Malin - Plans within plans within plans that were planned

Description: Cammy is planning to ambush Rose to score points with Lord Vega. Malin is planning to ambush Cammy to score points with NESTS, and also to deliver a message to Shadaloo that she has been pressed into service against her will so that they might consider whether this is a state of affairs they want to allow to continue. Not that there's much chance of them caring all that much, as Cammy makes extremely clear! The plans that were planned collide and mingle, and more plans are planned within the planned assault as plans to take one another down are planned and replanned and schemed, even! Who knows what really is going on here? Certainly neither of the participants!

Lord Vega has unleashed Cammy on Southtown - this time rather literally 'unleashed', as he actually specifically said he had no actual orders for her and she could spend her time doing whatever she wanted. Cammy figures this means thats the green light to go see Quon again, but being the brainwashed, loyal and diligent Shadaloo operative that she is, she also figures she better do something worth bragging rights to Vega as well, so that the next time she reports, he will be as happy as he was last time.

To that end, Cammy is following up on a lead given to her by Alma just last week - that Rose is somewhere in Southtown, plotting against Shadaloo. Cammy knows little of Rose beyond her file, but knowing that Rose is a powerful Soul Power practitioner suggests that her own psycho power might be able to detect her if she is nearby. So the first attempt to find Rose is simply a street by street search of Southtown, with her mind, as it were, as open as her eyes.

This particular street she's walking down, in her red cloak of course, is a little off the beaten track - still in downtown Southtown but not a main street, rather a quiet, middle class residential road. The noise of traffic and the bustle of commerce is still loud enough but this street is all cars, well kept pavement, ritzy apartments, and the odd hotel. Cammy pauses by the entrance of one such hotel, hands in red cloaked pockets, eying the hotel porters for a moment before looking up at the great bulk of the building. Hmm. Maybe Rose is in there? She probably isn't in permanent accommodation, after all. Doesn't she live in Italy normally?

Malin has also been let off her leash by NESTS. Or at least, she's been told to make herself useful. Now. Malin chafes under any kind of authority, but she values her life more than she values freedom. So she's decided to spend her time similarly to Cammy. That is, doing something that her superiors might get a kick out of. She needed to worm her way into the trust of the organization higher-ups if she was going to get an opportunity to escape, after all. Angel had said that if she just did what she was told, she might get the disease taken out of her veins. Malin hardly believed that, but who knows, she might be able to figure some way to slip the noose permanently if she could get them to drop their guard a little.

Right now, though, that means being a good NESTS operative. Malin isn't about to go hurting normal people if she can help it, but Shadaloo was on her personal radar and the radar of NESTS at the moment anyway. She was pretty confident that she couldn't take Cammy one on one, but on the other hand, if she managed it, she'd get a big ego boost. More to the point, working obviously for NESTS and making her presence known to Cammy would probably get it fed back to the Big Boss, right? If Shadaloo know that NESTS have got a hold over Malin, maybe (just maybe) they might be spurred into trying to take action to free her. She wasn't sure if Shadaloo was really the kind of organization you want to owe, but hell, if she's going to have to play this game, she'll play it to the hilt!

Say what you like about Malin, though, she's quiet when she wants to be, and sneaky as a shadow. So it likely comes as something of a surprise when, out of nowhere, from atop the hotel building, a NESTS issue grenade comes bouncing down in front of Doll Zero. Even more surprising is that Malin is wearing a sleek black NESTS-issue suit up there.

That is, assuming Cammy actually *does* know who Malin is. She's been on the periphery of Shadaloo's radar for a long time. Maybe she's just totally overestimating her own importance. It wouldn't be the first time.

COMBATSYS: Malin has started a fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Malin            0/-------/-------|

COMBATSYS: Cammy has joined the fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Malin            0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0            Cammy

COMBATSYS: Cammy blocks Malin's Thrown Object.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////////// ]
Malin            0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0            Cammy

Cammy is looking in the hotel door, just about to ponder going inside, when some sort of sixth sense compels her to look up. Blue eyes blink against the bright sky, and focus on - a small object sailing her way. It takes a moment for her to realise just what it is, and when she does - she hurls herself down to the ground, covering herself with her cloak!

There's a loud explosion which washes over the doll and smashes the glass of every window within thirty yards, not to mention blowing the hotel porters back inside the front of the (now looking a bit smashed) hotel. And it /singes Cammy's favourite cloak/.

She's up on her feet before the echo has faded, twirling the cloak off of her body, and noting the black marks on it with displeasure. She looks up at Malin with a thunderous frown, and reaches for the nearest thing in range she can hurl. Sucks not having a hadouken of her own. She beckons Malin down, just before throwing a shard of window glass at her. "Come on!".

COMBATSYS: Malin dodges Cammy's Improvised Throw.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////////// ]
Malin            0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0            Cammy

Malin does come down, and as she does, the girl ducks underneath the thrown glass, and lands nimbly on the ground a respectable distance from Cammy. Because, lets face it, you don't want to get /that/ close to Killer Bee if you can help it. Crazy assassin be pretty darn crazy, yo.

"Hey Pigtails, hope I'm not interrupting nothing." Malin says with that perpetual cocky grin on her lips. A flourish, and a pair of long, curved blades spring into her hands, her foot digs into the ground, and she crouches down low. "Ain't nothing personal, blondy. But, turns out, my new bosses ain't real happy with you. Now, if it were up to me, I'd tell them to get bent. But It isn't, so, Malin is going to have to take you down. Sorry."

Her eyes are sparkling, shining as she casually explains the situation to the Shadaloo assassin. She's going to have to be on the very top of her game if she's going to come out of this in one piece, but, hey, Malin has got out of some pretty intense scrapes in the past. So what if she was playing with fire here?

COMBATSYS: Malin focuses on her next action.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////////// ]
Malin            0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0            Cammy

Cammy smiles a thin smile at Malin, as the two of them circle slowly. Looks like Malin fights not too dissimilarly to Cammy, who is happy to hang back for now and let Malin come to her. Red gauntleted hands are raised, ready for incoming pain and death. "Who are you?" she asks, an edge of curiosity in her flat voice. "And who are your bosses? NESTS?" she asks, with a small smile.

"I hope it is NESTS. That means that they got the message.". Eyes as blank as two dead sapphires focus upon Malin, never leaving her, as Cammy waits for the fight proper to begin.

COMBATSYS: Cammy calculates her next move.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////////// ]
Malin            0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0            Cammy

Malin rolls her eyes, "Yeah, good showing for us blondes." She says, "I'm /Malin/. That's what I just told you, and yeah, it's NESTS. Much as I wish it weren't, like I said, I ain't got much choice in the matter. So. What say we get this party started, huh Pigtails?"

Malin is *fast*. It's something she's always been proud of, and able to rely on. Of course, Cammy isn't exactly a slouch. But in a sudden blur of motion, Malin is springing from her position, and aiming to pass right next to the Shadaloo assassin. If she were a normal person, by the time she realizes she's been cut across the side, Malin will already be hitting the wall of the hotel, and using that to spring up and above her in a display of pure acrobatic talent.

COMBATSYS: Cammy blocks Malin's Suzume Bachi.

[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////////////  ]
Malin            0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0            Cammy

"Malin... means nothing to me." Cammy replies. "You are not on the list of NESTS operatives. I suppose that itself is interesting." she observes, as red gauntlets snap out with blinding speed of their own, parrying Malin's first cut and then cartwheeling off to one side, just as Malin is swooping and wheeling in the air herself like some sort of bird of prey.

Cammy cannot fail to be impressed by Malin's speed, though. "...I am sure there is a file on you somewhere though." she quickly amends. A compliment, of sorts, right there.

But, it's time get this show on the road as it were. And Malin is up high. Time for one of Cammy's favourite moves she thinks, as she leaps up herself, aiming right at Malin as she floats earthwards. Seeking to grab her mid air, and hurl her to the concrete pavement, preferably flat onto her back. Or onto her head, that'd be nice.

COMBATSYS: Malin dodges Cammy's Flying Neck Hunt.

[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////////   ]
Malin            0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0            Cammy

Malin grits her teeth, and a bead of sweat grows on her brow. Not known by name. Geez. That smarts. She's /the/ Malin. Everyone should know who she is. She'd obviously need to step up her game if she ever got out of this current mess.

When the assassin comes up at her, Malin manages to twist, and in doing so, evade the seeking grasp. But only by the skin of her teeth. When she touches down to the ground again, she's still got that arrogant smirk on her lips. Even if, in truth, she's disturbed by how easily Cammy managed to deal with one of her swiftest moves.

No sooner has her foot touched the concrete than she's spinning, though, and this time her hand is snapping out with a yoyo sent hurtling at Cammy. If Cammy doesn't know Malin, it'd be easy to write this off as some sort of joke. Never mind that actually, the 'string' of the yoyo is razor wire, and when it gets close enough to Cammy, blades spring out of it, turning it into a mini, buzzing saw. Something to keep her distracted as the girl backs up quickly.

COMBATSYS: Malin successfully hits Cammy with Onigumo EX.

[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////////////     ]
Malin            0/-------/------=|=------\-------\0            Cammy

Cammy was planning on just hurling herself right at Malin there, in defiance of whatever just got thrown at her. It's not like Cammy to just charge Zangief-like at the foe, but thats what she does. And a yoyo doesn't look too dangerous.

Unfortunately for her she gets tangled up in the sharp razor wire, tripping and falling like some noob, with her blue leg paint marred now with a few red slashes. She tries to unentangle herself, while flushing a little red, and hoping that no Shadaloo monitoring agents are nearby.

With Malin pulling back Cammy sees no alternative but to leap at her, boot aiming at her chin! She knows this move like the back of her hand, and she's fairly agile, even with her legs tied up in razorwire while she's doing it. "CANNON SPIKE!".

COMBATSYS: Malin blocks Cammy's Cannon Spike.

[    \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////////////     ]
Malin            0/-------/----===|==-----\-------\0            Cammy

Malin is hard-pushed to keep up with Cammy, which isn't a situation she is very used to. Normally, she's the quicker one in a fight, and she can set the pace at her leisure. But even with her opponent having fallen for one of her nastier tricks, she still knows that she's not going to get out of the way of this attack.

So she has to take it, and even though both her arms meet the blow, she's lifted off the ground by the force of it. The impact is still painful, though she recovers as quickly as she is able.

One of those long, curved blades is back in her hand, suddenly, and the girl lashes out as hard as she can. The aim is to just punch the weapon into Cammy, and then use it as leverage to jump up and over her. The knife would stay in her, if it hits as well as she is hoping. Something else to try and slow down the Shadaloo elite.

COMBATSYS: Cammy dodges Malin's Random Strike.

[    \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////////      ]
Malin            0/-------/----===|==-----\-------\0            Cammy

Cammy is certainly fast - maybe faster than Malin even, maybe not, though this fight is clearly going to be a blur to any bystanders with all the quick movement going on. She's faster than the onrushing knife, at least, leaping up slightly and twisting to one side, the knife sliding past the Doll's side without connecting.

The Doll continues to spin through the air, until she comes down with a thump right in Malin's face, practically body to body. One gauntleted hand jabs out with all the force the Doll can muster, aiming fairly low, at about stomach height. And it's never nice, being punched in the stomach.

COMBATSYS: Cammy successfully hits Malin with Axle Spin Knuckle.
- Power hit! -

[              \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////       ]
Malin            1/-----==/=======|===----\-------\0            Cammy

Malin thinks she has the measure of this one, and it shows. There's an even more arrogant smirk than usual, she--

Is suddenly being slammed hard in the stomach. The girl crumples over Cammy's fist, and that wipes the smirk off her face, at least. She doubles over, and for a split second, all her defenses are down. Her blades clatter to the ground. She's just /hurt/. It has her stumbling and tripping over herself, and she can only regain her footing with a great deal of effort.

Malin does manage to recover at least a little bit, though, and when she does, she wipes her mouth with the back of her hand, clearing up the trickle of blood from her lips. "D-don't think that Malin is out of it just yet, blondy." She chokes, "I'm, not, done!"

COMBATSYS: Malin gains composure.

[           \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////       ]
Malin            1/------=/=======|===----\-------\0            Cammy

Cammy knows now how it must feel for others who fight, and beat, herself. A bee flying around, stinging and hard to hit, until one moment it zigs instead of zags and then... splotch. No wonder her foes look so smug when they finally get a solid hit on Cammy's reedy little doll-body.

Cammy is feeling quite smug now, as she looks at the badly hit Malin. "So long spent looking for NESTS agents to pass on Lord Vega's message, and now they are looking for me. A shame you didn't hunt me down last week. Tell your masters that Shadaloo is not to be interfered with - unless they enjoy causing their agents unnecessary suffering.".

Speaking of suffering, Cammy plans on inflicting a little more of that. She hops forward, not wanting to let Malin recover too quickly, and snaps out a quick kick, aimed at her stomach which is no doubt already smarting. The assassin likes working on those weak spots...

COMBATSYS: Malin blocks Cammy's Light Kick.

[             \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////////      ]
Malin            1/----===/=======|====---\-------\0            Cammy

Malin turns aside the kick, the trouble is, it sends a heavy smack through her guard. Her arms are actually starting to hurt almost as much as her gut. Which is saying a hell of a lot, all things considered. Oh how she hates fights like this. People who can match her on speed... it's thankfully rare, but it is never pleasant.

"You really don't get it do you, Dolly?" She asks, backing up as she does so. She lets her guard drop, and decides to go for one of the riskiest options one can take in any fight. Let alone one you have started, with a dangerous assassin. She just, holds up her hands, and talks.

"Pigtails, these folk? They don't care if I live or die. These are the sort of folk you have tangled with. They don't have to risk their own folk to hit you. They'll just grab more unlucky fools like me, and send us up against you an' your boss." She actually starts rubbing at her arm, trying to get some of the numbness out of it.

"Now." She says, quietly. "It's pretty clear I can't land a solid hit on you. So. You gonna let me go, or you want to lay me out first? Ball's in your court, lady. I ain't gonna stop you." Her eyes meet Cammy's, hard and stern as she eases some life back into her aching limbs.

COMBATSYS: Malin drops her guard to recover.

[        \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////////      ]
Malin            1/----===/=======|====---\-------\0            Cammy

Cammy ponders briefly - but only briefly. She's not about to let Malin get the better of her due to things like mercy, dear god, if Lord Vega found out about it she'd probably be rendered down into glue or something. Besides, you can always negotiate better when your victim is a bleeding mess on the floor rather than prowling around with grenades and knives.

And lying on the floor feigning hurt, only to recover later - thats the sort of deceitful, below the belt deviousness that Cammy would do, indeed has done. Just ask Adelheid.

"I will tell Lord Vega about what NESTS is doing. I am not about to let you take advantage of me, though! Especially when you attacked /me/!" she replies, and then leaps at Malin! Really, Cammy talks to a lot of people, the fists are usually kept gloved, but having had a grenade thrown at her by someone she doesn't even know, who singed her cloak, well. She's not done just yet apparently. "CANNON SPIKE!".

Malin tuts, "Damn... smarter than you look." She hisses. She had, admittedly, been about to shank Cammy prison style. Unfortunately, with the amount of damage she's taken, and the fact she'd completely dropped her guard to add to the charade, she's in no condition to dodge the incoming blow.

It hammers into her hard, and her chin snaps upwards. The girl groans as she hits the ground, but she's hardly going to just give up. Even with her vision a little blurry and her heart pounding in her chest, she can do this! She has to get two messages back to Shadaloo: One, that she doesn't *want* to be working for NESTS, and two: That she is someone they don't want on NESTS side.

So far, the first message has been delivered. But aside from putting on a good show, she hasn't actually hurt Cammy enough to get the second across. Her heart blazes strong in her chest, and she throws another one of those annoying yoyos out at Cammy. This time, though, the buzzing weapon aims to wrap tight around one of her legs, and embed with the springing daggers. If it hits, she'll yank hard as she can, to try and force the woman to the ground, a start for her plan.

COMBATSYS: Cammy dodges Malin's Onigumo.

[                  \\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////       ]
Malin            1/----===/=======|====---\-------\0            Cammy

It looks like the plan is not working, whatever it is. Cammy fell for the yoyo gag once. This time, when yoyos come out she treats them with the respect they apparently deserve. This one is aimed low, and maybe thats why it makes it easy for Cammy - she spends most of her time fighting high up in the air after all, so she merely springs up and forward in a leap, aiming right for Malin.

Or maybe not. She twists and turns in mid air to end up behind her foe, and ducks down low, trying to wrap arms around Malin's waist. If that works, then dragging her over in a German suplex should be the easy part given how light she looks.

Lord Vega loves wrasslin'.

COMBATSYS: Malin interrupts Strong Throw from Cammy with Tsuzuchi.

[                       \\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////             ]
Malin            0/-------/-----==|======-\-------\0            Cammy

Perhaps you are not aware of what the plan is!

Many people have thought they had pegged what Malin is going for, but the girl is fundamentally unpredictable, and as Cammy comes in for her, the girl has already dropped the wire of her yoyo, and instead, she is reaching around behind her back...

Where on earth Malin keeps her giant hammer is a mystery that scholars have debated ever since she entered the fighting scene. But as Cammy comes in for her, no sooner has she wrapped her arms around Malin's waist, than a /giant mallet/ is swung around overhead, and crashes painfully into the back of the assassin's skull. Malin puts everything she has into the blow, and goes hurtling along with the momentum of it, to skid to a stop a short distance away, with that frustrating smirk back on her features.

"C-Come on, Pigtails. Don't tell me you think Malin's /really/ gonna make it easy on you. You're gonna have to work if you want to say you beat /Malin/."

Cammy blinks. And is then laid out horribly by Malin's Mallet, being bowled backwards a good twenty yards out into the street. A normal person would be knocked out, but the Doll is anything but normal. She blinks, and flips up onto her feet. "Where... did /that/ come from?" she asks, a bit woozy. Yup. She never expected that, alright!

Then the fog clears from her vision and she sees Malin in the distance, gloating. Or pretty much gloating anyway. Grrr. The assassin is actually a bit narked! "It's OVER, mallet Malin! LOCK ON!".

And the Killer Bee comes at her, literally a blue streaked blur of speed, dancing around Malin, kicking, kicking, kicking. Doll Powerrrrrr...!

COMBATSYS: Malin dodges Cammy's Killer Bee Assault.

[                       \\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////             ]
Malin            0/-------/-----==|-------\-------\0            Cammy

And then, Malin isn't there.

She honestly has no idea how she manages it. Perhaps running on pure instinct with her body complaining at her for the constant punishment she's been putting it through. She doesn't /want/ to be repeatedly kicked in the face, and suddenly, she's faster than she has any right to be. The girl comes within a hair's breadth of Cammy in her rush forwards, and she doesn't stop dodging and ducking around the kicking assault until it is finally over.

When it is over, though, Malin is breathing harder, and she forces herself to smirk, standing up and producing a pair of katar from somewhere about her person. The vicious punch daggers are brought up between herself and the killer Doll.

"Come on, Pigtails. You got to know by now, you can't win this. You are slowing down. Getting tired. Better to just run away, right?"

It's the ultimate bluff. Because she's the one breathing hard, with sweat beading on her brow, clinging on by her fingernails. But just imagine if she could report back that she forced the leader of the Dolls to retreat...!

COMBATSYS: Malin gains composure.

[                    \\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////             ]
Malin            0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0            Cammy

There is a certain arrogance about Cammy when she comes at Malin. It's over, well, in the past, with a victim already bruised and battered, it usually means just that when the killer bee assault is broken out.

Even the impassive Doll can't help her mouth hanging a little open when Malin manages to actually dodge and twist and evade all those kicks. She doesn't think /she/ could do that. Hell, even Lord Vega couldn't do that, she thinks, and this is a man second only to God, and perhaps not even that.

"You are... very fast." she concedes, as she backs off, prowling around Malin. "You are, however... badly bruised." she observes, in clinical tones. "It does not do to be overconfident.". Still, those blue eyes bore into Malin with some curiosity. Doll Zero is piqued, alright. But ever the analyst, she doesn't want to leg it without a bit of consideration first.

COMBATSYS: Cammy calculates her next move.

[                    \\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////             ]
Malin            0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0            Cammy

"Pigtails, I'm /Malin/. Look me up in that little database of yours when you get back, yeah?~"

The girl smirks, and then, suddenly, she's coming at Cammy again. She can do this. She's proved her point. Now she can drive Cammy off and solidify her position in NESTS at the same time. All she has to do, is /believe/ that she can do it, and she can do it! It's all in the game, keep them unsure, throw them off guard, and stab them when they are least expecting it.

Take right now, for instance. Given that Malin is trying to kick Cammy in the side, one wouldn't be expecting to be stabbed. Except that her shoe *clicks* at the last moment, and a spring-loaded blade aims to do just that. And buy enough purchase to let Malin flip off her opponent.

COMBATSYS: Cammy blocks Malin's Light Kick.

[                    \\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////              ]
Malin            0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0            Cammy

Cammy is actually quite tired, her hyperactive doll body goes through power like you'd never believe. No wonder she likes cheesecake and somehow manages to be so thin. One red gauntlet comes out, to brush the leg away at the knee, knocking Malin slightly to one side. "You have a big head for someone so little known." she tells Malin in a slightly spiteful tone. The assassin goes for the apparent emotional weak points, as much as she goes for the physical ones.

With that leg brushed aside, her own comes up, with lightning speed, aimed at Malin's /throat/. "I don't need /knives/ in my boots." she mutters, unamused.

Apparently Cammy things steel toecaps are just fine, though.

COMBATSYS: Cammy successfully hits Malin with Light Kick.

[                         \\\\\  < >  ////////////////              ]
Malin            0/-------/--=====|=------\-------\0            Cammy

"Pigtails, I took the Champion's Belt. I laid the hurt on Elle, and that bitch is crazy! I've been running ops against the biggest, baddest players in this city for years, and I've only slipped up once. You think--"

Unfortunately, Malin is talking too much, and although she tries to turn the blow aside, what she actually manages to do, is knock it up, and have it crash into the side of her head, knocking her to the floor.

With that, she knows she's done. She can't keep fighting any more, so she goes for one last hurrah. Springing up without another word, twin curved blades aim to slash upwards through Cammy... but she doesn't really expect to hit. What she expects is for the Killer Bee to dodge, and at the apex of her upwards jump, she'll let a smokebomb explode around her...

And /the/ Malin, is no more!

COMBATSYS: Malin can no longer fight.

[              \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Cammy            0/-------/------=|

COMBATSYS: Cammy dodges Malin's Ascending Suzume Bachi.

[              \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Cammy            0/-------/------=|

Cammy does indeed dodge, by Cammy's standards that attack was ponderous in the extreme. But then... where is this annoyance?


Cammy rolls her eyes, picks up her singed red cloak, and shakes her head sadly. And then lets out a rare shout, her high pitched voice proving quite penetrating now she has apparently found the volume control. Malin is just hiding somewhere nearby, she assumes. The rat.

"Go back to your lair and tell the other NESTS that if they interfere with Shadaloo again, we will enjoy twisting off their arms and breaking their bones! If the Killer Bee sends you running, imagine what LORD VEGA will do to you!".

The Doll nods, satisfied that the message has been delivered. With a bit of originality and flair, in fact! Twisting off arms, nice. Vega didn't mention that.

Then she looks around the street, and notices for the first time the small crowd that has gathered, and are now mostly standing there with mouths open as the cute little girl they were watching suddenly starts ranting about Shadaloo and 'Lord' Vega and twisting limbs. Oops.

And so Cammy splits asap before the cops are called or something!

Log created on 05:20:11 11/10/2010 by Malin, and last modified on 07:57:00 11/10/2010.