Yuri - Mall Madness

Description: When Yuri Sakazaki makes an unexpected encounter with Varvara, things start off on the wrong note, and only get worse from there. Don't expect any Season's Greetings in this holiday shopping madness encounter!

Southtown! Southtown! It's Sunday and it's as good a day as any to go shopping for... just about anything. Post-invasion Southtown is still working back up its old strength even after Geese was unceremoniously ripped out of power from front to back. With the American Thanksgiving season coming up (not to mention significantly colder days), it's getting particularly busy especially among American families that live in these parts.
Take one Varvara Economou, Greek-Cypirot immigrant (...more like vagrant) in Southtown whom, after a chance meeting with a shady and dangerous man, at last is getting a tiny taste of what it's like to be an ordinary human being with somewhat disposable income.
For being of such a modest height, she sticks out like a sore thumb among crowds. Her clothes are dirty and ragged, with a few old blood stains from a fair bit of fighting in recent days to ensure she still has something of a steady cashflow. Her face, scarred. Her body, hardly a strong definition of traditional femininity.
Put all these together and she really looks like she does not belong in a particularly popular clothing store that's a favorite stop for students and young women alike. Some clerks are eyeing her with suspicion, wondering if someone of her appearance and (dare we say) scent is really just there to steal something. She can't possibly have money to pay for any of these, can she?
She's staring longingly at some sort of green dress, and has been for the last few minutes as though giving careful consideration to something or another.

With the holidays approaching, the crowds are drawn to the malls. So is Yuri Sakazaki, who is wearing her standard outfit, oddly enough. Then again, she might have been spending the day at the dojo and decided to come out for a little while. But either way, those who know Yuri are the ones who get a wave and a grin from her.

The first place she intends to stop, oddly enough, is the toy store. Even though she's in her teens, Yuri is still quite a child a heart and even acts childish. That's just how Yuri is, and that's pretty much her trademark. But for some reason, she's decided to stop at the very clothing store that Varvara happens to be at. She enters and heads towards the Misses section, apparently looking for something more of her size. She's not aware of Varvara just yet, nor does she even know who she is. Although if she does spot her, she'll most likely find herself idly commenting about how ugly she looks.

Both Yuri and Varvara are fairly close in height, so it's not a stretch to assume they'd be in roughly the same general section when looking for new clothes. Varvara's nostrils flare once, as though there's a smell that offends her. It's very foreign - someone strides by wearing expensive perfume that smells a whole lot like something edible.
This reminds her how hungry she is. She should really get something to eat. A lot of something to eat.
As her eyes follow the source of that cologne, she does happen along eventually upon Yuri seemingly displeased with her presence. This woman is not shy about how she looks. She is who she is, what she does is not pretty. She wonders how so many others get to keep a pretty face doing the same things she does.
To this, she only asks one thing.
"What?" She says to Yuri, as if offended or a little angry. But, she almost always comes off as that.

Unfortunately, Yuri did encounter Varvara, and while she did wrinkle her nose a little and started to turn away, the fact that Varvara asks her 'What?' is what causes her to turn to face Varvara again, with an eyebrow raised in confusion. "Whaddya mean 'what?'" Yuri asks, sounding both annoyed and somewhat sarcastic. "I didn't even say anything to you, and here you are talking to me like I got a problem with you or something?" She scowls, folding her arms and narrowing her eyes, although it's partially to obscure Varvara's rather ugly form as well as show her anger. "Who the hell are you anyway?!"

Yuri has two inches on Varvara in terms of raw height, but Varvara's got an extra fifteen pounds. It's hard to say who'd win in a straight-up staredown between the two, but if it's a staredown Yuri wants, it's a staredown she's getting from the Cypirot who lets go of the dress she's inspecting. She doesn't fold her arms or narrow her eyes. Her knuckles crack loudly.
"I'm shopping." She replies flatly. Could it be she is the amazing hobo Shopping-Chan?! (No.)

"I know that you're shopping, obviously," Yuri says, still scowling. "But what's the big idea and coming up to me like you've got some kind of a problem? I didn't bother you or anything, nor did I say anything about you. If I've done something to bother you, then tell me, OK? Sheesh!" Yuri sounds a bit impatient now and she leans against a nearby display rack while still staring at Varvara, albeit indirectly.

"Tch." Varvara's response to Yuri's scowling and lecturing can be summed up with an angry wrinkled face. Some are already expecting these two lovely ladies - no, let's revise this here - lovely lady and whatever Varvara is to just throw down on the spot with the angry noises Yuri is making.
"Shut up." Varvara replies after the fact and goes back to looking at the dress, as if to not want to be disturbed. Though, compared to a few minutes before, she takes the dress off the rack and holds it in front of her, then up against herself, as if to see how it'd look.
Her shoulders are probably a touch too thick for them, unfortunately, but it doesn't stop her from looking down at herself thinking about what it'd be like to wear something like this.

"You know, you got a lotta guts telling someone like me to shut up!" Yuri says with a fierce glare, before folding her arms and turning away, hmmphing as she does so. She doesn't say anything else for now, she just starts to walk away. Although, her steps are slow and deliberate, almost like she's trying to avoid making too much noise as she walks in case the mysterious girl tries to follow after her. Hopefully, this won't turn into a street fight, since this is the last place Takuma would want to find Yuri fighting. Not to mention, she's not exactly up for getting kicked out of the mall at this time of the year either.

Malls are a great place to be, if you want to buy things. Or just kill time. Or, if you're a man who goes by the name of Shiden, and you're tracking someone to watch up on them, they're a great place to hide in the crowd. He's as inconspicuous as possible, blending into the crowd. But he'll make his presence known to Varvara... pulling out a slim phone, he just smiles to himself, and thinks for a moment. Then he starts punching buttons.
Not being a teenage girl, he's not as fast a texter as some, but the message will come through on the phone that he gave Varvara, which will buzz and vibrate if she has it on her. If she pulls it out? Then there'll be a text message waiting on it, displayed on the screen (she won't even have to retrieve it!) What does it say?
"$500 if you can beat her up." Of course he knows who Yuri Sakazaki is, and, he figures, she'll be good training for Varvara...

Varvara looks up again with another sour look when Yuri squeals back at her about having a whole lotta guts... just in time for her to walk away. Varvara's already put the dress back on the rack. A clerk comes up to Febreeze bomb the dress just behind her, a plenty rude gesture on their own that should rightfully incite violence by itself.
Varvara's phone suddenly vibrates. Of course she keeps the phone on her. Her phone is the niftiest thing ever. Pulling it out of an unseen pocket that says it cleanly - 500 dollars if she can beat her up. She eyes some of the price tags proudly proclaiming how cheap some of these articles of clothing are.
It doesn't take long for Varvara to make up her mind when there's only one thing, and one thing alone she has to her advantage. The only thing she has that she can make money with. (No, not that thing, nobody of any sort of taste would want that.)
Yuri's slow walking might be what potentially does her in, as it lets Varvara catch up to her easily as she puts the phone away. She already wanted to do this when she was screaming at her. Now there's a goodly amount of money on the line. She wants it. She must have it. She /will/ have it.
It's unannounced. No polite proclamation of wanting a friendly fight, no call for attention beyond her drawing closer. The very moment Yuri's in arm's reach - and Varvara in particular spares no expense in closing that distance - she goes straight for a headlock with one arm and a hard punch to Yuri's head with the other.

COMBATSYS: Varvara has started a fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Varvara          0/-------/-------|

COMBATSYS: Yuri has joined the fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Varvara          0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0             Yuri

COMBATSYS: Yuri blocks Varvara's Minotaur Slayer.

[  \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////////////  ]
Varvara          0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0             Yuri

Call it intuition, call it luck, or just call it good timing. But whatever you want to call it, know that Yuri just happens to react just as Varvara gets her in a headlock. She yelps out, "Hey, get off me!" As she brings one hand up to protect her head while the other is brought up to try to push Varvara's arm off of her. The former seems to do the better job, though, since Yuri finds herself deflecting the punch away, giving her the momentum she needs to break free and move into a fighting stance. "So, you wanna fight here, huh? Well, I'm gonna make you regret your doing this to me!"

Yuri steps sideways, nearly knocking over a startled bystander who was too shocked to do anything but watch. The bystander got out of the way in time, but not before Yuri gave him a comment like, 'Get outta here!' She then turns to face Varvara and says, "I didn't have a problem with you before, but now I sure do!" And Yuri intends to hammer that point home with a swift kick aimed right at Varvara's stomach! Good thing she didn't eat yet!

COMBATSYS: Varvara endures Yuri's Strong Kick.

[        \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////////////  ]
Varvara          0/-------/---====|=------\-------\0             Yuri

Yuri is loud, bouncy, and sassy. She's a fun person to be around, full of attitude and charm, that even her aggressive gestures may seem cute and endearing to a lot of people even with how much force she can put behind them. She's Takuma's daughter, and even as a woman she's got a better kick than most men twice her size.
Varvara, on the other hand, is a down-and-down fighter. She makes no attempt to look anything other than the part. It's not pretty, it's not glittery, it's not shiny, it's all she has to make a living - period. She merely snarls at Yuri's vocal retort about not having a problem prior when she was sassing away pretty blatantly. It shows when she goes and punts her in the stomach with a force that can crack ribs and make people vomit up lunches.
There's a sound of something cracking, all right. The problem is, it doesn't stop her. It doesn't stop her from leaning /into/ that kicking leg in an attempt to twist her leg - ankle and knee - in directions they are not supposed to go, leaning into it with a crouch that suggests a willingness to give up a more defensible perception just to make sure she can't walk away too easy, if Yuri doesn't get her leg out of that grip post-haste.
There's a woman's touch and there's Varvara's touch. You don't want Varvara's touch.

COMBATSYS: Varvara successfully hits Yuri with Strong Throw.

[       \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////       ]
Varvara          0/-------/---====|====---\-------\0             Yuri

Unfortunately, when you throw an attack at an opponent, you never know if they've got an ulterior motive or something lying in wait. Sadly, that happens with Yuri, who gets her leg caught and then bent out of proportion big time. Yuri lets out a squeal of pain as she goes down to the floor, yelping even more as she hits the floor hard. Apparently, department stores never had fighting in mind when they made their floors so hard.

"You little bitch!" Yuri snaps angrily, trying to draw her injured leg towards her as slowly as she can, although it doesn't need to be snapped back into place. "I'll make you regret what you just did to me!" Yuri takes advantage of the slow movement to try to catch Varvara off-guard and literally attempt to tackle her with a good hook!

COMBATSYS: Varvara blocks Yuri's Medium Punch.

[        \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////       ]
Varvara          0/-------/--=====|====---\-------\0             Yuri

By now, people who were oblivious of what was going on around them are already making sure to keep their distance. Clerks are a bit wary about trying to go over there and break it up - Yuri is infamous and that hobo lady doesn't look particularly friendly (and there's almost no greater truth out there).
There's a surprising lack of anything coming close to smug joy or what have you at Yuri's squealing in pain. Varvara seems much more occupied in just beating Yuri until she stops talking. If anything, the insult probably inspires her to want to do a bit more. When Yuri gets her leg out, though, Varvara is distinctly at the disadvantage when Yuri just up and throws herself at her while the grappler's in a kneel.
It's a close save. It's not a clean block, it's two hands trying to literally hold Yuri's one angry fist back, and even a catch to both palms leaves a bit of a mark - she punches way better than her frame lets on, something that infuriates her just a bit more. She'd have loved getting those 500 dollars for next to no real effort.
"Ya like my face?" She asks once before balling up her right hand and - what else? - swinging to smash it into Yuri's face to try and bust up her nose, or at least get a trendy little bruise on there.
When you're a fighter, you don't go in expecting to stay beautiful. That's what Varvara grew up to understand.

Shiden moves a bit closer, getting a good eye on the engagement. He's curious to see how Varvara fights against Yuri--gathering information on not only the teammate but a potential opponent, at some time and some place. Much easier to earn that information without having to fight her--of course the best information comes from the fighting... but laying the foundation is easiest from a distance. And Varvara is so easy to manipulate. Even more than most of the people he associates with professionally, she's motivated by the baser instincts in life.

COMBATSYS: Yuri fails to interrupt Strong Punch from Varvara with Saiha.
- Power fail! -

[       \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////             ]
Varvara          0/-------/--=====|=======\-------\0             Yuri

"No, I don't like you at all!" Yuri snaps, trying to get back from Varvara as she sees another punch starting. Then, Yuri has an idea of trying an energy based deflection by encircling her fists with her chi. Unfortunately, it doesn't work. Varvara's too quick for Yuri. As a result, Yuri's decked in the nose and is knocked off of Varvara and sent flying into a nearby jewelry display case. The glass doesn't break, which is for beter or worse, since Yuri whacks her head against it.

"Unngh... oww..." Yuri says, holding her bloody nose and trying to shake the dizziness off. Not easy given that she's already got a bad leg in addition to this. She tries to stand up, not putting too much pressure on her bad leg, but as she's getting up, odds are she's leaving herself open to another attack from Varvara.

Where Yuri's flying to the jewelry case and trying to catch her breath, Varvara is not letting her catch a break even with that bright little flash of chi that teases to repel her but ultimately disperses in the wake of Varvara's mighty punch.
Shiden reads her well - she is someone so very easily motivated by the simple, basest things she didn't get much access to growing up. She knows where her strengths lie, and she works them to eat, to live, to /survive/.
Survival, in this case, includes beating an innocent girl who was mouthy but otherwise harmless to a pulp, heedless of the blood coming out of Yuri's nose or the mounting pain in her own midsection from that first vicious kick. Almost like a rabid dog, she chases Yuri right up to the jewelry case she's up against.
She starts firing off alternating punches in rapid order, as if boxing Yuri to a pulp. Some of those punches probably miss, if not all of them - depending on how alert Yuri is to further assault - but almost undoubtedly shattering cases which will probably set off some sort of loud, obnoxious alarm.
Even if Yuri can't muster an offense, there's no doubt Varvara will be cutting her hands against this glass. She really only cares that Yuri goes down and stays down long enough to get that five hundred dollars.

COMBATSYS: Yuri blocks Varvara's Binding Seeds.

[        \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////               ]
Varvara          0/-------/--=====|=======\-------\1             Yuri

Weakened, bloodied, and dazed. When you're in a situation like this, you tend to have little in terms of vision and ability to do things. As a result, when you see something coming at you, namely something in the form of Varvara attempting a rather dangerous looking attack, you'd probably just raise your arms and hope for the best. For Yuri, defending herself proves to be a smart move, since she's able to keep herself from getting knocked down again.

"Ohhh... you..." Yuri starts to clear the stars from her head while grabbing a nearby towel from another display to wipe the blood off of her face, still limping on that bad leg. "You think you're all that... but you're not! You're just some cheap girl who likes to pick fights in stores like this!" Yuri then takes a half-used bottle of water that someone left nearby in their haste to get out and pours it on another towel, using the moist cloth to wipe her face off some more.

COMBATSYS: Yuri gains composure.

[        \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////            ]
Varvara          0/-------/--=====|======-\-------\0             Yuri

Yuri makes a brave stand against that assault, and there's mounting frustration visible on Varvara's face in how she's able to prevent herself from buckling further against those punches. The cuts she gets on her knuckles for the times she hits glass instead are largely ignored in favor of still trying to punch Yuri, limited only by encroaching fatigue creeping up on her.
Yuri manages to stumble off in a small break in the action, Varvara only having to pause for that brief second to gather herself - enough time for Yuri to stain a towel with her blood and have herself a water bottle.
Something about that does touch her, if only briefly. She's missing that one little thing out of habit her instructors told her in her teenage years to do before a fight. She snarls at that thought.
"Erroso." With that, she's at a bit more inner peace for stating this largely empty gesture.
Not that it shows with her at all as she balls up her right hand again so tight that the muscles in her arm tense tighter than ever. A tiny run appears up her sleeve as she cocks it back and throws it for Yuri's punch. This punch is a blur, all the hallmarks of a simplistic lightning-fast jab that trades weight for speed.
The loud grunt she exerts suggests entirely otherwise


COMBATSYS: Varvara successfully hits Yuri with Quick Punch.

[       \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////                ]
Varvara          0/-------/--=====|=======\-------\1             Yuri

Yuri gets hit with the swift punch that leaves her dazed and staggering again. Weakened and still on one bad leg, Yuri has trouble focusing herself on her opponent. Yet, even though she's beaten badly, Yuri refuses to go down without a fight. "You won't win that easily..." Yuri mutters, struggling to keep herself looking strong, even though it's obvious she's not. "You can't..." Yuri stumbles to the side a little, almost falling over. But she steadies herself once again. "I'm gonna make you regret fighting with me!" Yuri attempts to grab Varvara by the neck and heave her over her shoulders and into the nearby shoe rack. "Put some shoes on while you're at it," She yells in a sudden burst of adrenaline, "Your feet are just as ugly as the rest of you!"

COMBATSYS: Varvara fails to interrupt Strong Throw from Yuri with Hill of Futility.

[              \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////                ]
Varvara          1/-------/=======|=======\=------\1             Yuri

Even with Yuri staggering, Varvara cares very little for the rack of shirts in her way and all but shoves it over just to follow her closer as Yuri puts on an ever stronger amount of bravado. She can feel it - just one more good, solid hit on her and she should be finished. Done.
Yuri reiterates her promise to make Varvara regret picking a fight with her. She's not so convinced. Just as Yuri brings a hand to her throat, Varvara's got an arm atop that and lays her other hand on Yuri's forearm. There's a brief squeeze, a simple taste of what would come.
What almost came, had Yuri not been faster on the draw and proceeded to heave her into the shoe rack. Entire shelves fall over, showering their contents upon the Cypirot brawler and, well, pretty much everywhere within a ten foot radius. Her feet stick up first and foremost out of that pile, giving Yuri a very good look at those ugly, ugly feet.
They're calloused. Rough. Cut here and there. But these are the feet of someone who has gone without. With another growl, Varvara frees herself of the pile with a huff, gripping onto a shelf to try and pull herself up. Already damaged from her being thrown into it, it breaks as she bears down on it, putting her into a stumble.
This is Yuri's chance to turn things around - or get away, if she's of the mind to, with Varvara's back turned to her.

Retreat? Yuri? No way! She's gotten herself into this fight, and she's intent on finishing it. Not to mention, she just got a look at those ugly feet. She thought she'd seen some ugly feet on the fighting circuits, but THOSE really take the cake! Yuri has to turn away to avoid gagging at the sight of them. No way in hell she'll loan Varvara her favorite Chuck Taylor sneakers that she's wearing.

At first, Yuri turns away to catch her breath, but then she sees Varvara getting back up. Yuri decides to take this opportunity to introduce Varvara to a fast attack that she may not be able to deal with that easily... or maybe. Yuri brings her fists behind her, focuses her energy into them, and then sends forth a large blast of chi. If nothing, it'll cut forth a new path for shoppers in the department store. But what of Varvara?

COMBATSYS: Varvara blocks Yuri's Haoh Sho Ko Ken.

[                 \\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////                 ]
Varvara          1/-------/=======|=======\==-----\1             Yuri

The Haoh Sho Ko Ken is a mighty technique. That Yuri can do this at will - without the amount of concentration needed from a typical user prior to unleashing something of that magnitude - is very much an eye-opener for those who have never truly seen things of that level of might.
Varvara is one of them as she turns back to see where Yuri is, a large bruise on her forehead from a rather heavy hi heel that, on an ordinary person, probably would have come short of impaling their skull.
Her eyes are wide with that huge chi blot of destruction coming her way, tossing aside just about anything and everything that so much as dares /clip/ it. Where there was a base, simple aggression before there is legitimate fright in those eyes, though Yuri may not see that given how bright the Haoh Sho Ko Ken rushing between them is.
Having no real idea what to do, she brings her arms over her head and crouches as the energy wave washes over her like an oncoming train. Most of the wall plaster around her all but disintegrates, a vaguely Varvara-shaped hole even deeper into ground zero of a giant Yuri fireball.
Varvara is briefly obscured. The only evidence that she's still standing - let alone /alive/ - is when her hand squeezes on the side of some wall plaster and shatters it. She snarls again. Those flashy colors by all these people around these parts like it's something special.
Humorously, she almost trips coming out of the shoes strewn about, and crushes the previously offending hi heel under her natural heel as she bleeds from her forearms and shins. That Haoh Sho Ko Ken came close to just slicing all the way through her, which should probably cue Yuri in on how well her body is honed (or rather, isn't) against that sort of thing.
With another loud, guttural and entirely unladylike yell, she strives to close the distance between the two, breathing heavily as she leads in with a series of two punches in an attempt to lean in ever further and finish with one last final knee to the gut.

COMBATSYS: Varvara successfully hits Yuri with Combo Attack.
Grazing Hit

[                 \\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////                    ]
Varvara          1/------=/=======|=======\===----\1             Yuri

"Come on," Yuri says in a somewhat dazed voice. "I'm ready for you." But actions speak louder than words, and in Yuri's case, she finds herself eating her words big time. She gets caught and punched by Varvara, but just as Varvara attempts to knee her, Yuri stumbles to the side, meaning the knee just barely gets her. At the same time, Yuri grunts a little as she staggers back. The way she's so weak and the way she's stumbling makes her seem more like a zombie than a person. But there is still life in Yuri, and she's ready to keep fighting untill the end.

"Gonna... make you regret that!" Yuri says as she attempts to get herself steady again. But between her lack of energy and the fact she's still got a bad leg, it's not easy. "Come on!" Yuri staggers towards Varvara with her elbow coming up at Varvara's face.

COMBATSYS: Yuri successfully hits Varvara with Jab Punch.

[                  \\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////                   ]
Varvara          1/-----==/=======|=======\====---\1             Yuri

Varvara is still a bit unsteady after that whiffed knee, losing a bit of her balance over some other department store debris as a result of their especially violent confrontation. She makes something of a weak attempt at protecting herself from that incoming elbow, bloodied and bruised forearm to meet a comparatively smaller, girlier arm that drifts just over it and into her right eye. It leaves a pale bruise and sees her throwing her head back as she takes another step backwards.
"If ya fall," she sneers, "I get five hundred dollars." She wants that money. No, she /needs/ that money, she says as she sneers at Yuri in an attempt to look far more intimidating and healthier than she really is. Both of them are weak, injured, maybe ready to check out after another good, solid hit. It could go either way at this point.
She crouches down and looks away a little as she gathers herself for another brief moment - a good moment for Yuri to try and intercept her clean if she's feeling daring. The lighting around Varvara takes an odd hue, as if brightening for a brief moment. Maybe it's just the result of a flickering consciousness, but her voice builds in volume steadily.
About a good second or so later, she hops forward a short ways with an advancing heel kick and shouts one last loud kiai, her foot clipping an anti-theft tag on a nearby sweater enough that it sends ink spraying everywhere. For some reason, it just follows the direction of her heel like a dramatic contrail.
It may be just a heel kick, but it's a heel kick with just about as much force as she can reasonably put behind it for a simple physical blow.

COMBATSYS: Yuri interrupts Strong Kick from Varvara with Shin! Chou Upper.
- CRAZY Hit! -

[                        \\\\\\  < >  ////////                      ]
Varvara          1/---====/=======|=======\=====--\1             Yuri

Just before Varvara yells kiai, Yuri begins to focus her energy into her body. Her body begins to glow a little, and her eyes widen. As soon as she finishes, she rushes at Varvara, and then begins to launch an amazing rising uppercut, spinning around at the same time. Unfortunately, she also gets decked by Varvara's foot, causing her to go flying just as she hits. Yuri is sent flying into a nearby rack of dresses, with ink spraying onto her as she lands on the ground.

For a moment, it seems like Yuri's KO'ed, but then she emerges from the pile of the dresses, looking almost like she's about to collapse at any moment, but she takes a moment to give a weak raspberry towards where Varvara is expected to land.

A whole lot of spit (and a bit of - no, a goodly amount of) blood sprays clean out of her chin as amazing uppercut and heel kick meet at the same time. Both are incredible strikes of their own right. For those few spectators still present, however, it's evidently very clear as to which one of the two comes out of that exchange in better shape as Varvara is launched up towards the ceiling.
Some think they're both out when Yuri hits a pile of dresses. Varvara lands uncomfortably close by. Her vision swims, her strength starting to fade from her entirely. But, even as she sees double vision, there's Yuri, spitting out raspberries at her. Some of the spit actually gets in her eyes. It vexes her.
Yuri makes one mistake that might prove especially fatal when both are on their very last legs... and that is that she is in still arm's reach of Varvara, probably one of the biggest don'ts there is when it comes to fighting her.
Yuri had better clear away when Varvara sits up suddenly and seeks to yank Yuri down by her gi with both of those buff, bloodied arms of hers. Because if she doesn't...

COMBATSYS: Yuri dodges Varvara's Lifeless Triumph.

[                        \\\\\\  < >  ////////                      ]
Varvara          0/-------/---====|===----\-------\0             Yuri

Weakened and badly battered, not to mention with one eye half-open from her injuries, it's amazing that Yuri still has the ability to fight. Never mind the fact that she can still see Varvara coming at her. But there's something about a woman who's as ugly as hell who's also covered in blood coming right at you. Something that gives you enough momentum to stagger swiftly out of the way of the incoming attack from Varvara, leaving her completely open.

This isn't an easy task, though. Yuri's still weak and isn't going to last much longer, so if she's going to make her last ditch effort, it's now or never. With one arm limply hanging by her side, Yuri brings her good arm back and focuses what remains of her current chi into her fist, and then blasts it at Varvara.

COMBATSYS: Yuri successfully hits Varvara with Ko'ou Ken.

[                             \  < >  ///////                       ]
Varvara          1/-------/=======|=====--\-------\0             Yuri

And there that angry, desperate, greedy for money woman tries to rise and bring Yuri down with her. Even when she flops over in leaning a bit too far into that grab, she reaches out with a hand for Yuri's leg moments after it's drawn back. Mourn for the oxygen that was crushed in her grip in place of Yuri's leg, for that oxygen is no more - but it was a worthy sacrifice to ensure Yuri's continued well-being, the oxygen would believe.
She spits some foul mixture of blood and saliva on the floor as she tries to stagger up to a much more defensible position while Yuri draws back her hand into one last Ko'ou Ken. That flash of chi gives her a reminder of what that previous big shot was like. This time, Yuri can get a clear look on her face as her mouth opens in an 'o' shape along the lines of 'oh crap' more than 'grr,' and when she's somewhere between 'kneel' and 'standing' it's really too late to do much of anything. There's something of an attempt to lean back and away to let the Ko'ou Ken pass harmlessly over her head.
She's much too slow, as the Ko'ou Ken kisses Varvara's face and sends her tumbling in a low roll a ways towards the entrance, sprawled out on her back with a barely visible trail of blood, a strangely symmetrical set of cuts on her face from where the Ko'ou Ken cuts her open.
She snarls one last time, but this is mostly empty hot air. There's too much distance between Yuri and Varvara for the latter to fully rise and make her stand, making one last struggle to sit up before simply flopping onto her back.
There's polite applause from those who enjoy a good fight - even a little bit of a destructive one. It goes to show that Southtown's taste for a good fight is slowly returning to their mouths even after that invasion.

COMBATSYS: Varvara takes no action.

[                       \\\\\\\  <
Yuri             0/-------/--=====|

COMBATSYS: Varvara can no longer fight.

[                       \\\\\\\  <
Yuri             0/-------/--=====|

Yuri gives one last raspberry, but then she collapses onto the ground. Meanwhile, other bystanders are coming to help Yuri up and get her off to someplace to get first-aid. Meanwhile, Yuri and Varvara will be left alone by security, since apparently they're too busy taking care of some guy in electronics who got angry over a problem with one of the newest games being restricted to one per customer, and got so mad that he tried to grab as many as he could and run off.

Unfortunately, the guy was built like a tank and as a result, it took the whole store security team to dogpile him and take him down. As a result, Yuri simply gets carried off to get treated for her wounds. But she doesn't bother to look back at Varvara. "That girl was ugly. Now I'm gonna have nightmares about her!" She says to nobody in particular.

Log created on 19:27:33 11/21/2010 by Yuri, and last modified on 22:48:41 11/21/2010.