Description: Karin enters her first NL match in a while and faces off against Maki, to prove which Blonde Haired, Hazel Eyed, Red Wearing Girl was the better! (Winner: Maki)
Croatia, a place in the Eurasian region which has only recently become noticed by the fighting community as a place for hosting fights. Already numerous fighters have been seen picking fights within various areas of the city, and even the Neo League has decided to check this place out for their fights. And today, there just happens to be a Neo League fight set up here today.
One of the fighters is a long-time member of the league, known not just for her fighting skills inside the arena, but also noted for her heroic method of protecting Metro City from the Mad Gear menace. Sometimes considered to be a ninja in red, she actually practices a style called Bushin-Ryu, although it does have its roots in ninjitsu.
She is none other than Maki Genryusai, and she's here for a Neo League battle. As she finishes her preparations up, she makes sure that her tonfa is attached securely to her arm before looking around at the arena. She heard about her opponent being a rival of Sakura Kasugano, a girl she's fought at least once before, but never knew she had a rival. "As far as I knew, she only had an idol, Ryu." Maki comments to herself as she waits.
COMBATSYS: Karin has started a fight here on the left meter side.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Karin 0/-------/-------|
What the blonde ninja's opponent was better known for was being Karin Kanzuki, heiress to the Kanzuki Zaibatsu and a candidate for the title of 'World's Strongest High School Girl Fighter'. Karin had been in the Neo League several times before, but she re-entered it a little while back when she realized Sakura was also in it again.
The blonde heiress makes her way into the arena not long after Maki, clad in her red school girl outfit and wearing hand guards which she was taking the time to make sure were fitting properly, and eventually turns her hazel eyes over to Maki to look her over, all while saying, "It's been a while since I've done a league fight, I was hoping Sakura would be my first fight back, but you'll do fine, Maki Genryusai." Karin does her research.
She soon shifts into a fighting stance and says, "Karin Kanzuki, Kanzuki-ryuu Kakutoujutsu. Pleased to make your aquantance."
"So you know my name," Maki comments with a slight smirk. "How very interesting, Karin Kanzuki. I'm sure you'll make quite a formidable opponent." But that smirk soon disappears. "However, we're not going to get anywhere if we stand around just chatting like this." She gets into her fighting stance, adjusting her tonfa one last time.
"All right, I'm ready whenever you are. I'll even let you have the first strike against me if you want." Maki steadies herself in her fighting stance, watching Karin carefully in anticipation of whatever she's got planned.
COMBATSYS: Maki has joined the fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Karin 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Maki
COMBATSYS: Maki focuses on her next action.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Karin 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Maki
Karin on the other hand gains her own smirk, as she takes a few steps forward, observing her opponent for a while as she says, "Nothing wrong with a little conversation, but you're right. No winner will be proved if we just stand around and talk."
After a few moments of observation, Karin dashes towards the red glad ninja and leaps into the air, aiming a steep downward kick at Maki as she comes down.
COMBATSYS: Maki blocks Karin's Light Kick.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////// ]
Karin 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Maki
"Very well, then bring it!" Maki calls to her opponent, watching as Karin approaches and then jumps into the air. With that leg coming down, Maki raises her free arm to deflect the incoming kick away from her. It leaves a small mark on her arm, but nothing serious. In fact, she barely even flinches as she knocks Karin away.
"Pretty good technique, I'll give you that," Maki comments, "But that alone will not let you win." With that, Maki steps towards Karin and then attempts to deliver a swift foot sweep.
COMBATSYS: Maki successfully hits Karin with Light Kick.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////// ]
Karin 0/-------/------=|=------\-------\0 Maki
Karin goes wide eyed as she's swept off the ground just as she was landing and crashes to the ground. Karin grits her teeth as she internally curses herself for making such an amateurish mistake, before growling and hopping back to her feet and dashes towards Maki again, aiming a palm thrust to her chest, then a second to Maki's abdomen, and feints going for a third palm thrust when she instead pivots and aims a round house kick at Maki at the end. "Guren Ken!"
COMBATSYS: Karin successfully hits Maki with Guren Ken.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////// ]
Karin 0/-------/----===|===----\-------\0 Maki
The girl's got good skills with her palm strikes, and the feint does a good job of catching Maki off-guard. She gets caught by Karin's roundhouse kick and goes staggering backwards, shaking her head after recovering. Despite having a small mark near her chin where she was kicked, Maki nods again. "That was pretty good, you've got some exceptional skills. Maybe you'll put up a good fight after all."
With the last word, though, she takes off and attempts to grab Karin and fling her over her shoulder.
COMBATSYS: Karin blocks Maki's Medium Throw.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////// ]
Karin 0/-------/---====|===----\-------\0 Maki
Karin has always been good at rolling with the throws, and when Maki makes her attempt at throwing her over her shoulder, Karin makes a grab for Maki's collar, and aims to drag Maki down, and tries to use the momentum against her to throw her over. She still lands kind of roughly, but it would be totally worth it.
COMBATSYS: Maki interrupts Strong Throw from Karin with Quick Throw.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////// ]
Karin 0/-------/--=====|=====--\-------\0 Maki
A valiant effort by Karin, but Maki's also ready to come back with an attempt to throw Karin off of her. Unfortunately, though, Karin's grasp throws Maki slightly off-balance, meaning the blonde haired ninja stumbles and falls just as she throws Karin, meaning they'll both land on the ground. But Maki finds herself cursing to herself as she lands, rubbing one of her knees as she gets back up.
Karin crashes to the ground even harder than she had originally intended, making this more of a crash and burn than she had originally anticipated, causing her to grit her teeth as she gets back to her feet much quicker than Maki, "You're not bad yourself... But I'm still going to win this!"
And with that she dashes back toward Maki and leaps at her with another steep kick, and quickly following it with a crouching round house.
Karin crashes to the ground even harder than she had originally intended, making this more of a crash and burn than she had originally anticipated, causing her to grit her teeth as she gets back to her feet much quicker than Maki, "You're not bad yourself... But I'm still going to win this!"
Try as she may, Karin's not going to be able to easily strike Maki. The blonde-haired ninja dodges out of the way with the greatest of ease, and waits for Karin to hit the ground before shaking her head. "You'll need to do a bit better than that if you want to beat me," Maki comments, before dropping onto the ground and then spinning around wildly like a human whirlwind... and one of her feet extended to try to strike Karin in the stomach!
COMBATSYS: Karin blocks Maki's Bushin Senpuu Kyaku.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////// ]
Karin 0/-------/=======|======-\-------\0 Maki
Karin recognizes the spinning motions of Sempuu kyaku type kicks, all too familiar with it thanks to her rivalry with Sakura, though there are some differences that are a bit obvious. Regardless, she finds herself way too close to get out of the way, but she had been anticipating a counter-attack enough that her arms and front leg shift to take the hits of the spinning kick, absorbing them there.
At this point, Karin growls, and waits for Maki to stop spinning, before dashing in and making a grab for her arm, pulling it into an arm bar and trying to drag Maki down to the ground hard.
COMBATSYS: Maki blocks Karin's Yashiro Kuzushi.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////// ]
Karin 0/-------/=======|======-\-------\0 Maki
As soon as Maki gets back onto her feet, she's ready for whatever Karin might be planning. Even if that means getting grabbed by the arm and thrown down... or at least that's what Karin intends to do. However, Maki is able to grab Karin's arm with her free arm and break her grabbed arm free while pushing Karin back.
"Ow, that was rather painful," Maki says in a half-sarcastic tone of voice. "And why were you growling? Because I'm tougher than you thought I was?" Maki shakes her head. "Well, don't expect any special treatment, because I'm just warming up!" Maki rushes at Karin and attempts to clothesline her with her tonfa.
COMBATSYS: Maki successfully hits Karin with Medium Strike.
- Power hit! -
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////// ]
Karin 1/-----==/=======|=======\-------\0 Maki
Karin gets shoved back, and is barely back on balance when Maki comes at her with the tonfa, the blonde heiress getting sent back to the ground hard. Karin grits her teeth as she puts herself back on her feet, coughing a bit as she tries to get some air back in her lungs, before pushing herself back to her feet and faces Maki down once again.
Karin may be a rich girl who feels entitled to the claim of strongest school girl, that doesn't mean she doesn't try real damn hard to earn the title, as she pushes her somewhat messed up hair out of her eyes, "I don't demand any treatment that I don't deserve, and I deserve the victory of this match. HAAA!"
She lets out a kiai as she dashes for Maki again, this time trying to slam for consecutive palm thrusts into Maki's body, before swinging a double elbow at her face, and following it with one last palm thrust to the face!
COMBATSYS: Maki blocks Karin's Kanzuki-ryu Shinpikaibyaku.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////// ]
Karin 0/-------/-------|=======\-------\1 Maki
Even with those palm thrusts and strikes coming at her, Maki's defense still maintains its usual style of being able to protect herself against the incoming attack. Stepping backwards after the attacks land, Maki looks at Karin with a slight slouch to her stance and comments, "I must say I've underestimated you. But don't let that get you into underestimating me now." Maki steps forward and then attempts a swift swing of her tonfa while gripping it hard to ensure that she puts plenty of force into it.
COMBATSYS: Karin fails to counter Genkou from Maki with Yasha Gaeshi.
- Power fail! -
[ \\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////// ]
Karin 0/-------/---====|=======\==-----\1 Maki
Despite Karin's earlier boast, it's clear she was trying to mask her growing frustration with this woman, who seemed to be holding up against her so well that it was really pissing her off, and when she throws her last palm thrust she breathes heavily, not only frustrated but getting increasingly worn down and beaten up.
And then Maki comes at her with the damn tonfa again, and forces Karin to move to counter, her hands grabbing for Maki's in order to try to trip and throw her off. Unfortunately, her hurt arms give out and the Tonfa strikes true, smacking her in the chest quite hard, and sending her staggering back several steps, before doubling over a bit, hand favoring the spot on her chest where the tonfa struck, as she breathes heavily.
Karin grits her teeth as she tries to straighten up again, and not give Maki an opportunity to catch her while doubled over, one hand raised as she shifts into her stance partially, but she's obviously not ready to strike first again.
"That was a foolish mistake, girl," Maki comments sharply. "Next time, you should try thinking it through more carefully before deciding how you want to protect yourself." Maki taps her tonfa against her leg, and watches as Karin attempts to stand up again. "I admire your effort, but next time try to use a little more common sense, OK?" Maki simply stares at Karin, not making any further actions for the time being.
COMBATSYS: Maki focuses on her next action.
[ \\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////// ]
Karin 0/-------/---====|=======\==-----\1 Maki
Karin's eyes twitch as she gets the condescending lecture from Maki which just sets her off, "DON'T YOU TALK DOWN TO ME!" She screams at Maki before charging at the ninja and making a grab for her collar, before and tries to smash her knee into Maki's gut once! Twice! Three times! And FOUR!
Presuming she strikes true, she then tries to send Maki to the ground with a sweep to slam her down, but she's not done yet. Instead, she would try to haul her back up to her feet, and grabs for Maki's arm for another arm bar, and heaves in order to throw Maki bodily over her own (Karin's) self and slam her right into the ground hard.
COMBATSYS: Karin successfully hits Maki with Kanzuki-ryuu Ranbu.
[ \\\\\\\\\ < > /////// ]
Karin 0/-------/-------|=======\======-\1 Maki
A series of swift attacks from Karin. A series that Maki has no way of avoiding no matter how hard she might try. In fact, as Karin finishes with her final attack, Maki lays crumpled on the ground, looking like she just had a bad encounter with several Mad Gears. Yet, she still manages to breathe somewhat, and still manages to budge a little, before forcing herself to get back up. Hunched over and breathing hard, Maki looks up and says, "I guess I underestimated you. But don't let your guard down just yet." With that, Maki takes a few deep breaths to refocus herself.
COMBATSYS: Maki gains composure.
[ \\\\\\\\\ < > /////////// ]
Karin 0/-------/-------|=======\=====--\1 Maki
Karin growls as she watches Maki just stand up and keeps talking back, causing the blonde heiress to scream, "Shut up! HAA!" At which point she aims another two consecutive palms at Maki, before trying to get Maki with a sliding kick to send her crashing to the ground.
COMBATSYS: Maki dodges Karin's Guren Ken.
[ \\\\\\\\\ < > /////////// ]
Karin 0/-------/-------|=======\=====--\1 Maki
No good. Weakened she might be, but Maki can still jump out of the way in the nick of time. Meanwhile, she's already summoned her chi into her body to fuel her comeback attack: A series of blows that should leave Karin reeling after she's finished.
COMBATSYS: Karin just-defends Maki's Bushin Gou Rai Ha!
[ \\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////// ]
Karin 0/-------/-------|=------\-------\0 Maki
Karin goes wide eyed as the woman leaps and dodges over her sliding tackle, and gets back to her feet in time to witness Maki approaching, and for a moment the blonde, red clad schoolgirl was frozen like a deer in headlights as the blonde red clad ninja comes at her swinging that Tonfa with frightening speed. Surely it was the end.
However, Karin narrows her eyes, shifting her stance enough to make it more defensive as she steps forward towards the approaching Maki, and her palms come out suddenly to catch Maki's swinging arm at the wrist and elbow upon the first swing.
Karin glares at Maki while gripping that arm, before moving one hand toward Maki's collar once again, and makes to grab for her, and once again slam her knees into the ninja's gut, this time only twice, before sweeping and slamming maki back into the ground.
COMBATSYS: Maki fails to interrupt Arakuma Inashi from Karin with Light Kick.
- Power fail! -
[ \\\\\\\\\\ < > //// ]
Karin 0/-------/-----==|====---\-------\0 Maki
COMBATSYS: Maki has reached second wind!
[ \\\\\\\\\\ < > /////// ]
Karin 0/-------/-----==|====---\-------\0 Maki
Maki is weak and low on how well she can think, so she thinks she can throw a swift kick to send Karin back, but she fails and is thrown to the ground hard... only to roll backwards and resume her fighting stance, albeit with still a slight hunch to her stance. "I'm not done just yet," Maki comments.
Karin doesn't let up, as tries once more to slam her a thrusting palm into Maki's chest, the second at her gut, and a third towards her face, "And neither am I! GUREN KEN!"
COMBATSYS: Maki dodges Karin's Guren Ken.
[ \\\\\\\\\\ < > /////// ]
Karin 0/-------/-----==|====---\-------\0 Maki
"Is that your best?" Maki asks as she steps out of the way. "You may have gotten me down to the last rope, but don't think I'm gonna let you take me out that easily." She tries to grab Karin from the side and fling her over the shoulder.
COMBATSYS: Karin blocks Maki's Quick Throw.
[ \\\\\\\\\ < > /////// ]
Karin 0/-------/----===|====---\-------\0 Maki
Karin grits her teeth as she watches the nimble ninja keep dodging, ends up flying once again over Maki's shoulder, but this time rolls with the landing, somehow having gotten her own second wind a little while ago, as she tumbles back to her feet, and dashes towards Maki again, however this time she leaps into the air, her arms whirling as she swings her palms in a circle, one palm after the other trying to strike Maki on the wayu down, "RESSEN HA!"
COMBATSYS: Maki dodges Karin's Ressen Ha.
[ \\\\\\\\ < > /////// ]
Karin 0/-------/-----==|====---\-------\0 Maki
"No good!" Maki comments as Karin comes at her again. This time, Maki leaps back a little and lands in a crouch as Karin lands, meaning she gets off free while Karin doesn't score anything. "You should watch your opponent more carefully," Maki comments as she attempts a kick to the stomach.
COMBATSYS: Karin counters Strong Kick from Maki with Yasha Gaeshi.
[ \\\\\\\ < > //// ]
Karin 0/-------/----===|======-\-------\0 Maki
Karin grits her teeth as Maki keeps away a little longer, and lands right on her feet just as Maki swings that kick at her. However, Karin brings her hands up and catches that leg mid-swing, as Karin says, "Are you done talking?" Before flipping Maki over with a motion and sending her crashing to the ground, as Karin smirks a little and takes a few steps back to put some distance between them again, "I was under the impression that you were done underestimating me."
As Maki lays on her stomach, she forces herself back up and glares at Karin. "I underestimated you that time, but it was an honest mistake." She grits her teeth and clenches her fists, the one holding her tonfa clenching it even harder than before. "It seems two of us stand here, but one of us is going to go down. The question is, who?" Maki stares, continuing to breathe deeply.
COMBATSYS: Maki gains composure.
[ \\\\\\\ < > /////// ]
Karin 0/-------/----===|====---\-------\0 Maki
Karin rolls her eyes and says, "I thought we were -done- talking! HAA!" The blonde heiress has had enough of Maki's constant talking, as she dashes towards Maki and once again goes for consecutive palm strikes, before her leg whirls around and swings at Maki.
COMBATSYS: Karin successfully hits Maki with Guren Ken.
[ \\\\\\ < > // ]
Karin 0/-------/---====|=======\-------\0 Maki
Maki's caught way off guard as she recovers her breath, and finds herself getting hit with palm strikes and the leg swing. As Maki staggers, almost losing her balance, she attempts to strike Karin one last time with her tonfa before falling over.
COMBATSYS: Maki has reached third wind!
[ \\\\\\ < > /// ]
Karin 0/-------/---====|=======\-------\0 Maki
COMBATSYS: Karin blocks Maki's Medium Strike.
[ \\\\\ < > /// ]
Karin 0/-------/--=====|=======\-------\0 Maki
Karin growls as Maki keeps coming at her with the tonfa, and blocks the strike with her arm, cringing in pain before saying, "Enough of this!" Before grabbing her arm for an arm bar, and tries to slam her down with the takedown.
COMBATSYS: Maki dodges Karin's Yashiro Kuzushi.
[ \\\\ < > /// ]
Karin 0/-------/--=====|=======\-------\0 Maki
"Just go down already!" Maki says weakly as she staggers out of the way of the impatient Karin. Apparently, even the most patient of the fighters lose their patience. "Let me help you!" She adds as she takes a running step, then flies at Karin with a fast flying kick.
COMBATSYS: Karin fails to counter Hassou Kyaku from Maki with Yasha Gaeshi.
- Power fail! -
[ < > // ]
Karin 1/-------/=======|=======\=------\1 Maki
COMBATSYS: Karin can no longer fight.
[ \\ <
Maki 1/------=/=======|
To be entirely fair, this fight had been going long enough that Karin was approaching complete exhaustion, and her surprise at Maki's inability to stay down got her pissed enough that she was willing to do anything to put an end to this, including trying to make an impossible catch of Maki's flying kick, which only smacks her right in the chest and sends Karin crashing to the ground.
Karin grits her teeth as she tries to push herself once more to her feet, but her exhaustion sets in, and she just slumps over, staying down.
Maki looks down at Karin and nods. "You fought well, it was a very challenging fight." The blonde-haired ninja kneels down and gives a smile, before standing up and limping away, leaving nearby attendants to tend to Karin.
COMBATSYS: Maki has ended the fight here.
Log created on 22:16:18 01/08/2011 by Karin, and last modified on 17:14:09 01/09/2011.