Description: Raiden continues his explosive entrance into the Neo League's LIGHTNING ROUND, this time facing off against the implacable Karin, definitively proving that he is a gigantic jerk and is incapable of feeling shame or remorse. Karin proves that her personal medical team is earning its keep. (Winner: Raiden)
Outside Sunshine City is where Karin Kanzuki's next Neo League match is being held, out in the outskirts, a ring setup for the fight. It's actually got a half-decent skyline, now that Karin thinks about it. But less time for skylines, more time for fighting. Karin glances at the sun and hmmms, "I should hope this fight starts before the gangs come out at night... I'd rather not deal with thugs."
She takes her time to hop into the ring, and fiddles with her hand guards, as she waits for the famous wrestler that is her opponent to show up.
Karin does not have long to wait, as a taxi cab screams toward the ring, coming to a skidding halt but a few feet away from the side, lurching up on two wheel for a brief moment before settling back down again. The passenger side door pops open, and when Raiden steps out, that side of the cab noticeably raises.
The big wrestler turns and pokes his head back inside, voice clearly audible. "Thank you for the ride, although sadly Raiden does not have a tip for you. Drive safe." Somehow, he doesn't sound sincere. The cabby at least seems to think so, judging by the sheer speed with which the taxi pulls away, putting as much distance between itself and the wrestler as possible.
Raiden by this time has hopped into the ring, laughing merrily. "Such wide eyes! You don't think that man was scared of me, do you..." He trails off as his gaze slowly comes to rest on his opponent for this match, the significantly tinier Karin. "...little girl? Ha ha ha! See if you can even hurt Raiden, GOD OF THE LIGHTNING ROUND!"
COMBATSYS: Raiden has started a fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Raiden 0/-------/-------|
Karin allows herself a bit of a smirk at the underestimation, as she replies, "I suppose I might have a little trouble taking down a wrestler like you, Raiden, but at least you won't be that hard to hit. OHOHOHOHO!" She lets out a laugh, before shifting into her fighting stance.
"I hope you took the time to get to know who your opponent is before you got here, otherwise you're in for a big surprise. Your opponent is Karin Kanzuki, not some small time wrestler." Karin says as she looks the big man over, seeming totally confident. The Kanzuki name is at the very least well known in Japan for the Kanzuki Conglomerate.
COMBATSYS: Karin has joined the fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Karin 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Raiden
With that, Karin dashes in and leaps in at Raiden, swinging a downward chop with her fist for his shoulder.
COMBATSYS: Raiden endures Karin's Strong Punch.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////////////// ]
Karin 0/-------/-------|=------\-------\0 Raiden
"Small? Ha! I think small is the perfect word for you!" Raiden places hand over fist, gently massaging his own knuckles with series of loud pops and cracks.
"But you talk big." He releases his hand and hunches down slightly, raising both arms in front of him and flexing his fingers. He's still grinning, but it doesn't look at all nice.
Then Karin rushes him; he takes the chop on the shoulder with a grunt, not looking at all worried, and steps forward. "Raiden's gonna /enjoy/ this." One knee comes rising up, attached to a leg that is almost as big as Karin is.
COMBATSYS: Karin blocks Raiden's Light Kick.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////////////// ]
Karin 0/-------/------=|=------\-------\0 Raiden
Karin sees the knee coming, and her eyes widen at the vast size of the man, but she shifts her stance to block the knee, which still sends her backward with a surprising amount of force. Of course, it doesn't help that she's considerably smaller in stature than Raiden, but it's the effort that counts.
The kittle blonde girl grits her teeth as her gathers her composure real quick as she says, "I should have expected this wouldn't be easy... But don't take me that lightly, Raiden!" With that, she dashes once more, and this time aims to strike him with a palm thrust to his chest (Gut), a second one to his gut (Gut), and then swinging up a double elbow smash, "Guren Ken!"
COMBATSYS: Raiden blocks Karin's Guren Ken.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////////////// ]
Karin 0/-------/------=|==-----\-------\0 Raiden
As Karin orders him not to take her lightly, Raiden grins /even harder/ if such a thing is even possible. "This is impossible for you, little girl!" He flexes his abs (they're in there somewhere) and takes the hits straight on, the layered padding absorbing the series of impacts with only slight ripples.
"How can I not take you lightly when you are so light?" Raiden laughs heartily at his own joke, reaching forward with a single hand to palm Karin's face, lift her off the ground, and carelessly toss her backward as though she didn't have any weight at all.
COMBATSYS: Raiden successfully hits Karin with Quick Throw.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////////////// ]
Karin 0/-------/---====|==-----\-------\0 Raiden
Karin goes wide eyed as she's just grabbed by her face and just thrown over Raiden's shoulder so easily, and crashes into the ring canvas. She grits her teeth and pushes herself back to her feet as she glares at Raiden, and tries to compose herself again. "If you think I'm that easy to defeat, then come and do it already."
COMBATSYS: Karin gains composure.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////////////// ]
Karin 0/-------/-----==|==-----\-------\0 Raiden
Still /greatly/ amused, Raiden begins to slowly walk forward after Karin, not perturbed in the slightest that she has chosen not to come to him, at least for the moment. He can appreciate it when someone is scared of him.
"And what about putting on a show? What about Raiden's many fans? Raiden couldn't let them down, no matter how easily he can crush you. Ha!" And with a quick step forward, he drives his meaty fist in low, seeking a spot in Karin's gut. Or maybe, considering his size, her entire torso. And then his fingers unclench just briefly enough to get a hold of her clothes, and then toss her unceremoniously to the side again.
COMBATSYS: Karin fails to counter Rapid Grapple from Raiden with Yasha Gaeshi.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////////////// ]
Karin 0/-------/---====|==-----\-------\0 Raiden
Karin had intended to goad Raiden into charging, and intended to intercept his fist in order to counter-throw him before he could do anything. When she makes the grab, though, his fist breaks through anyway, and drives into her gut, knocking her air out before he grabs and flings her across the ring again.
Karin crashes to the ground and grits her teeth, but pushes herself back to her feet. Any other girl would probably stay down, but not Karin Kanzuki. She just gets back up again, but she's forced to lean against the ropes of the ring to take a breather.
For his part, Raiden is not so merciless that he'll attack Karin when she's so obviously on the ropes. (HA HA HA i kill me)
"YEAH! NUMBAH WAHN!" Or maybe he's just distracted, is all, strutting about the ring like he owns it. Certainly, anybody familiar with Raiden's past work would know that the big wrestler is anything but fair, despite his impressive skill.
"Who's the best? That's right!" Raiden turns to a camera and jabs a thumb into his chest, getting totally pumped up by his own hype, Karin seemingly forgotten for the moment. "It's this guy! IT'S RAIDEN!"
COMBATSYS: Raiden gathers his will.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////////////// ]
Karin 0/-------/---====|======-\-------\0 Raiden
Karin grits her teeth as she stands up, and narrows her eyes when Raiden seems to have forgotten that there's a fight. Granted, there is a bit of an audience for the fight, and a camera... Yeah, leave it to the pro wrestler to ham it up.
Karin finally gets her second wind and growls as she dashes towards Raiden, and grabs for his arm to yank him down into an arm bar takedown.
COMBATSYS: Karin successfully hits Raiden with Yashiro Kuzushi.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////////// ]
Karin 0/-------/--=====|=======\-------\1 Raiden
Raiden simply understand that, even in a fight, a man has to have priorities. He has to live his persona! A wrestler is nothing without his identity, one that Raiden has worked on for years, carefully sculpting it and by extension himself into the perfect antagonist.
Or maybe he's just a jerk and he loves it. EITHER WAY, when Karin comes up on him, he's so surprised that he makes no real effort to do...anything about it, really. He figured that she'd be quaking in fear for at least a little bit longer, but then, he doesn't know of the BURNING KANZUKI SPIRIT resting deep within her chest.
The arm-bar goes off more or less without a hitch, dragging Raiden to the ground with a loud, muffled WHUMP noise. But Raiden, being the smug son of a bitch that he is, just grins. Well, he grins, purses his lips, and then spits out a noxious green cloud right into Karin's face.
COMBATSYS: Raiden successfully hits Karin with Poison Breath.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////// ]
Karin 0/-------/=======|=======\-------\1 Raiden
Karin lets out a shriek when the mist hits her face, something she barely saw coming but should have, and growls as she tries to get the stuff out her eyes. "I should have--*cough*--Expected something like that... I'll get you back for that!"
With that, Karin glances to the wide, and charges... PAST Raiden, and leaps onto one of the corner turnbuckles, and uses it as a launch pad for a solid flying kick to the head.
COMBATSYS: Raiden interrupts Strong Kick from Karin with Flame Breath.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////// ]
Karin 1/----===/=======|=------\-------\0 Raiden
Raiden spits to the side, getting the last traces of his poisonous mist out of his mouth, then clambers to his feet. Smiling and laughing, laughing and smiling. There may be no man on earth who can match him in terms of smugness at this point.
"I think not, little girl! What could you even do to me?" His tone of voice makes it plain that the correct answer to this question is 'nothing'. Even as Karin goes hopping and leaping about the ring, Raiden just stands there, waiting. His patience is rewarded when she comes flying straight at him. He takes in a deep breath, face screwing up in concentration, and gets kicked right in the head.
But the moment foot meets face, Raiden exhales /powerfully/, letting out a great gout of flame that washes out in front of him; a space currently occupied by one Karin Kanzuki.
Karin shrieks as she gets blasted with a cloud of fire, and goes crashing to the floor in pain, her hair singed all over as she pants heavily, and pushes herself back to her feet. This was getting increasingly painful. She growls and stands back up, and dashes for Raiden, this time grabbing him by the singlet, and tries to drive her knee into her big gut, doing so twice, before trying to trip him up and slam him down.
COMBATSYS: Karin successfully hits Raiden with Arakuma Inashi.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////// ]
Karin 2/<<<<<<</<<<<<<<|====---\-------\0 Raiden
Raiden laughs at the sight of Karin rolling on the ground in pain, burnt and blackened by his fire. "It's not too late for you to give up, you know." And of course he taunts her. How could he do anything less?
When she rushes up again, reaching out to grab him, it's with humour in his eyes that he takes a step backward, trying to put himself out of reach. It doesn't work, and the subsequent knees to the gut catch him off-guard, doubling him over. Then he goes down.
The thud is much louder this time as the gigantic man hits the mat. Suddenly, he doesn't look so happy anymore. "That's enough out of you, I think. It's time to put you to bed! HRAAAGH!" Surging back up to his feet, arms spread wide, Raiden takes a step forward and attempts to give Karin a great big hug. A powerful hug. A hug...LIKE A BEAR.
COMBATSYS: Karin just-defends Raiden's Bearhug!
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////// ]
Karin 2/<<<<<<</<<<<<<<|===----\-------\0 Raiden
Karin has apparently had enough of Raiden's abuse as she takes a breath, and watches the giant meathead try to approach and bearhug. Her movement however is quick, as she reaches to the arms to hold them back by the elbow, before pushing herself out of his range, and shifts into another stance before screaming and thrusting three consecutive palm thrusts at the big man's cut again, "Guren Ken!"
COMBATSYS: Raiden blocks Karin's Guren Ken.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////// ]
Karin 2/<<<<<<</<<<<<<<|===----\-------\0 Raiden
Raiden is, simply put, dismayed at the ease with which Karin pushes his arms, his big muscular man-arms, out of the way. Such a slippery little fish. Could there be more to her than meets the eye after all?
The wrestler's eyebrows scrunch together under the mask as he tries to think it through.
Several seconds later, they're still scrunched and he's drooling a little because he's thinking of a sandwich made out of two meatloafs and a steak.
COMBATSYS: Raiden gains composure.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////// ]
Karin 2/<<<<<<</<<<<<<<|==-----\-------\0 Raiden
Karin growls as Raden barely budges, from her palm thrusts, and growls before swinging her leg up for a high roundhouse kick, aiming for Raiden's head!
COMBATSYS: Raiden blocks Karin's Elegant Kick.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////// ]
Karin 1/=======/=======|==-----\-------\0 Raiden
Abruptly, the big wrestler snaps out of his food-induced trance, forcefully tearing himself away from memories of things he has eaten, and thoughts of how much he would like to be eating something RIGHT NOW. He can't even remember the last meal he had.
Raiden eats an entire fried chicken while the taxi driver looks on in horror.
Raiden slides forward with another underhanded bodyblow, followed by another, and then finally reaches out to grab Karin's collar and yank her up close for a vicious headbutt.
COMBATSYS: Karin blocks Raiden's Combination Bodyblow.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////// ]
Karin 2/<<<<<<</<<<<<<<|-------\-------\0 Raiden
Karin grits her teeth as she brings her arms down to guard herself from the body shots, then back up to protect her from the head butt, before reeling back some, and taking a breath as she glares at the man, before dashing around Raiden, and aims for a combination of punches before she leaps at his back, trying trying to wrap her arm around his thick neck to choke him out some and wear him down.
COMBATSYS: Raiden interrupts Combo Attack from Karin with Giant Bomb.
[ \\\\ < > ////////////// ]
Karin 2/<<<<<<</<<<<<<<|=======\-------\0 Raiden
Raiden does not turn to follow Karin after his headbutt attempt is stifled. Rather, he stands still and tracks her with his head alone, talking as she maneuvers. "It is useless, you dumb little girl! Accept defeat, before Raiden gets even more angry!"
The blows pepper his backside and then Karin leaps fully onto the big man's back. This is what he was waiting for. He flings his body forward, going down into a crouch on one hand like a football player, seeking to simultaneously dislodge his new passenger and put her right in front of him. And then--
Raiden charges, his massive bulk hurtling parallel to the ground like a gigantic cannonball, smashing into the Kanzuki heiress' body.
Afterward, the Aussie straightens, his grin slowly returning. "YEEEEEAH!"
Karin gets bombed into the ground, and for several moments she just stays down as the Australian wrestler stands up to celebrate. However, Karin stirs once again and climbs back to her feet. Her hair is a mess, her face is a mess, her clothes are a mess, she's in general a mess, but her eyes glare at Raiden with a fire in them, but no apparent consciousness in them.
Despite being no longer in any condition to keep fighting, she raises her hands up to put herself in her fighting stance, and leaps at the giant man, her arms swinging in circles, palms whirling for nine consecutive palm strikes at the big guy, as Karin screams out, "KOU'OU KEN!"
However, after this last effort, she just crashes to the ground instead of just landing.
COMBATSYS: Karin can no longer fight.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Raiden 0/-------/-======|
COMBATSYS: Raiden endures Karin's Kanzuki-ryuu Kou'ou Ken.
[ \\\\\\\\\ <
Raiden 1/------=/=======|
For once, though clearly victorious, Raiden does not completely ignore his fallen opponent. He is watching when Karin painstakingly comes to her feet, when she comes forward to deliver her last hurrah.
And Raiden, essentially, decides to stand there and take it. Powerful muscles bunch up and Karin's palms smash into him again and again, rocking him but failing to drive him back. And when she finally collapses, the big jerk starts laughing again.
"You hit pretty hard...for girl!" He manages to stop just long enough to speak, at which point he starts laughing even harder. Finally, his mirth subsides, and Raiden turns to the camera, leaning down close so that his face takes up the entire frame.
"This is what happens! This is what you get when you stand against the GOD of the NEO LEAGUE LIGHTNING ROUND! RAIDEN!" He smacks the camera over and turns away, pointing his fingers into the air with a final "YEEEEEEEEEEEEEAH!"
Not that he's the type to gloat, or anything.
COMBATSYS: Raiden has ended the fight here.
Meanwhile the medics climb into the ring, and check to see if Karin was okay, before carrying her out on a stretcher. The camera gets a few good shots of Karin while she's down and beat up, giving the audience just enough of a motivation to start jeering at him for being a big jerk.
"That's poor girl! She just wouldn't give up!" "Raiden spat out mist and fire at her!" "Raiden you bastard!" "Pick on someone your own size!" "BOOOOOO!" Probably the reaction that the big man's going to get, that and more.
Log created on 18:22:58 01/10/2011 by Raiden, and last modified on 21:45:15 01/10/2011.