Amy - The Blind Masters

Description: Eager to continue his return to the spotlight, Ken Masters has put out an open invitation for fighters to face him in his home arena. Answering the challenge is a rapidly rising legend, and a relative newcomer to the sport. They have the advantage in numbers, and as the fight commences the Ansatsuken spitfire decides to test himself yet further.

Humilation is something that Ken Masters isn't quite use to, and the teen-pop sensations managed to make the Crimson Dynamo truly feel it with their last encounter. There's been rumors that the US Martial Arts champion has been taking any and all challangers, especially as he feels that he truly isn't at his peak anymore. Of course, one wouldn't know it with the fact that there has been almost packed stadiums, solely to watch the man do menial things, such as train...

San Francisco.

For all of her globetrotting forays, the youngest and most unorthodox of the Knights Templar has never actually been to the United States. With little in the way of ancient history pertinent to her role, the continent has always been pitched as a dead-end so far as her ultimate goal is concerned. Or at least, the goal that others would have her pertain toward. It is something of a rebellious act that she has come here, among the hundreds eager to challenge the legendary Ken Masters. But a certain man has taught her to test the waters of rebellion, to believe that maybe it is not such a terrible thing.

In short: duty be damned. She is here to fight, and to learn from the best. She is here for her own selfish purposes. This fiery spirit has forced her through the ranks of aspiring fighters, making an impression on the talent scouts with her bizarre fighting style, who believe that she offers a spectacle unlike the others recently displayed here. She may be a small fry, but there is no shortage of top-tier talent with which to pad the marquees. Besides, isn't the Masters foundation keen to foster the rise of fresh blood? It does not come any fresher.

Indeed, Amy Elizabeth Johnson is still nursing recent bruises when she steps onto the polished boards of the White Arena. The sight around her causes the breath to catch in her throat. She has seen more incredible sights, certainly; but here she is, however momentarily, the focal point of a sizable crowd of onlookers. The atmosphere seems electric. But the Templar remains calm, wrapped up in her own intensity as she strides forth with a certain grace marred only by frayed nerves, these nerves held up only by pride.

Here, she walks among titans. Her back must be straight, her will strong.

COMBATSYS: Amy has started a fight here.

King of Fighters promises to be an enlightening experience. Rock is going in with some of the strongest fighters he's ever seen on his side. But every scrap of training experience is going to be useful. So when there was a call for fighters--all comers vs. Ken Masters, well... why not? Rock knows Ken's more than he can handle, one-on-one--he's man enough to admit to that.
So when he was assigned a partner, he just nodded, took the card and read the name... and then strode into the arena. He's wanted to fight a man like Ken Masters for quite some time. It'll be a true test of whether he, Rock Howard, has 'got it' or not.
He's got some things in mind to say to Ken Masters, rumors he heard of recent happenings... but he'll only use them if Ken looks bored. Taunting a legend isn't exactly Rock's style... usually.

COMBATSYS: Ken has joined the fight here on the right meter side.

There is a definitive pressure in the air surrounding Ken, especially as he stands in the center of the arena, watching everyone who tries to approach him for a fight only to falter and run away at the last second. This manner of behaviour isn't uncommon, but it is enough to cause Ken to do his best to try and be a formidable sight for anyone who lays eyes upon him.
The moment Amy steps into the arena, a slight grin creeps onto the blonde haired man's face, especially once Rock follows in after her. "'Yo." Bored is not the way one would describe his face, especially as he slowly slips into a light stance, his body slowly starting to sway back and forth as his eyes start to glaze over in a trance like state.

COMBATSYS: Rock has joined the fight here on the left meter side.

COMBATSYS: Ken enters a trance-like state.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////////////  ]
Rock             0/-------/-------|===----\-------\0              Ken
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Amy              0/-------/-------|

A hike through the land of giants is made somewhat less tense when the titular behemoths are as relaxed as the reigning United States champion. As she comes to a halt upon the lacquered surface, boots creaking a minor protest as she twists upon her heel to fall into a loose ready stance, Amy is caught offguard by the apparent lackadaisical demeanour of the man. Ken may be world famous, but when one spends their time buried in dusty volumes and tracking footprints through the shrines and temples of the world...

Let's just say that the Templar has been a little sheltered.

Still, she is not inhuman. His casual grin is responded to by a broad, dimpling smile, and the inclination of her head - a little respectful, a little bashful - as the woman's innermost feelings bubble momentarily to the surface. "Good afternoon, Mr. Masters," she responds in a crisp British accent, stopping just a tad shy of being overly formal. Her glance then flickers to Rock Howard. A figure who, though perhaps not yet legendary, is a veritable prodigy in the fighting world. Though greatly junior in years to Amy, she more than acknowledges that she is the beginner here. Therefore... "Mr. Howard."

He gets another inclination of the head, before she draws and releases a single breath. For a moment her startling eyes lid, and when they rewiden, her aura is sharp and prickling - like a vigorous sea breeze. Here and there, tiny creases of grey-white smoke make themselves known about the arena, clinging to the glass walls and brushing the smooth boards. The effect is barely noticeable, at first, but it can only grow greater with time.

As if encouraged by the rising of her own, albeit greatly dwarfed, power, Miss Johnson is quick to act, keeping Rock in her peripheral vision as she sweeps an arm up toward Masters. She is not standing on further ceremony. "It will be an honour to fight with you both!" She intones, voice gaining a certain distance as her fingertips wrap around a wisp of mist and then flicker outward, palm out-thrust toward the waiting billionaire. He will have but a moment to act, as a wraithlike swirl of fog bursts from a distant corner of the arena and screams toward him, gathering in size and accelerating as it shrieks across the floor... becoming a simulacrum of the Templar herself, arm outstretched to strike.

The test begins.

He's looking good. Alert, ready. That means... he probably -did- get punked by a couple of pop idols. Rock seems relaxed as well, in an alert sort of way--he's had, recently, to literally fight for his life, particularly against the inhuman thing known as Krizalid. A fight... just to fight? That's the kind of battle he's interested in. Rock's content to let Amy go first, but he knows that letting the Templar go up against Ken, toe to toe, alone, well, that's just suicidal on both their parts.
"Johnson. We're only gonna win this if we can keep him off-balance," he says. That said, he starts circling around, flanking Ken as Amy starts it up--then he goes off, running forward--and then pushing off the floor of the arena, leaping upwards, then coming down with a flying punch. It's -almost- like his Rage Run Dunk... just no chi.
Not yet, anyways.

COMBATSYS: Ken endures Amy's Night Errant.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////    ]
Rock             0/-------/-------|====---\-------\0              Ken
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Amy              0/-------/-------|

COMBATSYS: Rock successfully hits Ken with Medium Punch.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////       ]
Rock             0/-------/-------|=====--\-------\0              Ken
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Amy              0/-------/-------|

There is a slight *THUD* as Ken feels himself being struck by Amy, which the sheer fact that he's being hit is enough to snap him out of his trance, only to notice Rock coming down and clocking him straight in the jaw. This causes the blonde champion to quickly move back, the grin still present on his face. "All right. I'm going to really do something crazy here..." He stares at Rock for a few moments, only to then turn his attention towards Amy, nodding his head slightly. "Whatever you two do.. Don't hold back." He reaches into his gi and pulls out a red headband, which he then ties around his eyes, only to slowly start breathing, waiting for them to really cut loose.

COMBATSYS: Ken takes no action.

Amy does not make the fool's error of waiting for her attack to strike. She is already withdrawing into her stance, rolling her shoulders and rapidly rotating her centre to bring adequate warmth to her body. This will be a challenge unlike any she has faced - a single attack from this world-class warrior could bring her down. Even with Rock on her side... she knows she cannot rely on the youth's Hakyokusaken to protect her. This is a fight for them both.

Her gaze whips to the Wolf Cub as he lands from driving home that impressive leaping blow. She considers him for a heartbeat before delivering a firm nod, unable to keep a slightly wild smile from her lips as she replies, "Affirmative!" Her pulse quickens, and she starts forward from her rather distant location, skirting the boundaries of the fight and picking her moment to dart in. Through gently billowing tendrils she dives, controlling her breathing as she approaches Ken.

His bidding is done, and she does not restrain herself, only pausing for long enough to make her actions clear to her partner - miming a 'circling' gesture with one dextrous hand - before she slips close to Ken in a feinting sequence of steps that aim to carry her past his guard and into the gap between him and Rock. Though of course, he will keep moving too. It's with a seamless shift of her arms that the Templar aims to seize the muscular blonde, grasping for bicep and wrist, and rolling her entire body around and down. Using every last bit of momentum she can muster, she looks to send him careering toward the young prodigy.

If successful, Amy ends up on one knee, gaze bright with keen concentration, levelled upon the results of her manouevre. Exactly how well /can/ she work in a team?

Solid impact--that joyous feel of a landed hit that every fighter learns to enjoy. Rock lands, and backs off a few steps as Ken literally blindfolds himself. "Heh... interesting, Masters," he remarks, with a healthy dose of appreciation in his voice. "Either you're that ballsy, that good... or both." He's leaving the judgment open, for now. And his eyes, those are going to be open, too.

Rock starts circling again... he's sure Ken can hear his footsteps--is banking on it, in fact. Ken won't see the flare of purple energy that surrounds Rock's right hand, but he'll hear it--a flaring hiss, like the sound of a match being struck--and the hiss that continues, traveling towards him, as Rock unleashes one of the trademark techniques of Hakkyokuseiken--the Reppuken.

Of course, overlaid over all of that is Rock's voice, sharp and clear, as he too announces the attack, shouting it as a way of focusing himself.

COMBATSYS: Ken effortlessly dodges Rock's Reppuken.

COMBATSYS: Ken interrupts Quick Throw from Amy with Shoryuken.

[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////        ]
Rock             0/-------/-------|=======\-------\0              Ken
[            \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Amy              1/-------/=======|

There's a reason some fighters try to fight multiple opponents blindfolded. The other senses become stronger, especially when those opponents still can defeat you with a bit of luck and cockiness. Ken is doing the most cocky and ballsy thing one could ever plan on doing in a fight, and so far, its working quite well for him.
The moment that Amy's hands start to make contact with his body, Ken is suddenly out of her vision, crouched down low as his right fist suddenly springs to life with chi, burning as if it were ablaze. The words leave his mouth as if they were truly a second nature, as are the movements his body performs, having done them hundreds of times. "SHORYUKEN!"
Of course, there's still the ward of Terry Bogard to deal with, and Ken knows better then to take any chances, especially as his feet connect back with solid ground, clearly hearing the Reppuken, only stepping to the side to allow it to move effortlessly past him. He motions towards the general direction of Amy and Rock, "Come on."

Pain. Intense, incredible, indescribable pain.

This is all that the young Templar knows as she feels that searing fist connect, lifted clean from her feet and into a high, eerily graceful arc, stretched out to her full height as she rises and bends like a storm-tossed tree. The velvet cap perched atop her raven hair is sent spinning across the arena, and those locks come tumbling out in beautiful disarray. It will be a breathtaking moment for the audience, but for Amy it is a missing one. Her brain is addled, her senses comprehending nothing as she rises and falls without awareness.

Then, it is over. On pure instinct she manages to avoid breaking her back as she lands upon the hardwood, athletic form twitching into a disjointed roll that carries her to one flank, supporting herself with a shaking hand clapped to the floor. She rises slowly, wiping the other hand across her mouth to remove a stray trace of saliva. A thousand sparkling lights dance in her vision, and the mist around her seems to fade, tendrils curling limp and graceless against the air. But she hears his words; she hears and she must obey. 'Come on'. Such a simple challenge...

But a challenge, nonetheless.

Breaking into a staggered pace, the Templar makes her way back toward Masters, swaying back and forth with only her innermost controlling her. Almost like a drunken master, she maintains some semblance of reality only by relinquishing her mind completely to the task of movement. She is empty. But a furnace burns within the void. The mist ripples, buoyed upward by a spark of consciousless will, and with a sudden jerking motion the Templar explodes forward through the thickening fog. Towards Masters.

/Through/ Masters.

She almost seems to phase, just barely avoiding him with a sway of the hips and curiously deft footwork for such a rattled creature. But this is not what he should be paying attention to, as in her wake the vapours follow, a deceptively gentle riptide washing across the arena to strike Ken with perhaps two dozen staccato blows, each whiplash of energy solidifying upon impact to pelt him with the woman's unique aura.

"Should've expected..." is what Rock mutters to himself. Well, it wasn't a -total-... yeah, okay. It was pretty much a total loss, that exchange. He'll have to do better--he and Amy will -both- have to do better--if a win is going to be in the cards. He feels a brief wince of sympathy for the templar, though he can't afford to show it, as she gets uppercutted right in the face, and then his feet are pounding ground again, but only for a moment; he stops, then starts again, closing in on the other blond.

In this way he makes a path to Ken--it doesn't take long, but he's trying to confuse that hearing sense--and perhaps to try and overwhelm Ken's fighting sense as well; now in range, he throws two low kick feints, kicks very similar in form to a Muay Thai practitioner's kick--then converts a third low kick to a fast, high side-kick, aimed at taking Ken right in the temple.

It would be a blow better for confusing or dazing, but Ken is made of some tough stuff; Rock has no doubt that it'd take repeated attacks to take any serious effect.

COMBATSYS: Ken endures Rock's Light Kick.

[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////          ]
Rock             0/-------/-------|=======\-------\1              Ken
[             \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Amy              0/-------/=======|

COMBATSYS: Ken blocks Amy's Stormwitch.

[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////           ]
Rock             0/-------/-------|=======\-------\1              Ken
[             \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Amy              0/-------/=======|

Ken is indeed made of tough stuff, and it starts to become even more apparent as Amy and Rock once more rush towards him. As Amy allows her aura to build up, sending the flurry of blows towards the Crimson Dynamo, he neatly turns his body, blocking a good deal of her blows. He does take a few steps back, trying to make sure he's got a good idea of their positions, only to feel the impact of Rock's leg to his temple. He doesn't seem to be fazed much by this however, as he decides its time for him to really start testing the waters for going on the offensive like this. He turns his attention toward Rock, only to quickly close the distance between the two, throwing a quick jab in the general direction the man should be.

Amy's attack serves its purpose, and as she comes to a stop behind Ken's back, she allows herself a refreshing breath. The stars still cloud her eyes, but she is at least capable of thinking a little more clearly as the fight moves away from her direct vicinity. Turning to face the two man, she focuses for a moment on simply clearing her mind and regaining all the focus that she can. She considers that Howard is more than capable of trading these minor blows with Ken. And meanwhile... the Templar can gather herself for assaults that may do a little more than simply graze the United States champion.

But is she ever truly motionless? For as she sinks deep within herself, the breath of the serpent also builds strength and consistency, entwining the beautifully-maintained battlefield within ever-expanding coils of chi-forged mist.

COMBATSYS: Amy draws upon the Dragon's Breath.

COMBATSYS: Ken successfully hits Rock with Jab Punch.

[   \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////          ]
Rock             0/-------/------=|=======\-------\1              Ken
[           \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Amy              1/------=/=======|

Rock catches that blindingly fast jab across the chin--but he was able to jerk his head back just enough to keep it from being a jaw-rattling hit. Still, the speed and accuracy... Ken certainly lives up to his last name. Rock doesn't know the meaning of the word 'fear', though... or 'prudence'... So he takes a further chance, and stays in close with the Masters man; he steps in further, aiming to rake his folded left elbow across Ken's jaw, payback for the jabbing punch he just took.

But that isn't the only thing he does--he follows the swinging elbow with an attempt to sweep Ken off his feet, literally, using the rotational momentum to bring his right leg around and through Ken's legs. It isn't very stylish, but, hopefully, it'll get the job done!

COMBATSYS: Rock successfully hits Ken with Combo Grapple.

[   \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////              ]
Rock             0/-------/-----==|=======\==-----\1              Ken
[           \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Amy              1/------=/=======|

There's the floor again Mister Masters, you sure do like meeting with it these days. Of course, he doesn't even bother trying to stay there this time, knowing full well that Rock is still within his range of mighty fists of pain, and its about time that Ken shows the two just what he's really capable of. He's tested his waters, and he knows he can do this now. There's a slight glow to his right foot as it suddenly starts to glow with chi, glowing as if a fire were resting upon his heels. He starts to press on Rock, throwing heavy kick after heavy kick towards the man, until that brief moment when he would have him dazed. "SHIPPUJINRAI KYAKU!" After he throws his final kick, he's suddenly lifting into the air, trying to drag Rock into the air with a flaming Tatsumaki Senpuu Kyaku.

There are some things that all the preparation in the world cannot make a young warrior ready for. As she watches the brief exchange between the two statuesque blondes, Amy begins to circle around the action, taking in the motions as closely and carefully as she can - and at her level, it is an honest struggle to keep up with the more subtle nuances. Even as studious as she is. There is, then, no mistaking the signs of Ken Masters truly picking up the pace. It's an almost terrifying moment, watching his masterful sequence of blows begin... and yet, this is what she and her partner face.

Unable to stop a flicker of pity in her heart for the handsome Howard, she retains her composure and once more rises to this challenge. Breaking into a brief, rapid sprint, she covers as much ground as she can and /leaps/, following in the wake of Ken's heavenward kicks and momentarily thinking of the shining silver cross at her neck as she closes in. A moment too early, and she catches the crushing finale to the combination. Too late, and she risks taking whatever punishment a falling Masters is able to dish out.

She is willing to bet it would be quite enough.

However, staying upon her task, she seeks to seize a whipping leg, going for a grasp with both hands, momentarily using the grip to push herself a little above Ken and then closing her fingers tightly. As though swinging upon a high bar, she briefly rights herself in the air and then comes streaming down, using her entire body weight to send Masters blazing toward the ground. He outweighs her by a good margin, and he is a master in more than merely name; so the leverage is more than necessary.

COMBATSYS: Rock counters Shippuujinrai Kyaku from Ken with Gedan Crack Counter.

[    \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////                   ]
Rock             0/-------/----===|===----\-------\0              Ken
[           \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Amy              1/------=/=======|

It's only natural that Ken would focus that ire and power on Rock. Put simply, plainly, and honestly, he is, by far, the greater threat in the fight. Rock is fully aware of this and every nerve in his body is afire, sensing that buildup of power... and when Ken explodes into action, Rock is right there with him.

It's a miracle act; Rock moving with Ken, swaying out of the way of that storm of kicks, looking calm and confident as he weaves through the storm--until that final kick. That final kick, that's the moment Rock really chooses to make his stand--that last kick. That gets trapped by Rock's crossed forearms, and his reaction is so ingrained that it's happening before he even realizes it--right leg lifting, body twisting, and his heel coming down on Ken's shoulder, landing a heavy, slamming axe kick--

--and as Rock's right leg comes down on the ground, his left leg shoots out, firing a thrust kick into Ken's chest to knock him away--and right at Amy.

And Rock is very, very aware of just what he's escaped... he's -seen- Ken perform Shippuujinrai Kyaku before, in video... the results are -not- pretty.

COMBATSYS: Ken dodges Amy's Power Throw.

[    \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////                   ]
Rock             0/-------/----===|===----\-------\0              Ken
[           \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Amy              1/------=/=======|

Whenever one of his more powerful moves are broken, this is when Ken knows he's having a truly fun fight. It doesn't happen often, and usually when it does, he's more then willing to keep putting on the heat. Of course, he still has Amy to contend with, and the moment he's booted away from Rock, he's contorting his body to evade Amy's grubby little paws. He narrowly manages to dodge her, only to land on the ground with a slight thud, rolling his body up and bouncing back onto his feet. His hands immediatly go to his side, thrusting forward with a large ball of chi aimed directly at Amy, trying his best to not let the pain really show on his face. That kick /hurt/. "HADOUKEN!"

COMBATSYS: Amy dodges Ken's Hadouken.

[    \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////                    ]
Rock             0/-------/----===|==-----\-------\0              Ken
[           \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Amy              1/------=/=======|

For all the differences between these three competitors, they share one thing in common; each one of them is gripped by their own form of resolve. Whatever their goals may be, not a single member of this warring trio is going to back down from this fight without expelling their utmost. Ken's handicap speaks volumes of his own willingness to push his limits, and Rock's daredevil counter-assault on the much more experienced man shows his own stripes...

For the Templar, her moment draws near. Though handily dissuaded from her aerial catapulting of Masters, she follows through with her flip, coming around in the air with the kind of hangtime only professional fighters can attain. Dropping to the floor, she is met with that painfully recognisable cry, and feels the explosion of cataclysmic chi-energy before she has a chance to sight it. Her every sense screams for the body to evade, to escape. But only the clear-cut mind can prevail. This she knows, for this she has had drilled into her through fifteen years of instruction...

She may be a small fish in a sprawling ocean, but sometimes the lessons work.

Eyes slamming /wide/ open, Amy Johnson twists from the very centre of her being, raven black hair whiplashing around her in a dark corona as she enters a second flip, athletic frame bending about the trailing ferocity of that inbound comet. It tears at her very spirit, just to be in such proximity, but still she turns about, sensing her way around the devastating obstacle. It is only when she is almost to the ground, well past the famed projectile, that she opens her eyes and allows her more mundane senses to breathe.

It is only then that she /releases her breath/.

The gathered mists, though parted by Ken's energies, move at a bidding motion from the enigmatic woman's mind. Greyish tendrils soar from about the arena as her fingers, until now bracing against the floor to assist her landing, close into her palms, nails digging deep and hard. The Dragon roars, a subtle, sibilant hiss that floods the chamber. At the epicentre of this uncanny wake; the man himself, the US champion. The reason she has come to this place. Amy's stormy eyes watch him levelly as she delivers the final command, and with a crushing, delirious movement the mist closes in, collapsing in upon him like an ethereal coffin. It crushes, and binds.

This is her everything. This is her all.

But can her potential carry her much further?

"Good job, Amy!" calls the Howard boy, as she evades that burning blue projectile. That's not easy to do; Rock judges the speed by eye and, well, it's fast. "Time to end this shindig," he mutters, to himself, as he circles around once more--he's aiming, once again, to flank Ken Masters with the aid of his partner, Amy Johnson. She goes on the attack, and, as strange as her techniques are, he sees potential in them--waiting to be fully shaped.

Is he the one to do it? Probably not--he's still a student--but he can see it. Rock clenches his fists, and power flares around him, flashing golden, then being drawn into his right hand--and then he clenches that hand into a fist. That fist burns with that golden aura, pure chi given form, freed of the taint of the evil in Geese's blood...

And then he's off, literally flying across the ground, looking to plow that golden right fist into Ken's jaw, a power right cross; as he flies across the ground, that golden power trails him, a comet's tail... of pain.

COMBATSYS: Ken dodges Amy's The Dragon's Breath.

COMBATSYS: Ken effortlessly blocks Rock's Shine Knuckle.

[     \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////                       ]
Rock             0/-------/-------|===----\-------\0              Ken
[           \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Amy              0/-------/-------|

There's pain, and then there's /PAIN/. Right now, Ken is feeling the latter one quite a bit, and its finally starting to show on his face. Two very painful attacks, both of which just barely manages to block at the last moment. There's a tenacity to his face, as he suddenly finds himself manuvering towards Rock, making it look like he's throwing another punch at the man, but only to feint at the last moment, and drop down, unleashing another Shoryuken in this fight. This time, he's hoping to deal some real damage again.

But of course, how could her potential compare to his?

Though almost delirious with the effort of maintaining her focus upon Masters, Amy utters a breathless laugh as she wills herself to stand and continue the fight. Her technique seemed inescapable; but there is always a way. She knows this. A smile still teasing at her lips, she starts forward, calling out a warning to Rock as she pivots and spins at the hip, whipping a clawlike hand through the air to grasp and tug at a looping tendril of vestigial mist, one of the few not dragged forth in her previous effort.


Her cry is clear for all its passion. Yet clearer to those watching from a neutral viewpoint is the whipping lash of white-grey energy that rises from the floor to chase the rapidly rising crimson-garbed master. It seeks to latch onto his leg and imitate the Templar's movements by dragging him back to earth. Whether she can intercept fast enough to save her partner of a question that will have to be answered... if she even catch this slippery foe at all...

COMBATSYS: Rock blocks Ken's Shoryuken.

[       \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////                       ]
Rock             0/-------/------=|====---\-------\0              Ken
[            \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Amy              0/-------/-------|

Ken's fist is akin to a steel ball; Rock absorbs the punch with crossed forearms, but even that impact--it lifts Rock off his feet about three inches; he ends up landing on his feet about a foot back, shaking his forearms out. "Shiiiit," he mutters; his hands are partially -numb- now. But now... well, he's got to react fast, if he's going to capitalize on that defense; he'll have to ignore that numbness. Fortunately what he has planned doesn't involve the use of his arms... much.
The separation he gained from Ken is lost in a moment as Rock hurls himself forward and down, planting his hands on the ground as he crouches--then explodes upwards, using the grip of his palms to impart an extreme spin to his body as he goes to also meet Masters in midair--as a spinning, human tornado of feet and fists.

The technique looks unusual because it is--taught to Rock by Terry Bogard, the Rising Tackle looks nothing like a tackling move--but that's hardly the point, now, is it? Rock snaps his arms out to his sides, attempting to batter Ken with them.

COMBATSYS: Ken dodges Amy's Quagmire.

COMBATSYS: Ken effortlessly dodges Rock's Rising Tackle.

[        \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////                       ]
Rock             0/-------/-------|====---\-------\0              Ken
[            \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Amy              0/-------/-------|

'Danger Sense is tingling.' That lone thought travels through Ken's mind as he suddenly starts turning his body, trying to get away from Rock, especially after feeling his Shoryuken being blocked by the young man. He feels the breeze from Rock's arms, only to once more have that feeling of doom run across his mind, barely pulling his legs up and out of the way of the slippery tendril that wants to drag him down. Of course, once he manages to touch back down on solid ground, he's quickly putting distance between himself and Amy, breathing heavily as he tries to allow himself to catch a quick breath.

COMBATSYS: Ken gains composure.

[        \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////                   ]
Rock             0/-------/-------|==-----\-------\0              Ken
[            \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Amy              0/-------/-------|

Whether her warning and subsequent attack have any effect, the Templar is uncertain. But her mind remains upon the unrelenting rhythm of battle as she spins back into a ready stance, arm returning to a guarding posture and stare evenly levelled upon Masters as he again displays his superior agility. Even blindfolded, that the man can accomplish such feats...

It threatens to steal her breath away.

But Amy is, in fact, breathing a little easier after her string of entanglements with the dark-browed behemoth. A glance goes toward her partner as she begins to circle around their predator and prey, and for a moment a small smile is sent his way. He is living up to his own reputation. Allowing him time to see her movements, she paces with some delicacy across the hardwood, trying to suppress the noise of her boots as she wanders ever closer to the dashing entrepeneur. She ceases her lazy spiral of motion a few feet hence, sinking down low and concentrating. The mist, as ever, obeys.

But there is no attack for Masters. Instead, a swathe of the eerie substance billows into a cloud of looping tendrils, bound to all but engulf the wolf cub. The approach is slow at first, allowing him to gauge the situation, before it drifts toward his feet. The Templar bites down on her lower lip, catching Rock's eye and flicking her head toward their opponent as she simultaneously tries to harden the Dragon's Breath without striking, striving to eliminate any sound from the youth's step, buoying him on a cushion of energy. It may enable him to get closer to Masters.

COMBATSYS: Amy assists Rock.

[        \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////                   ]
Rock             0/-------/-------|==-----\-------\0              Ken
[            \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Amy              0/-------/-------|

The question is... what can Rock do? He's thrown some of his best attacks already, dodged certain death. But the competitor's spirit in him... he can't let it lie -there-. Rock glances over at his partner as well... and when she starts working her magic, so to speak, his eyes widen a touch, then he nods. His feet still find purchase against the flooring... but silently, as he starts running... accelerating quickly, like a sports car with the pedal to the metal, he lunges forward, firing a thrusting left elbow for Ken's sternum.

Those who know Rock Howard would recognize the attack as Rock's 'Hard Edge' technique--only, he isn't following up with the chi-enhanced palm strike that he usually does. Conserving energy, perhaps--or just adding to the eerie silence of the attack, Rock's strained breathing the only sound that the Howard scion is making. He isn't about to ruin Amy's gift with a kiai.

COMBATSYS: Rock successfully hits Ken with Medium Punch.

[        \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////                      ]
Rock             0/-------/-------|===----\-------\0              Ken
[            \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Amy              0/-------/-------|

There's a lot to say about Ken Masters, considering that he's managed to hold on for this long, blindfolded, and fighting two seperate opponents at once. Of course, he feels the impact of Rock's punch a bit to late, causing him to stumble backwards a couple of inches, his left hand rising up to cover the spot that now aches in ways he's still remembering.
He needs to regain his stamina, and its rather difficult to do with two people coming at him, so its time for the Blonde man to make a choice. Once more he makes it seem like he's trying to put some distance between himself and Rock, only to bring his right leg up in a heavy roundhouse towards the young man's head.

At the instant of impact, the Templar's power is relinquished, motes of grey-white drifting from Rock's feet in a disorderly array as she ceases this action and draws herself back up to her full height, well-warmed limbs following her mind's instruction as she starts in toward the action. There is scant time to react - and she imagines, even less for the prodigious youth - but she moves to intercept Ken's motions anyway. Booted heels beat a vibrant tattoo on the floor as the lady knight launches into a short-range sprint, drawing back both her arms as her own energies billow off her shoulders.

"Sou-!" A rare, hissed kiai escapes her lips as she plunges in heedless of the blindfolded champion's senses. He is supposed to hear her coming-- because she cannot do this without Rock. Her approach is as blunt and direct as possible, a veritable storm of action as she telegraphs the final lunge, bringing her full body weight down /hard/ upon the lacquered boards. One boot squeals a protest as her back leg sets, and she uses this point to shove herself forth. One hand remains behind as the other leads in a violent swing, fingertips grasping at the air...

Securing a single, drifting tendril of mist.

It is brought around in an incredibly rapid backhanded slash as it hardens, forming an ethereal dagger. A killing blow. A strike designed to put this titan away, or draw his attention so that she falls trying. After the gift of stealth, comes the gift of sacrifice. All or nothing. This is why she has traversed continents; it may not be do or die, but it is the next best thing...

COMBATSYS: Rock dodges Ken's Strong Kick.

[        \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////                     ]
Rock             0/-------/-------|===----\-------\0              Ken
[             \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Amy              0/-------/-------|

The problem with attacks like that is the target--small, and high--which makes them relatively easy to defend against. Rock ducks, letting the wash of Ken's kick ruffle his hair before he pops back up. That would almost certainly have taken Amy's head off, if it had hit--wouldn't've done Rock any good either. But it wasn't -easy-, in an absolute sense, to do; even Ken's strong, heavy kicks have an element of speed to them.

Ken won't hear Rock's footsteps--because there -are- none. He's staying firmly in place, letting the disguise of Amy's footsteps cover his own attack--working with Amy again, on an instinctive and unspoken level. He's still on the balls of his feet--he hasn't planted them--he just isn't taking a step, using the stance to power his right hand through a heavy, snapping hook punch, twisting his entire torso into the followthrough.

Rock's fist is aimed for Ken's upper chest; a proper strike might find Ken spun around, away from Amy's attack, unable to defend it properly. Maybe. Nothing is ever certain, fighting a man of this caliber.

COMBATSYS: Ken just-defends Amy's Katzbalger!

[        \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////                   ]
Rock             0/-------/-------|===----\-------\0              Ken
[             \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Amy              0/-------/-------|

COMBATSYS: Rock successfully hits Ken with Strong Punch.

[        \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////                        ]
Rock             0/-------/------=|=====--\-------\0              Ken
[             \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Amy              0/-------/-------|

This is truly one of those times when Ken seems like he is more then truly meets the eye, and it's obvious as he spins around towards Amy, knocking her hand out of the way with the etherial dagger, a stern look upon his face as his aura suddenly starts to once more build up within him, knowing that this is the time to go all out himself. There is no regaining ones composure, or testing the waters anymore, it is truly that do or die situation. And this is that moment.
Rock's punch causes the titan of a man to stumble once more, almost falling down to the ground as Ken feels the last of his strength starting to flow away, but he can't let this fight go without giving a last sign of true glory that people have come to expect of him.

There is a slight silence from the man named Ken Masters before he suddenly starts his final attack, his attention solely on the opponent he is facing towards, which unfortunately happens to be Amy. There is a surge of energy upon his right foot once again as he starts spinning his body around, slamming the leg towards the templar over and over until he suddenly drops down onto the ground, creating a blazing inferno as he suddenly rises into the air, his body twisting like a hurricane with his right leg extended outwards, drawing the flames and both Rock and Amy towards it, and hopefully up with it.


COMBATSYS: Ken can no longer fight.

COMBATSYS: Ken successfully hits Amy with Shippuujinrai Kyaku.

[        \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////                       ]
Rock             0/-------/------=|=======\-------\0              Amy

COMBATSYS: Ken successfully hits Rock with Shippuujinrai Kyaku.

[              \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////                       ]
Rock             0/-------/---====|=======\-------\0              Amy

The battle's final screams have been given, and it seems to the Templar that the final dizzying motions are in the hands of God. Each fighter is moving on pure-bred instinct, Ken's vigorous and explosive counter to her attack echoing outward from a soul that should surely have surrendered already. And then, through the turbulent storm of action and counter-act, Rock's fist breaks like thunder. She sees it from the corner of her eye as she starts to spin away from Ken Masters, perceiving also the momentary dimming in the legendary man's previously indomitable aura.

But a moment passes, and suddenly she is unable to move her body fast enough to avoid an inevitable comeuppance. To avoid the fate she has been avoiding since that first devastating strike landed upon her aching chin. With frantic thought, she crosses her arms to catch that first looping kick, bracing a palm to the back of her hand to try and cushion the blow. It is a guard too easily swept aside by shuddering force, leaving Amy wide open for what follows.

It is all she can do to simply weather the storm, landing in a heap as she is flung away by the final sweeping spin, bouncing several times from shoulder and hip before coming to a halt at the far wall of the arena. The mist in the arena hangs low and flaccid now, barely clinging to life of its own as the Templar struggles to maintain conscious thought. A shaking hand pushes dark, wild hair from her eyes, and she looks across toward the two men...

She has to know how Rock has fared. And she has to know if they have won.

Were they fighting any lesser man, she would not have such doubt.

COMBATSYS: Amy takes no action.

For the second time, he has to deal with Ken's storm of kicks. This time, however, Rock is not as successful; instead of believing in himself, he has a moment--and that moment costs him in pain, as his world turns into a haze of red and kicks. The combination blasts him with pain and fire; when he regains his mind he's flat on his back, maybe ten yards away from where he started. But as painful as that was... the truth is, Rock simply didn't sustain the kind of damage that it would take to knock him out. After a moment on his back he rolls onto his shoulders, then kips up, landing on his feet, ready to--

--oh wait. Looks like Ken's out of the fight. "Huh... went better than I expected," he says, to himself, as he stands down from combat alert, so to speak--lowering his hands, surveying the scene. It was definitely a confidence-building fight--for Rock and, hopefully, for Amy and Ken both.

The makeshift blindfold goes flying off of Ken's face, his body slowly coming to a stop within the air. He's proved his point to them, and for now, he hurts. This is truly his loss, but it was a way for him to continue to grow. His body falls to the ground, thudding hard against the wooden floor. His eyes don't really have time to adjust to as everything is a true blur for him, so he's content with just laying there for a few minutes.
Ken slowly starts to climb to his feet, grinning slightly as he stumbles and falls over once again. "Ow. You two really did a number on me. Maybe I shouldn't have wore the blindfold..."

And at the sight, the Templar releases a long, slow sigh. Her head begins to droop, eyelids slipping closed for a moment as she releases all remaining tension from her battered body. It is a mistake; easing away from the adrenaline-fuelled rhythm of battle leaves her excruciatingly aware of every welt left by Ken Masters. She is not sure she can stand, though when the times comes she is able enough, doing so slowly.

A hand runs back through her hair, pushing back perspiration and removing tangled, dark lines from her flushed skin. She is wavering noticeably as she approaches the two men, inclining her torso in a bow to each of them. This has been a learning experience indeed, and for all that they have fought as equals, the respect is hers to give. With this act over though, a broad, if weary, slash of a grin is shot toward the US Champion.

"I do believe, without the blindfold, I wouldn't be standing here now." Her head shakes lightly from side to side, the dimples in her cheeks telling how much of an understatement this is. How else would she have evaded that crushing fireball? "But it was, truly, an honour, Mr. Masters. Thank you for the opportunity."

Turning to the wolf cub, her erstwhile partner, she extends a hand.

"And you, Rock," though she does momentarily hesitate over using his first name, "Perhaps one day we will fight on opposing sides. Until then, I would gladly support you again. You do your master proud." There is not a hint as to precisely which legend she means; the father or the mentor. He is free to draw his own conclusion, as once her grip is met with his own, the enigmatic Englishwoman favours the pair with one last bow and then makes her exit. She has given her all; and experienced what it means to pass through the upper echelons of this world of fighters.

Now, she needs to heal, before her training can be redoubled.

Next time she meets with either man, she will be stronger.

COMBATSYS: Amy has left the fight here.

COMBATSYS: Rock has ended the fight here.

Log created on 22:41:17 12/31/2010 by Amy, and last modified on 08:27:30 01/02/2011.