Description: Hot Neo League Action continues when tiny dyanamo Zach Glen is put up against the juggernaut Raiden! (Winner: Raiden)
In the ruins of the abandoned temple, the stillness has been broken. A small crew of Neo League crewmen have set up, strategically placing lights and cameras, all hooked up remotely to the highly advanced and totally sweet NEO VAN a short distance away. It is sweet because of the airbrushed picture of a cavewoman riding a saber-toothed tiger on top of a waterfall. /Vantasy/.
But aside from that, the stillness is ALSO broken by the distant (but growing less so) sound of panting and gasping as Raiden jogs toward the designated fightin' area. He finally comes to a halt, bent over and sucking air like it's running out.
"Why GASP does it have to GASP be so far?" He continues catching his breath and, indeed, every other breath in the vicinity.
Zach, by comparison, is sitting on the remains of an alter, knees to his chest as he waits for things to get ready. He regards Raiden calmly as he stretches his legs out and slides off of his perch. "Maybe the League got tired of paying insurance claims for property damage," the psychic says calmly. He'd been here for a bit, and while he also ran here, he was either here early enough to catch his breath or in better shape than Raiden seems to be.
Zach bounces on the balls of his feet and regards the larger man while he awaits the start of the match.
COMBATSYS: Zach has started a fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Zach 0/-------/-------|
"I don't know what you're talking about." Raiden, after all, NEVER causes excessive property damage on regular basis. That would just be silly. Or at least he doesn't notice. Same thing, really.
"Raiden is always as careful as can be, even in the middle of a fight! And do you know why?" It seems the big man's already recovered somewhat, hinting that maybe he's not quite so out of shape as he looks. "Because Raiden!" He lifts a meaty finger at Zach. "Is!" He points straight up. "NUMBAH WAHN!"
As if that were the signal for the fight to begin, the rotund wrestler shambles forward, reaching out with both enormous hand for Zach's body. Should he get a hold (and those fingers are surprisingly dextrous for their size), he'll flip the significantly smaller man upside down, tuck him twixt his thighs, and then fall onto his butt.
COMBATSYS: Raiden has joined the fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Zach 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Raiden
COMBATSYS: Zach dodges Raiden's Powerbomb.
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Zach 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Raiden
Zach steps forward in an almost crouching stance as Raiden charges towards him. He looks up at the masked man as he brings his left fist back. "Actually," Zach says as purple light flares around the clenched fist, "I was talking about me."
Zach launches from his crouch into an uppercut that is thrown with such force that it almost lifts the psyker off of the ground!
COMBATSYS: Raiden fails to interrupt Strong Punch from Zach with Medium Throw.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////// ]
Zach 0/-------/-------|==-----\-------\0 Raiden
"Who's talking about you?" The big Aussie's face contorts in confusion, even as his hands fail to find immediate purchase on the slippery psychic. This is just nobody kid, right?
But at least he's not keeping his distance. He's staying up close; Raiden can work with that. The masked face splits into a grin, hands spreading out as if to welcome Zach for a nice big hug, ready to /actually/ lift him off the ground. It doesn't work out quite that way as a fist slams into Raiden's chin, snapping his head and sending him wobbling a few paces backward like a Punch Out character.
"Oho! Looks like somebody knows how to throw a punch!" It's always who you least expect.
Zach Glen, in his three and a half years of fighting, has logged 66 official matches. And those are just the official ones. He is also directly responsible for property damages in at least six figures. Zach regains his footing, and hops back twice to gets a better look at things. Raiden seems to be off-balance from that punch.
Zach pulls his right hand back at shoulder level before flinging it forward as if he were throwing a baseball. A burst of violet psycho-kinetic energy screams towards the larger man. Zach waits to see what happens.
COMBATSYS: Raiden blocks Zach's Warning Shot.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////////// ]
Zach 0/-------/------=|===----\-------\0 Raiden
Raiden 'Raiden' Raiden, on the other hand, is just a man who weighs almost a quarter of a ton, almost all of that muscle. For someone like him, it's easy to forget that walls aren't doors.
As Zach dances back, Raiden recovers sufficiently to pursue, charging forward with his arms held up in front of his face to absorb the small ball of energy relatively safely. Not letting it stop him, the big yellow and blue ball of a man continues forward, tilting back and lifting one leg, then THRUSTING it forward violently.
COMBATSYS: Zach dodges Raiden's Medium Kick.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////////// ]
Zach 0/-------/------=|===----\-------\0 Raiden
Zach's eyes narrow as he twists aside, allowing the kick to sail past him. The psion frowns as he grabs for Raiden's kicking leg while planting a foot behind the grounded leg.
If that even works, Zach twists with it, shoving Raiden to the ground before driving a soul-powered elbow to the midsection on the way down!
COMBATSYS: Raiden interrupts Charged Combo from Zach with Giant Bomb.
- Power hit! -
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////// ]
Zach 1/------=/=======|======-\-------\0 Raiden
Suffice to say, no. No it does not work.
Raiden laughs when Zach goes for his leg, letting the young man get a good hold on it and then SLAMMING it down into the ground with all of his considerable weight. His upper body comes down, too, a fist slamming into the ground to keep him from belly-flopping onto the stone.
And then, with Zach still in there somewhere, he SURGES forward, shoulder lowered, as unstoppable as a freight train. He comes to a halt, stands, and turns.
"Ha ha! Do you see, now? Do you see the power of Raiden!?" He flexes to cement his point, biceps bulging.
Zach lets out a yelp of surprise. Yeah, grabbing a wrestler is easily one of the dumber things he has tried in his career. He picks himself up slowly, trying to shake the cobwebs loose. He eyes Raiden and adjusts his cap.
Glen takes a deep breath to prepare, and dashes in once more, his upper body weaving in a Mobious loop as he closes. As he comes up on Raiden's left side, Zach throws a sharp hook to the wrestler's liver in order to bring the big man's head a little lower. He continues the motion, and as he comes up on the right, another hook is thrown at the ribcage. The series continues for another trio of punches, all of them augmented by that violet energy that he has been wielding!
COMBATSYS: Raiden blocks Zach's Burst Strike.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////// ]
Zach 0/-------/-------|======-\-------\0 Raiden
Raiden is not just a wrestler; he is THE wrestler. If you ask him, anyway. Sadly, nobody is. But Raiden just wouldn't be Raiden is he needed people to ask before extolling his many virtues.
"Raiden is unstoppable! Ha ha! YEEEAH!" But he is not so caught up in it that he fails to notice Zach rushing back in to pummel the crap out of him. He can tell he's going to have trouble keeping up, so...Raiden doesn't even try, exactly.
Crouching down and raising his arms like a meaty shield, the wrestler's entire body /tenses/, the muscle painstakingly built all over it turning into an iron barrier to protect his precious insides. The punches land, each slamming home, but eliciting only mild grunts from the wrestler. Who, finally, backs off a step and straightens.
"Those are good punches, boy." Raiden's still grinning. "But it takes more than a good punch to take me down! Ha ha ha!" He slaps his chest and continues laughing, content for the moment just to pose and soak in his own sense of superiority.
COMBATSYS: Raiden gains composure.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////// ]
Zach 0/-------/-------|====---\-------\0 Raiden
"Right then," Zach mutters as he eyes Raiden cautiously. Getting in close is a risky risky game, and Zach is not liking the outcomes of losing gambles in this fight. Zach leaps back a couple paces, and focuses his energy for a moment.
A lightshow begins around the smaller man, enshrouding him in purple energy and knocks dust and leaves away from him.
COMBATSYS: Zach gathers his will.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////// ]
Zach 0/-------/---====|====---\-------\0 Raiden
Finally, Raiden winds down a bit, and mistakes Zach's statement for agreement. "I am glad to see that you understand reason!" He chortles again, and then takes a step forward, a step filled with menace. There is, as they say, a /dangerous glint/ in Raiden's eye.
"But sadly, Raiden still cannot show mercy to you." He begins to run forward, bobbing back and forth as he advances at a rate you wouldn't expect out of a man his size, which (to be fair) is anything faster than a crawl. And then, most terrifyingly, he jumps.
Raiden soars through the air, hands raised and claw-like. Then he descends all too quickly right at Zach, hunching over and looking to bundle the psychic up against his gut, creating a neat ball out of the both of them. And then: /rolling/, and finally release.
COMBATSYS: Raiden successfully hits Zach with Violent Grapple.
- Power hit! -
[ \\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////// ]
Zach 1/---====/=======|======-\-------\0 Raiden
Zach lets out a yell of pain as he goes for a ride with Raiden. He is flung away with an almost frightening velocity, impacting a tree that was already leaning dangerously. The tree goes over, throwing up a great deal of dust in its wake. Zach is nowhere to be seen.
The dust settles slightly, before being completely scattered by Zach's emergence from the wreckage. More of that violet violence pours off of the psychic knight as he hurtles towards the giant for what will likely be his last gambit. He lands lightly on his feet... six inches from the wrestler. "Let me show you power," he says defiantly before letting out a kiai. A second later, psycho power erupts from Glen in a vertical column of purple light that expands ten feet from the smaller man!
COMBATSYS: Raiden endures Zach's Storm Flare.
[ \\\\\\\\\ < > //////////// ]
Zach 0/-------/-------|=======\==-----\1 Raiden
Coming to his feet smoothly after throwing Zach hella far, Raiden is still all smiles. He is dominating this little guy, and it feels /fantastic/. He seems unworried by the purple aura. That is a detail, too small to care about.
"Power?" Raiden can barely keep from laughing again, already moving forward to finish this. He doesn't even get to take a step before he is /completely engulfed/ in a pillar of power, ripping upward and battering him relentlessly from every angle.
But when it clears, Raiden is still there, arms poised, costume showing an alarming number of minor rips and tears. And he does not look happy.
"You little" *WHOOOOOOOOOOOOSH* Whatever else he was going to say is understandably cut off. /You/ try talking through a great mouthful of magical fire breath. It's basically impossible.
COMBATSYS: Zach fails to slow Flame Breath from Raiden with Pile Smash EX.
[ < > //////////// ]
Zach 0/-------/-======|==-----\-------\0 Raiden
COMBATSYS: Zach can no longer fight.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Raiden 0/-------/-----==|
Zach's eyes go wide as the flames come rushing in. He's been burnt before, and never really enjoyed it. His hands snap skyward with the speed of reflex. A trio of purple blocks appear. The flames strike, faster than Zach anticipated.
The searing pain is enough to disrupt his concentration, scattering the blocks to the winds. When the flame and smoke clear, Zach is facedown on the ground with wisps of more smoke and steam trailing off of him in the winds.
The last licks of fire trail out of Raiden's mouth, and he actually licks them off his lips. "Tasty." He's back to all smiles, hardly sparing a glance at the fallen, char-broiled Zach.
"Nobody!" He turns to one of the cameras and raises a finger skyward once more. "And I mean nobody!" Pause for drama. "CAN TAKE! RAIDEN! DOWN!" The other finger goes up. "YEEEEEEAH!"
He shortly lets them drop, the smile fades, and then he resolutely begins trudging back from whence he came, dread gripping his heart at the prospect of the trip.
COMBATSYS: Raiden has ended the fight here.
Log created on 16:21:19 01/10/2011 by Zach, and last modified on 20:07:20 01/10/2011.