Naerose - Doll Bunnies Need Homes!

Description: The writers have started recycling old ideas in this episode of Naerose! The New adventures. When the Red Witch gets the idea that she could use her bunny as if it was a monkey and make him do tricks, it becomes very similar to a time she conned a ninja with puppies only this time she doesn't get a tip and Cammy is not amused. Don't miss the return of Sylvester!

So you know those shows where someone has this box and it plays music when they turn a crank and they dress in red and they have a monkey who does all sorts of neat tricks, amusing the crowd with their antics and totally getting tips?
This is not one of those shows. What this is, a woman dressed in red, with a cardboard box with a hanger sticking out the side which she turns, inside the box sits what seems to be a sell phone, playing a ringtone on repeat, all the while the.. ah. monkey? No wait, that's a bunny rabbit. Yes Sylvester, Naerose' 'Familiar' currently a off white looking rabbit (Sylvester has changed shape, color and breed many times). Anyway, the poor thing is dressed, or rather wrapped in a red outfit that seems to have come off of a larger sized barbie. It isn't dancing, or doing tricks, as some bunnies can and have been trained to do in the past, no this bunny has one thing in mind. Escape.

Unfortunately it is tied to the witches ankle by a few shoe laces.

Nae adjusts her shades, yep this will totally work, she seems to think. . even as all of the evidence points to the otherwise.

Cammy does not know shows where people have a box, turn a crank and have a monkey. Never seen one. That she remembers, anyway. So Naerose's references are unfortunately lost on the Doll.
However when the red cloaked Cammy is wandering through Southtown looking for interesting people to quantify, Naerose certainly qualifies regardless of references. Seeing a bunny straining at Naerose's ankle is certainly interesting, so Cammy pauses in her trek through the crowds, to look up at Naerose with blank blue curious eyes.
The Doll has more concern for the wellbeing of small fluffy things than people as a rule, and so she is compelled to ask, "Is this like one of those shows I read about on Wikipedia where you torture small animals like cats?", while staring at the rabbit.
They did horrible things to cats in the Middle Ages. Go wiki it up.

Is this one of those things where someone tortures an animal.. Mmm, Naerose has to think about this a moment before finally saying, "Oh hi! This is my trick monkey Jack, you know like from that movie with the mayonnaise and there was an apple at one point and a bunch of people who couldn't munch on all this really tasty stuff?" Yep, that's the only part of a movie that Naerose actually remembers, but then for Cammy it might be enough. She looks at Sylvester the bunny, who is just straining with the shoelace.

"See, like, he's doing a mime show now, where like you pretend to pull on a rope, except there isn't one, right? Well I got to thinking, wouldn't it be cooler if there actually was a rope there? Like a new twist on the whole mime thing."

"I do not know this movie. And it is not a monkey. It is a rabbit.". Cammy points at the rabbit with a red gauntleted hand, just in case Naerose is not sure just what critter Cammy is referring to. Maybe there's a monkey on the other side of the road that she's referring to or something. "Miming comes from the Greek word for imitation, so I think the whole point is that miming is pretending something exists which does not. If it does exist, it's not miming.".
The Doll is surely an expert at analysis. Fighting data, animal species, etymology. She crouches down, and reaches out for Sylvester with a hand. Poor bunny. Maybe he needs to freed, to run wild! And the shoelace looks easy to untie...

In the history of Naeroes.. There have been many Sylvesters. They are all bunnies, all emergency food sources. Indeed, the red witch was not the first to come up with the concept of a bio refrigerator. Not the first by far.
Some Sylvesters have been freed, some just got away, and who knows what happened to the ones who stayed with Naerose. Oh yes the shoe lace could be easily untied, and the bunny may bolt, and may even get away, but the fact is that Naerose will probably have another Sylvester by the time you see her next. The witch just watches Cammy, smiling, Yep, this is sure to result in a tip.

"I just thought, you know, less imagination to have a real rope right? And it's totally ava.. aven.. avend guard?" She totally doesn't know what that means.

"Anyway, is there a trick you'd like to see?"

Cammy slowly starts untying the bunny, then. Soon, this Sylvester will be free, to flee into the crowd of people and probably be stepped on. The Doll likes small fluffy things, and the shoelace looks painful. "Avant garde?" she asks, not looking up at Naerose but fixed singlemindedly on her untying. "I do not know. Maybe. I do not know much about modern art." she replies. She read about modern art too. Odd. Like Naerose.
"What sort of tricks? I do not think the rabbit is in the mood for tricks." she observes. Poor bunny, straining at the leash. Though being a rabbit, with the glassy eyes of the very stupid, it's hard to tell what it's mood is at all. "Or do you do tricks?" she wonders aloud.

"Oh yeah, I'm totally tricky, I mean the monkey is too, I can do this really neat trick with a hackie sack. You need to totally check this out." The red witch then reaches into her only pocket and by that we mean her hat. She pulls out a red (could you think it would be any other color?) hackie sack and starts kicking it into the air with her toe and then says, "Watch this, now Jack, return the sack!" And she kicks it straight on toward the bunny. If she hits the bunny the sack will probably pounce off of him back toward her (yeah a lot of force) and possibly knock the bunny out cold in the process. This is your chance Cammy, save the rabbit! But to do so, you must prevent this trick from being completed, CAN YOU DO IT?
Meanwhile Naerose has a big grin on her face that seems to suggest that all she sees is that this trick is -really cool- and you're going to think she's so awesome and probably give her lots of tips. Lots of tips.

Cammy has a soft spot for bunnies, but also wants to see this trick, so she just stands there, and watches Sylvester get hammered by a hackie sack. When the rabbit is knocked out, Cammy's eyes widen, and she hurriedly unties the bunny, to gather it up in her arms. "That is a very cruel trick." the Doll says, shaking her head, and stroking the brutalised bunny, while giving Naerose the Doll evil eye.
"You are very bad.". She wrinkles her nose, hmms a bit, thinking. Lord Vega might be interested in rabbit beaters, though it's probably a bit petty for His attentions. "Do you do magic as well?" she asks. She /does/ look like a witch after all, and a rabbit beating witch might be interesting enough for Him.

The hackie sack rockets back to Naerose who, apparently practiced this move, because she manages to kick it up into the air again before catching it because Cammy doesn't seem to like the trick. Now she takes it perhaps in a different direction,
"Aww, come on, I practiced," How many times has Sylvester been hit by a hackie sack? "It couldn't of been that bad.. " the red witch pouts, looking more like she was well, disappointed her trick was poorly received and frankly missing the point.

"Oh yeah, I'm totally magical, I'm a witch, see?" She reaches to the wall behind her to pick up her broom which was leaning against it and adjusts her, well, red witches hat. Oh and all this while, her cell phone continues to play that annoying ring tone melody. It's the first stance of your standard circus tone on endless repeat. About 15 seconds of audio. Somehow, Naerose is just smiling. Smiling big.

The poor bunny. Cammy prefers cats, but this bunny is clearly so abused that she makes exception, and tucks the unconscious critter under one arm, to be nursed back to health later. And then set free in some back alley. And then to be eaten by an owl or something probably, life at the bottom of the food chain sucks like that.

"A witch, yes. I understand the reference. Though red is an odd colour for a witch. Never mind. I like red." the red cloaked Cammy says. "Shouldn't you answer your phone?" she asks, frowning slightly, "...And what's your name? And can you fly on the broom? Or is it just a fashion accessory? Or... a fake. Like your miming rabbit.". Cutting. It's not the rabbits fault though. The rabbit is getting stroked. Poor bunny.

Sticks and stones? No seriously though, Nae doesn't even flinch at being insulted, she's just totally like smile smile smile respond!
"Oh, I'm Naerose Delphine, I'm sure that you know that Red is like, the best witch color. but we won't go into that, umm my phone, oh I'm just having it play the song, I ahh, mean I was turning a crank that plays music. Right. Anyway, of course I can totally fly, it's like the neatest trick ever, but I mean, no big deal." Yes big deal, if she could actually fly on it, maybe that Naerose doesn't see it as a big deal is tell tale enough. "Man, who ever heard of a witch who couldn't fly on their broomstick."
The broom is the most authentic looking piece, rather than your standard modern broom, with a wooden pole, smooth edges and painted, hers is fashioned out of an actual stick, hardly carved, bent and and curvy, as wood tends to grow, with an actual straw end, tied with rope. This was the old fashioned style broom that no one makes, no one uses, except for a prop at best. Clearly home made. If it was just a prop, it's the best prop she has.

. . Aside form maybe her hat, which is pretty decent also.

Cammy looks dubious at being told that she can fly, apparently rather offhandedly. She waits for a moment, while looking at the broom with an expectant look. Then she looks at Naerose with an expectant look. Very expectant. And points at the broom again. "Well. If you can turn the phone off, and fly over the road on the broom, then that would be good.". The phone being off would do wonders for the Doll's rapidly developing headache, the flying on broomsticks might just demonstrate that she's not wasting her time, and wasting Shadaloo's computer time when she fills out forms later on.

The red witch adjusts her shades and looks over the street, then back at Cammy. Anyone who has seen her fight footage would know that getting across the street on her broom is probably something she could actually handle, much like E.Honda could hurl himself like a torpedo across the street, Blanka could roll like a ball through the air. . Ect. So doing that? Cake. Except Cake is much tastier and frankly, Naerose is really lazy. I mean REALLY lazy. And while she could do what Cammy asks, the little voice in her head says, you could totally just stand there and not do that and be just as well. So she makes up an excuse instead.

"Well, I have this box that I'm making music come out of and it would be so unwieldy and then you're supposed to look both ways to cross streets you know?"

Cammy can roll like a ball! Sorta. And is lazy, too. She is clearly better at making excuses than Naerose, though, unless the excuse is just intent on confusing the target. "You mean your phone? You could put it in your pocket. Under your hat, even." the Doll suggests helpfully. "Or leave it with me. I will give it back, after your demonstration.". But.
The Doll also thinks Naerose is a fake when it comes to broomstick flying, so she mehs. "Or never mind, if you don't want to, and you clearly don't. I will keep the rabbit? I will not hang him with a bootlace at least.".

Ah, a change of subject, this is something Naerose can get behind. "Oh okay, sounds great, just remember, a rabbit is a big responsibility, you have to feed it. . ." Naerose never does, "and you have to take care of it, " Naerose never does, "And I think take it for walks." You don't.

But .. the shows over without the rabbit.. Naerose scratches her head. "Huh, Guess I'll see you later, hey can I have a tip?" She grins. Grins big.

Cammy eyes Naerose, with a disapproving sort of look. Almost a pout or something. There's a lot of bottom lip anyway, and a thunderous frown. "No." she tells the rabbit abuser, while stroking Sylvester. And with that she turns and wanders off, with a new acquisition for the Doll Chambers.
...It's a trap! The poor rabbit. Little does it realise that it is truly out of the frying pan, and into the fire. It'll be skinned by Balrog before the sun is down most likely.

Log created on 10:39:44 01/04/2011 by Naerose, and last modified on 12:27:13 01/06/2011.