Balrog - Monsters don't always hide under the bed...

Description: There's a creeper lurking in Chun-Li's apartment, and his name is Balrog.

Singapore is a good match for Chun-Li, really, so it's not a shock that she enjoys staying in her lodgings there more than some of her more, er, ramshackle hideaways in some of the, uh, less reputable parts of Southeast Asia.

Her apartment is in a tall tower block not far from the financial cener, overlooking subway tracks, other tower blocks, et cetera. It's not the most glamorous accomodation, but her vigilante network is constantly grasping for funds as it is, so frugality and functionality are the key goals, more than comfort.

Indeed, the flat is rather spartan. There's a wall scroll providing some half-assed grasp at decor, but beyond that, the furniture is all generic -- dull and flat and angular. There's a television set, and two laptop computers are hooked up to the vigilante darknet, downloading status updates and diplomatic cables from around the world. Steam hovers around the bathroom door, the shower heating up in preparation for hosting the World's Strongest Woman.

In the meantime, Chun-Li is stretching. It doesn't suit her to be idle, after all. She's divested herself of most of her clothing, since she's going from here to the shower, anyway -- and like the apartment she's in, what's left isn't so much glamorous as functional for athletic and/or Spinning Bird Kick purposes, being a matched grey sports bra and thong. She's kneeling down, now, as the metaphorical curtains rise, tensing her mighty legs, one bent tightly and the other stretched out straight behind her, balanced on pointed toes.

It is difficult to determine how long the viper has been waiting, or even when he entered at all; the sparse decor has worked against the World's Strongest Woman, allowing him to slip in unannounced, and for the record, he finds this place tasteless and ordinary. Maybe it will look more welcoming with a splash of crimson here and there... Yes, that's exactly why interior decorators fear the Spaniard.

His breathing is measured and warm, condensation collecting on the inside of an expressionless, steel vizard, and Balrog is concealed by heavy shadows on the rafters. Green eyes gaze down at the stretching Chun-Li, a mixture of strange perversion and murderous intent to be found in their depths. Many would call it dishonorable, attacking a woman in her undergarments, but he cares so very little for something so meaningless. Only two things exist in this world: Beauty, and the ugly. Shame that someone so beautiful seeks to interfere with Shadaloo.

Can she hear it? The wild beat of the man's heart, thundering against his ribs in chaotic melody? Adrenaline surges through his lean form as she unknowingly offers her back to him. A creepy, muffled laugh is uttered, "Hello, my pretty." Balrog grasps the wooden support and swings down, brown loafers connecting with the bed, marking the covers. "It is nice to see you!" He launches off, powerful body twisting, descending upon the Asian woman with that lethal claw in a vicious slash.

COMBATSYS: Balrog has started a fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Balrog           0/-------/-------|

COMBATSYS: Chun-Li has joined the fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Chun-Li          0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0           Balrog

COMBATSYS: Balrog successfully hits Chun-Li with Flying Barcelona Attack.

[    \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////////// ]
Chun-Li          0/-------/-----==|==-----\-------\0           Balrog

Chun-Li's first mental process is to scold herself. As Balrog drops down and launches forward, her mind is cataloguing the number of ways she blew this one, and the number of security measures she's going to need to add to her existing procedures, and the projected cost on an already perilously stretched budget. (Luckily, she stands to make a good deal from the King of Fighters, but still.) As she thinks about all these things, her body moves nearly of its own volition. Her reflexes are extraordinary, snapping up into a defensive posture.

Even so, Balrog had the drop on her, and she's only a split second too slow -- his claws rake her belly, the slick ripping sound her flesh makes accompanied by the rapid, pulsing ooze of red blood. Chun-Li stumbles backward, trying to gain enough ground to properly react, let alone act -- one hand clutches her stomach, and she hisses resolutely once she's sure that none of her organs are in danger of falling out.

"Balrog," Chun-Li replies, her voice surprisingly calm, although tinged with noticeable pain. "So were you spying for your master like a good dog, or just to satisfy your own perversions?" After that question, Chun-Li moves. She's fast as lightning, and one of her strong legs snaps up. Nearly nude or no -- bleeding from a stomach wound or no -- she's still got some of the fiercest kicks in the world, and her foot attempts to introduce itself to the Spanish psychopath's ear.

COMBATSYS: Balrog dodges Chun-Li's Medium Kick.

[    \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////////////  ]
Chun-Li          0/-------/-----==|==-----\-------\0           Balrog

Flesh rips and blood is spilled... He's light-headed from sadistic euphoria - the Spanish ninja's heart races even faster, fit to burst.

Long braid of glossy hair trailing behind him dramatically, he skids past the woman on landing, whirling back to her. "Tut tut, my lovely," Deadly weapon glistening with red, Balrog splatters the wall, surely smiling behind that mask, "I just thought I would pay you a visit..." While adjusting his grasp on the bar-grip of his claw, the assassin caresses the frightfully sharp metal, "And maybe have some fun." Consider a snort of laughter tacked on at the end, because Chun-Li will be hardly receptive to his idea. Shame.

As her bare leg snaps up, it sweeps clean over his head. The Spaniard ducks low, gazing up at the extended appendage... Followed by lunging. Hoping to catch the Chinese woman off balance, he grabs for the limb currently supporting her weight.

COMBATSYS: Chun-Li dodges Balrog's Izuna Drop.

[    \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////////   ]
Chun-Li          0/-------/-----==|==-----\-------\0           Balrog

Fool Chun-Li once, shame on you, and so on. When her kick misses, she instantly adjusts -- and springs herself into the air. As Balrog goes low, she's kicking off of the wall, leaving a pair of broken, dented footprints in the bland surface. She touches down behind the Spaniard, grimacing intently -- it's unclear which of them is the bullfighter here, even though Balrog has the advantage of cultural profiling.

"I don't think our ideas of 'fun' have ever synched up," Chun-Li notes dryly, in a tone devoid of actual humor. Even though she's wounded and on the defensive -- she's on the receiving end of a home invasion, after all -- she doesn't seem scared of Balrog, or even annoyed by his assault. She's keeping herself together and collected, aside from the blood loss. It's why she's such a professional.

Another reason is that before Balrog can really correct himself and go for another lunging attack, Chun-Li is charging /him/. At the last moment, she takes to the air, flipping over Balrog -- and lancing her legs out, to try and concuss him. Or maybe break his nose. It's unclear whether she allows herself to imagine the satisfaction that would come from doing that.

COMBATSYS: Balrog blocks Chun-Li's Tenshin Shuu Kyaku.

[     \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////    ]
Chun-Li          0/-------/---====|==-----\-------\0           Balrog

"Your denial is swift, and cuts like a diamond," The Spanish ninja reflects, his voice deep and level. He straightens smoothly, the motion almost cat-like, regarding the leaping Chun-Li until he's no longer able, lacking eyes in the back of his skull, "I like that in a woman, especially one as stunning as yourself." A ringing cackle rends the air, high-pitched and echoing from every wall like a demented symphony, Balrog its conductor.

Eventually, she tries to gain the initiative, but the viper is not caught unawares. His form almost blurs, and the kick bounces off his forearm, blocked thusly and rendered useless. It stings, but is certainly a prefered outcome to what could have happened. "So, kitten," Breathing deeply, the oxygen that expands his lungs and chest almost makes the purple tattoo seem alive, "How shall I skin you this evening?"

Within the cut holes of his steel mask, Balrog's beautiful forest green eyes narrow, taking in the World's Strongest Woman, "Perhaps I can make this fun for you..." That long braid is trailing out behind him again, the ninja moving to the side, prowling, "Do you enjoy screaming?" His leg lifts, foot finding the dresser, and Balrog pushes off from it, flying straight across the distance, clawed-hand extended. His muffled laughter that follows is truly that of a madman.

COMBATSYS: Chun-Li blocks Balrog's Medium Strike.

[      \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////    ]
Chun-Li          0/-------/---====|====---\-------\0           Balrog

Chun-Li throws her arms up instinctively -- the angle is wrong to use her tai chi training and send Balrog hurtling off along his way, but it's at least enough for her to slam backward into the wall with a controlled degree of force. Her shoulders smash more dents in the drywall; she's not getting her security deposit back.

Pushing Balrog away just enough to earn herself breathing room, Chun-Li finally replies, with a straight face: "I enjoy justice."

Having delivered that atrocious line, Chun-Li seems intent on following it up with more respectable violence. She draws one leg up again, keeping her knee bent and her thigh turned inward, as if to use the pose as a defensive stand as much as anything else -- but then, considering her protection otherwise is 'a thong,' she should probably take what she can get. All the same, this defensive posture quickly unfurls into a vicious attack -- very quickly, as Chun-Li seeks to savage Balrog with a torrent of kicks so fast that the blur of her leg seems to ignite, a blaze of chi trailing her heel.

COMBATSYS: Chun-Li successfully hits Balrog with Hyakuretsu Kyaku.

[        \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////////         ]
Chun-Li          0/-------/-======|=======\-------\1           Balrog

Justice? That's it? There are so many other things in this world that are worth enjoying. Why limit oneself to something so futile? Besides which, true justice is unobtainable. Even now, attacked in her own home by a known assailant, Chun-Li will not arrest this man. There will be no justice here. Balrog scoffs at the very idea, rebounding as the woman leaps back herself, his assumed stance light and springy. "How boring." The Spaniard says, pushing the long braid back over his muscular shoulder.

Soon eyeing her defensive posture critically, this does not prevent Balrog's gaze from raking over the woman's body. He silently admires her curves, gaze lingering on key areas, then Chun-Li's has to go and unfurl that leg in a furious torrent of kicks. This ruins the moment, but he does not move, weathering each strike. His sudden closeness and height prevent him from taking more than a single ding to his vizard, and that displeases Balrog. Eventually, he succumbs with an 'urg', only knocked back, not out.

Surging forwards, probably once the very last whisp of chi is snuffed out, his weapon-less right hand snaps out, fingers itching to close around Chun-Li's tender, delicious-looking throat. He'll lift her up from there without hesitation, if successful, and walk to the wall, slamming her roughly against it. Really not gonna get that security deposit back now, "Play nice, my beauty." The claw itself traces along the top of the woman's thigh, the manner almost sexually suggestive... Then he just discards her, casting the Asian likely into the night-stand table.

COMBATSYS: Chun-Li dodges Balrog's Quick Throw.

[        \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////////         ]
Chun-Li          0/-------/-======|=======\-------\1           Balrog

"Gurk," is Chun-Li's eloquent response to having her throat grabbed. Pushed to the wall, her powerful legs tense -- and when he throws her, she lands as if she'd planned the maneuver all along, slapping down a hand to form a three-point stance and steady herself. Her frown has deepened, likely as a result of the way that claw toyed with her thigh, daring to graze just a bit too close. And if there's anything more phallic than a long blade, it's three of them.

"I'm not playing, Balrog." Her oxhorns, which she was going to properly unbraid before getting into the shower, threaten to come loose and spill her surprisingly long hair around her shoulders -- thus far, they resist temptation. "That you consider what you're doing a game only underlines how sick you are."

Damn. No sympathy. It's almost like Chun-Li doesn't like the idea of being sexually assaulted.

The Most Dangerous Woman in the World, stuck fighting in her rapidly crumbling apartment in her thankfully still-intact underwear, realizes that she may have to tilt the odds in her favor a bit. So one leg lashes out to try and feign a kick to Balrog's stomach, outright daring him to catch it. The twist being that should that leg connect them, her next move is to, with one fluid motion, rip the lamp on her nightstand out of its socket and smash it toward the masked man's head.

COMBATSYS: Balrog dodges Chun-Li's Combo Grapple.

[        \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////          ]
Chun-Li          0/-------/=======|=======\=------\1           Balrog

Believe it or not, Balrog is not under any misconceptions here: He does not think that any woman in this world enjoys being assaulted, sexually or physically, but... The viper doesn't care. He is a psychotic murderer, not a rapist, and his current actions are taken due to their very core unsettling nature - unnerving Chun-Li is exactly what the Spaniard endeavors to do. Why? Because it's fun, and because he can. Because it's /her/.

The sneering expression he wears at Chun-Li's escape is hidden, but it saturates in his fighting spirit, annoyance wafting off him and his insolent posture. "A game? Perish the thought, my darling. This is not a game at all." He drags the last word out, twisting it, feasting on it with his predator's grin, which is sadly missed, "This is a sport." She takes aim and attacks, but as her leg extends, the Spaniard moves to the side. The way he does this is almost as though spotting something more interesting on the other side of the room, but perhaps not. He turns back soon enough, and if she does throw that lamp, well... Balrog isn't there anymore.

Like the viper, side-winding a path silently, the ninja too has found some way to zigzag right into the Chinese woman's personal space, hopefully without detection. The gold wrist-cuff of his claw shimmers, truly an omen of things to come, and he attempts to grab a firm hold of Chun-Li's silky hair. From there, the Adonis springs onto her shoulders, wrapping both powerful legs around the woman's head and locking them securely at her back. "HIIIIII-YA!" He twists, back arching, hand to the carpet, and tries to bring her crashing down underneath him.

COMBATSYS: Chun-Li fails to interrupt Rainbow Suplex from Balrog with Koshuu Tou.

[            \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////           ]
Chun-Li          1/------=/=======|=======\==-----\1           Balrog

Oh no.

Balrog's junk is all up in Chun-Li's grill. She turns her head to try and get the obvious bulge so that it's not in a 'honking her nose' position, while at the same time trying to grab his shoulders and shove him away. It doesn't work -- in either sense. The World's Strongest Woman gets a faceful of spandex-clad Spaniard crotch, and then gets smashed to the ground.

She's smashed down so hard that Chun bounces. Hurtling like a big, near-naked tennis ball, she tumbles into the open bathroom doorway. The shower has been given ample time to warm up by now, and at this point is just wasting hot water. The Most Dangerous Woman in Her Underwear manages to stop herself from putting her head through the glass stall, but only just. Turning, she glares at Balrog, moving to try and pull herself to her feet. No words can convey how violated she feels, so she doesn't even try.

Violated? Come now. It's not like the Spaniard has done anything terrible this time; there was nothing sexually suggestive in suplexing Chun-Li into the carpet with his legs, aside from the exhilarating rush that followed successful execution. As she bounces, Balrog springs away, landing and striding after the woman to the bathroom, leaning against the door-frame and gazing down at her prone form with those cold green eyes. He laughs, the sound chilling, steel of his mask fogging over, "Don't you have anything else for me, my sweet?" Does the man even know her name?

Lifting the claw-free right hand, he pushes up the vizard, revealing only the lower half of his impossibly handsome face. He puckers his lips, making a kissing face at her, and then it disappears. "Next time we meet, you should wear something lovely. I find your appearance right now to be rather vulgar." And he charges forwards again, sliding across the ceramic tile and through the mist, seizing the opportunity to attack again while it's present.

The deadly claw pulls back, and there's a wild, feral look in his eyes... Balrog thrusts the weapon at the Strongest and Mostly Naked Woman in the World, aiming once again for supple flesh and bone. "I am beginning to think that maybe it's not screaming, but running away that you favour." That only excites him more - the murderer loves the chase.

COMBATSYS: Balrog successfully hits Chun-Li with Power Strike.

[                \\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////          ]
Chun-Li          1/-----==/=======|=======\===----\1           Balrog

Bad to worse: Chun-Li is slammed into. Sandwiched between Balrog and the wall, there's nowhere to move -- she can't avoid the claw in time. And so, with the hot water hissing on both of them, Chun-Li is stabbed in the shoulder, the claws sinking in until they're stopped by the more resilient parts of her body. "AAAUGH!" Chun-Li cries, unable to stop herself from giving him the satisfaction of a scream.

That's all he gets, though, because she quickly steels herself. Though her shoulder has just been impaled by the Spanish madman, she chokes back any more cries. Instead, she hoarsely whispers, face wet from the shower: "I find... /everything/... about you... vulgar."

Chun-Li doesn't follow it up by spitting on Balrog or anything so uncouth. Her hands are gathered between the two of them, though, and right now she's so angry -- Chun-Li, actually angry! -- that focusing her chi comes almost unnervingly easily.

That blue chi flickers -- and then flares. While Balrog is a captive audience, so to speak, Chun-Li might as well give him a show -- one that demolishes the entire shower, half the bathroom besides, and hopefully Balrog himself in the atom-bomb spherical explosion of fighting spirit.

COMBATSYS: Chun-Li successfully hits Balrog with Kikoushou.
Glancing Blow

[                 \\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////               ]
Chun-Li          0/-------/-----==|=======\======-\1           Balrog

With the warm spray of water falling lightly upon their heads, claw embedded deep into the woman's shoulder, Balrog leans forwards and hisses into her ear, "Yes, that's it." as she cries out in pain. The bone prevents steel blades from penetrating further, so as to elicit another pained scream, his weight is eased onto the weapon... Until a sudden flurry of movement catches his attention - the Spaniard would have to be blind to miss it.

"My love, you don't even know me." Amused, but serious at the same time, he's not so much a captive audience... More of a calculating one, attempting to determine what is going to happen and when it is necessary to react. Too bad everything goes down far quicker than he can process it. With the flare of chi, a snap signifies the latch around his wrist is undone. He slides his hand out of the golden gauntlet, leaving the claw behind, and moves to only save himself.

Bounding backwards, the expanding sphere of frightful energy consumes the lower half of his body before he flees its range. It's a burning sensation, almost as if he had been hit with fire, and as soon as his feet touch the carpet, Balrog stumbles and lands against the dresser, holding onto it in order to remain upright. The Spaniard's legs tingle unpleasantly from the thigh down, "Bitch." He mutters softly.

Since the bathroom has likely been destroyed, does that mean the apartment is starting to flood? There's a gaping hole where the doorway used to be... Hopefully his claw is still intact. Otherwise, it will be the second one lost in such a short amount of time. Grasping the edge of the furniture, he topples it over, throwing it to the ground, and ventures forth to find out what has become of Chun-Li and his murderous 'sidekick'.

COMBATSYS: Balrog calculates his next move.

[                 \\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////               ]
Chun-Li          0/-------/-----==|=======\======-\1           Balrog

The claw stays stuck in Chun-Li's shoulder until she tears it out. Blood squirts from the wound, not particularly fetchingly; she grunts. She casts the claw aside -- it clatters on the ground, the noise lost in the escaping steam of broken pipes and the roar of water spilling everywhere. Yes, the apartment is flooding.

Undressed, wounded, and a fair bit ticked-off, Chun-Li emerges from the clouds of steam as Balrog advances. The apartment is pretty much wrecked, bits of ceiling and door frame falling away. Then, something else moves, ahead of the World's Strongest Woman -- a smaller flicker of chi, zipping toward Balrog's chest.

Of course, it might be hard to focus on the kikouken, because it's accompanied by Chun-Li jumping /over/ her own projectile with a heel aimed for Balrog's head.

Chun-Li: Her Own Tag Team. And that's real.

COMBATSYS: Balrog fails to interrupt Hazanshu from Chun-Li with Stardust Drop.

[                \\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////                      ]
Chun-Li          0/-------/-======|>>>>>>>\>>>>>>>\2           Balrog

It seems that the predator is somewhat wary of his prey, for when the Spaniard nears what was once the bathroom threshold, loafers squishing down on soggy, damp carpet, Balrog comes to a halt. Pushing back the magnificent braid of blonde-brown hair, his head cants slightly to the side, and he listens intently. There's a fair bit of noise happening here: the wild spray of water from busted pipes, hissing steam, crumbling drywall and his own heavy breathing... How the ninja assassin manages to hear the faint, muted clatter of his claw on broken tile is anyone's guess, and then he waits.

Soon enough, as he suspected, something emerges from the swirling steam - it has to be the World's Strongest Woman, right? Well, if she were a ball of chi, sure! He steps to the side with a hidden frown, which brings the matador directly into Chun-Li's path. Balrog's head snaps back, his eyes widen, his muscles tense to spring up at her in a last-ditch effort to deny this strike, but her foot connects with the side of his face... Actually, it's right where the very edge of the mask is located, near his ear.

The leather strap gives way instantly, unhooking from the steel vizard. It swings off his beautiful face, exposing it, and drops to the ground harmlessly, water from the floor pooling on the inside. He instinctively turns with the kick, and coldly straightens after another stumble. A hand cups his lovely cheek, "You..." The Spaniard says, rage flooding his tone - there's faint swelling to be felt under the pads of his fingers already, "Consider yourself fortunate that I won't be killing you for this!" Balrog finally snarls.

"Balrog," Chun-Li calmly replies, "you couldn't kill me if you /tried/."

How dare she? To react so glibly to his words -- to seem so /unimpressed/ with his beautiful face! Who does she think she is?! Chun-Li thinks she's someone who may yet get the upper hand and hold onto it properly. With Balrog divested of his claw and what little sanity he keeps stored in that mask, she has to work this advantage fast and hard.

And that's why Chun-Li runs in and suddenly finds herself upside-down. Her hair is a mess, pulled loose so that its true length can be revealed, wet and slicked back. Her underclothes are soaked, her sports bra stained heavily on one side with her own blood. Her shoulder has been punctured, and her belly torn. But damn if she can't still defy physics like nobody's business. She goes down, and her legs spin out, and she cries, despite the lack of an audience:


COMBATSYS: Balrog parries Chun-Li's Spinning Bird Kick!

[                 \\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////                      ]
Chun-Li          1/-----==/=======|>>>>>>>\>>>>>>>\2           Balrog

Is that a challenge? The man sneers at her words, for he truly believes otherwise... But Balrog is merely toying with the Asian woman today, entertaining himself with this 'sport' because /certain individuals/ would not appreciate Chun-Li's death. Do not think that the Spaniard fears the dictator of Shadaloo, however he knows better than to piss him off. If Sagat could crack his rib so easily, and Sagat answers to a single person, then Vega would break the matador over one knee. Sounds unpleasant!

What little advantage was provided is swiftly spirited away, for as the World's Strongest Woman turns over and defies gravity, the assassin takes flight. He knocks a spinning leg off-path, then rolls along the floor underneath her, heads passing one another as if this were some strange, twisted dance maneuver, before continuing on into the billowing steam of the shattered bathroom. From there, Balrog disappears from sight. He has likely found that claw of his...

If Chun-Li goes searching for him, her efforts will be futile. Under the cover of fog, using the bloody weapon as a fulcrum to swing back up to the wooden supports above, the Spanish ninja drops straight down at her back. He attempts to clamp the right hand down on her wounded shoulder and send those sharpened, talon-like fingernails straight into the crimson mess, gripping her flesh. The other, claw present but currently unthreatening, seeks the smooth skin of her thigh. If she doesn't evade his grasp, Balrog leans forwards, bare chest to her spine, warm breath at the woman's ear, "You may be beautiful, but you are a fool."

Bad things are coming.

Muscles bulging, he braces his legs against the sopping wet carpet, length of braid swinging, then throws the Chinese woman at the ceiling. As she starts to fall, he positions himself beneath her, and slashes cruelly with that claw at the tender skin, laughing maniacally...

COMBATSYS: Chun-Li dodges Balrog's Red Impact EX.

[                 \\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////                      ]
Chun-Li          1/-----==/=======|=====--\-------\0           Balrog

Chun-Li is thrown at the ceiling -- and acts fast. She grabs hold of a light fixture and for a brief moment uses it to pull herself upward, wrenching her body out of the path of Balrog's claw. The movement has to be swift, though, because her weight -- and the force of her pull -- rip the fixture out of the ceiling. She manages to tumble away from Balrog, leaving him to swipe at nothing and laugh himself sick if he so chooses.

But whatever he does, it's all the same to her, really. She got lucky with that one -- she could have ended up with a lot more of her blood clouding the water splashing around their ankles. But a break is a break, and they need to be exploited. He'll be off his game after that whiff, she hopes -- his overconfidence seems to make him rattle more swiftly. She hopes.

But what she hopes most of all is that some of his teeth will rattle too, when her foot snaps out right toward his pretty face, to swell up that mouth some.

COMBATSYS: Balrog interrupts Medium Kick from Chun-Li with Scarlet Terror.

[                     \\\\\\\\\  < >  ///                           ]
Chun-Li          1/--=====/=======|=======\=------\1           Balrog

Well, no, he's not going to laugh his head off if there's really nothing to thrill him, though the claw does slash through the thickening air. Steel blades winding up back at his side once he completes the swing, Balrog is left to contemplate exactly what comes next... The cracking of the light fixture holds his attention briefly, noting where it will fall, and then Chun-Li kicks at him. He smiles, spreading his arms wide and welcoming for the incoming strike, but reacts before it closes in on his angellic face.

Leaning back, the Adonis kicks off, springing into a sudden backflip with the woman's heel skinning his flat abdomen and chest. He aims both toes of his brown loafers to deliver a crippling blow to her spine, crimson chi tracing after him, perhaps even assisting the Spaniard - the entire motion is quick and sudden, almost a complete blur.

Once it's over, tucking both knees under his chin, Balrog lands in a heavy crouch, his white leggings soaking in even more water. His breath comes in soft pants, and from the sagging in his shoulders with each exhale, the Spanish ninja may not be able to keep up with this pace for much longer. Only time will tell.

Stubborn woman.

Stubborn indeed -- one doesn't devote one's life to the pursuit of veng-- er, justice without having a stubborn streak!

"/Enough/," comes Chun-Li's declaration. The World's Strongest Woman is firm but cordial in her tone -- her anger is kept buttoned down, restricted to her motions rather than her speech. She's on the ground -- on her knees, her spine on fire from the devastating kick. The injuries are mounting up; the pain is intense.

Intense, but not unbearable.

"The next time Vega wants to harass me," Chun-Li says, voice tight... she stands. "Tell him..." She moves, starting to run, even though it hurts so much. "To do it..." She's up, leaping.


Chun-Li's shout is matched by the flare of chi around her legs, blue energy shining on the water all over the floor. The power is uncanny -- and the speed moreso, as she seeks to bring her foot right down on Balrog, and possibly even knock him clear through a wall.

COMBATSYS: Balrog interrupts Tensei Ranka from Chun-Li with Scarlet Mirage.

[                             \  < >                                ]
Chun-Li          1/------=/=======|>>>>>>>\>>>>>>>\2           Balrog

COMBATSYS: Balrog can no longer fight.

[                             \  <
Chun-Li          1/------=/=======|

That's almost as pointless as the notion of justice, especially when vengeance is sought from Vega. Good luck, Balrog would not trade places with this woman for the entire world and all the beauty therein.

Snorting, it stirs the mist around his face, swirling it. Balrog quirks one of his perfect eyebrows, practically dragging himself to his feet, and breathes deeply, "Do you honestly think," She's charging at the matador, "that Lord Vega has the time," Chun-Li is in the air, her foot bearing down upon him. The Spaniard's green eyes widen, one brown loafer inches forwards and he literally throws /everything/ he has into one final strike...


The two attacks go toe to toe, the ninja flipping over once, twice... He's aware that he's kicking the World's Strongest Woman /somewhere/, but she has the final say, bare foot cutting through the final strike, catching the Spaniard square in the chest. The hit winds him, and he lets out a strangled gasp of air. Then, Balrog smashes through the apartment wall, bowled over into the suite next-door. Shock and screams are immediate from the tenants.

Amid the ensuing confusion, Balrog slips past the two who rush to the hole in the wall, aghast at the water now flooding THEIR home. For now, the festivities are over. Perhaps another time? The viper throws open a window, swings himself over the ledge onto the fire escape, and escapes to the streets of Singapore, vanishing into the night.

Chun-Li takes the kick right to the jaw. She doesn't go flying -- she just drops to the ground as Balrog does. She's already blacking out, and can feel the darkness creeping around the edges of her vision. Her last move is to pitch herself onto her overturned dresser and lay across it -- to avoid passing out in the flooding water and drowning.

But all the same: Chun-Li's world fades to black. When she wakes up, she'll remember everything. And then Balrog will really be in trouble.

COMBATSYS: Chun-Li has ended the fight here.

Log created on 20:46:30 12/15/2010 by Balrog, and last modified on 22:39:15 12/22/2010.