for the last adding bit of flare Naerose adds,
"Hey, check this out, I can totally make it ricochet off of something!"
. . . And she does . .
But the javelin, chipped off of the concrete ground has far less impact when it lands.
"Heh, opps." She says, grinning childishly.
Miu grits her teeth as she is hit. The schoolgirl is hurt, but she is starting to get used to taking large blasts of energy. It's been something of a running theme in her fights. Though, normally, the energy feels... different, to the energy used by Naerose. Which is interesting. But she's not going to stop and ask about it.
Making a mental note to try and find Naerose under more cordial circumstances at a later date, the girl steps forwards, snatching one of her feathers from the air. Dark black, it melds into her fist, and she strikes out hard. Aiming to just, bounce her little, balled-up fist off Naerose's side, really relying on the numbing energy to do the majority of her work for her.
COMBATSYS: Naerose dodges Miu's Medium Punch.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////// ]
Miu 1/-----==/=======|====---\-------\0 Naerose
Naerose decides that she doesn't want to get hit by the punch, and in doing so, simply stays out of the way of it,
"Wow, you're sure serious, man, you couldn't of even enjoyed for a moment, I mean something totally sweet. Geeze, people are too serious in this town." The red which just complains and then settling down, decides to watch Miu for a moment.
"Okay, well here I come! If you want to get this over with so bad, I hope it's cause you have free food promised, like a dinner and that you'll totally share with me, cause I was just thinking we could take a break or something!" The witch presses the assault, trying to trip Miu with her leg and if she can manage it, grab her on the way down to give her a toss, all the while her broom hand is kept in a guarded position. Oh yes, that broom is ready.. To defend.
COMBATSYS: Miu interrupts Armed Combo from Naerose with Psi-Launcher.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////// ]
Miu 1/---====/=======|=======\-------\0 Naerose
Miu steps into the attack. Blocking out Naerose's words, although it isn't easy, she does something she very rarely does... she just lets Naerose kick her, and even grab her. This, hurts. She's not very good at taking pain... but she can do it when she has to.
And she has to now! Bright power flares up around her hand, and this might just hint that there was a mistake. Before she can be tossed, Miu wrenches free, and leaps into the air on her power, bringing her hand with her, which she uses to grab Naerose by the collar, swing her around, and send her crashing into the ground.
Rebuked! Naerose isn't sure what to do about this, but when she picks herself up and smooths out her dress (she was grabbed by.. the collar?) Well she's grabbed anyway, no GI here and depending on which Naerose outfit she has on (the editors would like to point out that it hasn't been specified) she may or may not of had a collar, so we'll just assume she did.
"Ouch.. " She says, looking .. well, rebuked.
"Try that again!" She exclaims and literally tries the same attack, a low kick, followed by a catch and toss.
COMBATSYS: Miu fails to interrupt Armed Combo from Naerose with Psi-Launcher.
-* WILD HIT! *-
[ \\\\\\\\\ < > /////////// ]
Miu 2/<<<<<<</<<<<<<<|=======\-------\1 Naerose
Miu, perhaps foolishly, decides to oblige Naerose. Her hand flares with power again... but this time, her jump up, somehow, manages to be caught by Naerose's kick.
But Miu, I hear you cry, Naerose was kicking low! And you jumped! This is indeed true, but sometimes, the world just doesn't work the way you want it to. She winds up being smashed in the stomach by the powerful kick, and is hurled bodily into the dog cages. Denting the metal inwards, Miu does not look very happy. In fact, she looks downright terrible.
G-guh... h-how did you...!?"
With a clear head and a steady gaze. . Or something. Naerose just sort of fixes her hat, adjusts her shades, watches Miu and leans on her broom.
"Huh? What? Oh you mean, how did I pull off that cool ricochet earlier? Well, that's a good question, I was totally watching this show which said something about reflecting and then the path of stuff sort of reflecting, anyway, I figured I'd give it a try, so I imagined you on the ground, or something and aimed a big cool looking attack at it. Anyway, I think it worked out okay don't you? Like a high light reel? And a free cookie? I'm really looking forward to that cookie by the way, I heard it would be a chocolate chip cookie, which are of course, classic and the best. A cookie the size of a plate!" She's getting excited about this made up cookie.
COMBATSYS: Naerose focuses on her next action.
[ \\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////// ]
Miu 1/-======/=======|=======\-------\1 Naerose
Miu picks herself up from the ground, and takes a long, slow breath.
"You." She says, quietly, "Are a very strange woman."
She allows her feathers to flow more swiftly, accepting the pain, embracing it, but catching her breath. She doesn't want to hear about Naerose's cookie. She doubts there is going to be any such thing. She's certainly never been given free food for any of her Neo League matches. Maybe things are different in the Naeo League.
"... I wish I could tell if you are sane, or if you are living in your own fantasy world." She murmurs, shaking her head slowly, sadly. "In both of our fights... I've never been able to tell what you are going to do next."
This is, it must be said, an incredible amount for the usually quiet girl to actually say mid-fight. Maybe she's winding down again? In truth, she's just frustrated. Trying to work out whether Naerose is a genius or is insane is maddening!
COMBATSYS: Miu gains composure.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////// ]
Miu 1/--=====/=======|=======\-------\1 Naerose
"Well.. Okay," Naerose says, not really sure how to respond to that and decides, rather then try to decide on an answer, she'll just go right back into the attack.
"Man you sure are.. ah. I dunno, you stop a lot? Right that's what I was looking to say." On the surface, it may look like Naerose is just babbling, as she tends to do, but she's actually swinging her broom at Miu, like over head swings, lots of them, not very good ones, extremely predictable. Maybe only one is even aimed anywhere near the girl.
"I mean, cause I'm getting real hungry and we've been at this for a while."
COMBATSYS: Miu dodges Naerose's Random Strike.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////// ]
Miu 1/--=====/=======|=======\-------\1 Naerose
Miu steps back and forth amongst the strikes, evading the ones which don't /seem/ to be aimed at her just as surely as the one that is, because she's starting to learn that if she assumed anything around Naerose, she's going to wind up in a world of pain.
"Alright then. Lets finish this."
And that said, the girl suddenly turns, and steps forwards. Thrusting one hand out, it's as though the world explodes into a shower of feathers. A huge lance, cone-shaped, almost long enough to fill the entire room, erupts from Miu's outstretched hand, and aims to swallow Naerose whole. Regardless of whether it does or not, it will flare bright white, before turning deep black, sucking in all light... and exploding violently in a shower of pretty sparkles. Miu's fighting style is, if nothing else, extraordinarily pretty.
COMBATSYS: Naerose fails to interrupt Chou Yomosugara from Miu with Spellbinder EX.
- Unbelievable Failure! -
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > / ]
Miu 0/-------/---====|=======\-------\1 Naerose
COMBATSYS: Naerose can no longer fight.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Miu 0/-------/---====|
Nae was totally expecting this, she was ready, you know, setting up this perfect move and it was all worked out in her mind, you can even see her getting into the stance, sort of like a baseball player, ready to do a full on -swing-. She sets her back leg, shifts her weight, squares her shoulders. Is there such a thing as an unbelievable failure? Well if there is.. Needless to say, Naerose manages it. When she is finally attacked, it's like she hesitates too long or something.. If you watched this in slow motion you might just think she dropped the ball, well in this case her broom, but the sheer force of the attack would really make someone wonder if she had any chance of overpowering it to begin with. She's completely, totally and utterly (utterly) flattened. . by the attack.
. . Strangely the staff, who had been just watching up till now, seem to be trying to discretely let the dogs out.. while another, holding a can of opened wet dog food, sneaks up toward Naerose. . .
COMBATSYS: Miu has ended the fight here.
Log created on 09:36:52 01/11/2011 by Naerose, and last modified on 12:18:38 01/11/2011.