Description: To make up for both Pepe and Blanka missing out on their lightning cage match, Pepe sends a NeoLeague invitation to the beast instead. A LOT of electricity is slung, and Blanka shows how to turn an honest Mexican into a real wetback...and then beats the hell out of him for it? And here, Pepe thought he was a nice guy! At least there are celebratory melons after all is said and done. (Winner: Blanka)
Ah, Southtown. Southtown! Totally not far away from Pepe's university (and thus, dormitories) at all. For no reason had he been stuck in this island of a nation to try and get home. Why would he have been? Home was just a short cab ride away, after all! No, no. Instead, the young Mexican had been spending his Christmas vacation in this city, just for a change of pace. It's certainly, for no reason whatsoever, because he'd been trying to afford plane fare back home.
That would just be silly.
Regardless, he's spent a good chunk of his 'vacation' working for that kind old couple at the sidewalk cafe, because hell, he could use the money, and they really needed the help! The fact that it appeared to be a popular place for lots of hot women to loiter around didn't exactly hurt anything. The few weeks of not having to attend classes is coming to a close, however, and he's left with one regret...just one!
That insane-sounding electric cage match.
It's all Antoine's fault, really. He's the one that revealed to Pepe the world of other elemental users, and that's why he's back 'home' in Japan once more: to find them! There's only one problem with a place full of fighters: there's ALWAYS somebody suffering for it. Frightened cats, stuck in trees. Children roughhousing and running into the streets. Gangs forming, immitating, preying on puffed-up wimps losing themselves to the fancy of being a champion. In short: there are a lot of people that need help! Why, if only he could have made that fight...
But hey, that's what this league is for, right? Competent men and women can throw down for whatever reason they want, and nobody will think less of them for it. Well, perhaps those whose shops get smashed, but that's not TOO common. It's a completely different environment from Pepe's hometown, where just getting in a scuff with a bully would still get him yelled at. That's why, in this first public appearance, the young man is simply as kinetic as hell. Look at him: he's got that nice, pretty face, that model's body, more easily seem thanks to the fact that the upper part of his jumpsuit has been shrugged back to hang at his waist some time ago. He's talking to people, answering questions, and--did he just suffer some girl trying to make out with him? It must be so hard to be him. So /very/ difficult.
Luckily, Sound Beach is not the Gulf Coast. It's white and pristine, with beautiful water and sweet waves whenever and wherever. The strip of sandy perfection has people abounding, all sorts in their waterwear, in addition to the people who just wander the boardwalk. An excellent day, indeed. From the water, a small shock of reddish-orange can be seen on the horizon, slowly making its' way towards the shore. As it gets closer, and to the point where feet can actually be placed in the surf, Blanka rises like someone went to Ray Harryhausen and said 'RELEASE THE KRAKEN'. Six and a half feet of green-skinned man, tastefully decked out in a ragged pair of jean shorts, all bare feet and sopping red hair otherwise. He makes his way out of the water, and scans the area with one hand shielding his eyes. Luckily, there's a seeming bubble around him, a social one at least, people backing up from the bestial green giant, to allow him better room to seek.
Eventually, he's decided that the person he's fighting is here - or at least, someone close to the person he expected. He starts over towards Pepe, and taps the man on the shoulder once the girl escapes from the makings-out. His voice is a heavy rumble, thick with the growl of the jungle.
"Blanka here for second time, now. Sorry Blanka so late for former fight - had to swim from home to get here." And boy are his arms tired.
Home being 'the jungles of Brazil', naturally. It was quite a paddlin' job, but even so, the mighty jungle man looks ready and rarin' to go. He grins toothily, showing off the massive jaw and chompy teeth he is well known in the tournament circles for. Fingers clench and release, fists to shake the blood back into his extremeties. "Blanka want to learn new things from new people. New person have lots to teach Blanka, bets. Show Blanka, ok?"
No matter how famous one may be, there's always a first time for everyone. The first time to hear about a person, the first time to see them, the first time to meet them in the flesh. A couple of the people in front of Pepe, ones that can see the soggy, green-skinned mutant, have a great, clear view of the 'man'. The Mexican's first hint that something is amiss is the fact that some of their eyes widen and their gazes are no longer on him, but behind him! The tap on his shoulder causes him to turn...
"What? Oh, hey, it's noHOHOOO, WOW." He'd turned around as normal, his bright eyes shifting to look at whoever wanted his attention. His eyes immediately spread wide as well, his mouth dropping agape...but just for a couple of seconds! After those stunned moments, his thoughts unjam themselves from the tangled mess that the sudden stop had bound them in. He looks down. He looks up. "Hey, it''s you! Man, that is just..." It's a battle between his shock and his good nature, with only certain words allowed to filter through his lips. "That is AMAZING." The claws, the skin! The chest hair? Okay, maybe that's not so great.
With only a token amount of trepidation, Pepe reaches out to try and grip one of Blanka's hands, all sorts of willing to shake it in a quick, exhuberant greeting where words may fail him. "Wait, you SWAM here? From...from Brazil?" He looks rather incredulous...but maybe this is some sort of odd humor to match his appearance?
It's not 'Oh god, it's a monster!', so Blanka's eyes light up without even a hint of electricity in them - simply relief. It's always nice to enjoy people who don't freak out about every single thing, like their opponent being a six and a half foot tall green monster from the wilds of Brazil. He takes the proffered hand and gives it a firm, friendly pump, letting go afterwards.
Caught out in his little joke, Blanka admits the put-on. "Blanka actually live near here in town - taking morning swim early. Felt like good joke, but.. Blanka not know humor all that well. Hard to be funny when people no listen and just go 'Oh noes, it Blanka! Blanka scary! Run from Blanka!' instead of listening to good jokes." He says it good-naturedly enough, his growly voice going to a falsetto as he imitates the people he's accidentally (or intentionally) intimidated. "Nice to see people getting Blanka jokes. Blanka funny, sometimes!" He takes a step back then, and inhales deeply, then shakes his soggy hair out with a full-body twisting motion. The mass of hair on his head is poofed up like normal afterwards, and he rolls his shoulders in a warming up exercise. "Blanka ready whenever. Gonna show Blanka a good fight, yeah?" That smile, no longer toothy, is genuine, pleased.
Today's gonna be a good day.
COMBATSYS: Blanka has started a fight here on the left meter side.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Blanka 0/-------/------=|
If Pepe were the mean-natured sort, he'd certainly have freaked out about Blanka's appearance. Internally, he /is/, but no ally of Justice would ever allow themselves to act so terribly! It's a good thing, too, as it quickly becomes apparent that under that freaky body, the guy actually sounds really nice! He'd feel horrible if he actually hurt the guy's feelings, now that he's had a few seconds to process things. His jaw snaps shut as soon as he realizes that it's open and he lifts a hand to rub at the corner of his lips with the back of the wrist. "Man, you got me! You totally had me fooled!" He gives out a little puff of a sigh, both of his hands resting the heels of their palms on his hips. He turns on his heel and makes shooing motions at the crowd around him, trying to get them to back up a ways. "I couldn't stand it if anyone got hurt, so please, stay back! There's going to be a lot of electricity flying, so don't get too close!" All it takes is for the young man to lift his hands up overhead and clap them together, bringing with the impact a brilliant blue spark of short-lived lightning. That certainly did it; people are really moving back now.
With that done, the Mexican swells his chest with a deep breath, letting it out in a long sigh that's supposed to calm him down...but just thinking about going up against someone else that can, supposedly, master lightning has got him all riled up. "About what you were saying, hey! Don't hold back on me, I can take a little zapping." He turns half-away from his opponent, both of his hands curling into fists. Judging by how he's sort of standing on the balls of his feet in the sand and how his knees are constantly flexing, it's safe to say that he doesn't plan on turning this into an awful slugfest. He's got a face to protect, you know? "Why don't we let the gentleman have the first swing, huh guys?" He flexes his fingers in a 'bring it on' gesture...and despite his words, he's watching intently, waiting. Is he going to lunge? Will he throw sand? Will he rain down lightning from the sky? GOD, he can barely contain himself!
COMBATSYS: Pepe has joined the fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Blanka 0/-------/------=|=------\-------\0 Pepe
COMBATSYS: Pepe focuses on his next action.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Blanka 0/-------/------=|=------\-------\0 Pepe
Yay! Blanka made a good joke. This is ... well, not quite a first, but definitely something he's pleased about. As he lets that satisfaction sink in, he allows Pepe to set up the rules, and get everyone to give the space necessary. "Blanka not hold back, ok." he says, that toothy grin growing all the wider, till it seems to be splitting his face almost in half. He does a flip backwards, a little bit of sand kicked up when he lands and centers his toes for better footing, hunkered down on hands and the balls of his feet. He holds tight for a second or two, until the 'bring it on' gesture is proffered - and then he strikes!
"AWH-ROOO!" he hollers at the top of his lungs, exhaling as he bursts into motion. Two large, loping strides and he's hit his top running speed. A tuck and tumble onto one shoulder and he's a green a red blur that's seemingly gaining even more accelleration, kicking up a wave of sand behind him. That blisteringly fast tumble takes him right towards Pepe, intent on knocking the man off his feet, and possibly into the sand castles that are being built on the water's edge! (Don't worry about upsetting the kiddies, most of them known Blanka and he's always good about helping rebuild them later. Really, what kind of person doesn't love building sand castles?!)
COMBATSYS: Pepe just-defends Blanka's Rolling Attack!
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Blanka 0/-------/------=|=------\-------\0 Pepe
Well, isn't he acrobatic! One wouldn't expect such a giant, muscle-ridden man to be so quick, but there he is! The odd beginning gives Pepe's opponent plenty of space to pick up speed, and the very sight of him tucking into a green and orange sandy buzzsaw is, without the doubt, the coolest thing he has EVER seen. His face is like a kid's on Christmas morning, all bright-eyed and full of wonder. It's so inventive! So incredible!! So fast, in fact, that he doesn't even react until the last moment when he realizes that THIS COULD HURT. But what to do?! Jump? He could, but the sandcastles! There are children playing behind him! Helping to rebuild or not, he can't possibly let such a thing ruin all their hard work!
His only chance is to face Blanka head-on. But how does one stop someone rolling in so low to the ground? There's just...ah. The light bulb is almost visible over Pepe's head as he extends one leg forward, his toes dug into the dirt. His leg is almost straight, leaving a perfect line for the green-skinned beast to roll upward. His shin, his thigh, his chest, all form this exquisive arch for him to roll harmlessly over and...up. Straight up into the sky, ten of fifteen feet directly overhead. If left alone, it's likely that he'd fall right where the Green Dragon is...but there's something far more exciting in store.
All this waiting, all this anticipation,'s got the man literally brimming! No sooner does Blanka 'ride' skyward than little arcs of bright blue electricity start arching around Pepe's body. Both of his feet are spread, his stands firm, his eyes lifted. He's smiling! Oh, how great and wide a smile it is, dazzling white teeth showing, his hair standing up on end from all of the static...and then, from the very depth of his being, a massive pillar of electric force screams skyward in a sudden discharge of all that pent-up energy that leaves him sparking, and winded, for a while afterward.
COMBATSYS: Blanka blocks Pepe's Quetzalcoatl Blast.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////// ]
Blanka 0/-------/----===|=------\-------\0 Pepe
Forwardforwardforwardforwa--up? Up is not supposed to happen when he does this. Blanka is succesfully redirected upwards, coming out of his tuck and roll to flail about like a jaguar chucked up into the air, trying to spin himself about and around and figure out what went wrong and why the hell he is airborne and not currently running Pepe over like a kid on a bigwheel running over a Joe Action Figure. As he spins and twists, he's able to look down, gravity reasserting itself and starting to bring him down towards... the light. A whole lot of light. He doesn't have time to do more than brace his arms over his face and weather the electric storm afterwards.
Hair frizzed and singed at the tips, Blanka is still slow to realize that he's being called on by gravity, the incessant tug bringing him down towards Pepe. Unable to truly turn this into an advantageous position, the beast from Brazil throws his arms and legs out, and tries to paste the winded warrior with a belly-flop of truly prodigious proportions. "BLANKA BELLY FLOOOOOOOOOOOOOOP!" he says as he comes crashing down, aiming to abdominate his opposition!
COMBATSYS: Blanka successfully hits Pepe with Strong Punch.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////// ]
Blanka 0/-------/---====|=====--\-------\0 Pepe
Wow, that was just...that was a lot of lightning. Pepe doubts that he's ever released a charge like that in...well, ever. His inexperience is terribly apparent shortly afterwards, because he looks downright /sluggish/! Perhaps he thought that there was no way somebody in the air and helpless could weather something like that, but it's obvious that the young man had meant it as an all-or-nothing attack. The look of surprise on his face is amazing, what with his wide eyes and open mouth. "You have GOT--!" He doesn't have time to finish the thought before trying to leap out of the way. All he does, unfortunately, is give the beast a larger target to crush beneath his bulk! Pepe goes down in the sand, the impact knocking the air right out of him. He gasps and coughs, sucking up sand and expelling it just as quickly.
"Get--kaff--get off me!" He tries to push himself up, but can't. Or rather, he only tries once, and when that's ineffective, he simply starts bending his legs at the knees, trying to kick and drive his heels into the heavy green flesh weighing him down.
COMBATSYS: Blanka interrupts Medium Kick from Pepe with Electric Thunder.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////// ]
Blanka 0/-------/--=====|=======\-------\1 Pepe
WHUMPFH! It's a satisfying sound, landing on Pepe. He hadn't expected to actually hit, but he does take full advantage of the fact that he outmasses his opponent. On the plus side, Blanka was recently swimming so he doesn't smell like anything except person. Oh, and singed hair - but that's Pepe's fault so he cannot complain about it. As Pepe struggles to get out, Blanka almost laughs, a little chortle escaping as he tries to keep from being dislodged. "Blanka... comfy here. Blanka think he st--oof!"
Those heels catch him off-guard, and the impact into his stomach gets him up and off. As he's pushed up and to the side though, there's a flicker of white in his gold eyes, and then a burst of his body into the bright blue and white electricity that he's quite, quite well known for. It's probably a different feeling than the one that Pepe uses, but it's still lightning, no matter the name. As he crashes to the ground besides Pepe, he pulls himself back into his fighting crouch and howls, a few stray arcs of power bouncing from tooth to tooth.
Oh god, finally. As Blanka pulls his bulk off of the younger man's body, he turns and gets an elbow pressed into the sand under him. He twists and starts to get up, only getting as far as lifting his head and chest off of the beach. However, the former is drooping and he gives it a couple of shakes to clear his vision. God, he smells like wet hair! It's awful! "What do you weight, a tt-t-t-ooo-a-a-aa-a-a-h-h-h--hag--g-g-g-g??!"
So. THAT is what lightning feels like.
Spasming and jerking in the sand, the thankfully short-lived torture leaves him smoking and singed, with bits of blackened skin smattering his previously-exquisive features. He wasn't at all ready for this sort of thing. He'd been thinking himself hot shit for beating up thugs, when he should have gotten more familiar with REAL fighting. As in, against other fighters. He lays on his side in the sand, arcs still shooting across short spans of his body for a few seconds after he'd settled down.
"...Holy /crap/."
COMBATSYS: Pepe gains composure.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////// ]
Blanka 0/-------/--=====|======-\-------\0 Pepe
Blanka knows what it's like to be a big fish in a small pond, then to suddenly find out the pond drains into an ocean - jungle metaphors work well for him. He's seen that look in Pepe's eyes, and his fierce expression softens just a little. Sure, this is a -fight-. But the jungle savage is a noble savage, and Blanka's not so given over to bloodlust that he wouldn't comment on the expression, or offer the other man a hand up. He bounces over and puts a hand on Pepe's shoulder, carefully helping the other man to his feet. When he's sure that Pepe won't suddenly fall over, he quietly mumbles to the other man, and steps back.
"You hit really hard. Blanka lookin' forwards to rest of fight! Maybe melons after. Melons make every fight better."
He takes up the posture from Pepe at the start of the fight, and then tries this 'bring it on' motion that Pepe used before on him. Waving the other fighter to join in, when he's ready - Blanka lets himself settle back into the rhythm of the fight, with the blood pounding in his ears as its' beat.
COMBATSYS: Blanka focuses on his next action.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////// ]
Blanka 0/-------/--=====|======-\-------\0 Pepe
Even some of the most skeptical in the crowd might be starting to warm up to Blanka after he graciously helps his opponent up, and doesn't even try to eat him! Then again, maybe he's just enjoying this, tenderizing the poor boy before throwing him on a spit. You never know!
Pepe, with the help of his green-skinned 'foe', stands up and wobbles only once. His hands come up and slap his cheeks, using the sting of impact to stun himself back to alertness and help his nerves realign themselves after being so overloaded.
He looks up as Blanka speaks to him, then goes well away and acts as if to start anew. But, he's right. "You're right." See? Pecs swell as he sucks in another double lungful of fresh ocean air, held as he bends his knees and hops once on the balls of his feet. He exhales in a huff, but continues the bouncing motion. "We're still nowhere near done, are we?" He manages a grin, though much smaller than before, and then, well...there's just this wall of kicked-up sand behind him. Divots are left in the ground where he was just a moment before, but he's now airborne, a flying knee screaming for the beast's face! Some way to show his gratefulness, isn't it?
COMBATSYS: Blanka fails to interrupt Arriba from Pepe with Wild Fang.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////// ]
Blanka 0/-------/-======|=======\-------\0 Pepe
And when he's right, he's right. And Blanka? He's always right! Pepe about to be... NOMMMED. As the other fighter bursts into kinetic explosion, Blanka half-crouches. The flying knee, he's seen before from other fighters - a Thai flavored impact, and Blanka, well he loves Thai food. His 'defense' is a bit odd - Blanka's head turns ninety degrees to the side, and it looks like his jaw almost comes unhinged as he opens his maw wide. He tries to snap shut his mouth on the knee as it comes in, but misjudges the snap shut of teeth.
The knee instead catches him right on the nose, sends his head snapping backwards and spun. He's twisted and bounced to the ground from the impact, and comes up bleeding a bit - but still smiling. "Blanka ... right. Pepe hit pretty hard. Try that again, and Blanka have knee lunch, though." he says, that glint in his eye still amused, fiercely intent though. He's taking this seriously - no matter what kind of jokes fall from his lips.
Oh. OH. The sound of that poor nose, the solid impact of his knee! There's a twinge of regret in that, but it's heavily muted by the fact that he had just barely avoided having his knee bitten clean off. At least, that's what he thinks! He'd never seen a man open his mouth like that, and how did he not notice the FANGS earlier?! This is clearly very dangerous!
However, it's not like Blanka would ACTUALLY bite his knee off, right? "Man, I'm glad you're such a nice guy." He sounds serious about that as he lands on one foot just before the other guy. If it was meant to sound like a joke, it's masked by the shock of having someone try to bite him. It makes his voice a bit...well, high-pitched and unsteady, like he was going through puberty all over again. Because, that's JUST what people need: a Pepe with an even larger hormonal imbalance! Don't even get him started on what kind of melons he'll want after the fight.
Oh, and the reason that he's standing before Blanka in what is essentially a vertical split?
AXE KICK, straight down from overhead!
COMBATSYS: Blanka blocks Pepe's Aggressive Strike.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////// ]
Blanka 0/-------/=======|=======\-------\1 Pepe
Axe Kick!!! Blanka, being hunched over, has a half-millisecond longer than a normal fighter to prepare for the blow, and one meaty forearm comes up and moves into a blocking position, catching the heavy impact there and shrugging most of it off. He's driven a bit further into the sand, but not far enough that he can't get back up and out of it in the next motion.
"Blanka think.. time to cool off!" As he declares this his hand wraps around the kicking limb, and his grip turns into centrifigul motion as he spins instead of rolls - this time trying to build enough speed that he can chuck Pepe towards the water, and follow him in!
COMBATSYS: Blanka successfully hits Pepe with Combo Grapple.
- Power hit! -
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////// ]
Blanka 0/-------/=======|=======\===----\1 Pepe
The satisfying feel of Pepe's heel colliding with a far-too-hard noggin is what the guy was expecting. Not...not the softer, sandpapery grip of Blanka's hand catching his leg, wrapping around it like a meaty, stuffed burrito, and whirlwinding him into the ocean! He flies high over the heads of the crowd, hitting the water with a big smack of water and a plume that shoots upward in his wake. That's bad enough. Having the big lug jump in AFTER him for the old one-two is even worse! He'd JUST started to swim up to the surface when he sees Blanka flying in at him, and all he can do is lift his hands and brace for impact!
You know, though, maybe that was a bit much. The pair are sent swirling along the ground of the sea, and at least Pepe is going to have a hard time getting out of this. His back his against the sandbar before he's swept out forever, and it's with flailing, scrambling limbs that he pulls himself up onto the very, very small island of wet sand. Coughing and spitting, he flops on the land, panting even as he scans the water for that big mass of green and orange. He's not on land yet, is he? Better not take a chance! Though he's already winded as hell, Pepe claps his hands and rubs them together. Despite the water, the friction brings on more of those short-lived sparks. Electricity? Check. Salty water? Check. Everyone knows that salt water conducts electricity FAR more easily than air. When the Dragon puts his hands into the water, another massive gout of power is discharged! This burst is enough to light up the ocean for a great many feet in all directions, underlighting whatever fish and plants (and, hopefully, fighters) are still submerged, not that the beauty of it will be any consolation.
COMBATSYS: Blanka interrupts Quetzalcoatl Blast from Pepe with Direct Lightning.
[ \\\\\\\\\\ < > /// ]
Blanka 2/<<<<<<</<<<<<<<|====---\-------\0 Pepe
Somewhere, out in the sea, Blanka feels that tingle again. That surge of warning that you get the instant before lightning strikes. That tasty tang of ozone on the tongue, the crackle as your hair tries to stand on end, but soaked in salt water as it is - well, Blanka gets enough of a warning to try and get out of the water, doing a lovely impersonation of a dolphin coming up and out of the ocean.
The lightning doesn't care, though - sparks catch and arc over him, setting nerves on fire and making muscles twitch spasmodically. With Pepe so far away, however can Blanka retaliate?
As he hits the water again, the impact shocks him back to his senses and gives his scrambled brain time to recover. With Pepe still close to the water, Blanka's own control over his electricity puts the man 'in range', and well - Blanka uses that to the fullest. With a howl probably heard both from the shore and from Pepe's little island, Blanka channels all his gathering up energy, and feeds it back into the water. There's a wave that comes crashing into Pepe's small sandbar - and in the wave is Blanka, and all of the giant green beastie's electric energy, both of which come crashing into shore, bowling Pepe over and giving him just what he got!
Oh, this is going to SUCK.
Seeing Blanka flopping out of the water like one of those flying fish is enough to make Pepe remain where he is, squatted and watching with this endless awe. How on earth is such a bulky guy moving like THAT? It's amazing! Why, so much so, that the fact that he'd managed to avoid the worst of his electric might not once, but TWICE completely passes him by. "Holy crap, you can FLY?!" But it's too late for words; the green-skinned beast is already doing his thing, howling and engaging in some sort of volt-o-watermancy. In the face of such a massive wave, what can he really do? He holds his arms up in front of his face, sure, but it does nothing as the wave comes crashing down over him. Pounded by water (and Blanka!), electrocuted all to hell... It really sucks to be Pepe right now! Once more, he's swept into the sea, flapping about like a bird trapped in an oil slick. His muscles don't move exactly how they should, what with the repeating zappings and all, so it looks...well, kind of comical! All he wants to do is try and flounder his way back to the shore.
COMBATSYS: Pepe takes no action.
[ \\\\\\\\\\ < > /// ]
Blanka 0/-------/-======|====---\-------\0 Pepe
Blanka's not much better off - for all his fierce attempts at posturing, the fight's left him battered and bruised as well, singed and seeing little dots of white behind his gold eyes. He gets to his knees first, then falls over half into the surf, one eye looking towards the sea where Pepe's flopping about. With a mighty 'hnngh!' sound, Blanka gets himself completely into the water, and uses the larger muscles of his legs to kick himself into the ocean further.
As he gets close to Pepe, he dives down till he can find solid ground, and squeezes his eyes shut intently. As he pushes up from the sea floor he tries to catch Pepe in the solar plexus, to knock him up and out towards the main beach himself - out of harm's way, and if Blanka's strong enough, perhaps to knock the fight out of him as well! Anything to get them both out of drowning danger - the idea of a proper end to the fight without having to tell the league heads that the League had a fatality on either one of their parts would be good, yeah? Where's David Hasslehoff when they both need him?!
COMBATSYS: Blanka successfully hits Pepe with Aggressive Strike.
[ \\\\\\\\\\ < > ]
Blanka 0/-------/-======|======-\-------\0 Pepe
As Pepe tries his best to fight against the tide and the shore comes closer and closer, he too gets that feeling, that something's not quite right. He turns and looks behind him, only to see Blanka coming up like some sort of hairy fish! Oh god!
The Mexican's efforts are redoubled, arms and legs kicking wildly and not at all in time, slowing down his escape. Water splashes and, though people on the beach are cheering him on or yelling about a shark or something coming up behind them, he can't hear it over the sound of his scrambling. It's incredible, how quickly he's caught up to. All he can do is try to move to the side quickly, but it doesn't work the same way in the water! His body stretches to try and avoid the impact, but he gets caught clean in the gut. Perhaps it's for the best, though, because he makes a really nice arc of shimmering water as he flies up, over the people once more, and back in the sandy 'ring' where he'd started! This time, though, he's not getting up. He's been electrocuted to hell and back, twice. If he weren't already attuned to the 'element', he'd likely have been far worse off. But he's also been smashed and launched, and generally, just really banged up to hell! On top of that, he's short of breath, what with his diaphragm having been smashed like that. All he can muster is a wave of his hand; a weak motion, before it flops back onto the sand.
COMBATSYS: Pepe takes no action.
[ \\\\\\\\\\ <
Blanka 0/-------/-======|
COMBATSYS: Pepe can no longer fight.
[ \\\\\\\\\\ <
Blanka 0/-------/-======|
Blanka treads water, one hand over his eyes again to watch the arc of Pepe's flight. When the other fighter lands, but doesn't get back up, Blanka twists from treading water to floating on his back. He sucks in a big lungful of air, and then starts to kick his way towards shore - taking his time, to keep from passing out himself. He's wore out, batteries run dry, and probably going to be sporting several new bruises before the end of the week. Still, he's happy - it was a good fight, and he's intently curious about the power that Pepe's throwing around. He'll have to ask, when they're both concious.
For now, though - once he gets to the shore and makes sure Pepe's ok, there's work to do at Dan Hibiki's dojo as well as melons to be eaten in celelbration. Whole lotta melons, and a whole lotta eatin'.
COMBATSYS: Blanka has ended the fight here.
Log created on 15:10:42 01/01/2011 by Pepe, and last modified on 21:17:54 01/09/2011.